
  • Come listen to a story about a couple whom experienced a medical condition where The Ketogenic Diet helped heal Josue. Mikel is Josue's finance and supported Josue in his journey through health utilizing the ketogenic diet.

    Josue and Mikel talk about the struggles with Cushing Syndrome before the diagnosis and after. Josue at one point was rapidly gaining weight and went through every diet and exercise protocol they could think of. Mikel and Josue found success with the ketogenic diet. Not only did they find success but Josue was able to get off of several medications prescribed to him. He has lost all the weight and he has gained his life and health back.

    We are so excited to share with you a story of healing. Conscious Eating is one of the most important factors in any diet or lifestyle. Listening to our bodies just like Josue and Mikel consistently do, is also very important too. We are so very grateful to share with you their story from the perspective of the supporter and from the one suffering from a medical condition.

    Give it up for Mikel and Josue!!! The Ketogenic Diet: A Healing Story!

  • Debunking Keto Myths: How Healthy is it? (Part 1)

    Disclaimer: We do have degrees in biochemistry and sport and fitness and are NASM certified nutrition coach and weight loss management specialist and fitness nutrition specialist. But we are not medical doctors or registered dietitians YET! This is not meant to contradict what your doctor recommends/prescribes. If you have a medical condition or are taking medication, please talk with your medical team about what is best for you and any questions you have for your specific needs.

    There are many fad diets out in the world today. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or searching for a “healthier” way of eating. These diets range from reducing and counting calories or adjusting levels of macronutrients (like a low-fat, low-carb or high-protein diet), all the way to changing when or even if you eat (such as whole day or intermittent fasting). This episode/post we’re going to discuss the Keto Diet in detail.

    What is the Ketogenic Diet?

    Most people have heard of this diet and that might be why you’re listening/reading this right now, trying to learn more. Well, it’s a way of eating where people eat very low-carbohydrates, high-protein, and high-fat. There are different ways to obtain such a low level of carbs though. Standard, cyclical and high-protein are the main different variations of a common Keto Diet.

    The main goal of this diet however, is to get your body into ketosis.

    What is Ketosis?

    A condition that happens when there is an abnormal high level of ketone bodies in the tissues and bodily fluids.

    What are Ketone Bodies?

    Molecules formed from fat which are metabolic byproducts. Ketone bodies are formed when the body is insufficient in carbohydrates for complete metabolization of fat. However, this build up can lead to keto acidosis.

    What is Keto-acidosis?

    Acidification of the blood caused by a build up of ketone bodies. Body fluids which are normally slightly alkaline become extremely acidic. If let untreated keto acidosis can be life threatening and can lead to coma and death.

    Side Effects of Ketoacidosis

    bone loss/osteoporosiskidney diseasemuscle wastingendocrine disorders

    What we need to know about The Ketogenic Diet before we attempt to participate or support others whom participate.

    Keto and Diabetics

    When someone suffers from diabetes or hyperglycemia their body is unable to use glucose as energy the same way normal people can. So the body will then use proteins and fats. Often times the body will use proteins from muscles to attempt to meet energy needs. This is bad because even though they could be potentially “losing weight” they are doing this by muscle wasting and becoming weaker and weaker.

    With diabetes the body attempts to use fat for energy as well and this can cause many other problems. When excessive fat is being utilized as energy, the absence of glucose byproducts of metabolism which creates a build up of ketone bodies. Too much ketones in the body can lead to keto acidosis.

    Someone with Type 1 diabetes has to inject insulin into their blood stream in order to regulate blood glucose levels and avoid keto acidosis. Someone with Type 2 diabetes has to take medication to regulate blood glucose levels. Type 2 diabetics do not develop keto-acidosis as easy as someone whom has Type 1, but under extreme stressful conditions they still can. Although if they do not regulate their blood glucose levels they too can damage many body tissues.

    Both Types of diabetics can develop

    Damaged Blood vessels in the EyesKidney damageNerve cellsBlindnessKidney dysfunctionHeart damageNerve degeneration

    Keto and potential disease accumulation

    The Ketogenic diet can be a healthy weight-loss method for some populations. Although for someone looking to lose a few pounds should look at the entire picture before making this decision. This diet can be very risky when someone is not totally focused on doing it the right way. One must be very careful to not yoyo with this diet your either all in or all out. You're completely changing the way we digest food naturally. A person can be successful and take 10 steps back when they quit and gain the weight back three times at a rapid pace. The ketogenic diet should be done through cycles and watched closely by a doctor in order to truly be healthy. One should really analyze the risks to benefits from this diet before making the decision to use it. Just because your friend is doing it and they lost all this weight and feels amazing doesn’t mean it will be for the long haul nor does it mean they are in perfect health.

    Keto for the general population

    Do you still think putting your body into ketosis on purpose is “healthy”? So your healthy and you want to lose 10 pounds for spring break or swim suit season? Alright quit playing decrease your calories 200-500 and start exercising, drink more water and eat more veggies. So you still want to go keto? Alright you need to understand that more than likely the weight loss is going to be from water and muscle. The minute you go off the diet (which you will have to in order survive pretty much) you will gain the weight back and also have reduced muscle mass to even get back to where you were before. Its going to take so much more work to even get back to the healthy person you were before you started the diet.

    So your friend lost all this weight and you still want to try it. Know the facts, ask your doctor or dietitian is this is a good solution for you, request blood work to be done to make sure your not putting your self in a starvation mode, and also make sure that you are still getting all the nutrients your body needs to remain healthy.

    Keto for weight loss

    The ideal weight loss program will moderately restrict calories, have balanced macro and micronutrient levels, and accompanied by increased exercise. When we lose too much weight too fast we are losing fat free mass and water which does not give us the desired outcome. We want to lose body fat not muscle when going on a diet. Combining exercise and a balanced nutrient diet by only reducing 200-500 calories at a time and consuming daily calories in 3-5 meals a day is the goal.

    When individuals start a keto diet with the goal to put their body into ketosis for weight loss it is vital that they understand they are also putting themself at risk for muscle wasting and dehydration. All of which can convert to the diseases we described above. Our body is designed to utilize carbohydrates for fuel. Now if you re morbidly obese and your doctor or dietitian prescribed you a ketogenic diet they are saying that your obesity is causing more damage to your body than what the diet will do to you. In which losing the weight is the focus and then we will adjust the balanced diet.

    Things to note if you are doing a ketogenic diet. You will add the pounds right back on when you start adding carbs back into your diet. The keto diet appeals to individuals with portion control problems because you can feel full fast with the high fat consumption. Keto diets decrease muscle mass and decrease metabolic function. This can in turn decrease all bodily processes in every facet. After wasting muscle away and obviously sustaining the diet isn’t realistic the weight you gain back is all in fat because you lost muscle by just doing to diet. So the proportions now are worse than when you started. You metabolic rate will now suffer more because you don’t have the muscle you once did therefore weight loss next time is going to be that much more difficult.

    Keto for athletes

    Many athletes on off season often over eat because they are used to eating for their sport. Often times these athletes go to quick crash diets limiting calories and carbohydrates for energy. Most of this weight loss occurs in in the muscle, tissue, and water weight. Because the carbohydrate stores are diminished the body will use free fatty acids for energy. As a result ketone bodies are present and accumulate in the blood causing the athlete to go in to ketosis. This condition further increases water loss which can induce dehydration. Yes these athletes can lose substantial amount of weight, but that weight loss is from fat free mass which in turn will severely compromise their performance.

    Ketosis what’s it feel like?

    When your body goes into ketosis providing ketones in the blood stream to use as energy instead of carbohydrates you will feel immediate fatigue, muscle weakness, headaches. This is because of the lack of immediate energy stores available from carbohydrates. We are training the body to get used to using fat as fuel versus carbohydrates. Eventually people report feeling more energy and less sick.

