Today we are honored to speak with Britton LaTulippe, a homeschooling father of eight kids and founder / president of Blue Manor Education and Blue Manor Online Academy. Britton is the author of over 70 children's books, the creator of several early-learning curriculum sets, and author of The Art of Raising Children to Greatness series. After attending an elite prep school in Virginia, Britton realized that the greatest disparity between the rich and poor was not their wealth, but the quality of their education. Now, it's Britton's mission to bring elite education into the world of homeschooling.
Blue Manor Education: https://bluemanoreducation.com
Blue Manor Online Academy: https://www.bluemanoracademy.com
The Art of Raising Children to Greatness: https://www.amazon.com/Education-Art-Raising-Children-Greatness/dp/1660150825
Our guests today are Ben Rehrman and Genevieve Shade, both of whom are 18-year old, self-directed (unschooled) homeschool graduates. Ben and Genevieve are in the throws of producing a documentary series for YouTube titled "Learning and Liberation".
Learning and Liberation is a documentary series that explores the people and places that allow young people to grow, play and learn outside of traditional school.
Genevieve Shade is a Pittsburgh based multidisciplinary artist and creator of the e-zine “Youth Liberation Now” (YLN). YLN touches on topics of youth rights, education, the history of youth movements, and politics. Through grassroots distribution, YLN has spread across the US and internationally. Beyond YLN, Genevieve is a fine artist, writer, and researcher. Her film photography work was shown at the Mattress Factory in May 2022, and at Bankrupt Bodega in November 2022. She is also a printmaker, painter, and people’s history enthusiast. One of her latest projects is a collaborative research project with her mentor Shaun Slifer, focusing on 1970s high school student activism in Pittsburgh. She is very passionate about education, having experienced 5 different models of education throughout her life. In 2020 Genevieve decided to leave public high school (one of the best decisions she’s ever made) and she has been happily unschooling for the past three years.
Ben Rehrman is a filmmaker and lifelong unschooler from Eastern Pennsylvania. Their interest in film started as a child. They used all of their free time to experiment with animation and live action story telling. As a teenager they started a YouTube channel, where they began uploading educational and autobiographical videos. These videos slowly gained traction online, growing an audience for their work. Ben is interested in narrative and documentary film, having made multiple short films. Unschooling and self directed education are some of their main creative inspirations. From informing audiences about the basics of self directed education, to making autobiographical videos about their life to show what unschooling is like, to interviewing other people in the space, unschooling has driven their work. Their films have been official selections in The All American High School Film Festival, The Sun Valley High School Film Festival, The Saul Zaentz High School Film Festival, and the SE Pennsylvania Teen Filmmakers Showcase. Videos on their YouTube channel have garnered almost half a million views, making them one of the most viewed video sources about unschooling.
To help crowdfund Ben & Genevieve's film, click here by April 2, 2023: https://seedandspark.com/fund/learning-and-liberation#story
Learning and Liberation Website: https://learningandlib.com/
Learning and Liberation on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@learningandliberation
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Today it is all about the dads! In this episode you will hear about:
The importance of partnership between spousesDealing with home life changes when beginning homeschoolingHow income should never be a reason to not homeschoolHow and why the Homeschool Loft beganBoundaries between work and family timeHow faulty mindsets can keep dads from pivoting in their careerLinks:
The Homeschool Loftcast: https://www.homeschoolloftcast.com
The Homeschool Loft: https://www.homeschoolloft.com
OMG! Can you believe the Homeschool Resource Roadmap is celebrating it's ten year anniversary? We can't either!
If you use the Homeschool Resource Roadmap daily or you have never used it before, this episode of the Loftcast will answer:
What is the Homeschool Resource Roadmap?What is the origin story of the Roadmap?What is the Common Core Project and why homeschoolers should care?How many resource providers are listed on the Roadmap?Who is listed and how is this list kept up to date?How to enlist a guide along your journey through the Roadmap?What info besides curriculum is found on the Roadmap?How you can obtain a customized report of resources specific to your families beliefs, learning styles, and strengths.Links:
The Homeschool Resource Roadmap: https://www.homeschoolroadmap.org
The Homeschool Loft: https://www.homeschoolloft.com
Are you interested in being a guest on the Homeschool Loftcast? Visit us at https://www.homeschoolloftcast.com and fill out a guest request! We'd love to talk to you!
Join Tina as she brings back homeschool alum, Noah Tetzner, for an in-depth discussion about the truths and the myths of socialization for home educated children.
In this episode, you'll learn:
What is "socialization"?What is the true foundation of socialization from a historical view?Family versus schools in the socialization of children.How and when homeschool kids actually socialize and with whom.Advice for parents when you get the infamous "socialization" question from your friends or family.Links:
Homeschool Loft: https://www.homeschoolloft.com
National Home Education Research Institute: https://www.nheri.org
The Homeschool Resource Roadmap: https://www.homeschoolroadmap.org
Ashton Tate is the founder of Glory to Glory Fitness in Franklin TN, and the creator of The F.O.R.M. Curriculum, a turn-key and biblically-based health curriculum for schools and families. The company's mission is to provide quality health education to every student in America. Ashton aims to accomplish this by partnering with Christian schools and homeschool families all over the nation.
