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    In this episode of the Divorce Chapter podcast, I dive deep into the often overlooked and insidious issue of financial abuse.

    I share my own experience of being financially controlled and manipulated by my ex-husband and discuss how financial abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of age, gender, or economic status.

    You’ll hear about the various forms it can take, from controlling access to money and sabotaging employment to accumulating debt in someone else’s name.

    I delve into the warning signs to watch for, the profound impact it can have on victims, and the steps you can take to protect yourself or someone you know.

    Whether you’re currently experiencing financial abuse, suspect it might be happening, or simply want to be informed, this episode is packed with valuable insights and resources.

    Women's Aid: Offers support services and a directory of local domestic abuse services.


    Refuge: Provides emergency housing, support, and advocacy for women and children escaping domestic violence.


    National Domestic Abuse Helpline: A 24-hour helpline offering confidential support and advice.


    Turn2us is a national charity offering information and practical support to people facing financial insecurity.


    Tune in to understand how financial abuse works, how to recognise it, and most importantly, how to protect yourself and seek help.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone wanting to learn more about this critical issue and how to safeguard against it.

    PLEASE reach out if you need support 🌸

    Sending you SO much love

    Sarah x


    P.S. For more on moving on a creating our new chapter, we have chosen July’s book over in the Divorce Book Club; it’s How to Do You by Jacqueline Hurst; you can check it out here -


    I’d love to see you over there 📚

    We start 1 July.

    Link to join below ⬇️


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    On this week’s episode we have the amazing Legally Nik as our wonderful first ever guest on the Divorce Chapter pod.

    Nik is a trained family lawyer specialising in child protection and she also is a co-parenting, counter- parenting mentor. Bridging the gap between the law and real life, Nik provides not only legal guidance to your personal matters, but equips you with strategies and coping mechanisms to get through what can only be described as, one of the most painful points of your life. Nik is a mum herself and is just an utterly fabulous human doing fantastic work and I utterly LOVED recording this episode with her.

    There are so many takeaways in the episode:

    Explaining co-parenting, counter-parenting and parallel parenting.Managing the parenting relationship with a difficult ex.Different family dynamics.Dealing with litigation abuse.Putting children first.The importance of compartmentalising our pain.

    And so much more.

    I hope you enjoy listening to the episode as much as I enjoyed recording it.

    (And if you do, I’d love it if you could rate and review the episode 🫶)

    You can find Nik here -



    Enjoy 🩷

    Sending you SO much love

    Sarah x


    P.S. We have chosen July’s book over in the Divorce Book Club; it’s How to Do You by Jacqueline Hurst; you can check it out here -


    I’d love to see you over there 📚Link to join below ⬇️


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    This week’s episode looks at the controversy and scandal of infidelity through the lens of the Ashley Madison documentary now streaming on Netflix (*spoiler alert for those who haven’t yet watched it*) (There is also a trigger warning for suicide)

    As someone who has navigated the painful path of betrayal and divorce, I watched this documentary with both caution and curiosity.

    In the episode I delve into the murky waters of the dating site designed specifically for married individuals seeking affairs; from the alarming marketing strategies to the fallout of the infamous 2015 hack.

    I discuss stories of individuals shown in the documentary who were affected by the hack, including the superficial portrayal of forgiveness and reconciliation (not to mention some religious hypocrisy).

    I also talk about the heart-breaking consequences faced by the real victims—the betrayed spouses, which in my view was the part the documentary failed to meaningfully cover.

    There was a lot of focus in the documentary on the impact of the hack as opposed to the impact of the betrayal, and I cover this and more in this episode…

    ...as well as the discovery of a potential link with my own ex-husband.

    Do let me know what you thought of the documentary (and the episode)

    Until next time, sending you loads of love

    Sarah x



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    In this episode of The Divorce Chapter podcast, we talk through an overview of the hugely impactful book "Leave a Cheater, Gain a Life" by Tracy Schorn, aka Chump Lady.

    You can find the book here:

    This book was highlighted in the Divorce Book Club in May and is an utterly invaluable resource for those dealing with infidelity.

    What You'll Learn:

    📚 Key Terms & Concepts: Understand the language of betrayal with terms like "chumps" and "cheaters" that help frame your experience more objectively.

    📚 It's Not Your Fault: Discover why being cheated on is never your fault and how to reclaim your self-worth.

    📚 Cheater Tactics: Learn about the manipulative behaviors cheaters use and how to see through their deceit.

    📚 Avoid Common Rookie Mistakes: Get super practical advice on avoiding common pitfalls when dealing with infidelity.