    Bad Breath: Ketones exit the body via breath or urine.Weight-loss: The initial weight loss will be from water weight, then eventually from the body as long as your are strategically following the ketogenic diet.Increased Ketones in the blood: This can be measured to insure you are in ketosis.Increased ketones in the Breath and Urine: Can be measured via strips or urine analysis at the doctor.Appetite suppressed: Ketones affect the brain which in turn has an affect on hunger receptors therefore potentially reducing appetite.Keto Flu: Brain fog, lack of focus, fatigue sets in but if done right eventually people have reported feeling more focused and more energy.Fatigue: Fatigue sets in because of the converting of burning fat instead of carbohydrates. Adding electrolytes, magnesium, and potassium can help aid in feeling less tired.Exercise Performance decreased: Because of the fatigue and lack of immediate asap and energy stores the energy for exercise is depleted.Digestive issues: Dehydration, constipation, and diarrhea are common side effects of the ketogenic diet.Insomnia: many people report waking in the middle of the night and struggle with falling back to sleep.

    Keto craze and fad diets

    Keto, Paleo, Atkins, South Beach, Low Carb, are all fad craze trendy diets that most often lead to the yoyo affect. Going on and off a diet can lead to more weight and fat gain in the end when one goes off the diet. This is was we call it a FAD diet. When does become massively popular very quickly and businesses make lots of money off the fad we all start believing it is the next big thing. If you decide to participate in any fad diet it is important to access the longevity potential of this diet. Do you see yourself using this diet for the long term and if so is it actually healthy to do so.

    Optimal Health and Longevity should be the ultimate goal for everyone. Sustainability, maintainability, and scientifically realistic should be accessed as well. Of course we all want to be skinny now and quick but if we told you will be fatter and reduce the metabolizing potential in the future is it really worth it? Make a plan if you are going to go through one of these diets and ask for professional help when coming off of the diet so you do not develop a worse situation than you had before.

    Keto food products

    Lately I have seen all these keto products in the grocery store selling processed keto cookies and such available to those utilizing the diet. The misconception is that these foods are heathy for the everyday person. If you are not on a keto diet and you are consuming high fat foods thinking this is a healthy option you are WRONG. Look keto means high fat, low carb when it comes to food. Fat yields 5 calories more per gram than carbs and proteins. You can easily over eat calorically eating these products. Even Keto diet participators should be eating whole foods for their diet to ensure they are getting all the vitamins and minerals they need to avoid degeneration of cells that could lead to health conditions.

    Keto Recipes in Normal Diet

    Be aware that if you are consuming keto recipes and you’re not following a keto diet you can very easily consume too much fat which in turn is too much calories for one meal. When a person is eating a keto high fat meal but mixing it with a normal balanced meal the body is going to use the sugar from carbs first for energy. It will not use the fat as energy over the carbohydrates from the next balanced out meal. So this is not going to benefit you to mix these different meals. You’re just going to be consuming extra calories from the high fat meal. This is not going to help you lose weight or body fat if anything its going to create a whole mess in your metabolism and your will more than likely gain weight.

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  • Now is the time for everyone to strength train!

    Are you ready to get stronger so you can feel good, move better, look leaner, and burn calories while doing nothing at all? Many people are afraid to strength train for many reasons but what we need to do is encourage everyone to strength train. We are going to answer several common questions about strength training and nutrition for strength training so we all can efficiently reach our strength goals!

    Why is strength training so important? (Purpose)?

    Our Body is a machine that provides us with the ability to live. All of our cells and tissues communicate precisely so that our body systems can function together. Heart pumps the blood that delivers the nutrients, intestines digest and absorb nutrients, kidneys clear the waste, lungs provide us with oxygen, while our brain sends signals to do all these processes, and our muscles make it possible so our body can work efficiently. Our muscular-skeletal system provides the framework and support so our muscles can provide the work it needs for us to live. Strength training can increase the efficiency at which our body is able to work.

    We are not just talking about bigger biceps in the area of strength training. Strength training with a focus on building the best support network for our body and quality of life is the purpose. There are various ways to develop strength in our bodies. Muscular strength is the amount of force a muscle or muscle group can generate. Muscular Power which is the rate of performing work in the aspect of force and velocity. Muscular Endurance is the ability to sustain and repeatedly develop maximal force through muscular contractions.

    Through strength training we can manipulate these three principles of strength training and match them with the human variation of individuals so that we can reach the goals of every very different person. Individuals should focus on strength training twice a week although the variation and type is dependent on the specificity of the unique individual. That is why a personal trainer can most effectively aid in reaching goals quicker because we understand in depth principles to such variations.

    Do I have to lift heavy to get stronger?

    If the goal is to build body builder style muscles you’re going to have to progressively lift heavier and heavier and heavier to reach that goal. Yet when it comes to just getting stronger it is not necessary to lift super heavy. Yes we want to lift some form of resistance within most training programs to encourage strength growth efficiency. We can do this by even using our own body weight mechanisms, by utilizing muscular endurance and muscular power inclusively. Think about a pushup… I can increase the strength by progressing to a pushup 1/2 down hold 3-5 sec down again hold, up 1/2 hold and to a pushup plank hold, I can also increase strength by making someone pushup and clap, I can increase strength by performing a pushup as slow as possible to the bottom and then increase the speed at which they move back up to the pushup position. Incorporating periodization in strength training plans is important to reduce injury, reduce plateau potential, and to accommodate the variations and unique demands of every individual. The answer really is as long as your exhausting the muscle and even increasing weight as you get stronger it isn’t necessarily important to lift substantially heavy weights. We can utilize many methods to still get stronger without having to lift heavy weights

    Am I too old to start strength training?

    Maintaining an active lifestyle is the most important tool we can encourage absolutely every population to do in that they can maintain muscular strength. Neuromuscular system is also one of the most important responsive systems that strength training can develop and maintain healthy lives. There are many people whom never traditionally lifted weight or performed in a traditional strength training plan but live an active lifestyle and maintain a very healthy life. The problem persists when we become sedentary and we stop using muscles.

    As we age our body loses muscle mass because we often become inactive as we age. Elderly people can very well still increase strength by resistance training. The impact resistance training has on elderly is huge because it benefits their quality of life. The biggest component of benefits from resistance training is having the strength and coordination to avoid falls which aids in avoiding injuries. Falls are a major source of injury and debilitation and can often lead to death.

    Women, children, men, and elderly all benefit from strength training gains even the percentages increase similarly from their starting point to the end point of a training program. The differences may be that one population can start at stronger point but the gains runs similar when we talk about getting stronger. Even for those whom have never performed resistance training truly benefit even if a lot of their early gains are resulting from learning how to efficiently produce force and maximal movement with very little weight.

    Will I get too big while strength training?

    There are several different types of strength exercises we can manipulate so that one doesn’t get “TOO BIG” in a resistance program. I might encourage a client to lift lower weights really fast, I might incorporate bands and stability/balance movement patterns, I might have someone do a movement very slow with their own body weight. The reality is we can get stronger without even lifting weights therefore we can also design strength training plans to match the goal of the individual if they do not want to get “ TOO BIG”. Genetically we are uniquely prepositioned to get big or not through exercise based on the type of muscular fibers we encompass (although we can manipulate training mechanisms to surpass our genetic predisposition). Although if one fears getting “too big” we can design programs that aid in accomplishing strength gains without massive muscular growth in size.

    Do I have to lift weights to get stronger?

    I’d say in the area of getting huge muscular mass growth more than likely is very necessary to lift weights or heavy objects. Although in the are of getting stronger think of a gymnast we don’t life weights we mostly use body weight, speed, power, and muscular endurance mechanisms Wouldn’t you agree that the amount of force, velocity, and power a gymnast can endure is incredible? Not saying gymnasts don’t benefit from lifting weights but it isn’t necessary to lift weights to become stronger.

    Professional strength trainers have the knowledge to build programs that can build strength and various different ways. Weights may increase the efficiency and speed at which someone can reach a desired strength. The answer to the question do I need weights to get stronger is No.

    Do I need a gym membership to get stronger?

    As a personal trainer who created an online fitness program that has filmed numerous workouts that utilize no weights I can assure you can get stronger anywhere you have space to do so. A gym membership may encourage you to stick to a fitness program, be convenient, or provide you with the tools to getting stronger. A gym membership is one hundred percent not necessary to getting stronger. Now if your goal is to have massive muscular mass gains and you do not own the equipment to achieve such goal than i might say sure you’re now going to need a gym membership. Although if your goal is to get stronger in general we can find many other ways that can help someone reach their goals with out a gym membership,

    What’s the most efficient way to get stronger?

