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    (Episodes 001-023 + Bonus Video) The Deep End: Dive Into Consciousness | Now available on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/TragedyandHope

    To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History in Context): https://www.tragedyandhope.com/the-brain/

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    Reference Map to Peace Revolution episode 093: Liberty and Economics | Part 1: Philosophy

    To download these notes in a handy PDF, CLICK HERE.

    (0-5mins) Rep Alan Grayson: "Which Foreigners Got the Fed's $500,000,000,000?" Bernanke: "I Don't Know." on 1/2 Trillion Missing (5m-10m) Ron Paul, Voluntaryist (10m-10m30s) Ayn Rand | The Final Struggle between Capitalism and Socialism (10m30s-14m) Welfare State in Social Democracy (14m-16m) Bernie Sanders Healthcare (16m-17m) Milton Friedman response to Sanders (17m-21m) Benefits Cap is forcing me to Work – UK (21m-22m) Murray Rothbard | The Libertarian Solution to Welfare (22m-23m) What is Laissez Faire Economics? (23m-26m) Why Work? Welfare Addiction in Handout-Hungry UK (26m-37m) Milton Friedman| The Roots of the Welfare State (37m-42m) 9 Trillion Missing from Federal Reserve Bank says the Fed Inspector General (42m-43m) Murray Rothbard | The Death of Keynesian Economics (43m-51m) A Libertarian View of Welfare | John Stossel & Friends on Fox News (51m-54m) Black Budget US govt clueless about missing Pentagon Trillions (54m-56m) Donald Rumsfeld says Govt not smart enough to regulate (56m-1h18m) Defining Libertarianism and Austrian Economics with Walter Block (1h18m-1h20m) Murray Rothbard on the Global Central Govt and Global Central Bank (During Q&A at the end) (1h20m-1h23m) Rep Alan Grayson - $12 Trillion Gone – and No One Punished (1h23m-1h26m) Every American owes $60,000.00 | Rand Paul on the National Debt (1h26m-1h29m) Ron Paul describing Murray Rothbard (1h29m-1h31m) Murray Rothbard | On the history of Tax Rebellions (1h31m-1h36m) Free Market Masters: Ludwig von Mises (1h36m-1h39m) Voluntaryism (1h39m-1h48m) Murray Rothbard | The Identity of the State (1h48m-1h48m30s) Ayn Rand explains the Non-Aggression Principle (1h48m30s-1h49m) Ron Paul | Is the Role of Government to Police the World? (1h49m-1h50m) Murray Rothbard | Isolationism and Jefferson’s desire to disband Military (1h50m-1h52m) Black Budget (sample 2) (1h52m-1h53m) Ron Paul “I Like Voluntaryism” (1h53m-1h56m) Corbett Report episode 309 “Solutions: Agorism” (1h56m-2h04m) Mike Wallace, Milton Friedman, Donald Rumsfeld discussing the Free Market and Laissez Faire trade Policy (2h04m-2h10m) Schools of Thought in Classical Liberalism | Anarcho-Capitalism (2h10m-2h13m) Joe Rogan Experience episode 1000 “Nobody Should be Big Daddy” (2h13m-2h18m) U.S. Debt Crisis Explained (2h18m-2h21m) Ayn Rand educates Phil Donohue on Free Market Economics (2h21m-2h23m) Murray Rothbard on Ayn Rand (2h23m-2h28m) Jordan Peterson | Ideology and Democide (2h28m-2h30m) Bill Buppert | Stoicism (Sample) (2h30m-2h31m) Corbett Report episode 309 “Solutions: Agorism” (Counter-Economics sample) (2h31m-2h32m) Mark Dice – Safe Spaces (2h32m-2h34m) Joe Rogan Experience episode 998 (Sample) (2h34m-2h37m) InternetAristocrat’s Guide to SJW’s (Social Justice Warriors) (2h37m-2h38m) Occupy Richmond – Intro to the Progressive Stack (2h38m-2h49m) The Progressive Con (2h49m-2h53m) Sargon of Akkad: Antifa & Anarcho-Communism (2h53m-3h04m) Murray Rothbard | The Death Wish of the Anarcho-Communists (1970) (3h04m-3h08m) Sargon of Akkad: Antifa Tactics – Black Bloc (3h08m-3h13m) The Five Universal Laws of Stupidity – Lionel (3h13m-3h17m) Gad Saad | Triggers and Safe Spaces and SJW Bubbles (3h17m-3h22m) Jordan Peterson | Political Tribalism Explained (3h22m-3h23m) Vice News | Coverage of the Chaos in Charlottesville (3h23m-3h24m) Fox News | Charlottesville Police called off when Violence Erupted (3h24m-3h29m) Candice Owens | How the Media Encourages Division and Violence (3h29m-3h33m) Joe Rogan Experience episode 998 (Sample) (3h33m-3h49m) Millennials in the Workplace & Internet Addiction | Simon Sinek (author) (3h48m-4h19m) Richard’s Introductory Monologue Patreon.com/TragedyandHope Teespring.com/stores/TragedyandHope Meru Documentary Film (Wikipedia) (4h19m-4h46m) Richard’s reading of highlights from chapter 1 of the 2001 publication “Tethered Citizens: Time to Repeal the Welfare State” by Sheldon Richman (Foreword by Congressman Ron Paul) (4h46m-6h16m) How Murray Rothbard became a Libertarian (6h16m-7h01m) What I Learned from Murray Rothbard – Tom Woods This presentation got Tom attacked by the Libertarian (Political) Party, as detailed in the last component of this episode @ 19h28m-End. (7h01m-7h35m) Liberty and Economics – Ludwig von Mises (7h35m-8h30m) Ludwig von Mises’s Contributions to Economics – Bob Murphy (8h30m-9h36m) The Founding of the Federal Reserve – Murray N. Rothbard (9h36m-10h19m) 6 Reasons Libertarians Should Reject the Non-Aggression Principle – Rebutted! by Stefan Molyneux (10h19m-11h10m) Corbett Report episode 309 “Solutions: Agorism” (11h10m-12h26m) Introduction to Objectivism – Leonard Piekoff (12h26m-13h10m) Common Arguments to Voluntarism Rebutted – Stefan Molyneux (13h10m-13h47m) Stoicism: Question Obedience by Bill Buppert New Libertarian Manifesto by Samuel Edward Konkin, III; read by John Lothe (13h47m-14h20m) Parts 1-2 (14h20m-14h42m) Part 3 (14h42m-15h03m) Part 4 (15h03m-15h11m) Part 5 (15h11m-15h58m) Agorism Debate – Samuel Edward Konkin, III (SEK3), view source to find other speakers at the debate (15h58m-17h42m) Reading of “Agorist Primer” by Samuel Edward Konkin, III (SEK3) (17h42m-19h28m) David Friedman | A Consequentialist Theory of Anarcho-Capitalism (19h28m-20h22m) Tom Woods on Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock discussing how the Libertarian Party (Political Group founded in early 1970’s) has completely abandoned primary tenets of Libertarianism. Juxtapose the foundational elements mentioned earlier in this episode with the current takeover of leadership and that leadership leading Libertarians toward the traditional status quo, negating and neglecting the valuable lessons of von Mises and Rothbard. Part 2 of this conversation was published just moments after I was finishing this episode, with Libertarian Party chairman Nick Sarwark providing his side of the story. Would You Like to Know More?

