
  • Boelo van der Pool, an ESL Professional who focuses on raising Dyslexia awareness among language teachers joins us on today's show.

    A native of the Netherlands, Van der Pool is no stranger to learning other languages himself, having lived in Asia, the UK, and now Spain since 1994. He is an active speaker, teacher trainer and former language school owner as well as a certified coach and a member of the board of the International Language Coaching Association.

    Boelo opens up about Dyslexia and ADHD, and both their prevalence in and their impact on language learning. As a person with Dyslexia, Boelo is unabashedly optimistic in his approach and convinced that we can do more and better to help learners like him progress in language learning.

    Boelo offers a deeper understanding of the dyslexic or ADHD experience and insights which ultimately helps us more effectively recognize and support our neurodivergent learners.

  • Join us for an eye-opening chat with Konstantin Mikaberidze, a Paris-based certified CELTA instructor with a background in media training, film, and photography.

    In his role at the Pole Universitare Léonard de Vinci in Paris, Konstantin has developed a popular course called Media Training for Future CEOs.

    Bringing together presentation and communication skills, he helps English learners put their best foot forward in any situation - from weekly meetings to facing journalists in the wake of a company crisis.

    Mikaberidze generously shares his ideas and insights with our audience. Listen in and learn how to apply these concepts to your Business English training for a richer learning experience for your trainees.

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  • Join us for an informative conversation with Sanja Ždralović and Petra Blajić, two passionate, Croatian-based ESL educators, who gave an energizing and reassuring talk on AI at the TESOL France Conference (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) last fall.

    These seasoned ESL professionals bring a wealth of experience and creativity in their approaches to teaching English. Sanja Ždralović is a linguist and PhD candidate while Petra Blajić’s career has brought her in contact with a broad spectrum: from early learners to Business English professionals. Currently, they are each educators at the high school level.

    I left their talk so enthused that I immediately asked them to join us on the podcast. In this episode, Sanja and Petra share innovative ways to use AI in the English language classroom, as well as the very surprising reactions their learners have had to AI that you won’t want to miss.

  • December is a busy time of year as we all juggle more than usual on our plates. We may find ourselves exasperatedly making vows to “take better care” and “get more organized” in the ‘New Year.’

    We thought it was the perfect time to revisit Rachael Roberts’ helpful conversation on burnout and how to avoid it. Spot Burnout Before it Starts, recorded in 2021, still holds true today, and even more so as post-Covid life has us returning to in-person gatherings, meetings and travel and all that that entails.

    Rachael Roberts is an ESL expert, former trainer’s trainer and materials writer turned business and mindset coach for freelance ELT professionals. Self-care is an important focus in her work which aims to help her clients take better care of themselves while at the same time elevating both their earnings and service levels through her Earn Learn Thrive (www.earnlearnthriveinelt.com) program.

    In this podcast, we address the topic of burnout and how to spot the early warning signs, how to handle the extra intensity of Zoom training, and the game-changing success secrets of habit building.

    This episode is well worth a listen at this contemplative time of year. Rachael’s thought-provoking insights and needle-moving questions are sure to keep you moving forward with less stress in 2024.

  • Weren’t able to make it to last week’s IATEFL Besig’s annual conference for Business English trainers in Stuttgart, Germany? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

    Listen to Episode 29 to get the low-down.Business Class’s founder, Daphne Chisholm-Elie, was there presenting her latest CPD Program, Training as an Agile Project, and came by to fill us in on the hot topics and industry buzz at this year’s event.

    Needless to say, the topic on everyone’s mind this year was AI and Daphne brings us some heartening news on that front.And speaking of conferences, if you are in France, the TESOL France annual conference is taking place soon! Mark your calendars for November 17-19th.

    Hear more about it in our latest episode!

  • In Episode 28 of the Business Class ESL Breakroom, we are joined by Tanya Meyer, the Founder of the Confident English Training program to talk about her unique, holistic approach to English language training rooted in mindfulness.