    Depending on the specificity of the goal, lifestyle of the person, access to fitness equipment and programs for increasing strength will depend on the person asking. I would say for me is performing a variety of different types of exercise through the week keeps me motivated to workout often. The BEST most effective method I would prescribe to the general healthy population is to perform resistance training at least twice a week. While living a very active lifestyle and engaging in cardiovascular training, balance training, and flexibility training too. If you don’t use it you will lose it when it comes to strength. We can lose it very fast so staying active daily is important for maintaining and sustaining strength.

    Never forget that everyone benefits from some sort of strength training just the style of strength training and the level can be vastly different. Always remember that remaining active can be the most efficient tool we can give ourself so that we live stronger and longer. Always remember that your level may be very different than your best friends level so remember that when your start a program so we can reduce the potential for injuries.

    I don’t have equipment, a gym membership, I have no time can I still get stronger?

    The issue here is a planning malfunction, believing we can do it, and the desire to prioritize the need to get stronger, maintain strength, and sustain an active lifestyle. We don’t need a gym membership, we don’t need equipment, and we can find time if we prioritize the importance to the longevity of our lives. Too tired? Everyone is too tired therefore we need to dissect our our daily lifestyle and create the time before our time runs out. The older we get, the more we hurt, the more we hurt the more we don’t want o be active, and the more we are not active the more we allow space for pain and disease to set in. The excuses are going to be there in every facet of our life but the motivation and desire to be healthy is that we call need to nurture. In friends, family, communities, towns, cities, states, and countries. It is our responsibility to live stronger, live longer, and to take control of the health for ourselves and the people we love.

    Why is strength training so important for the aging population?

    Here is the deal we all are aging right no matter what point of life you're in. Today even our children’s health is dealing rapidly due to the lifestyle we as a country has created for them. The focus point is that we need to encourage all populations to increase strength and health from day one. Learning how to prioritize strength and health in our lives so that as we age we don’t die too early, increase cancer possibilities, decrease obesity rates, and to honestly feel good for all of our lives.

    Imagine if we all just ate healthy, worked out daily, and engaged in active lifestyles from the moment of birth and never ever stopped what would happen in our lives. Imagine if we didn’t let our excuses keep us from feeling healthy and strong. Do you know what that would do for us for the long term if we always no matter what focused on being healthy and strong? Think of all the pain and suffering that would be diminished if only we could all prioritize such lifestyles. Strength Training is so important for everyone including the again population because we all are aging. Find an active older individual and ask them how they did it and practice what they preach.


    amino acids and their functionsFuel for Resistance/Strength Training1.2 - 1.6 g protein/kg body weight (1.6-2.2g/kg optimal for muscle preservation)Carbohydrates provide the most immediate energy source, protein helps build and repair muscle, and fats help to regulate hormones and produce energy for long workouts (1hr +)

    How am I supposed to eat for getting stronger?

    Here is the deal, the goal must match with the diet. When an individual wants to gain muscle mass the primary focus will be on protein. Although, when we are talking about sport performance gains in athletes, that percentage is going to be significantly different. We also play with diets the same way we play with types of exercise; in order to meet the variations and individual goals, timing, specificity, performance, weight, height, and so much more go into play when prescribing a particular diet.

    For the general population, when eating a very balanced diet that is full of optimal nutrient dense foods, anyone will have the nutrients necessary to get stronger. When we are putting focus on sport performance, carbohydrates are going to be the main foundation of energy source to perform at peak. Now, when we are talking about mass, we focus on higher protein intakes and timing. When we are talking to the average person, trying to get stronger balance will be the key to earning progressive strength gains.

    Is a high protein diet the best way to get stronger?

    Consuming protein is necessary to get stronger. Although a diet consisting of extremely high levels of proteins has been proven not to be necessary for performance and strength gains. Even a diet consisting of 15% of proteins can still yield strength gains in athletes focusing on sport performance. It is the carbohydrates that give us enough energy to perform muscular work. It is the proteins that come in to repair and aid in other body processes. Athletes are also consuming higher caloric diets; therefore, there are more readily available proteins that can be used. So an athlete may need double the amount of protein in their diet, but the percentage of macros is still around 15% because they need the carbohydrates for the energy to perform their explosive exercise. When it comes to the general population, whom are trying to just get stronger now, (we are not talking about weight loss) as long as your are eating a sufficient daily recommended dose of proteins you will have enough to get stronger.

    What should I eat before strength training?

    Eating 200-500 calories before intense strength training may help provide one with the proper energy to perform the workout most efficiently. We eat before exercise to provide us with the energy to perform it and keep performing this strength exercises so that we have to power to do it and keep going. Thinking of fueling as preparing the body for the work that is going to be performed in the work out. If you are doing a low intensity workout, a normal breakfast is sufficient. Although if you are going to be exploding strength exercise with everything you got, a high carbohydrate breakfast with a little protein should be the focus.

    Should I eat anything during strength training?

    When it comes to strength training eating during isn’t necessary. The focal point should be on having enough carbohydrates to perform before the exercise and having enough hydration/fluid intake before, during, and after the exercise. Eating during strength training could develop muscular cramps, intestinal discomfort, and fatigue. Drinking an electrolyte-filled sports drink could help aid in having more energy to perform longer, faster with more power potentially. In general, it is not necessary to consume foods during a strength training activity.

    What should I eat after strength training?

    Carbohydrate rich and protein rich foods are the focus when consuming food after an intense workout. We need to replace our energy stores through carbohydrates and we need to eat proteins to repair our muscles post workout. The main macronutrient that is going to be depleted is carbohydrates but the muscles repair efficiency is going to come from the proteins. The fat just aids in both a little energy and a support in both nutrients efficiency. Carbs, proteins, and fats need each other to give the most efficient body processes we want inside our body. Each one of them has an important job to do and we truly do need all of them if we want to be truly all around healthy.

    Are fluids important before strength training?

    I am sure you just laughed at this question but absolutely fluids are important not only before, but during, and after. Before exercise we are preparing the body with fluid so that we can perform our exercise most efficiently. Water is a vital nutrient our body needs and we need it consistently and constantly forever and always. Dehydration will decrease performance, decrease bodily functions, and increase injury and sickness. Fluids are even more important than carbohydrates when it comes to exercise. So just drink it!

    Are fluids important during strength training?

    We can lose so much fluid during exercise and our body can’t live long without it. Replacing fluid consistently throughout the day is important for everyone to be healthy. Fluid is even more important when we workout because we deplete our body so quickly during workouts. Taking water breaks, carrying our own water bottles with us, and keeping the focus on proper fluid intake will support our necessary fluid intake. Remember fluid intake is important before, during and after exercise.

    Are fluids important after strength training?

    If you sweat like boss during your workout it is a must to replace those fluids after the workout. Drinking more fluids than usual on hard workout days and keep drinking fluids after will help efficiently reach strength goals. One whom is fluid depleted cannot deliver nutrients efficiently through out the body and fatigue will set in fast. Muscular soreness can increase when fluid depleted and the ability to go hard again the next time will be diminished. Overall health is the focus so replace that fluid indefinitely though the day and most importantly post workout.

    What’s should I focus on when choosing foods that help efficiently increase my quality of strength?

    Quality nutrient dense foods that yield a balance of nutrients will help you efficiently increase the quality of strength. Keep feeding those muscles with quality proteins, eat healthy fats, and eat quality carbohydrates for energy. Do not eat a donut to increase performance. A crash is going to happen before you even get the energy to perform any strength training. Fruits, vegetables, rice, quinoa, and potatoes are great nutrient sources. The more natural the food source, the more quality nutrient you're going to get. Eat those good carbs for energy, eat those good proteins for muscle repair, eat some fats for energy and good fats that will aid in the necessary delivery of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. Don’t forget about that amazing water intake too.

    The benefits of strength training for everyone in all populations and demographics is important for longevity and quality of life as we age.

