
  • Apple Podcasts |Spotify |TranscriptMore Resources: Portrait Contract Template | Free Business & Marketing Class

    This is one of those topics that, although it's not fun, is necessary. Especially as we head into a busy season you need to know how to set boundaries with difficult clients! After being in this industry for years I'll just let you know that if you haven't had a challenging client... they're coming. Which is why this episode will be helpful! I'll share some of my personal experience and give you pointers on how to work with them. But before unpacking that, I have a free class just for you! It's all about how to double your photography revenue this year. We'll touch on some business basics but dive deeper into business marketing! Rather than relying solely on pretty pictures you can drive your business with excellent marketing. Now, onto the "fun" clients...

    Stay Professional and Kind

    It is so important to deal with clients with kindness. Remember, you're running a business and your conversation or interaction represents the brand/the business. It's very easy to match your client's attitude and energy especially if you don't mind confrontation. Some of you may be people pleasers and negative confrontation is a challenge, but remember kindness goes a long way. Stay professional and give your client a hefty helping of kindness! You have an opportunity to handle situations with grace and I suggest doing it over the phone. You don't want to give clients ammunition so even an email would be beneficial.

    Refer to Your Contract

    Pointing back to your contract gives you a backbone to lean on. And that's why it's crucial to have a legal contract that will hold up. I have one in my shop you can grab and they are there for a reason! A few things I have in my contract that protects me is found in editing. I have it in my contract that I do not remove things that wouldn't be gone on their own within 1-2 weeks. I won't altar someone's body because all bodies are beautiful and deserve to be captured. I also hold the right to including or excluding photos from their gallery. Sometimes the shot is blurry or simply doesn't turn out. I want to include photos that will not only be a good representation of my work but turn out well!

    Give a Yes with a Boundary

    This is one of my favorites because it helps you illuminate the positivity and serve your client but protects you as well. You need to be taken care of which is why we are talking about how to set boundaries with difficult clients! So, give your client a yes but with a realistic boundary. For example, if a client wants something edited that's outside of your normal scope of editing....

  • Apple Podcasts |Spotify |TranscriptMore Resources: Live Webinar | Posing Workflow | Contract 

    Let's talk about Mini Sessions! I'm doing a Mini Sessions Q & A from a thread in my Facebook group. There were tons of great inquiries so I'm taking the time to go through and answer now!  I'm also hosting a LIVE webinar this coming Thursday (if you're reading this current and up to date) all about MINI SESSIONS! This is a brand new class I've never taught and we'll have a Q&A section at the end for that too! So, if today's podcast hits home you'll definitely want to join. Be sure to register HERE regardless of if you can make it live or not. Thursday, July 13th @ 1:00pm CST. Once you register you'll receive the replay and get all the fresh content. Now, let's jump in!

    What do you do with uncooperative kids?

    This specific question stated, "If your sessions are 20 minutes and one of your children doesn't cooperate what do you do?" Here's the thing, my mini sessions are 10 minutes and most of my students do 15 minutes. So, when a child is crying the whole session or not wanting to participate you just do your best. If you're booking with a family and the parent knows ahead of time the child will struggle, opt for a full session. So what do you do? Keep snapping, try posing different angles to avoid the crying face, book with them in 6 months from now! Most of the time kids are uncooperative because it's new. I did this with a family and the second session was incredible. We got to celebrate the major growth. I'm also a believer in capturing true memories. The reality is kids cry. They don't always cooperate and that's part of life's memories!

    How do you advertise your minis?

    This is a loaded question because there is so much that goes into marketing. Join the free class to go deeper! I would say good advertising doesn't just post to your business Facebook page or Instagram. You need all the pieces of the puzzle to present a full picture.

    How do you get comfortable with short time slots?

    Practice, practice, practice! Start at 15 minutes and use a posing workflow. If you're worried about clients feeling like they aren't served well, it's because you need confidence in your delivery. It's important to know you've captured the right shots so you can deliver a full gallery. But how do you get to this place? Practice. Have family and friends over and do 15 minute sessions with them back to back. I use this

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  • Apple Podcasts |Spotify |TranscriptMore Resources: $3k Mini Sessions Blueprint | Portrait Contract | Questionnaire | Email Templates | Client Experience Guide| Dubsado Discount

    All month long we've been talking about our Christmas in July Minis Campaign. Today, I'm so excited to finish this out with tips for ding a Christmas in July Mini Sessions Promotion! It's hard to believe we are at the end of June and our promos will be ready to go live soon. Before wrapping up how to do this promo I have a FREE guide to help you make your first $3k or more on your first set up mini sessions. Count it as a gift for those of you that have followed along and apply it during your actual Christmas Minis! Ready for some big tips?

    Get Started...NOW!

    I know we're down to the wire, but it's not too late to get started! Ideally you want to kick off this campaign at the beginning of July. I know you technically have a whole month, but you don't want to promote this at the end. Start the first week when this campaign is fresh and no one has been advertised to yet. That also means you need promo shots! If you're doing Red Truck Minis, Tree Farm or Indoor Studio Christmas Minis, talk to your vendor and see if you can get in there with a real family for promos. Make sure they are real families because they advertise so much better. Don't just show the setup. And of course use past sessions if you have them!

    How Long Do You Advertise?

