
  • JEFF LEBOWE is one of the founders of Spores Lab (sporeslab.io), a Canadian company which sells mushroom spores, cultures and grow kits for those interested in growing their own mushrooms. Jeff talks about the research behind the benefits of micro-dosing psilocybin to treat depression, anxiety, trauma and addiction. We also talk about the hallucinagenic experience, Big Pharma, and the future of medical treatments using mushrooms, ketamine, LSD and other substances in very small doses to promote healing.

  • OCEAN MALANDRA talks about the renewed interest in psychedelics and their applications in mental, spiritual and physical health. He is a widely published freelance environmental journalist and travel writer who divides his time between Northern California and South America. His work has appeared in over 30 different media outlets, including Vice, Lonely Planet, USA Today, Mongabay, Earth Island Journal, High Times Magazine, Parabola Magazine and Paste Magazine, where he wrote the environmental column EarthRx. He is also the author of the Moon Travel Guide series to Colombia. His new book, co-edited with neuroscientst and Harvard researcher, Natalie Dyer PhD, titled “Infinite Perception: The Power of Psychedelics for Global Transformation” is an anthology of voices from the front line of the Psychedelic Renaissance.er, PhD.

    Dr. Natalie Dyer, PhD, is a Research Scientist with Connor Whole Health at University Hospitals, President of the Center for Reiki Research, and serves on the Scientific and Medical Network board. Natalie completed her doctorate in neuroscience at Queen’s University and postdoctoral fellowships in psychology at Harvard University and Harvard Medical School. She has published many scientific papers and book chapters on postmaterialist science, psychedelics, and the therapeutic effects of integrative medicine practices, including yoga, acupuncture, mindfulness, and energy medicine, and is co-editor of the book Expanding Science: Visions of a Postmaterialist Paradigm. Natalie is also an energy medicine practitioner and teacher with clients around the world. Her passion is in understanding and addressing mental and physical health from a psychospiritual perspective. She lives in the woods on the east coast of Canada with her husband, artist Louis Dyer, and their daughter.

    We discuss the history of psychedelics along with current research and the future of their use in enhancing a wide variety of health and wellness challenges. Ocean brings a great deal of personal experience with shaman ritual as well as scientific research to the table in a frank discussion about human potential in body, mind and spirit.

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  • New York Tmes bestselling author LAURA DOYLE was the perfect wife--until she got married.Wheb she began telling her husband how to be tidier, more rmantic, more ambitious, he avoided her.So she dragged him to omarriage counseling and nearly divorced him.

    In desperation, she asked happily married women for their secrets, and that's when she got her miracle;the man who had wooed her returned.

    Laura is the founder of the international relattionship coach training program Laura Doyle Connect, the star of Empowered Wives, on Amazon Prime and the The Empoweed Wife Podcast.

    Laura shares her personal marrigage challenges, along with cllent anectdotes and offers her tips, hacks and secrets to having a successful marriage. She is warm, honest and loves to laugh! Find out more at: www.lauradoyle.org

  • DR. ZACK ABBOTT is the CEO and co-founder of ZBiotics. He's at the forefront of health innovation with the world's first genetically engineered probiotics.

    Zack is passionate about using modern biotechnology to solve health problems. We discuss how transparent, responsible genetic engineering can improve our health. His expertise in microbiology and dedication to better health is apparent as we talk about the myriad possibilities for genetically engineered probiotics.

    We alos delve into longevity and our own ideas of what the future may or may not hold for people living well into their hundreds.


  • MARIYA JAVED-PAYNE, MSW, LICSW, LADC is a somatic psychotherapist specializing in healing trauma, complex trauma, addiction, generational and racial trauma, and oppression in the body. She is both a practitioner and teacher of “Brainspotting” a powerful technique in healing trauma.

    Mariya says, “I am a woman. I am a body of culture. I am a person in recovery. I am an immigrant. I am a student of life. I am a partner, educator, sister, daughter, and friend. I am a passionate and curious individual dedicated to creating health and wellness for individuals, communities, and societies. I believe in deep, nourishing, and holistic change that heals from the roots up.”

