We got a chance to hangout with Will @aventure_rig. He had some interesting stories to share with us. What it's been like living in his 70 series Land Cruiser full time over the last year. Or now as he sets up his new GX 470. We find out some of the popular and questionable trends in Japanese car culture. As well as fun trips, camping style, airsoft and a bunch more.
We had some special guests in town this week stop by the podcast. We're joined by Brian and Marisa from Our PNW Adventures. They have a YouTube channel that chronicles their adventures. Hopping all around the Pacific Northwest in their 5th gen 4Runner with a Lobo adventure trailer in tow. We find out what it's like camping with a trailer, cooking at camp and hiking trips. They share stories from their travels including future travel plans. We even get a little spooky talking about the supernatural and ghost hunting.
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We're back from the holidays! It's the first episode of the new year and we're kicking off Season 5! At the time, there are large fires happening in California. Ben and Jared go over some of the destruction and cautions associated with the fires. They discuss what gear you may already have with your camping setups that could help you out in such a situation or other natural disasters. Also during their off time Jared was out exploring the Southwest. He shares some stories from his adventure. And Ben was abroad in Spain. He gives some highlights from his travels.
This week Ben and Jared are getting to hangout with Crystal @thefurrunner. She drives a nicely setup 5th Gen 4runner that we get into the build out of and all the cool mods she has done to it. And of course we have to talk about dogs and her 3 pups she hauls around in her rig. She also shares with us some of her favorite trips, the fun of going to events and meetups, working with Toyota, soccer, music and so much more!
We're hanging out this week with Aubrey, @not.a.forest.ranger. Aubrey has a taste for adventure and the outdoors so he built up his Ford Ranger to take him there. Cleanly setup for his needs without breaking the bank. We talk camping, EV vehicles, fridges and other random topics.
We get to hangout this week with Gabe from @battlereadyrigs and talk about his "slightly" modified '97 Jeep XJ. Our good buddy Neal @nealskis who knows Gabe from his Subie days joins us for a bit as well. Gabe's XJ is not your basic grocery getter though. He's cut the back off and made it into a flatbed, slapped some 35's on it along with some other mods and hits the trails hard. We talk about how he got into modding vehicles with his family growing up. With everything from VW's to rock crawlers. How he got a his first taste of overlanding with his Subaru to wanting to go harder on the trails.
It's just Ben and Jared hanging out this week. Jared recently headed up to the Eastern Sierra area for some fishing. His daughter and her friend wanted to give fishing a try while camping that weekend. They ended up finding some cool camp spots and had a great time, even if no fish were caught. Ben took his new Porsche Cayenne out on its maiden voyage. Him and our buddy Mark @landcruserdoods made a day run to checkout a local fire lookout. We also talk about some new gear they tested out, some throw back to the tuners days and some cool upcoming events.
Have you ever wanted to know what it take to be a part of the Rebelle Rally? Well you're in for a treat. This week we're hanging out with Team Desert Belles @teamdesertbelles! Kristen @mrs.optoffroad will be driving in her second year running the Rebelle and she is teaming up with Allison @charming4runner who will be navigating in her rookie year. They share with us how the rally is structured, the point system, checkpoints, the different stages and much more. We also get to hear how they are spending all their time training and the huge costs it take to compete. They're super appreciative of all their fans and sponsors coming together to help get their already sweet Bronco ready for the big day and be able to make it to the finish. Make sure to follow along as we'll be rooting for them!
This week we have on Aric @as_is_overland. Jared and Aric just got back from 4 days in the Western Sierra. They had the opportunity to join a group for season 2 of the Helko Hunt. Helko Werk axe company invited 3 teams to go up into the mountains to try and find buried treasure. We recap the fun and trials we went through to find the hidden caches. Plus good times getting to camp with some old and new friends.
We had a lot of fun on this episode getting to hangout again with Al @sponsoredbywifey who was last on the show back in Season 2, Episode #82. Plus getting to know Erwin @mallrig.pro. They both have super clean Gen 3 Tundras with popup campers. Al has the Four Wheel Camper, Project M while Erwin went with the OVLND Camper. Both have been decked out by Sponsored by Wifey handling the build-outs. Of course they had to make sure to include the essentials like sink, stove, fridge, microwave, VR gaming set, projection screen. You know, the basics. We get into talking about E-bikes, photography, camp events, TV commercials and all sorts of cool stuff. Hangout with for a few hours and have some fun!