Glory to Glory Fitness: https://www.formcurriculum.com/homeschool
The Homeschool Loft: https://www.homeschoolloft.com
Today, we listen in as Tina and Jenny discuss their thoughts about educating children in the early elementary years.
There is no need to "start ear1y". Let the child demonstrate readiness instead.No one method (or curriculum) is right for everyone. What's right is what works for your kids/family. No need to buy expensive curriculum. Focus on the 3Rs at first (reading; 'riting; and 'rithmetic). Short lessons (15 min. each w/breaks in between), less than 2 hours a day on academics (to grow & maintain a child's love of learning). Other subjects (history, science, health, etc.) can be occasional and less formal. Look for learning in everyday living & non-traditional resources (children's literature, movies, games, outings, etc.). TRUST God and the process.Family dynamics/character/atmosphere is most important. Find a "tribe" of like-minded homeschoolers in SOCIAL homeschool groups (not academic co-ops).Recommendations:
Egermeier's Bible Story Book, The Child's Story Bible by Catherine VosA+ Learning (a reading game)Amish Pathways ReadersPentime PenmanshipAll About SpellingChristian Light Education (math)Professor Noggin (games)TruthQuest HistoryBerean Builders (science)Cedarmont Kids (music)Links:
Homeschool Loft: https://www.homeschoolloft.comThe Homeschool Resource Roadmap: https://www.homeschoolroadmap.org
Today we're hanging out with Jenny's son, Noah Tetzner, a 2019 history buff and homeschool graduate who started his own podcast and podcast-production business when he was just 16 years old. Along the way, Noah published two books related to his love of history
You've heard from Noah before both as a guest and co-host and today we're here to talk with him about his young-adult life and current political aspirations.
Homeschool Loft: https://www.homeschoolloft.com
Noah for De Pere: https://www.facebook.com/noahfordepere
Today we have a special treat! Kody Hanner is our special guest and Ashley Schnese is our special co-host. Join us as we talk about homesteading and home education.
Kody Hanner is a wife, homesteader and homeschool mom of six who has devoted her life to agriculture and rural living. Kody has authored The Homestead Education series of homeschool curricula which incorporates homestead based science. She is also the host of The Homestead Education Podcast.
Ashley Schnese is a wife, homesteader and homeschool mom of two boys. Along with her husband Dylan, they have created a beautiful homestead called, Steady Presence Farms, which is open to the public for retreats and luxury glamping.
The Homeschool Loft: https://www.homeschoolloft.com
Steady Presence Farms: https://www.facebook.com/steadypresencefarms
Grow With a Homestead Education | The Homestead Education: https://www.thehomesteadeducation.com
Today, Jenny and Tina are joined by returning guest (and Tina's husband), Jeff Hollenbeck. They discuss missions for homeschoolers—how to get involved and what opportunities are out there.
Referenced in Today's Episode:
MissionGuides International
Connect with Tina & Jenny at:
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Tune in for a conversation with homeschool veteran, Emily Pauc!
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In today's episode, Tina and Jenny discuss The Homeschool Mom Hiatus—an event that was presented by The Homeschool Loft.
Connect with Tina & Jenny at:
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Tune in for a conversation with special guest, Brennan Dean of the Great Homeschool Conventions.
Referenced in Today's Episode:
Great Homeschool Conventions
Connect with Tina & Jenny at:
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Today, the Loftcast shares a quick preview of Jenny's son Noah's new podcast, The Homeschool Enthusiast!
Referenced in Today's Episode:
The Homeschool Enthusiast Podcast
Noah Tetzner's Email: noah@profitwithpodcasting.com
Connect with Tina & Jenny at:
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Tune in for a conversation about self-care for homeschool moms—with special guest, Ashly Balza.
Referenced in Today's Episode:
Connect with Ashly Balza
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Thinking about pulling your kids from public school? Well, if you live in Alaska, this is the episode for you!
Today's guest is Jacki Makinen. Tune in for a discussion on the legal requirements for homeschooling families in Alaska.
Referenced in Today's Episode:
Alaska Homeschool Org
Text of the Alaska Homeschool Law
Jacki Makinen's Email: hslda.ak.amb.makinen@gmail.com
Connect with Tina & Jenny at:
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Tune in for a conversation about sports and homeschooling—with homeschool dad, Jeff Mitchell.
Referenced in Today's Episode:
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Thinking about pulling your kids from public school? Well, if you live in Michigan, this is the episode for you!
Today's guest is Kerry Ott. Tune in for a discussion on the legal requirements for homeschooling families in Michigan.
Referenced in Today's Episode:
Michigan Homeschool Org: Michigan Christian Homeschool Network
Michigan Homeschool Law
Kerry Ott's Email: kerrylott@gmail.com
Connect with Tina & Jenny at:
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In today's episode, Jenny and Tina discuss the benefits of family book clubs.
Referenced in Today's Episode:
Wild+Free Book Club Guide
The Homeschool Resource Roadmap Field Trip Venues Lists
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Thinking about pulling your kids from public school? Well, if you live in Texas, this is the episode for you!
Today's guest is Rebecca Ruiz. Tune in for a discussion on the legal requirements for homeschooling families in Texas.
Referenced in Today's Episode:
Texans for Homeschool Freedom
Texas Home Educators
Text of Relevant Court Case
Rebecca Ruiz's Email: rebeccalruiz5@gmail.com
Connect with Tina & Jenny at:
The Website
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