
  • Arguably R.W. Loveless is one of, if not the most influential knife maker and designer in the last century. Bob's designs are some of the most copied and reproduced in the market today, and you can see his impact on knife making in a majority of knives made as well.

    Bob was an enigmatic man, as notable for his generosity as his tantrums, and those who knew him personally either loved, loathed, or did business out of love and trepidation.

    It's hard to decouple the man, the myth, the legend of Bob Loveless from the personality, but I think that's why I needed to talk to John Denton about his long relationship with Bob, his dad J.W. Denton's legacy in business, and John's personal history of collecting. With Bob passing away in 2010, John is the closest we get to the horses mouth, as he and his father not only were close to Bob, but were the foremost collectors and dealers for his work. Today, John still deals in Loveless knives, and has handled probably more pieces of his shops work than anyone on earth.

    You can find available knives and John's book on Bob Loveless on his Website.

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    Aaron Lawvere: Website, Instagram
    Podcast: Instagram

  • I find that every time I talk to the old guard of knifemaker, how fortunate I am to be in a time where knowledge is so accessible.

    For the pioneers in custom and handmade knives, every ounce of knowledge could be attributes to an egregious amount of "want to", in order to get anything done.

    For the OG knifemaker that's stood the test of time like Jim Sornberger, that want to has been married with an undying passion for knives and art, that's managed to weather a lot of storms since the 70s.

    Probably best known for his California gold rush period style, San Francisco dress knives, canes and native gold and quartz work, Jim has carried a legacy of an aesthetic that could have easily died out had it not been for him, and a few like him.

    Additionally, Jim has been a bastion of supporting the craft through his historical research, documentation and education for the better part of 50 years. Magazines, books, video, social media, podcasts, he's adopted whatever medium he can to breath renewed life into the craft, and that's why I wanted to talk to him so much.

    We all as knifemakers take for granted the information we can get on learning how to make things, but we often forget that context of information matters a lot, and someone line Jim, even for growing older, has a mind like a steel trap for details.

    You can find Jim's extraordinary work on his Website, and some of his writing archive for Knife Magazine on their Website, as well as the writeup to his induction into The Cutlery Hall of Fame on Blade Magazine's Website.

    Text me your feedback, suggestions or recommendations!

    Aaron Lawvere: Website, Instagram
    Podcast: Instagram

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  • The world of knives has taken me down a lot of rabbit holes, which I just consider paths to a destination I'm not aware of yet.

    On the road to understanding the universe, I stumbled into Matt Martin, knife maker at Vehement Knives.

    I've had Matt on the podcast before, but in a much earlier stage, where I think he was just doing me favor to help give the show street cred, but it turned into great conversation, a deeper understanding of him, and I'm eternally thankful.

    He's been a constant companion to me as I figure out how I want to heighten the experience of the podcast, and his critiques have helped make the show what it is.

    Like layers of an onion, on the exterior, you may see a pierced and tatted dude who is unapproachable, but if you spend a little bit of time to deconstruct him, you'll realize he's animated, full of life, and has a big heart. If you're willing to go the extra mile, you'll see the true gem he is, and the deep thinking that drives his push of the craft.

    I can't even say that Matt and I are peers, his skill and attention to detail is immaculate, and I admire everything he does. We're friends, which is more important to me, and I get to sit down and talk to him about a lot of esoteric topics within knives, staying motivated, thinking creatively, and discussing some of the many plagues that afflict the knife making industry, on this episode.

    You can find Matt's work through Vehement Knives on his Website, Facebook, and Instagram.

    Text me your feedback, suggestions or recommendations!

    Aaron Lawvere: Website, Instagram
    Podcast: Instagram

  • I think sometimes it's easy to look at successful people and think that it was a gift, miracle or privilege that got them where they are.

    But for every success we see as outsiders looking in, there were thousands of mistakes, roadblocks and discouragements that got between that person and their success.

    The ones who make it into the stream of our consciousness forced their way into it, like salmon running against a great current.

