
  • What if… instead of working harder to be more successful, slowing down is actually the way to go?

    Imagine living in tune with your cycles, embracing your true nature, and feeling fully empowered in your own skin.

    No more ignoring the signals your body sends you.

    No more pushing through pain and discomfort just to meet external expectations.

    Instead, envision a life where you honor your body’s rhythms, listen to its messages, and let it guide you to a place of strength, safety, and connectedness.

    This week, I'm thrilled to share a conversation that dives deep into these themes with the amazing Rachel Hall, an embodiment coach specializing in pelvic floor and womb wisdom.

    Rachel’s work supports individuals in connecting with their bodies, fostering empowerment through a deeper relationship with oneself.

    Ep 19: The Transformative Power of Womb Wisdom, Embodiment, and Authenticity with Rachael Hall

    In this episode of the Choosing Ease Podcast, we explore:

    The secrets to aligning with your body’s natural cycles for greater well-beingHow breaking free from societal norms can reveal your true selfWhy “choosing ease” is a revolutionary form of self-care you need to tryRachel’s inspiring journey from ignoring to embracing her body’s wisdomPowerful, practical techniques to nurture and empower your pelvic floor and womb

    Rachel also shares insights on the profound wisdom held within our bodies and how tuning into this can transform our lives and businesses. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a mother, or someone looking to deepen your connection with your body, this episode offers valuable guidance and inspiration.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Rachel Hall’s Free Pelvic Floor ClassesAligned Membership Program

    Connect with Rachel Hall:

  • In this Client Spotlight Episode Relinde speaks with Mira, a resilience and embodiment coach, in this conversation about her journey in transforming her business. Mira shares how she overcame her fear of performing music on stage through belief change work.

    She also discusses the importance of consistency in content creation and how it has helped her attract clients. Mira emphasizes the value of integrity and authenticity in business and how they have contributed to her success.

    She also discusses the modalities she incorporates into her coaching practice, including neurobiology, somatic experiencing, and nonviolent communication.

    Belief change work can help overcome fears and limitations in various areas of life, including performing on stage.Consistency in content creation is key to building trust and attracting clients.Integrity and authenticity are essential in business and marketing.Incorporating various modalities, such as neurobiology, somatic experiencing, and nonviolent communication, can enhance coaching practices.Resilience and the ability to navigate uncertainty are crucial for long-term success in business.
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  • I believe that when you run a business from a place of purpose and passion, you are on a profound spiritual journey.

    Your business is more than just a way to make a living; it's a way to live out your soul's purpose, to call in abundance, and to make a meaningful impact.

    In this episode, we explore why your business is a spiritual path and how recognizing this can be a game-changer. If you are a coach, expert, or someone who feels a deep calling to serve and inspire, this message is for you.

    Living out your purpose through your business allows you to step into your full potential.

    It's about embodying your truth and sharing your light with the world.

    But this path can also be challenging, and that's where compassion and support come in.

    In this podcast episode, I share how I help my clients become the impactful and successful business owner they want to be through the Embodied Vision Method.

    Tune in to discover why seeing your business as a spiritual path is a superpower and how you can harness this perspective to thrive and grow.

  • This meditation is designed to help you become an energetic match for your future self and create a vision that feels like a 'big leap'.

    It teaches you to be comfortable in discomfort and confident in moments of change.

    The meditation guides you to visualize your future self and ask her questions about her accomplishments, struggles, and support.

    By embodying your future self's energy and affirming your own power, you can manifest your desires with ease.

    Take notes on the wisdom your future self shares and embrace the journey towards your desired future.


    The meditation helps you become an energetic match for your future self and create a vision that feels like a 'big leap'.Embrace discomfort and change with confidence and calmness.Visualize your future self and ask her questions about her accomplishments, struggles, and support.Embody your future self's energy and affirm your own power to manifest your desires with ease.
  • In this episode I was joined by the lovely Valentine Giraud for a discussion about the transformative power of owning your story.