    I suggest advertising for 2 weeks or until your spots fill. I have an associate team spread out in 9 different cities and in Dallas we open up July 1st. Our goal is to book 3 dates which is the equivalent of 54 sessions. Remember, I have multiple photographers so it's not all one person. We start by opening to our VIP email list, social posts ready to go and fb ads! These are all things we've prepped in June which makes it a lot easier with automated workflows. Once the 2 weeks is up, we switch to advertise Fall minis. We book these from mid-July to the end of August or so. Then we switch back to Christmas Minis!

    Hot Topic Question

    Something I get asked often is whether or not to take a retainer. We do a 50% retainer at the time of booking and they pay the

  • Apple Podcasts |Spotify |TranscriptMore Resources: Free Minis Class

    Do you have a Christmas in July promotion? Today I'm unfolding the 5 reasons you SHOULD do a 'Christmas in July' Mini Session promo. But before we start the countdown, be sure to grab this FREE class all about mini sessions. As fall mini sessions are around the corner, this will be incredible useful for you. It walks you through the main marketing tips to get you fully booked! Now let's talk about Christmas in July!

    Greater Exposure

    Let me clarify, I am not suggesting you shoot mini sessions in July! I grew up in Texas and I couldn't imagine going out in the brutal heat for 2-3 hours of mini sessions especially as Christmas! I am talking about doing a promotion to book those minis in October. Each year I do Red Truck Minis and some sort of indoor studio Christmas minis. For my Christmas in July promo I book out my Red Truck Minis that I shoot in October. A big reason I love doing this promo is because my business gets put in front of A LOT of eyes. Red Truck Minis are desirable and capture the attention of clients.

    Get Ahead of Demand

    For too long I waited to advertise mini sessions when I started hearing people ask for them. The goal here is to advertise and make Christmas Minis available before your clients request it! You will be the first ones to mention these minis and chances are clients will stick with you because you brought it to them first!


    Good marketing takes time and that means at least 6-8 weeks. Doing this in July gives you a major kickstart to the busiest time of the year! Regardless of whether or not your spots are fully booked, you're relieving the pressure by starting early. Once you've done the promo the ground work has already been laid and when Fall comes you will easily book out the rest. You won't be scrambling to get promo shots or workflows ready. You'll be prepped!

    Influx of Revenue

    July is usually a slower month for mini sessions, so having something in this month carries you over to busy season! We collect 50% retainers (which I highly suggest you do) to lock clients in. This is a nice perk to having some sort of income during summer. For some of you that alone is enough!

    Overall Estimate

    The last reason I love doing a 'Christmas in July' promotion is you'll have a good expectation for your Fall. For one, you know what to expect from the second half of your booked sessions. But it also gives you a gauge of people's interest. Many clients may see your promotion and decide to book a fall mini with you. They may not be ready to jump to Christmas, however, it gets the ball moving for the next season!

    I hope this encourages you to give it a try! There's a lot of beneficial...

  • Apple Podcasts |Spotify |TranscriptMore Resources: Free $3k Blueprint

    We're at episode 100!!! I'm thrilled to be able to look back and share how this began as well as how it evolved along the way. It's going to be fun, but before heading down memory lane I have something ALL about mini sessions for you. My students call me the Queen of Mini Sessions and it truly is the bread and butter of my business. I've learned a lot over the years and put together a blueprint for you to follow! If you've never made $3000 in a single day (2-3 hours) of mini sessions then be sure to grab this! It's called the "$3k Mini Sessions Blueprint" and lays out exactly how to structure a mini sessions day. This will be so helpful for Fall Minis just around the corner! Now, let's go back in time...

    Not a Glamorous Start

    Back in 2020, we uprooted our family and moved to Nashville, TN! We were living in a townhome waiting for our house to be built and The Business Journey Podcast was birthed. We didn't have a studio, but my husband wanted to make sure it sounded excellent. So, we set up the computer, the microphone and there I was in my closet recording my first episode! I say this because not all starts are glamorous. Maybe you're not starting a podcast, but whatever it is just go for it. It doesn't have to be perfect or look like your long term vision. For me, I had this dream of being able to serve and connect with you in a way that was a lot more personal than just an email. And now, here we are!

    Short and Sweet

    Knowing the audience I have I wanted to be intentional to make episode consumable. Most of you are on the go, busy running a business or in the thick of it with family! That means you've got maybe 15 minutes in the car to listen in. When creating episodes I had to make it short, sweet and to the point. After all, the intention is to serve you with valuable content. Allowing you into my life and equipping you with business related content! This journey has not always been easy, but now 100 deep I am happy to say so worth it!

    What Do You Want to Hear?

    The goal of this podcast is to talk through topics or things that serve you well. I'd really love to hear from you! So, send me a DM and let me know what you'd like to see in the next 100. Maybe there's a special guest you'd like to hear from or topics for your business you need covered. I want to dive into areas that help you grow and give you insight. I always pepper in more personal subjects that allow you to have eyes into my life and business because I believe we grow from one another! Your voice is incredibly valuable to me so send an email with feedback or shoot me a DM. I take your suggestions to my team so we can coordinate and serve you better.

    There's lots...

