
  • Unravel the mysteries of your baby’s gut health and leave behind the myths that cause undue worry. In this episode, we shine a light on the fascinating journey of a baby’s microbiome, from birth through the first year of life. With Anne Doherty joining me as co-host for the summer, we offer both scientific insights and warm anecdotes from our family life, making complex information accessible and relatable. Join us as we recount our children's delightful summer activities and Anne's memorable first trip to Kuwait, blending science with heartwarming personal stories.
     Discover the critical stages of microbiome development in children during their first 24 months and learn how both cesarean sections and vaginal births influence gut health. We bust popular myths, explaining how the mode of delivery impacts the microbiome minimally in the long term. You'll also hear about the pivotal role of breastfeeding, the introduction of plant-based foods during weaning, and the significant contributions fathers make to their baby's microbiome.
     We venture into the practicalities of supporting a healthy infant microbiome, highlighting the importance of breastfeeding, avoiding smoking, and incorporating diverse, plant-based foods. Learn about the benefits and safety of probiotics, particularly for colic and reflux, and why vaginal seeding may not be the solution it’s often touted to be. Finally, we reflect on the deeper ties that connect us all, sharing a poignant story that underscores our shared humanity and the universal experiences that bind us together.
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  • Dr. Niamh Lynch and Dr. John Caird join us to discuss the critical subject of concussions in children, particularly those who are active in sports. Their professional journeys, from Dr. Lynch's path from the University College Cork to a paediatric neurology fellowship in Vancouver, to Dr. Caird's extensive dual practice in paediatric and adult neurosurgery, provide rich insights into the complexities of treating brain injuries and neurological conditions. Together, they illuminate the importance of recognizing and managing concussions, emphasizing that while scans aren't used for diagnosis, specialized treatments like vestibular physiotherapy play a crucial role in recovery.
     This episode is filled with personal anecdotes and reflections from our podcast journey. We share our memorable moments, behind-the-scenes bloopers, and the laughter that has made recording this season a joy. Katie shares her exciting summer plans, including a family trip to France, and even Buddy, her dog, has his holiday lined up! We also take a trip down memory lane, recalling our favourite guests like Anna Geary, Orla Franklin, and Audrey Hamilton, who have left an indelible mark with their inspiration and authenticity.
     We touch on diverse and impactful topics ranging from childhood epilepsy syndromes to the significance of monitoring a baby's head circumference for signs of hydrocephalus. John and Niamh provide valuable advice on managing concussion risks and the proactive measures in sports to prevent head injuries. Tune in, laugh with us, learn from the experts, and get ready for a summer of Baby Tribe shorts with Afif and Anne!
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  • What if you could protect your child's smile for a lifetime? Join us for an insightful conversation with our expert paediatric dentist, who reveals invaluable tips on preventing dental decay in kids, affecting nearly half of all five-year-olds. We share light-hearted personal stories about our own dental experiences and debate our favourite snacks—think peanuts, popcorn, and the ever-controversial bounty bar. This episode promises a blend of vital dental health information and the fun camaraderie of snack-time debates.
     We spotlight the significance of fostering good dental hygiene habits from an early age. Learn how children can benefit from mirroring adult brushing routines and the appropriate use of toothpaste. We also touch upon the detrimental effects of sugary drinks and poor diets, highlighting the need for educating kids about sugar content in their snacks. Discover practical advice on how to incorporate dental health education into school curriculums and make healthier choices fun and engaging for children.
     Explore the fascinating journey of a paediatric dentist Dr Kirsten Fitzgerald, working in hospital settings. From transitioning from general dentistry to focusing on paediatric care, we discuss the critical role of early dental care, debunk myths surrounding baby teeth, and provide practical tips for parents to manage dental emergencies. Listen in as we address dental anxiety, the benefits of fluoride treatments, and offer actionable strategies for ensuring your child's teeth remain healthy and strong. This episode is packed with expert advice and engaging stories, making it a must-listen for parents dedicated to their children's dental well-being.
     Tooth SOS App:
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  • Is your child's mental health hiding in plain sight? This week's episode of the Baby Tribe podcast tackles the monumental subject of childhood mental health and parenting. We reflect on our own experiences growing up under protective parents and discuss how open communication can better equip children to handle life's challenges. We dive deep into cultural differences in parenting styles, the importance of fostering resilience, and why addressing mental health openly is crucial, especially given the stark statistics on youth suicide in Ireland.