    Wrap up: strategies

    Everyone can benefit from strength trainingFocus on incorporating strength training twice a week.In order to get stronger one must either consistently lift heavier and or manipulate the progressions through faster, harder, longer, or more repetition movements.You’re never too old to benefit tremendously from strength training.It is rare that strength training will make you “too big” if the strength training plan matches the goal of the individual.You don’t need a gym membership to get stronger there are many forms of exercise that can benefit your goals absolutely anywhere.Remember strength training will be vital as you age and the quality of life you can endure will rely on the muscular training you're doing now and the preservation of muscle focus you utilize within it. Use it or lose it!

    1.2-1.6g protein/kg body weight to maintain and 1.6-2.2g protein/kg body weight to build (broken up evenly throughout all meals/snacks in the day)

    Eat 200-500 calories 30-60 minutes before workout

    Eat to refuel 15-30 minutes after


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    Runners Diet Handbook: Revolutionary Scientific Principles That Will Prepare Runners for Peak Performance

    What do I need to know about endurance athletes?

    Endurance is the foundation of physical fitness. When we have endurance athletes we must understand the importance of training both muscular endurance and cardiorespiratory endurance. These two components are vital functions that have to be trained efficiently in order for the endurance athlete to perform the desired exercise.

    Muscular Endurance: The ability to contract a group of muscles that can maintain force without fatiguing for a long period of time (1+ hours).

    Cardiorespiratory: The delivery of oxygen through the bloodstream to the working muscles so that the muscle can continuously contract through the entire duration of the exercise performed utilizing both the respiratory system and muscular endurance.

    Endurance Athletes: Are athletes whom perform exercise from 30 minutes to 4 hours. All athletes should put importance on endurance and need to train endurance in some way. When it comes to a runner’s endurance, focus becomes even more vital for optimal performance and health to endure.

    Ultra Endurance Athletes: Are those whom perform exercise over 4 hours long.

    Nutrition needs to endurance athletes (especially when talking about marathons) is a vital component of health and performance success. Endurance athletes expend tremendous amounts of calories not only in competition but also in training.

    We get energy to perform all that we need from our food. Endurance athletes need to put a huge focus on energy reserves, daily training caloric needs, and making the diet a key factor in their training, health, and performance.

    Caution About Nutrition: If an athlete fails to focus on nutrition they can very quickly engulf chronic fatigue, dehydration, muscle wasting, illness, and upper respiratory infections.

    Energy Pathway Systems: All sports utilize each energy pathway to produce enough energy to perform the sport from the body.

    Aerobic Energy Pathway

    Has an unlimited capacity to produce ATP (Energy)Cannot produce energy quicklyEndurance Athletes can train their aerobic power in which is the speed at which their bodies can produce ATP.In order to maximize our aerobic energy pathway we must eat the correct nutrient composition, at the right time, while increasing our aerobic power through diet and cardiorespiratory fitness training endeavors.

    Nutrition Needs for Endurance Athletes

    The biggest difference between endurance athletes and other athletes is the quantity of food consumed.

    Glycogen Energy Stores (liver and muscle) in endurance athletes can be stressed due to the extreme caloric needs to perform the exercise.Fats are a huge component in getting enough calories in for endurance athletes and helps to transport glucose to cells.Carbs are the biggest importance for energy and supporting the aerobic energy pathway (glucose is the wood for this energy fire).Proteins are not as important for energy but is vital for muscle repair, training progressions, and keeping the athlete healthy over all.

    Post exercise an endurance athlete should consume 200-300 calories immediately. Followed by a small snack and substantial meal within the next 1-2 hours. Quality matters as well because this is what you’re using to rebuild those muscles

  • The Runners Blueprint: The Most Powerful Strategies That Influence Optimal Running Plans and Recovery Methods

    How to begin a running plan in the most efficient healthy way!

    So you want to start running and possibly sign up for a race? There are 9 Strategies that can help you succeed in your running goals.

    Goal: So you want to start running and you're thinking about running a race.

    What is the goal you want to accomplish? What are some mini goals you can start doing now that can help accomplish your main goal? Set short term, mid term, and long term goals inside your big goal.Having a running goal gives you intrinsic rewards and focus on your self. Even inside the chaos of life, having a goal in your life like running that is yours and yours only helps us truly appreciate the amazing things our bodies can do for us.As a mother and wife I often put so much energy in my kids, my home, and my husband and forget about me. Running for me was a special time to be with myself, my thoughts, while accomplishing a goal for just me.

    Purpose: It is important for us to understand why we want our goals.

    Why do you want to begin running or run a race? Why is that important to you. What is your purpose?Is your purpose to get in shape? Is your purpose to accomplish a lifelong goal of yours? Do you want to start running so that you can implement running as a part of your lifestyle? Did you once run before and enjoyed it so you want to get back into it?The reason it is important to understand the purpose of your goal is because your motivation and drive to complete the goal is fired up by the purpose. If your goal for running is to lose weight and you want to lose weight because you want to feel good; then your training plan, lifestyle plan, and nutrition plan must also match a running for weight loss plan.Your purpose could even be to run faster, be stronger, and for sport performance needs.We also want to know the purpose of your goal so that we can mentally prepare ourself to accomplish the goal. For example I was inspired by my mother in law to run my first marathon. I never believed for once I was necessarily capable because I didn't feel like I had the right body type, I was a trained anaerobic athlete, and I struggled with identifying myself as a runner. Although I still had the innate desire to run a marathon someday. So after my having my second, living, away from family in a foreign country, having a husband whom is rarely home, I decided I was going to do it for me. My husband was gone training a lot and I had to run the house hold and I lost a little bit of who I was so i needed something that was mine. My purpose for running a marathon was to accomplish something I've never done, earn something really hard, that I could also do with children involved, for the very purpose to gain a mental strength from the accomplishment.

    Level/experience: So you want to run a race but its important to clarify what your current fitness level is.

    Have you ever ran a race before? Do you have running experience? Do you currently run? Are you healthy enough to run? Does your goal realistically match your experience and level?We need to understand our starting point so we can identify what we need in order to be successful. If one is not currently running but has ran before consistently that person understands it takes time to build up endurance again. Even though our starting point is going to be slow, we are going to need proper warm ups and cool downs in order to prepare the body, then repair the body. Incorporating strength training, speed agility and quickness training, and specific running mechanics can help reach the goal most efficiently.,Remember experience isn't necessary its just important to understand so when you develop a running, training, and nutrition plan they match to your specific goal and needs. Your needs will be vastly different depending on your level and experience.Let’s say you’re like me a former collegiate athlete, personal trainer, post two children, ran some 5Ks, mostly ran sprints, and finished a Tough Mudder. My actual first half marathon was pregnant with my second child. Because I was a consistent runner, fitness enthusiasts, and trained fitness professional this goal to run a half marathon while pregnant made it possible for me to believe someday I could run a full marathon. Because of my experience and who I am I could healthily accomplish this half marathon pregnant because I know how to eat nutritionally, I know how to train physically, and my current fitness level was consistent before pregnancy, during conception, and continuously throughout the pregnancy. I was the perfect candidate to perform such a goal. Although it would not be ideal for someone start such goal with out any experience during pregnancy.

    Time Until Race: Assess your goal, your level/experience to the the time you have to complete the goal.

    So if you plan on running a race what is the timeline you have until the race. If you are just getting back into running or starting to run at all and the race is next month you might be setting yourself up for failure. No matter what level you are on or even experience its important to begin a training plan with at least 4 months in advance. Preparing your body for 26.2 miles is necessary in order to complete the marathon in the most healthy efficient way. Although if you are currently consistently running and have just finished a half marathon you could begin training half way into that period. So post half marathon it could take you 2 more months to complete a full marathon training.Even if your goal is to run just a 5K and your a beginner runner you still need to assess your current fitness level and how long/how much time you have until the 5K. A 5k could realistically be trained and performed between 4-6 weeks of training for beginner. Even a 10 K can be done in about 8 weeks for a beginner. A half marathon can be trained in about 12 weeks. A full marathon even for a beginner can be trained in about 16 weeks.We want to accomplish our goals not set us back due to injuries, or from failed training plans. It is vital for success to match our goal, to our experience, to the time we have to complete the and then match it with the actual daily, weekly, and monthly schedules we encompass.