  • More Resources: Free $3k Blueprint 

    I felt it would be helpful for other business owners and photographers to hear what my schedule really looks like! I want to pull you in behind the curtain to see how I go about a typical business day. But, before jumping into those details I do have a FREE blueprint to help you successfully navigate a day of minis. If you've never made $3000 on a single day of minis then you definitely need to grab this guide! Now, I was at the Graceful Gathering conference speaking when a photographer asked me about the structure of my business day. I'm very strategic in what that looks like and there's been an evolution throughout the years. I started part time, moved to full time with kids then to adding team members. So, what's worked best for me...

    Focused Work Hours

    I am not the best at multi-tasking. I'm a mom of 2 little ones and I also enjoy my work. With that being said, I currently have my kids in a hybrid homeschool. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday my kids are at school or with Mimi and I can solely work on my business. My work day starts at 8:00am and kick it off with meetings on Tuesday. I will say my business has grown and I have a staff team. So when I'm not "in the office" they are still getting work done. It's incredible, and yes, it is possible! Next, I hone in on projects like culling sessions or tasks from team call. I stop working my work days at noon. And fun fact, I take a nap EVERY day. It fits perfectly into my afternoon right before I need to pick up kids!

    Intentional Use of Time

    Since I only work about 10-12 hours a week I have to utilize my time efficiently. I use filters to place priority on things. For instance, if it requires my face - YouTube, Instagram stories, etc. If it uses my voice - podcasts, interviews, etc. Or just showing up in communities on Facebook and lastly things like strategy or launches fall on my plate. Everything else I pass on to other team members. That's why I have a team under me to be able to accomplish everything while still being able to have a work week that looks like this. Now, I still have slack and voxer on my phone so my team can reach me throughout the week. But I strive to stay in my zone of genius while serving my family and business well. This took years of trial and error, but I finally feel like I've figured out what works for me.

    Next Steps

    If you're a solo-preneur this can be hard to imagine. But I hope this episode at least encouraged you that it is possible! Feel free to DM with any questions because I would love to help you get to your dream. If you want to work towards a lifestyle like this, I encourage you to start with just one team member. Find one thing you can outsource. Inbox, editing, etc! My first team member was hired as an outside contractor and I paid them $30/hr for 10 hours a week. Because I got 10 extra hours in my month I was able to book more sessions and bring in more income! So, start somewhere and begin taking those steps to creating your dream work life. There's so much more in the podcast so be sure to give it a listen and get yourself in the place you want to be!

    What We Covered:

    Focused Work Hours (5:04)

    Intentional Use of Time (9:17)

  • Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Transcript

    More Resources: Free Class | Client Experience Guide | Portrait Contract Template

    Let's dive into the topic of model calls. I get asked about this often and today I'll be sharing some secrets to successful model calls! How do you run one, what are they useful for, how do you set them up. Before we get into the all the good things, I've got a FREE class for those of you that are ready to go beyond simply taking pretty pictures. It's called "6 Steps to Double Your Revenue" and full of educational content you can start applying to your business. This class walks through the importance of having a true marketing strategy so you can bring in more revenue.

    What's the Purpose?

    There are definitely right and wrong ways to do a model call. First, you need to know what the goal is. Are you trying to grow your portfolio or like me, when I first moved to Nashville, you're starting over with your clientele? Maybe you're needing more content that you can blog about! Whatever it is you need to clearly define the purpose. If you just say you're doing a free shoot, people will come flocking! Be clear on what you're looking for. Lifestyle newborns, multiple siblings in the session, etc.

    Model Call Structure

    I set up my model call similar to a mini session. I'll give 5 free photos, but deliver a full gallery! Most of the time clients will purchase the full gallery. There are some important things you should require like having clients follow your style guide. You should pick the location and state that the session is 30-60 minutes or however long you need. I use my Client Experience Guide to help them choose outfits and make sure they send photos beforehand so I know what to expect! Remember, it's a model call which means it's for your business.

    Grow Your Email List

    This is a valuable opportunity to collect emails and grow your list. In order for people to apply for your model call you can get their info from a form. You can include questions to help with the verification process. I have them include a photo of who they will have in their session. It adds an extra layer of protection to be sure you have the models needed! And the best part is by having them on your email list when you advertise for sessions later in the year they often book you.

    Model Call Must

    Use a contract! Yes, it's a free session, but having a contract guarantees everyone is clear on expectations and what's included.

  • Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Transcript

    Let’s continue a conversation that got started on my Instagram a few weeks back. What does freedom look like for you? This is a convo worth having friends! As we come into the new year I like choosing a word to move forward on for the year. This year I decided that my word was simple. I want to enjoy the simple life that I’ve come to love! It may seem boring to others, but for me it’s not a common freedom in our industry.

    We All Need Freedom

    The thing about freedom is it looks different from one person to the next. I have enjoyed baking bread which is a long process, I love reading while watching my kids play outside and I thrive when I get to take a nap in the middle of the afternoon. You didn’t become a business owner to quit a 9 to 5 job just so you could start working 24/7. But the reality is, if we aren’t intentional to carve out freedom in our day we’ll become so consumed with our businesses we don’t end up living a full life! Hear me, I am so thankful for my business and I enjoy doing what I do. But I started it so I could have time with my family, travel and have a say in what my day looks like.

    What Does Freedom Look Like For You?

    If money was no object, you could do anything you put your heart to? What would you do in your life? Once you discover what kind of things give you life and bring you joy you can structure your business accordingly! You can allow yourself to have the freedom to do the things that bring you joy.