    Princeton Wong, his wife Mimi and his beautiful children are what I see when I follow Prince Customs. Maybe I'm a sucker for a backstory, but Princeton and his support system spur him on to take failure on the chin, and innovate, and that's exactly what he does every day to create works of functional art inside of knives, and the CNC industry.

    We sit down and talk about his journey to get to where he is today on this episode.

    You can find Princeton and his work on his website, Instagram and Facebook.

    Text me your feedback, suggestions or recommendations!

    Aaron Lawvere: Website, Instagram
    Podcast: Instagram

  • Lewis Carroll once wrote “One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others.” I can't imagine a more fitting way to identify what Bruce Voyles surely discovered at an early age. Sure, a life in knives and his passion for it has garnered him his own freedoms and success, but much like Carroll, Bruce has used his words and life energy to paint for us the most glorious picture of how the knife world could be, and through an immense work ethic, he's turned his imagination into reality. If you take the time to listen and really tie things together, you'll find that Bruce has been at the helm of a lot of the greatest contributions inside of knifemaking in the last 50 years. If you enjoy the world of knives we live in today, you get to hear it from one of the architects. As eloquent and prolific as Bruce is in written word, I pale, and pay homage. But I hope you all get to know him as I know him now, and hear an incredible story of his life journey within knives, along with the titans that helped to build it.

    You can find Bruce's auctions on his Website, find his writing in Knife Magazine, and also read his recently published novels on Amazon under Vengeance Creek, The Carolyn Factor: A Max Kugar Thriller, and Storyville Sirens: A Novel of New Orleans

    Text me your feedback, suggestions or recommendations!

    Aaron Lawvere: Website, Instagram
    Podcast: Instagram

  • Knives run deep in America as the quintessential companion of the avid outdoorsman, working man and woman, boy and girl, every day carrier, and collector alike. In the early 70's, the emergence of The Knifemakers' Guild and American Bladesmith Society captured a boom of handmade knifemakers in America, and with it, came the American Blade magazine, edited by Blackie Collins.

    In 1982, after being purchased by Jim Parker and Bruce Voyles, the name was changed to Blade, and within it's first few years under the helm of Bruce Voyles, saw the early stages of what we now know as Bladeshow.

    Additionally, Blade established a Cutlery Hall of Fame to honor living knifemakers for their extraordinary contributions to the craft.

    Prior to its sale in 1994, Steve Shackleford was the editor of Blade Magazine and has maintained that position for over 30 years.

    He's contributed not only to the shaping of knives in America, but around the world through his influence in print, shows and coordination.

    Steve is the first to call out all of the extraordinary contributors that make Blade Magazine, Blade Show, and the industry as a whole work, and I got to sit down with him and talk about his humble beginnings in publication, hot tips and advice for the knifemaker, his prognosis for where the industry is going, and to talk about Bladeshow Atlanta 2024.

    You can find Steve Shackleford's books on Blade Magazine's website.

    Text me your feedback, suggestions or recommendations!

    Aaron Lawvere: Website, Instagram
    Podcast: Instagram

  • Knife makers, as much as they can be celebrities within our industry, are often not well known outside of it. With tens of millions of people seeing him judge on Forged in Fire over the last 9 years of the show, J. Neilson has reached meteoric attention in the public eye, is a household name, and you may think that all of that attention would go to a guy's head. For J, It hasn't. He's one of the most humble guys, with a great sense of humor, and is a superb mastersmith to boot. Shelley and J make a great team, and Shelley's work in knives and being a companion and champion of J's, has also foisted her into the public eye. Making some great knives herself, it's no wonder why they work well together. She is a smart cookie, accomplished nurse, and a very kind soul. I always wonder how individuals can remain so humble and attentive in the sight of so many changing events, but like a blade that's forged out of adversity and necessity, so too are people forged by life and circumstance, and sometimes they come out beautiful. J and Shelley are those kind of folks.