    Tanya believes that the journey to effective communication goes far beyond the words we speak. After her own positive experience with stilling the mind, she has come to integrate mindfulness and contemplative practices into her teaching, fostering calmer, more open, and skillful communication. Her learners have responded enthusiastically! Join us as Tanya shares the insights from her own mindfulness journey and how it has left an indelible mark on her personal and professional life.

    We delve into the practical aspects of mindfulness during language sessions, which does NOT mean that we encourage outright meditation in session. Rather, we look at ways to slow down the pace, to truly acknowledge our learners and the moment in which we are working together.

    During our conversation, Tanya details the expected and unexpected benefits she has observed throughout her career.

    For fellow language trainers and anyone interested in embracing mindfulness in their work or life, don’t miss Tanya’s generous wisdom on the subject. Tune in to this enlightening episode to discover how incorporating mindfulness into language training can transform the learning experience for both you and your trainees.

  • In this thought-provoking episode of the ESL Breakroom Podcast, we sit down with Meri Maroutian, an English language teacher and passionate equity advocate for the rights of non-native speaker ESL teachers. Together, we delve into the topic of "Native Speakerism," the perception that native English speakers are inherently better as language models or teachers, and its impact on the ESL industry.

    Native Speakerism is a hot-button issue that has been sparking debate within the ESL community. Join us as we dissect what Native Speakerism really means and why it is a discriminatory practice. Meri, an accomplished ESL professional who is also a non-native English speaker, brings her unique perspective to the table as a former Business English trainer, current teacher and equity advocate: someone who is committed to calling out pervasive stereotypes and systemic biases.

    In her role as equity advocate, she sheds light on the challenges faced by non-native speaking English teachers and the need for greater inclusivity and recognition. She points out how native speakerism holds capable language professionals back from doing their jobs and prevents deserving learners from positive learning experiences.

    Together, we explore actionable ways that ALL teachers of ESL, regardless of their native language, can contribute to raising awareness and dismantling Native Speakerism.

    Tune in to this eye-opening conversation that calls for unity, understanding and helps to foster a more inclusive, equitable, and supportive environment for ESL teachers worldwide.

  • On today’s ESL Breakroom Podcast we’re joined by Rob Howard, one of the joint coordinators of IATEFL Besig, President of IATEFL Poland, and an incredibly experienced trainer, teacher trainer and speaker and author.

    Today he’s joining us to talk about his newly released book, One To One: An Updated and Practical Guide to Teaching written with Andrzej Stęsik now available on Amazon.

    Rob sheds light on the inspiration behind the book and his motivation to collaborate on this comprehensive guide to one-to-one sessions.

    The set-up and dynamics of one-to-one training is quite different to group work, and whether you're a new ESL trainer or an experienced educator, Rob's book offers valuable insights for everyone.

    For those new to the field, the book serves as an essential companion, providing tips and practical advice to kickstart your journey including thoughts on the business side of freelancing, and sample contracts.

    Experienced ESL trainers and coaches will find refreshing and thought-provoking themes and topics, structured to help you build your learner’s confidence and deepen the trainer/trainee connection - a cornerstone of successful learning.

    Find Rob’s book at one-to-one.be or on Amazon!

    The ESL Breakroom is available on all major platforms including Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review to spread the love for language teaching far and wide!

  • Join us for an eye-opening look at Neurodiversity, and in particular dyslexia, with Dr Martin Bloomfield, a trainer and consultant in Neurodiversity from an international and intercultural perspective.In this very enlightening conversation, Martin helps us better understand what Dyslexia is and isn’t and offers insights into how we can set the scene for an improved learning experience for our learners with dyslexia.The podcast not only touches on the challenges that dyslexia presents but also refreshingly points out the strengths that are statistically associated with dyslexics.The conversation will empower you to take a closer look at your own understanding and beliefs around learning challenges, and offer tools to tweak your training approach for better results.