    Peace Revolution episode 089: The Art of Freedom / Keep Calm & Start Thinking

    Peace Revolution episode 088: The U.N.-American Agenda / World Federalism & the United Nations Gambit

    Peace Revolution episode 087: Privacy & Surveillance / The Future of Freedom vs. The Architecture of Oppression

    Peace Revolution episode 083: America and the Great Game / A Strategy of Tension

    Peace Revolution episode 082: The British Elephant in the American Living Room / The Empire Always Listens and Never Forgets

    Peace Revolution episode 081: Self-Confidence vs. Social Engineering

    See Also:

    Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality

    Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality

    Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking

    Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome

    Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom

  • Peace Revolution episode 092: The National Security Coup / From Barry Seal to 9-11

    T&H Liberty Threads: Weave Your Conversations Around Freedom

    Available in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles


    (New Video Series) The Deep End: Dive Into Consciousness / Now available on Patreon


    To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):


    To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:


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    Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)

    Reference Map to episode 092: THE NATIONAL SECURITY COUP / From Barry Seal to 9-11

    (0min-1min) Reagan asks someone special to join him (1m-2m) Behind Iran Contra- man on the street (1m-2m) CIA deals Drugs – Secret Heartbeat of America (2m-3m) CIA are Drug Smugglers – DEA Director (3m-4m) Drug smuggling started in Vietnam – Peter Dale Scott from Behind Iran Contra (4m-5m) Drugs coming in at alarming rates – Reagan (5m-6m) Clinton, Mena, Barry Seal – Mena (6m-7m) “fall to communism” argument for Vietnam, et al (7m-9m) Inside the DEA Drug Sting that blew the lid off of CIA drug trafficking –Mike Levine

    10. (9m-10m) Accomplished with your help - Reagan

    11. (10m-11m) Behind Iran Contra - Coup

    12. (10m-11m) Nancy Reagan – Just Say No

    13. (11m-12m) Congressmen get Canned – Behind Iran Contra

    14. (11m-12m) Fired Covert Operators yield Bush/Reagan

    15. (12m-14m) Iran Contra October Surprise with Barbara Honegger

    16. (14m-15m) Bush Clinton Mena – Secret Heartbeat of America

    17. (15m-19m) Is the CIA involved in Drug Tafficking? – Ron Paul

    18. (19m-24m) CIA Guns and Iran Contra – Marshall Thomas

    19. (24m-25m) Fawn Hall and Why Iran

    20. (25m-26m) Reagan Lies – Behind Iran Contra

    21. (26m-28m) Barry Seal – In Search of American Drug Lords

    22. (28m-30m) Barry Seal setup by Govt – Dave Emory 1987

    23. (30m-31m) Clinton Questioned – Mena Connection

    24. (31m-33m) Time Magazine Cover up – Mena Connection

    25. (33m-34m) Arkansas parts for Contra Weapons – Mena Connection

    26. (34m-36m) Seal Photographic Memory – Dave Emory 1987

    27. (36m-37m) Drugs for Arms via DEA w/ John Kerry – Mena Connection

    28. (36m-37m)Pirates – Behind Iran Contra

    29. (37m-38m) TAI PAN OPIUM WARS and HONG KONG

    30. (38m-40m) SEAL OSWALD DRUGS ARMS – Emory 503b

    31. (40m-42m) CIA Opium Cold War – McCoy

    32. (42m-43m) Doing something about drugs – Reagan

    33. (43m-44m) Barry Flew Plane out of Dallas 11-22-63 – Dave Emory 503a

    34. (43m-44m) Barry Seal’s plane N-Numbers changed – similar to 9-11 Venice Airport – Mena

    35. (44m-45m) SEAL MENA

    36. (45m-46m) Crack Cocaine

    37. (46m-47m) Aircraft Modifications – Mena

    38. (47m-48m) Seal MLK airstrip building – Dave Emory 503b

    39. (47m-48m) Secret Airstrip training – Mena

    40. (48m-50m) Oliver North Barry Seal – Dave Emory 2005

    41. (50m-52m) continuity of Govt. Oliver North

    42. (52m-52m) SEAL WORKED FOR BUSH – WHISTLEBLOWER DEAD- Emory 2005 f503a

    43. (52m-53m) Nancy Reagan – No Moral Middle Ground

    44. (53m-55m)Immortal Technique Peruvian Cocaine / Scarface

    45. (55m-56m) Behind Iran Contra – Deny Covert Operation

    46. (56m-59m) Peter Brewton – Origins of Iran Contra in S&L

    47. (59m-1h) Abuse of Power Montage – Behind Iran Contra

    48. (1h-1h2m) man on the street thinks it will continue – Behind Iran Contra

    49. (1h2m-1h3m) July 2000 Opium Ban - McCoy

    50. (1h3m-1h4m) Atta in Venice – Welcome to Terrorland

    51. (1h4m-1h5m) SEAL BEN VENISTE – Dave Emory

    52. (1h5m-1h6m) terrorists returned cars – Welcome to Terrorland

    53. (1h6m-1h7m) Dekkers FBI Cargo Plane

    54. (1h7m-1h10m) Magic Dutch Boy Theory – Welcome to Terrorland

    55. (1h10m-1h12m) CIA agent Tosh Plumlee says National Security Coup de Tat has occurred

    56. (1h12m-1h16m) CIA Agent says War is Eugenics and Drug War is fake – Robert Steele

    57. (1h16m- 1h17m) The American People have the Right to Know – Dirty Secrets CIA Drugs

    58. (1h17m-1h51m) Richard’s Introductory Monologue

    www.Patreon.com/TragedyandHope www.Teespring.com/TragedyandHope M1 Garand vs M1903 bolt action springfield https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyv45tDy2rw 11:50s Hopsicker link: www.MadCowProd.com Dave Emory: www.SpitfireList.com

    59. (1h51m-3h) Iran Contra and the Deep State- Richard Grove with Tim Kelly on “Our Interesting Times”

    60. (3h-4h47m) The Mafia, the CIA, and George Bush – Peter Brewton

    61. (4h47m-5h39m) In Search of American Druglords – Daniel Hopsicker (JFK to Barry Seal)

    62. (5h39m-6h20m) Barry Seal’s Setup – Dave Emory 1987

    63. (6h20m-6h44m) The Dirty Secrets and History of the CIA, Drugs, Finance, and Contras by Robert Parry

    64. (6h44m-7h35m) The CIA and the Death of Barry Seal – Dave Emory 2005

    65. (7h35m-8h44m) Coverup: Behind the Iran Contra Affair

    66. (8h44m-11h2m) The Mena Connection - Exposing the CIA, Bush, Clinton, and Iran Contra Drug Running

    67. (11h2m-12h42m) Clinton Chronicles

    68. (12h42m-13h36m) James Corbett’s “Requiem for the Suicided: Vince Foster”

    69. (13h36m-14h33m) Compromised: Drugs, Clinton, Bush and the CIA -Terry Reed with Jeff Steinberg

    70. (14h33m-16h13m) Secret Heartbeat of America – Daniel Hopsicker 1997 (80’s Mena Druglord Connection)

    71. (16h13m-16h37m) How Crack funded the CIA – Gary Webb Interview on Iran Contra

    72. (16h37m-16h38m) Nancy Reagan – Crack Cocaine

    73. (16h38m-17h5m) Prof. Alfred McCoy on the Opium Trade in Afghanistan

    74. (17h5m-18h5m) Welcome to Terrorland: Mohammed Atta and the Venice Flying Circus – Daniel Hopsicker

    75. (18h5m-18h6m) Nancy Reagan

    76. (18h6m-18h11m)Peruvian Cocaine – Immortal Technique

    Would You Like to Know More?