    Make Goals

    The first step is defining what freedom looks like, then start making some adjustments in your work. If money is the problem, start setting a goal of 1 more session per month. Start making some of those changes to allow yourself the ability to do what you’ve always wished you could do. Maybe that’s reading 12 books a year? Start by giving yourself 15 minutes in your work day to do it. These moments of doing what you want will refuel your tank and give you the extra push to tackle your business goals!

    If you have questions or want some feedback, DM me on Instagram! It’s really me in there responding to your comments and messages and I’d love to hear from you.

    What We Covered:

    We All Need Freedom (5:42)

    What Does Freedom Look Like For You? (11:18)

    Make Goals (12:47)

  • Apple Podcasts | Spotify | TranscriptMore Resources: Free Class | StoryBrand Script

    Welcome to the Business Journey Podcast! Today I'm sharing all about how I use StoryBrand in my business! I also have a FREE class that will be helpful this Spring in your sessions. It's called "Keys to Effective Family Posing" and you'll walk away with creative ideas on how to pose well! Posing isn't something you should "wing" but rather something you excel at. Now, StoryBrand is something that comes from a book by Donald Miller called "Building a StoryBrand". Let's dive in!

    StoryBrand Outline

    This has been incredibly helpful for me in marketing. The StoryBrand script starts with the main character, villain and guide. The main character is your client! Then we look at who their villain is. Maybe their villain is a lack of time. It breaks down why they don't have time, what that makes them feel and what they are being robbed of. Next the outline introduces the guide who comes in and brings a solution to their problem (that's YOU)!

    Mapped Out Process

    Once all the people are in place we get to build this story. Maybe you have 3 or 4 steps that's going to take them to their answer. It's going to lead the client to a place of finally getting to book with you. You'll list out steps for clients to take to get photos taken with you! Along the way you're answering questions, removing fear or doubt, etc.

    Call to Action

    Finally, we give our clients the invitation to do something. Make the change of feeling like time is robbing them and giving clear steps for them to book with you! You can address the issue and boldly state, if they don't make a change they miss out on these memories for life! I know that seems intense, but you're making a clear story here. You want your client to relate and see the reality of their current decisions. It's a call to act!

    Market with StoryBrand

    This is an awesome way to emphasize your brand messaging through marketing. There's more in the podcast and I breakdown the application in depth so be sure to listen! Marketing just got easier with this StoryBrand outline in place. I encourage you to follow the script and create your own StoryBrand HERE!

    What We Discussed

    StoryBrand Outline (3:10)

    Mapped Out Process (9:07)

    Call to Action (11:23)

    Market with StoryBrand (15:25)

  • Apple Podcasts | Spotify | TranscriptMore Resources: 6 Steps to Double Your Photography Revenue | Mini Sessions Playbook | FB Ad Tutorial

    Let's talk about how to MARKET your mini sessions in 2023. I know we've talked about marketing before, but times are changing and this episode has some new things that need applying! Before jumping in I'm so excited to share a NEW live class I'm offering. It's called the "6 Steps to Double Your Photography Revenue" and let me just say it's possible to double what you did last year! I'm sharing the 6 steps I did in my own business so I know they work. Be sure to register and save your seat so you don't miss out on 2023 strategies! Now let's get to how to market your mini sessions in 2023...

     Give Yourself a Head Start

    The ideal amount of time to market for minis is 6-8 weeks. The absolute minimum is 4 weeks, but the more time the more likely you are to be fully booked! First, pick out your date and work backwards from there. If you're not sure what the timeline should look like you can grab my Mini Sessions Playbook!

    Get Your Promo Shots

    Next you need to have photos for advertisement! I try using photos of the location from previous years or go out and get them now. If the weather isn't working or they are seasonal minis like blue bonnets, cherry blossoms, etc. use a stock photo! Never use another photographer's work as your advertisement - it's illegal. And I've seen this a lot, try to stick with just one photo.

    Open to VIPs First

    When it comes to advertising, start with your email list. And more specifically your VIP list! That's basically clients or people that have joined your email list. Do this before going public on your social media and opening it to the public. I've got more to say on this topic that applies to 2023 in the podcast so be sure to listen!

     Run Facebook & Instagram Ads

    I normally wouldn't push this, but this day and age requires us to utilize ads. Facebook and Instagram want you to pay for advertising and if you don't it's likely your posts won't be seen. The Facebook/Instagram advertising platform is very intuitive. You can target a dream client and truly get in front of them! The best part is you can see your return on investment due to analytics! Trust me and give this a shot after you've exhausted your free advertisement!

    Be sure to give...

  • Apple Podcasts | Spotify | TranscriptMore Resources: Free Minis Class | Facebook Community | CODB Tutorial

    I get this question ALL the time, especially in our facebook community. And if you're not a part you can click the link above and check it out! Today I'll be sharing how to confidently price your sessions because a lot of you have been asking. Before diving into my photography pricing tips, I do want to offer you a FREE class I have called "Booked Out Minis." Now, let's figure out how to confidently price your sessions so we're ready for Spring Minis!

    Run Your CODB

    Before committing to any kind of pricing you want to be sure you've ran your cost of doing business. If you don't know what that is, basically it is discovering how much you're actually making per hour. Not just the time that you're shooting, but the time that you're driving to the session, setting up editing, communicating with clients, delivering galleries, all of the things that go into making a photo session happen. You can watch THIS video to find out your CODB. This is your first step when it comes to pricing!

