
  • *Official* The worldā€™s BEST podcast recorded in a mobile dog trailer.

    Hello Listeroonis!

    Itā€™s Nan here. Get your ears ready because Matt is on the sound effects this week. I told him he could only press two*.

    In this ep, Rich unveils his latest inventionā€”the Rhyme-a-Tron 3000, a machine designed to make poetry a pushover! Unfortunately when Matt decides to replace its power source with a banana, things take a disastrous turn. Will they escape the poetic curse, or are they doomed to rhyme forever? I donā€™t know because Iā€™m in India relaxing, oops, I mean, writing my comedy show.


    We also have sponsor suggestions, a bum parade and the world de-butt of Richā€™s new poem ā€˜PUNKtuationā€™. He says, itā€™s the best poem ever to be written about punctuation full stop.

    Enjoy and don't forget to send us your letters to [email protected]



    *please let me know if you hear more than two sounds.

    SUPPORT THE SHOW www.buymeacoffee.com/thelisties

    SEE US LIVE www.thelisties.com

    BUY MERCH www.thelisties.com/ALDI

  • šŸŽ’BACK TO SCHOOL (with a Budgie in Charge?!)

    Aloha Listeroonis,

    Nan here! Exceptā€¦ Iā€™m actually not here. Iā€™ve gone 'Back to School' shopping, and in my place, Iā€™ve left Fudgie the Budgie and a bell. What could possibly go wrong? (Answer: Everything.)

    In this edition of the Pugcast, The Listies take a trip down memory lane with a classic Episode of Our Lives, read out some brilliant sponsor suggestions sent in by you, and of course, Rich graces (or disgraces) us with another poetic masterpieceā€”this time about Fish (calledā€¦ "Fish"). Itā€™s deep. And wet. And only stinks a bit.


    Oh, and speaking of sponsorsā€”this episode is brought to you by Aunty Berrylā€™s Sit Nice and Quietly Teahouse, where the tea is hot, the chairs are comfy, and talking is strictly prohibitedā€”but yelling is a must! šŸ¤«ā˜•

    Got a joke, sponsor idea, or a pet with better leadership skills than Fudgie? Send them our way: [email protected]

    Stay cheeky, stay chatty (unless youā€™re at Aunty Berrylā€™s), and stay tuned!

    Nan & The Budgie Boss, Fudgie šŸ¦œ

    SUPPORT THE SHOW www.buymeacoffee.com/thelisties

    SEE US LIVE www.thelisties.com

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    Hello Listerooni's,

    It's me, Nan, saying, 'Happy New Year! Happy Holidays! Happy Silly Season!' šŸŽ‰

    What's the silliest thing you did during the holidays? Think you can out-silly this episode? Challenge accepted šŸ˜‰

    šŸš€ What do you get if you cross a mobile dog wash, a giant fish tank, and a dash of poetry? THE LISTIES MAKE YOU LOLCAST! šŸŽ§

    This episode is jam-packed with goodies sent in by you, our amazing listeners! Jokes, sensational sponsor ideas, and funny holiday photosā€”keep them coming! Have something fun to share? Send it to us! [email protected]

    šŸ–‹ļøThereā€™s also a trip to Richardā€™s Poetry Cornerā€”where good times meet great rhymes (TM)...

    Keep listening and keep laughing!

    Aloha, Nan šŸŒŗ

    P.S. Anyone want to buy a slightly cranky crocodile? No returns. šŸŠ

    SUPPORT THE SHOW www.buymeacoffee.com/thelisties

    SEE US LIVE www.thelisties.com

    BUY MERCH www.thelisties.com/shop

  • Aloha Listeroonis,

    Nan here, sliding into your ears with another chill episode of The Listies Make You SNOWcast. Did I just say SNOWcast? I meant LOLcast! (Oopsā€¦ Shhhh don't tell Matt and Rich, they still think we're headed somewhere "cool".)

    In this episode, Rich and Matt daydream about the theme parks they'd like to visit: Sensible Land and Epic Pete's World of Danger and Screaming. You can guess who wants to go where. Also, we take a dive into our Fan Mail/Spam Mail bag, and Rich unveils a piece of poetry cooler than a penguins bum.

