
  • In the age of AI is proof of personhood more important than anonymity?

    In this episode of The Discussion I speak with Steven Boykey Sidley about cryptography, identity and ownership in the digital world.

    We discuss privacy, anonymity and personhood in the digital age and the importance of crypto regulation, touching on the debate around central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and the need for stable, decentralised alternatives like stablecoins. We think about how people in emerging markets can protect against currency debasement and where tokenization and NFTs fit in.

    Steven is Professor of Practice at the University of Johannesburg and the author of several books on cryptocurrency including “It’s Mine” (https://bit.ly/3Qtvm1e) and “Beyond Bitcoin” (https://bit.ly/3MyYd2V).

    Tracey's book 'The Future of You: Can Your Identity Survive 21st Century Technology?' available in the UK (https://bit.ly/44ObTha) and US (https://bit.ly/3OlDxgk)

    Find Tracey or book her to speak at https://www.traceyfollows.com/

  • How is the digital age affecting our identity?

    In this episode I explore the impact technology and social media are having on how we express ourselves and connect with others. Initially given as a presentation on identity, I talk about the fluidity of identity and our shift in awareness from the “authentic self” to the “complex self”.

    I also think about Meta’s launch of celebrity likeness AI chatbots and the debate raised there over ownership and control. As well as how digital media has shifted our understanding of identity and self-representation, with a focus on the role of profiling and personal data.

    We also have some good news to announce! The Future of You has been named Best Technology Podcast at the Independent Podcast Awards 2023. Thank you to everyone who has listened, liked, shared, rated and reviewed the show over the last two years.

    Watch the presentation ‘Identity: The Existential Risk of the Century’ on our YouTube channel here - The Endless Presentation On Identity by Tracey Follows

    Tracey's book 'The Future of You: Can Your Identity Survive 21st Century Technology?' available in the UK (https://bit.ly/44ObTha) and US (https://bit.ly/3OlDxgk)

    Find Tracey or book her to speak at https://www.traceyfollows.com/

  • Missing episodes?

    Click here to refresh the feed.

  • Increasingly we’re using facial recognition to do everything from unlock our phone to make payments. But what might the long-term impact of giving away our facial data be?

    In this episode I talk to New York Times technology reporter and author of “Your Face Belongs To Us”, Kashmir Hill.

    We talk about the impact of facial recognition technology, the potential for misuse of the tech and its limitations. We also discuss the importance of data privacy and what’s happening to the billions of photos millions of people share online every day.

    ‘Your Face Belongs To Us’ by Kashmir Hill

    Amazon UK https://bit.ly/45DFs58

    Amazon US https://bit.ly/3tAUQC2

    The Future of You is a finalist in the Independent Podcast Awards 2023.

    Tracey's book 'The Future of You: Can Your Identity Survive 21st Century Technology?' available in the UK https://bit.ly/44ObTha and US https://bit.ly/3OlDxgk

  • #SwarmIntelligence #Avatars #MotionPrints

    This week I’m talking to Louis Rosenberg, CEO and chief scientist of Unanimous AI and the chief scientist of the Responsible Metaverse Alliance.

    We discuss the impact of conversational AI on our everyday interactions and whether marketing will be morphing into manipulation as virtual salespeople become a reality.

    We also discuss the data hidden in our movements and the work being done to protect our motion privacy. The conversation ends with a discussion about swarm intelligence and what we might learn from biological systems in nature.

    Louis Rosenberg film link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsE_Pas2OQU

    The Future of You is a finalist in the Independent Podcast Awards 2023

    Tracey's book 'The Future of You: Can Your Identity Survive 21st Century Technology?' available in the UK (https://bit.ly/44ObTha) and US (https://bit.ly/3OlDxgk)

  • Interactive experiences like Roblox are giving children the chance to explore their identity like never before. In this episode I speak with kids media consultant Jo Redfern about the intricacies of Gen Z’s digital identity, self-expression, and the power children have in the 21st century to shape their virtual personas.