    You can find J.Neilson on his Instagram posting up regularly, and find his work on his Website. Obviously you can watch Forged in Fire with him on it. :) You can also find Shelley on her Instagram.

    Text me your feedback, suggestions or recommendations!

    Aaron Lawvere: Website, Instagram
    Podcast: Instagram

  • There are few luxuries in life like sharing heartfelt time with friends and family. Even more seldom is when your children connect with you on something, and share your passion and intrigue. I've been blessed that to some extent, all of our children have been interested in knives and knife culture, and championed the work I'm doing myself. We all play a role in how this business operates, and I love that about us. I got to sit down with illustrious Paul Lusk in this two part series, and talk about his journey in knives and his work in knife education, with our youngest daughter - probably the biggest fan of the podcast. Paul was a great sport, and Sissy did great through her nervousness, which will forever be a cherished experience for me.

    You can check out Paul's work on Facebook, Website, and enjoy his knifemaking instructional classes on his Website and Facebook.

    Text me your feedback, suggestions or recommendations!

    Aaron Lawvere: Website, Instagram
    Podcast: Instagram

  • There's a culture inside of knives, and especially knife shows, where we all seem to be fans of our fellow knifemakers. We can meet a knifemaker for the first time, and feel like we're old friends. We can sit and geek out on sometimes the smallest aspects of knives, and fill hours with each other. Companionship, camaraderie, and mutual respect feed great conversations, and build lifelong friendships. Evan Nicolaides is one of those people that is really easy to like. He's a wealth of knowledge, tries new things all the time, and is willing to push his fellow makers to do the same. He's also just a phenomenal knifemaker, and pushes the envelope on Sheffield era cutlery recreation, and well....everything else he touches. It was great to get to talk to him on this immersive episode of the podcast, where we just talk and admire other maker's work too.

    Check out Evan on social media with his Facebook, Instagram and Website.

    Text me your feedback, suggestions or recommendations!

    Aaron Lawvere: Website, Instagram
    Podcast: Instagram

  • I've had the honor to speak with some of the greatest living knifemakers on this podcast, and pick their brains about their craftsmanship and creativity in the industry. But with all things, I try to expand the collective consciousness of my listeners, and my guest Michael Janich very much does the same with everyone he comes in contact with. As the brain behind Martial Blade Concepts and as Special Projects Coordinator at Spyderco, Michael combines his deep level of knowledge on edged-weapons and their use within martial arts and self protection with real world and intimate utilization of blades, designs, and how to effectively utilize them for protection. I feel that feeds into how we as makers contend with purpose build blades, and as we deconstruct conflict and the thought process around how one should think of blades as tools of defense, I hope you can grasp the benefit Michael has given us in taking so much time to discuss his philosophy and thoughts.

    Text me your feedback, suggestions or recommendations!

    Aaron Lawvere: Website, Instagram
    Podcast: Instagram

  • I have been asked this question a lot, and it's to quantify the role social media plays in the knifemaking industry, and how to break away from reliance on it. Listen to the micro podcast, it should evoke some ideas as to how you'll personally go about this. Remember, a like or a follow does not equal a sale, and social media does not validate your own worth as a craftsman. It's important to have self-esteem and not rely on these social engines to make or break you, and I try to outline what is happening with these platforms in the context of knifemaking to help shed some light on why it's really a losing battle to invest too much of yourself in a medium that matters very little.

    Text me your feedback, suggestions or recommendations!

    Aaron Lawvere: Website, Instagram
    Podcast: Instagram

  • At the end of April, the Oklahoma Knife Group (Previously the Knife Group Association of Oklahoma (KGA)) will be hosting its knife show. And on the doorstep of that, I thought it'd be great to talk to Shawn Shropshire - President, and talk about the group, their over 25 years of association, and its growth over the past several years after it's rebrand. But, what I really wanted to dig into was Shawn's particular avenue of knives, including his work in frontier knives. With over 20 years of knifemaking under his belt, the thing that strikes me about Shawn is his love of knife education and history, which bleeds into every aspect of his making. Along with his accomplice Deke Parker, Shawn has started the Wandering Bladesmith, where they travel and experience the world of knives and making across the globe. I can't say enough good things about Shawn, he's a gentleman, scholar, and all around great guy, and I got to spend some time getting a more in-depth picture of all of this on the show!

