
  • Artificial Intelligence promises to revolutionize industries by enabling machines to mimic human cognition and perform tasks with unprecedented efficiency and accuracy. But what does that mean for you and how you collaborate with your team? I recently had a conversation with Dan Chuparkoff, an innovation expert who swears by the power of small, daily rituals with AI tools to unleash your team’s full potential. Dan is a visionary in Artificial Intelligence, with a particular focus on leveraging AI to enhance team communication and information management. In this episode, we'll dive into the transformative power of AI tools for enhancing team communication and collaboration. From daily learning rituals to leveraging cutting-edge AI technologies like ChatGPT, Claude AI, and Gemini, Dan shares actionable advice on integrating these tools into your workflow. Are you ready to harness the power of AI for your team?

  • Are you giving feedback that’s ultimately producing the results that you want from the team? Is your feedback changing behavior? I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Joan Hibdon, author of "The Leader's Guide to Mastering Feedback." Joan is a passionate and dynamic speaker known for her ability to inspire and empower audiences. With a global and diverse industry background, she brings a unique perspective to the stage, captivating listeners with her engaging storytelling and insightful wisdom. After a 30+ year-long career in human resources, coaching, and professional development, Joan channeled her passion for cultivating cultures where people thrive. In this episode, Joan explains how to master the art of feedback, where leaders can drive impactful results and foster meaningful professional relationships. Ready to learn how to embrace feedback as a tool for growth? Then don't miss this enlightening interview!

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  • Rhythm and music are primal forces that can elevate awareness of both ourselves and others. But they can do more than just that… music and rhythm can be used to enhance collaboration and connectivity within teams. Doug Manuel, an inspiring documentarian, and rhythm enthusiast, shares his journey and the incredible ways he has used drumming to transform professional connections. In my recent conversation with Doug on The Enlightened Executive, we explored what we can learn from music and communal living, particularly in rural African communities, to enhance leadership skills and organizational culture. Ready to learn how the power of rhythm and music can foster leadership and effective collaboration? Then don’t miss this enlightening interview!

  • Imagine translating a horse’s sensitivity to human emotions into understanding, improving your leadership style. Fascinating, right? In today's volatile business environment, recognizing and harnessing the power of our emotions can revolutionize the way we lead. I had a transformative discussion with Lucinda Vette, a renowned equine coach, about equine-assisted coaching—a method that digs deep into understanding leadership energy and emotional intelligence through our connection with horses. But I didn’t just discuss it, I went down to the Miraval Resort in Tucson, AZ and experienced this powerful modality firsthand. One of their pioneering programs is Equine Coaching, where equine specialists help you practice balancing leadership and cooperation skills with a nonverbal companion. Discover how engaging with horses can redefine your leadership approach by tuning into this week’s episode of The Enlightened Executive. Ready to learn about the compelling connection between leadership effectiveness and emotional intelligence? Then don’t miss this enlightening interview!

  • Enlightened leadership is not reserved for ancient philosophers or yogis meditating in remote caves—it is crucial for today's leaders too. This week on The Enlightened Executive podcast, David Meltzer shares his personal journey from the brink of financial ruin to a life enriched with purpose, value, and service to others. As the former CEO of a renowned sports and entertainment agency, David is now on a mission that transcends beyond corporate confines: empowering over 1 billion people to find happiness. In this episode, he shares how incorporating his practices into your daily routine will fuel your path to becoming an enlightened leader, one who leads with intent, authenticity, and, most importantly, a happy heart. Ready to learn how to become a conscious leader? Then don’t miss this enlightening interview!

  • Leading a multigenerational workforce is becoming increasingly complex. Each generation brings a unique set of skills, perspectives, and expectations to the table. Dr. Scott De Long, a serial entrepreneur with a doctorate in leadership, shares successful strategies to bridge the generational divide on this week’s episode of The Enlightened Executive. In today’s business world, effective leadership requires more than just issuing orders and expecting obedience. The command-and-control approach is ineffective compared to leadership that empowers and inspires. This is the essence of my recent conversation with Scott, whose insights on leadership are reshaping how we think about steering our teams towards success. In this episode, we discussed the wisdom of connecting with multi-generational team members, understanding their motivations, and leveraging the strengths that each generation brings to the table. Want to learn how to work more effectively with younger generations? Then don’t miss this enlightening interview!

  • Unlock your employees’ potential by harnessing their greatest asset: creativity! In a world where creativity is thought to be only for a chosen few, Josh Linkner emphasizes that everyone is inherently creative. They just need a way to unleash it in their everyday work to generate revenue-fueling innovation. Josh Linkner is far from your average entrepreneur. Alongside his successes as a bestselling author and the founder of five tech companies, which have created over 10,000 jobs and generated over $200 million, Linkner is also an acclaimed Jazz musician. His deep-rooted passion for jazz not only sets him apart but also serves as a catalyst for his desire to help fellow business leaders tap into their creative potential. Josh’s unique approach toward innovation highlights the power of creative thinking and the importance of embracing a growth mindset in leadership. Ready to find out how to unlock creativity throughout your organization? Then don’t miss this enlightening interview!