     Today's children face a multitude of stressors, from school exams and body image issues to the pressures of social media and future anxieties. Joined by child psychiatrist Dr. Elizabeth Barrett, we examine how misinformation online compounds these problems and why it's vital for schools to provide accurate mental health resources. Additionally, we address the shocking data on racism and religious discrimination affecting young minds. Dr. Barrett offers practical strategies to help parents recognize emotional distress in children and emphasizes the necessity of tailored mental health support, enhancing school-based services, and improving accessibility to CAMHS.
     Finally, we explore the intricate relationship between social media and adolescent mental health. While acknowledging the risks of online bullying and the impact of social media on self-esteem, we also highlight potential benefits, like supportive online communities. Parents will appreciate our practical tips on setting phone boundaries and the delicate balance between monitoring and allowing freedom. We call for stronger responsibilities from social media companies and legislators to create safer online environments. Wrapping up, we stress the foundation of good mental health: consistent sleep, regular exercise, and reconnecting with nature. Don't miss this enlightening conversation designed to equip parents with the tools to support their children's mental well-being.
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  • Unlock the secrets of your child's respiratory health as we team up with Prof. Basil El Nazir, the paediatric respiratory physician and cystic fibrosis expert, to guide you through the maze of coughs and colds that every parent dreads. Discover the breakthrough RSV vaccine that's set to revolutionize how we protect our littlest ones from this common and sometimes serious virus. It's a deep-dive into managing conditions like asthma and cystic fibrosis, with takeaways that promise to resonate with every caregiver.
     Breathe easier knowing how to keep infections at bay, even with a house full of toddlers and newborns. We share practical tips on maintaining a germ-free home and instilling healthy habits early on—without resorting to drastic measures. Plus, we'll offer a slice of our own lives, swapping stories of our children's dreams and ambitions, proving that the apple can indeed fall far from the tree when it comes to career paths in finance, construction, law, and more.
     Wrap up your listening experience with an uplifting look at Ireland's triumphs over cystic fibrosis. From newborn screenings to the latest treatments turning this once-feared disease into a manageable condition, we highlight the advancements offering hope and extending lifespans. So, join us and let's navigate the choppy waters of paediatric health with the warmth and expertise you've come to expect from our heart-to-heart sessions.
     The article discussed in this episode:
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  • In this episode, Dr. Orla Walsh and the hosts delve into the world of children's eating habits. They explore the common issue of picky eating, sharing personal anecdotes and tips for encouraging diverse diets without pressure. They highlight the importance of patience, small portions, and involving kids in meal prep to cultivate adventurous eaters. The discussion shifts to the challenges faced by Generation Z, including the impact of social media, the pandemic, and societal pressures on eating disorders. Strategies for recognizing and addressing these disorders are provided, along with insights on the rising rates of obesity among youth and the influence of genetics, socioeconomic factors, and the environment.
     Dr. Orla Walsh is an Adolescent Medicine and General Paediatrician in Children’s Health Ireland at Temple Street and Connolly. She is an Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer with RCSI and an Assistant Clinical Professor in Women& Children & Health with UCD. She completed a 2 year Fellowship in Adolescent Medicine at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto and then worked as an Adolescent Medicine Paediatrician and developed an Academic Division of Adolescent Medicine at North York General Hospital, and as Assistant Professor in the Department of Paediatrics at the University of Toronto.
     Since returning to Ireland she has contributed to the recently launched National Guidance Document on the Management of Anorexia Nervosa in Paediatric Patients, and hopefully soon to be launched National Framework on the Transition of Care from Paediatric to Adult Services. She currently works half time as an Adolescent Medicine Paediatrician within General Paediatrics in CHI where she runs a weekly adolescent clinic and provides an inpatient consult service. The other half of her job is developing and delivering the new service for adolescents with complex obesity in CHI, including the establishment of a transition pathway to adult services.
    Resources mentioned in the show:
    Bodywhys | The Eating Disorders Association of Ireland
    Bodywhys | Free Pilar Programme for Families
    Bodywhys | Free Resource - A Guide for Families
    Healthy eating for families - HSE.ie
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  • Ever felt like you needed a translator to understand what your teen is saying? Well, today's digital terrain is no less perplexing, which is why we've got a cyber psychologist, Dr Nicola Fox Hamilton, on board to steer us through the maze of gaming, social media, and screen time. We're cracking the code on those baffling acronyms and emojis, while also laying down some serious groundwork on how to parent amidst pings, posts, and pixels. 
