OMG I finally levelled up !!!
I have consistantly recorded 30 podcasts over 30 days. Iam not going to say its been easy BUT iam very happy its over ....
I have taken alot from this challenge but its time now to start my new ventures and focus on achieving those goals.
Iam looking forward to getting out on the Moors and having another wild camp. Getting my new Amatuer Radio shack set up. Going out on ghost hunts and chatting to new guests on The Marc Jeffrey Show.
So lots to achieve. Watch this space and please feel free to get in touch and tell me what you thought of #justtalk
On this episode I talk Boris and Ladies Football. Yes I know its abit of a strange Pairing but I had a Podcast to check out and a question to answer. So here goes.
I was sent in a Link to an episode of The Diary Of A CEO by Steven Bartlett. His guest for this episode was Boris Johnson . The episode in Question Talks about Brexit, Covid19, Party Gate, Curruption In Politics and much more. As per normal I give my thoughts.
I also answered a question sent in by BOB " What do I think of Womens football "
Be rude for me not to give my point of view dont you think ?
What did you think of Boris johnsons Reign ?
What do you think of Ladies Football ?
Missing episodes?
We start this episode looking at hobbies that are super stupid. Such as Cave Sliding . Why anyone would want to be part of this is totally stupid if you ask me !
As we have lots of new listeners, who have listened to me everyday on my Justtalk adventure I thought It was only right I gave them the opportunity to get to know me a little better by using Ai Chat to randomly as me some questions.
If you have a question you would like to ask me or have a topic you would like me to discuss then please get in contact and i will do my best for ya..
Omg where did that weekend go?
Do you ever get those weekends where they are over before they start ?
We have just been so busy this weekend that this evening we just didnt want to cook so we went out for a meal and now iam in a meat coma !!
Came home and sat down to watch this weeks episode of the voice. It really did give me some flash backs on my life this episode. Sometimes in life you give it your all, try your hardest and you feel that noone is watching you. Your never going to get that break.
Life isnt easy and it certainly doesnt owe you a favour. Just keep on doing your best, trying your hardest and starting new things and one day that chair will swing round for you I promise..
There is no one way of doing life BUT if you will never know if you give up at the first hurdle
Its started off this morning at 6am ...
I really didnt want to get out of bed. I went to work and smashed my shin on a york and it all went down hill to the point I got blanked by an old lady !!
Finished work and got me hair cut, which cost me stupid money and iam finishing the weekend by going to a Wedding Fayre LOL
Oh well lets go and drown my sorrows at a 50th Birthday party. May I add I dont even know her name.
Hows your weekend going ?
I did a silly thing before recording this episode. I sat on my phone and spent half an hour scrolling through Instagram Reels....
OMG now I dont know whats right or wrong, True or False.
Is Micheal Jackson alive?
Is P. Diddy a child abuser and what has happened to his face?
Whats going on with the freckle on ur left arm and what exactly is the Northern Lights and why all of the sudden can we see it ?
Along with Politics home and aways Iam done with the lots of it. Its time to draw a circle around our feet and only concentrate on whats going on inside that circle...
Are you in ?
Today was my day off and I hit the kitchen hard !!!
No I didnt eat all the food . I started to clear the cupboards out and declutter.
Small steps right?
With 6 days left to this Justtalk challenge its time to start drawing up some plans on how iam going to attack my next challenge. I so badly want to loose some weight and get into some nice new clothes for the winter.
This time iam gonna attack it from a different angle. So its time to Draw up some plans and LETS QUIT THE BULLSHIT and get this show on the road !!!
So much I wonna talk about on this episode. Firstly wanted to give a big shout out to Ross as he has been battling his demonds for a while now. Put on stupid amounts of Weight and then loosing 8 stone !!!!! well done mate.
Big shout out to those over in Florida. Please stay safe and hunker down while huricane Milton drifts over.
Then most importantly I wanted to wish my dad a happy 83rd heavenly birthday. Everyday I think about you and laugh and chuckle about the memories you have left with me.
Lastly body hair as you grow older. Who is finding it growing out of control ?