    📚 Reclaim Your Life: Tips and strategies for moving forward and rebuilding your life authentically.

    Tracy Schorn's no-nonsense approach and empowering messages are exactly what we need to hear as we navigate this challenging chapter of our lives. This episode is packed with insights from the book that will help you transform your heartbreak into strength and set you on the path to your new happy-ever-after.

    If you found the episode useful, please do come over and join us in The Divorce Book Club.

    This month, we're reading "The Art of Being Alone" by Renuka Gavrani. It's never too late to join, and you'll have access to all our past book discussions and resources.

    You can find the book here:


    Until next time, sending you loads of love

    Sarah x



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    In this episode, we explore the often-overlooked topic of pets during separation and divorce. I share my personal experience with my beloved chocolate lab, Jexi, and discuss the emotional and legal challenges that pets face in the midst of marital breakdowns. We dive into the importance of pets in our lives, the concept of a "pet-nup," and practical tips for ensuring the well-being of our furry friends during such transitions.

    As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts and stories. If you have any pet-related divorce experiences, please do share them with me over on Instagram @thedivorcechapter

    And a quick reminder, our Divorce Book Club is starting a new book for June, "The Art of Being Alone" by Renuka Gavrani.

    Check it out here:


    Until next time, sending you loads of love

    Sarah x


    P.S. I’m dedicating this episode to my gorgeous Jexi. He may be gone, but he’ll never be forgotten. 🐾💕


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    In this episode, we dive into one of the biggest mindfucks of divorce—cognitive dissonance. If you've ever struggled to reconcile the person you married with the person you're now divorcing, this episode is for you. We explore why this psychological phenomenon occurs, how it impacts your healing process, and practical steps you can take to move forward.

    Key Highlights:

    🌸 What cognitive dissonance is and how it manifests in everyday life.

    🌸 The unique challenges of dealing with cognitive dissonance in the context of infidelity.

    🌸 Steps to rebuild your self-trust and show yourself compassion during this difficult time.

    🌸 Why letting go of the need to understand your ex's actions is crucial for your healing.

    Please do share the episode on Instagram if you’ve found it helpful and tag me in it


    Also, in the episode, I mentioned that in the Divorce Book Club for June, we are doing the book ‘The Art of Being Alone’ by Renuka Gavrani

    Check it out here:


    Until next time, sending you loads of love

    Sarah x



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    In this week's episode of "The Divorce Chapter," we're exploring a topic that might pique your curiosity (or else bring out your dubious side) and that is "woo woo" practices and their potential to guide us through the complexities of divorce recovery.

    You might be wondering, what exactly is "woo woo"? It's a term used to describe unconventional beliefs often dismissed as pseudoscience. But here's the twist – many of these practices are gaining recognition for their therapeutic benefits, backed by scientific research.

    I talk about a book in the episode by David R Hamilton PhD - why woo woo works which you can find here:


    From meditation to the Law of Attraction, Feng Shui to crystal healing, and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping, we're delving into how these unconventional methods might, just might, give us extra options for healing through an unwanted divorce.

    Join us as we explore:

    1. Meditation: Cultivating mindfulness to find peace in the present moment.

    I recommend the insight timer app for guided meditations -


    2. Law of Attraction: Shifting perspectives for positive change.

    The book I mention by Noor Hibbert


    3. Feng Shui: Harmonizing your home and heart for emotional healing.

    Feng Shui Flow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefengshuiflow/

    4. Crystals: Harnessing Earth's natural energy for strength and resilience.

    Canny Crystals on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cannycrystals/

    5. EFT Tapping: Releasing emotional blockages and restoring balance.

    Brad Yates on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiHZMZejDS4RIxDdBwoie9A

    Whether you're woo dubious or woo curious, there's something for everyone in this episode. As we navigate the ups and downs of divorce, let's remain open-minded to the possibility of finding healing in unconventional places.

    Please do share, rate and review the episode too, and all the shizzle 🩷

    Loads of Love

    Sarah x



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    Welcome to this episode where we dive into the murky waters of dating post-divorce. Whether you're contemplating it, already dipping your toes in, or happily single but keeping an open mind, this one's for you.

    I'm no dating expert as you’ll hear in the episode 😂 but I've had my fair share of post-divorce dating mishaps, so I figured it's a topic worth exploring.

