
  • I’m excited to have Jessie Jarvis on today’s episode! Jessie and I met at an event in Denver recently, and we thought it would be so much fun to be guests on each other’s podcasts!

    Jessie is a third-generation rancher on her family’s ranch, she’s also the founder and CEO of Of The West, a job platform connecting job seekers and businesses in the agriculture and western industries. Her podcast, Leaders Of The West, has a mission to foster a community of pioneers, innovators, and leaders who want to be at the forefront of what’s next. Jessie is also a wife and mother of two children.

    In this episode, we dive into how Jessie successfully juggles ranch life, family life, career, and more. She shares tips on how she prioritizes her day, stays organized, and plans her meals. We also talk about what self-care means to us and how Jessie achieves it by putting the things important to her at the top of the list of things to do in the day. She’ll share her thoughts on putting value on your time and how you can achieve your goals by working hard.

    Connect with Jessie Jarvis

    Follow on @mrsjjarv Listen to her podcast, Leaders of the West Visit Of the West

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    Leaders of the West, Episode 67, What's Healthy? with Registered Dietitian, Hope Brandt Chef Hat and Apron Set for Kids 7 Days of Simple Meals eBook 30-Minute Nutrition Consultation The Hopewell Approach Course 1:1 Nutrition Coaching Hopewell Health recipes

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  • I'm so excited to have Ally Spears with me today! Ally is a fourth-generation farmer and rancher originally from northern California, but after attending Texas A&M, she made Texas her home. She received her undergraduate degree in ag business and is a program coordinator for the Poultry Science Department at Texas A&M, focusing on youth programming and recruitment.

    She is also pursuing her Ph.D. in ag communications as she sees a need for consumers to better understand where their food is coming from. Her research is focused on social media and beef influencers online. Ally shares how she believes women are the needles that move the ranching and farming industries forward. Aly's podcast, Ag Chicks, helps highlight and introduce women who are doing incredible things to help feed our world.

    In this episode, Ally shares what it's like being a generational farmer and rancher, what goes on in the beef industry, what a cattle producer's processes look like from start to finish, and what hurdles the beef industry is overcoming. She also busts some myths and misinformation about utilizing hormones and antibiotics in cattle. We talk a lot about the purpose of raising cattle and the importance of farmers, ranchers, and how just 2% of the population is feeding 100% of the population.

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  • I'm excited to have Esosa Osagiede with me in today's episode. Esosa is a Registered Dietician focusing on helping women striving to lose fat, build muscle, and repair their relationship with food. In this episode, we cover a wide variety of topics, such as the importance of fiber, body recomposition tips, red flags when you see extreme progress in a short amount of time, and how to remain committed to your health journey.

    We talk about mindset being the key to sustainable results and how discipline is self-care, not punishment. This episode is filled with Esosa's knowledge and how she helps her clients start their journey even when they have a fear of failure.

    Connect with Esosa Osagiede, RD:

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  • In today's episode, I have a multi-faceted topic: metabolism. I recently had a client ask me if weight gain through certain phases of life is inevitable. While there are many factors that go into metabolism and weight, we can help the process along in different ways. Metabolism is the combination of all the chemical processes that allow an organism to sustain life. It's the conversion of energy from food into energy for life-sustaining tasks such as breathing, blood circulation, building and repairing cells, digesting food, etc.

    I'm sharing the findings of a study I found (linked below) that examined metabolism across many different ages, geographical locations, and genders. This episode covers how metabolism changes throughout a lifetime. I also share information on basal metabolic rate, what that means, why some people's metabolism is faster than others, and how genetics can play a part. I explain how calories are burned and what affects that, how different foods have different thermodynamic effects, how energy expenditure changes as we age, and tips to help keep our metabolisms running efficiently.

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    Daily energy expenditure through the human life course 7 Days of Simple Meals eBook 30-Minute Nutrition Consultation The Hopewell Approach Course 1:1 Nutrition Coaching Hopewell Health recipes

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  • This is a special recording, as tomorrow is MK’s first birthday! I thought this was the perfect time to talk about how to handle food at holidays and celebrations. In today’s episode, I’m sharing strategies and tips for pre-planning and participating in these life moments. I chat with my clients a lot about this, and I always come back to the question of whether we have the right foundations in place on a daily basis; these types of events shouldn’t make or break our progress. We can approach them with curiosity and look at them as a practice to always be prepared for future events.