    Schedule: Do you work full time, are you married, do you have family/friend events, do you have kid sports?

    Ask yourself these questions and write out your entire schedule on a calendar. By times within the day... for example do you get up at 6 a.m, shower, prepare kids lunches, leave the house at 7 a.m work until 4 p.m, pick up the kids from school, prep dinner, go to a kids sport, bath time, reading time, then bed time?I mean this is a real life schedule for many people don't let that scare you away from making a goal for you. We just might have to get up at 5 a.m to start a run or workout. Bring the fastest prepared lunch so you can run at your lunch break. Potentially break up your run 15 min before you wake up, 15 min at lunch, and 30 min at practice or before bed.We have to realistically assess our schedules and find little openings to show ourself that we very well can accomplish a personal running and fitness goal. Obviously hiring Dani or I to do it for you can aid in saving time, frustrations, and delivering you the most efficient healthy plan to accomplish your goals.Helps reduce chances of getting injured if you’re sticking to a schedule and building all the helper muscles

    Lifestyle: Would you say you have a busy, moderate, or low paced lifestyle? Do you have kids? Do you have help with your kids? Do you have close family and friend near by? Do you live close to your work or is your commute take an hour to get to and from work? Do you lots of openings inside your schedule or minimal? Are you a student? Does your work have a gym? Do you have to deal with weather often?

    Visualize your daily/monthly schedule imagine shifting your lifestyle into a healthier one. Where does your training plan fit, can you see it, or does it seem difficult to imagine. Now focus on yourself actually doing what you need to do within your schedule no matter what. How does that make you feel accomplishing all the things you need to do and want to do?OK! Now let’s create it. You might not see how it fits or where it fits and thats why people like Dani and I are here we can simplify what you need to do, how you need to do it, why you need to do it, and create the training plans that match the goals.Your current lifestyle might not be the one that works. It takes time, expertise, research, adaptations, and sacrifice. Take steps towards creating the healthy lifestyle you need to that can match your current schedule so you can start achieving the goals you need to accomplish.

    Training Plan: You have your goal and need a training plan that works to accomplish that goal.

    So you want to begin running and have a race or distance goal. Now let’s develop the plan. Let’s say you are a beginner and want to run a marathon. We know we need at least 16 weeks to make it to race day. Let’s say you have a busy lifestyle and just passing the finish line is the goal in the allotted time on race day.26.2 miles16 weeks til race dayschedule/lifestyle busyPassing the finish line is enoughDon't worry you start off with small distances in the beginning and slowly progress towards larger distances. Ideally a training plan typically makes you run around 4 times a week. You will have two short days a medium day and a distance day.For example 3 miles Monday cross train Tuesday 5 miles Wednesday 3 miles Thursday low impact stretching yoga Friday and long run on Saturday. It slowly goes up from there.That yoga and stretching time is important to help your recovery time as well!Remember what the perfect plan for one person may not be the perfect plan for you. My schedule is by far not the same as my neighbors and my body and exercise level is different as well. Don't ever let that detour you from going towards your goals your way too.

    Cross Training Plan: Staying strong as your long runs increase through course training is vital for optimal healthy to endure.

    Distance running can at some point start burning off muscle. Many can potentially over train and move into potential injury zones. So it is important to incorporate strength training in your plan so that we can keep our bodies conditioned and strong enough to facilitate our runs. Now that doesn't mean we need to go do olympic weight lifting or do constant power high intensity training. Body weight, dumbbells, and hit work outs are great exercises to incorporate within your training plan.Cross training can often be looked passed upon when people sign up for a race. I find it to be one of the vital components for success to complete the race and to recover from the race. Walking away from the race with zero injuries takes preparedness and diligent planning.

    Nutrition Plan: When our runs get long, hilly, and consistently getting more difficult nutrition is essential to stay healthy while you train.

    If you have poor nutrition you will feel it. Have you ever exercised right after eating a greasy pizza. Knowing how to fuel your run, fuel your body before your run. and fuel your body after your run helps guide us to being healthy before, during, and after our running goals.Not eating enough can harm your body. Eating too much can harm our performance. Eating healthy with a focus on what our bodies need is essential to successfully completing our running goals.

    Hidden Strategies for Success

    Find the right running shoes buy two pair and go back and forth so that both shoes are wearing equally. —> your legs, feet, back will thank youGuess what?! you can walk if you need to during a marathon and you still did a marathon!Find the food that works for you during long distance runs and practice in training utilizing what you will use during that day.What you eat the night before your run fuels your long runs so choose wisely.Bluetooth headphones will save our life and grab ones that work for over 5 hours per charge.Find your drink method between gatorade for example and water. It is different for everyone.Practice in the clothes you’re going to wear on race day because chaffing can come from even just the slightest of movement of seams etc.
  • Let’s talk about some of the myths behind strength training.

    I can aesthetically change one part of my body by spot training.

    - When we work out fat loss comes off of our bodies everywhere.

    - You can do abs all day and see zero abs potentially

    - Fat distribution is determined genetically

    * In order to lose body fat one must perform a variety of workouts including strength training, cardio, balance training, and speed and agility. A professional has the knowledge and capability to design a workout program that is individualized in a way one can efficiently develop a lean and toned physique.

    Strength Training makes women bulky.

    - It is very rare that a women encompasses the natural testosterone levels to perform a normal resistance training workout and become inherently bulky.

    - Muscle hypertrophy is even hard for men to earn that is why steroids are popular.

    - Choose the right type of resistance training plan that encourages the goals that you are trying to achieve is the deciding factor behind bulk.

    - Remember one pound of muscle takes up much less space than fat.

    No Pain No Gain

    - Muscle soreness is not always a measure of a quality of good workout.

    - The goal is to have slight soreness in order to fatigue the muscles so they can repair and become stronger.

    - Overtraining a muscle can cause inflammation that can interfere with muscle and strength growth.

    - Resistance training is an essential part of getting stronger, being leaner, and growing muscle hypertrophy.

    Only young people can lift weights

    - Everyone benefits from strength training.

    - Strength training improves balance and muscular control.

    - Lifting weights can increase flexibility and control of our joints.

    - The stronger you are as you age the more you can do and the more quality of life and independence you can endure as we age.

    Higher Reps Lower weights make you leaner.

    - high reps lower weights increase muscle endurance which aids in helping you workout longer.

    - Higher reps lower weights do not necessarily burn more fat than larger weights.

    * creating the caloric deficit is that aids in burning more fat.

    - The lean look comes from quality of diet, efficient resistance training, incorporating cardio, balance, and agility training as all are a piece of the pie of lean body mass.

    Cardio is the only way to lose weight and burn fat.

    - Sure someone can run all the fat off of their body but without incorporating some sort of resistance training that lean toned physique is going to be more difficult to achieve.

    - incorporating cardio in to a workout regiment will aid in fat loss but in order to develop a lean toned body one must incorporate resistance training to be most efficient for the long term.

    Remember the more muscles we have, the more calories we burn, and the more long term toned we will be as we age.

    When I lose weight I’m losing fat

    a calorie deficit will put you into weight loss mode but not necessarily mean losing fat

    the more you’re in a deficit won’t make you lose all the weight at once

    * You can only lose fat in a low-carb/low-fat diet (refer to episode 2 macros)

    doesn’t mean you’re healthy/good

    body needs carbs especially when exercising

  • This episode is the perfect time to bring in great recommendations! Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works by Evelyn Tribole MS RD and Elyse Resch MS RD FADA CEDRD and In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto by Michael Pollan

    We discuss the psychology behind why we eat what we eat and 5 Resilient Strategies to Unlock Your Essential Conscious Eating Habits!

    Find this weeks blog and download on: https://www.ipickfit.com and https://www.shessustainable.com


    Also called mindful eating or conscious eating, intuitive eating brings up the thoughts and reasons of why we eat. But what is it? Evelyn Tribole MS RD and Elyse Resch MS RD FADA CEDRD cowrote the book Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works and address many problems we face today when eating. They provide a solution to chronic dieting and the stress that can come with eating. They teach ways to get back to eating how we did as babies, eating when we’re hungry and stopping when we’re full.