    In this episode we talk about when to start dating (and when it just may be too soon). We talk through setting up dating profiles online and then all the way through to what to look out for in their profiles, photos and the all important messages (including managing unwanted dick pics 🙄)

    Dating after divorce, whether online or in-person, presents unique challenges, especially for those of us over 40. With a limited pool of potential partners (going by my very rough calculations!) there’s a lot to think about past whether they are over 6 foot and bearded or not 🤣

    The key thing is protecting oneself from deception, recognising red flags, and prioritising personal safety. Maintaining clear boundaries and staying true to ourselves while detaching from outcomes can be really fucking hard but worth it if we want a fulfilling dating experience.

    I hope you enjoy the episode ❤️

    With so much love,

    Sarah x



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    Hey there gorgeous listener,

    This week, I'm super excited to kick off the new divorce book club with Tracy Schorn's "Leave a Cheater Gain a Life" book. It's a fantastic opportunity to dive into meaningful discussions about navigating all things divorce. If you're not part of the club yet, hop on over to patreon.com/thedivorcebookclub

    Don't worry if you're just joining; there's still time to catch up!

    Now, let's dive into the heart of this week's episode, inspired by the themes in the book. I want to talk about betrayal trauma and the devastating impact of infidelity. Let's be real—it's a complete mindfuck and can have a profound effect on those of us who've experienced it.

    But here's what baffles me: why is cheating so often minimised and normalised in our society? It seems like everyone just shrugs it off with a "get over it" mentality. Dating sites like Ashley Madison and Illicit Encounters actively promote affairs, blurring the lines of fidelity.

    Statistics reveal that a staggering 1 in 5 people admit to having an affair, with even more engaging in emotional infidelity. But let's be clear: cheating is a violation of trust and boundaries. It's abuse, plain and simple.

    Take, for example, the recent scandal involving a prominent footballer. Despite betraying his wife repeatedly, public responses trivialised his actions, suggesting that fidelity is a non-issue and that she ‘deserves’ it. I can’t even tell you how PISSED I get with this shit 😡

    Betrayal trauma stems from the violation of attachment and trust, leaving us in a state of shock and distress. Maslow's hierarchy of needs provides a framework for understanding the impact—when our sense of security is shattered, it's like the rug has been pulled out from under us.

    Recovery from betrayal trauma is a journey, starting with meeting our basic physiological needs and restoring psychological safety. It's about finding support, rebuilding self-esteem, and reclaiming our sense of belonging.

    Ultimately, infidelity is not our fault. We deserve better than to be treated with such disrespect. While healing from betrayal trauma takes time, it's essential to recognise our worth and pursue growth.

    So, if you're struggling, know that you're not alone. Reach out for support, and let's reclaim our lives together. We deserve nothing less than our best selves 👑

    Thanks for tuning in, and until next time, sending you all my love 🌸

    Sarah x


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    In this episode of the Divorce Chapter Podcast, we explore the theme of confidence after divorce. Drawing insights from the wisdom of the Queen of Confidence, Erika Cramer, we delve into what confidence truly means post-divorce.

    Whether you're just starting your journey or you've been navigating life post-divorce for a while now, this episode is for you.

    We'll explore what confidence truly means in the aftermath of divorce, how it intersects with our sense of self-worth, and practical strategies for reclaiming your power and embracing your inner sass.

    So if you're ready to step into your power, straighten that crown and show the world the amazing person you are becoming in this next chapter, then this episode is a must-listen. (It's a bit of a pep talk too 🤣)

    Sending you so much love

    Sarah x





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    How often do your thoughts spiral out of control?

    Our minds are incredibly active at the best of times, with an estimated 60 to 80 thousand thoughts per day, but after divorce, it can feel like this is at least trebled right? Which leaves us bloody exhausted.

    In this episode, we explore practical techniques to help you regain control of your mind amidst the chaos of divorce. From understanding the science behind racing thoughts to implementing some different ways to frame the thoughts, we provide actionable steps to quiet the mental noise and find peace within.

    Whether you're struggling to make sense of intrusive thoughts about the past or feeling anxious about an uncertain future, this episode offers valuable insights and tools to help you navigate the turbulent waters of divorce with greater resilience and clarity.

    Please do let me know if the episode helps,

    Loads of love

    Sarah x



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    Divorce is a journey filled with all sorts of twists and turns, and one aspect that often gets overlooked is its impact on relationships with ex-in-laws.

    In this week's episode, we're diving into the complexities of navigating post-divorce relationships with former family members and finding common ground amidst the emotional upheaval.

    Maintaining connections with ex-in-laws after divorce can be challenging, but it's not impossible. From conflicting loyalties to setting boundaries and practicing empathy, there are strategies that can help ease the transition.