    Peace Revolution episode 089: The Art of Freedom / Keep Calm & Start Thinking

    Peace Revolution episode 088: The U.N.-American Agenda / World Federalism & the United Nations Gambit

    Peace Revolution episode 087: Privacy & Surveillance / The Future of Freedom vs. The Architecture of Oppression

    Peace Revolution episode 083: America and the Great Game / A Strategy of Tension

    Peace Revolution episode 082: The British Elephant in the American Living Room / The Empire Always Listens and Never Forgets

    Peace Revolution episode 081: Self-Confidence vs. Social Engineering

    See Also:

    Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality

    Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality

    Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking

    Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome

    Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom

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  • Peace Revolution episode 091: Pax Americana / Manufacturing Terrorism from Operation Cyclone to ISIS

    T&H Liberty Threads: Weave Your Conversations Around Freedom

    Available in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles


    (New Video Series) The Deep End: Dive Into Consciousness / Now available on Patreon


    To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):


    To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:


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    Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)

    Reference Map to episode 091

    Tony Benn 1992 speech on the 1991 Iraq WarRT – U.S. is top exporter (with the UK) of world’s weaponsCharlie Rose with Assad – why America really hates himHillary admits the CIA funded Al QaedaNancy Reagan “just say no.” propaganda campaignSample_Afghan Heroin pays for military occupationSample_intro to BCCI scandalCIA operation cyclone in AfghanistanSample BCCI NBC NewsU.S. Marines guard Afghan Poppy Fields w/ Geraldo RiveraSample BCCI bank of England from the BCCI investigation (featured later)Operation Cyclone featuring Brzezinski by James Corbett (orig. from “Meet Zbigniew Brzezinski, Conspiracy Theorist)Sample 1 Charlie Rose, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, & Brent ScowcroftAfghanistan unravels as Obama bombs hospital / corruption at the topHillary vs GOP (all the same line of rhetoric) via Aaron and Melissa Dykes at TruthStreamMediaHillary “What difference does it make?”Hillary exposed via infowarsStudy shows Conspiracy theory losing insult power via the New World Next Week (Corbett/Pilato)FBI Agent John Anticev speaking with Emad Salem re: WTC 1993 bombingDavid Ray Griffin describing PNAC, courtesy of Joe Plummer’s research at TragedyandHope.infoSample_Saddam and Empire PNACReality Check / U.S. and Britain created Al Qaeda by Ben Swann(1h20m-1h40m) RG Introductory Monologuewww.Teespring.com/TragedyandHopewww.Patreon.com/TragedyandHopeJohn Murray Forbes in the History BlueprintBrent Scowcroft in the History BlueprintDope, Inc. in the History Blueprint(1h45-2h15m) Mark Lombardi described by Patricia Goldstone in her book “Interlocked”(2h15m-2h45m) Professor Paul Zarembka interview(2h45m-3h45m) Professor Paul Zarembka’s presentation on 9-11 incongruences (3h45m-4h55m) CIA 9-11 papertrail with Peter Dale Scott(4h55m-5h50m) Political Assassinations Revealed /Church Committee presentation(5h50m-6h35m) Greatest Mysteries of Soviet War documentary(6h35m-7h30m) CIA operative John Stockwell describes Operation Cyclone(7h30m-10h30m) BCCI bank fraud investigation led by John Forbes Kerry(10h30m-11h15m) Tower Committee irregularities by Dave Emory and Nip Tuck(11h15m-12h15m) 9-11 trillions by James Corbett(12h15m-13h40m) Firefighters AE 9-11(13h40m-15h) Rebekah Roth 9-11(15h-15h45m) Charlie Rose, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, & Brent Scowcroft(15h45m-17h30m) Brzezinski CSIS Q&A

    Would You Like to Know More?

    Peace Revolution episode 089: The Art of Freedom / Keep Calm & Start Thinking

    Peace Revolution episode 088: The U.N.-American Agenda / World Federalism & the United Nations Gambit

    Peace Revolution episode 087: Privacy & Surveillance / The Future of Freedom vs. The Architecture of Oppression

    Peace Revolution episode 083: America and the Great Game / A Strategy of Tension

    Peace Revolution episode 082: The British Elephant in the American Living Room / The Empire Always Listens and Never Forgets

    Peace Revolution episode 081: Self-Confidence vs. Social Engineering

    See Also:

    Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality

    Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality

    Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking

    Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome

    Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom

  • New T&H Shirts – I launched this design campaign on TeeSpring - it should avail me to print designs offering you the best service, quality, and options for sizing and choice of shirts :)

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    Peace Revolution episode 090: Habits of Freedom / Personal Protection & Defense

    To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:


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    Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)

    Reference Map & Links to Episode 090

    1. (0m-1m) Disclaimer

    2. (1m-2m) Bruce Lee 1971 Interview it hits all by itself

    3. (2m-2m30s) Joe Rogan Experience /Bullying with Bryan Callen

    4. (2m30s-3m) Bruce Lee 1971 Interview Keep on Flowing

    5. (3m-6m) Joe Rogan on childhood bullies

    6. (6m-7m) Bruce Lee 1971 Interview be like water

    7. (7m-21m) The Divine Right of Self Defense – Mike Adams Documentary

    8. (21m-25m) Joe Rogan speaks on untrained people vs martial artists inspirational

    9. (25m-27m) Bruce Lee 1971 Interview defining martial arts

    10. (27m-30m) Joe Rogan on Tae Kwon Do

    11. (30m-32m) Lee Morrison Interview

    12. (32m-41m) Intro to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (Philosophy) by Rener Gracie

    13. (41m-48m) The Opposite of Courage is conformity Rickson Gracie with Joe Rogan

    14. (48m-52m) Tips for your first street fight

    15. (52m-1h) Bas Rutten Rogan fake martial arts with Joe Rogan

    16. (1h-1h4m) Fightstoppers: Lee Morrison’s go-to technique

    17. (1h4m-1h10m) How to Defeat multiple opponents with Rener Gracie

    18. (1h10m-1h14m) Lee Morrison Interview

    19. (1h14m-1h19m) Kelly McCann Interview

    20. (1h19m-1h22m) Bas Rutten Rogan fake martial arts with Joe Rogan

    21. (1h22m-1h25m) James DeMile on his teacher, Bruce Lee’s Fighting Ability

    22. (1h25m-1h28m) Kelly McCann Interview

    23. (1h28m-1h34m) Joe Rogan on self-defense and fake martial arts techniques (w/ Rupert Sheldrake)