  • As technology continues to transform education, blended learning has become a significant component of ESL programs. As trainers, we must adapt our approach and become eLearning coaches, guiding and inspiring learners through digital resources that are often part and parcel of their learning package.Join us for an enlightening talk with Deirdre Cijffers, formerly Head of Learning Design and Development for Cambridge University Press, and currently Director and Education Consultant for Learning Unfurled. Deirdre helps teachers and institutions build excellent online learning experiences via talks, workshops and webinars.In this episode, she provides a much-appreciated exploration of the trainer's role as an eLearning coach and reveals effective techniques to inspire and motivate learners in a blended learning environment.Whether you're an experienced ESL trainer or just starting your teaching career, this episode is a must-listen for anyone who’s ever been challenged by learners with “no-time” to take on their elearning outside of sessions

  • Today’s ESL Breakroom Podcast takes us out of our ESL Business English training sessions and into our bank accounts!

    Where’s the connection? These two seemingly divergent paths converge with our special guest, Nicola Prentis, former ESL trainer and materials writer who’s uncovered an exciting new use for her skill set: teaching newbies about passive, low-risk investing.

    This episode is one where all the benefits are for you, trainer. We step away from our focus on improving our sessions to place it on improving our bottom lines. Why?

    As Nicola points out, our profession is particularly populated with well-meaning, pedagogically gifted types who statistically have not shown themselves to be particularly savvy when it comes to growing our finances. As a group, we are often drawn to the excitement of travel, cross-cultural exchanges, and the stimulating challenge of mastering languages.

    Unfortunately, the downside of our industry is that it often comes with a freelance lifestyle or lower salary. Many of us find ourselves after several years or even decades in language training without the enviable financial safety-net of our peers who followed a more traditional route to mortgage paying 9-to-5’s with corporate matching pension plans.

    Nicola's journey mirrors our own experiences in the ELT industry. After years as a teacher, author, and award-winning materials writer, Nicola realized her ESL-based income still wasn’t enough to purchase a home nor would it provide the financial security required for retirement.

    This wake-up call inspired her to take matters into her own hands and take the steps necessary to change that. She embarked on a transformative path, discovering the world of investing.

    She bravely went from someone who, like many of us, pooh-poohed the world of finance and investing as too complex, and not aligned with her vision of the world, to an eager student of the topic with a growth mindset approach.

    Not only did she discover that investing is not that scary, but also that she had the perfect skill set to share that knowledge with fellow ESL professionals like herself. Thus, her course and website The Chilled Investor was born.

    Today, numerous cohorts later, Nicola continues drawing upon her expertise in materials writing, and leveraging her knowledge to create relatable investment courses and content tailored to, but not limited to, ELT professionals as The Chilled Investor.

    She understands the stories and struggles of Business English trainers intimately. Through her content, Nicola empowers us to take control of our financial futures, providing us with the tools and knowledge to make a start in the world of investing and improve our long-term prospects.

    Join us in this episode as we look at why we as an industry are particularly susceptible to being left in the dark when it comes to investing, and hear how Nicola is empowering us to change that.

  • Are you a language trainer who wants to improve your on-camera presence and confidence?
    Today, we are thrilled to have Ashley Griffiths as our guest. Ashley is a Confidence On Video Coach who works with coaches and online service providers to improve their on-camera presence.

    As a former ESL trainer, Ashley knows firsthand the challenges of teaching and communicating with learners online. In this episode, he shares his infectious enthusiasm and valuable insights on how we can improve our on-camera skills to better connect with our learners.

    Ashley's goal is to help his clients move from average to awesome in front of the camera. During our conversation, he discusses common mistakes to avoid, tips for building confidence, and strategies for engaging with learners online. We dive into a range of topics, including how to increase trust with learners, proper camera placement, and how to experiment with video to improve your skills.

    Whether you're new to training online or looking to take your on-camera skills to the next level, Ashley's advice is sure to be invaluable. So grab a cup of coffee and join us in the Business Class ESL Breakroom as we learn from Ashley Griffiths how to boost our confidence and improve our on-camera presence. And don't forget to check out his "An Espresso Shot of Confidence Podcast!"