    I was born in India and lived in France, Brazil, and the United States all before the age of six. My experience with vastly different cultures piqued my curiosity about humans and diverse societies from a young age. Blending and assimilating my culture of origin with the United States has been and continues to be an integral part of my story. It has also shaped my ability to assist others in reclaiming their identities as multi-dimensional and complex human beings.

    These early life experiences in global societies defined my open worldview and appreciation for the diverse walks of life that humanity encompasses. I am grateful for the expansiveness they have provided my foundation.

    My own journey with addiction and my challenging path to recovery over ten years ago has also given me depth and compassion as a therapist. I gained a firsthand understanding of the quest of the human mind to find a sense of belonging and settledness in an ever-shifting world. These experiences have given me the ability to approach all people with openness, non-judgment, and patience. They have also taught me to be tenacious in my pursuit of healing self and others. Hope is a powerful survival mechanism.


  • THOMAS EDWARDS is the Founder of The Professional Wingman® and a coach committed to helping high-achieving entrepreneurs and professional men live iconic lives.

    With a foundation built on over 15 years of unmatched expertise, Thomas has redefined the paradigm of modern personal development and self-improvement, directly aligning with his profound personal mission to cultivate a legacy of strong, masculine leadership.

  • WAYNE LEHRER, at 73, has fully moved into a new phase of life… the most rewarding so far. Wayne says, “I have prepared my whole life for this moment. Successes, failures, self-care, and eventually … Discovering what’s important … now. Learning to let go of what no longer Is. And the steps to take to cultivate Happiness, Joy, Meaning, Intimacy and Fulfillment in mid-to-late-life.” This is the groundbreaking message ofh is upcoming book “The Art of Conscious Aging that makes it the Operating Manual for the Third Act.”

    Wayne’s unique view of the world first showed up in his paintings, then as a filmmaker, writer, producer of large-scale event experiences, and sculptor. It became clear that the thread was “immersive, transformative, and spiritually uplifting experiences.” But now he is in a different space. Around age 60, he started to let the person he was go, which was hard, and then became the person he is today.

    This is the time when all the pieces come together: the hero(ine) overcomes their own and others’ obstacles, marshals their skills and talents, rises to the occasion, and, in the words of Abraham Maslow, self-actualizes. Age and the passage of time can be viewed as a great assembling of all our seemingly splinter skills and experiences. This is a time when we can become the person we were meant to be.

    While he continues to teach yoga and meditation, he is also begun to Coach others to successfully Launch into their Third Act.


  • In 2009, BRIAN HOLLEY was diagnosed with kidney cancer, and his left kidney was removed. There are now tumours in his pancreas, and one was recently found in his humerus and removed. Throughout this period, he has maintained symptom-free health largely through exercise, meditative practices and diet. This is the story of one man who continues to live a happy and active lifestyle while living with cancer and a book to give comfort and advice to others.

    Brian is an engaging speaker living in the U.K and the author of .”What My Doctors Didn't Tell Me About Cancer: What You Can Do to Support and Enhance Your Cancer Treatment”

    We talk about how he first discovered he had cancer, how his doctor’s approached treatment and how he became an advocate for himself in treating cancer with nutrition, supplements and meditation.

    Brian writes, “I've been living with kidney cancer since 2009. After a third operation in 2015, my cancer became metastatic, and 'visitors' took up residence in my lungs. I turned down chemotherapy and am very fortunate to be going strong nearly ten years later.

    Another 'visitor' was evicted from my left humerus, and I now have 'unpaying guests' lodging in six locations in my body. However, I'm able to lead an active and fulfilling life. (At 84, I sing and play guitar in a band, undertake some gardening, serve on two committees and take several walks of two or three miles each week.)

    “Cancer is sneaky. We can live with it for months, even years, without knowing it’s there. That’s perhaps because cancer is not something we catch but something that happens to our own cells when their DNA is corrupted.” And that is usually because of our lifestyle.