We've been talking about it for awhile now and it's finally happening. We are now live and on camera. Whether or not thats a good thing we'll find out. To help us test it all out our buddy Norm @land_beaver1 stops by the studio. He's been on a few trips sense we talked last. He was out exploring Montana, Wyoming and Colorado and shares some of those adventures. Plus we take a couple questions from a few listeners tuning into the live stream.
Ben and Jared are joined by their buddy Chef Sean @fstlayn this week. Jared and Sean have been doing some exploring along the 395 and share some highlights from their trips. Jared had also just spent 4 days at Expo PNW up in Oregon. He talks about some of the products he saw and getting to meet up with friends he ran into while there. How does the PNW Expo rank against Expo West? After Expo Jared joined up with some friends to head out to the Oregon coast for some beach camping. While there, some interesting events took place including needing to pullout the medical bags. Then it was back down the 395 to meet up with another friend before heading home.
This episode Ben and Jared are joined by their buddy Rafael @tacotrooper31. It's summertime and it's heating up. Ben and Rafa are stripping down their trucks and changing things up a bit and dropping some weight. While Jared is doing the opposite and gearing up for a 11 day trip up to Oregon and stoping by Overland Expo PNW. Hangout as they talk all about portable AC units, Starlink, hot Cheetos, camping with dogs and a bunch of other fun stuff.
Jared and Ben are back from out on the road. They've been getting up to some higher elevations lately. Ben just got back from northern Arizona during Expo West but does it different. While Jared was up exploring the mountains of the 395. They talk about trail damage, new coffee setups, taking naps at camp, fashion advice and plenty of random thoughts that pop into their heads.
Jared and Ben are camping together again! They set out for a nice 3 day adventure through Northern Arizona. They were joined by some family and a few close friends on this one. Aric @as_is_overland being one of those to tag along on this trip joins them on the show this week. They all recap the unexpected weather, breakdowns, and all around fun times had at camp.
This week Jared and Ben are hanging out, sharing stories. Jared just recently went out with some friends out exploring parts of Death Valley. He shares some of the cool sights they visited and adventures they experienced. From crazy winds, awesome trails, hot springs and great people makes for a great trip. Also touch on some upcoming projects.
We got our buddy Mike @flatbedtundra on the show with us this week. Not only does Mike have a nicely setup Tundra with a flatbed, he also custom built a trailer that is probably more dialed in than most trucks. When he decided to remove the bed of his truck and go with a flatbed he had a vision. Why waste a perfectly good truck bed? Why not turn it into a sick, overly built overland trailer! We talk about the build process and testing it out in places like Mojave and Anza Borrego. Tune in as we may have also discovered the next sleeper, overland rig.
We were finally able to get our friend Aim @overlandpriority to join us on the show! Not only does he go on some awesome adventures, he also has some amazing photography, which you can check out on his other page @aimlorejas_photography. He didn't always have all the cool gear and rad rig. He shares where he started and the evolution into where he is now. He may travel as a solo vehicle but he doesn't go it alone. His whole family is along for the ride!
Ben and Jared both went camping in the desert this last weekend but not together. Ben took an adventure with both his dogs and a great group for an awesome trip exploring around the Mojave desert. Jared couldn't get out for the whole weekend so opted for a quick overnighter in Anza Borego. They share some highs and lows from their trips. They also dive into wedding dress attire and pie for desert.
This week we had a great time getting to know Leeno from Ibis Offroad @ibisoffroad. Leeno gives us the run down on the offroad scene where he's from in Florida. Aside from having to deal with recovering in the marshland mud and the occasional gator, overlanding is pretty similar on the opposite coast. With Ibis Offroad he takes people out on guided trail adventures. From more advanced wheeling to the first timers. Offering training on how to self recover and being prepared with first aid. We also talk breakdowns, tires, airboats and other adventures.
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