    We discuss the new Barbie movie and the intersection of merchandising and identity. As well as thinking about the future of education and the alternative the learning paths that gaming and digital platforms are revealing.

    The Future of You is a finalist in the Independent Podcast Awards 2023.

    Tracey's book 'The Future of You: Can Your Identity Survive 21st Century Technology?' available in the UK (https://bit.ly/44ObTha) and US (https://bit.ly/3OlDxgk)

    Jo Redfern's LinkedIn


    Kids Media Podcast


    Future of Education 2050 Report


    Tracey in Daily Mail


    Tracey in the Mirror


  • Will brands have their own wallets for customers? Will customers have their own wallets that they give brands access to? How will digital wallets reshape the data we store? And what’s the difference between personal and personalised wallets?

    In this episode of The Briefing I discuss all of this and more with Jamie Smith, founder of Customer Futures.

    This episode also features an announcement about the future of this podcast. The Briefing will only be available to members in future. To find out more about the membership and how to join visit www.traceyfollows.com

    The Discussion episodes continue to be available wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Jamie Smith https://www.customerfutures.com/

    Tracey’s deck, Identity Century: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFrapqZWbo/view?utm_content=DAFrapqZWbo&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=embeds&utm_source=link

    Accenture’s Tech Trends https://www.accenture.com/content/dam/accenture/final/accenture-com/a-com-custom-component/iconic/document/Accenture-Technology-Vision-2023-Full-Report.pdf

    Tracey's book 'The Future of You: Can Your Identity Survive 21st Century Technology?' available in the UK (https://bit.ly/44ObTha) and US (https://bit.ly/3OlDxgk)

  • In this episode of The Discussion I speak to Andrew Bud, Founder and CEO of iProov, the world leader in biometric face verification. We discuss the importance of keeping ahead of security in biometrics, the advantages of face biometrics over the iris or palm - and what he thinks about the future of anonymity.

    I also speak with Bronwyn Williams, a futurist and economist based in South Africa. We discuss the issues that could arise from a single company becoming the centralised global infrastructure for digital identities ie Worldcoin’s World ID.

    Tracey's book 'The Future of You: Can Your Identity Survive 21st Century Technology?' available in the UK (https://bit.ly/44ObTha) and US (https://bit.ly/3OlDxgk)


    website https://www.iproov.com

    Genuine Presence Assurance


    Biometric Threat Report


    Flux Trends website


    Bronwyn's blog


    Bronwyn's book


  • In this episode of The Briefing I talk with Ian Crocombe of Superheroic about the creation of TF14 (my “synthetic self”). We discuss how TF14 was made, the tools and platforms employed, and the use cases for digital representations such as this.

    I also talk about the launch of Worldcoin, the pros and cons of is-a-person solutions and explore security threats around biometrics.

    BBC News article on the launch of Worldcoin https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-66128111

    Vitalek's essay https://vitalik.eth.limo/general/2023/07/24/biometric.html

    Tracey Follows, Forbes article on Synthetic Self https://www.forbes.com/sites/traceyfollows/2023/07/21/i-used-generative-ai-to-create-a-synthetic-self-and-you-can-too/?sh=1e97b2216dbd

    Ian Crocombe Linkedin linkedin.com/in/iancrocombe

    Tracey's book 'The Future of You: Can Your Identity Survive 21st Century Technology?' available in the UK (https://bit.ly/44ObTha) and US (https://bit.ly/3OlDxgk)

  • Let’s dump the doomerism and take a positive look at AI. In this episode I’m speaking with audience expert David Boyle. As co-author of ‘Prompt’ David has quite literally written the book on how AI can be used to enhance the creation of all types of content across a variety of sectors. I also chat with Matthew Kershaw, VP of commercial strategy at D-id.com, about the rise in the creation of digital avatars, the anthropomorphism of digital assistance and what it means for our future digital selves.