    You can connect with Ashley via his LinkedIn profile or his website

  • In this episode of the Business Class ESL Breakroom, we are joined by special guest Rob Howard, Joint Coordinator for the IATEFL Besig and a well-known figure in the ESL community. If you’ve attended any ESL conferences live or online in recent years, there’s a strong chance you’ve heard Rob present.

    Both an active facilitator of Advanced Communication Skills, and an EFL trainer and teacher trainer with broad-ranging expertise in business, sales, language training and materials writing, Rob is a sought-after speaker who delivers his message with heart and a good dose of humor.

    However, Rob is not only an experienced public speaker, but also a strong advocate for volunteerism and active participation in industry events. In this engaging conversation, we dive into why it's important to actively participate in ESL events and give back through volunteerism.

    Rob shares his personal journey and highlights the benefits of volunteering, such as expanding your network, gaining new skills, and strengthening the community. We also discuss how participating in industry events can help us grow as professionals and broaden our perspectives.

    So whether you're a seasoned ESL trainer or just starting out, join us in the Business Class ESL Breakroom as we explore the importance of giving back and being an active member of the ESL community with Rob Howard.


  • Ep. 20  “How Dogme ELT Saved Me” with Language Coach and Passionate ELT Business Owner Nina Hanáková

    Join us for an energizing chat with the delightful Nina Hanáková, coach, language school owner, and champion of the freelance ELT professional, as we discuss her experiential-based learning approach, and the influence of the emergent-language focused, materials-light model known as Dogme ELT on her teaching.

    An unabashed fan of Luke Meddings’ and Scott Thornbury’s book on Dogme principles in ELT, Teaching Unplugged: Dogme in English Language Teaching, Nina shares with us how her own experiential learning-based approach influenced by Dogme methodology revived her passion for ELT at a pivotal career moment.

    The Dogme style dovetailed beautifully with her natural inclinations to blend real-life experiences and learner-centric methods into her sessions. It solidified her convictions and freed her to pursue her instincts in the training room. She hasn’t looked back since, and after 19 years of freelance English language training, she is still “loving it every single day.”

    Her energy, warmth, and enthusiasm are palpable and her genuine love for our profession shines through as she explains her personal philosophy of English language coaching. A strong advocate for sharing tips and tricks, Nina reveals her latest technological hacks that have greatly boosted her learner retention and can do the same for you.

    Nina Hanáková is the founder of the Club For Successful Female ELT Entrepreneurs, and creator of the Language Teacher's Festival in her hometown of Brno in the Czech Republic (this year in May.) Reach out to her on LinkedIn and at www.ninaenglish.cz

  • Materials That Make a Difference  -  Task Variety with Silvina Mascitti

    In Episode 19, we are talking with Silvina Mascitti, both a passionate EFL teacher and materials writer and the very creative mind behind EFL Creative Ideas.com.

    Silvina generously provides the ESL training community with a trove of dynamic ideas through her website and we at Business Class particularly enjoy collaborating with her on materials for our own online training platform.

    Listen here as we delve into – task variety…a pillar of materials writing and a key ingredient in a great ESL session.  We dive deep into what engages our learners, and the all-important role of task variety in that, in order to turn out great learning experiences.  

    We’ll be taking a look at working with course books, self-created materials, and the dogme approach which involves little or no preparation by working with emergent language. You don’t need to be a materials writer to benefit from Silvina’s tips. On the contrary, by understanding the building blocks of a great session, you, the trainer, can maximize your session with more effective techniques.

    Silvina breaks down the question, “what makes good material?,” and gives us her valuable insights. She highlights the essential elements of materials writing such as engagement, interaction, relatability, representation and inclusivity. All-important, brain-friendly ingredients for good learning such as repetition, emotion, fun, and avoiding cognitive overload are explored.

    Silvina shows us the value of squeezing  the most out of your existing materials or creating dynamic exercises out of a situation at hand  – and explains how these two approaches not only coexist peacefully but in fact, enrich a session with their diversity.