    Oh, and guess what? We've got a brand-new sponsor suggestion from one of you clever-rooni's! Marble Studios. Could this be the start of The "NCU?" Nan's Cinematic Universe. Stay tuned to find out.

    If youā€™ve got jokes, sponsor suggestions, or even just want to say hi, email us at [email protected]. Who knows, maybe your idea will take us somewhere truly magical (or frozen solid, hehe).

    Thatā€™s all for now, snow angels! Stay cheeky, stay chilly, and donā€™t forget your thermals.

    Also Matt asked me to put these photos in the episode notes...

    Hope they make you LOL. See you next year!

    Aloha, Nan

    P.S. Does anyone know how to get icicles off a mobile dogwash? Asking for a friend.

    SUPPORT THE SHOW www.buymeacoffee.com/thelisties

    SEE US LIVE www.thelisties.com

    BUY MERCH www.thelisties.com/shop

  • Surf's up Listerooni!

    Grab your swimmers, towel and sunscreen cause this pod is headed to the beach. Matt loves the beach but Richard? *ah, not so much* In fact he's written a 16 standza poem all about it! YIKES!

    This episode sees The Listies jump inside their D.I.Y Time Machine (aka washing basket) and take a trip back to the time of William Sharkspeare. Did i say shark? It must be the beach talking.

    We've also got Kids Jokes the Theme Song, kids jokes, sponsor suggestions and of course fruits and veggies that look like b*ms.




  • This Episode is proudly bounced into to your ears via the fun folks at Bounce!

    Hello Listerooni!

    It's Nan here. Close your eyes, open your ears and get them ready for a sound-sational new delivery of the universe's besterest, most gramatically correctific podcast for families: The Listies Make You Burpcast.

    This episode takes place completely in the dark. Not cause I needed to nap cause I was let lagged from getting back from my latest podcasting cource in the Maldives, but because it helps me concentrate on listening... DEFINITELY NOT sleeping.

    Inside the mobile dog-washing caravan/podcasting studio, Rich and Matt F.A.R.T (Fairytales are Really True), play an ad for Lying Tamers (Thanks Baila), and then Rich reads another of his wonderful, and not too long, poems.

    Keep sending in your jokes, sponsor suggestions, No Silly Questions questions, and bum fruits/veggies. Check below to see this episode's favourite from Frances.

    Until next time,


    Zzz zzzzz zzzz

    SUPPORT THE SHOW www.buymeacoffee.com/thelisties

    SEE US LIVE www.thelisties.com

    BUY MERCH www.thelisties.com/aldi

  • This Episode bounces to your ears via Bounce!

    Hello Listeroonis,

    Or should I sayā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. BOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    Happy Halloween,

    Rich, Matt and I (Nan) are terrifed to welcome you inside our haunted Podcastle for a spooktacular Halloween themed episode of The Universes No. 1 rated Banana themed podcast, The Listies Make You LOLcast.

    Behind the drawbridge youā€™ll find a jesterā€™s worth of jokes (submitted by actual Listeroonies), a court full of Corrections and a trip to the worldā€™s spookiest Smiggle, Pencillvania - MOAT!!!

    A big thank you to everyone whoā€™s sent us audio clips, pictures and emails. Keep em coming!



    *evil halloweeny laugh*

    SUPPORT THE SHOW www.buymeacoffee.com/thelisties

    SEE US LIVE www.thelisties.com

    BUY MERCH www.thelisties.com/aldi

  • This episode of The Listies Make You LOLcast is presented by Bounce.

    Hello Listerooni,

    I guess youā€™re wondering what weā€™ve got under our podcap this week. Youā€™ll have to listen to find out, but I'll give you a clue: Whatā€™s green, and brown and looks like a BUM? BUM PEAR! Or is it bum lemon? Or bum strawberry? ITā€™S ALL OF THEM. *spoileralert* Matt and Rich break the world record for the most number of pictures of fruit and veggies that look like bums that have ever been on a podcast. Thereā€™s even two dumplings stuck together #adorable.

    After that, thereā€™s an episodeā€¦OF OUR LIVES(ā„¢), sponsor suggestions and a certain corner FULL of poetryā€¦ and bearsā€¦Oops.