    Don't Overcomplicate It

    Rather than having a ton of different priced packages stick with a simple rate. It sounds like a good idea to have all these session types listed on your website, but for clients it's overwhelming. Especially when they're priced similarly! I have my portrait session package and it's for any type of session that somebody wants to do with me. We're talking families, birthdays, couples, maternity seniors - any kind of portrait session. I have one session fee and it includes the full gallery, it's very simple to understand! Listen to the podcast to find out which packages should be priced differently.

    Commit to Keeping Prices

    Here's a good rule: don't touch your prices after changing them for at least 6 months. Most of the time photographers go up in price and freak out if they aren't getting booked! Here's what I've learned, it's not a pricing problem it's a marketing problem! Ask yourself...How do you need to market differently to the people in that price point? And does your client experience justify the pricing? Maybe you can tweak a few of these things and see a whole new client group!

    There you have it! My photography pricing tips! Lastly, I do have something coming soon that will help your photography business tremendously. So stay tuned on my socials and get your business ready!

    What We Discussed

    Run Your CODB (3:05)

    Don't Overcomplicate It...

  • Apple Podcasts | Spotify | TranscriptMore Resources: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Manual Mode | Client Experience Guide | Flodesk Discount | Behind the Lens

    I get this question all the time so I wanted this episode to answer it with practicality! I've had to do this not only when I first started, but also when I moved states. I had no portfolio in my new location and no client base. So having gone through this twice now I feel I have some wisdom to share. Before answer how to build a portfolio of images you love I wanted to give you a FREE resource to help those that are just starting. This class, The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Manual Mode, will help you take your photography to the next level! It will walk you through set up to make sure you're doing things right and have the correct settings.

    Ask Family & Friends to Model

    There are more than enough people willing to model for you, especially when it's free! This is valuable because you're able to build a portfolio and advertise. Now, I will advise you to give them a style guide. You want them to help showcase your style and work so giving them instruction is vital! If you don't have a style guide you can grab mine in my shop. It's called a Client Experience Guide because it's packed with more than just styling tips. You'll also find it useful for sessions with paying clients! Family and friends are often the people that want to support you and this is a perfect way for them to do it.

    Host an Official Model Call

    This is something you post online that calls for specific models. For example, you're looking for a family with 2 older kids and 1 baby. I include 5 free images for their time, I kind of treat it like a mini session, then upsell the full gallery! And this is usually a full session, so I'm shooting for 30 minutes to an hour. The amazing thing is I've never done one without the clients buying because the session itself was free! They get the full gallery 60-100 images for a discount of $200 as well since it's a model call. You can book these in local mom groups and they let it happen because it's free! But note, this still needs a contract in place! It protects you and the client and if you don't have one you can grab mine in the shop.

    Social Strategies

    Keep in mind that you want to show what you desire to shoot more of. Use locations that showcase your...

  • Apple Podcasts | Spotify | TranscriptMore Resources: 3K Mini Sessions Blueprint

    Welcome to the new year friends! Seems a bit wild that we are already getting settled into 2023, but I wanted to talk to you about what to do when life happens. I wasn't sure if I was going to share, however, I know this is common and real! Before unraveling what took place for me and my family back in September I do have a FREE blueprint called the 3k Mini Sessions Blueprint. If you want to run profitable mini sessions this Spring you should grab this free resource. It's actually the right time to start prepping for Spring and I want you to successfully execute those! If you've never made $3000 in a single date of minis it's your year to do just that.  Ok, are you ready to hear why I didn't work for a whole month?! Here's what to do when life happens and what exactly took place in September!

    The Backstory

    I have two kids, a girl and boy who I absolutely adore. My daughter is in a hybrid homeschool so she's at school for three days and the other two she's home and we do homeschool. My son is three years old and just started a new preschool this fall. And this year we sought out to potty train him. It was on and off since January, but we were hopeful it would click for him over the summer. Wrong! He's very strong willed and also doesn't care if he's messy or running a muck. Such a boy! Well, the preschool (like most) required him to be fully potty trained. He would have days where he was good and then days where I literally followed him around naked because it was accident after accident. Any mamas out there that can relate?!

    So when September came and he wasn't allowed in school, I had to step in majorly as mom and get this resolved! That also meant an unexpected month away from the business. So what did I learn that could hopefully help you know what to do when life happens?

    Be Realistic with Time and Energy

    I knew I couldn't be at my computer for extended periods of time and some days not at all. And following around a toddler leaves you feeling drained. I had to figure out what was the bare minimum in my business. So, I made a list of must-have to-dos that my business needed from me. I suggest you do the same for these emergencies that pop up. Then go through and determine what is the bare minimum of what's required. Blogging will probably be on pause, book keeping may pile up a bit, etc. Think through the vital items and only put your hand to that.

    Reevaluate Goals

    Sometimes it's disheartening to adjust your quarterly business goals, but it's necessary. I had to look at my goals and determine what was most important. In that season I knew we wouldn't hit our business goals, but my son officially being potty trained was. These were long and challenging days, but I had quality time with him that I won't forget. So, business owner, photographer, mom... it is ok to adjust your goals!

