
  • In this episode, John explores the concept of the vocal prime, its significance, characteristics, and implications for singers of all ages. He emphasizes the importance of honoring and investing in the voice, regardless of age, and encourages continuous improvement and care.

    Episode highlights:

    The vocal prime is a significant period in a singer's life, characterized by strength, stability, and flexibility in the voice. Investing in vocal care and improvement is essential at every stage of a singer's life, regardless of age. Creating a new vocal prime is possible at any age, emphasizing the potential for continuous growth and development in singing. The voice is a valuable instrument that should be honored, nurtured, and used consistently to maintain its strength and flexibility.

    To learn more about John Henny, his best-selling books, on-line courses, Voiceschool.com featuring his Teaching Team of Experts, Speaker Training and the Contemporary Voice Teacher Academy, visit: JohnHenny.com

  • In this episode, John discusses the importance of charisma and owning the space as a performer. He emphasizes the cultivation of energy and emotional communication, and highlights the role of vocal technique and emotional intention in creating a powerful performance.

    Episode highlights:

    Charisma is a quality that can be cultivated and developed by performers to own the energy and space during a performance. Vocal technique is a tool for communication, and emotional communication is the highest level of singing. The shared humanity and emotional connection between the performer and the audience create a powerful and unique experience.

    To learn more about John Henny, his best-selling books, on-line courses, Voiceschool.com featuring his Teaching Team of Experts, Speaker Training and the Contemporary Voice Teacher Academy, visit: JohnHenny.com

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  • In this episode, John Henny discusses the importance of emotional support for singers. He emphasizes that singing is different from learning any other instrument. Singers expose themselves in a way that other instruments don't because the average listener focuses on the singer more than any other aspect of music. Singers also face emotional challenges such as stage fright, self-doubt, and criticism. It is essential for singers to have emotional support from friends, family, and the right voice teacher or mentor.

    Episode highlights:

    Singers expose themselves in a way that other instruments don't. Singers face emotional challenges such as stage fright, self-doubt, and criticism. You need safe support from your family, friends, singing community, voice teacher, and from yourself. Mindfulness and developing strategies to deal with irrational fears and negative thoughts are important for singers.

    To learn more about John Henny, his best-selling books, on-line courses, Voiceschool.com featuring his Teaching Team of Experts, Speaker Training and the Contemporary Voice Teacher Academy, visit: JohnHenny.com

  • In this episode, John Henny interviews Kenneth Bozeman about the concept of the chiaroscuro whisper. Ken explains that the chiaroscuro whisper is a technique used to identify the resonances of the vocal tract by introducing a white noise into the vocal tract. This technique allows singers to tune their vocal tract and hear the pitches of each resonance peak. Ken also discusses the difference between vocal fry and the white noise of the whisper, as well as the importance of tuning resonances for efficient and pleasurable singing. He emphasizes the need to focus on expression and feelings rather than language when singing.

    Episode highlights:

    The chiaroscuro whisper helps identify the resonances of the vocal tract. Tuning resonances is important for efficient and pleasurable singing. The white noise of the whisper is different from vocal fry, and the chiaroscuro whisper may be closer to a regular singing sound than vocal fry. When using the chiaroscuro whisper, it is important to focus on expression and feelings rather than language. The sensation of pleasure is a good indicator of vocal efficiency.

    To learn more about Ken Bozeman, go to kenbozeman.com

    To learn more about John Henny, his best-selling books, on-line courses, Voiceschool.com featuring his Teaching Team of Experts, Speaker Training and the Contemporary Voice Teacher Academy, visit: JohnHenny.com

  • In this episode, John Henny discusses the experience of failure and setbacks in the context of pursuing one's goals. He shares personal stories of failure and how he dealt with them, emphasizing the importance of allowing oneself to feel the emotions that come with failure and not judging or trying to fix them immediately.