Sprouting everywhere lol
What measures have to you put in place to stop it taking control ?
Welcome to my 250th episode......
Iam so pumped, hand on heart a few months ago I really never thought this day would come. Through setting goals and drawing up plans it goes to show what you can achieve with hard work and dedication.
Earlier on today I watched a tv show called Sort Your Life Out featuring Stacey Solomon. OMG I was hooked and it made me realise how cluttered and unloved our family home is and how I now want to transform my house ....
Is your home full of clutter and in need of a bit of orginisation ?
Do you like a nicely orginised house or a family lived in house?
Id love to hear you views
Here Iam sat in my new podcasting studio listening in on Callington Amatuer Radio club doing their Monday night net on the GB3JL Repeater whilst looking for car insurance and having a nosey on Facebook at pictures of the class of 93 my old year mates...
Didnt we look so young back then but it was 31 years ago!!!
Anyway iam looking at funding my new Amateur Radio hobby and what equipment i need to buy and trying to figure out the best way to fund this venture.
Do you have a new project you want to fund?
Tell me more about it
OMG Iam lost for words today so I will make this episode short but sweet.
Its been a busy sunday here at the studio on the hill. Pondering about Christmas and shifting all my podcasting equipment to our spare bedroom where my new office is now located.
I briefly talk about Traditions and iam keen to know what traditions you may have as a family ?
I was sat on the sofa this evening, trying to drag my arse into the studio for another podcast and I saw a video of me doing a challenge on the 9th October 2020. I had to do a Vlog every day for a month.
On this episode I talk about why I set life challenges.
I talk about the hardest challenges I've done.
And I ask myself what my next challenge is going to be..
Do you set life chalenges?
Perhaps we can do the next challenge together ?
After being on the phone to a Mortgage adviser from Santander for nearly and hour this evening i felt proper drained. His boring Irish accent sounded like louis Walsh !!!
Anyway i was like hmm what can i talk to you about on this episode.
So i hope this doesnt bore you but i wanted to share with you some of the podcasts i listen to on my post round at work.
Please feel free to share with me the pods you listen too.
On this episode I try to get my head around DMR radio and share my views on the Airfryer trend thats sweeping the globe.
Do you own a Air Fryer ?
Do you use it?
And how long before it goes in that cupboard in the kitchen with all the other crap never to be used again ....
On this episode I talk about the 2000 Prisoners released by the new Government.
I look at the figures and try to draw my own conclusion.
Should we start to think about Capital Punishment again here in the UK ?
Firsty id like to give a huge shoutout and send my love to all who have been effected by Hurricane Helene over in North Carolina. The death and destruction it has caused has been totally catastrophic.
As of today, I read reports of over 130 confirmed deaths and the toll is set to continue to rise. This feels personal to me as i have a friend who is caught up right in the middle of all this.
The whole thing has made me think about the weather and how it is changing and is it a result of climate change or has the climate always been changing?
What can i do to stop it from changing?
This podcast has always helped me, getting guests in to talk about various topics and help educate me a little more.
Iam looking for a guest to talk on the topic of climate change and to help me address my thoughts. So if your someone that can help. please contact me lets have a chat on my podcast and help educate others on this important topic.
Just a brief episode for the justtalk marathon today as i feel like ive swallowed razor blades...
But i still had time for a moan .
So this weekend me and my bestie ( George ) went down my caravan and visited a few bars and sank a few ales. Most of the pubs where very quiet which got me thinking....
Where have all the men gone ?
Pubs have always be a place guys can rock up and chat shit. If they are no longer there then where are they ? and why are they no longer there ?
On this episode i talk about my concerns and put my hand out to us men and offer them my advice.
Stay safe guys and please find a wy to talk to others.
Woke up this morning at 7am
Layed in bed, eyes closed remembering all the Tv shows i used to watch as a kid. Not wanting to get out of bed and take my boys to football.
Then later on popping down the caravan for a few beers with the lads.
I got home from work today , Had 25 minutes of guided meditation and it got me thiing about techology past and present and it and it made e ask questions on if iam hapy moving into the future...
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