XX is female. XY is male. All others are intersex. But does this totally invalidate the concept that there are only two sexes?
Do I believe circumcising perfectly healthy male infants is morally acceptable? No. Do I believe it should be made illegal? Also no. *your confused shrieking*
Missing episodes?
For those looking to be offended, this goes both ways. Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Sexual Preference can be affected by childhood abuse. Which means there are people who only think they are straight and cisgender because of abuse in childhood. There are ALSO because who think the opposite. To suggest one is true without the other is contradictory. Either both are possible... or neither.
I am tired of trying to navigate raw conversations inside echo chambers. Truth is, I’m ready to FIX problems, even if it means offending everyone. Question: What kind of person invites white supremacists to be their guest on a podcast? Before you answer, ask yourself this: “What Is The Goal of a Conversation?” I don’t know about you but MY goal is to understand where other people are coming from so I can show them a new direction. How can you give directions if you don’t know where someone’s journey has lead them up until now?