    Tracey's book 'The Future of You: Can Your Identity Survive 21st Century Technology?' available in the UK and US

    David and Richard’s website https://prompt.mba/

    David’s book https://www.amazon.co.uk/PROMPT-Brands-practical-ChatGPT-Practical/dp/B0C1JD7C32

    Audience Strategies website https://www.audiencestrategies.com/

    Matthew is at D-ID.com’s website https://www.d-id.com/

    D-ID.com on linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/company/deidentification/

    TF14 was built by https://thepeeps.xyz/

  • In this episode of The Briefing I consider how AI is impacting art and artists. We drop in on the Stanford event around Creativity in the Age of AI, we consider some of the news making headlines about China and AI. And we end up at the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, in Warsaw, from where I spoke about AI and the Death of the Artist.

    Tracey's book 'The Future of You: Can Your Identity Survive 21st Century Technology?' available in the UK and US

    China Inc. Shows How Generative AI Can Be Serious Business https://asia.nikkei.com/Opinion/China-Inc.-shows-how-generative-AI-can-be-serious-business

    Is AI Killing Art? https://radii.co/article/ai-art-zhang-huan-xu-bing

    Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence: Creativity In The Age of AI event https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9wOvFihY74

    Mateusz Szsiedlecki on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/mateuszsiedleckiphoto/

    "'AI: The Death of the Artist?' is part of the Culture Tensions discussions curated by Manick Govinda and Agnieszka Kolek, commissioned by the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw Poland”.

    Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw Poland https://u-jazdowski.pl/en

  • In this episode of The Discussion I’m joined by Josh Muncke - Commercial Director, Retail & Consumer at Faculty and Sam Gregory - Executive Director at Human Rights Organisation, WITNESS.

    We cover generative AI models, what they are and how they're changing the customer experience. Testing and iterating as a process, and how the field of prompt engineering is going to evolve. Also shallow fakes versus deep fakes, the novel ability to create new media content from existing data, the need for safeguards and transparency. And of course, what's next for GPT, and the next generation of models.



    Tracey's book 'The Future of You: Can Your Identity Survive 21st Century Technology?' available in the UK and US

  • In this episode of The Briefing I’m joined by Chris Holmes, Lord Holmes of Richmond MBE. He gives me the inside track on digital ID in the UK, where it’s going and how it compares to approaches in other jurisdictions.

    I also cover some new threats in biometrics and give you a sneak peek into the next episode on Generative AI, where we debate the implications for both consumers and citizens.






    Tracey's book 'The Future of You: Can Your Identity Survive 21st Century Technology?' available in the UK and US

    00:47 Trends in generative AI
    4:30 Josh Muncke, of Faculty, on AI
    5:56 Chris Holmes on Digital ID
    8:40 The UK’s plans for Digital ID
    22:44 The role of the new Department of Science, Technology and Innovation
    26:51 The contrast to the EU approach
    32:21 Big tech and Digital ID

  • In this episode of The Discussion I’m joined by Commercial Director, Europe, Digital Trust Services at Gen, and all-round Digital Wallet and Innovation expert Andy Tobin for a detailed conversation about digital wallets.

    We go deep into what the European identity system (eIDAS) is, how it works and why we need it. We cover the difference between identity cards and digital wallets and the role of verifiable credentials. We also explore why digital credentials are more secure than paper documents, the spectre of big tech and the future of credentials in general.

    Gen website https://www.gendigital.com/

    Links to Andrew’s eIDAS articles on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/tobinandrew/recent-activity/posts/

    Tracey's book 'The Future of You: Can Your Identity Survive 21st Century Technology?' available in the UK and US

  • In this episode of The Briefing we cover several news topics around technology of identity and the digital self, primarily focusing on voice tech; voice design,re-voicing and voice cloning. We look at digital wallets and digital credentials in Europe with the EU ID scheme, and we revisit the current status of theTwitter blue checkmark. I’m also joined by Nik Badminton to talk about his new book, “Facing Our Futures: How foresight, futures design and strategy creates prosperity and growth.”