    Give Yourself...
  • Apple Podcasts | Spotify | TranscriptMore Resources: Free Class | Episode 90

    Here we are at the end of the year already and one of the things I like to do is take a look back at 2022. What are our wins, our challenges and how did the year overall look!? This was a transitional year and that often poses challenges, but I know I'm a better person because of it too. I do have a free class for you all about mini sessions. Whether you've tried running minis, failed or just want to grow this class is for you! You'll learn how to structure and market your minis well. It's definitely a class favorite so check that out! Ok, a look back at 2022... this was a fast yet slow year. We accomplished so much and I wanted to open this up so you can see into what family and business looks like for me.

    New for the Business

    I was able to hire on two new members. One on the education side and one on the Wisp and Willow side of things. I knew I would hire but didn't realize we would need two! I was also part of mastermind after saying I wouldn't be. Last year I was in a mastermind and it was incredible so I thought I would use all of this year to just implement everything I had learned. Well, I was wrong! An opportunity to be in Katelyn James' mastermind presented itself and I just couldn't pass it up. I am so glad I didn't because it was a great way to invest in myself and my business. I highly encourage you check that out and let it add amazing value to what you do! Another new thing for the business front was getting much stricter on my work hours. It was a goal to set rhythms, routines, and boundaries. I enjoy working so placing some work hours and sticking to them have helped me be the best version of myself in all aspects of life.

    New for the Family

    This one arrived at the end of the year. But I am so glad it has; we've found a good family rhythm! After ten months I can confidently say we've cracked our family code and know what works. We started my daughter in Acton Academy. It's a non traditional micro school, that is big on training up independence and giving kids the freedom to learn at their own pace. They truly foster a love for learning and it's blessed my family so much! There are Acton schools all over so if this peaks your interest I highly suggest looking into it. The one we're a part of is under a home school umbrella, so three days a week are in school and the other two days we homeschool. We also found a preschool for my son in October that coordinated with my daughter's school! This was a really big deal and there's more to it in the podcast so give it a listen!

    Travel Happened

    As I take a look back at 2022 I realized we traveled A LOT. Travel with my husband, for work and for family. I grew up traveling and seriously enjoy it. My husband and I sat down and looked at our calendar to decide when we wanted to travel, how much and what were the best times to do it. This was definitely our most successful year when...

  • Apple Podcasts | Spotify | TranscriptMore Resources: Episode 89 | Free Class |

    Today's topic is a continuation of the last episode "How to Take Time Off in Your Business". This topic is incredibly valuable. I want to share how I set boundaries between work and life! I do have a free class, that being in the middle of December could help you with. If you look back on your fall season and question... was it great? Was it awkward? Was it uncomfortable? All these things can be answered with a good posing foundation. This class teaches keys to effective family posing so you can say goodbye to awkward and stiff! Click the link and take advantage of that FREE resource! Now on to how to set boundaries between work and life!

    Decide What You Want Your Life to Look Like

    Determining what your ideal life looks like. So, for me my biggest priority is my family. That comes first. I want to be the best version of myself for them and for myself. In order to do that I needed to set up boundaries that promoted a healthy version of me. What is a realistic amount of time to work on my business and be with my family? I figured out that's about 15 hours a week. That still gives me time to take a nap everyday and fuel my priorities. It's funny when people find out I take a nap literally everyday they are shocked. But I know I'm my best version of myself when I'm fully rested!

    Set True Office Hours

    Obviously owning a business means you have to be flexible, but setting true office hours is vital! I did this and try to stick to it. That means when office hours are up I'm closing my laptop and not talking about work at the dinner table or bouncing in and out of work life to family/home life. For me I do my best work early in the morning. My office hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from about 8:00am to 12:00pm or 1:00pm. I usually wake up naturally around 6:30 so by the time I'm done working I'm ready for my nap! Why those days? It's built around my kids. They are in school those three days and we homeschool the other two. When you're setting work hours, think about what season of life you're in and what works for your family to set your hours accordingly.

    Pro tip: keep your computer in your designated workspace (office). That way you're not tempted to cross the boundary!

    Focus Mode

    I don't know if you're an Apple user or Android user.. I'm an Apple user. I say this because Apple allows you to choose your focus mode. You can set it up by time of day or even location. You can set focus modes to work, sleep, do not disturb, etc. Depending on the time of day your phone will either notify you or not. You get to choose what notifications your receive when depending on the mode! During my work...

  • Apple Podcasts | Spotify | TranscriptMore Resources: 3k Mini Sessions Blueprint

    Before diving into things today, I also wanted to give you all a gift to help with your photography business! Question: how did your fall season go? If it wasn't exactly what you were hoping for then this is for you. If you've never made $3,000 or more on a single date of minis you need this. I call it my 3k Mini Sessions Blueprint! It has helped so many photographers and it will reassure you that YES, it is possible to run successful minis! Now, that we've taken care of "business" let's talk about how to take time off in your business. Here are some practical things to help you take time off!

    Pick a Date

    It starts with your calendar. You obviously can't take time off in a busy season, but you should be intentional about having time away from the hustle. In about a week my staff and I will head to the beach at 30A in Florida to plan out our upcoming year. My integrator and I meet first and go over everything in the business - what worked, what didn't, what needs to change, etc. Then my staff joins us for a staff retreat! Once all the work and planning is finished the remaining month of December is time off. Now, we do check in on things to make sure we're serving our customers/clients, but this is a time to refresh and reset before the new year. This couldn't happen if I wasn't intentional in my planning. And it starts with choosing a date and sticking with it!