    Don't forget to send us your sponsor ideas, jokes, and silly questions to [email protected].

    Thanks for listeningā€¦



    SUPPORT THE SHOW www.buymeacoffee.com/thelisties

    SEE US LIVE www.thelisties.com

    BUY MERCH www.thelisties.com/aldi

  • The Listies Make You LOLcast is brought to you by BOUNCE Inc.

    Hello Listerooni,

    The pugcast is back and this time we're filling your ear kebabs with big chunks of comedy yum-yums! Does that make sense? WHO KNOWS? It doesn't matter but stay tuned to listen to me, Nan, do some beautiful miming.

    In this ep, everyone's flavourite funnies, Rich and Matt....p, interview a pig, read your letters and play listener (EVIE's) suggestion for our new sponsor - SillyBulls!

    And then... wait for it... get ready, Tarquin, Amaretta and Followbot...

    RICHARD'S POETRY CORNER IS BACK. I won't say it's better than ever cause it's not. It's...... fine... (You'll get this once you listen).

    Thank you all for downloading. If you have any suggestions for sponsors, jokes, or pictures of fruits and vegetables that look like bums, send them to us [email protected]



    SUPPORT THE SHOW www.buymeacoffee.com/thelisties

    SEE US LIVE www.thelisties.com

    BUY MERCH www.thelisties.com/aldi

  • Hello Ears!

    Long time, no Listies. The boys and I have been FLAT OUT for the past few weeks. Rich and Matt went to Scotland to do shows and I went to Fiji to go snorkling, I mean, do another podcasting course. I learnt so much.

    This is a very special episode of the Lolcast cuz it was recorded live at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival's, Comedy Club for Kids. In it, you'll get to hear Rich tell a knock knock joke, and Matt singing some Lullabies of Doom. You also get to hear lots and lots of Scottish people have a backsident. It's a good time.

    BTW we love Comedy Club for Kids and they have an amazing podcast of their own called, Radio Nonsense - look it up and have listen!

    We'll be back in your brain with a new episode very soon!



    Thank you for all your questions and emails! Keep em coming: [email protected]

    SUPPORT THE SHOW www.buymeacoffee.com/thelisties

    SEE US LIVE www.thelisties.com

    BUY MERCH www.thelisties.com/shop

  • Hello Listerooni!

    Unplug your ears cause this week, MATT IS IN CHARGE *airhorn*

    Nan is off doing another podcasting course (in BARBADOS). Butt (hehehehe) don't be scared, cause I know all the right buttons to push to make the pugcast no cap adorbs.

    In the past few weeks, you've sent us loads of letters, jokes, and sponsor suggestions, so Rich (the not-me Listie) came up with the brilliant idea of reading them out to you. And that's what we're going to do.

    So pop on your mindpants and tie up your listeny shoes, cause we're opening THE LISTIES SPAM MAIL!


    Matt aka Captain Awesome, aka Marie the Crowbar aka Howdy Doesy Flushy.

    Rich aka Sir Richywobbles.

    Thank you for all your questions and emails! Keep em coming: [email protected]

    SUPPORT THE SHOW www.buymeacoffee.com/thelisties

    SEE US LIVE www.thelisties.com

    BUY MERCH www.thelisties.com/shop

  • Aloha Listeroonis,

    Welcome to another exciting episode of The Listies Make You Moocast. Did I just say moo? I meant LOL cast.

    In this exciting edition, Rich and Matt compete on the world's hardest quiz show, Mastery McMindface, and we take a sponsor suggestion from one of you!

    If you have jokes, sponsor suggestions or have a question for 'No Silly Questions, Only Silly Answers,' email us at [email protected].

    That's all from us.



    P.S Does anyone have any grass? I'm feeling snacky.

    Thank you for all your questions and emails! Keep em coming: [email protected]

    SUPPORT THE SHOW www.buymeacoffee.com/thelisties

    SEE US LIVE www.thelisties.com

    BUY MERCH www.thelisties.com/shop

  • Hi Listeroonis,

    Nan here, sound recording person extraordinaire! I have been collecting egg boxes for the walls of the recording studio because apparently eggs help with sound or something. Any way eggs are expensive right now- I had to SHELL out heaps - it's no yolk! Speaking of eggs:

    Why did the chicken cross the road? Well why don't we ask it! That's right, in this pug-cast we meet the chicken that crossed the road. And it is EGGED OFF!