    “ . . . the first response to a problem should not be rejection but acceptance; acceptance of it and all its apparent implications. Yes, that sounds strange, but half the pain we suffer is in withstanding the idea that we should have to suffer at all.”

    In early 2022, my wife, Elizabeth, suggested I keep a cancer diary, which by 2023 had turned into a book. As I researched for the book, I was amazed at what I didn't know about cancer, having lived with it for so long. I'd spent time volunteering for Macmillan and attending support groups) and discovered that was true for most of us. I was shocked to find that my doctors didn't know some important things about cancer, too – how dangerous sugar could be, for instance.

    In 2023, with a broken humerus and prosthetic shoulder to deal with, the diary had grown into a book. I have continued my cancer diary, though, and will bequeath it to Cancer Research UK.

    Central to my book is my MEDS regimen: Mind, Exercise, Diet and Support. I take my 'MEDS' every day.

    My doctors are very dedicated and exceptionally hard-working. They all know a fantastic amount, but they can't know everything. There are many things we can do to support our immune systems and the treatment our doctors provide.

    We need to be self-advocates: to ask pertinent questions about the whys and wherefores of our treatment – and impertinent ones too if necessary.

    I refused chemotherapy again in 2022. It seems that I'm growing older faster than my tumours, which are growing big. I'm not at all afraid of dying, and I hope to die with cancer rather than of it. These last 15 years have been the richest time of my life.

  • When a sudden onset of manic episodes lands her in a psychiatric ward, what is an established, respected psychotherapist to do?

    MARCIA NAOMI BERGER, single and twenty-nine, has her first psychiatric hospitalization and then two more in the next year and a half. A series of close friends and mentors stand by her through challenges with abusive colleagues, conflicted relationships with men, estrangement from her mother, and confusion about what truly matters.

    Marcia Berger taks about her new memoir, The Bipolar Therapist: A Journey From Madness to Love and Meaning which reveals her personal journey of being the professional and the patient, of living with and overcoming Bipolar Disorder, a secret she kept hidden until now. It's a story not just about battling mental illness, but also about resilience, healing, and finding hope in the face of adversity.

    We discuss the stigma of mental illness and what we can do about it.

    How some people recover from a severe mental illness and the way some people react to a person with mental health issues.

    Marcia offers insights into the challenges of bipolar disorder while challenging societal stigmas surrounding mental illness. Her story is not just about survival but about transformation and the power of love and meaning to overcome even the most daunting obstacles.

    Marcia Naomi Berger, LCSW, is a psychotherapist in private practice in San Rafael, California. She held senior-level positions in child welfare, alcoholism treatment, and psychiatry with the city and county of San Francisco. She also served as a lecturer on the clinical faculty at the University of California School of Medicine and as executive director of Jewish Family and Children’s Services of the East Bay.


  • DR. DEB BUTLER is a Certified Master Weight Loss and Life Coach, and even taught at The Life Coach School for the amazing Brooke Castillo. Before that? She spent 30 years as a Board CertifiedChiropractor, Nutritionist and Acupuncturist. She is the host of the podcast “ThINNER Peace In Menopause and Beyond” and has been featured as a guest on various podcasts as well.Dr. Deb spent decades struggling with her weightand yo-yo dieting. She went on her last diet at the age of 50 and has been free of the diet culture ever since. She read, researched, and created aprogram to help other women. If you have been battling your weight and relationship with food your whole life… and now menopause is making it harderthan ever... Dr. Deb can teach you to change the way you think, so that this is the very last time you have to lose weight. Deb says, "Diets don't work. In order to reach and maintain your desired weight deprivation-free you need to reestablish a strong mind-body connection."

    Podcast: THINNER Peace In Menopause and Beyond

    Website: www.drdebbutler.com

  • DR. ELLIOTT JUSTIN,, MD, is the CEO and Founder of FirmTech, and an acclaimed expert in the rapidly evolving sextech and wearables industry, with a unique focus on the intersection of sexual and cardiac health.

    Elliott offers invaluable insights into how recent innovations in sextech can improve their sexual health—and, by extension, their cardiac health—potentially saving their lives.

