
  • According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, more than 878,000 Canadian adults have experienced a stroke. Strokes affect each person differently, based on where and how much damage is done to the brain, but there is hope. On this episode of the DocTalks Podcast, host Ian Gillespie talks to Dr. Jamie Fleet, a physiatrist from St. Joseph’s Parkwood Institute about the various treatments available to help people get back to life after a stroke.

    Note: The content of St. Joseph's DocTalks Podcast is for informational purposes only. The material is not intended for and should not be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from a licensed health care practitioner.

    Brought to you in partnership with St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation. Produced by The Pod Cabin and Kelsi Break.

  • Falls are the leading cause of injury-related hospitalizations and deaths among people aged 65 or older in Canada. 50% of falls occur at home and the most common injury from a fall are fractures. However, falls can be prevented. On today's episode of the DocTalks Podcast, host Ian Gillespie chats with Dr. Jaspreet Banghu a geriatrician at Parkwood Institute with a specialization in falls assessment, intervention, treatment and research and Janelle Unger, PhD, a registered physiotherapist and the principal investigator at the RED Neuro Lab who is currently conducting research in falls and falls prevention at St. Joseph’s Gray Centre for Mobility and Activity as part of a partnership with Western University.

    Note: The content of St. Joseph's DocTalks Podcast is for informational purposes only. The material is not intended for and should not be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from a licensed health care practitioner.

    Brought to you in partnership with St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation. Produced by The Pod Cabin and Kelsi Break.

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  • Each year, about 1,550 Canadians are diagnosed with cervical cancer and 400 will die from it. Yet cervical cancer can be prevented with regular cervical screening and follow-up of abnormal results. On this episode of the DocTalks Podcast, host Ian Gillespie chats with Dr. Robert Di Cecco an obstetrician and gynecologist and the medical director of St. Joseph’s Colposcopy Clinic about the symptoms, screening and treatment options for cervical cancer. Dr. Di Cecco is also the Regional Lead for Cervical Screening for the South West Regional Cancer Program.

    Note: The content of St. Joseph's DocTalks Podcast is for informational purposes only. The material is not intended for and should not be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from a licensed health care practitioner.

    Brought to you in partnership with St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation. Produced by The Pod Cabin and Kelsi Break.

  • According to the Canadian Cancer Society, 66 people in our country are diagnosed with colorectal cancer every day and almost 38 per cent of those people will die from the disease. While most cases occur in adults over age 50, it’s becoming more common in the younger population. In this episode of the DocTalks Podcast, host Ian Gillespie chats with Dr. Jamie Gregor, a gastroenterologist in the Gastroenterology Program at St. Joseph’s Hospital and past President of the Ontario Association of Gastroenterology and past Chair of the Specialty Committee in Gastroenterology for the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada about the symptoms, screening and treatments available for colorectal cancer.

    Note: The content of St. Joseph's DocTalks Podcast is for informational purposes only. The material is not intended for and should not be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from a licensed health care practitioner.

    Brought to you in partnership with St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation. Produced by The Pod Cabin and Kelsi Break.

  • Did you know that how you walk can indicate how healthy your brain is? Studies show how someone walks and how fast can be an early predictor of future falls, frailty, dementia and even life expectancy. According to the Cleveland Clinic, by age 60, 15% of people will have an abnormal gait, a number that jumps to 80% once we hit 85. On this episode of the DocTalks Podcast, host Ian Gillespie chats with St. Joseph's Dr. Manuel Montero-Odasso, a world-renowned geriatrician and scientist with the Gait and Brain Lab at Parkwood Institute, about his teams work to study gait and provide interventions to delay diseases like dementia.

    Note: The content of St. Joseph's DocTalks Podcast is for informational purposes only. The material is not intended for and should not be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from a licensed health care practitioner.

    Brought to you in partnership with St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation. Produced by The Pod Cabin and Kelsi Break.

  • According to Asthma Canada asthma is the third most common disease in our nation, affecting more than 3.8 Million people. While there is no one cause or cure for asthma, there are triggers asthma sufferers should avoid and ways to control their condition. On this episode of the DocTalks Podcast, host Ian Gillespie discusses the triggers, treatments and new science in asthma with Dr. Constance Mackenzie, a respirologist in the Asthma Centre at St. Joseph’s Health Care London.

    Note: The content of St. Joseph's DocTalks Podcast is for informational purposes only. The material is not intended for and should not be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from a licensed health care practitioner.

    Brought to you in partnership with St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation. Produced by The Pod Cabin and Kelsi Break.

  • More women die from osteoporotic fractures than from breast and ovarian cancer combined. According to Osteoporosis Canada, over 80 per cent of all fractures in people over age 50 are caused by osteoporosis. Unfortunately, once a fracture happens, this silent disease is often in the advanced stages. Prevention through a healthy lifestyle is possible and on this episode of the DocTalks podcast, host Ian Gillespie chats with Dr. Kristin Clemens an endocrinologist in the Osteoporosis and Bone Disease Program at St. Joseph’s Hospital about prevention, diagnosis and treatment options.