    Valentine is a social artist, creative coach, storyteller, and globetrotter whose mission it is to help high-impact leaders align their purpose, intent, and impact.

    She does this by empowering them to unlock and explore their creative potential, go on a journey of deep self-discovery, and full live out their authentic narrative... so they can embody their soul’s purpose and make a more meaningful impact in their community.

    At the root of what Valentine does is the belief that creativity is a powerful tool we can use to tap into the language of the Soul and discover our true purpose.

    Which means that once you embrace OWNING and TELLING your stories, you’ll naturally attract the very people who need the message (and transformations) you’re here to share.

    During our conversation, we talked about:

    Valentine’s journey of discovering the importance of owning her narrative … and how it has shaped her career and personal growthWhy updating your story to reflect your current values and aspirations can realign time and space … opening you up to new opportunitiesJungian Psychology and how its tools (such as the subconscious, dreamwork, and synchronicities) can help us connect with our inner selves … and manifest our boldest ideasCreative practices for self-discovery you can use to become more in tune with your psyche … and reveal your true purpose

    Valentine's approach is a beautiful combination of deep introspection and practical creativity that offers all of us a unique path to self-discovery and empowerment.

    She’s a prime example of the magic you can create when you fully embrace ALL of your skills and passions and then show up in the world, ready to serve!

    So, whether you want to elevate your personal brand, connect more deeply with your audience, or simply find more meaning in your everyday life, this episode is a must-listen.

    Tune in to the full episode … and start owning your story like never before.

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    Connect with Valentine

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  • Let’s talk about what it takes to go from being stuck in that feast-or-famine cycle to finally building a business you love that brings in all the cash flow you desire for your life.

    In ep 14 of the Choosing Ease Podcast I shine the spotlight on my client Malou Swart, who is well on her way to graduating from my Elevate Mastermind, about her journey thus far . . . and her story is one that even she finds inspiring.

    In fact, during our sit-down, she admitted that she would have loved to hear her success story when she got started because it would have let her know that anything is possible.

    Malou’s story has seen her:

    Go from hosting €10 drop-in classes to creating and booking out a €2222 1:1 program … in just 8 weeksTrade unpredictable cashflow for consistently high income monthsExpand her suite of offers to include a membership, courses, and even in-person retreatsEarn enough money so that her husband could quit his job, spend more time with their kids, and help run her now-thriving music business

    In short, she went from struggling to keep her business afloat to running a business she not only loves, but that was profitable AND supported the kind of life she truly wanted … for herself and her family.

    In this episode of the Choosing Ease Podcast, Malou and I talked about:

    The power of focusing on delivering a transformation for your clients … and not just delivering a serviceThe impact that your mindset has when it comes to everything about your business — from the services you offer, to the prices you demand, to how you show up and share your messageHow shifting your mindset, your limiting beliefs, and your messaging can be the key to attracting high-end clients you love to work withEmbracing experimentation by being unafraid to try new things in your business … and how that can open doors to limitless possibilities you may have never imagined

    If you’re a multi-skilled coach, course creator, or expert who feels stuck, uninspired, or confused about what to do now to get your business to the next level, I invite you to tune in to this conversation with Malou and I. You just might walk away with a new lease on your business and life!

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  • Let’s dive into the strategic timing of your business and why focusing on the basics over the shiny objects is key to your success!

    When you’re trying to elevate your business, it’s only natural to look to those who've achieved the success you aspire to.

    You're drawn to polished websites, captivating photos, and highly sought-after courses that seem to captivate their audience effortlessly.

    So, naturally, you follow suit, meticulously following expert advice to replicate their results.

    However, despite your best efforts, the outcomes often fall short of expectations.

    It's disheartening, and frankly, it hurts me to see it happen to hidden gems who genuinely have so much to offer the world.

    Because I understand the toll it takes.

    You've invested considerable time, energy, and money only to feel like you've somehow missed the mark.

    Perhaps you even blame yourself for the lackluster results.