    24. (1h34m-1h38m) Counter-Grappling with Lee Morrison

    25. (1h38m-1h44m) De-Escalation and Boundary Setting Techniques

    26. (1h44m-1h48m) The Universal Misunderstanding with Ryon Gracie

    27. (1h48m-1h54m) Joe Rogan tells Tait Fletcher story to Bert Kreisher

    Clint Eastwood Gran Torino Quote

    28. (1h54m-1h58m)The Universal Misunderstanding with Ryon Gracie

    29. (1h58m-1h59m) About Combat with Kelly McCann


    Teespring “FREEDOM IS LEARNED” T-ShirtsFuture of Freedom documentary interview playlistCombatives playlist (Physical Self-Protection & Defense)

    31. (2h49m-4h45m) Ben Johnson Discussion on Self-Reliance and Personal Protection

    32. (4h45m-6h15m) Eddie Bravo on Joe Rogan Experience #478

    33. (6h15m-6h47m) Rickson Gracie Interview (30min)

    34. (6h47m-7h17m) Tait Fletcher on Joe Rogan Experience #361

    35. (7h17m-7h55m) How to Defeat multiple opponents with Rener Gracie (Gracie Breakdown)

    36. (7h55m-8h11m) The Universal Misunderstanding with Ryon Gracie (Gracie Philosophy)

    37. (8h11m-9h) Overcoming the Ego (Richard Grannon)

    38. (9h-9h42m) Street Fight Tutorial (Richard Grannon)

    39. (9h42m-10h36m) Kevin Secours Combat Systema interview on Pramek Radio Podcast

    40. (10h36m-11h33m) About Combat with Kelly McCann

    41. (11h33m-11h51m) Kelly McCann Interview

    42. (11h51m-12h24m) Lee Morrison Interview

    43. (12h24m-13h01m) Lee Morrison / Urban Combatives in Russia

    Would You Like to Know More?

    Peace Revolution episode 089: The Art of Freedom / Keep Calm & Start Thinking

    Peace Revolution episode 088: The U.N.-American Agenda / World Federalism & the United Nations Gambit

    Peace Revolution episode 087: Privacy & Surveillance / The Future of Freedom vs. The Architecture of Oppression

    Peace Revolution episode 083: America and the Great Game / A Strategy of Tension

    Peace Revolution episode 082: The British Elephant in the American Living Room / The Empire Always Listens and Never Forgets

    Peace Revolution episode 081: Self-Confidence vs. Social Engineering

    See Also:

    Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality

    Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality

    Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking

    Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome

    Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom

  • Peace Revolution episode 089: The Art of Freedom / Keep Calm & Start Thinking

    To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):


    To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:


    To Subscribe to Peace Revolution on iTunes:


    The Peace Revolution Page (all feeds, formats, and episodes):


    The Tragedy and Hope Official YouTube Page:


    Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)

    Reference Map to Episode 089

    Sample from Frederic Bastiat / The LawTwilight Zone / Obsolete ManMagna Carta / Sky NewsPrinceton Study: Corruption is legal in AmericaBastiat sample 2 plunder by lawRobert Reich on TPPRand Paul 1984Magna Carta / InfowarsRand Paul / Warrants for NSAWhite House restricts military gearNATO Jade Helm 15Stockholm Syndrome1984 sample explaining the purpose of warRand Paul v. Patriot ActCorbett 9/11 a conspiracy theoryOnion news 9-11 conspiracy theoriesCorbett ISIS furiousJade Helm decoded by InfowarsFreedom is an Emerging Market1h23m Monologue1h41m School Sucks Podcast #353: Our Places in the Emerging Market for Freedom with Richard Grove and Ernest Hanock4h8m Interview with Ernest Hancock5h22 Adam Kokesh Campfire Freedom Tour Speech, Tampa FL5h56 The Law by Frederic Bastiat7h50m Rand Paul Filibuster 201518h22m Conscientious Objectors by Tom Woods18h47m Sir no sir19h35m Five Bogus Reasons for Opposing Freedom by Larken Rose

    Would You Like to Know More?

    See also:

    Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome

    Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom

    Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality

    Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality

    Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking

  • Peace Revolution episode 088: The U.N.-American Agenda / World Federalism and the United Nations Gambit

    To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richards Brain Model Organizing History):


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    Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)

    Reference Map to Episode 088

    Introductory Montage

    1. Warren Buffett / AI will decide who lives and dies

    2. McLuhan / Medium is the Message

    3. Barney Miller / Tambor + theme song

    4. Rosa Koire / Brzezinski

    5. UN 1972

    6. Rockefeller U.N. founding

    7. Cronkite / Pay your UN dues

    8. Dacy UNIDIR

    9. 1972 pollution

    10. Rosa Koire / Agenda 21

    11. McLuhan 1 global village

    12. UN conf 3 population control

    13. David Rockefeller population control

    14. Koire / Population Control

    15. Dacy / U.N. wants to collect and destroy small arms

    16. Napolitano 1 individual rights

    17. Dacy / U.N. 29a

    18. Cronkite anarchy

    19. McLuhan 2 global village

    20. Dick Gregory / Rodney King

    21. Koire / Defining the NWO

    22. Lee Camp MOC

    23. Dick Gregory / Wire tapping

    24. Napolitano 1a

    25. Veon PPP 2

    26. McLuhan 3 / Collectivism

    27. Hillary PPP dept state aspen cocacola

    28. Koire / PPP = Fascism

    29. Veon / World Fed

    30. Cronkite world federalism

    31. Adam Curtis / Fuck You Buddy

    32. Koire / Delphi Technique

    33. Hillary Cronkite

    34. Rosa Koire / Why would anyone do that?

    35. On government land

    36. Veon PPP sample

    37. Koire / community vs individual

    38. Rachel Maddow / 9-11 comic book

    39. Hillary Al Qaeda

    40. Dick Gregory / Hillary + Mena

    41. “they are the ones you should be arresting” Barney Miller Trilateral Commission

    42. Rachel Maddow / Infowars Conspiracy Theory

    43. Koire / Sophisticated warfare

    44. Veon 2 U.N. great Britain

    45. Dacy / UN summary cockroaches

    46. Barney Miller Destroys David Rockefeller

    47. Barney Miller “world government” quote

    48. Napolitano 2 presidents

    49. Ben Swann Militarization of Police

    50. Adam Curtis / Bing Crosby Freedom

    51. Dacy 2 / 2nd amendment for freedom

    52. Veon central banks / UN

    53. Dacy / UN 1961 disarmament

    54. Koire / you are the resistance


    a. D Gregory / know who you are

    56. Richards Introductory Monologue

    57. Rosa Koire Agenda discussing 21, interviewed in Denmark by Age of Truth TV

    58. Caravan to midnight #260: John B. Wells interviews Patrick Wood on Technocracy

    59. Joan Veon: Is one world govt coming?

    60. Stanley Monteith with Michael Shaw/ Speaking of Agenda 21

    61. 1972 United Nations Environmental Commission video

    62. PBS American Experience: Rockefellers documentary (pts 1&2)

    63. Nelson Rockefeller / History Channel

    64. Walter Cronkite accepts World Federalist Global Governance Award (in its entirety so you have full context)

    65. Marshall McLuhan The medium is message lecture

    66. Bob Dacy documents the timeline of UN disarmament agenda for America

    67. Hidden influence documentary by Richard Heathen

    68. Dick Gregory 911: The America Too Few Know About

    69. The Trap- F*ck you buddy (A*am C*rtis)

    Would You Like to Know More?

