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Hi there, Easy Ager,
Today’s episode is all about me (heh!).
As the title says, I’m taking a sabbatical to figure out what’s next, what’s working and what’s not.
I’ve always found it easier to see the big picture when you take a step back.
I’ll give you the whole story and leave you with some encouragement if you’re going through something similar.
Take a listen, then SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend...
Cheers, Z 🥂
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Thanks so much for listening today. If this show has helped or encouraged you, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. You’ll find directions on how to do this at TheEasyAgingShow.com.
Hi there, Easy Ager,
Today, we’re talking about your midlife purpose again.
While the previous episode (episode 122) gave you a new perspective on taking risks, this episode focuses on how a simple, one-word question can help you unlock your purpose for this phase of life.
I’ll give you three benefits of asking this question, and leave you with a two-minute exercise to do during the week to get more clarity on your midlife purpose.
Take a listen, then SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend...
Cheers, Z 🥂
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Thanks so much for listening today. If this show has helped or encouraged you, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. You’ll find directions on how to do this at TheEasyAgingShow.com.
Missing episodes?
Hey there, Easy Ager,
Finding your midlife purpose can be a bit of a “trial and error” experiment…
And it may feel scary to take risks to figure it all out.
That's why today's episode focuses on three ways you can think about taking chances to find your purpose and enjoy more meaning and fulfillment in life.
So. Worth. It!
Take a listen, then SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend...
Cheers, Z 🥂
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Thanks so much for listening today. If this show has helped or encouraged you, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. You’ll find directions on how to do this at TheEasyAgingShow.com.
Happy New Year, Easy Ager!
If you’re ready for a new start at any time of the year, this episode will hit the spot.
Today, I’m talking about four lessons I learned last year and a few things I’m planning for this upcoming year.
I’ll leave you with tips on how to take my lessons and make them your own so you can create an extraordinary year of fulfillment, blessings, and peace.
Take a listen, then SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend...
Cheers, Z 🥂
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Thanks so much for listening today. If this show has helped or encouraged you, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. You’ll find directions on how to do this at TheEasyAgingShow.com.
Hey Easy Ager,
This is the fourth and final episode in the Refresh Your Year series.
Today's episode offers a quick review of the series and leaves you with a lovely list of questions to help you close out the year so you can move into next year with vim and vigor.
Here's a link to your PDF — Enjoy!
List of Questions
Don't forget to SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend...
And become an Easy Aging® Insider at http://TheEasyAgingShow.com. See ya there!
Cheers, Z 🥂
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Thanks so much for listening today. If this show has helped or encouraged you, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. You’ll find directions on how to do this at TheEasyAgingShow.com.
Hey there, Easy Ager,
This is the third episode in the Refresh Your Year series.
If you're wondering why things feel a little blah lately, it could be that you don't have enough midlife awe and wonder.
Approaching life with a new level of awe, wonder and curiosity gets you out of your rut and opens you up to possibilities.
Today's episode will help you focus on your own "awe-and-wonder time" so you can explore new thoughts and ideas that can ultimately lead you to your purpose.
Ooh, midlife fulfillment is on its way!
Take a listen and be sure to SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend.
Cheers, Z 🥂
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Thanks so much for listening today. If this show has helped or encouraged you, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. You’ll find directions on how to do this at TheEasyAgingShow.com.
Hi Easy Ager,
This is the second episode in the series, Refresh Your Year.
Today, I'm talking about a simple (ridiculously simple!) midlife hack that's going to help you get — and keep — your momentum as you march toward your goal.
You're going to have an "aha" moment when you understand why it's so effective...
Then you're going to start setting and hitting your midlife goals with ease.
Pretty exciting, isn't it?
Take a listen and be sure to SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend.
Cheers, Z 🥂
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Thanks so much for listening today. If this show has helped or encouraged you, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. You’ll find directions on how to do this at TheEasyAgingShow.com.
Hi there, Easy Ager,
Are you ready to refresh your upcoming year with values-based goals that are fulfilling and joyful?
Oh, I hope so!
Because taking the time to discover your top midlife values is one of the most beautiful gifts you can give yourself.
It means you know who you are and where you're going...
So you can confidently embrace what's important to you, and leave the rest behind.
This is the first episode in a series designed to set you up for success in the new year.
Take a listen and be sure to SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend.
Cheers, Z 🥂
Values List
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Thanks so much for listening today. If this show has helped or encouraged you, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. You’ll find directions on how to do this at TheEasyAgingShow.com.
Hi Easy Ager,
If you're looking for a simple process to keep the peace during family gatherings, this episode is for you.
In it, I'll give you two steps to help you manage your emotions with those opinionated relatives who get under your skin.
Even if this isn't you, take a listen and SHARE THIS EPISODE with a family member who needs to hear it...
Cheers, Z 🥂
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Thanks so much for listening today. If this show has helped or encouraged you, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. You’ll find directions on how to do this at TheEasyAgingShow.com.
Hi there, Easy Ager,
The midlife growth process is full of ups and downs...
So today's episode is designed to encourage you on your journey and offer you a couple of thoughts to consider as you move forward on this transformational path.
Take a listen, then SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend...
Cheers, Z 🥂
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Thanks so much for listening today. If this show has helped or encouraged you, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. You’ll find directions on how to do this at TheEasyAgingShow.com.
Hi there, Easy Ager,
That's how I've been feeling lately. Just...stuck.
It happens to all of us, but you get to choose how you go through it.
So today, I'm going to tell you about my process when I feel stuck, then give you some insight on how I depend on my faith to get me through these times.
I’ll leave you with a couple of questions so you can figure our your own process before you feel stuck or frustrated or discouraged with your circumstances.