    Episode Highlights

    Failure and setbacks are inevitable when pursuing goals, and they provide valuable learning experiences. Allowing oneself to feel and process the emotions that come with failure is important for personal growth. Shifting the focus from seeking approval to valuing the experience itself can lead to a more fulfilling journey. Failure should be seen as an opportunity for improvement and not as a reflection of one's worth or abilities. Being authentic and embracing failure as part of the journey can lead to greater success and connection with others.

    To learn more about John Henny, his best-selling books, on-line courses, Voiceschool.com featuring his Teaching Team of Experts, Speaker Training and the Contemporary Voice Teacher Academy, visit: JohnHenny.com

  • In this episode, John Henny discusses the desire for simplicity and easy answers in singing. He emphasizes the complexity of the voice and the need for a nuanced approach.

    John explores the challenges of finding solutions for vocal issues and the ever-changing nature of the voice. He also highlights the importance of embracing the complexity of singing and the joy of not knowing everything. John encourages singers to appreciate the uniqueness of their voice and to embark on the beautiful challenge of exploring its complexity.

    Episode Highlights:

    The voice is incredibly complex, and there are no easy answers or quick fixes. Vocal issues require a nuanced approach and understanding of the individual's unique voice. Singing is a journey of ever-unfolding complexity, and embracing the mystery and joy of not knowing everything is part of the process. Appreciate the uniqueness of your voice and the beauty of the challenge it presents.

    To learn more about John Henny, his best-selling books, on-line courses, Voiceschool.com featuring his Teaching Team of Experts, Speaker Training and the Contemporary Voice Teacher Academy, visit: JohnHenny.com

  • In this episode, John talks with Tracee Theisen-Henny about her role as an accountability coach for creatives, particularly singers. Tracee emphasizes the importance of setting realistic goals, prioritizing tasks, and staying organized to maintain positive momentum. Her approach to accountability coaching is focused on providing truthful and realistic guidance while offering effective encouragement.

    Episode highlights:

    Accountability coaching provides guidance and effective encouragement to help creatives achieve their goals. Feedback and a supportive community are crucial for the success of creative projects. Having a calendar and deadlines can help overcome decision fatigue and resistance. Breaking down big projects into smaller, manageable tasks can prevent overwhelm and increase productivity.

    For accountability coaching with Tracee, click on this link below:

    Tracee Accountability Coaching

    Or feel free to contact the Front Desk email with questions for Tracee [email protected]

    To learn more about John Henny, his best-selling books, on-line courses, Voiceschool.com featuring his Teaching Team of Experts, Speaker Training and the Contemporary Voice Teacher Academy, visit: JohnHenny.com

  • In this episode, John discusses the challenges that singers face as they progress in their vocal journey. He highlights the necessary shift in mindset, the need to let go of technical exaggerations, and the importance of developing a vocal identity.

    Episode highlights:

    The technical exaggerations that helped you as a beginner will need to become more nuanced. Embracing one's voice and understanding one's genetic limitations is crucial for intermediate singers. Letting go of perfection and being open to different sources of knowledge is important for growth as a singer.

    To learn more about John Henny, his best-selling books, on-line courses, Voiceschool.com featuring his Teaching Team of Experts, Speaker Training and the Contemporary Voice Teacher Academy, visit: JohnHenny.com

  • In this episode, John discusses the essential steps to developing vocal power. Vocal power is achieved by creating a more intense sound wave and filtering it through the vocal tract. He also explains the importance of activating the vocal tract and using semi-occluded vocal tract exercises to increase baseline pressure.

    Episode highlights:

    The closed phase of the vocal folds is crucial for power, as it allows for more contact and longer closure. Semi-occluded vocal tract exercises can increase baseline pressure and assist in developing vocal power. The tongue, jaw, lips, and larynx play important roles in achieving vocal power.

    To learn more about John Henny, his best-selling books, on-line courses, Voiceschool.com featuring his Teaching Team of Experts, Speaker Training and the Contemporary Voice Teacher Academy, visit: JohnHenny.com

  • In this episode, John discusses the process of being productive and completing projects. He shares his experience of writing and publishing books to help others, emphasizing the importance of deadlines and accountability.