  • The secret to groundbreaking innovation lies not in specialized teams, but in empowering every individual to think like an innovator. Carla Johnson is the world’s leading innovation Architect, and she is reshaping the way we think about creativity and problem-solving in the corporate world. She says, “You can't solve new world problems with old school thinking.” With a 20-year career dedicated to working with leaders and conducting extensive research, Carla is breaking down traditional barriers to innovation. In this episode, Carla urges leaders to understand that even the most unconventional ideas can hold the key to significant advancements and improvements. Ready to learn a systematic approach to innovation? Then don’t miss this enlightening interview!

  • Is the concept of “Work-Life Balance” outdated? Forget the balancing act; it's time for something more realistic. Bo Hale and Luke Carignan challenge the traditional notion of work-life balance. They argue "Work-life balance is a myth; it's harmony we should be after." As co-hosts of the globally acclaimed podcast "The Bo & Luke Show," they suggest that by finding the sweet spot between your personal and professional life, you can embrace a life lived with purpose and aligned with your values. Bo and Luke have one clear message to all the leaders out there: achieving work-life harmony is not only possible, but essential. By integrating your personal values into your professional career, you can lead a fuller, richer life that fills you with joy and purpose, which is something everyone desires! Want to learn how to create work-life harmony? Then don’t miss this enlightening interview!

  • In our fast paced business world, where the only constant is change, letting your weird flag fly could be your ticket to staying ahead of the curve. I had the pleasure of discussing leadership innovation with Frankie Russo, a serial tech entrepreneur known for his groundbreaking approach to fostering innovation within teams and companies. Frankie Russo, an entrepreneur with an eight-year streak on the Inc. 500 list, brings a fresh perspective with his "Love Your Weird" framework as a method for driving creativity and innovation. This approach is all about tapping into our authentic selves, letting our imagination run wild, and embracing a spirit of generosity in our professional lives. Frankie highlights the power that lies in embracing our quirks, dreaming big, and working together. In a world that often pushes us toward conformity, Russo's message is a breath of fresh air. Ready to learn how to face our fear of failure and be true to who we are? Then don’t miss this enlightening interview!

  • The best business advice you’ll receive is likely unorthodox. Do you ever feel like you hear the same ole’ business advice over-and-over, perhaps just packaged in a slightly different way? Do you ever wonder if anyone is truly saying something new about how to approach enterprise growth? In this episode of The Enlightened Executive, Dr. Dill unveils a unique perspective on the building blocks of thriving businesses: creating a relationship plan, keeping challenges at the forefront, and the power of a generous mindset. He shares three strategies executives and entrepreneurs can implement to think outside the box and foster business growth. Ready to discover the essential catalyst for taking your business to the next level? Then don’t miss this enlightening interview!

  • By now, you can’t get help being bombarded with news of how AI is going to change everything. But what does that really mean for YOU? The power of AI in augmenting human capabilities and optimizing operations has launched businesses into a new era of efficiency and competitiveness. Joining me on The Enlightened Executive podcast is Mike Koenigs, speaker, serial entrepreneur with five successful exits, and 17x bestselling author. As an expert in maximizing time, effort, and impact, Mike shares strategic advice for other executives serious about using AI to propel them and their businesses forward. Want to learn how to align your business goals with AI solutions? Then don’t miss this enlightening interview.

  • Digital innovation is most impactful when paired with a very human skill: empathy. Digital leadership involves integrating human-centered principles with a commitment to technological progress. The most successful leaders actively search out new tools that allow their business to empathetically connect with teams, customers, clients, and partners. Erik Qualman is the #1 best-selling author of five books and is a current professor of Digital Leadership at Northwestern University and his materials are used in over 500 universities. In this episode, Erik Qualman shares three digital leadership strategies that businesses and individuals can implement in order to navigate the intersection of empathy and technology effectively. Ready to learn what the path to digital leadership is fueled by? Then don’t miss this enlightening interview!

  • Leaders have the power to either expand or inadvertently inhibit the growth of those around them. Essentially, consider that you are either acting as a multiplier or diminisher of team performance. Multipliers operate under the belief that their team is intelligent and capable, fostering an environment where others can thrive. In contrast, diminishers assume that their team can't succeed without their constant guidance, and create a hub-and-spoke environment. Joining me today on The Enlightened Executive podcast is Liz Wiseman. Liz is a researcher, advisor, and author of the New York Times bestseller Multipliers and the Wall Street Journal bestseller Impact Players. Liz’s research illustrates how leaders can either be catalysts for growth or, despite their best intentions, hinder the potential of those around them. In this episode, we explore practical tools leaders can use to identify their multiplier and diminisher tendencies, along with strategies to bring out the best in their team. Want to learn why playing big sometimes means playing small? Then don’t miss this enlightening interview.

  • Adverse experiences and childhood wounds filter into our careers and leadership, influencing our potential.

    Traumatic experiences may impose limitations on our personal and professional life. These limitations are often challenging to identify, and even more difficult to overcome. Intentionally dealing with the experiences of our past enables us to chart a different path forward so we can thrive personally and professionally.