    Also in this packed ep we revisit the sometimes shouty adventures of Rich and Matt in the DIY TIME MACHINE EPISODE 2. It is literally the most fun you can have in a wash basket...

    Also Rich has an poem about twigs or something, not sure exactly- it was hard to hear over all the clucking chickens.


    Thank you for all your questions and emails! Keep em coming: [email protected]

    SUPPORT THE SHOW www.buymeacoffee.com/thelisties

    SEE US LIVE www.thelisties.com

    BUY MERCH www.thelisties.com/shop

  • Hi Lolcast listeners! First things first: ā€œUranus is a planet!ā€ Rich told me to put this in the show notes, ok Rich? DONE. Now, what else is in this pod? TBH- Not entirely sure as I was squeaking squeaky toys for large parts of it which made it quite hard to hear. Then we were invaded by flies. And Rich ate one. Which was a bit unfortunate for both him and the fly


    Oh sorry that was me

    Love Nan.

    SUPPORT THE SHOW https://buymeacoffee.com/thelisties

    BUY TIX & MERCH www.thelisties.com.





    #KidsComedy #FamilyFriendly #KidsPodcast #ChildrensEntertainment #FunForKids #LaughWithKids #SillyStories #FunnyForKids #ChildrensComedy #ComedyForKids #FamilyPodcast #KidsJokes #HumorForKids #FunStories #KidsLaugh #PodcastForKids #KidsEntertainment #Storytime #InteractiveKids #PlayfulPodcast

  • Hi Listeroonis, Nan here, would you like some cheese? No!? Ok well let me know if you change your mind deary.

    In this episode of the pugcast Rich and Matt gtry to get back to the future from jurassic world, itā€™s really an excellent adventure. Plus we go visit the best red carpet filled with carpet beetles- The Buggies.

    Sure you donā€™t want cheese? No?! Ok.

    Oh and before I forget WE NEED YOUR QUESTIONS for a new segment on the show: ā€˜There are no silly questions only silly answersā€™, so if you have a puzzler youā€™d like to hear the Listies solve email us a text or voice message to [email protected]

    Also Rich tries to do one of his wonderful poems but there was a slight mice issue, however I think we managed to get the gist of it.

    Thanks for listening!

    Love Nan

    PS did I ask if you wanted some cheese?

    PPS This episode brought to you by TOEPUPPETS

    Tour dates: https://www.thelisties.com/ontour

    Support: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/theli...

    Mailing list: https://www.thelisties.com/mailinglistie

    Merch: https://www.thelisties.com/aldi

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2JLai...

    Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3bTmwqH...

    PS The Listies Make You LOLCAST is a podcast for kids, families, children, small goats, kittens and small echidnas. It is intended to be extremely relaxing and will send you and your little ones to a restful, deep sleep.

  • Hello Listerooni!

    Are your ears hungry? Good, cause we've got a snack-sized minisode for them to munch on. We'll be back to full-size eps as soon as Rich is out of the toilet.

    Don't forget that if you want to see Rich and Matt in concert you can check out all The Listies tour dates here: https://www.thelisties.com/ontour



    P.S Keep sending in your jokes, letters and ideas for LOLcast sponsors so we can read them out for everyone to hear.

    Thanks for listening everyone!

    Thereā€™s a new film clip out- CRAFTWORK! Check it out and HAVE A DANCE.

    Tour dates: https://www.thelisties.com/ontour

    Support: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/theli...

    Mailing list: https://www.thelisties.com/mailinglistie

    Merch: https://www.thelisties.com/aldi

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2JLai...

    Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3bTmwqH...

    PS The Listies Make You LOLCAST is a podcast for kids, families, children, small goats, kittens and small echidnas. It is intended to be extremely relaxing and will send you and your little ones to a restful, deep sleep.

  • Hello Listerooni,

    We're coming at you with a mini-sode. Why?? You'll have to ask your ears after they've listened to it.

    In the mini-sode we read loads of your letters, stacks of your sponsor suggestions and jugs full of your jokes. If you something you'd like to hear on the LOLcast, you can send us a letter or a voice recording to [email protected] WE LOVE HEARING YOUR JOKES!

