
  • Waaaaay back on Episode # 4 we came up with a dating app for climbers called, 'Bouldr'. Well, someone has expanded our idea by one letter and released a new dating app called 'Boulder'.

    We create a profile for Gas-Tonya and check out the app, while coming up with other dating apps so terrible, that maybe this time they won't get stolen.

    Sprinkled in there somewhere we talk about climbing in Quebec, and why Ontario is so... unwelcoming.


    climbing, rock climbing, beta, bad beta, trad, sport

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  • Well, well, well... It seems like a hundred new climbing podcasts have started up in the midst of the climbing quarantine crisis, and true to form, we thought we'd jump on the bandwagon the best way we know how; releasing an episode after months of silence.

    Steve is on Zoom, so apologies for his sound quality from his bunker in the woods.

    On this episode we discuss Covid-19 effects on climbing, including the demise of climbing gyms, the black market for hangboards, and the trend that you are all guilty of: building a woody.

    We talk about a possible way of climbing during the pandemic using colored shirts and arm-bands.

    Anna gives a gear review for the Misty Mountain Cadillac harness.
    We talk about Black Diamonds new offwidth cams, and much more.

    climbing, rock climbing, beta, bad beta, trad, sport

  • For our very special Christmas episode, we discuss our recent climbing trips to the Red and the Creek.

    Alisha couldn't make it for this one, but she's with us in spirit, and in Sound Board form.

    We start off by talking about the closure of Roadside Crag in the Red River Gorge.

    The podcast turns dark and somber with a discussion about accidents, death, and tragedy.... You know, the stuff we're good at making funny.

    Anna ends the show with a little bit of holiday cheer.

    ***If anyone from Black Diamond is listening, we want sponsorships!!!! Or a job... Can I have a job??***

    If you have questions for us about climbing, #vanlife, gear.... or what it's like to be pro climbers (we are not pro climbers), whatever, send us a message or email at info@badbetapodcast.com

    ***Stickers*** If you want some, just ask!

    Follow us on Facebook or Instagram, subscribe, and tell your friends! We appreciate everyone who listens! (thanks Mom). Our hosts this week: Matt Sapiecha, Anna, Steve and our special guest, Alisha.

    climbing, rock climbing, beta, bad beta, trad, sport

  • And we're back! Now that climbing season is drawing to a close... We decided to release the next episode. You can stop asking now!

    We start the show with some stories about Indian Creek, including snakes, Pamela Pack, and Aid-Climbing Supercrack!!

    We try to come to a consensus about trad gear, and which gear the budding young trad climber should buy.. We fail.

    Steve talks guiding, and almost convinces Matt of it's value.

    Climbing myths, soundboard, and long drawn out tangents throughout - you know the drill.

    ***If anyone from Black Diamond is listening, we want sponsorships!!!! Or a job... Can I have a job??***

    If you have questions for us about climbing, #vanlife, gear.... or what it's like to be pro climbers (we are not pro climbers), whatever, send us a message or email at info@badbetapodcast.com

    ***Stickers*** If you want some, just ask!

    Follow us on Facebook or Instagram, subscribe, and tell your friends! We appreciate everyone who listens! (thanks Mom). Our hosts this week: Matt Sapiecha, Anna, Steve and our special guest, Alisha.

  • This week we decided to show you some behind the scenes of why our podcasts are so long (you have no idea).

    These are some of the B-Side clips that we end up cutting from the show because they don't 'fit' the main theme of the show.... rock climbing.

    There's a lot of talk about seances, Mr. Rogers, and most of all.... Aquaman himself, Jason Momoa.

    If you guys enjoy this mini-episode, let us know and we can come out with these periodically!

    *We haven't forgotten about the Sublime brush giveaway, and we'll announce winners on the next main show!

    If you haven't sent us your Mountain Project female friendly route name, send them in to info@badbetapodcast.com for your chance at a brush!