    Joining me today on The Enlightened Executive podcast is Doug Dane, a survivor who overcame a harrowing childhood filled with emotional, physical, and sexual abuse to achieve personal freedom, healthy relationships, and professional success. As an international keynote speaker and mindset mentor, he has turned his personal experience into a duplicable system to help people discover their true identity and live a life free of guilt or shame.

    In this episode, Doug shares practical strategies leaders can implement today to release the burdens of their past and step into their full leadership potential.
    Ready to discover your true identity and live a life free of guilt or shame?

    Then don’t miss this enlightening interview.

  • Generational differences impact workplace connection.

    Nothing exposes this truth like the generational divide we see between Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Zers in the workplace. Gen Zers roll their eyes in frustration with their older colleagues and Millennials and Gen Xers disappointedly shake their heads at the emerging workforce.

    Challenging as it might be, leaders who cultivate genuine connections across generational lines experience greater workplace success.

    Chris Tuff, the bestselling author of "The Millennial Whisperer" and "Save Your Asks," has made connection-building his life's mission. Chris has worked with some of the most prestigious companies in the world, such as Nike, Meta, and Amazon, and his first book is a USA Today bestseller that equips leaders with tools to attract and retain young talent through genuine connection.

    In this episode, Chris shares 4 insights leaders can consider in order to foster connection on a multi-generational team and achieve business objectives.
    Ready to learn how to improve genuine connections on your team?

    Then don’t miss this enlightening interview.

  • Music has the power to enhance our team and personal effectiveness. Wondering how?

    Certain songs have the ability to trigger powerful emotions and memories within us. By harnessing this power, we can intentionally use music to subconsciously boost our moods, productivity and motivation.

    Joining me on The Enlightened Executive podcast is Jonathan Elias, one of the most influential composers in the advertising world focused on audio branding. Jonathan is responsible for groundbreaking work for countless brands and is the recipient of virtually every major advertising honor. Jonathan’s work as a record producer, Grammy-nominated artist, and film and trailer composer includes collaborations with Duran Duran, BB King, David Bowie, and countless more.

    In this episode, Jonathan and I explore music’s emotional impact and share 3 essential strategies for using music as an unconventional but powerful leadership tool.
    Ready to learn how to use music as a powerful leadership tool?

    Then don’t miss this enlightening interview.

  • If you’re a leader who is only focused on profitability and productivity, consider that you might be doing just the bare minimum. The enlightened, modern leader is intentional about using their position to contribute to a more equitable organization.

    Joining me today on The Enlightened Executive podcast, Spring Walsham is a well-known meditation teacher, author, and visionary leader based in Oakland, California. Spring is considered a pioneer in bringing mindfulness-based practices to diverse communities and shares her expertise with us from a leadership perspective.

    In this episode, Spring examines the timeless teachings of Harriet Tubman and their relevance in today's complex world. Tubman’s example encourages us to weave a heart-centered approach and mindfulness practices into our leadership for greater personal and social impact.

    Ready to learn how we can use our influence to build a more equitable and sustainable future?

    Then don’t miss this enlightening interview.

  • High achievers are primed to buy into common misconceptions around happiness and fulfillment.

    Traditional external markers of success – money, status, fame – cause leaders to focus on “more” and “when,” which actively robs them of actual fulfillment and happiness. True fulfillment is a deep sense of contentment and well-being that comes from living in alignment with one's values and purpose. By shifting their focus from external validation to internal growth, high-achieving leaders will experience greater fulfillment while stepping into more impactful and legendary leadership.

    Today on The Enlightened Executive podcast, Tommy Breedlove joins us to discuss a more fulfilling professional journey. Tommy is a Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author of the book "Legendary." His program, the "Legendary Life Movement," challenges high achievers to break free from the pursuit of material success and embrace their legendary leadership qualities.

    In this episode, we explore the essence of legendary leadership and how aspiring leaders can harness the power of self-awareness to find greater fulfillment.

    Want to learn how leaders can transform their leadership without sacrificing meaning and fulfillment in their lives?

    Then don’t miss this enlightening interview.

  • Do you have a leadership investment strategy? Are you investing in your people and yourself with the same level of care that you put into your financial investments?

    Successful leaders have more than a financial plan. They invest in themselves and their business with the same intentionality and consistency as they devote to their building a retirement nestegg.

    Executives who take a holistic approach can experience more personally significant returns on their leadership investment and, yes, even long-term wealth.

    Mark Murphy, CEO of Northeast Private Client Group, believes true financial wealth is developed by a high level of emotional fitness, effective wealth accumulation strategies and a plan that will work under all circumstances. With his extensive experience in wealth management and his just-launched book, The Ultimate Investment: A Roadmap to Grow Your Business and Build Multigenerational Wealth, Mark holds valuable insights on wealth creation and an investment mindset.

    In this episode, Mark shares three strategies executives can implement to invest in their leadership, and therefore their long-term financial success.

    Want to learn more on the journey to a personally and financially secure future?

    Then don’t miss this enlightening interview.