    But what if I told you that the problem might not be WHAT you're doing, but rather WHEN you're doing it?

    In this week's episode of the Choosing Ease podcast, we discuss:

    The profound lesson of timing (inspired by Kung Fu philosophy) and its relevance in business.The common misconception is that success begins with investing in flashy marketing assets like websites and funnels.How prioritizing foundational elements before diving into marketing assets can pave the way for greater success.The 3 crucial steps you should focus on to achieve sustainable multi-6 and 7-figure results, all without starting with a website.

    Don't miss out on this insightful episode that could transform your approach to business.

    Tune in now to unlock the secrets of business success through strategic timing.

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  • Let’s talk about the concept of ease … and what it does NOT mean.

    For some, ease may mean that things are always easy.

    That they never have rough moments or go through things that are hard.

    They imagine a life that is free of anything they don’t want, don’t like, or can’t cope with.

    Here’s the thing, though, ease is NOT the same as easy.

    Ease, as a verb, means making things less difficult or less painful.

    To do something that allows life and events in it to flow smoother, better, and more freely.

    I recently had an insightful conversation with the lovely Megan Seamans, who has helped hundreds around the globe through her work as a Life Coach, Energy Coach, and Human Design Guide.

    Megan said something during our conversation that resonated so deeply with me:

    “Ease is just creating that flow in your life. It's not about ‘life is going to be easy all the time’. But I do truly believe that even in our hard seasons, even in our heavy seasons, that we can have ease. We don't have to have excess pressure. We don't have to feel like we're going to burn everything to the ground just because life gets a little lifey. Because life WILL keep doing that … and we can have ease and flow along the way.”

    And that was just the first of many beautiful insights Megan shared with us.

    In this episode of the Choosing Ease Podcast, we talk about:

    The ironic magic of leaning into the uneasy feelings we usually try to get away from in order to get back to a state of ease … and a simple journaling exercise to help you do thatA breakdown Human Design, the 5 types, how it can help you lean more into your YOUness, and how coaches can use their knowledge about Human Design to serve their clients on a deeper levelSomething I learned about myself as a Manifesting Generator that has played a huge role in how I view (and run) masterclassesThe concept of Human Design shadows . . . and the POWERFUL belief Megan has around spaciousness and allowing people to come to important realizations in their own timingThe somatic connection between Human Design and energy work . . . and how to connect the “in your head” nature of Human Design to your body and sensory feelingsWhat happens when you not only listen to your intuition or inner voice, but also start saying YES to it

    My conversation with Megan was so good that I didn’t want it to end. I’m sure you’ll have the same experience! There are so many wonderful takeaways waiting for you.

    Tune in to the full episode.

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    Connect with Megan

    Megan's website

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    Megan’s podcast

    Megan’s Human Design Roadmap

  • Let’s talk about “slowing down to speed up” and how it can help you grow your business in a way that feels more easeful and aligned.

    Ever feel like you’re putting in all this effort to get to the next level of your business (whatever that may look like for you), yet no matter how hard you work, you can’t seem to get past this annoying plateau?

    It’s so frustrating to feel like all your hard work - all the blood, sweat, and tears you pour into your business - boils down to, well, not quite nothing, but definitely not what you were expecting.

    I can relate!

    I got to a point in my business where things were going well from the outside looking in. But from the inside, I knew in my bones that I needed to slow down.

    Not just because I was (I’ll admit) feeling overworked, but because it felt like things were a bit off.

    I loved aspects of my business especially my clients and helping them get beautiful results in their businesses and lives. But I knew that things weren’t quite the way I had envisioned them to be.

    So, I listened to that inner voice and decided to do two things:

    Slow down. A lot.Go back to basics and foundation of my business so I could fix what needed fixing and get back on track.

    The result: I had my slowest year ever. And my biggest year ever!

    You read that right. I slowed down, worked on my foundation, and ended up having my biggest revenue year.

    Plus, my personal life was filled with way more ease (which feels wonderful!)