    ***Stickers*** If you want some, just ask!

    Follow us on Facebook or Instagram, subscribe, and tell your friends! We appreciate everyone who listens! (thanks Mom). Our hosts this week: Matt Sapiecha, Anna, Steve and our special guest, Alisha.

    climbing, rock climbing, beta, bad beta, trad, sport

  • On this week’s episode Alex Handhold takes a break from talking about his epic solo to discuss his foundation, Peter Croft keeps asking us to throw the ball, and Steve discusses an encounter with Cosplayers while ice climbing.

    We argue about whether or not beginner climbing shoes are useful when you first start climbing (Matt is alone in thinking absolutely not).

    We close out talking about competition bouldering and dry-tooling; both of which are, spoiler alert: very silly.

    *Please support Anna's 2024 Olympic fund for speed climbing.


    Anna gives details on how to enter for a chance to win a brush at the end of the show; send your answers in and we'll pick our favorites for the brush!

    If you have questions for us about climbing, #vanlife, gear.... or what it's like to be pro climbers (we are not pro climbers), whatever, send us a message or email at info@badbetapodcast.com

    ***Stickers*** If you want some, just ask!

    Follow us on Facebook or Instagram, subscribe, and tell your friends! We appreciate everyone who listens! (thanks Mom). Our hosts this week: Matt Sapiecha, Anna, Steve and our special guest, Alisha.

    climbing, rock climbing, beta, bad beta, trad, sport

  • On this week’s episode we finally talk about the Dawn Wall - The Tommy Caldwell Story. How many times have we seen this movie before??

    We talk about what it means to be a Dirt Bag in 2019, and if it's even possible. Spoiler: If you have a Sprinter van, you are not a Dirt Bag.

    We do a follow up to our booty episode when Anna asks, is this booty?

    This topic, of course, leads to a conversation about the popularity of Adam Ondra and the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

    Finally, we end with a listener suggested game called, "Name that Climbing Scream" (it's harder than you think!)

    We end the show making jokes about death, of course.

    If you have questions for us about climbing, #vanlife, gear.... or what it's like to be pro climbers (we are not pro climbers), whatever, send us a message or email at info@badbetapodcast.com

    ***Stickers*** If you want some, just ask!

    Follow us on Facebook or Instagram, subscribe, and tell your friends! We appreciate everyone who listens! (thanks Mom). Our hosts this week: Matt Sapiecha, Anna, Steve and our special guest, Alisha.

    climbing, rock climbing, beta, bad beta, trad, sport

  • And we're back!

    On this week’s episode the gang gets a sound board. Not much more to say, other than the fact that we've devolved into a local morning radio show with fart noises and Ondra screams.

    Not surprising, the conversations are TOTALLY BETTER with sound FX, movie quotes, and constant interruptions.

    Can you identify all of the sounds we used?

    We start off with a voicemail from Peter (the listeners know Peter), we discuss at what temperature we stop rock climbing in, Peter Croft bachelorette parties, Free Solo, and much much more!

    If you have questions for us about climbing, #vanlife, gear.... or what it's like to be pro climbers (we are not pro climbers), whatever, send us a message or email at info@badbetapodcast.com

    ***Stickers*** If you want some, just ask!

    Follow us on Facebook or Instagram, subscribe, and tell your friends! We appreciate everyone who listens! (thanks Mom). Our hosts this week: Matt Sapiecha, Anna, Steve and our special guest, Alisha.

  • On this week’s episode we dive into a large number of important topics.

    First of all, Steve tries to defend the idea of hiring a guide to learn new skills, brush up on old ones, and generally how not to die. We talk about the spread of climbing myths and in an age of instant global information, how climbers still learn bad ideas.

    Matt and Anna discuss the International Climbers Fest in Lander, WY; their encounter with Peter Croft, and the @ScarpaNA photo contest controversy. We need your help to hold them accountable!

    We keep the streak going with mention of Tom Randall, and finally tell Steve about the Joe Kinder thing, of which Steve is the last climber on Earth to hear about.