    Episode highlights:

    Setting deadlines and having accountability are crucial for being productive and completing projects. The process of finishing and publishing can be challenging, but it is important to overcome self-doubt and decision fatigue. Decide that what you want to create is important enough.

    To learn more about John Henny, his best-selling books, on-line courses, Voiceschool.com featuring his Teaching Team of Experts, Speaker Training and the Contemporary Voice Teacher Academy, visit: JohnHenny.com

  • In this episode, John shares 10 things he wishes he knew before he started singing. He discusses the unique nature of the voice compared to other instruments, highlights the changing nature of the voice, and encourages us to apply the knowledge we gain.

    Episode highlights:

    The voice is different from other instruments and requires patience and understanding. The voice is a changing instrument, so it is important to be open and welcoming to the change. Embrace the uniqueness of your voice and enjoy every moment of singing.

    To learn more about John Henny, his best-selling books, on-line courses, Voiceschool.com featuring his Teaching Team of Experts, Speaker Training and the Contemporary Voice Teacher Academy, visit: JohnHenny.com

  • In this episode, John talks with Mike Massé, a musician known for his popular YouTube covers, about his journey from being a lawyer to a full-time musician. Mike explains his approach to choosing songs and how he strives to recreate them faithfully while adding his own touch. He also discusses the challenges of staying healthy as a vocalist and the transition to being self-employed.

    Episode highlights:

    There's a charm to a casual gig setting that people can relate to and find comfort in. Your music career doesn't have to happen before a "real job." Try to emulate rather than imitate. Being self-employed can make it difficult to "clock out."

    To learn more about Mike, go to https://mikemasse.com/ and https://www.youtube.com/@mikemasse

    To learn more about John Henny, his best-selling books, on-line courses, Voiceschool.com featuring his Teaching Team of Experts, Speaker Training and the Contemporary Voice Teacher Academy, visit: JohnHenny.com

  • In this episode, John Henny introduces the HEROES system, a method to keep your voice healthy and flexible. Each element of the system is essential for maintaining vocal health and longevity.

    Episode highlights:

    The HEROES system (hydration, exercise, range, optimization, energy, and sing) is a comprehensive approach to maintaining vocal health and flexibility. Both topical and systemic hydration are crucial for keeping the vocal folds properly hydrated. Regular exercise, both for the body and the voice, is essential for maintaining overall vocal health. Optimizing vocal technique and resonance can help prevent vocal strain and ensure efficient phonation.

    To learn more about John Henny, his best-selling books, on-line courses, Voiceschool.com featuring his Teaching Team of Experts, Speaker Training and the Contemporary Voice Teacher Academy, visit: JohnHenny.com

  • In this episode, John discusses breaking through self-imposed limitations in singing. He explores the power of memories and stories in shaping our beliefs about our voice and potential, and encourages singers to embrace their unique voice and let go of negative self-talk.

    Episode highlights:

    Past experiences and memories shape our beliefs about our voice and potential. Accept and embrace your unique voice, including any physical limitations. Change negative self-talk and focus on the present moment. Share your unique universe with others and let go of stories that hold you back.

    To learn more about John Henny, his best-selling books, on-line courses, Voiceschool.com featuring his Teaching Team of Experts, Speaker Training and the Contemporary Voice Teacher Academy, visit: JohnHenny.com

  • In this episode, John Henny discusses the lessons he learned from writing and publishing his latest book, 'The Mature Singer's Guidebook.' He talks about the challenges he faced during the writing process, how he overcame self-doubt and resistance, and offers valuable advice for anyone embarking on a big project.

    Episode highlights:

    Imposter syndrome and self-doubt come with big projects after the initial excitement wears off. Stay in the present moment to persevere and see your project to completion. Only “done” gets paid. Break down the work, set due dates, and hold yourself accountable.