    Grimes on Twitter

    Holly Herndon and Holly+

    US Voice cloning scam: ‘I’ve got your daughter’

    Voice cloning scammers

    Section 4 on Twitter bluechecks

    Eleven Labs

    Voice over artists fight against AI copying speech tone

    GBnews interview with Eamonn Holmes and Isabel Webster

    Nik Badminton
    Chief Futurist at futurist.com
    Nik's book “Facing Our Futures” published by Bloomsbury

    Tracey's book 'The Future of You: Can Your Identity Survive 21st Century Technology?' available in the UK and US

    0min 40: Voice cloning4min: Discussion with Sam Gregory, Executive Director at WITNESS about generative AI5mins 45: ElevenLabs5mins 58: Twitter verification13mins 33: Digital wallets and digital credentials15min: Discussion with Andrew Tobin about eIDAS and big tech19mins 24: Discussion with Nik Badminton about his new book ‘Facing Our Futures’
  • In this episode of The Discussion I’m joined by digital identity thought leader Dave Birch and Senior Principal at Liminal, and host of the State of Identity podcast, Cameron D’Ambrosi to discuss the digital identity landscape.

    We cover the push towards integrated identity platforms, the vision for reusable identity and the differences between centralized and decentralized systems and how those often reflect national culture. What is the state of Digital ID in the UK? Will the wallets offered by Big Tech win out in the USA? And how might eIDAS or the EUDI approach evolve across the EU?

    Also to what extent do the public really understand (and trust) these identity systems which look like they are about to become part of our everyday lives?

    Liminal website
    2023 Digital Identity Landscape from Liminal
    The State of Identity podcast
    Cameron D’Ambrosi on Twitter @dambrosi

    Dave Birch’s website https://15mb.ltd/
    Dave’s Substack https://dgwbirch.substack.com/
    Dave’s books The Currency Cold War and Identity Is The New Money
    Read him on Forbes
    Dave Birch on Twitter @dgwbirch

    A New National Purpose : Innovation Can Power The Future of Britain

    3min: An overview of the digital identity landscape with Cameron D'Ambrosi7min 50: The use of reusable identity13min: Differences and similarities between centralized and decentralized systems14min 30: State of digital identity in Europe17min 40: State of digital identity in America24min: Dave Birch discusses social media verification29min 40: State of digital identity in the UK32 min: Dave Birch gives an overview of the state of digital identity in the UK50min: Cameron D'Ambrosi's thoughts on the state of digital identity in the UK
  • In this episode of The Future of You: The Briefing I’m joined by neurotech expert Dr Cody Rall to talk about Grimes getting a Neurosity Crown for her birthday. I also cover the latest news around motion prints, age verification, and speak with author of The Currency Cold War Dave Birch about the launch of Fed Now; the new instant payment system being introduced in the US.

    Episode 13 The Future of You, ‘Brain Data and the Sovereign Self’ with Nita Farahany https://pod.fo/e/1706b7
    Jeff Delaney/Fireship, “I literally connected my brain to GPT-4 with JavaScript” on YouTube
    Neurosity website
    Neurosity on Linkedin
    AJ on Twitter @andrewjaykeller

    Cody Rall MD on YouTube
    Cody Rall Tik Tok @codyrallmd

    Business Insider, ‘Grimes said she got a brain gadget for her birthday from a company competing with Elon Musk’s Neuralink’

    VentureBeat, ‘New research suggests that privacy in the metaverse might be impossible’

    Guardian, ‘Utah bans under-18s from using social media unless parents consent

    Electronic Frontier Foundation, ‘Age Verification Mandates Would Undermine Anonymity Online’