    Navigating the waters of modern teenage communication requires more than just a sturdy ship; it requires a map, a compass, and a savvy understanding of the currents that is social media and gaming. We're tackling the tough questions on cyberbullying, the real effects of screen time, and the delightful positives of gaming. Discover how to foster open dialogue about the digital world with your children and why your involvement is more crucial than ever. 
    As we wind down this digital odyssey, our expert guest imparts wisdom on guiding kids safely through online communities and the social media landscape, from crafting a positive digital footprint to understanding the nuanced impact of active versus passive screen engagement. For those of us with a controller or smartphone always within reach, this episode is a treasure trove of strategies, insights, and heart-to-heart advice that assures you're not sailing these high-tech seas solo.
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  • As parents, we all start out with a playbook that seems destined for revision. During this episode, we can't help but chuckle over the transformations we've seen in ourselves—from the meticulous planners fretting over every sniffle our firstborns encountered, to the more assured, adaptable guardians of our later children. Our discussion traverses this relatable metamorphosis, offering support and shared laughter to those in the midst of their own parenting odyssey.
    Navigating the healthcare system can be as perplexing as deciphering toddler babble, but fear not! We've got you covered. We unfold the tapestry of public health nursing and paediatric care options, equipping you with the know-how to document symptoms and advocate for your child effectively. Our exploration into a recent Irish study sheds new light on the infant microbiome and allergies, busting myths and putting parents' minds at ease about what truly affects their child's health.
    Joining the conversation, a special guest paediatric cardiologist Professor Orla Franklin —who through determination and heart (pun intended)—recounts her inspiring ascent to becoming a paediatric cardiologist. Her stories from the corridors of prestigious hospitals to the realities of healthcare in Ireland not only captivate but also raise awareness about the importance of early intervention in children's cardiovascular health and the societal factors influencing our youngest hearts. Together, we celebrate the strides made in paediatric cardiology and emphasize the power of community in shaping the wellbeing of our children.
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  • Discover the transformative power of touch and the emotional rollercoaster of parenting as we take you through the highs and lows of raising little ones. Our conversation brings laughter and empathy to your parenting journey, whether you're navigating the NICU or just trying to get an apology out of a toddler. We share how the simplest gestures, like the hand hugs and bonding squares in the neonatal ward, can forge unbreakable bonds and significantly improve health outcomes for both babies and parents.
     Join us as we unravel the mysteries of ear cleaning, debunk feeding myths, and reveal the unexpected benefits of parent-led baby massage. We promise to equip you with knowledge that will not only deepen your connection with your child but may also offer relief for the likes of colic and sleepless nights.
     Our guest, Paediatric & neonatal nurse Karen Prunty from Little Roo Village (Instagram: @little_roo_village), brings her expertise on baby massage to the table, underscoring the value of this nurturing practice for infant well-being and parental mental health. Through engaging stories and professional insights, we celebrate the nuances of family life and the indomitable spirit of parenthood.
     Wrap up your day with a podcast episode that applauds the resilience of single mothers, champions the role of empathy in neonatal care, and recognizes the importance of community in the parenting adventure. As we share anecdotes and professional experiences, we aim to support and empower you, the listener, on your path to becoming a confident and connected caregiver. So, settle in and prepare to be touched, quite literally, by the stories and strategies that make parenting the most rewarding challenge you'll ever face.
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  • Unlock the mysteries of preterm birth and its lifelong impact on health with our latest Baby Tribe podcast episode. We're joined by an expert in adult respiratory and intensive care, who brings a wealth of paediatric knowledge to the table, and together we offer a beacon of hope to parents of preterm infants. From the laugh-inducing tales of my car's 'romance mode' to a discussion on the minimal academic differences between preterm and full-term children, this episode is a rich tapestry of humour and wisdom that promises to leave you with a profound understanding of the resilience of the human spirit.
    Embark on a journey through the academic world as we break down Z-scores and their implications for understanding classroom age diversity. We unravel a comprehensive study on nearly 800,000 children's performance in language and mathematics, revealing the promising future that awaits preterm babies in their educational pursuits. The episode further welcomes the brilliant Dr. Kara Goss, who shares her captivating narrative from childhood curiosity about medicine to her groundbreaking research on the cardiovascular and pulmonary effects of premature birth. Her insights are a testament to a career built on passion and dedication to improving lives.
