
  • Season 4 Episode 2 “Just EFFing Love Who You Are!“

    In this episode, we speak with Lindsey Kane Leaverton, a madre who said EFF IT and wrote a book after the traumatic aftermath of 2 divorces, and then going through Covid, and what that brought about, which was a lot of mental health issues. Writing this book has allowed her to heal, but also provide advice to anyone out there that may need to hear her wise words. You just have to EFFing fully embrace who you are and love yourself. You are worthy! To check out Lindsey book and her journey, please go to www.notanotherselfhelpbook.com, and on Instagram at @lindseykaneleaverton.

  • In our 1st episode for Season 4, we interviewed Ash Kelsch, who said EFF IT and decided to go back and heal the relationship she had with her mother once she became an empty nester herself. She had put everything aside from herself first, and realized that in order to be the mother her kids will continue to need, she need to go back and heal herself by facing the trauma and the rollercoaster of a relationship she had with her mother. It’s a tough thing to do because even as adults, it can be hard for us to look at our parents and not feel all the things that would come up for us when we were kids. But, in order to move past all that, we have to get to a place where we can look at our parents as the flawed humans they, and we all are, and know that they were doing the best they could. We really are the ones that know what it is we truly need, so it’s important to really sit down and EFFing figure out what that is so that you can move forward in your life in a happy and healthy way. To follow Ash, please check her podcast called “Wait, What?” at www.ashleykelsch.substack.com, and on Instagram at @ashkelsch.

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  • In this episode, we speak with Richelle Davis, a madre of 3 boys, who said EFF IT to choosing to stay home with her first born instead of choosing to go back to work. She didn’t want to miss being there for her kids, but also struggled with the shift in identity of always being a working, independent woman, to a SAHM dependent on her husband’s income. It’s unfortunate that she had to choose between the two because of the lack of support mothers have in this country. Luckily, she was able to figure out how to be home with her kids, start to bring in her own income, and come to a place in her motherhood journey where she now feels whole. You just have to EFFing believe that you are more capable than you think. It’s easy for us to believe the negative self-talk. Let’s start to believe the opposite! To follow Richelle, go to Instagram at @richellexo.

  • Being a mom is already super taxing. And, if you are trying to build a business on top of that, it can easily send a lot of us down a dark spiral, especially when we are pulled in so many directions that the light at the end of the tunnel can seem way dimmer than we like. A few weeks ago, Romi had hit a low, one that she hadn’t hit in a while where she didn’t even want to get out of bed. Like we have said many times before, these EFF IT “moments” are actually pretty long journeys for most of us, and it can be full of super highs and super lows. And we thought it would be a good idea to just talk about what she was experiencing since so many moms suffer alone because we are expected to take on so much. She goes into to what took her there, and how she managed to get herself out. We don’t want moms to feel alone, especially when it comes to mental health, because it’s hard not to go to dark places, sometimes. We can all be our own worst enemies, but it’s important to talk about these things so that others don’t feel like they are alone. If you’re having a hard time, please reach out to a friend, or find a community of other moms that you feel comfortable confiding it. It’s so important because when we are happy, so is the rest of our family!

  • In this episode, we speak with Amy Edwards, a madre of 2 daughters, who said EFF IT to people pleasing, and really finding what her true purpose was and living her life for her. At 40, she became a Rock ‘n Roller, and really started living a life that aligns with what she was feeling on the inside. And, she is the happiest she has ever been! Just know, that the best is yet to come! Just because we reach a certain age does not mean that our lives our over and we can’t pursue what brings us joy. You EFFing have it within you to make your life the best that it can be. We aren’t saying it’s an easy thing to do, but you must find the things that help you start believing that you are capable. To learn more about Amy and her journey, please check her out at www.amyedwards.info, Instagram at @realamyedwards, and on TikTok @themagicbabe.

  • In this episode, we speak with Leslie Lew, a madre of two, who we interviewed over a year ago where she shared her EFF IT moment that involved an altercation with her mother (If you haven’t heard it, listen here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-eff-it-madres-podcast/id1637465824?i=1000587773406). Now, she’s in a different place in her life, and like we always say, one EFF IT moment leads to many more, and now she’s working through being wrongfully terminated from her corporate job, and becoming a SAHM, which for her, isn’t the easiest and most comfortable transition. EFF IT moments can have many highs and many lows. And it’s important to us to also share the harder times moms go through so that other moms know that they aren’t alone, in their journeys and the complex feelings we can feel when our identities go through transitions. But, one thing is for sure, we always work through it because we are moms. We are warriors! To follow Leslie, please check her out at www.reclaimingyourcourage.com, and on Instagram at @reclaimingyourcourage.

  • In this episode, we speak to Sandra Contreras, a single madre of 2 kids, who said EFF IT and quit her full time job to pursue her crafting that started as a side hobby. She wanted to find a creative outlet outside of her role as a mom and work. And now, after 2 years of making her hobby her full time business, she just signed a lease on a space for her first store in downtown San Jose! She is proof that it can be done if you truly EFFing believe that you can do it. And just like she says, you just have the EFFing do it! To check out Sandra’s shop, go to www.cositascontreras.com. Also, please give her a follow on Instagram and TikTok @cositascontreras.