    Make a List and Check it Twice

    Let's say for the sake of this episode that you are planning to take a week off. First, take out a piece of paper and write down all that happens day to day so you know what needs to be covered. Don't try thinking through how to make this happen just brain dump. In order for you to be "gone" and people not realize you're out. Don't get overwhelmed, just think of how wonderful it would be to have it all done and truly get time off! Maybe your list includes checking your inbox, responding to clients, social media posts, blogging, etc. If this is too much just keep a running list next to you over the course of the next week to write down what you're doing!

    Plan Extra Work

    With a list, you're able to see clearly what needs to be finished/prepped. One of my team members, Bonnie, had a baby this fall which meant we were planning months ahead of time. She writes our blogs for Wisp and Willow and we created a list of blogs that needed to get done before her maternity leave. This involved blogging October, November, December AND January because once she came back we didn't want her scrambling. Bonnie was amazing and is enjoying time with her new babe as we speak! So for a week of vacation it's not nearly as drastic. Let's say during your week off you would normally have a blog post go live and a social media post along with it. Those things can be scheduled! Use something like Plann, Later, Planoly, etc.

    Auto Responder for Expectations

    There are things that can't get scheduled, like emails. I know not everyone is on team auto responder for emails, but imagine if you did step away for a week and didn't tell anyone. That would be difficult and leave your clients/customers with nothing. An auto responder is basically an...

  • Apple Podcasts | Spotify | TranscriptMore Resources: Free Posing Class

    I'm excited to jump into today's topic! It's one I don't talk about much, but a lot of you have asked me. I'm sharing tips on selling prints to your clients. Hopefully this answers things for you and you increase your revenue by selling to your clients! I do have a FREE class for you all about POSING! Most of us are in the thick of sessions right now so this class is timely. I'll be walking through the 6 keys to effective family posing. The best part is you'll be able to apply the contents to your very next session! Ready to have some tips for selling prints to your clients?!

    Make Prints Available

    I know this may seem like an obvious tip, but you'd be surprised how many photographers are missing out simply because they don't offer it! Most gallery delivery systems have a shopping cart feature where you can set all this up. Basically the system has an auto fulfillment for prints. So, clients can put photos in the cart and order. The orders are placed with the printing lab and delivered white label to your clients so they don't see who you're printing from! So for starters, open up the shopping cart with your pricing, etc.

    Educate on Why

    This is one of those things that if you don't know, you don't know. We live in a digital age so it's easy for people to just get digitals and that's that. As photographers we should cast vision as to why prints are important! We should paint the picture of the value of prints. There's something special about pulling out an heirloom photo album or having pictures around your home. Having prints gives those in the photo a sense of belonging. However, clients may not think of this off the bat. When you showcase the value of tangible prints your clients are more likely to buy!

    Talk About What You Offer

    Show what you want to sell. You've got to excite your clients on social media and advertisement for what you're offering - in this case prints! So, if you're wanting to sell wall art then show them wall art on your social platforms. Give them reason to want what you're selling. Another point to think about is to educate them why they shouldn't print them at shutterfly or costco. We know, as photographers, those types of places have terrible quality. You don't get beautiful heirloom pieces from shutterfly. This is why clients should buy prints from you! But, it starts by talking about it in your content.

    Pricing Prints

    A good rule of thumb to price your prints is to mark up 3x the amount of wholesale. For example, if something was wholesale at $2 then you would mark it up to $6. The reason for this is in the case that you need to replace a print you will still make a profit. If a print gets messed up, which doesn't happen too often, you would need to make it right. By marking up the wholesale you cover those instances without eating up your revenue.

    Selling prints...

  • More Resources: Free Minis Class | Client Questionnaire | Email Templates | Dubsado Discount

    It just seemed timely to have an episode like this in the midst of Mini-Session season! Here is a glimpse into how I prep the week of Mini-Sessions. Your prep week doesn't have to be frantic or stressful, but before diving in I do have a FREE class that targets the marketing for mini sessions. Be sure you check that out and let it be a help to you this mini season! Ready to learn how I prep the week of mini-sessions?

    Prep Your Gear

    The very first thing I do is get my gear ready. I charge all my batteries and clear my SD cards. I always bring two batteries on my mini-sessions day. I usually never need the back up, but I don't want to panic if the battery in my camera has an issue! And a good rule of thumb is don't wait to charge the night before. Get them done early in the week then test it out to make sure it's fully charged. I do this because I had a bad experience and for some reason my batteries didn't charge completely and I was trying to charge in between sessions... not fun! I like to shoot on 32 gig SD cards and I bring two for the day as well.

    Prep the Google Calendar

    I like adding all my clients' sessions into Google calendar. It helps me stay organized and know who is up next. Something I've been doing with that is including their Client Questionnaire in their event! It's genius because in case I forget details about them or their particular session I can quickly open it inside my Google calendar. I use Dubsado which is awesome for this purpose too. Dubsado actually adds sessions into my calendar and I manually add in the Questionnaire afterward.