    Whether you're currently navigating relationships with ex-in-laws or simply interested in gaining insights into post-divorce dynamics, this episode will hopefully help you along the way.

    Until next time, thank you as always for listening.

    Sarah Elizabeth x


    P.S. Please also do let me know if there's anything specific you'd like on the podcast.


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    In this episode, I’m diving into post-divorce tattoos, exploring the rising trend of women getting inked after the end of long-term relationships.

    I talk through my own journey through ink and the connections and significance of my tattoos.

    Though all but one were post-divorce as the ex HATED the one small sun I had back then - Yes I know far better nowadays than to be dictated to by a fucking man…. But we move 😂

    One tattoo, in particular, to me is my actual ‘divorce tat’ as to me it shows the strength and growth as a result of the shit show.

    Throughout the episode, I offer insights and suggestions for those considering a post-divorce tattoo, given the seemingly endless possibilities for expressing resilience, freedom and strength through ink.

    Ultimately, getting a divorce tattoo can be a powerful way to mark the beginning of a new chapter and celebrate personal growth. It's a visible reminder of resilience, empowerment, and the journey towards self-discovery.

    Plus I have the tattoo bug!

    I also talk at the end about the Divorce Book Club…..

    You can find the waitlist here ⬇️


    I hope you enjoy the episode. Do tag me with your divorce tats on social media over @thedivorcechapter

    Loads of Love

    Sarah x



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    Breaking up is never easy. Whether it was an amicable parting or a more tumultuous and fucked up split, the aftermath of a divorce can leave us feeling lost, confused, and emotionally drained. One of the most challenging aspects of navigating life post-breakup is enforcing and maintaining no contact with the ex.

    In this episode we go into the complexities of no contact and provide actionable tips to help you navigate this challenging process. Here's a glimpse of what you'll discover:

    - Understanding the urge to contact your ex and why enforcing no contact is crucial for your healing journey.

    - Practical strategies for breaking the habit of reaching out to your ex, including setting clear boundaries and finding healthier coping mechanisms.

    - The importance of building a supportive network of friends and family to lean on during moments of weakness.

    - Creating visual reminders and affirmations to reinforce your commitment to self-love and healing.

    - Embracing the journey of healing after a breakup and celebrating your progress along the way.

    I do hope this helps

    Sarah x


    P.S. The wait list for the Divorce Book Club can be found here:


    And the link to download 10 must read books after divorce can be found here:



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    Have you heard the one about the cat who got divorced? He was a cheetah… get it?

    Maybe it's too soon to laugh, but could there be a role for humour in divorce?

    I know that divorce is no joke, especially when it involves betrayal and abuse. But amidst the bitterness and anger, is there a point where we need to learn to laugh again?

    Humour, especially dark humour, has a psychological benefit. Gallows humour, born from dire situations, allows us to find the funny even in the darkest times.

    Professions dealing with trauma often use humour as a coping mechanism. Theories like superiority and relief suggest that humour empowers us and helps vent stored trauma.

    While humour shouldn't mask our true feelings, it can be a valuable coping mechanism. Laughing at the absurdities of divorce can reduce stress and promote healing.

    As time passes, finding humour in the situation can be part of the healing process. Laughing at our ex's quirks can help remove them from the pedestal we put them on.

    So this week, I ‘try’ to give you some divorce jokes and funny quotes from famous personalities that highlight the absurdities of divorce and can bring a smile to our faces.

    Ultimately, humour can really help us navigate the complexities of divorce and move forward with resilience and strength.

    So, let's embrace the laughter and turn pain into punchlines.

    Because in the end, we deserve to smile and be happy, no matter what.

    Sending you so much love (and laughter)

    Sarah x



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    Are you grappling with loneliness post-divorce? The dread of being alone, especially during long weekends, can be overwhelming.

    It’s so damn hard…. Loneliness after divorce is a complex emotion, stemming from various facets of life upheaval.

    And it is such a common experience…. But it’s also important to understand that being alone does not automatically equate to having to feel lonely.

    This episode is about working through this when we do feel lonely after divorce, and finding tips and strategies to learn to live a solo life…. Without having to feel lonely.


    🌸Feeling lonely after divorce is normal and common.

    🌸Humans are wired for connection and being alone can trigger feelings of loneliness.

    🌸Society often perceives being alone as negative, which can contribute to feelings of loneliness.

    🌸Managing loneliness involves planning ahead, maintaining social connections, engaging in activities, creating new routines, and practicing self-care.