    Anna ends the show off with a brand new climbing game --- one which we’re sure will be a long-time favorite amongst our listeners.

    Finally, a preview of our new podcast based on the hit TV Show, The O.C.

    If you have questions for us about climbing, #vanlife, gear.... or what it's like to be pro climbers (we are not pro climbers), whatever, send us a message or email at info@badbetapodcast.com

    ***Stickers*** If you want some, just ask!

    Follow us on Facebook or Instagram, subscribe, and tell your friends! We appreciate everyone who listens! (thanks Mom). Our hosts this week: Matt Sapiecha, Anna, Steve and our special guest, Alisha.

  • The gang is back together! Thanks to everyone for your kind words and e-mails. As per typical Bad Beta style, we will try to start recording episodes on a more regular schedule now that the four of us are in the same time zone again.

    This weeks episode is a special "Mail Bag" show where we answer some of your questions and e-mails. There were a surprising amount of questions about trad climbing, which really surprised us (and made Matt happy). We get into a little heated debate about guides, clinics, courses, etc.

    We talk about pancake eating contests, trad climbing, Anna's voice, and The OC.

    If you have questions for us about climbing, #vanlife, gear.... or what it's like to be pro climbers (we are not pro climbers), whatever, send us a message or email at info@badbetapodcast.com

    ***Stickers*** If you want some, just ask!

    Follow us on Facebook or Instagram, subscribe, and tell your friends! We appreciate everyone who listens! (thanks Mom). Our hosts this week: Matt Sapiecha, Anna, Steve and our special guest, Alisha.

  • Special Bonus Episode! Well... the second half of the conversation with the legendary Mike and Mike.

    Steve and Alisha are now BACK! We will be back to regular programming shortly, but in the meantime, please enjoy more drama with the Mikes (who will definitely be back in future episodes).

    We start out with a 'Shit We've Seen at the Crag', then play climbing's favorite game... Taboo?

    We try to talk about Red Rocks again, but get off track with some Peter talk, some dating advice (very on brand), and camping in climbing areas.
    Huge shout out to CimbOn Maps, please go check them out.

    We end the show off with an argument over what you should keep on your harness, and of course, Jared Leto keeps us on the edge of our seats, throughout, with an epic tale of how he almost died while climbing with Alex Honnold.

    If you have questions for us about climbing, #vanlife, gear.... or what it's like to be pro climbers (we are not pro climbers), whatever, send us a message or email at info@badbetapodcast.com

    ***Stickers*** If you want some, just ask!

    Follow us on Facebook or Instagram, subscribe, and tell your friends! We appreciate everyone who listens! (thanks Mom). Our hosts this week: Matt Sapiecha, Anna, Mike Penney (@mike_penney), and Mike Smythe (@m.smythe).

  • We're back! Well.... half of us are.

    Steve and Alisha are still halfway around the world, climbing shirtless on some beach, probably missing us terribly. So, in the interim, we're still auditioning temporary replacements. So far, the only two people naive enough to say yes have been the Mikes.

    This turned out to be a long silly conversation, so we're going to try to split it up into two episodes. On this first part, you'll learn about Mike Smythe and Mike Penney, two of Ontario's most... prolific bolters, sandbaggers, and all around fun guys. We talk about our experiences with buying things from gear stores, how to sell your used climbing shoes, and a segment of "Shit We've Seen at the Crag."

    We're still doing a call out for questions, comments or emails that we want to start reading on the show! If you have questions for us about climbing, #vanlife, gear.... or what it's like to be pro climbers (we are not pro climbers), whatever, send us a message or email at info@badbetapodcast.com

    ***Stickers*** If you want some, just ask!

    Follow us on Facebook or Instagram, subscribe, and tell your friends! We appreciate everyone who listens! (thanks Mom). Our hosts this week: Matt Sapiecha, Anna, Mike Penney (@mike_penney), and Mike Smythe (@m.smythe).

  • On today's episode we reveal the 2 winners of the Sublime Climbing brush contest!