    As we explore the health trajectories of those born prematurely, we marvel at the incredible recovery and growth potential that unfolds into adulthood. The episode highlights the significance of a nourishing lifestyle, particularly for heart and lung development, and celebrates the collaborative efforts within the medical community aiming to optimize care for this unique population. Join us as we share uplifting stories of former preemies, their personal triumphs, and the academic success of our lab trainees, all while fostering a deeper appreciation for the journey of preterm infants. This is an episode filled with laughter, learning, and a touch of the extraordinary—don't miss it.
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  • Some misconceptions about parenting and child development need to be put to rest. That's precisely what Katie and I tackle head-on in our latest Baby Tribe podcast episode. We zero in on one tenacious falsehood: the supposed link between vaccines and autism. We demystify the science and underscore the dangers of such misinformation, including the resurgence of preventable diseases like measles. But our chat isn't all serious business; we weave in light-hearted tales of forgetfulness and the mayhem of temper tantrums, reassuring parents that these are normal markers of growing up, not red flags of concern.
     We interview Clinical Psychologist Dr Rebecca Quin where we navigate the multifaceted landscape of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), we engage in a candid conversation about the genetic and environmental factors influencing ASD development. The discussion blossoms as we emphasize the diverse expressions of ASD and the critical nature of personalized support strategies. Visual aids, occupational therapy, and debunking common misconceptions about ASD's causes are just a few gems we unearth. Parents will find solace and empowerment in our reflections on the potential for children with ASD, showcasing the transformative impact of the right support and early intervention.
     Wrapping up, we don't just leave you with knowledge; we offer a toolkit for handling the wild ride of child emotions, especially the bewildering world of tantrums and meltdowns. Dr Quin helps differentiate between the two, providing a glimpse into effective strategies for fostering emotional intelligence in your little ones. So, as you tune in, remember: you're part of a community that's growing stronger, wiser, and more connected with every episode. Join us as we continue to guide you through the beautiful chaos of parenting, ensuring your journey is filled with support and smiles—and, of course, a few less myths.
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  • Listen in as we shine a light on the various types of sugars infiltrating the diets of infants and toddlers. With a paediatrician's eye for detail, we break down the definitions of free sugars and their less-known counterparts, emphasizing the importance of understanding what goes into our children's meals. From breastfeeding versus formula feeding to the introduction of solid foods, we dissect how early dietary choices can shape taste preferences and future eating habits. Moreover, we confront the misconceptions surrounding commercial baby foods and arm parents with knowledge to navigate the weaning journey with confidence.
     The conversation doesn't stop at sugar. We expand into the realms of childhood growth, diabetes, and the innovative technologies transforming diabetes management with Paediatric Endocrinologist Dr Ciara McDonnell. Reflecting on our professional experiences, we discuss the nuances of growth patterns and the onset of puberty, the criticality of early diabetes detection, and the game-changing impact of continuous glucose monitors and insulin pumps. Through anecdotes and expert insights, we provide a comprehensive view of these topics, aiming to empower parents with the tools and understanding needed to foster healthy lifestyles for their children. So tune in and equip yourself with the knowledge to guide your child's journey to well-being.

    Follow us on Instagram @afif.elkhuffash & @nursingmama.ie
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  • Ever feel like you're running a marathon trying to keep your kids active, and you're not even the one breaking a sweat? Tune in as we tackle the hurdles of holiday health and activity with our energetic offspring. We're joined by the powerhouse herself, Anna Geary, whose athletic prowess and wisdom as a mother shine a light for us on and off the field. Together, we'll explore the thrill and spills of encouraging sports participation amidst Easter break chaos, society's screen time skirmish, and the wildly entertaining notion of secretly signing up the family for "Ireland's Fittest Family."
     As we continue our chat, we reflect on the diverse sports interests within a family and the role of role models in nurturing a love for physical activity. We also delve into how we, as adults, find time for sports amidst busy schedules, overcome injuries, and discover exercises that resonate with us, whether it's running, badminton, or more serene practices like yoga and Pilates.
     Parenthood is a sport with no offseason, and who better to discuss this with than Anna, whose transition from camogie champion to nurturing mother offers a playbook for the modern parent. We deep dive into the highs and lows of motherhood, identity, and the social media mirage that so often paints an unrealistic portrait of postpartum life. From the personal triumphs and challenges of exercise as a new parent to the emotional resilience gleaned from both grief and gratitude, this episode is a heartfelt rally for parents championing progress over perfection. So lace up, tune in, and let's navigate this parenting journey together, with a little less pressure and a whole lot more understanding.