    Have you ever wanted to lose weight for an event? You maybe planned to go on a crash diet that your friend suggested, binging on the “bad” food the night before you were supposed to start. The next week you were meticulous about what you ate and counted every little thing, only to be left with cravings of that “bad” food and giving in and binging. Finally, the big day comes and you’re the same or worse off than before you started the diet. Suddenly, you’re filled with guilt, sadness, regret, shame and a myriad of emotions all brought on by a number. These women discuss the psychology behind why we eat what we eat and ways to transform back to eating with purpose and being present. They also address exercise and how that may further the diet mentality and distort self perception if not done in a healthy state of mind.

    Addressing the psychology of eating brings about many questions. Am I really hungry? Am I eating because I’m bored? Am I eating because I’m with friends that are eating? What am I really hungry for? Am I ordering this food to appear healthy or superior to others I’m around only to eat differently later? Why do I consider this food taboo? Am I skipping a meal thinking it will make me skinny? Why did I overeat? Did I wait too long to eat? Am I eating to distract from how sad/mad/anxious I am? Did I eat more so nothing was thrown away and I didn’t want to/couldn’t save the food? Did I eat when I wasn’t hungry because the food was free?


    Imagine eating food and playing like you did as a kid. Having fun with family and friends, playing games, sitting down at dinner and eating what tasted good and what filled you up, then going to play again until bedtime. Listed below are 5 tips to get back to the ways of conscious eating and moving.

    1 - Food Is Fuel

    2 - Focus On The Trend

    3 - Eat What You LOVE

    4 - BALANCE Is The Word Of The Day

    5 - Move How You Like

  • Today we have a special guest!! THE AVERAGE JOE!! He is going to bring so much funny to our seriousness woohoo!!

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    Why is sugar so bad?

    Sugar yields excess calories without a lot of real nutrition.Which in turn can have us gain excessive weight and fast.Moderate amounts of sugar can be healthy.The more sugar you eat, the more your body craves, the harder it becomes to regulate blood glucose, and in turn the more fat you will stir in your body.

    What causes sugar cravings?

    What we give the body consistently our body attempts to maintain those levels.When we eat a diet high in sugar, as our body is finished with it, we start to crave more so our body can maintain the blood glucose level we have been providing it with. Consistently.

    What are the different types of carbohydrates?


    What type of carbohydrates are better for you health wise?

    Complex Carbohydrates provide you with sustained energy because it takes longer to digest. We get these nutrients from many sources.

    LegumesStarchy vegetablesGrains

    Simple Carbohydrates provides you with a quicker source of energy because it takes less time to digest. Not all simple carbohydrates are bad. We get these nutrients from many sources.



    - Good because of the fiber involved it takes our body longer to digest them and use all the macronutrients they provide.


    CakesCookiesSodaIce-CreamEnergy drinksDesserts

    - Bad because the added sugars spike our blood glucose levels very quickly leaving use with a potential energy crash.

    Why is fiber so important?

    Fiber helps our body turn food into waste.Fiber helps us feel fuller longer so we don’t over eat.Fiber aids in disease prevention, and helps prevent increased cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels.

    What are the best sources of fiber?


    How does fat and protein content help aid in glycemic index?

    Protein and fat have a lower glycemic index, because it slows the rate at which carbs are digested and absorbed.Which means they help balance out blood sugar levels and potential insulin spikes.

    How does liquid verse solid content help aid in glycemic index?

    Liquid Carbohydrate

    Think of a liquid carb like Gatorade.This source of carbohydrate is going to provide an immediate source of energy which is fantastic for someone needing to replace ATP in let’s say an endurance race. Although in relation to drinking Gatorade for enjoyment that immediate source of energy can convert into fat if not expended.

    Solid Carbohydrate

    Think of a solid carb like fiber rich sources like beans.These are going to help in regulating energy intake and blood glucose levels.This helps you feeling full longer and provides long sustainable energy.Important to understand in endurance sports during the race some solid sources of energy can upset the stomach dramatically.

    What does timing do when it comes to sport and energy performance?

    The higher the intensity of the sport or activity the faster we deplete the glycogen/ readily available energy stores.A pre workout meal that is high in carb and protein provides essential energy for the workout and prepares the body for muscle recovery.Intensity matched with duration of the activity also signals what is the best meal pre workout, during workout, and post workout.Some workouts like long endurance activities need to consume nutrients during the activity in order to sustain energy levels.Many fitness activities need to replace nutrients after the workout so muscles have time to recover.

    Is timing effectiveness different for different types of sports?

    Before Exercise

    Before exercise the purpose of eating carbohydrates is to provide essential energy stores for the activity.Much of the prescription of how much is individualized differently per person, activity type, and duration.The recommended for a performance edge is 1-4.5 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight 1-4 hours before the exercise.

    During Exercise

    Not all exercises need to replace carbohydrates during exercise.Fueling during exercises purpose is to delay fatigue and improve performance.Carbohydrate consumption from the start of exercise should be 60-70 grams per hour through out the session.As the duration increases in activity so do the needs to which how many carbohydrates are needed per hour.

    After Exercise

    We need to replace energy stores post workout so that we can enhance glycogen re synthesis.To maximize glycogen synthesis an athlete should consume 1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight per hour 3-4 hours post exercise.High intensity exercise should focus on replacing carbohydrates 15-30 minutes post exercise and again 1 hour after and again 2-3 hours after exercise.The purpose is to provide the body the ability to regenerate muscles by replacing depleted nutrients.

    What are good ways to eat a low glycemic diet?

    Eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and fiber.Avoid processed foods.Avoid high levels of added sugars.Keep your macronutrients balanced.Vinegar aids in balancing out the bodies pH which in turn help regulate glycemic index.

    Does the percentage of carbohydrates consumed in a diet change readily available energy stores?

    The higher the intensity of the sport or activity the faster we deplete the glycogen/ readily available energy stores.The Energy stores do not necessarily change if you just eat more and more carbohydrates as long as you are eating a balanced diet.For example our bodies are programmed to only store so much at one given time.Any excess energy stores that are not depleted through activity will store as fat or adipose tissue.Now if we do not eat enough carbohydrates and we are underweight we can suffer from nutrient malabsorption.
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    Everyone has an excuse they could use to choose an easier path over healthier choices. This week we discuss those excuses and ways to bring in tricks to make healthier choices the easier path. These are a few of the topics we discuss to consider when thinking of change:

    Current Health StatusGoalActivity LevelBioenergeticsFitness ScheduleLifestyle/living arrangementsAccess to FoodTravel Schedules

    Embrace Nutrition & Exercise Universal Truths: Integrate an authentic Health Formula That Will Transform Your Life


    It's important to understand what our macro and micro nutrients are and why they are important to focus on within our diet. We must create a fitness plan that matches the energy and repair endeavor in order to progress our goals. No cookie cutter approach to individualizing a fitness and nutrition program that is realistic and achievable for each individual person. There are eight essential key components we must address with a professional in order to achieve our goals most efficiently.

    Current Health StatusGoalActivity LevelBioenergeticsFitness ScheduleLifestyle/living arrangementsAccess to FoodTravel Schedules

    Current Health Status

    First and foremost before anyone decides to participate in a new diet and fitness program it is vital to understand whether or not they are healthy enough to engage. Also addressing the current health status of an individual will provide professionals with a starting point as to where one is now and where they need to be. Proper nutrition is extremely important for preventing deficiencies, disease degeneration, and injuries. We need to prioritize current health status so we can allow the process of aiding an individual towards the progression of health and reach goals. We want to understand where we start, tweak our lifestyle practically, so we can meet the goals realistically.


    When selecting a fitness and nutrition goal it is important to choose a short term, mid term, and long term goals. Even if the focus is on the long term goal we want to create the feelings of accomplishment during the process of taking progressive steps towards the big goal. So let’s say we want to lose 20 pounds, and all we can think about is losing that 20 pounds but we do not have little mini goals in between; often times we will have feelings of failure. This is because we are hyper focused on the long term goal and not allowing ourself to celebrate the mini accomplishments we are actually achieving.