Take a listen, then SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend...
Cheers, Z 🥂
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Thanks so much for listening today. If this show has helped or encouraged you, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. You’ll find directions on how to do this at TheEasyAgingShow.com.
Hi there,
As an Easy Ager, you know that your brain is your best anti-aging tool...
And that your mindset establishes the tone for everything in your life.
Midlife gets significantly more interesting when you go through it with a growth mindset.
So in today's episode, I’m going to give you a few of the attributes of a growth mindset, then I’ll leave you with four simple ways to cultivate this mindset for yourself.
Take a listen, then SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend...
Cheers, Z 🥂
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Thanks so much for listening today. If this show has helped or encouraged you, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. You’ll find directions on how to do this at TheEasyAgingShow.com.
Hey there, Easy Ager,
Midlife brings so many decisions -- career changes, becoming an empty nester, retirement, caring for your parents, etc.
Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed?
If that's the case, today's episode is for you.
In it, I'm introducing Six Hats Thinking.
This simple but effective method will help you look at a situation from all angles so you can make the best, most informed decisions possible, quickly and easily.
Take a listen, then SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend...
Cheers, Z 🥂
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Thanks so much for listening today. If this show has helped or encouraged you, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. You’ll find directions on how to do this at TheEasyAgingShow.com.
Hi there, Easy Ager,
Disappointment is a part of living life...
And your perspective on it can be the difference between a little downtime to regroup and a huge emotional mountain to climb.
Today, I'm going to share three ways to handle disappointment in midlife so you can get through it and bounce back faster than ever before.
Take a listen, then SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend...
Cheers, Z 🥂
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Thanks so much for listening today. If this show has helped or encouraged you, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. You’ll find directions on how to do this at TheEasyAgingShow.com.
Hi Easy Ager,
Let’s face it: Midlife clarity can sometimes be elusive.
But getting clarity is essential to living a rich, fulfilling life.
If you’re not clear on what you want, life feels fuzzy and ambiguous…
And worst of all, meh.
Today, I’ll be giving you three simple life hacks to help you get clarity on what’s next for you in midlife.
I’ll offer you some examples, then I’ll leave you with a couple of exercises to help you get the clarity you need so you can start exploring and experimenting with the things that make your heart sing.
How cool is that?!
Take a listen, then SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend...
Cheers, Z 🥂
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Thanks so much for listening today. If this show has helped or encouraged you, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. You’ll find directions on how to do this at TheEasyAgingShow.com.
Hi Easy Ager,
If you're looking for the secret to successfully navigating midlife, this episode is for you.
Going after excellence in two areas of your life — your mindset and your spirituality — can be a gamechanger in whether or not you live with more ease and grace (and, of course, more fun!)
So today, I'm offering you some food for thought and I'm leaving you with a challenge for the upcoming week.
Take a listen, then SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend...
Cheers, Z 🥂
ARTICLE REFERENCED: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/wellness/creativity-may-be-key-to-healthy-aging-here-are-ways-to-stay-inspired/2021/07/10/679e20fc-e0e1-11eb-9f54-7eee10b5fcd2_story.html
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Thanks so much for listening today. If this show has helped or encouraged you, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. You’ll find directions on how to do this at TheEasyAgingShow.com.
Hey there, Easy Ager,
Looking for a dose of midlife creativity to put a spring back in your step? Then this episode is for you!
Today, we’ll take a look at three key things that creativity enhances in your life and the one advantage that midlifers have over the youngsters. (Yeah!)
And I’ll leave you with five simple ways that you can incorporate more creativity into your daily life.
Take a listen, then SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend...
Cheers, Z 🥂
ARTICLE REFERENCED: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/wellness/creativity-may-be-key-to-healthy-aging-here-are-ways-to-stay-inspired/2021/07/10/679e20fc-e0e1-11eb-9f54-7eee10b5fcd2_story.html
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Thanks so much for listening today. If this show has helped or encouraged you, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. You’ll find directions on how to do this at TheEasyAgingShow.com.
Hi Easy Ager,
Sometimes, living a bigger life feels overwhelming...
But it doesn't have to be.
In today's episode, I'll be using a scene from The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel as inspiration for living a bigger life.
Throughout the series, she was crystal clear on her passion and went after her stand-up comedy career with gusto...
And you can do the same.
I'll leave you with a three-step process to help you get midlife clarity so you can step into that bigger life that you know is waiting for you.
Take a listen, then SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend...
Cheers, Z 🥂
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Thanks so much for listening today. If this show has helped or encouraged you, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. You’ll find directions on how to do this at TheEasyAgingShow.com.
Hi Easy Ager,
Midlife relationships can put a spark into daily living.
That's because relationships are the spice of life and without it, things can feel kind of meh.
By evaluating this one area of your relationship mindset, you can kick one or all of your relationships into high gear, pretty quickly.
And how lovely does that sound?
Take a listen, then SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend...
Cheers, Z 🥂
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Thanks so much for listening today. If this show has helped or encouraged you, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. You’ll find directions on how to do this at TheEasyAgingShow.com.
Hi Easy Ager,
I'm so happy you're joining me today. I love midlife methods that can make my days more productive in fewer hours.
Yep, I said fewer hours.
Once you have an effective framework for your day, you'll get through your important — and less important — tasks with ease.
Take a listen, then SHARE THIS EPISODE with a friend...
Cheers, Z 🥂
QUIZ: https://sleepdoctor.com/sleep-quizzes/chronotype-quiz/
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Thanks so much for listening today. If this show has helped or encouraged you, the number one way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. You’ll find directions on how to do this at TheEasyAgingShow.com.
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