
  • Have you found yourself wanting to make more things from scratch? Slow down and live more intentionally with your family? Try more diy home remedies… or maybe even try growing some of your own food! Whether you are ready to take on the label of homesteader or not, today we are going to talk about HOW you can get started with more simple, natural, healthy living. Maybe you feel like you want to do so many things but you are grasping at straws to even figure out how to begin. Today, I have three baby steps that I want to share with you so you can step into homesteading and challenge yourself in a completely stress free way!

    I hope this episode encourages you if you’re a brand new homesteader, or even if you have been working at it for a while now. Because the truth is sometimes we have to go back to the basics and master the baby steps. That’s something that I definitely had to learn the hard way. I pray that God would lead you as you start this new journey, and that He would give you joy as you start building these new skills for your family. Thanks for joining me!

    Resources mentioned in today's episode:

    → Free recipes, gardening tips, food preservation tutorials, and more!

    → Ep. 3 Three Easy Thing To Stop Buying and Start Making from Scratch to Save Money

    → Ep. 6 How to Start a Successful Garden Even as a Beginner

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  • What do you think of when you think of your dream homestead? Plenty of acres to spread out, a big house, a spacious kitchen complete with white cabinets and farm style sink, chicken coop in the backyard that matches the house siding, and a garden with raised beds surrounded by a white picket fence? Okay, maybe not all those things. But, when you scroll through social media, it is so easy to be influenced to think that if you homestead you need those things, or should at least aspire to them. But I’m here to encourage you today, that those things aren’t really what it means to homestead. Get ready to find your true purpose in homesteading, beyond an aesthetic or fitting in a homesteading box.

    I hope this episode encourages you to let go of comparison and ideals that you’ve been hanging onto that are stealing your joy! I pray that God would use this episode to give you contentment in your own circumstances and remind you of the goals that he has put on your heart, what you want for your family, and how you can achieve that while leaving some of the materialistic aspects of homesteading behind. Thanks for joining me!

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  • Did you grow potatoes, carrots, or onions in your garden this summer? How would you like to be able to save your root vegetables so that they last all winter? These are the perfect vegetables to enjoy in hearty winter stews and casseroles, and in this episode we dive into how you can store them to have homegrown garden veggies all year long.

    I hope this episode inspires you to grow more root crops in your garden and gives you some food for thought on how to store your harvest long-term with no energy costs. Thanks for joining me!

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  • Do you ever feel like motherhood, homesteading, and all your other responsibilities are too much to handle sometimes? I think we’ve all had feelings of anxiety, overwhelm, and like there’s just too much going on in this motherhood season. That’s why today, I am really excited to share my conversation with my guest, Shan, and dive into how we can let some things go and reclaim joy in our motherhood. I know our discussion really inspired me to look at motherhood through a different lens, and I hope that you find it meaningful too.

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  • I hope that each of you had an amazing garden this summer, but I know that sometimes gardening is a struggle. What do you do if your garden totally flops? Maybe your plants didn’t produce well, maybe they didn’t come up at all. Or you just ran into more issues than you thought. If you feel like you had an unproductive garden season, I want to give you some encouragement today and help you troubleshoot what might be going wrong, so you can make valuable changes for next season.

    If you found yourself struggling with your garden this summer, I hope you find today’s info super beneficial. And I just want to encourage you not to give up after one tough season. There are so many things you can try to help your garden do better next year. I pray that this episode encourages you and gives you some practical steps to take for next year! Thanks for joining me!

    Resources mentioned in today's episode:

    → The Ultimate Garden Planner

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  • Do you find yourself cleaning out your fridge and throwing away food every week? The downside, that no one talks about, when it comes to eating real, whole food is how short the shelf life is. It actually takes a lot of intentionality to avoid wasting food, and that’s why in this episode I share my top tips on how I drastically reduced food waste in our kitchen, leading us to lessen our consumer footprint and saving a lot of money on our grocery bill in the process. So if you want to learn how to reduce kitchen waste in a super manageable way, even when you have kids at home, listen in because I give you 10 actionable steps you can start today.

    I hope that these tips inspire you to reduce the waste in your kitchen and really save some money too! Because the less food in the trash, the lower your grocery bill will be, and when you are trying to raise a family, on a budget, in an inflated economy, every dollar matters.

    Thanks for joining me!

    Resources mentioned in today's episode:

    → 10 Steps to Reducing Food Waste (FREE Printable)

    → Ep. 30 How to Create a Meal Planning Routine that Works

    → Slow Cooker Chicken Broth, using veggie scraps

    → Join the free Farm Family Community

    Free recipes, gardening tips, food preservation tutorials, and more!

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  • I know there are some of you out there who are so ready to start canning but you still have so many questions. Today’s episode is a straightforward Q&A, answering some of your questions about canning, so you can walk away confident to start preserving food for your family. In this episode we talk about everything from my tips for getting started if you are a complete beginner to troubleshooting the canning process if you've been there before, so there is something here for everyone. Either way if you are ready to learn about all things canning you are in the right place.