    Note: The content of St. Joseph's DocTalks Podcast is for informational purposes only. The material is not intended for and should not be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from a licensed health care practitioner.

    Brought to you in partnership with St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation. Produced by The Pod Cabin and Kelsi Break.

  • One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime, making it the most common cancer for women. However, early detection and new treatment options have improved the survival rate for breast cancer patients. On this episode of the DocTalks Podcast, host Ian Gillespie chats with Dr. Sarah Knowles, the Interim Medical Director of St. Joseph’s Breast Care Program about the diagnosis, treatments and latest research in breast cancer.

    Note: The content of St. Joseph's DocTalks Podcast is for informational purposes only. The material is not intended for and should not be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from a licensed health care practitioner.

    Brought to you in partnership with St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation. Produced by The Pod Cabin and Kelsi Break.

  • Chest pressure, burning sensation, jaw or neck pain - did you know these could be signs of a heart attack in women? Sometimes women ignore these symptoms, thinking they may be because of other illnesses. In this episode of the DocTalks Podcast, host Ian Gillespie chats with Dr. Ashlay Huitema a cardiologist in the Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Program at St. Joseph’s Health Care London about the causes of heart attacks and heart disease in women, the treatment and rehabilitation options available and how women can prevent heart disease.

    Note: The content of St. Joseph's DocTalks Podcast is for informational purposes only. The material is not intended for and should not be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from a licensed health care practitioner.

    Brought to you in partnership with St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation. Produced by The Pod Cabin and Kelsi Break.

  • According to the Canadian Association of Optometrists, 2.4% of North Americans have lazy eyes, and 5% of children have crossed eyes, conditions that often go unnoticed but can lead to blindness if untreated. On this episode of the DocTalks Podcast, host Ian Gillespie is joined by Dr. Sapna Sharan, an Ophthalmologist from St. Joseph's Health Care London's Ivey Eye Institute to uncover the causes, symptoms, early detection techniques and treatments for these serious eye conditions.

    Note: The content of St. Joseph's DocTalks Podcast is for informational purposes only. The material is not intended for and should not be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from a licensed health care practitioner.

    Brought to you in partnership with St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation. Produced by The Pod Cabin and Kelsi Break.

  • For most women, pregnancy and birth are a time for celebration. It can also be a time of significant change in their bodies, hormones, diet and sleep. These changes can worsen or bring on mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. Between 10 and 20 percent of pregnant women and new mothers are affected by perinatal mood and anxiety disorders during pregnancy or in the first year after giving birth, but many of them are reluctant to report psychiatric symptoms, feeling shame and worry or thinking their symptoms are normal. On this episode of the DocTalks Podcast, host Ian Gillespie chats with Dr. Verinder Sharma, a psychiatrist in St. Joseph’s Health Care London’s Mental Health Program at Parkwood Institute. Dr. Sharma specializes in diagnosis, treatment and research of mood disorders and peripartum psychiatric illnesses.

    Note: The content of St. Joseph's DocTalks Podcast is for informational purposes only. The material is not intended for and should not be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from a licensed health care practitioner.

    Brought to you in partnership with St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation. Produced by The Pod Cabin and Kelsi Break

  • Inside all of us are tiny microbes that help our immune system judge friend from foe, breakdown and absorb nutrients and protect us from pathogens. Numerous studies have proven our gut flora, made up of these microorganisms, is tied to virtually every process in our body. Various diseases and conditions can affect our bodies microbiome and one way we can help bring balance back is through ingesting microbes in probiotics, prebiotics and fermented foods. On this episode of the DocTalks Podcast, host Ian Gillespie and Jeremy Burton, a Ph.D. scientist and Deputy Director of the Canadian Centre for Human Microbiome and Probiotics based at St. Joseph’s Health Care London’s Lawson Health Research Institute discuss how microbes affect our health.

    Note: The content of St. Joseph's DocTalks Podcast is for informational purposes only. The material is not intended for and should not be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from a licensed health care practitioner.

    Brought to you in partnership with St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation. Produced by The Pod Cabin and Kelsi Break

  • Nearly 8 million or 1 in 5 Canadians live with chronic pain (Government of Canada). People who experience chronic pain face a wide range of physical, emotional and social challenges while suffering what's often referred to as an invisible illness. There is hope and in this episode of the DocTalks Podcast, host Ian Gillespie chats with Dr. Geoff Bellingham an anesthetist and the Medical Director of the Pain Management Program at St. Joseph’s Health Care London to find out what treatments are available for people living with chronic pain.

    Note: The content of St. Joseph's DocTalks Podcasts is for informational purposes only. The material is not intended for and should not be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from a licensed health care practitioner.

    Brought to you in partnership with St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation. Produced by The Pod Cabin and Kelsi Break

  • Some of us remember a time when booking a yearly check-up with our family doctor was just part of trying to stay healthy. But is that common practice now? And is it something that people who don’t have a family doctor, a number that’s rising in Ontario, need to be worried about? On this episode of the DocTalks Podcast, host Ian Gillespie chats with Dr. Laura Lyons, a family physician at St. Joseph’s Health Care London's Family Medical and Dental Centre about yearly physicals and when and how people can get important screening for diseases and conditions.