    See also:

    Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome

    Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom

    Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality

    Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality

    Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking

  • Peace Revolution episode 087: Privacy & Surveillance / The Future of Freedom vs. The Architecture of Oppression

    To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):


    To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:


    To Subscribe to Peace Revolution on iTunes:


    The Peace Revolution Page (all feeds, formats, and episodes):


    The Tragedy and Hope Official Youtube Page:


    Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)

    Reference Map to Episode 087

    (0m-1h23m) Richard’s Introductory Montage:

    Sample: Privacy’s Dead. What Happens Next? By Tom ScottSample 1 from the Munk Debate on State Surveillance: Greenwald/Ohanian vs Hayden/DershowitzBrzezinski’s thoughts on Mass surveillance by Patrick WoodSample 2 from the Munk Debate / Glenn GreenwaldBitter Lake by Adam Curtis / FDR Saudi relationship / oil for WahabisSample 3 from the Munk Debate / Gen. Michael HaydenMI6 agent St. John Philby handling Arab Nazis Mujahedeen, Philby’s son sells terrorist network to Allen Dulles & CIA / John Loftus w. Dave EmoryCIA Torture Memo 2015Dan Carlin / WWI British Tapped American Messages on the Atlantic Cable / Hardcore History 54- Blueprint for Armageddon VSchool Sucks Podcast #337 / discussion on Saudis, Afghanistan, and Adam Curtis’ films including “Bitter Lake”Bitter Lake / Opium Production Optimized by Dams, U.S. and U.K. prosperObama with British Prime Minister David Cameron on the “Special Relationship”, cyber-security, and the War on Terror (ISIS)A Yank at Eton / Mickey RooneySample 2 Obama Prime MinChomsky on Surveillance stateChomsky on Civil LibertiesZbig Brzezinski / Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist (Documentary by James Corbett)Hayden “Whodunnit?”… let’s look at the first 2 reels…Sample 2 School Sucks Podcast #337Brzezinski’s thoughts on Mass surveillance by Patrick WoodZbigniew Brzezinski quoteHillary Clinton / The U.S. and British Governments created Al Qaeda (lies and says it was Soviet Invasion as the “Why” we did it)Corbett / Al Qaeda doesn’t existSample 4 from the Munk Debate / GreenwaldBBC: Al Qaeda doesn’t Exist – The Power of Nightmares by Adam CurtisSample 5 from the Munk Debate / Alexis Ohanian