    The takeaway?

    Slowing down can actually help you speed up in your business AND personal development.

    In this episode of the Choosing Ease Podcast, I share my personal journey of slowing down in my business to ultimately speed up.

    I explore the struggles that so many face with the concept of speed in their business, the resistance we have to slowing down, and how embracing it can lead to significant growth in not only your business development, but in your personal life.

    You can hear all the details when you tune in to the full episode.

    In it, I talk about:

    My decision to go back to the basics and foundation in my business and how that resulted in me having my best revenue year ever (plus an amazing start to 2024)How this slowing down process actually led me to fully revamp big parts of my business including my curriculum and funnelThe important role that going inwards, addressing limiting beliefs, and doing deep inner work played in this processHow to check in with yourself so you can make decisions that are aligned with your vision (this is a biggie!)The power of honing in on your vision, trusting the process, and avoiding shiny objects that get in the way of what you’re trying to achieveHow “slowing down” can mean different things for different people and some of the ways it manifests itself

    Ready to embrace the principle of "slowing down to speed up" in your own life and business?

    Listen to the full episode for more insights and actionable advice on how slowing down can actually help you speed up in your business and personal growth journey.

    Tune in to the full episode.

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  • Discover how to do storytelling and marketing in a way that not only gets results, but that is deceptively simple… and feels GOOD.

    This is just one of the many messages I walked away with recently when I sat down for a conversation with Sales Architect, Sam Morton.

    And you can listen to all the gems on the latest episode of the Choosing Ease Podcast.

    I’ve had the pleasure of working closely with Sam over the years during deep dives into storytelling and messaging, so I was really grateful to have the opportunity to have him as a guest on the podcast so he could share some of his wisdom with you.

    On this episode, we covered:

    How his background as a multiskilled musician translates in the business world … specifically in relation to storytelling and sales.

    The difference between the masculine and feminine forms of sales (i.e. direct response versus storytelling) … and how the most effective sales funnels are the ones that find a holistic balance between both schools of thought.

    Why specificity and simplicity in your messaging is so important to getting through to your ideal clients and getting them to take confident action — especially if you want to have consistent high-figure months.

    The 3 different types of stories that can help unlock the essence of your brand so that people resonate deeply with you, feel like you get them, and want to know more about not only you, but how they can work with you.

    The authentic discovery-based way you can help people come to a buying decision without feeling salesy or pushy.

    The journaling activity you can do to determine your first hire so you can free up your time and energy to other aspects of running and growing your business.

    Tune in to listen to the full conversation!

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  • Discover how to deliver top-notch service for your coaching clients… while traveling to your favourite places.

    I recently took an extended vacation back to Bali (the place where my business vision started) , and was able to join a week-long advanced yoga teacher training as well as get in some much-needed pool time and catch ups with friends :-)

    While I was away, my coaching business was still up and running. My emails were still being sent out. Content was still being created. And, most importantly, my clients were still being fully supported in the ways they have come to expect.

    This hasn’t always been my reality. There were times earlier in my business when traveling like that and keeping my business running smoothly felt like they were mutually exclusive options.

    If I wanted to keep my business running smoothly, I had to be there ... 100%. Otherwise, things would fall apart.

    Thankfully, I’ve learned that doesn’t have to be the case.

    There IS a way to be able to travel wherever you want in the world and still make sure your clients feel fully happy and supported.

    Because I believe everyone deserves to be able to step away to take care of themselves (whether that means spending time with family and friends, doing a bit of business development, or just having some time to BE) without stressing about whether their business will collapse, I want to share the structures I put in place that enable me to travel to places like Bali, New York City, and Portugal for up to a month at a time — yet still show up for my clients in a way that makes them feel supported.

    That’s what this episode of the Choosing Ease Podcast is all about — how to set things up so you can truly run your business from anywhere in the world … and feel good about it.

