I'm not going to lie, for a second here I thought we might have actually found a guest who worked on That Darn Cat, but instead we ended up with some lunatic who may or may not be God, but he's definitely not the author of TDC. I'm so fucking pissed at Gary. We only have one more episode left in the season after this, and then he's fucking fired for real.
Special thanks to Yogi Paliwal, who can be found on Tik Tok, @yogipaliwal89 and on Instagram @yogipaliwal.
Danny can be found at @DannyRathbunOfficial on instagram, @DannyRathbun on tik tok, or email [email protected]. Check out his new special, Only Dans, on youtube: https://youtu.be/oRl3lTEKrV8?si=KOCBcq4ZM0xtAckj
Well, credit where credit is due here, Gary booked Rick Diamonds this week, one of the producers of That Darn Cat (1997) and for the first time, he seems to actually be who he claims to be, and he genuinely seems to be aware that the movie exists and to have some inside knowledge about it's production.
On the negative side side though, the guy is a disgusting pervert who tried to make this a porno before Disney bought it out and everything he was involved in was cut, so I regret having him on as a guest, I regret that I allowed him to enter my home, and I regret that I didn't fire Gary earlier, but I am going to rectify that and fire him right away. I promise we have someone better on next week.
Special thanks to Abraham Valdez, who can be found on Instagram and Tiktok @abrahamvaldez_0.
Danny can be found at @DannyRathbunOfficial on instagram, @DannyRathbun on tik tok, or email [email protected]. Check out his new special, Only Dans, on youtube: https://youtu.be/oRl3lTEKrV8?si=KOCBcq4ZM0xtAckj
Missing episodes?
Oh man, what an episode this was! Gary booked a guest who actually worked on That Darn Cat, and we had an amazing conversation, and totally recapped the whole movie!
Just kidding, he fucked up again and booked the producer of the Czech film, That Darn Rat, which is actually more of a knockoff of Rattatouile than TDC. Plus, Gary told me this was episode 6, when it's actually 7, and he says he can edit that but I don't think he knows how to do that. Let me know if you catch me saying it's episode 6 anywhere in this one, if even one of them slips through Gary is fucking fired.
Special thanks to Matt Storrs, who can be found on Instagram and TikTok, @mtstorrs.
Danny can be found at @DannyRathbunOfficial on instagram, @DannyRathbun on tik tok, or email [email protected]. Check out his new special, Only Dans, on youtube: https://youtu.be/oRl3lTEKrV8?si=KOCBcq4ZM0xtAckj
Six episodes in, and we've never talked about That Darn Cat less. Honestly, I'm getting fucking pissed, Gary is getting fired over this one for real. He booked a Youtuber who makes videos about Disney movies, and not only has this guy never covered TDC, he's never even seen it. I promise next week we'll actually talk about That Darn Cat, or maybe we won't, who gives a shit.
Special thanks to Ricky Downes, who can be found on Instagram and TikTok, @RickyDownesIII.
Danny can be found at @DannyRathbunOfficial on instagram, @DannyRathbun on tik tok, or email [email protected]. Check out his new special, Only Dans, on youtube: https://youtu.be/oRl3lTEKrV8?si=KOCBcq4ZM0xtAckj
In this episode we take a little break from our normal pattern of Gary trying to book someone from the TDC franchise and completely fucking it up and ruining the show for me, and instead I interview professional thief and alleged rapist Gerald McBurgerstein. Gerald stole my idea for a That Darn Cat recap podcast, and twisted it and perverted it and made it more successful, and in just three episodes it's already one of the most popular podcasts on Earth, so I'm going to cease and desist him.
I really had high hopes for this one guys, my producer promised me he'd booked Christina Ricci, star of the 1997 remake of That Darn Cat, but apparently he booked Christina Beansy, a semi-professional Christina Ricci impersonator who looks nothing like the real thing, and had zero insight into the making of this film. Believe me, I'm fucking furious about this whole situation, and I promise we will actually start to recap this movie soon.
In this episode, I take a break from my recapping That Darrn Cat to publicly fire my worthless, braindead, asshole assistant/producer Tom, a man so unmemorable I repeatedly referred to him as Gary in the past (and will continue to do so in the future).
Special thanks to Rachel Lenihan, who can be found on Instagram @rachellenihancomedy .
Danny can be found at @DannyRathbunOfficial on instagram, @DannyRathbun on tik tok, or email [email protected]
Sorry guys, this episode was supposed to be an interview with Brad Sherwood, who played Agent #2 in That Darn Cat (1997) but Gary, my incompotent fucking producer/personal assistant booked Brad Sherman, an unfamous "actor" who's never been in anything and wouldn't even pretend to know anything about the That Darn Cat franchise. Rest assured, Gary will be fired and publicly humiliated over this.
Special thanks to Charlie McCracken, for no particular reason. He can't be found anywhere on social media.
Danny can be found at @DannyRathbunOfficial on instagram, @DannyRathbun on tik tok, or email [email protected]
In this episode Danny tries to talk to Robert Stevenson, director of That Darn Cat (1965), but his producer fucked up and booked Robert Stevenson III by mistake, a man who knows nothing at all about his grandfathers work. Sorry everyone! Next week, we'll definitely talk to someone who actually has a connection to the That Darn Cat franchise, and the recap will begin for real.
Special thanks to Zach Levin, for no particular reason. Find him on instagram @thezachlevin
Danny can be found at @DannyRathbunOfficial on instagram, @DannyRathbun on tik tok, or email [email protected]