    I hope that these canning episodes give you the confidence to give it a try! I pray that these resources bless you and help you as you’re getting started with canning. Thanks for joining me!

    Resources mentioned in today's episode:

    → Ep. 31 Canning Basics for the Beginner Homestead Mom

    → Grab your FREE Canning Quick Guide

    → Join the free Farm Family Community

    → National Center for Home Food Preservation

    Free recipes, gardening tips, food preservation tutorials, and more!

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  • Do you want to do more on your homestead but feel like you don’t have the time or capacity? What if you could make more time in your day and really accomplish your homesteading goals? Today we are going to tackle 3 ways that you might be wasting time on your homestead so that you can start spending more time on the things that really matter and start achieving your homesteading dreams.

    I hope this episode helps you in evaluating your daily habits and improving your time management. I pray that God would guide you as you work towards having a more productive homestead, using your time wisely, and using your time for His glory. Thanks for joining me!

    Resources mentioned in today's episode:

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  • Have you been wanting to take on canning, but you have no idea where to start and just feel too intimidated? Canning is a great way to preserve your harvest, save money, and be more self-reliant, but it doesn’t come without a learning curve. Today I want to break it down for you and give you a super easy, manageable way to start. So take a deep breath. You’re not going to give your family botulism or blow up your house with your pressure canner. You can do this, and in this episode I give you the tools and resources you need to get started.

    I hope this episode gives you a solid start in understanding the basics of canning, and I pray that this episode would give you the confidence you need to take the plunge and start preserving some of your own food for your family. Thanks for joining me!

    Resources mentioned in today's episode:

    → Grab your FREE Canning Quick Guide

    → Free recipes, gardening tips, food preservation tutorials, and more!

    → Join the free Farm Family Community

    → National Center for Home Food Preservation

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  • Is anyone else tired of throwing together last minute dinners and feeling stuck in the daily “what’s for dinner” rut? It seems like when you are in charge of making homemade meals for a family, it is a never-ending task. And it can be easy to fall behind, and feel like you are on a hamster wheel trying to catch up. But in this episode, I talk about how you can use meal planning to make regularly cooking from scratch a whole lot simpler. I’m going to guide you through the process of creating a meal planning routine that actually works, making your mealtime a lot less stressful!

    I hope you enjoy these tips for how to create a meal plan for from-scratch cooking. This episode is full of resources from my own journey in meal planning and learning to cook for a family. Thanks for joining me!

    Resources mentioned in today's episode:

    → Grab your meal plan idea list!

    → Free recipes, gardening tips, food preservation tutorials, and more!

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  • Are you wanting to do more on your homestead but just feel stuck in this season of raising littles? Toddler mamas, this episode is for you. If you have dishes in your sink, laundry piled everywhere, a to-do list a mile long, and a toddler clinging to your leg all day long, I feel you. Have you ever thought to yourself, how in the world am I supposed to get all this done? As a mom of a 1 and 3 year old, I know the baby and toddler days are so hard, but we are going to talk about how you can get through it, get things done, and bring your child with you every step of the way. I’m going to share how I homestead with 2 toddlers, with no screen time as a babysitter and no distraction with packaged snacks. If you are ready to grow your homestead despite this challenging season, listen in, this episode is going to be packed with encouragement and practical advice.

    I hope this episode gives you some good ideas for how to navigate growing your homestead in the thick of the toddler years. I want you to know that you are an amazing mom, and I know because you are listening to this podcast today, which means you are trying to lead a better, healthier life for your family with Christ at the center. Thanks for joining me!

    Resources mentioned in today's episode:

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  • I think there are so many of us that feel drawn to the homesteading lifestyle, and we might question, is this what God is really calling me to? Is homesteading actually biblical? What is God’s design for food, for our health, and how do all those things mesh together? Today we are going to be taking a look at how the many aspects of homesteading can be honoring to God, improve our health, and ultimately follow God’s design for how he created people to live. And as we dive into God’s word today, I really hope this conversation inspires you that what you are doing is for the glory of God.

    I hope this episode encourages you to glorify God through homesteading and maybe even shows you some areas that you can press in a little deeper to Him. Thanks for joining me!

    Resources mentioned in today's episode:

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    You might even get your review featured on the show! (Just scroll down and click the “Write a Review” button.)

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  • Have you been watching the sourdough trend explode and you really want to jump on the bandwagon, but you don’t know how the heck you’re supposed to find time to do that and still have a life? I get it. I’ve been baking my own bread for a long time, but I was totally intimidated to try starting sourdough with two little kids taking up all my time and attention. But, after a year now, I’ve learned some tricks for how you can make sourdough consistently, in a way that works for your family, no matter how busy you are. So if you are new to sourdough or are struggling to keep up with baking for your family, listen in.