    (1h23m-1h50m) Richard’s Introductory Monologue

    (1h50m-9h30m) Bill Binney Interview + Round Table Commentary Discussion & Notes

    (9h30m-11h) Fourth Amendment Debate / Munk Debate on Privacy and Surveillance

    (11h-12h) Patrick Wood / Technocracy and the Trilateral Commission

    (12h-14h24m) America’s Surveillance State


    (Video) The Future of Freedom: A Feature Interview with NSA Whistleblower William Binney:PDF of notes and references for episode 087 on ScribdLink for these notes in pdf/embeddable format on ScribdEdward Snowden Disclosures on U.S. and British Intelligence Community spying on citizens without probable causeProject BULL RUN (NSA/ GCHQ decryption program)Positive & Negative RightsWhy Google made the NSA by Nafeez AhmedHow the CIA made Google by Nafeez AhmedSons of Liberty (History Channel Mini-Series)Between Two Ages: America and the Technetronic Era by Zbigniew BrzezinskiProf. A In his book Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era (New York: Viking Press;1970), Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote: “For impressive evidence of Western participation in the early phase of Soviet economic growth, see Antony C. Sutton's Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1917–1930, which argues that 'Soviet economic development for 1917–1930 was essentially dependent on Western technological aid' (p.283), and that 'at least 95 per cent of the industrial structure received this assistance.' “(p. 348).John Taylor Gatto on Brzezinski: "Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote his famous signature book Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era in 1970, a piece reeking with Fabianisms: dislike of direct popular power, relentless advocacy of the right and duty of evolutionarily advanced nations to administer less-developed parts of the world, revulsion at populist demands for "selfish self-government" (homeschooling would be a prime example), and stress on collectivism. Brzezinski said in the book:14 It will soon be possible to assert almost continuous control over every citizen and to maintain up-to-date files containing even the most personal details about health and personal behavior of every citizen, in addition to the more customary data. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. Power will gravitate into the hands of those who control information."Professor Antony C. SuttonWall Street and HitlerWall Street and Bolshevik RevolutionWall Street and FDRProject SHAMROCKParis 1919 Peace ConferenceDepartment of Justice and Operations PAPERCLIP, DUSTBIN, ASHCAN (Nazis brought to America by U.S. and British Intelligence, Kissinger)Anglo-American EstablishmentOperation GLADIOGLADIO B (Operation involving Muslim Extremists)Arab Nazis (CIA Operatives in Operation GLADIO)JR Seeley (Quotation)Mentor / Hero of Cecil RhodesOriginal Executor of Rhodes’ first Will, but died before RhodesStasi, Gestapo, NKVD, KGB, etc.Panopticon1917 Espionage Act / WWICol. Edward Mandell HouseC. D. Jackson (Psychological Warfare WWII / GLADIO / Bilderberg Co-Founder / JFK)Henry LuceLife Magazine EmpireUtilitarianismPrussian Education SystemThe Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto (2011 Interview)Peace Revolution episodes 041-045 The Ultimate History Lesson w/ CommentaryGCHQ Dirty Tricks, HoneypotsGCHQ (Government Communications HeadQuarters, U.K.)Special Relationship between America and Great Britain5-EYES Joint Surveillance Programs in English Speaking NationsChurch CommitteeProject THINTHREAD (Surveillance Program)General Michael Hayden, ex-Director of NSA, CIA, and DNIProject TRAILBLAZERMKULTRA / MKSEARCH9-11 CommissionRhodes Scholar Ashton Carter, current Secretary of DefenseCatastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger by Ashton Carter, John Deutch and Phillip Zelikow 1998 (CFR)Civil War IntelligenceRevolutionary War IntelligenceJohn Cecil Masterman (MI6 Director during WWII)Norman Holmes Pearson (worked under Masterman on XX Committee, recruited James Jesus Angleton)BSC British Security Coordination, Rockefeller CenterDouble-Cross System (XX, Twenty-Committee)X-2 U.S. Counter-Intelligence (American XX/ Double-Cross Chapter of British Intelligence under the Special Relationship)Agent Tricycle and the “Questionnaire”Project MINARETThe BORG (Star Trek metaphor)Tax Free FoundationsNorman Dodd (whistleblower)Cecil John RhodesLast Will and Testament of Cecil John RhodesInternationalism“The Pan-Angles: A Consideration of the Federation of the Seven English-Speaking Nations” by Sinclair Kennedy (1916)Pilgrims Society (Anglo-American Alliance, 1902 upon death of Cecil Rhodes)Fabian SocialismFive-Eyes Supra-National Intelligence CommunityRoyal Institute of International AffairsCouncil on Foreign RelationsRhodes Round Table GroupThe Battle of New OrleansWar of 1812Conspicuous ConsumptionTrilateral CommissionDavid Rockefeller & Zbigniew Brzezinski co-FoundersBilderberg GroupC.D. Jackson co-Founder of BilderbergMark Klein (whistleblower)James Bamford“The Shadow Factory” by James BamfordTechnocracyCyberneticsTrans-Atlantic CablePorter GossJohn NegroponteWilliam “Bucky” BushSTELLAR WIND (surveillance program)War Games on 9-11Operation APHRODITEJoseph Kennedy Jr.October 24, 2000, a mass casualty (MASCAL) emergency drill was conducted to test the Pentagon’s response to an airliner crashing into its headquartersPentagon NRO Air Piracy Drill and Jamie Gorelick testimonyOperation NORTHWOODSPNAC “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”Saudi Arabian American Oil Company / Saudi ARAMCO“The Third British Empire” by Alfred Zimmern, Rhodes Round Table Group (1926 lectures at Columbia University)Alfred Zimmern, Rhodes Round Table GroupRhodes Round Table Group Source for Carroll Quigley“Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time” by Carroll Quigley“The Anglo-American Establishment” by Carroll Quigley“The Inquiry” à CFR & RIIASt. John Philby (MI6 agent who handled Saudi Empire, created Arab Nazis, sold them to Allen Dulles)Standard Oil / Saudi ArabiaBBC Hijackers still aliveU.K. Guardian: 9-11 Hijackers still aliveStewart Air Force Base1993 WTC BombingEmad Salem“The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terror” by Trevor AaronsonMI6 / British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS)Allen DullesIan FlemingOSS (Office of Strategic Services) predecessor to CIAOSS, CIA, and Ian Fleming: For Special ServicesBurden of ProofJune 30, 2001 Aircraft Piracy / Cheney RumsfeldFOOTNOTE 103, 9-11 Commission Report“103. FAA regulations, Special Military Operations, Requests for Service, Order 7610.4J, paras. 7-1-1, 7-1-2 (2001); DOD memo, CJCS instruction, "Aircraft Piracy (Hijacking) and Destruction of Derelict Airborne Objects," June 1, 2001.”LIHOPMIHOPSkull and Bones & the Rhodes ScholarshipsDavid Boren and George Tenant BreakfastMohammad Atta and Drug Connection to Wally Hilliard and Jeb Bush “Free Trade” as defined by British EmpireBritish East India CompanyCIA and Opium SmugglingSkull and Bones and Opium Smuggling1st, 2nd, and 3rd Afghan Wars (Great Britain)Poppy as Veterans Day logo (Great Britain)Mena Arkansas / CIA Drug TraffickingIran Contra / Drugs for ArmsAir America / CIA Opium Smuggling“Bitter Lake” documentary by Adam CurtisWestern expansion in Afghanistan post WWII increase in Poppy/Opium Yield (@20m)Afghanistan Poppy / Opium cropsRunning the GauntletOrigins of the Security and Exchange CommissionOrigins of the FBITerra-FormingLord PercyHotel Majestic Conference 1919Parallel Construction (Snowden Disclosures)Operation MIDNIGHT CLIMAX (MKULTRA)Total Information Awareness (DARPA)Admiral John Poindexter (Iran Contra /DARPA)Mass SurveillanceTsarnaev Uncle Ruslan / CIASibel Edmonds / GLADIO B(Video) History… Cecil Rhodes & the Anglo American Establishment w/ Brett Veinotte and Kevin ColeSchool Sucks Project #236 (Live): Historical Research Methods, Historiography, and Historicity with Brett Veinotte and Kevin ColeThe Round Table Group / Cecil RhodesInvestigation into Tax Exempt FoundationsNorman DoddReece CommitteeSocial EngineeringEnkyklios Paideia (Learning within prescribed circle of reference)Imperial FederationMatthew Arnold & Prussian Education in EnglandGreat Books of the Western World (Organic Unity Project)(Video) History… Connected: The Trivium Method vs. the Classical (Medieval) Trivium, a briefing by Kevin ColeIsocrates “The Life and Times of Stein” by J.R. SeeleyGerman NationalismJohann Pestalozzi (crossroads of school system, Prussian education, and Bavarian Illuminati)Bavarian IlluminatiAeropagitesTrivium (Classical/Medieval)Studium Generale / Medieval University system)Neologisms (new words)International RelationsHolistic EcologyJan Smuts & Holistic EcologyArtificial ScarcityAutomatonsOrganic UnitySamuel ColeridgeThe Rime of the Ancient MarinerDorothy SayersGreat Chain of BeingThe Lost Tools of Learning by Dorothy SayersScott Buchanan (Rhodes Scholar)The Moot (1938-1947) / Rhodes Round Table Sub-GroupAlfred ZimmernThe World Council of ChurchesLionel Curtis (Rhodes Round Table Group)King George III of Great BritainSaxe-Coburg Gotha Family Empire of GermanyQueen VictoriaKaiser WilhelmCzar Nicholas II of RussiaPeace Revolution episode 083: America and the Great Game: A Strategy of TensionBertrand Russell“The Principles of Social Reconstruction” by Bertrand Russell (1916)“The Impact of Science on Society” by Bertrand Russell (1952)Admiral John M. PoindexterGeneral Michael HaydenGeorge H.W. Bush (aka Poppy Bush)Double-Tap (tactic of random slaughter)James Clapper testimony (March 12, 2013)JTRIG (Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group)Confessions of a Congressman (Vox)The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor GattoFabius MaximusWar of AtritionFabian SocialismInternationalismIntra-Specific KleptoparasitismElectoral CollegeThe AuctorsThe Mythology of Democracy by Carroll QuigleyMarshall McLuhanPeace Revolution episode 084: Builders of EmpireI.A. Richards (Trivium to create general education without historical meaning)Stringfellow Barr (Rhodes Scholar)Scott Buchanan (Rhodes Scholar)New Criticism (Separation of History and Literature)John Crowe Ransom (Rhodes Scholar)Pythagorean Mystery SchoolHeinz von Foerster (Cyberneticist)Squaring the CircleKarl Rove quote on Empire / "Faith, Certainty, and the Presidency of George W. Bush" New York Times Oct 17, 2004 by Ron Suskind / "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality- judiciously, as you will - we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors... and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do." - Karl RoveTV = Digital Enkyklios PaideiaWeisbecker article on John O’NeillJerome HauerBernard KerikRudyard Kipling“The White Man’s Burden” (poem) by Rudyard KiplingKipling and Cecil RhodesKipling and FreemasonryKipling and re-integrating America into British EmpireRights of Man by Thomas PaineCommon Sense by Thomas PainePeace Revolution 086: Common Sense for the 21st Century

    Would You Like to Know More?