    Activity Level

    How many times a week do we workout out currently? Matching that to the current health status and current activity level provides us with the ability to develop a fitness and nutrition plan that can reach the goal of the individual. If an individual currently walks every day for one hour after work, we know they have one hour daily consistently to engage in physical activity. Now we can understand the starting fitness level, the routine of exercising, and the priority one may place on working out. Even if someone never has worked out a day in their life that information provides a professional with the ability to create a routine in addition to designing a workout based on that current level. From pro athlete to the sedentary individual this information helps us tailor a plan that matches realistically what one individual can do.

    Bioenergetics and Logistics


    Now we are adding energy metabolism to the goal. Energy metabolism is understanding the metabolic pathway responsible to turning nutrition into energy. So we have the health status, matching it to a goal, with a foundation of current fitness level, now we can match the nutrition plan that will provide the energy to accomplish the goal. We account for the needs of macronutrients, to micro nutrients, to calories necessary to perform the activities needed to accomplish the goals that are also realistic to nature of the activity. This takes strategic understanding by the professional in evaluation of what the needs a specific individual.

    Fitness Schedule

    Everyday should address a period of time that is focused on meeting fitness and nutrition goals. Many people have very specific time constraints dedicated to meal prepping and fitness activities. We must address our daily schedules from work, school, to matching how we are going to eat that day, what we are going to eat that day, when we are going to workout, and how we are going to workout. A plan must be designed in a way a person can actually achieve the ultimate goal. An athlete that is also a mom and wife that also works full time must design a specifically designed meal plan and workout plan that will match to her goal. Each day must be detailed in a way she can routinely and consistently and realistically perform that tasks necessary to reach the goal.

    Lifestyle/Living Arrangements

    A perfect mean plan is worthless to someone who cant actually execute it. You can give me a professional dancers meal plan that provides delivered fresh juices, organic foods from whole foods, and a hello fresh delivered dinner, but I do not have access to any one of those things. That means it’s a failed plan. It is important to understand when someone is extremely busy and travels a lot. It is also important to know what the go to snacks and meals can be, that is also focused on clean eating. Macro, Micro, and caloric nutrition infused with the knowledge of the necessary workout regimen that is designed to focus on the realistic lifestyle arrangements is vital for successful goal attainment.

    Access to Foods

    In addition to lifestyle and living arrangements we also address an individuals access to foods before, during, and after exercise. Some sports need to replace carbohydrate stores during workouts so they can sustain the activity. Some workouts must have a before and after nutrition plan so preparation of muscles occur and repair of muscles occur. We must also address travel and potential routine changes that could alter our schedules. Being mentally and physically prepared for change is important to reaching a goal. If a person does not meal prep, but they have zero time to go to the store or home to eat; finding the best solution on the go for that individual is important when hiccups occur. We must also research potential available sources of foods, travel potential, and match fitness training schedules with an optimal blend of necessary nutrients needed in a creative manner. Not everyone has the exact same access to specific foods it is very different for each person.

    Travel Schedules

    Routines often change so it is important to stay on the ball when it comes to adapting to change and being ready for change. Taking ten steps back is not an option so being ultimately prepared should be a very highlighted focus. Travel can be a huge set back if an individual is not focused on their goal and prepared to execute the foundations of achieving their goal. Travel forces change of routine which can be very stressful for many individuals. Often times we do not know what to do because of the change and potential chaos surrounded by the travel schedule. Individuals must be educated and trained on what to do and how to execute that action plan designed for success within their schedule. The action plan must match the fitness and nutrition goals of that individual in the most practical, realistic, and attainable way. Staying flexible within the plan can help relive stress, but one must have a plan that is simple, realistic, and practical.

    When designing and implementing a tailored fitness and nutrition plan that will no doubt help you accomplish your girls it is important to think about hiring a true professional. A personal trainer may understand the basics but can only go so far into the nutrition advice they can legally give. Hiring a degreed fitness professional and nutrition professional will help you achieve your goals faster, more efficiently, and most affectively. Hiring a team is even more effective because a team can engage with both you and each other to create the optimal fitness and nutrition plan possible for that individual.

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    Macronutrients are what we eat to provide our body with energy in order to actually function.

    Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, Water

    Micronutrients are what is inside the macronutrient rich foods that aid in repair of muscles, absorption of nutrients, and helps fight of disease and sickness.

    Vitamins, Minerals

    Master Your Macronutrient Balance: Step by Step Guide to Dominating Your Health

    Here is the deal when you’re ready to make real life changes that last forever, you must address these very 5 entities in order to stick to your goals. There are five important aspects of adherence to your goal that ensures it will be successful for the long haul. We can all say I want to look good for that bikini this summer, but what if I said I want to look good in that bikini forever in addition to feel good, have energy, become healthy for my family, feel good in my clothes, feel exciting naked, live a life that is confident and finally be able to conquer all that is necessary to fulfill me. Address these five focal points when attempting to achieve your personal fitness and nutrition goal.

    1). BASICS: When you learn something that is true science retain that information. I then want you to match it with intrinsic value. For example if your on the fence on whether you like to add avocados in your diet or not but science tells you that avocados will increase brain function, make you feel full faster, helps your hair and nails, helps your body function at an optimal level. Retain that and go with it! Maybe you can find a way to like avocados, because it will help you live longer, feel full longer, live happier, and guide you to achieve your real goals.

    2). CONSCIOUS: As you go along your journey in health and fitness consistently tweak little things that you learn and actually apply them as you go. It’s possible that sometimes you might not be able to afford something that is organic, but remember why its important and when the day comes that you can afford it now apply it. When you pick up an item at the store to put in your cart ask yourself what is this going to do for me is it going to bring something positive to my life, does it add something to my goal, will it provide me with legit nourishment. Then if that item reflects the things you truly want in your life then go on and put it in the cart. On the flip side if it does not provide you with any value other than it tastes good put that item back. Stay conscious of what you truly want, why you want it, and what products are going to take you there!

    3). CONFIDENCE: Remain confident in the decisions you are making in your life. Own those choices. When I buy wine I could dwell on the calories, sugars, is this healthy for me or not. I bought the wine to be social with my friends, I bought the wine because I get to relax while I am cooking and the kids are crazy, I bought a red wine that has antioxidants, I bought a wine that gives me value. Although I am aware that the wine has calories, sugar, alcohol, but I am also confident in my decision of purchasing it. I admit to myself the good and the bad. Therefore I know what I have to do in order to stay on the goal task and enjoy a couple glasses of wine. I stay active, increase my fitness load, increase my vegetable intake, decrease my sugar in take in other areas, and I own up to the decision of consuming the wine. I am confident in my choice, because I am aware of the the positives and the negatives.

    4). BELIEVE: Believe in what you are doing everyday. When you know the basics, remain conscious of the science, are confident in the decisions you are making, and then believe in the actions you are taking; you are now taking some of the biggest steps towards accomplishing your goals. We all make mistakes, but it is important to know what those mistakes are and address them with personal ownership. When you know you over indulged for example, you can address the problem when you own up to it. This isn’t the blame game or excuse game like well I was sad, or I was born this way, I was raised this way, I always ate this way… Once you make a goal, you learn the basics, your conscious of your choices, you remain confident and own up to the choices you make, now you can believe in your choices and yourself. This is not about perfection this is about living longer, believing that you can be healthy, and loving yourself forever. Believe strongly in what your doing and believe in process of accomplishment so that you no matter what will achieve your goals.

    5). SAVE TIME: When your are stuck and lost, hire a professional who can quickly address the solutions. Don’t waste your time day in and day out so that your focus on your goal starts diminishing. Hire someone like Dani and I to quickly get you right back up on your feet, working towards those goals. It is important to call and reflect all that you have accomplished thus far, and if something isn’t going right we can help you make the shift you need to get your right back up on your goal journey again immediately. When life gets tough, and decisions get hard sometimes we need to give someone who knows what they are doing to take the wheel and put the ambition drive boost back into our soul. I PICK FIT, She’s Sustainable, and our D-Talks detox team only want what is best for you. Never hesitate to jump in and ask for direction. We want nothing more than for you to be successful in achieving your goals.