    Note: The content of St. Joseph's DocTalks Podcasts is for informational purposes only. The material is not intended for and should not be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from a licensed health care practitioner.

    Brought to you in partnership with St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation. Produced by The Pod Cabin and Kelsi Break

  • Wrist pain is often caused by sprains or fractures from sudden injuries but can also be from long-term problems, such as repetitive stress, arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome. How do you know what is causing your wrist pain and what will help? In this episode of the DocTalks Podcast, host Ian Gillespie asks these questions of Dr. Ruby Grewal and orthopaedic surgeon at St. Joseph's Health Care London's Roth McFarlane Hand and Upper Limb Centre who specializes in diagnosing and treating conditions and ailments that affect the wrist, hand and arm.

    Note: The content of St. Joseph's DocTalks Podcasts is for informational purposes only. The material is not intended for and should not be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from a licensed health care practitioner.

    Brought to you in partnership with St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation. Produced by The Pod Cabin and Kelsi Break

  • Did you know rheumatoid arthritis affects one in 100 Canadians of all ages? This debilitating autoimmune condition causes the body's immune system to mistakenly attack its own tissue. Experts say it's like the body is on fire but if diagnosed and treated early that fire can be put out. In this episode of the DocTalks Podcast, host Ian Gillespie and Dr. Tom Appleton, a Rheumatologist in the Rheumatology Centre at St. Joseph’s Health Care London discuss the symptoms, treatment options and exciting future care for people living with rheumatoid arthritis.

    Note: The content of St. Joseph's DocTalks Podcasts is for informational purposes only. The material is not intended for and should not be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from a licensed health care practitioner.

    Brought to you in partnership with St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation. Produced by The Pod Cabin and Kelsi Break

  • Sexual assault is a crime of violence, one that often leaves victims in need of medical care and support to help them recover. How do you best support someone after a SA, or where do you go if you have been a victim? In this episode of the DocTalks Podcast, host Ian Gillespie and Dr. Susan McNair, a family physician and the medical director of the Regional Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Centre at St. Joseph’s Health Care London discuss what care and services are available for people who have experienced sexual assault and how to help survivors.

    Note: The content of St. Joseph's DocTalks Podcasts is for informational purposes only. The material is not intended for and should not be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from a licensed health care practitioner.

    Brought to you in partnership with St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation. Produced by The Pod Cabin and Kelsi Break

  • According to Brain Injury Canada approximately 200,000 Canadians suffer a concussion each year. While 80 per cent of people recover from a concussion, up to 20 percent can suffer from what’s known as persistent concussion symptoms.
    People are often told to rest after a concussion diagnosis and while rest is important, getting back to activity is as important for recovery. But how do you safely start activity or support someone after concussion? On this episode of the DocTalks Podcast, host Ian Gillespie talks to Dr. Heather MacKenzie a physiatrist in the Acquired Brain Injury Program and St. Joseph’s Health Care London’s Parkwood Institute. She is an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of concussions, and rehabilitation therapies to help those who are suffering from persistent concussion syndrome.

    Note: The content of St. Joseph's DocTalks Podcasts is for informational purposes only. The material is not intended for and should not be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from a licensed health care practitioner.

    Brought to you in partnership with St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation. Produced by The Pod Cabin and Kelsi Break

  • As we age some of us find our joints more tender and prone to injury than before. You may even wake up one morning with unexplained discomfort in major joints such as the shoulder. But how do you know what's caused the pain? Is it an injury, arthritis, overuse or did you just sleep in a strange position? On this episode of the Doc Talks Podcast, host Ian Gillespie gets answers to these questions from world renowned orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Darren Drosdowech from St. Joseph's Health Care London's Roth McFarlane Hand and Upper Limb Centre.

    Note: The content of St. Joseph's DocTalks Podcasts is for informational purposes only. The material is not intended for and should not be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from a licensed health care practitioner.

    Brought to you in partnership with St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation. Produced by The Pod Cabin and Kelsi Break

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the mental health and well-being of billions of people across the world, especially frontline health care workers. In this episode of the DocTalks Podcast, host Ian Gillespie sits down with Dr. Don Richardson, a psychiatrist and the medical director of St. Joseph’s Health Care London’s Operational Stress Injury (OSI) Clinic at Parkwood Institute. Dr. Richardson is also the Scientific Director of the MacDonald Franklin OSI Research Centre and is leading a team conducting a study on the current state of health care worker mental health and how health care organizations can help support their teams.

    Dr. Richardson is a foremost expert on military-related post-traumatic stress disorder with more than two decades of experience in the assessment and treatment of Canadian Armed Forces members and Veterans.

    Note: The content of St. Joseph's DocTalks Podcasts is for informational purposes only. The material is not intended for and should not be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from a licensed health care practitioner.

    Brought to you in partnership with St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation. Produced by The Pod Cabin and Kelsi Break