    In this episode, I talk about:

    Creating a personalized CEO schedule that strikes a balance between client work, behind-the scenes tasks, and your personal life.Strategically choosing travel accommodations that have all the amenities you need to work remotely and show up for your clients.My must-have tools for setting up a functional mobile workspace so you can serve your clients … and get some great B Roll footage.Tips for automating and delegating tasks so you know everything will be taken care of even if you’re completely offline.Why NOW is the time to put automations, systems, and software in place so you can have the freedom and confidence to take extended vacations later.

    If you want to be able to travel anywhere you want in the world, but still know with 100% confidence that your coaching business (and clients) will continue to thrive, then set aside 20 minutes because I’m going to tell you how I make it work … and how you can too!

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  • In this episode of the Choosing Ease Podcast, we're diving deep into the art of finding and creating YOUR embodied message. You know, that unique gem inside you that's just waiting to be discovered … so you can attract those meant-to-be clients who crave what only YOU can offer.

    Your embodied message is like a beautiful elixir, made up of your life experiences, lessons, perspectives, qualifications, and values. It's uniquely yours, and it's time to let it shine!

    Curious about what it takes to uncover this hidden treasure? I dive deep into what you need to do (and the questions you need to ask) to bring that message to the forefront, shining bright like a beacon for those who need it (and YOU) the most.

    Feeling a bit lost and unsure about your life and business path? No worries! Tune in to this episode for the clarity you've been craving.

    In this episode, we'll explore:

    Doing the inner research to understand why you do what you doShifting focus from the HOW to the WHYRelishing the freedom of expression in developing your offersLetting your vision be your guiding starThe magic of integration for ease and abundanceAnd so much more!

    Ready to dive in and uncover the keys to your message?

    Tune in to check out the full conversation!

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  • I turned 44 recently and decided to do something I’d never done before — I hosted a birthday celebration.

    This experience left me with some profound lessons about the fear of rejection … and how it shows up in business.

    In this episode of the Choosing Ease Podcast, we dive into these lessons as well as explore how we, as multiskilled entrepreneurs, can be on the lookout for this limiting belief and keep it from running the show.

    We talked about:

    The internal struggles I faced that almost prevented me from hosting the party, revealing a self-sabotaging fear that mirrors challenges in business success.5 common fears associated with the fear of rejection, disrupting our lives and impeding growth.The Starbucks Analogy that perfectly illustrates how safe spaces can be detrimental to business (and personal) growth.The one crucial action to take when confronted with the fear of rejection.

    This episode provides a raw and insightful exploration of the fear of rejection and its impact on both business an personal growth.

    If you’ve ever found yourself scared to take action, try something new, face uncertainty, or launch yourself into the great unknown, the insights, anecdotes, and actionable strategies shared in this episode can guide you towards overcoming those fears.

    Speaking of vision, I invite you to explore the VISION Masterclass — an on-demand training where I help multiskilled coaches and experts, like you, in create a vision that supports business growth, impacts lives, scales efficiently, and aligns with your energies and beliefs.

    Hundreds of people have gone through the training and experienced beautiful transformations. You can become one of them!

    Ready to step boldly towards your vision? Tune into the latest episode.

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  • Thank you for joining us for another episode of the Choosing Ease Podcast — a special haven for multi-skilled coaches and experts (like yourself) who are ready to reach more of their ideal clients, generate abundance, and unlock their full potential… all while embracing a sense of ease.

    In this episode, I’m joined by La’Kita Williams, Culture Strategist and founder of CoCreate Work, a consulting and leadership development company. La’Kita works with founders, small business owners, and organizations to design, create, and lead innovative, purpose-filled workplacesthrough her signature framework — The 5 Components of InclusiveCulture©.

    We explored the importance of building a strong team you can depend on . . . and of creating a company culture that makes working with them feel like a partnership.