    Robin Tombs Linkedin

    Computer Weekly, ‘UK Government Completes Trials of Age estimation Technology

    Federal Reserve, ‘Federal Reserve Announces July Launch for the FedNow Service

    Tracey's book 'The Future of You: Can Your Identity Survive 21st Century Technology?' available in the UK and US

    1min 30: Audio from @Fireship video on YouTube6mins: Conversation with neurotech expert and owner of Tech for Psych YouTube channel Dr Cody Rall12min 30: Motion prints14min 40: Social media age verification20min: Conversation with payment and digital identity expert Dave Birch about Fed Now
  • We start Season 3 by exploring brain data - what is it? How can it be collected and used? And who has access to it?

    In this episode I’m joined by Nita Farahany; author of The Battle For Your Brain and Professor at Duke University. We discuss how brain data is already being collected and used as well as the importance of cognitive liberty.

    I also find out more about the technology being used to collect brain data. I talk with CEO and Co-founder of Neurable Dr. Ramses Alcaide, and Co-founder and CEO of Neurosity AJ Keller; two companies creating brain data products they believe we’ll soon be using as often as our smartphones.

    Professor Nita A. Farahany's new book 'The Battle For Your Brain: Defending The Right To Think Freely In The Age Of Neurotechnology' available in US and UK

    Ready for Brain Transparency? Nita A Farahany's session at Davos 2023

    Tracey's piece in Forbes, 'Forget Media Manipulation And Misinformation via TikTok And Twitter, Neurotechnology Heralds The New Battle For Our Brains'

    Neurable website
    Neurable discord channel
    Neurable on Linkedin
    Ramses on Twitter @RamsesAlcaide

    Neurosity website
    Neurosity on Linkedin
    AJ on Twitter @andrewjaykeller

    OECD, Neurotechnology in and for society: Deliberation, stewardship and trust

    Nature Electronics, Brain Computer Interfaces

    Tracey's book 'The Future of You: Can Your Identity Survive 21st Century Technology?' available in the UK and US

  • “To be or not to be I.T.….. That is the question”

    As we prepare for the start of Season 3 of The Future of You podcast, listen to The Manifesto of You.

    Follow this podcast now to make sure you don’t miss an episode - they will be released every second Thursday starting March 30.

  • In this third season of The Future of You podcast, I’ll be talking about a new dimension to the self. Along with the biology and the psychology of the self, we now have the technology of the self.

    I’m Tracey Follows, Futurist, Founder of Futuremade and Visiting Professor of digital futures and identity at Staffordshire University. This season continues with a new format. We stick with two episodes being released every month but now you’ll hear The Discussion and The Briefing.

    Expect deep conversations on the topic of identity in The Discussion episodes, and check in with The Briefing to stay up to date with the latest news in tech and identity.

    We'll dive into digital identity, biometrics, brainwave data, smart cities, digital twins and much more.

    Follow this podcast now to make sure you don’t miss an episode - they will be released every second Thursday, starting March 30.

  • Today, I'm joined by Prof. Dr. Beth Singler, Assistant Professor in Digital Religion(s) at the University of Zurich and Rev. Dr. Joshua K. Smith, Pastor and Theologian, to discuss digital religion, and our spiritual identity online.

    This episode of The Future of You covers:

    The trends in digital religionHow people are developing communities and ideas about technology onlineHow AI shapes and molds what we are doing spiritually. Our perspective bias at the dawn of a new millenniumAnthropomorphism of AIWhether AI can help us become better moral beingsCorporatist agency, personal agency, and AI politiciansThe ongoing outsourcing of our own decision making to AINihilism, apocalypticism, and the reemergence of the Satanic and occult aesthetic.

    The Future of You: Can Your Identity Survive 21st Century Technology?: www.amazon.co.uk/Future-You-Identity-21st-Century-Technology-ebook/dp/B08XBN4GBB

    Links and references at: www.traceyfollows.com