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  • Unlock the secrets to balancing family life with the digital world as we take a heartfelt look at parenting in the era of screens. We share relatable stories that are sure to bring a smile—from our children's amusing digital faux pas to the moments we've all guiltily handed over a tablet to buy some peace and quiet. Yet, we also tackle the tougher topics, like the research that probes into screen time's impact on child development, and confess our own struggles in an age where technology is both a lifeline and a point of contention.
     Navigating the maze of sensory processing in children can be a challenge, and this episode doesn't shy away from the complexities. We examine intriguing research linking screen time to atypical sensory behaviours and dissect the domains of the Infant Toddler Sensory Profile. But it's not all academic—we keep it grounded with personal experiences and the light-hearted reality of "selective hearing" that every parent knows all too well.
     In a powerful close, we pivot to global health issues, with an inspiring conversation featuring an advocate who's making waves in the fight against childhood cancer in Tanzania. Dr Trish Scanlan talks us through early signs of childhood cancer and what to watch out for. Her passionate efforts remind us that while the world is filled with challenges, each of us holds the potential to ignite change. We share insights on the role of healthcare professionals in conflict zones and the deep impact of their advocacy on protecting the young and innocent. Join us for an episode that's not just informative, but truly hopeful, demonstrating the incredible difference we can make, one child at a time.
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  • Unlock the secrets to bolstering your child's development through the joyous realm of play, as we share insights that traverse from rolling balls to screen time's intricate dance with young minds. This episode encapsulates the essence of nurturing cognitive growth and problem-solving skills, all while balancing the digital world with the irreplaceable benefits of physical activity. Together, we tackle the all-too-familiar parental challenge of managing playtime during school breaks, like the Easter holidays, and offer personal anecdotes that illustrate how play shapes learning and social interactions.
     Step into a candid discussion on the diverse personalities of children and how our responses to their competitive and creative spirits pave the way for their future selves. Our special guest, the ever-inspiring Audrey Hamilton, adds a vibrant stroke to our conversation, recounting her evolution from an actor in Ireland and Hollywood to an abstract artist and fashion designer. Audrey's tale is a colourful illustration of how motherhood intertwines with creative pursuits, adding depth and perspective to her life and work.
     Concluding our journey, we delve into the delicate art of balancing career aspirations with the demands of motherhood, from the challenges of late-in-life pregnancies to debunking breastfeeding myths. We advocate for an environment that honours and supports women's choices, whether it's returning to work for personal fulfilment or establishing a career before starting a family. As we close this chapter, we stand united in the belief that armed with perseverance and a splash of creativity, parents can indeed weave their professional and personal lives into a beautiful tapestry of success and fulfilment.
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  • Join us on the Baby Tribe podcast where Katie and Afif unpack the intricate tapestry of parenting styles, shaped by cultural backgrounds and generational shifts. Listen in as we share personal tales and explore how parenting techniques, such as the classic counting method, are redefined across cultures. From Irish to Arab parenting nuances, and from managing diverse disciplinary needs within a single family to examining the Irish mommy stereotype, we navigate the multifaceted journey of raising children in today's ever-changing society.
     In our conversation, we welcome the celebration of global parenting approaches. Venturing beyond our own experiences, we marvel at the outdoor napping habits of Danish babies, the cold nap philosophy in Norway, and the relaxed bedtimes observed in Spain and Kuwait. With a special nod to France's strategy for dealing with picky eaters, we discuss how integrating varied cultural practices can enhance parenting and healthcare, particularly in multicultural contexts like Ireland. Our discussion sheds light on the importance of recognizing and respecting different cultural norms in child-rearing.
     We also have the pleasure of hosting paediatrician Dr Aoibhinn Walsh, an expert in inclusion health, who illuminates the profound impacts of social adversities on child health. Aoibhinn's insights into the world of marginalized communities, from homelessness to the specific needs of the Irish traveling community, provide a poignant reminder of the challenges faced by many. The conversation delves into the significance of understanding cultural nuances in healthcare, addressing the environmental factors influencing a child's behaviour and development, and the critical role of community resources in supporting families facing nutritional and health adversities. In the final stretch of our discussion, we tackle the intricate issues surrounding paediatric healthcare, from the resilience of parents in subpar living conditions to the nutritional needs of children in emergency accommodations. The dialogue circles back to the necessity of understanding cultural nuances in healthcare and the role of community resources in bolstering support for families under duress. This episode is not just a conversation but a call to broaden our perspectives on parenting and healthcare in the complex fabric of today's society.