  • In this episode, we speak with Lillian Diaz Imbelli, a madre of 3 grown kids. She was always a writer at heart, but the Imposter Syndrome kept her from really owning her talent. Until she finally said EFF IT at 68, and finished the book she had started writing years ago. And, now she has built up the confidence to really own her “Writer” title. You just have to EFFing believe in yourself, be kind to people, and follow your dreams! To purchase Lillian’s book, “Seeking Grace Amongst the Living, click on this Amazon link: http://a.co/d/3Eaw9dZ. And, don’t forget to leave a review if you enjoyed the book!

  • In this episode, we are revisiting some of our past Madres, and sharing all the different EFF IT moments that they have shared with us to hopefully inspire you to just say EFF IT too, if you are feeling one coming on. Or if you are still moving through yours, to keep going because there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Or, perhaps you are searching for yours, and don’t necessarily know what an EFF IT moment is. We hope you find some inspiration from hearing from all these badass Madres!

  • In this episode we speak with Erin Patten, a madre to a little boy, whose world was turned upside by her ex-partner who accused her of not taking care of their son, who had been suffering from a digestive condition that didn’t allow for him to keep much of anything that was given to him down. So, just to be vindictive because of their split up, he called CPS (Child Protective Services) on her accusing her of malnourishment, and her son was taken away from her for 30 agonizing days. She had to go through hell and back through this situation, and once she was able to get her son back because her ex had no evidence to stand on, she said EFF IT and decided to get out of where she was in her life, and start a whole new timeline, in a whole new place and in a whole new, beautiful home. This has been one of the hardest experiences she has gone through, especially as someone with a prolific corporate career and as a Harvard graduate, but it has helped guide her onto the path of helping others by becoming a Metaphysical Master by integrating data-driven tools with ancient metaphysical principles to businesses and corporations. You just have to EFFing know who you are. And, as Erin put it so powerfully, “The more you know you, the better you can be you!” To follow Erin and her journey, please give her a follow on Instagram at @iamerinpatten, check out her website at www.erinpatten.com, and listen to her podcast, The MetaBusiness Millennial Podcast on all the popular podcast platforms.

  • In this episode, we speak with Angie Guerrero, a madre of a 13 year girl, a guardian to her niece and nephew, and a stepmom to her son. She decided to say EFF IT when a financial opportunity presented itself by becoming a surrogate, and she decided to move forward with the decision because it would help her and her family. What it also did was allow her to help someone else in need in a very significant way. So, although it initially started out as a financial decision, she realized that she was providing so much impact to someone by carrying their child and bringing it into this world. Sometimes, you have to make big EFFing decisions for the sake of your family, and whatever it is that you need to do is what is best for you. And, a lot of those decisions start out being for one reason, and then you realize the magnitude of what making that decision does for others. In Angie’s case, it affected someone’s life in a very positive way, aside from her own. As much as it is important to be selfish sometimes, you can EFFing be selfless sometimes too, and impact people in a big way with the decisions that you make. To learn more about becoming a surrogate, you can google “Surrogacy Companies” in your local area.

  • In this episode, we share some exciting news about things that are happening to grow the podcast. Signing with a management group, to our next photoshoot and Madre event. We also talk about how we’ve learned so much about our own strengths, and weaknesses that when combined create this great dynamic. And, lastly, we discuss how this podcast is something we feel called to do everyday. Women empowerment runs through our veins, and we share our goals of what we want this podcast to be for moms and women out there. We want to share our journey of building this movement with you, through the good times and the bad. And, it would really help us out if you did all the things: like, subscribe, share, and leave a review if you feel called to do so! We are so grateful for all your support, and love having you come on this wild ride with us!

  • In this episode, we speak with Starlyn Cafferata, a madre of 5, who decided to say EFF IT to all the expectations that she had placed on herself before having kids about what kind of mom she was going to be. And, she REALLY let those expectations go when they found out that they were pregnant for the second time with quadruplets! That’s right
.4 babies at the same time! She realized that there was no way of holding on to any of that and be a happy mom. So, once she let all those expectations go, she became a lot more happy, and laid back and could find humor in all the chaos that come with having 5 kids. You just have to EFFing do what works for you and your family and not listen to all the outside noise. You can’t and will not please everyone. And, the only people that matter are your loved ones who are the closest to you.. Everyone EFF off! To keep up with Starlyn and her family’s journey, go to Instagram and Tiktok and follow her at @caffsquad.