    We start the conversion off with the latest news in Big Brother, before discussing ideas for a new climbing based 90's era sitcom. A quick table read shows us that we still have a lot of kinks to iron out for a script.

    The conversation spirals into absurdity with Anna suggesting climbing gyms make wearing a helmet indoors mandatory. As if gym climbing needed another reason to be made fun of.

    We end the show off with a little talk about poop. How do you sh*t at the crag? What are some embarrassing stories you have when nature's called at the crag? Check out Anna's previous blog post on "How to Pee in the Woods: A Quick Tutorial for Girls"

    We're doing a call out for questions, comments or emails that we want to start reading on the show! If you have questions for us about climbing, #vanlife, gear.... or what it's like to be pro climbers (we are not pro climbers), whatever, send us a message or email at info@badbetapodcast.com

    ***Stickers*** If you want some, just ask!

    Follow us on Facebook or Instagram, subscribe, and tell your friends! We appreciate everyone who listens! (thanks Mom). Our hosts this week: Matt Sapiecha, Anna, Steve Andrew, and our guest Alisha.

  • We know it's been a while but... the weather has been really good, and we know a couple climbers with a sail boat. In today's episode we found ourselves on location at a campground near Lions Head, Ontario, during a climbing trip. We recorded on a wet morning before going out climbing, in front of a live studio audience (of one.)

    Anna tries to tell a story of her being unreasonable while climbing, we talk about how seeing the eclipse was totally worth it, and the muggles we saw in Tuolumne posing as rock climbers.

    Once again, we talk about dirt bags, poverty tourism, and how cool it is to be a climber.

    Steve and Anna get existential about fear, risk, adventure, childhood, and the call of the void... that little voice inside you that says, "lettttttt gooooooo".

    We end the show off with a little talk about funny route names, and get inappropriate about Tom Randall, Alex Honnold, and of course, our listeners. We love you all

    World famous climber, Bear Grylls, joins us throughout.

    ***Stickers*** If you want some, just ask!

    Drop us a message at our website or email us at info@badbetapodcast.com if you have any questions, comments, or want your email read on the show! Follow us on Facebook or Instagram, subscribe, and tell your friends! We appreciate everyone who listens! (thanks Mom). Our hosts this week: Matt Sapiecha, Anna, Steve Andrew, and our guest Alisha.

  • Sorry for the delay, we have been out climbing. In today's episode we talk about the code of conduct for climbers, forged long ago by the great Bodhi from Point Break. Can we all agree that there's no reason to shout encouragement up at a climber? Imagine hearing "C'mon, yeah, c'mon, fight, don't give up, yeaaaaaah, allez!" during a Tiger Woods putt, or while a basketball player is shooting a free throw..

    We discuss our up coming climbing trips, and tell you the difference between 'travelling' and 'climbing'.

    We talk about Point Break some more, and end the show with another climbing quiz, brought to you by HowStuffWorks. This time the questions and answers are written by non-climbers (muggles) and just go to show how little the outside world knows about climbing.

    Drop us a message at our website or email us at info@badbetapodcast.com if you have any questions, comments, or want your email read on the show! Follow us on Facebook or Instagram, subscribe, and tell your friends! We appreciate everyone who listens! (thanks Mom). Our hosts this week: Matt Sapiecha, Anna, Steve Andrew, and our guest Alisha.

  • To everyone who suggested we try and stay on topic, we're sorry in advance!

    Today on the show we talk about climbing festivals, specifically the Beaver Valley Climbing Festival here in Ontario, Canada.

    We talk about the motivation to put up new routes, as well as how and why routes get 'chopped'.

    Anna talks about the naked cam dress photo she posted last year, and how the climbing community on Instagram lost their minds over it.

    Here's a free tip to anyone thinking of putting together a climbing festival: Get. More. Raffle. Prizes.