    Check out Shawn on social media with his Instagram, Facebook, as well as The Wandering Bladesmith IG, and give a follow to the Oklahoma Knife Group on Instagram and Facebook!

    Text me your feedback, suggestions or recommendations!

    Aaron Lawvere: Website, Instagram
    Podcast: Instagram

  • Sometimes I get the opportunity to talk to folks that make me think I don't have a lick of creativity in me. Well...Probably more than sometimes. But that's what's cool about being a podcast host in this particular vein of knifemaking, that I get to immerse myself in the conversations of people that inspire me, at the same time get me introspective. Steven Ramos is one of those guys that just exudes cool ideas and a talent to articulate them in steel and stone, and I sometimes envy the austere yet passionate way he conveys his love of what he does. We may one day see his work in the same galleries as knifemaking legends like Buster Warenski, and it's cool to get to talk to someone who's so down to earth, and really just trying to push themselves to express what they see in their inner eye. Get to know Steven, because that's exactly what I did.

    You can find Steven on social media such as Instagram and Facebook, and maybe at a knifeshow near you.

    Text me your feedback, suggestions or recommendations!

    Aaron Lawvere: Website, Instagram
    Podcast: Instagram

  • John Horrigan is one of those men that makes you better by being in his presence. A true blue God fearing American, that holds his knife art in humble regards, but his reverence for the craft of knifemaking with great esteem. Maybe at first I thought John was unapproachable because of this, but he's one of the kindest and most thoughtful people out there, and really shines bright in our industry. It's not a wonder that he's won awards, achieved Master Smith with the ABS, is a member of The Knifemakers' Guild, or is generally acknowledged as one of the premier art knife makers of the industry. He screams excellence, but it comes from a very introspective and inventive place. John constantly challenges himself, and his encouragement and words of wisdom in this episode really is an inspiration for anyone trying to find their way around this big world we call knife making.

    You can find John on Social Media such as Instagram and Facebook, and also find more out about him on his Website.

    Text me your feedback, suggestions or recommendations!

    Aaron Lawvere: Website, Instagram
    Podcast: Instagram

  • Kelly Vermeer Vella is a rare bird, because as high as she soars, she still seems to have two feet firmly planted on the ground. In every success, award, and other achievement I see her get, I am always rooting for her. Probably because she represents the underdog in her demeanor, and also embodies the superstar. This kind of enigma in knife culture is what drew me to her work, and wanting to have her as a guest on the show. Who doesn't want to get to know someone who seems to be untainted by fame, and as down to earth and humble as if she's the newcomer on a very established scene? Kelly deserves every eye on her, and more, and getting to see her creations is like watching a chef invent and allow the tasting of a new banger of a recipe. You'll enjoy her, we all do.

    Follow Kelly on her social media, and join us fly on the walls watching her fame unfold. You can find her on Instagram and Facebook.

    Text me your feedback, suggestions or recommendations!

    Aaron Lawvere: Website, Instagram
    Podcast: Instagram

  • The cat's out of the bag, and in the inaugural FIRST PODCAST for Dellana...EVER, I got to sit down with her and talk about some heavy-hitting ideas in how to conjure up the stuff that mesmerizes and enchants us all. Dellana has made an international name for herself in both her jewelry and knife art for the last 48+ years, and is still busy creating some of them most gobsmacking artwork in the knife industry. Her ease of conversation and profound wisdom is timeless, and her vivacious energy and passion for expression is intoxicating. I thoroughly enjoyed talking to one of the greatest living knifemakers, and one of the most down to earth, humble and helpful people I know. If you enjoy digging in deep to the psychology and spirituality of creating things, this is the episode for you. I can't express enough how much I love this person. She's a true gem and an asset to anyone pondering the meaning of life in art knives.