    Client Questionnaire

    When it comes to Mini-Sessions you are limited on the amount of time you have with your clients. So, rather than using up precious minutes with questions like what's your name and tell me about yourself I have a Client Questionnaire! This is another 'how I prep the week of Mini-Sessions' tip. Read through all your client questionnaires. In that I ask very intentional things like if they've ever done a mini session. I ask specifics about their family dynamic, if they have any special needs, etc. The goal is to serve them to the best of my ability so having this information beforehand is so valuable! Not sure on what to ask? You can actually purchase my Questionnaire HERE!

    Final Info Email

    Another thing I do to prep the week of Mini-Sessions is send out my Final Info Email. This gives clients last minute reminders, answers questions about location, etc. I used to send it out manually, but now it's an...

  • Connect with Krista Lynch: Instagram | Website | Free Profit Planning Masterclass

    I'm excited to have Krista Lynch on the podcast today sharing about what to do when burnout impacts your creativity! She's a wedding and brand photographer but also does business coaching. She has a lot on her plate and knows a thing or two about burnout. Although this topic may not be the most glamorous to talk about, it's something all of us face at some point. So, what do you do when burnout impacts your creativity?

    Accepting the Season

    It's easy to see it, but accepting it is a whole different thing. Living in a culture where social media constantly reminds us we should be creating more, producing more and not struggling while doing so is tough. The truth is everyone faces seasons of feeling unmotivated and lacking creativity. So understanding it is a normal thing can help you with the next step. Acceptance. Frustrations or that "blah" feeling does not mean you've failed.

    Find the Triggers

    Where or what has made you have self doubt? What is it in your life that made you feel like you need to over work? Locating triggers can help you set boundaries and avoid going down ugly rabbit trails. Social media can be a big one like we've talked about earlier. But, pausing and making space for rest is actually productive. Work really can wait for tomorrow because the reality is... work will always be there! A common response to burnout is ejecting yourself from everything. So giving yourself space allows for you to get back to a healthy state of mind.

    Someone Who Relates

    As business owners, expressing this place of burnout to someone who understands the shoes you're in can help a lot! Often we have people in our lives that want to help but hearing "you're doing great" or "you'll be fine" isn't exactly motivating. Finding someone who shares some common ground with you is like finding truth! You can believe what they say. And most of the time they have great tips to get you out of the funk you're currently in!

    Releasing the Pressure

    Usually we end up creating unrealistic timelines and overwhelm ourselves with work. Here's what to do when burnout impacts your creativity - relieve the pressure! You can't function and produce all these great ideas when you're already tending to so many other things. I created this "parking lot" list that I put my great ideas on. At times the items on this sit for months. When you have the capacity you can pull things from the parking lot, but if it becomes too much just park it!

    Brain Mapping

    Once you feel like you're back in a space to grow and put your hand to things, write down your goals. From there, break down what needs to take place to accomplish it. Break down goals into the smallest steps possible. By doing this you slowly start building confidence because you're checking things off the list. It also helps us pace ourselves so we don't jump into too much too soon. Start by doing one thing at a time, just one task a day. Regulate yourself and see the momentum begin to build again.

    All these will tend to you. So next time you're stuck or overwhelmed you have some tools to know what to do when burnout impacts your creativity!

    What We Discussed

    Accepting the Season (6:13)

  • Apple Podcasts | Spotify | TranscriptMore Resources: Free Posing Class | Dubsado | Shootproof

    This is a tricky one for me! If you're a visual learner and want this "drawn" out just let me know! I'm going to be walking you through my photography client workflow. More specifically, the back end of what my clients go through with me for a session! Before getting in too deep I want to remind you of a FREE class I have all about posing. It's called the Keys to Effective Family Posing and inside I unravel elements you need to pose families well! Click the link, learn a ton and head into your next session excited to implement! Now here's my best verbal explanation of my photography client workflow...

    Trello Organization

    This is one of my top tools I use and it's basically a business management tool. In it I have an entire board for my photography client workflow. Each client gets their own card on the board that has a massive checklist. It includes all the pertinent info for the client (name, email, location, date, time, etc.). Every step of booking, Dubsado workflow, leading up to the session, final payment info, etc! Post processing: editing, uploading, backing up hard drives, etc. When I said everything I meant everything! So that's where I start. Getting all the info and workflow in an organized place.


    I use this to send contracts and invoices, additional emails, the questionnaire, the client experience guide and the final info email. So all our clients are housed here because this is where they are served and communicated with. Clients don't see or have any involvement in Trello (that's in house).

    Private Editor & Lightroom Classic CC

    The next step is sending all our images to our private editor and we use Lightroom classic cc to edit all our images! We put images in Lightroom and once they're ready to be edited and include smart previews. That's how we send them to our editor. Rather than having to send all the raws we send them the Lightroom catalog that has smart previews. This allows our editor to edit the images without having the files. After editing in Lightroom they send it back and we are able to make final tweaks and crops to the images. After all that we export and it's on to the next...


    It's finally time for delivery! I use Shootproof to deliver galleries. We also upload our final images to Google drive as a virtual back up. You can never be too safe. We don't keep a back up of raw images, however, images aren't deleted until 2 weeks after the gallery has been delivered.

    Was that a lot? Here's a recap: Start with the big checklist in Trello! Next is contracts, forms, invoices in Dubsado. Lastly, deliver the galleries in Shootproof. If you are lost in any way feel free to reach out and ask more about my photography client workflow. And check out the resources mentioned above to help you...