    See also:

    Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome

    Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom

    Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality

    Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality

    Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking

  • Peace Revolution episode 086: Common Sense for the 21st Century

    To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):


    To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:


    To Subscribe to Peace Revolution on iTunes:


    The Peace Revolution Page (all feeds, formats, and episodes):


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    Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)

    Reference Map to Episode 086

    (1m-8m) Former SAS soldier Ben Griffin at Oxford Union

    (8m-11m) Sample From: Thomas Paine - Christopher Hitchens Lecture (Full)

    (11m-14m) Sample from (Wikipedia) Professor Andrew Galambos

    (14m-17m) Thomas Paine: The Most Valuable Englishman Ever

    (17m-29m) Samples from Andrew Galambos

    (29m-40m) Attorney General Eric Holder and the Divine Right of Criminals

    (40m-1h20m) Samples from Andrwew Galambos

    (1h20m-1h31m) Statism: The Most Dangerous Religion (feat. Larken Rose)

    (1h31m-1h37m) Samples from Andrew Galambos

    (1h37m-1h50m) Richard’s introductory monologue

    (1h50m-2h55m) Lecture 1

    (2h55m-4h52m) Lecture 2

    (4h52m-8h) Lecture 3

    (8h-9h27m) Thomas Paine: The Most Valuable Englishman Ever

    (9h27m-11h40m) Common Sense Audiobook by Thomas Paine (February 4, 1776)

    (11h40m- 12h40m) Thomas Paine - Christopher Hitchens Lecture (Full)

    (12h40m-15h45m) FREEDOM by Adam Kokesh

    (15h45m-15h48m) God Save Great Thomas Paine (to the tune of My Country Tis of Thee)

    Would You Like to Know More?

    See also:

    Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome

    Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom

    Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality

    Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality

    Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking

  • Peace Revolution episode 085: The Future of Freedom & the History of Western Civilization

    To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):


    To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:


    To Subscribe to Peace Revolution on iTunes:


    The Peace Revolution Page (all feeds, formats, and episodes):


    The Tragedy and Hope Official Youtube Page:


    Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)

    Reference Map to Episode 085

    (0-37m) Introductory montage created from links below, featuring Carroll Quigley, Jacob Appelbaum, and others.

    (6m-7m ) NSA Whistleblower William Binney “We are becoming the East German (Stasi) Police”

    (37m-48m) Richard’s introductory monologue

    (48m-1h52m) Laura Poitras: Surveillance Teach-In

    (1h52-3h10m) NSA officer Thomas Drake questions 9/11 official account

    (3h10m-5h55m) PBS The United States of Secrets on Youtube

    (5h55m-7h9m) The Johns Hopkins Foreign Affairs Symposium Presents: The Price of Privacy: Re-Evaluating the NSA


    (8h9m-9h30m) Julian Assange Interviews Cypherpunk Activists (Uncut) 1 of 2 on 'The World Tomorrow'

    (9h30m-11h28m) Julian Assange Interviews Cypherpunk Activists (Uncut) 2 of 2 on 'The World Tomorrow'

    (11h28-15h48) Professor Carroll Quigley’s lecture series on Western Civilization via YouTube

    Would You Like to Know More?

    See also:

    Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome

    Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom

    Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality

    Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality

    Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking

  • Peace Revolution episode 084: Builders of Empire / How Fraternal Orders Create World Order

    To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richards Brain Model Organizing History):


    To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:


    To Subscribe to Peace Revolution on iTunes:


    The Peace Revolution Page (all feeds, formats, and episodes):


    The Tragedy and Hope Official Youtube Page:


    Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)

    Reference Map to Episode 084

    (0m-2m) Enter the secret world of the Freemasons courtesy of CBS Morning News

    (2m-5m) Sample 1 Cecil John Rhodes's conquest, David Livingston's mission and the British Empire -- Jeremy Paxman

    (6m-9m) World's Richest People Meet, Muse On How To Spread The Wealth via NPR

    (9m-10m) Bill Clinton using the word Inclusive, over and over on MSNBC sent by Kevin Cole

    (10m-11m) Henry Kissinger discussing his idea of a New World Order

    (11m-13m) Sample 2 Cecil John Rhodes's conquest, David Livingston's mission and the British Empire -- Jeremy Paxman

    (13m-17m) British Spies Controlling Past Present and Future

    (17m-22m) Sample 1 Mae Brussell P2 Masonic Lodge Scandal

    (22m-35m) Sample George Washington Hunt discussing Agenda 21 and the 1992 Earth Summit

    (35m-43m) Richards introductory monologue

    (43m-2h33m) Builders of Empire by Jessica Harland-Jacobs, a discussion featuring Kevin Cole with Richard Grove

    (2h33m-3h9m) George Washington Hunt discussing Agenda 21 and the 1992 Earth Summit

    (3h9m-4h54m) The Truth About Immigration by Stefan Molyneux

    (4h54m-5h19m) Globalist Plans for Immigration: Dr. Darrel Hammamoto on the Alex Jones Show July 24, 2014

    (5h19m-6h8m) Who are the Neoconservatives?

    (6h8m-8h4m) Samples from the Mayfair set

    (8h4m-8h42m) Christopher Hitchens and Richard Critchfield on CSPAN

    (8h42m-10h38m) Mae Brussell P2 Masonic Lodge Scandal

    Would You Like to Know More?

    See also: (Audio)

    Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome

    Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom

    Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality

    Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality

    Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking

  • Peace Revolution episode 083: America and the Great Game / A Strategy of Tension

    To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):


    To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:


    The Peace Revolution Page (all feeds, formats, and episodes):


    The Tragedy and Hope Official Youtube Page:


    Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)

    Reference Map to Episode 083

    (0m-5m) “Holism” Jan smuts / Adam Curtis, Ecology / Agenda 21 and Climate Change

    (5m-7m) “The Unknown Known” Errol Morris

    (7m-9m) “America’s Great Game” by Hugh Wilford re: Kipling “The Great Game”

    (9m-14m) “The Hidden History of the Cold War” by Dave Emory

    (14m-19m) “America’s Nazi Secret” with John Loftus and Dave Emory

    (19m-21m) “The Hidden History of the Cold War” by Dave Emory

    (21m-26m) “America’s Nazi Secret” with John Loftus and Dave Emory

    (26m-40m) “The Hidden History of the Cold War” by Dave Emory

    (40m-49m) “Operation Gladio” with James Corbett and Abby Martin

    (49m-53m) “NATO’s Secret Armies” with Prof. Daniele Ganser

    (53m-1h) “The Hidden History of the Cold War” by Dave Emory

    (1h-1h6m) “The Hidden History of the Cold War” by Dave Emory

    (1h6m-1h22m) “NATO’s Secret Armies” with Prof. Daniele Ganser

    (1h22m-1h25m) Mark Lombardi documentary trailer

    (1h24m-1h28m) 9-11: Why We Need Answers by Prof. Danele Ganser

    (1h28m-1h32m) Former DARPA director now at Google / wearable & edible authentication

    (1h32m-1h35m) Why Should I work for the NSA? From Good Will Hunting

    (1h35-2h42m) Richard’s Introductory Monologue

    Books Mentioned:

    The Power Elite by C. Wright Mills (Oxford, 1956)

    Blood, Class, & Nostalgia: Anglo-American Ironies by Christopher Hitchens (1990)

    The Third British Empire by Alfred Zimmern (1925)

    The Pan-Angles by Sinclair Kennedy (1915)

    David Rockefeller: Memoirs by David Rockefeller (2002)

    Agency of Fear: Opiates and Political Power by Edward Jay Epstein (1977)

    The Strategy of Tension in the Cold War by Prof. Daniele Ganser (2014)

    (2h42m-3h07m) “America’s Great Game” by Hugh Wilford Kipling “The Great Game”

    (3h07m-4h05m) “America’s Nazi Secret” with John Loftus and Dave Emory

    (4h05m-4h30m) Philby Master Spy

    (4h30m-5h17m) “NATO’s Secret Armies” with Prof. Daniele Ganser

    (5h17m-9h) PART 1 “The Hidden History of the Cold War” by Dave Emory

    (9h-12h44m) PART 2 “The Hidden History of the Cold War” by Dave Emory

    (12h44m-13h41m) “All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace” part 2

    (13h41m-14h23m) “The Unknown Known” / Errol Morris interview with Reason Magazine

    Would You Like to Know More?