    Here’s a sneak peek at what we covered:

    The very real benefits of hiring PARTNERS and not just employees or subcontractors . . . and how to make them feel like you’re just as invested in their success as they are in yours.The AHA moment that started her on this path of showing people how they can have tremendous success, but also center support and wellbeing for their team.One common belief entrepreneurs have around hiring a team that holds them back from hitting their goals as fast as they could.Why you should be thinking about your company culture from day 1 . . . and the 3 questions you should ask yourself.How to handle hiring when you have a small budget, how to take it seriously so you find the best fit, and how to coach them to be the perfect fit over time.And so much more!

    Tune in to check out the full conversation!

    I hope this episode changes the way you look at team-building . . . and helps you get a jumpstart on creating a company culture that takes your business to new heights.

    Stay tuned for more enlightening episodes as we unravel new insights, strategies, and stories to help you manifest your dreams with ease. Until next time, keep choosing ease!

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    Connect with La’Kita

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    La'Kita’s LinkedIn

  • In this episode of Choosing Ease, I was joined by my long-time friend, Darryl Collet — a Kung Fu and QiGong master who is all about helping people achieve holistic health (of the mind, body, and spirit) through the evidence-driven healing arts and sciences.

    We had a fascinating conversation about just how critical your energy signature is when it comes to achieving the things you want . . . both in your business and your life.

    If you feel like you’ve been doing “all the things” in your business that you’re supposed to yet still aren’t getting anywhere near where you want (and need) to be, this episode is definitely worth a listen.

    Maybe even two . . . one to gain insight and another to really dive deeper into it and implement what you learn about yourself.

    In the episode, we discussed:

    How to know when your anxiety is slipping into obsession, why that will always sabotage your efforts, and what to do when it happens.Finding the balance between your internal landscape and your external manifestations.The critical difference between reacting and acting . . . and how to focus your attention on the right one.Why Darryl is not a fan of affirmations . . . even though he believes they work.The difference between vertical and horizontal personal development . . . and why being organic is so important.

    . . . and so much more!

    Tune in to check out the full conversation.

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  • In this episode of Choosing Ease, I was joined by Mira Rao, whom I first met and resonated with a decade ago in Bali. She’s the reason I went from just vacationing in Bali to LIVING there and making so many changes in my life (including building a business).

    Mira is also the epitome of a multi-passionate entrepreneur (which is part of why we vibe so well). She’s a Resilience + Embodiment Coach, has an MBA, is working on her master’s in Counseling, is a yoga teacher, a musician, a dancer, a writer and is an all-around beautiful human being.

    We had a fascinating conversation about entrepreneurial resilience, which is such a big part of chasing your dreams and making things happen.

    If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by all the things that business (and life) requires of you, this episode is a must-listen.

    In the episode, we discussed:

    Our shared struggle to integrate and embody all the parts of ourselves into our business . . . and how we figure it out.How our ancient nervous system is incompatible with our modern culture . . . and how that manifests in our daily life.How to train your brain to go from overwhelmed and disconnected to calm and connectedness . . . so you can show up in your business from a space of embodiment.The “brain in the palm of your hand” exercise helps regulate the nervous system when you’re in a state of overwhelm or panic.The book Mira always recommends people read when trying to learn about the connection between neurobiology, mindfulness, and mental health.

    . . . and so much more!

    Tune in to check out the full conversation!

    Here’s the best way to follow Mira

    Mira’s Website

    Mira’s Facebook

    Mira’s Instagram

    Resilience Meditation for Entrepreneurs by Mira Rao

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  • In this episode of the Choosing Ease Podcast, I’m joined by the amazing Jamie Gulino Davis, a powerhouse in the world of sales coaching and team training.

    A connection that started out very much as a teacher-student relationship has, over the years, grown into something that feels so much more profound . . . and I’m grateful that she carved out the space and time to sit and share her journey and insights with us.

    If you’ve ever heard of Jamie, you know that she made a name for herself as THE go-to when it came to sales guidance, coaching, and building high-converting sales teams. What you may not know is that back in May, she made a huge leap to step out into the spotlight, walk more fully in her purpose, and serve others in a whole new way.