    🌸Shifting perspective and learning to enjoy one's own company can lead to a more positive experience of being alone.

    I hope this helps a little as we continue to navigate this next chapter.

    Sending you so much love

    Sarah x




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    Welcome back to another episode of the Divorce Chapter Podcast! This week, we dive into part 2 of "Plotting the Next Chapter" as we continue to create a vision for our future.

    In the last episode, we explored the concept of the "end of history illusion" – the tendency to reflect on how much things have changed in the past but how we struggle to envision detailed expectations for the future. This phenomenon affects us all, but for those navigating divorce, it's compounded by the loss of our expected vision for the future with our ex-partner.

    In this episode, we are talking more about the importance of creating a vision for the future after divorce. And why it’s all the more important for us to rediscover our identity and values to create a blueprint for our future selves right? I go through working out our core values and applying these to each area of our lives with the Wheel of Life.

    I talk through visualisation and vision boards (no, this is NOT woo woo) and then taking small steps towards our vision.

    All whilst avoiding comparison fatigue and using envy to reinforce our own magic.


    🌸The end of history illusion makes it difficult for us to imagine a future that is different from our past or present.

    🌸Divorce compounds this struggle by removing our expected vision for the future with our ex.

    🌸Rediscovering our identity and values helps us create a blueprint for our future selves.

    🌸Using a vision board and the Wheel of Life can help clarify our vision and take action towards it.

    I hope you love the episode.

    Sarah 🌸

    Wheel of Life template again if you need it:



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    In this episode, we talk about the process of creating a new vision for the future after divorce.

    The devastation of a broken future and the expectations that come with a long-term relationship are very real and really damn hard to navigate right?

    I explain the concept of the end of history illusion, which further prevents us from envisioning our future selves. But using some of the questions in this episode, we are starting to imagine a new future based on feelings and values. Thinking about the importance of rediscovering our true self and clarifying a vision for the future after divorce.

    I went on for a bit longer than planned (!) and so decided to turn the episode into two parts. So this episode is Part I and next week, I'll bring you Part II, which will focus on activating the new future.

    I hope you enjoy it (and please take the time to reflect on the questions before next week)

    Sending you so much love

    Sarah 🌸

    Takeaways from this episode

    The end of a long-term relationship can shatter our expectations for the future, leaving us feeling lost and scared.

    The end of history illusion further prevents us from envisioning our future selves and limits our ability to embrace change.

    Creating a new vision for the future involves reflecting on the past, identifying our core values, and focusing on how we want to feel.

    Rediscovering our true selves and clarifying our vision for the future are essential steps in moving forward after divorce.



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    Have you ever found yourself grappling with terms like "gaslighting," "ghosting," or "trauma bonds," unsure of their meanings or implications?

    If so, you're not alone.

    In this episode, we delve into the complex world of divorce and relationship terminology and lingo…. A bit like an alternative dictionary.

    There is so much of this language that has seeped into everyday conversations but often it leaves us feeling confused as to what the hell it all means. From "breadcrumbing" to "gaslighting," this episode is a bit like having your own translator.

    TW: Some of the words and terms are complex and can be re-traumatising. If you are experiencing any of the abuse we talked about in today’s episode, please please please seek support.

    These are some UK services for supporting domestic abuse:



    Remember, you deserve to live a fulfilling and healthy life, free from toxic relationships and abuse.

    Sending you SO much love

    Sarah 🌸


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    Are you ready for a deep dive into the bewildering world of runaway husbands? In this episode of The Divorce Chapter podcast, I explore the unexpected plot twist of husbands who just up and leave with zero warning.

    Drawing inspiration from the book "Runaway Husbands" by Vikki Stark, I share my own insights and experiences, emphasizing the parallels many of us going through divorce may find in this deep dive.

    I go through the emotional rollercoaster of wife abandonment syndrome, discussing the chaos of the initial shock, the obsessive thoughts, revenge fantasies, and the transformative journey towards rebuilding a new life. The episode delves into the seven steps for moving forward detailed in the book, offering a roadmap for those navigating the challenging terrain of unexpected divorces.

    Join me on this journey as I share stories, experiences, and highlight the significance of the upcoming Divorce Book Club. Discover the healing power of learning and growing together as you too turn the unexpected divorce plot twist into a new and improved happily ever after.

    Remember, you're not alone in this.

    Sending you SO much love

    Sarah 🌸

    The BOOK: Runaway Husbands by Vikki Stark:



    FREE Guide to the 10 MUST read divorce books after divorce


