In this episode, we are at AUT Live and we're absolutely delighted to welcome onto The Noisy Librarian Podcast, AUT’s vice-chancellor, Professor Damon Salesa.
Academic integrity is a hot topic right now. Do you know how to succeed at your assignments without compromising your academic integrity? In this episode we talk to an AUTSA advocacy specialist and an academic about cheating, ChatGPT, academic and information literacy and the support available if you're struggling while studying.
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Digital library services and you? A match made in heaven! Join us as we chat about our leading digital collection and online services and how the shift in focus to digital has improved the learning journeys we offer.
It's no secret that libraries have had to adapt, especially at universities. Long gone are the days of stuffy spaces, entirely silent study and stacks upon stacks of books. In this episode, we're going to chat about how our libraries are set up, how we work and what we can offer you while studying at AUT - we are way more than just borrowing books! Discover our workshops, live chat, engagement events and much more!
Welcome to our podcast! Who we are and what you can expect in upcoming episodes.
Music: Good Vibe by Serge Quadrado is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License