    Keep up that positive life, of accomplishing amazing goals for your health. Life is full of struggles and battles, but you are worth so much than that. Sometimes finding that one goal that makes you feel important and is actually taking the right step to attaining it, is exactly what you need. We want to hear what your goals are and we want to help you accomplish them whole heartedly. It is our human nature to always want to help others, but sometimes we need to focus on ourself too. Join Dani & I on our journey to helping people learn the basics, be conscious of the science, become more confident in our goals, believe in our goals, and save time when we are all on the goal journey pathway.

  • Visit this link to read todays blog on nutrient density & access our free download we prepared for you.


    Please visit www.shessustainable.com too for amazing products and blog posts.

    Don't forget to visit www.ipickfit.com for all your fitness needs.


    Dani and Danielle are sister in laws. Danielle married Dani's oldest brother Drew and share the exact same name. Danielle is originally from Indiana and has moved with her military husband all over the country and even to Okinawa Japan. Dani is born and raised from Southern California and has been surrounded by healthy living her entire life.

    Dani brings an empathetic, bright, selfless approach to dissecting complex scientific ideas that will transform your healthy life in nutrition.

    Danielle brings an energetic, creative, exciting approach to deliver realistic fundamentals that will revolutionize your healthy lifestyle in fitness.

    Together Dani and Danielle fuse their professional knowledge in fitness & nutrition that will empower, lead, motivate, and educate you to acquire the necessary tools to live a successful, confident, healthy, dynamic lifestyle right now.

    Dani graduated from California Sate University Fullerton with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry. She is a NASM certified Nutrition Coach. Danielle is the owner of She's Sustainable a company that provides sustainable products that helps eliminate waste, protects the earth, and utilizes only chemicals that benefit the body rather than destroy it.

    Danielle graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in sport and fitness management. She is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Weight Loss Specialist, and Fitness Nutrition Specialist. Danielle owns a fitness company called I PICK FIT which breaks down all the barriers an individual may encompass, so they can start living an optimal fit and healthy life.

    What Nutrients We Need

    1. Carbohydrates

    2. Proteins

    3. Fats

    4. Vitamins

    5. Minerals

    6. Water

    Why We Need All Nutrients

    1. ENERGY




    Harmonize Nutrient Density: Insider Secrets that Supercharge Your Healthy Lifestyle Goals

    Do you know that in order to be total body healthy one must consume six vital nutrients?

    What We Need

    1. Carbohydrates

    2. Proteins

    3. Fats

    4. Vitamins

    5. Minerals

    6. Water

    Do you know what the purpose of consuming these 6 vital nutrients and their jobs?

    What they do?


    Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats are broken down within our cells from the foods we eat and is converted to energy from the body.


    Vitamins, Minerals, and water are within the foods we eat that helps us prevent deficiency conditions that could lead to disease.

    Why We Need Them?

    1. ENERGY




    Do you know why exercise and nutrition intertwined is vital to total body health?

    So we eat food for energy, which aids in our growth and development, & in turn regulates our bodies processes, and keeps us from getting sick and developing degenerative diseases.


    When we exercise we breakdown muscles for growth which in turn makes us stronger, we increase our heart rate which in turn moves the blood through out the body so we can deliver nutrients efficiently and repair the breakdown of muscles. Exercise also helps us maintain our weight, increase our metabolism processes, and provides the ability for our body to enhance all the things we actually want it to do.


    Now that you know the basics of what vital nutrients do and why we need them, lets move into secrets to nutrient density so we can select the all the right foods and exercises so that we can reach our goals.

    1. Hire a Coach: Everyone can benefit from a coach but if you’re still unsure how to match your nutrition to your workouts, a coach is the easiest most efficient way to guide you in reaching your goals.

    - Conversion of Knowledge: you may know a lot about nutrition or even a lot about exercise but sometimes it is confusing or time consuming to blend the two in order to have the best outcome.

    - Energy Pathways: A coach understands that there are three energy pathways that match up to the types of exercises you may be performing. One whom is a sprinter, gymnast, football player needs to consume food differently than a distance runner, swimmer, or cyclist. When your talking about optimal energy and performance. Even one whom is trying to build muscle mass will eat differently than one whom wants to gain lean long muscles. Add in there weight loss, weight gain, and fat loss each play a role of specificity and tailor ability to a specific person it gets complicated and coach knows how to direct individuals in the right direction.

    - Physiology & Wellness: Most importantly a coach will understand the bodies physiology in a way they can facilitate repair and rebuilding of muscles, while meeting performance goals, and at the same time promote overall health and wellness in the individual. Trust me there are ways to reach goals that are not healthy actually even detrimental to your health. Hire a quality coach when your stuck.

    2. Individualize Nutrition Plan: There is no one size fits all nutrition plan.

    - My Friends Doing It: Often times we see our friends losing weight and we want to lose weight too so we just match our plan to their plan. Honestly they could have grabbed that plan from who knows where. Sure the plan might work for a minute, but even though goals might be met damages to your body could be developing and eventually the weight can come one turbo speed when one quits.

    - Wasting Time: Sure the basics may be there but to really stop wasting your time by putting in a lot of work but taking big steps back, one must invest in an individualized plan from a professional. Investing in a plan that requires greater knowledge than diets you found on social media, from a friend with no background knowledge, whom may even possibly achieved what you want will save time, money, and your health in the long run.

    - Energy Metabolism: Imagine this your an explosive gymnast and your eating during your activity like a marathoner this could hinder your performance greatly. A gymnast exerts 2 minutes of explosive exercise than will have time to replenish energy before the next event. Although a marathoner needs to eat during activity because it takes hours before completion of the event and energy needs to be consistently replaced.

    3. Time Constraints: Life commitments, school, work, workout schedule, kids and more often get in the way of planning and preparing workouts and meals that match our needs.

    - Strategic Planning: When applying nutrition to your fitness goals it is vital for success to have a prepared plan that is creative in that it meets realistically your lifestyle.

    - Perfect Calculation: Often by the time you get up, workout, get kids prepped for school, drive to work, start working, take a break, skip meals, drive home, get kids, do homework, prep dinner, eat dinner, clean kitchen, kids bathed, kids to bed, you to bed ahhh... all of a sudden we skipped breakfast, no snack, only drank coffee until lunch but at lunch we at fast food because we are so hungry we cant wait, we then forget our next snack because we are worried about the kids doing homework although we prepare them a snack, forget ourself, prep dinner, now we eat too much a dinner because we lack the focus to stay on track due to exhaustion.

    - Invest in Help: Hire a professional to take your chaos and turn it into a plan you can actually do realistically. Let a professional do the dirty work so you can meet your goals realistically, maintain your goals efficiently, and ultimately be healthy optimally.

    4. Control & Be Flexible: Finding the right nutrition plan, that matches up to your fitness plan that will meets the specificity to your specific lifestyle often take few trial and errors.

    - Hired Professional: Maybe you hired a professional one time and the plan didn’t work for you the first week so you quit. Often times what we tell our professional we thought would work out and they design something that we though would fit together and maybe it didn’t. Its always important to remain flexible and resilient to tweaking changes

    How do we increase the nutrient density in our foods then?

    Get the biggest bang for your mouth in selecting quality ingredients.First let’s understand what decreases the value of our nutrients.Toxins like insecticide, pesticide ,herbicides, germs, genetic modification, water quality, chemicals.

    How do we naturally decrease the value of our nutrients time between picking the food and consumption, how we cook and prepare our foods, what we pair our foods with, properly cleansing.

    What can we do about it?

    Ideally we buy organic, never processed, from a local farmer, the day we pick it we eat it, and pair it with complimentary foods that have all the nutrients we need in it, Oh and Don't forget exercise right before we eat so we have prepared the body to absorb our nutrients most efficiently.

    Yeah ok right in a perfect world that would just be fantastic right.

    What are our problems time, money, convenience, kids, sports, work, help, access to farmers markets the list goes on right.