Can we believe what the telescreens are telling us about anything anymore? First Climate then CoVid now Russia… What’s Next?
Why are old washed up rockers siding with the man now?
And we remember another Grohl band member death.
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It’s 2022 and we’re finally back with an episode of The David Allen Show. We’re mainly talking about the continued pandemic controls being put in place… We also make a prediction for the coming year… Enjoy!
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Masks are back for the fully vaccinated! The olympics seem to be a bust, especially when the GOAT (in the words of Psaki) of Gymnastics quits, and The Peoples’ favorite scientist gets called out in congress…
We’re back and on a mission… YT decided to censor the last episode and remove it from their platform so we’re reading and commenting on the “policy” that we violated. Plus more. :) Enjoy
Also, Thank you to the “real” David Allen for your support of the show!
On this episode we dig deeper into the “jab” and what new research is saying about natural immunity or not… plus much more.
It's all getting back to normal... What does that mean? well... more shootings, vaccine passports, lockdowns, masks... yay!
It's all about the vaccine today!!! Oh and Happy New Year!!!
Will Trump leave office? Will Joe actually be president? When have we ever seen the P and VP elect publicly making decisions together? Why did TIME combine Joe and Kamala into one person? Oh yeah... TAKE YOUR SHOT! for grandma! This stop will stop the virus in it's tracks. Or will it...
We were right... maybe in our election predictions. And more! Enjoy!
It's almost Election day during a pandemic in America! It's all over the place today... Enjoy and VOTE!
It's a Monday morning show and our soft 100!!! On the show we discuss Ruth and the possible ramifications of filling her now vacant Supreme Court seat in the midst of this election season. Other topics that crept into this show include the continuing pandemic, George Soros, Testing testing testing, and how many Biden signs Jay has seen driving from Virginia to Minnesota over the weekend. Among other things! Enjoy!
What in the world is Joe thinking? BLM what? Build back better is globalism!
Oh Man, MASKS, MASKS, MASKS, get your masks!!! What a world we live in...
Let's talk about masks! And "Tony" Fauci, and Race, and History and...
BLM, COVID, church, and more...
On this special edition show, Allen is confused and disturbed. Why are we now being told, no, commanded to begin to only look at the color of each other's skin rather than, as MLKjr said, the content of their character?
We take a deeper dive into what may be going on with the George Floyd death... And where did COVID go??? Masks?
More COVID stuff... The Senate decides to not release any documents on Biden. And more!
In the end, it's always China and we take a look at different states responses to COVID-19... then agree on something!
PIgs, pigs, pigs... and Mitch.
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