    Driven by technological advancements and a growing emphasis on sexual wellness, the sextech market has exploded on a global scale in recent years. The wearables category has arguably seen the most interesting and compelling growth with products that do things like help alleviate pain during penetration, others use AI to map changes in the pelvic floor, and innovations like FirmTech’s award-winning Tech Ring—the first smart intimacy wearable of its kind—enhances pleasure while improving cardiac health.

    Dr. Justin’s expertise extends far beyond the FirmTech brand. With a background in emergency medicine, he is all too aware of cardiac health and is driven by an understanding of how sexual and heart health are linked.

    We talk about how the data collected from the Tech Ring can inform heart health, adrenal health and other conditions prompting early detection. Elliott also talks about how “werables” have improved sexual function and pleasure in both men and women. This frank and informative discussion takes us through the current research and data, as well as anecdotal success stories which illustrate the power and viability of this burgeoning field.


    Use the code: IknowElliott to get a 20% discount!

  • DAVID WEILL, M.D., is the former Director of the Center for Advanced Lung Disease and Lung and Heart-Lung Transplant Program at Stanford University Medical Center. He is currently the Principal of the Weill Consulting Group which focuses assisting hospitals in improving their transplant programs and developing new programs in the US and throughout the world. David’s writing has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Newsweek, and The San Francisco Chronicle. In his new novel, “All That Really Matters,” David explores the demands, challenges and complications of a fictional transplant surgeon. We discuss his 25 year career as a lung transplant surgeon and the behind-the-scenes world of medical ethics, corporate greed in medicine and the life and death decisions made in “the selection room,” where it is decided who gets a transplant and who doesn’t.


  • TAMRA SATTLER, PhD, MFT, is a therapist, professor, and entrepreneur. She started her career in marketing and technology with managerial positions at companies like Salesforce, Excite and Monster.

    She then pivoted to being a therapist and learning about how people change more deeply and permanently through psycho-spiritual theories, namely the Enneagram. She has taught at Naropa for the past few years and received her PhD at CIIs in East-West Psychology. Her passion is to bring her two paths together to develop technology platforms to help humanity and the planet awaken.

    Too Much and Not Enough: Healing for the Enneagram Four or Borderline-Style Personality, is her new book which is designed to help those and loved ones who suffer from emotional dis-regulation.

    Tamra discusses:

    What is Borderline-Style Personality (BPD)?

    Why are borderline characteristic individuals difficult to treat?

    In working with these individuals what do you love the most?

    Tamra talks about her own struggles with BPD and the powerful healing experience she had with the use of a gueded MDMA journey and subsequent experiences with mushrooms. These experiences were able to reach parts of the brain which talk therapy cannot and help her heal pre-verbal infant trauma.


  • KIM SHAPIRA, M.S., R.D. is a celebrity dietitian, nutritional therapist, and author, with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from Tulane University and a Master’s degree in Human Metabolism and Clinical Nutrition from Boston University. Kim has spent over 25 years helping people lose weight and keep it off (with a giant emphasis on keeping it off), both in her private Los Angeles practice, in hospitals, sports clinics, addiction centers and universities. When she's not helping her clients take back their relationship with food.

    In her new book, “This Is What You're Really Hungry For: Six Simple Rules to Transform Your Relationship with Food to Become Your Healthiest Self,” Shapira shares her method to help you get well and stay well by leading your own body, shredding guilt, finding peace, and making it normal to eat the foods you love.

    We talk about stress and anxiety eating, reward eating and the correlation between over-eating and compulsive shopping. Kim offers clear methods to change unhealthy food habits and some of the tools available to monitor one’s progress.


    “For years, Kim has approached her clients with her singular mix of common sense and compassion,wisdom and empathy, actionable rules that feel within reach, and progress that’s both real and not tooextreme . . . This Is What You’re Really Hungry For is the peak of all that. Her guidance is a gift,rooted in her experience and given with a deep understanding of how people actually think about food and what it takes to make real change.” Emily

  • CRAIG GOLDBERG is what many would say the world really needs right now: a Relaxation Expert!