    It’s a great conversation chock full of ways to improve your sessions with a few tweaks. Don’t miss out.

  • Join us for a sneak preview of Daphne Elie and Gabriella Benkő's upcoming TESOL France workshop on Making Learning Stick with Agile Teaching. 

    The creators of Training as an Agile Project (TAP), walk us through their upcoming workshop at the TESOL France conference on November 18th, 2022. Don't miss their hands-on workshop which will demonstrate how we as trainers can boost learning using the agile project management mindset.

    TAP is an iterative teaching process inspired by agile project management leads to effective learning. It provides structure and flexibility and continuously adapts to learners’ needs, contexts and goals. The process is brought alive by team collaboration, co-creation and collective intelligence. The team monitors the learning process by defining indicators and observing the visible evidence of learning. This process is strengthened by useful insights from applied neuroscience.

    For more on TAP, please click here. 

  • There’s a new way to do ESL role plays!  Business English coach and trained actor Amanda Croft shows us how to breathe new life into ESL role play activities both online and in-person.

    Amanda, a sought-after trainer and Neurolanguage Coach®️, has created a career path that combines both passions: training ESL and acting, weaving what she has learned on stage into her language training sessions. She has found a way to translate her acting skills into language practice and has given multiple talks at IATEFL conferences on the topic. She has even written a dissertation on gesture and language acquisition.

    Her take on role-plays offers a refreshing way to encourage learners to produce language that’s fun, inventive, and requires very little prep in advance.

    In doing so, Croft has noticed how engaged her learners become and how their creativity drives the process. It often results in more learner investment mid-task, and more participant communication in the ensuing debrief.

    Join us for this enlightening chat where we’ll look at how to apply Amanda’s tips to our own ESL role play scenarios whether you are training online or back in-company.

  • It’s a new season and a great time to breathe new life into your ESL Business English training sessions by trying something new. Join Business Class ESL trainers and coaches Sue, Manuel, and Anthony for a chat about tools and resources they are currently experimenting with.

    From super pronunciation resources and hands-on techniques for listening practice, to tools that increase learner engagement and topics that get learners talking, this episode has something for everyone.

    Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown
    Essentialism on Verbal to Visual
    Jungle Listening (site to be updated in early October)
    Modern English Teacher

  • Breathe new life onto your whiteboards and capture learner attention in a distracted world with the help of a fun, easy-to-learn and easy-to-draw visual vocabulary known as sketchnoting, or graphic facilitation.

    Well-known ELT materials writer, National Geographic Learning’s Voices series author, and graphic facilitation champion Emily Bryson shows us how. Before proclaiming, “I can’t draw,” see how Bryson transforms simple letters, and basic shapes into meaningful icons that YOU can replicate.

    As Bryson states, “If you can draw a circle, a square, and a triangle, you can sketchnote.” While it may appear to be geared to young audiences, graphic facilitation has been proven to aid memorization at any age. This fresh note-taking style is not only great for neuro-diverse learners, it also lends itself beautifully to the ESL setting, offering trainers a time-saving technique that engages discussion. What’s more, graphic recording as a practice is being rapidly adopted by top corporations as a means of capturing vital content in important meetings.

    There’s no better time to get familiar with this captivating technique that is sure to be a value-add to your Business English training. You can find Emily at https://www.emilybrysonelt.com/

  • High level learners can keep trainers on their toes. With solid vocabulary and grammar skills in place, learners at the C1/C2 level require a trainer who can provide both language expansion and stimulating Business English topics along with advanced level activities.

    Luckily, seasoned ESL teacher trainer and ESL materials writer Rachel Appleby joins us on Episode 14 with a host of useful ideas and resources to help us meet the challenge.

    Rachel has (co) authored a number of Business English Publications from both Oxford University Press and MacMillan including the Business one:one, Business Result and International Express, among others. She is also a CELTA trainer and active IATEFL speaker.

    You can connect with Rachel, and access her generous resources at https://rachelappleby.edublogs.org/