    You can find Dellana on Instagram, Facebook, and see her works on her Website as well. Frankly, type in Dellana in any search engine and you'll be blown away.

    Text me your feedback, suggestions or recommendations!

    Aaron Lawvere: Website, Instagram
    Podcast: Instagram

  • I've always admired the military man because of the regimen and order that encapsulates the service. Neal Green embodies his career in the U.S. Army in his knives in a way that follows a structured and clean look, but also gives way to his creative eye by allowing him to play with themes and materials, to juxtapose order in an otherwise chaotic medium. His knives and leatherwork are some of the cleanest out there for a "new" knifemaker, and his personality and enthusiasm for the craft is a tide that levels all boats. I got to spend some quality time with him, peaking a little further behind the curtain than he shares on social media, and we talked about some core ideologies, interests and goals that I think unite all of us in this craft.

    You can find Neal on Instagram, and his Website, and I recommend you pick up one of his very reasonably priced knives. They're superb quality.

    Text me your feedback, suggestions or recommendations!

    Aaron Lawvere: Website, Instagram
    Podcast: Instagram

  • Part of this vocation of podcasting is really being able to nerd out over my heroes. The other, of course, is to act as an archivist for what will assuredly be some of the few conversations the world will get with legendary figures in knives. Though I hope that in every conversation, there stems more and more, and we get to keep national knife treasures like Bob Terzuola for a long time, the reality is, we all move on from this life. This sobering reality gives me pause, and frames my desire to get in as many of those conversations as possible. Bob isn't a stranger to being interviewed, written about, videotaped, etc. But with every moment, we get a different perspective into his mind, and his life, and what matters to him at that point. Sure, his knife journey is fascinating to me, but some of the most heart warming moments were spent talking about his parents, and the growth of jade carving in South America, that are a big part of Bob's legacy. He's a gem that we'll never really get enough of, and I loved getting to spend time with him. I hope you listening to him will leave you with the same feeling.

    Text me your feedback, suggestions or recommendations!

    Aaron Lawvere: Website, Instagram
    Podcast: Instagram

  • In this world, it's easy to get lost in the fact that people don't often get the opportunity to share a connection of passion or desire. But within art and knives, there is a common thread of self expressionism that weaves its way through the medium, and binds us as people, in ways that is often surprising. In talking to Andrea de Leon about her own journey through art, and her application of it in knives, we get to talk about the weaving of ideas and evocation, and how thinking not just outside of the box, but deeply into the mind, binds the artist and viewer in a tug of war as to the true intention and perception of reality itself. Too esoteric? Well tough! Join me in a great conversation with an awesome person, who gets to play in a lot of artistic mediums that expand and bend the reality at which we think of knives!

    Follow Andrea on her Instagram and Website and keep up to date on all of the art projects she has going on!

    Text me your feedback, suggestions or recommendations!

    Aaron Lawvere: Website, Instagram
    Podcast: Instagram

  • Alex Harrison from Night Watch Knives is a constant companion of mine, in that we commiserate about knives, a lot. There's always some new challenge, problem, or idea that forces us to put on our thinking caps, and he's a go-to for me to get feedback, especially the brutally honest kind. That's what I like about him. Alex is constantly evolving, and whether its days, weeks or months in between chit chats, I always find him doing something a little bit different than the last interaction. As my first repeat guest, we sit and meander through topics, but with some reverence to the fact that we are both blessed to pursue this craft. Hard work, asking hard questions, being willing to receive hard answers, it's all part of the pursuit, and I hope in some way this truly "maker episode" provides some food for thought.

    Follow Alex on his Instagram and get a seat into his constant innovation and design release!

    Text me your feedback, suggestions or recommendations!

    Aaron Lawvere: Website, Instagram
    Podcast: Instagram