    One of the biggest things I do to plan ahead before a bigger occasion is to take a step back and focus on the actual reason we are celebrating--because it’s not food. It’s usually a person or a special thing that has happened. Remembering that can set the tone for your mind to not focus on food. To set ourselves up for success, we need to have realistic expectations of how we react and behave around food at these events. This episode will help you with awareness and ideas on how to make choices that align with your goals.

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  • This episode is the second part and wrap-up of my postpartum body recomposition journey. I'm sharing more about my personal journey and what it took to maintain consistency. If your goal is body recomposition or fat loss, this episode covers how you must be in a caloric deficit, following the laws of energy balance, and staying consistent to see results. The number one reason I succeeded in my journey is that I never questioned if I was doing the right thing. My strategy always focused on energy balance and muscle maintenance, and I never thought I was doing it wrong. I'm sharing why my strategy and experience are the foundation of my coaching method.

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    Episode 29, 3 Components of Successful Body Recomposition Episode 18, My Postpartum Body Recomposition Journey So Far & The Power of Choice Episode 8, 3 Pillars of a Sustainable Diet + PEC Plates & 2-Mac-Snacks Episode 1, My History with the Paleo Diet & 3 Major Changes to My Nutrition Philosophy 7 Days of Simple Meals eBook 30-Minute Nutrition Consultation The Hopewell Approach Course 1:1 Nutrition Coaching Hopewell Health recipes

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  • In today's episode, I'm sharing the three main components of successful body recomposition. I dive deeper into each one: being in a steady caloric deficit, eating 0.75 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight daily, and consistent resistance training. I'm reflecting on my own postpartum journey using these three components and what it can look like for you. You'll learn how and why body recomposition can be successful using the knowledge and experience I share in this episode.

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    7 Days of Simple Meals eBook 30-Minute Nutrition Consultation The Hopewell Approach Course 1:1 Nutrition Coaching Hopewell Health recipes

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  • In today's episode, I'm walking you through the difference between increasing your protein vs. increasing your protein ratio in your diet. Adding protein or supplements won't get the results you may be looking for if your meal's protein, fat, and carbohydrate ratio is off. I'll share a real-world example of an actual meal one of my clients had and how I adjusted it to increase its protein ratio. Understanding how to look at ratios will help you plan, track, and reach your goals.

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  • In today's episode, I'm talking all things tracking macros. Macro tracking means you're tracking protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Macro tracking can be a great tool not only to increase food and nutrition knowledge but also to help us do the most efficient things we can to get us closer to our goals. Improving body composition, losing fat mass, and gaining and maintaining muscle mass require reaching a certain protein threshold, so tracking macros comes into play. You'll hear me share how I help my clients simplify tracking their macros as a guide to reaching their goals.

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    7 Days of Simple Meals eBook 30-Minute Nutrition Consultation The Hopewell Approach Course 1:1 Nutrition Coaching Hopewell Health recipes

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  • I’m so excited about today’s episode. I have a very special guest, Kim Rose, a registered dietician and a diabetes educator, with me. In today’s episode, Kim shares her wealth of knowledge about blood sugar, insulin resistance, diabetes, and how nutrition is just one piece of the health puzzle. You’ll learn what happens during the process of eating, what contributes to pre-diabetes and Type 2 diabetes, and the myths around blood sugar and certain foods.

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    Connect with Kim Rose:

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    7 Days of Simple Meals eBook 30-Minute Nutrition Consultation The Hopewell Approach Course 1:1 Nutrition Coaching Hopewell Health recipes

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  • In this episode, I’m detailing a struggle that has come up for multiple clients of mine this week. I’m talking through just how normal it is to fluctuate with water weight and how exactly that happens. So many things impact what we see on the scale, and I’m diving deep into many of those things. How do we get back to feeling normal when we see that fluctuation? I’ll cover that with nutritional resilience.