    Come see us at Melbourne Comedy Festival: TICKETS HERE!!



    Support: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/theli...

    Mailing list: https://www.thelisties.com/mailinglistie

    Tour dates: https://www.thelisties.com/ontour

    Merch: https://www.thelisties.com/aldi

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2JLai...

    Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3bTmwqH...

    PS The Listies Make you LOLCAST is a podcast for kids, families, children, small goats, kittens and small echidnas. It is intended to be extremely relaxing and will send you and your little ones to a restful, deep sleep.

  • Hi,

    Itā€™s Nan here! Who doesn't like to bounce?! NO ONE* Exactly. So I thought, 'Why not use all the spare space in the podcast studio to set up a bunch of trampolines and invite people in to have a go?' What could go wrong?

    I'm excited to say that your ears are in for a treat because the world's most famous potato with a bum, BUM POTATO, gets interviewed in this ep. Even more excitingly exciting is you can hear BP's new single, CHIP ON MY SHOULDER (let's get funky).

    This episode, Rich and Matt, are sponsored by CRONGS and HOOKED ON HOOKS. Two sponsors in one episode? The boys are really coming up in the world.

    Check out our website for tour dates, film clips and poo hats.

    Laters, gotta bounce!



    Thereā€™s a new film clip out- CRAFTWORK! Check it out and HAVE A DANCE.

    Thanks for listening everyone!

    Support: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/theli...

    Mailing list: https://www.thelisties.com/mailinglistie

    Tour dates: https://www.thelisties.com/ontour

    Merch: https://www.thelisties.com/aldi

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2JLai...

    Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3bTmwqH...

    PS The Listies Make you LOLCAST is a podcast for kids, families, children, small goats, kittens and small echidnas. It is intended to be extremely relaxing and will send you and your little ones to a restful, deep sleep.

    *Cats, people with weak knees and insurance companies.

  • Hi itā€™s Nan here!

    Iā€™ve been so busy with the high intensity gym I set up during last week of the LOLcast I had to get someone else to operate the sound thingys. So I thought it was an excellent time to let my friends Delialiah and Eric have a go at producing it. Also I should add, they are monkeys. They seemed to have a fun time.

    This episode Rich and Matt are sponsored by BIKEDESKS! (still one of the most dangerous accessories ever to be approved for sale in OECD countries) and we hear about their adventures with food delivery AND craft!

    Thereā€™s a new film clip out- CRAFTWORK! Check it out and HAVE A DANCE.


    Thanks for listening everyone!

    Support: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/theli...

    Mailing list: https://www.thelisties.com/mailinglistie

    Tour dates: https://www.thelisties.com/ontour

    Merch: https://www.thelisties.com/aldi

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2JLai...

    Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3bTmwqH...

    PS The Listies Make you LOLCAST is a podcast for kids, families, children, small goats, kittens and small echidnas. It is intended to be extremely relaxing and will send you and your little ones to a restful, deep sleep.

  • Hello Hello Hello!

    It's Nan here, and it's my job to welcome you all to another eartastic episode of The Listies Make You LOLcast, the world's only kids comedy podcast hosted by two talking capyburras -( IMAGINE !!!!!!!)

    In this episode, Matt and Rich, take a trip to the movies with a whole lot of snacks, Rich unveils his latest poetry disasterpiece/masterpiece as well as, tour announcements, an interview with a lion and a very special listerner message from Charlie. Sound exciting? It sure does. I can't wait to listen to it myself.

    This episode is made possible by our sponsor: Poolworths - The Splash Food People. Remember, if you have an idea for a sponser email me at [email protected]



    P.S If anyone would like to join a gym HMU - I can get you a discount.

    The Listies Make U Lolcast is a comedy podcast for kids and their adults! Hosts The Listies, aka Rich and Matt, present sketches, jokes, stories, songs and the world worst poetry. It's beamed around the world from Melbourne, Australia.

    Support: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/theli...

    Mailing list: https://www.thelisties.com/mailinglistie

    Tour dates: https://www.thelisties.com/ontour

    Merch: https://www.thelisties.com/aldi

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2JLai...

    Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3bTmwqH...