    But it wasn’t without its bumps in the road! In fact, she had a lot of mindset and energetic work she had to go through to get to the beautiful place of freedom and abundance she’s in now. And that’s part of what we chatted about during our enlightening (and inspiring) conversation.

    In this episode, we discussed:

    Her decision to transition from her role as a supportive right-hand person to taking the bold step of stepping into the spotlight. . . even though it initially felt scary.The importance of following one's intuition and embracing personal truths, even if they seem daunting . . . and the power of trusting the universe and divine timing.How an overwhelming POSITIVE response prompted her to take a step back, heal, and reflect on her goals and passions.How she reconnected with her passion for meaningful service and impact . . . and prioritized energetic alignment when making decisions.Common money-related beliefs that entrepreneurs struggle with, why shifting these limiting beliefs is crucial for success, and the unique relationship-focused approach to money (and sales conversations) that allows money to flow easily.The importance of emotional presence during sales conversations . . . and the significance of truly hearing and acknowledging the other person's pain, stories, and emotions to foster genuine connections.

    . . . and so much more.

    Tune in to check out the full conversation!

    Here’s the best way to follow Jamie

    Jamie’s website

    Jamie’s Facebook

    Jamie’s Instagram

    Jamie's Free Training: Close More Sales In Less Time

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  • Thank you for joining us for another episode of the Choosing Ease Podcast — a special haven for multi-skilled coaches and experts (like yourself) who are ready to reach more of their ideal clients, generate abundance, and unlock their full potential… all while embracing a sense of ease.

    In this second episode I I explore the fascinating concept of manifesting desires and bridging the gap between our current reality and the reality we envision for ourselves.

    I’m sharing some pretty personal events in my life, that shaped who I am today - in a good way.

    Here’s a sneak peek at what we covered:

    The big power we all have inside us… and how to tap into it by focusing on the internal instead of the external.The responsibility we have for this creative power… and how it gives us the ability to change not only our lives, but the lives of the people around us.The concept of neuroplasticity… your brain’s amazing ability to change and rewire itself.How much of your reality is created by the subconscious … and what you can do to hack your subconscious to create your own reality.Why becoming an energetic match for your vision is so important… and how to do it effectively.A practical approach to identifying and addressing the fears (and surprising benefits) that keep your limiting beliefs firmly rooted.

    Tune in to check out the full conversation!

    I hope this episode sparks your exploration into the potential of manifesting your vision — so you can live a more fulfilled life.

    Stay tuned for more enlightening episodes as we unravel new insights, strategies, and stories to help you manifest your dreams with ease.

    Until next time, keep choosing ease.

    Connect with Relinde

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  • Welcome to the very first episode of The Choosing Ease Podcast — a sacred space for multi-skilled coaches and experts who are ready get their message out there, create money overflow, impact more clients and all of that while embodying ease.

    Get ready to embark on an exciting journey that's all about helping you elevate your energy … and manifest the joy, impact, and success you're destined for.

    In this podcast, we'll help you move from a state of effort into a state of flow — all while staying true to your authentic, inner Self. The goal is to give you the tools and insights you need to choose ease … both in business and life.

    In this inaugural episode, we lay the foundation for the amazing path that lies ahead. Here's a sneak peek of what we covered:

    The importance of embracing your unique wisdom and building a business that aligns with your core values and purpose.A powerful perspective on growth as a spiral, rather than a linear path, and why this understanding is crucial for your journey.My personal story of letting go, discovering my true calling, and the profound shifts that can happen when you release limiting beliefs.Insights into the inner work of entrepreneurship and how it's all deeply connected with your personal growth and self-awareness.What to look forward to in future episodes of the podcast (hint: we’re gonna get real — no filter or scripts!)

    This is just the beginning! I can't wait to explore more powerful skills and strategies that will help you let go of everything that's been holding you back.

    Join us next time as we continue our journey toward owning your unique wisdom and sharing it with the world. Until next time, keep choosing ease!

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