Hi Fruitful Family! I am sooo excited to be debuting this new podcast with my husdand Michael! Our podcast is called I Think We're Gonna Make It and its just us being, well... us! I hope you enjoy it and we welcome your feedback.
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Hi Fruitful Family!
On this episode I discuss Marital Intimacy and how it can be restored. Is your marriage rich and fruitful or are you in a marriage that is dry and decaying? Join me as I dive into the Restoring Intimacy book and see what the Bible has to say about intimacy.
Thank you so much for listening! I love you all so much! Until next time, be Fruitful and multiply.
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Hi Fruitful Family!
On this episode I discuss Spiritual Intimacy and how it correlates to marriage. Is your marriage rich and fruitful or are you in a marriage that is dry and decaying? Join me as I dive into the Restoring Intimacy book and see what the Bible has to say about intimacy.
Thank you so much for listening! I love you all so much! Until next time, be Fruitful and multiply.
Order the book “Restoring Intimacy, Marital, Spiritual, Sexual” here 👇
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Cashapp - $TheFruitfulWife -
Hi Fruitful Family!
On this episode I discuss the difference between a Marital Eden and a Marital Dessert. Is your marriage rich and fruitful or are you in a marriage that is dry and decaying? Join me as I dive into the Restoring Intimacy book and see what the Bible has to say about intimacy.
Thank you so much for listening! I love you all so much! Until next time, be Fruitful and multiply.
Order the book “Restoring Intimacy, Marital, Spiritual, Sexual” here 👇
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Cashapp - $TheFruitfulWife -
Hi Fruitful Family!
This kicks off our first episode of the restoring intimacy series! This will be a power time of eye opening revelation, restoration and revival. Make sure you tune in every Monday at 6pm EST and be sure to invite a friend. I also encourage you to pick up the book and read it for yourself. Perhaps GOD may reveal to you things that I didn't see.
Scripture References:
Genesis 1
John 14:6
John 11:25
Hosea 2:14, 3:1-5
1John 4:8
Malachi 4:2
Psalms 147:3
Hosea 2:15
Jeremiah 33: 10-11
Thank you so much for listening! I love you all so much! Until next time, be Fruitful and multiply.
Order the book “Restoring Intimacy, Marital, Spiritual, Sexual” here 👇
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Cashapp - $TheFruitfulWife -
Hi Fruitful Family!
When you search for a life of happiness you run into disappointment each and every time. Happiness is but a feeling or emotion based on our surroundings that are temporary and subject to change. I say stop searching for happiness today. It’s time to pursue joy. Thank you for joining me for another episode. Until next time, p.s. enjoy your marriage.
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Hi Fruitful Family!
I was interviewed on the Angie In Realife Youtube channel. The topic was on marriage and ministry. I hope you all enjoy this interview. Until next time, be fruitful and multiply.
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I am @ The Fruitful Wife on
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Hi Fruitful Family!
Thank you for joining me on another episode! As we celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ is important remember that He rose with all power in His name and nothing we commit to Him is impossible for Him. GOD can resurrect and restore your marriage. Will you allow him?
Let’s Connect
I am @The Fruitful Wife on
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Hi Fruitful Family!
Today let’s talk about what it takes to make your home a place of peace, a place of protection, and a place of unity, especially during this time. Goshen was a place where the people of GOD dwelled, a place where sickness, disease, and plagues had to pass over. Let me know how I can be praying for you during this time. For the entire month of April at 6am I will be praying on YouTube Live. I would love for you to join me. I love you all. Until next time, Be Fruitful and Multiply
Let’s Connect! I am @The Fruitful Wife on
Gmail -
It is very interesting that leaven (yeast) is an term used to describe both sin and the Kingdom of Heaven. What we see is that with both it only takes a little to have a huge impact. If you see division, deceit, selfish ambition, sexual immorality, or anger flourishing in your marriage, you have to wonder what you have allowed to influence your marriage. Here are my thoughts. As always reach to me I want to know you and agree with you in prayer.
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Email: thefruitfulwife@gmail.com -
Hi Newlyweds! Today let’s discuss what your priorities are. Are your priorities only by lip service or through action as well? Here is what I have to say about it.
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Email: thefruitfulwife@gmail.com -
Hi Newlyweds! Do you ever feel that the problems in you life will never change? Does it seem like marriage will never get better? Here are my thoughts on it.
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Instagram: TheFruitfulWife
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Email: thefruitfulwife@gmail.com -
What does it really take to make it to 42 years of marriage? One thing it definitely takes is selflessness.
Pastor Hollins talks about pursuing Christ at a level that restores, heals, sets free. When we experience true intimacy with Christ, we receive the power to break cycles.
This week Brittaney, your marriage cheerleader talks about what it really means to have a marriage dedicated to Christ. Sometimes we try to make marriage about ourselves, but there is so much more to consider.
Some say that people can never change. Sometimes we feel our spouses will never grow up or marriages will ever get better. See what I have to say about this.
Its been a while Newlyweds! See what Mike and I have been up to. We recently celebrated our 8th Anniversary!
How does marriage and prayer correlate? Brittaney Moore discusses the benefits of prayer and how specific prayers of intercession can change a marriage.
As wives sometimes our own actions can be detrimental to our family unit. What position does the wife play and how does her role benefit the family?
Marriage can be stressful and hectic, especially when balancing career and family. We have to be careful not to get wrapped up in the temporary, or we can lose and miss out on what is really important. http://www.lessonofanewlywed.blogspot.com
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