  • In this episode, we speak with Mackenzie Gray, a madre of two, who had her first child in Italy, and then right before the pandemic hit, had moved back to the states. However, the EFF IT moment was a little different. First, she said EFF IT and had it in her mind that they were going to move back, and everyday was wanting to make it happen. However, the reality of their situation just wasn’t going to allow that to happen, at least not at the time that she was really itching to go back. So, she said EFF IT again, but this time, surrendered to what the reality was going to be, which was staying here because of her husband’s stable job. So, even though her original EFF IT moment of wanting to move back didn’t work out when she wanted it to, that mental shift to surrendering to what they current circumstances were got her to start taking care of herself physically and mentally with joining a gym and finding a community of like-minded moms who are able to support each other. Whether your EFF IT moment works out or not, it’s about the mindset shift that happens that makes you start doing, thinking and seeing things differently. You just have to EFFing find your peace in whatever situation you find yourself in because the only thing that you can control is you and how you react to things. To check out Mackenzie and help her grow her following for her fashion brand that helps inspire moms through fashion, go to Instagram and give @mackenzie_gray.

  • In this episode, we speak with Whitney Runyon, an adoption madre of 3, who said EFF IT and decided to get on antidepressants after pushing back on the idea for about a year, when her therapist recommended them to her. Her introduction to motherhood was especially hard, since the kids she and her husband adopted were a little older. So, there was a lot of emotional complexities and traumas (her kids’s and her own) to deal with. She finally came to the decision that if she didn’t do this, she may not live another day. A big reason people hold off on doing things that might actually help them is because of the stigma surrounding whatever it is they are wanting to do or explore. We say EFF that! EFFing do what is best for you and your family. And also, be kind to others and treat them the way we want to be treated because we just don’t know their journeys, just like they might not know ours. So, we need to try not to judge, and just be kind! To follow Whitney, please give her a follow on Instagram @whitruyon, check out the services she offers at www.whitrunyon.com

  • In this episode, we speak with Allison Hardman, a single madre of two, who said EFF IT and left a marriage of 14 years behind her because of how toxic it was to her and her kids. She took a sign from the universe to get out of what she had intuitively felt was not right for her and her kids to stay in any longer. And, once she got out, she did things that she never would have done had she stayed in something that wasn’t serving her. It’s through these EFF IT moments where we build resilience, and you should be damn proud of taking those steps in finding what works and doesn’t work for you. Just EFFing trust your gut, do what you love, and choose joy in everything that you do. To follow Allison’s journey, please follow her on Instagram at @alliinwanderlust. And, if you’re in Austin, go check out one of her yoga classes at @blackswanyogaaustin.

  • In this episode, we speak with Food Network star, Penny Davidi, a madre of 2, who said EFF IT and got divorced at a time when divorce was taboo. On top of that, coming from a Persian Jewish upbringing, it was very frowned upon. But, she knew it was not what she wanted anymore, and once she left, an onslaught of EFF IT moments followed: she bought pizza joints even though she knew nothing about it; manifested herself onto the Food Network; and found the love of her life. It just goes to show that you have to make things EFFing happen for you by putting yourself into different environments and take advantage of the opportunities that are all around you because they always are. You just have to be willing and open to accepting them. To check out all the projects Penny is involved in, go to Instagram and give her a follow at @pennydavidi. Also, check out her book, “It’s my Thyme,” on Amazon.

  • In this episode, we thought it would be fun to check in with each other since Romi’s birthday was this past week, and Carla’s is in a few weeks, and is also turning 42. We were both at such different spots since this time last year, so we wanted to see what we’ve learned, want to leave behind, and what we want to see and achieve in 2024. We talk about growth, realize that we can change our identities whenever we want, and that our EFF IT moment really has pushed us forward in so many ways. As messy as it has been, we are both super grateful that we said EFF IT and started this podcast. It literally has opened us both up to new perspectives, new opportunities, learning new things, and different ways of being. A big reason why we continue showing up to record more episodes is because we hope to inspire madres out there to say EFF IT so that they can reap the benefits that these big life changes bring. Don’t get us wrong, there will definitely be some shitty ass parts, but what you learn along the way supersedes the bad. So, if you’re at that point and want to say EFF IT, all we can say is just effing doing. It may suck at times, but it will be worth it in the end.

  • In this episode, we speak with Romi’s Aunt, Mary Nabers,, a madre of two, who decided to say EFF IT, and go back to school in her 40’s. When she was younger, she had dropped out high school, and ever since then carried around this narrative that she wasn’t smart enough for school. But, she always wanted to go back. So, when that opportunity arose, she went back to school and broke that narrative by really applying herself, and ended up on the Dean’s List and graduating with honors. It just goes to show that you can rewrite your EFFing story, and know that you aren’t the narratives that you have told yourself for so long. You have the power to break through them and become a fresh, new version of you. If you are interested in going back to school, know that you have tons of resources available to you. All you have to do is research your local community colleges in your area, and either call admissions or go in and speak with someone. Remember, where there’s a will, there’s a way!

  • In this episode, we speak with Chelsea Hale, a madre of one, that decided to say EFF IT and put her ego aside in regards to co-parenting her son with her ex. She realized that lawyering up and fighting with him was only feeding her ego, but hurting her son. So, they both decided to put their son first, and worked on developing a very harmonious co-parenting relationship. It went so well, that it made them reconsider their own relationship, so they are now on the path of exploring that. You just have to EFFing breathe, know that you will get through the hard times, and put your ego aside when it comes to what’s best for your kids. To follow Chelsea’s co-parenting journey, please give her a follow on Instagram at @thechelseahale