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  • I am so excited about today’s topic. I have been thinking about it for years, especially in the last 8 months now that my daughter is here with me. In today’s episode, I am talking about how I am consciously modeling a healthy relationship with food and nutrition for my daughter and potentially growing family. This is so important because I truly feel like I set the tone for this aspect of life for my family. I think this is the case for a lot of women. I’ll talk through 5 ways that I am modeling a healthy relationship with food and 5 things I am consciously trying not to do.

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  • Today, we are covering quality versus quantity. It’s the classic question, "Is what I’m eating more important, or how much I’m eating the most important?” SPOILER! They’re both really important when we look at the overall picture of your nutrition and your dietary habits. We’re talking about the quality versus the quantity of food you eat and what can influence those things. We’ll also dive into being upfront about your personal goals, as that’s the most important thing for where you want to place your highest priority regarding quality or quantity.

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  • Today we’re covering a topic that is on the forefront of a lot of people’s minds lately. Protein! Protein is so important and it’s the macronutrient that I get the most questions on. So today I’m going to go through some frequently asked questions about protein and share my thoughts and what the research says about these questions. Some of the topics I’ll cover are collagen, how to determine protein needs, tips for incorporating more protein into your diet, and more.

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  • Today's episode is all about satiety. We are talking about what it is, how it works, and why it is important. This is one of those terms that I feel like has been thrown around a lot in the nutrition space, but I haven’t seen a great explanation of why it matters to you and how we can build our diet around it. Creating satiety in your diet truly is a cornerstone to creating sustainability in your diet.

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    Listen to episode 8: 3 Pillars of a Sustainable Diet + PEC Plates & 2-Mac-Snacks 7 Days of Simple Meals eBook 30-Minute Nutrition Consultation The Hopewell Approach Course 1:1 Nutrition Coaching Hopewell Health recipes

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  • On today’s episode, I’m kicking off the new year with a very popular topic…sleep! (or lack thereof) And how sleep affects our appetites and our bodies overall. I’ll share some practical considerations (because we aren’t always in a circumstance to get ideal sleep) and the reminder that not one single thing is going to make or break you in the pursuit of your goals.

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    My episode (#140) on Dr. Shannon Ritchey’s podcast: Fit Body Happy Joints podcast 7 Days of Simple Meals eBook 30-Minute Nutrition Consultation The Hopewell Approach Course 1:1 Nutrition Coaching Hopewell Health recipes

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  • Today we’re talking all about alcohol! It’s an interesting topic all the time, but there’s even more exposure or potential pressure to drink during the holiday season. I’m covering how alcohol works in your body, what causes a hangover, how to determine if having alcohol is worth it to you, and how to say ‘no’ to alcohol if you want to.

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  • On today’s episode, I’m giving an update of my postpartum weight loss and body recomposition journey so far. I’m sharing a few key things to recognize, my mindset, what I’m doing to progress and move this process forward, and what helps me to be consistent even despite setbacks and nonideal circumstances.

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    7 Days of Simple Meals eBook 30-Minute Nutrition Consultation The Hopewell Approach Course 1:1 Nutrition Coaching Hopewell Health recipes

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  • Earlier this week, I was on a call with a client discussing what was working and what areas we needed to make tweaks. And she came back to me with such a powerful question. The question was: “what are the things that make your clients most successful?”

    So in today’s episode, I’m going to share my answer to that question and the characteristics that my most successful clients have in common. Even with each clients’ goals being different, these characteristics are what help them achieve their own goals.

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    7 Days of Simple Meals eBook 30-Minute Nutrition Consultation The Hopewell Approach Course 1:1 Nutrition Coaching Hopewell Health recipes

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  • On today’s episode, we’re talking about how to stay on track when you travel. But first, a little disclaimer: I actually don’t like thinking of our nutrition as “on track” or “off track” but this title was just the easiest way to title the topic. Instead, our nutrition is a series of choices and every choice is a new chance to get back to where you want to be. You have the power to change your trajectory and work towards sustainable nutrition.

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    Mentioned Episodes:

    Episode 10: 4 Ways to Support Your Metabolism During Weight Loss Episode 8: 3 Pillars of a Sustainable Diet + PEC Plates & 2-Mac-Snacks

    Resources & Links:

    7 Days of Simple Meals eBook 30-Minute Nutrition Consultation The Hopewell Approach Course 1:1 Nutrition Coaching Hopewell Health recipes

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