    I hope this episode inspires you to get started with sourdough and encourages you that you can do it. You just have to find what method and timeline works for your family. Soon it will be second nature and really so easy. So stick with it, I promise the results will be totally worth it. Thanks for joining me!

    Resources mentioned in today's episode:

    → Lazy Sourdough French Bread Recipe

    → More bread recipes

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  • I know you want to become more self-sufficient. You want to rely less on stores and have security in providing for your family. And self-sufficiency is really one of the core pieces of homesteading. Today we are going to tackle this topic of self-sufficiency from a biblical perspective, and I am going to share five habits that you can develop that will help your family feel more confident and prepared for whatever life brings.

    I hope you find this episode practical and that you’re encouraged to take baby steps toward self-sufficiency, knowing that God is provider, no matter what, and that we can leave worry and stress out of this process.

    Thanks for joining me!

    Resources mentioned in today's episode:

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  • Have you ever dealt with low energy, monthly mood swings, acne, or other hormonal issues? While those things might be common, they are not normal! Today, we have special guest, Leisha Drews, with us to share how we can nourish not only our bodies, but our hormones to heal our symptoms from the inside out. It’s time to take care of ourselves so we can feel better, be better for our families, and do more on our homestead.

    Leisha has so much to share on holistic health and hormonal balance. I hope you find some practical tips in today’s episode on how to nourish your body better as a busy homestead mom.

    Resources mentioned in today's episode:

    → Check out Leisha’s course, Nourishing Your Hormones

    Use code: FARMFAMILYTABLE for 10% off

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  • Homesteading comes with a lot of big decisions. Should we expand our garden, should we get chickens, should we invest in a grain mill and start grinding our own grains, should we buy a property with more land and move? But, if you are married, these are decisions that you need to make together, and sometimes as a husband and wife, you may not always be in agreement. It is great to have all of these homesteading dreams, but what if your husband doesn’t share your dreams? What if you are ready to grow your homestead, but your husband isn’t on board with what you had hoped or planned? Today, I want to share my thoughts and come alongside you, as one wife to another,, and talk about how to approach this situation while honoring Christ in your marriage.

    I hope this episode challenges you in God’s word and that it gives you wisdom and insight in how to deal with things when you and your husband might be in disagreement about your homestead. I pray that God would guide you as you navigate these differences with your spouse.

    Thanks for joining me!

    Resources mentioned in today's episode:

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    You might even get your review featured on the show! (Just scroll down and click the “Write a Review” button.)

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  • Have you ever wondered, is homesteading even worth it? Can you really save money with homesteading? Yes! But, if you are trying to copy what you see on social media, you are going to end up spending way more money than what you had planned and probably not come out ahead. The truth is, you can get so much of what you need used. Today, I’m going to be sharing my best tips for you on how you can purchase supplies for your homestead second-hand and save a ton of money in the process. I’m going to be sharing what to be on the lookout for and where you can find some really good deals on the supplies you need to get started homesteading, without breaking the bank.

    I hope this episode gets you motivated to start finding things for your homestead! I pray that God would give you the patience to wait for the right timing to make purchases and that He would provide you with what you need. Thanks for joining me!

    Resources mentioned in today's episode:

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  • Have you ever wanted learn new skills on your homestead but you’re not sure where to find the time? I think we’ve all been there! It can be really hard when we feel like we are just trying to keep up with the everyday. In today’s episode, I’m super excited for you to hear from special guest, Jami Balmet on how you can find time to learn new skills on your homestead even as a busy mom.

    I hope you find this episode encouraging and motivating in learning new things on your homestead. I know my chat with Jami inspired me to start up a few kitchen skills that I had put off for a long time. I pray that this episode blesses you! Thanks for joining me!

    Resources mentioned in today's episode:

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    Check out her new homemaking app

  • Have you ever felt like you want to eat healthier and make more of your own food, but there are days when you just don’t have the time or the energy? Maybe you find yourself relying on convenience foods way more than you’d really like to. I am so excited to share today how you can skip the drive-through and stop buying processed chicken nuggets or boxed mac n cheese for supper, by building up your own freezer with healthy meals made from scratch. Today we are talking about practical ways to make freezer meals your new convenience food, so you can feed your family nutritious, homemade meals every night of the week, no matter how crazy busy life is.

    I hope you find this episode super practical and helpful in getting started with freezer cooking and that you are able to use these tips to add convenience to your kitchen without compromising on nutrition. Thanks for joining me!

    Resources mentioned in today's episode:

    → Get your Freezer Meal Cheat Sheet freebie!

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  • Do you want to do more, accomplish more, and be more successful on your homestead? What if I told you that waking up hours before your kids, hustling, having a rigid schedule, and burning the candle at both ends is NOT the key to success. Today, I’m going to go over 8 habits that will actually set you up to achieve your homesteading goals, and not just burnout.

    I hope you enjoy this episode and that these habits are not only encouraging, but motivating, that you can become a successful homestead mom without buying into the do more culture. Thanks for joining me!

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