    Craig is also a Certified Vibro-Acoustic Therapy Practitioner on a quest to help humanity achieve a deeper sense of inner calmness through the use of sound and vibration technology. He operates with roots in science and technology, and his work is backed by 40+ years of research showing the many benefits of this type of therapy. He is constantly exploring new ways to use Vibro-Acoustic to help people reduce stress and anxiety, heal, and transform their lives for the better.

    His journey began 10 years ago when his wife got sick and Modern medicine did not have answers, so he did what any one of us would do: He began searching. His journey has taken him down many roads in search of one thing: How to live a healthy life. Craig and his wife found diet and nutrition to be the gateway to better health.

    This love for healthy food led to a deep dive, into what he calls his three main environments:

    1. What we put in our mouth

    2. What we put on our skin

    3. What we allow in the air around us

    Mastering these external environments led him to focusing inward. Craig, like so many others, was familiar with the benefits of meditation, but struggled to get into a meditative state. He made it something of a mission to hack the process to make it more accessible for those who struggled to get there.

    This led to the power of sound and vibration as a healing tool after experiencing profound effects for himself on a revolutionary Vibro-Acoustic bed called “The Sound Lounge.” Craig instantly knew this was the mindfulness and healing hack he’d been searching for and it sparked yet another deep dive into the human body and how it all works.

    In November 2016, he partnered with Dominic Carnevale, and inHarmony Interactive was born. Today, Craig is an advocate of the power of sound and vibration to heal and create positive changes in the lives of others.Craig and Dom continue to innovate their industry. inHarmony recently announced their Patent on the inHarmony Meditation Cushion, solidifying their position in the “Tech-Assisted Meditation” movement.

    Sound and vibration reset the nervous system and send signals to every muscle in the body to relax. Shifting from stressed and anxious to calm-and-relaxed is something we all need.


  • JIM STOPPANI, PhD, is the leading authority on exercise science, sports nutrition, and supplementation. Over the past 15+ years, Dr. Stoppani has helped millions of people change their lives through science-based nutrition and supplement plans and expertly designed training programs.

    He received his doctorate in exercise physiology with a minor in biochemistry from the University of Connecticut. Following graduation, he served as a postdoctoral research fellow in the prestigious John B. Pierce Laboratory and Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology at Yale University School of Medicine, where he investigated the effects of exercise and diet on gene regulation in muscle tissue. In 2002, Dr. Stoppani was awarded the Gatorade Beginning Investigator in Exercise Science Award by the American Physiological Society for his groundbreaking research.

    After his Yale stint, Dr. Stoppani was on the editorial staff at Weider Publications for 11 years, serving as Senior Science Editor for Muscle & Fitness, FLEX and Muscle & Fitness Hers magazines. In 2013, he left Weider to create the ground-breaking sports nutrition company JYM Supplement Science.

    Dr. Stoppani has authored or co-authored several books, including the Encyclopedia of Muscle & Strength (Human Kinetics, 2006); the New York Times Bestseller LL Cool J’s Platinum 360 Diet and Lifestyle (Rodale, 2010); and Stronger Arms & Upper Body (Human Kinetics, 2008). Dr. Stoppani has also been the personal nutrition and health consultant for numerous celebrity clients, including LL Cool J, Dr. Dre, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, and Mario Lopez.

    Through his various platforms – from print magazines and books to online as a featured expert on Bodybuilding.com and the owner of JimStoppani.com – Dr. Stoppani has become one of the most trusted, reliable sources of fitness information on the Internet. The JYMARMY Facebook group page – a community of passionate individuals who follow his training, nutrition and supplement plans – is one of the largest and most engaging online groups, with over 60,000 members.

    His personal and company mission is to change lives through proper training, nutrition and supplementation, all based on the latest scientific research, while following the motto of “Do the Right Thing.”