    Matt did an interview with a real astronomer, Dr. Pamela Gay, who, among other things, has an astronomy based podcast called Astronomy Cast. If you like what you hear in the interview, please check it out. They have over 400 episodes for you to consume on those long drives to the crag. Remember to plan for the solar eclipse, because you'll probably be dead for the next one! Also head to CosmoQuest for more information on some of the citizen science work Pamela is a part of.

    To end the show this week, Matt decided to pit the rest of the hosts against each other to see who will be accompanying him as commentator for the 2020 Olympic Games for Rock Climbing (Spoiler Alert: it won't be Anna).

    Shout out to The Climbing Zine.

    Here's the website Pamela mentioned to plan your eclipse day: Interactive Eclipse Map or head to the Nasa Eclipse page for more information.

    Drop us a message at our website or email us at info@badbetapodcast.com if you have any questions, comments, or want your email read on the show!

    Follow us on Facebook or Instagram, subscribe, and tell your friends! We appreciate everyone who listens! (thanks Mom).

    Our hosts this week: Matt Sapiecha, Anna, Steve Andrew, and our guest Alisha.

  • Episode 4!

    Today on the show we have a special guest (our friend Dustin), who provides insights into the struggle of trying to find a partner who is also a climber, in a world where male climbers still outnumber females by what feels like 100 to 1.

    We may have accidentally come up with a new dating App called 'Bouldr', exclusively for climbers living in Boulder, Colorado, who have shared interests in things like, gourmet pour over iced lattes, and soloing in the Flatirons.

    We talk about one of the best parts of the climbing roadtrip: meeting new people who have homes near climbing destinations. Once again, we delve deep into the differences between men and women in climbing, tell another story for our ongoing segment "Things we've seen at the crag" and in this weeks special pop-culture climbing trivia segment, hosted by Anna, we bought buzzers! (this may have been a mistake).

    Check out WoolX products on their website, they really do make killer apparel.

    As always, check us out on our website or follow us on InstaGram @badbetapodcast and don't forget to follow @annaoutdoors as well.

    Like us on Facebook and please.... for the love of god, email us, give us a review, a heart, a thumbs-up.... something!

  • Today on the show we finally give you people a little insight into who we are, and under what authority we speak (almost none).

    Matt is under attack trying to explain why 'adventure' climbing is the only real climbing, while the rest of the crew defends sport climbing and everyone's right to call themselves a climber. Although the argument gets heated, we're all still friends in the end.

    Steve and Alisha are back from the Red, Anna tells the story about the guy who X'd out an entire route, and we close the show off with our first installment of what will certainly be every climbers favorite new game show: Things you probably should know about rock climbing... or something (working title).

    We don't have any sponsors yet, but if you like the show, please hit that subscribe button and if you have time in between hangboard sessions, maybe think about leaving us a review in iTunes? People say it helps, and we definitely need help!

    Our theme music is by Pastor Dre, the hip hop legend.

    Our hosts: Matthew Sapiecha, Anna (@annaoutdoors), Steve Andrew, and our guest Alisha.

  • Woahhhh, episode 2! To those who thought we wouldn't make it this far... you were almost right. Hopefully, we've cleaned up the audio from the 'pilot' episode, and learned how to talk into the mics better.

    In this episode we talk about the new Kickstarter for something called a 'Gumball Biner', for the sport climber who still can't seem to clip the rope into a draw. We discuss the ethics of booty. Arrrrrrrrr, matey! What is booty? For all you sport climbers out there... it's climbing gear stuck on a route. Do you give it back? Spoiler Alert: Never.

    We argue about the minutiae of what counts as a 'send', Alex Honnold gives terrible interviews, and John Long is a troll on Mountain Project.

    We don't have any sponsors yet, but if you like the show, please hit that subscribe button and if you have time in between hangboard sessions, maybe think about leaving us a review in iTunes? People say it helps, and we definitely need help!

    Our brand spankin' new theme music is by Pastor Dre, the hip hop legend.

    Our hosts: Matthew Sapiecha, Anna (@annaoutdoors), Steve Andrew, and our guest Alisha.