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  • Well, we finally reconnected after what felt like an eternity, we didn't expect our catch-up to be a riotous journey through the rollercoaster of parenting. From the tender early years to the eye-rolling teen phase, we share the comical, yet profound shifts in our kids' views of us, alongside the evolution of our parenting tactics - because, let's face it, what works for child number one is a whole new ballgame by the time child number four comes along. Adjusting our rhythms and learning to laugh at ourselves, we invite you to chuckle, nod in agreement, and find comfort in the shared experiences that bond us as parents.
    Amid laughter and confessions, we ventured into the emotionally charged arena of infant feeding - a topic that often comes loaded with guilt and worry. Touching on the science of the metabolome and the microbiome, we reassure listeners that every drop of breast milk has its benefits and that formula stands as a robust, nourishing alternative. While we anticipate a fascinating conversation with Eurovision winner Niamh Kavanagh about her unique parenting insights, this episode is already brimming with heartwarming tales and practical advice about embracing motherhood, balancing personal ambitions with parental responsibilities, and championing both breastfeeding and formula without judgment.
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  • Welcome to Season 3 of the Baby Tribe Podcast, the show that grows with you and your little ones! Join us, Afif and Katie, as we celebrate joining the Headstuff Podcast Network, bringing you closer to the heart of parenting than ever before. This season is brimming with expert interviews, from the first days of infancy to the challenges of adolescence. We're here to share the laughter, the milestones, and even the unexpected twists of family life. Plus, keep your ears perked for our exclusive HeadStuff Plus spin-off – a special treat you won't want to miss. Stay tuned, stay subscribed, and let’s make this season the most memorable journey yet. It's all happening here on Baby Tribe!
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  • Buckle up for an enlightening journey as we navigate the complex world of parenthood and obstetrics with the exceptional Anne Doherty, a consultant anesthesiologist specializing in high-risk obstetric anesthesia. Ever wonder how a healthcare professional, specifically an anesthesiologist, experiences the maternity ward from both sides? From the joys and challenges of raising two teenagers, to shedding light on the critical role of anesthesiologists in the birthing process, Anne provides a unique perspective that might just surprise you. While many celebrate the glow of motherhood, it's often overshadowed by the isolating and overwhelming struggle that accompanies it. How does one keep their identity intact while juggling the responsibilities of being a working mother in the medical field? Anne recounts her personal journey of pregnancy, tackling subjects like hyperemesis and the reality of C-sections. We also explore the often overlooked challenges of finding a balance between work and family responsibilities, a reality that many working mothers in the medical profession face daily. As we wrap up this season, we discuss a controversial subject - women's empowerment during labor and delivery in hospital settings. In the age of social media, where stories of women feeling disempowered during childbirth are rampant, how do healthcare providers navigate this narrative? We unpack the complexities of decision-making during labor and delve into the role of epidurals and pain management in childbirth. Our finale is not to be missed, as we explore bereavement in motherhood, the strength of womanhood, and conclude with a heartfelt reflection on the journey we've undertaken this season.
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  • Ever wondered how to navigate the complexities of Christmas in a household with two different faiths? Join us, your hosts Katie and Afif , as we share a slice of our own life, blending our faiths during the Christmas season and even throwing a beloved Irish tradition into the mix. But that's not all, with Afif's glitter-phobia and our mutual love for the Late Late Toy Show, there's a lot to hear - and laugh about!We also dive deep into the world of parenting, from teething troubles to the emotional rollercoaster that motherhood can be. To help us unravel these complexities, we are joined by a special guest, a clinical psychologist, and holistic sleep coach Dr Emma Bagnall, who walks us through the realities of parenting, underlining the importance of self-regulation and support. From her personal experiences of the physical and emotional toll of a baby's cry to the struggle of balancing the needs of both her children, our guest paints an authentic picture of the joys and challenges of motherhood. The conversation takes a thought-provoking turn as we delve into the often overlooked journey of self-discovery and development that mothers go through during the early stages of motherhood. Our guest also sheds light on the concept of "Matrescence" likening the transition to motherhood to a new life stage similar to adolescence. The episode winds down on a note of optimism, offering valuable insights on navigating the challenges of parenting and fostering emotional development in children, not to forget tips for optimizing sleep for the whole family. So, whether you're a new parent, an experienced one, or simply curious about the world of parenting, this episode promises an engaging and insightful listen.
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