    To learn more about John Henny, his best-selling books, on-line courses, Voiceschool.com featuring his Teaching Team of Experts, Speaker Training and the Contemporary Voice Teacher Academy, visit: JohnHenny.com

  • In this episode, John Henny discusses the importance of singing from the vocal tract. He shares his inspiration for writing his book, The Mature Singer's Guidebook, and how his work with Kerrie Obert helped him understand the significance of the vocal tract in maintaining a healthy voice.

    Episode highlights:

    The vocal tract plays a crucial role in singing and should not be overlooked. Balancing tension in the vocal tract is essential for a healthy voice. Observing and manipulating the vocal tract during practice can lead to improved singing.

    To learn more about John Henny, his best-selling books, on-line courses, Voiceschool.com featuring his Teaching Team of Experts, Speaker Training and the Contemporary Voice Teacher Academy, visit: JohnHenny.com

  • In this episode, John talks with Susan Lowell de Solórzano about the concept of biotensegrity and its application to singing. Susan shares her personal experience with biotensegrity and how it changed her approach to singing. She emphasizes the importance of balancing tension and relaxation in singing, and explores the use of metaphors and imagery to enhance vocal performance.

    Episode highlights:

    Biotensegrity is a framework for understanding biology using the principles of tensegrity. Fascia is a connective tissue that interlinks and holds the body together. Balancing tension and relaxation is crucial in singing. Metaphors and imagery can be used to enhance vocal performance.

    To learn more about Susan, visit https://www.youtube.com/@smlbtarchive and get her book at https://a.co/d/2fWhjV9

    To learn more about John Henny, his best-selling books, on-line courses, Voiceschool.com featuring his Teaching Team of Experts, Speaker Training and the Contemporary Voice Teacher Academy, visit: JohnHenny.com

  • In this episode, John discusses the importance of vocal values and how they can shape your success as a singer. He emphasizes the difference between what is within your control and what is not, and encourages focus on the things that are within your control as defined by your values.

    Episode highlights:

    Focus on what is within your control and accept what is not. Identify and prioritize your personal vocal values. Consistent study and application of knowledge are crucial for improvement. Push through fear and judgment to achieve your singing goals.

    To learn more about John Henny, his best-selling books, on-line courses, Voiceschool.com featuring his Teaching Team of Experts, Speaker Training and the Contemporary Voice Teacher Academy, visit: JohnHenny.com

  • In this episode, John talks with tenor, pedagogue and researcher Nicholas Perna about the topic of voice issues and the stigma surrounding them in the singing community. They discuss the concept of technique shaming, how singers often blame themselves for vocal struggles, and highlight the complexity of singing and the various factors that can affect the voice, emphasizing the need for understanding and support.

    Episode highlights:

    Voice issues are common among singers and can be caused by various factors unrelated to technique. Blaming singers for their vocal struggles is unfair and unhelpful. The singing community should provide support and understanding to those experiencing voice issues. Singers should seek help from professionals, such as otolaryngologists and speech language pathologists, and not hesitate to share their struggles with trusted individuals.

    To learn more about Nicholas Perna, visit https://nicholasperna.com/ and https://www.vocalfri.com/

    To learn more about John Henny, his best-selling books, on-line courses, Voiceschool.com featuring his Teaching Team of Experts, Speaker Training and the Contemporary Voice Teacher Academy, visit: JohnHenny.com

  • In this episode, John discusses his top strategies for optimizing the voice. He emphasizes the importance of simplifying the singing process and breaking it down to first principles.

    Episode highlights:

    Simplify the singing process by focusing on air, cord, and vowel (ACV). Practice efficient breathing and maintain a tall posture. Use narrow vowels and semi-occluded vocal tract exercises to optimize the voice for different registers and styles.

    To learn more about John Henny, his best-selling books, on-line courses, Voiceschool.com featuring his Teaching Team of Experts, Speaker Training and the Contemporary Voice Teacher Academy, visit: JohnHenny.com