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    GEETA “DR. G” NAYYAR, MD, MBA, is a trailblazing healthcare technology leader and former Chief Medical Officer of Salesforce and AT&T. In her USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestseller, "Dead Wrong: Diagnosing and Treating Healthcare's Misinformation Illness," Dr. G takes an intimate and moving look at misinformation, disinformation, and the devastating impact of falsehoods on our well-being.

    Featured on CNBC, CNN, CBS, and other prominent media outlets, Dr. G separates fact from fiction in the age of social media. We talk about:

    - Reprogramming Mis/Dis Information in Healthcare in the Age of Social Media

    TikTok, Instagram & Social Media – Healthcare Advice in 2024 & Where to Find It

    From HIV/AIDS to COVID-19: Recognizing Misinformation & How We Can Do Better

    4 Conversations for Millennials to Have with Their Healthcare Providers & Why It Might Be Different from Other Generations

    Healthcare Transformations for 2024: What to Expect

    Digital Health for Positive Change: How Digital Patient Records & Virtual Appts Have Transformed Healthcare

    A rheumatologist, Dr. G earned her medical degree at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, where she was admitted into an accelerated program at age 17, and her MBA at The George Washington University School of Business.

  • ROBERT JOHNSON is the founder of Mycroboost, a functional mushroom company which offers a variety of mushroom products which enhance energy, brain function, microbiome health and overall wellness. Robert is a seasoned cannabis and hemp industry veteran, startup founder, product developer, business consultant and CEO of supplement manufacturer Custom Capsule Consultants.

    He is a popular contributor to Rolling Stone, having written about his work in mushroom product development and the burgeoning psychedelic industry. He is also a contributor to Natural Products Insider, Nutraceuticals World, and I've been a speaker and panelist at the California Psychedelic Conference and the Oakland Psychedelic Conference.

    We talk about the benefits of specific mushrooms, mushroom coffee and his research on the use of psychedelics. His vast knowledge and passion on the benefits of mushrooms makes for a lively discussion and increased hope for the future of plant-based remedies.


  • MARILYN HOROWITZ is an award-winning author, New York University professor, TV show creator, and writing coach, working with successful novelists, produced screenwriters, and award-winning filmmakers. Using her trademarked writing method, The Horowitz System®. she has also written five books on screenwriting, two of which are used as textbooks at New York University.

    Since 2021, she has been holding webinars to share her unique creativity-and-time-management technique, The Word Of The Day practice.

    In this wide-ranging talk, we discuss how her technique is able to access intuition and parts of the brain which talking and thinking cannot do. She has discovered the power of Word of the Day to improve not just creative endeavors, but to help anyone tap into their unconscious mind to help heal trauma, both past and present. Marilyn takes me through a brief session and offers some incredible success stories she has witnessed in the realm of health and wellness. Marilyn Horowitz is truly empowering and full of humor, wisdom and kindness.

  • DR. JEFF GROSS is the founder of ReCELLebrate and a pioneer in the field of regenerative medicine. With a career dedicated to treating a myriad of spine, joint, and chronic health problems, Dr. Gross has transformed thousands of lives by transitioning from traditional surgical methods to the innovative use of stem cells and stem cell-derived exosomes.

    Medicine and healthcare are seemingly advancing at the speed of light these days. Some treatments are proving to be real game changers, while others create more confusion than benefit and leave much to be desired. Yet, as Dr. Gross can attest, the most profound advancements lie in the longevity and restorative healing potential of stem cells. Our own degenerating stem cells, when rejuvenated, display powerful anti-aging and healing properties, offering relief and rejuvenation without the need for surgery. Jeff shares insights on the holistic and natural, but also minimally invasive, applications of stem cells in healthcare and preventative wellness, showcasing their potential in tackling and reversing chronic conditions and extending health and vitality.

    We talk about his training as a surgeon and what led him to studying and applying the benefits of stem cells and exosomes. He demistifies the science behind activating one's own stem cells for prolonged health. In addiition, we talk about some of the history of stem cell research and use and the ways this exciting biotechnology is currently being used successfully and where it is headed in the future. Jeff shares some of the success stories as well as his own experience in the use of stem cell derived exosomes. The future is here!