    See also: (Audio)

    Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome

    Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom

    Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality

    Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality

    Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking

  • Peace Revolution episode 082: The British Elephant in the American Living Room / The Empire Always Listens, and Never Forgets

    To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):


    To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:


    The Peace Revolution Page (all feeds, formats, and episodes):


    Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)

    Reference Map to Episode 082

    (0m-1m) Secret Recordings of Donald Rumsfeld suggesting another False Flag attack

    (1m-3m) 9-11 Plot Revealed in 1996 sample from “Long Kiss Goodnight” film; see also: Emad Salem & Dan Rather’s 1993 WTC bombing report involving the FBI’s role in the bombing.

    (3m-3:30m) My Country Tis of Thee meets God Save the Queen (same tune, different words)

    (3:30m-6:30m) East India Company Timeline / History of Britain: Private Armies and Opium Profits

    (6:30m-8m) How East India Company works from the film “The Rising” (1857 Indian Uprising against the British Empire / EIC “free market”)

    (8m-9:30m) Opium Fields guarded by U.S. Troops in Afghanistan / Geraldo Rivera

    (9:30m-12m) Empire: Opium Trade / Empire Episode 4 BBC (EIC Opium Wars in China)

    (12m-15m) Empire: Making a Fortune (Jardine Matheson’s industrial quantities of opium trafficking, huge influx of wealth into the British Empire, Chinese Emperor dumps 1,000 tons of EIC opium into the sea, free trade & opium wars)

    (15m-22m) Thom Hartmann / The True Story of the Boston Tea Party (“Beware of the East India Company”, 1773 “Tea Act” giving EIC tax break/refund, Americans dumped tons of EIC opium into the sea. Same gangster tactics of dropping prices and flooding the market of monopoly creation, as used in the monopoly of the opium market, similar to the CIA / “Freeway Rick” Ross network in the 80’s-90’s.)

    (22m-26m) 1932 A True History of the United States (LaRouche): Aaron Burr, Lord Shelburne, and Lord Palmerston fuel EIC’s British Conquest to Re-Conquer America (ongoing), Adam Smith’s ideas on funding tyranny via black markets and monopoly… see also: GCHQ

    (26m-27m) Aghan Opium Record & GCHQ / New World Next Week with James Corbett and James Evan Pilato

    (27m-30m) A True History of the CIA and Cocaine by James Corbett with Kris Millegan

    (30m-33m) Peruvian Cocaine by Immortal Technique

    (33m-34m) Empire: Making a Fortune / Hong Kong and the East India Company, HSBC opium and EIC slave trading

    (34m-39m) Lyndon LaRouche Theatre from Saturday Night Live April 19, 1986 see also this link.

    (39m-40m) God Save the Queen by the Sex Pistols

    (40m-41m) The Real Story: James Bond (Smithsonian Channel) / The “ultimate male fantasy”, is in actuality a psychological warfare media operation to change the attitudes, beliefs, values, and activities of Americans, introducing the British mentality of “torture porn” and subversion of trust on all levels. See also: Ian Fleming and British Security Coordination

    (41m-45m) The Palmerston Zoo (sample) on Jeremy Bentham, of the East India Company; the Panopticon is GCHQ/NSA surveillance network. “Radical Writers Shop” is a psychological warfare operation, similar to the “Baker Street Irregulars” (James Bond series), and similar to the H.G. Wells and Aldous Huxley’s roles in political warfare through popular dystopian futuristic media.

    (45m-50m) Jennet Conant: The Irregulars (Roald Dahl, Ian Fleming) The granddaughter of James Bryant Conant describes the British infiltration of American Intelligence to propagandize America to support the “Allies” in WWII. See also: British Security Coordination and the history of the James Bond Film Franchise (staffed by ex-BSC Irregulars)

    (50m-1h) Lord Justice Fulford Pedophile Group in Britain attempts to lower age of consent to 4 years old. New World Next Week with James Corbett and James Evan Pilato / Vatican Corruption and drug smuggling, and how the Sinaloa Cartel uses HSBC (Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation), NYSE’s Grasso meets with druglords

    (1h-1h03m) NSA spying and Gun Control/People Control/Slavery from Infowars Nightly News (03-27-2014)

    (1h03m-1h04m) Dan Bidondi questions R.I. congressman on the 2nd Amendment and gets “Go Fuck Yourself” in response (twice)

    (1h04m-1h05m) Wire Transfer NSA paid 150 million to GCHQ

    (1h05-1h25m) Senator Rand Paul speaks at Berkeley Forum: GCHQ and NSA spying / Who’s in Control of Your Rights?

    (1h25m-1h50m) Richard’s Introductory Monologue (notes below)

    To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model):


    (1h-50m-3h37m) “Sherpa Pow-Wow” / Review of the Introductory Montage Clips in Context of our ongoing History, featuring Paul Verge and Lisa Arbercheski

    (Video) Errol Morris discusses The Unknown Known

    (Book) “A Man Called Intrepid: The Secret War” by William Stevenson (1976) President Roosevelt 1941 speech “secret map” reference p. 297; Donovan sent to Britain by Rockefeller Foundation reference p. xxi, 5; British Security Coordination & creation of the OSS (FDR, Donovan, Stephenson, Fleming) p. 160 – 164; BSC offices at Rockefeller Center p. xxiv, 101 – 104

    A Man Called Intrepid: The Secret War (CFR’s Foreign Affairs Review)

    (Book) “The Corporation That Changed The World: How the East India Company Shaped the Modern Multinational” by Nick Robins (2006); Reference for: Opium Trade Monopoly p. 119 -120, 155; Opium Wars p. 157- 158, 161- 162, 174; Jardine Matheson p. 141 – 144; Free Trade p. 142; Slave Trade p. 23, 47, 56, 174

    Gold Fixing (Wiki)

    (Book) “The Anglo-American Establishment” by Carroll Quigley (1981)

    (Book) “Fleshing Out Skull & Bones: Investigations into America's Most Powerful Secret Society” by Antony Sutton, Kris Millegan, Howard Altman, Dr. Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin & Webster Tarpley (2003)

    Lyndon LaRouche

    (Book) “Dope, Inc.: The Book That Drove Kissinger Crazy” by Executive Intelligence Review (1992)

    (Book) “America’s Nazi Secret” by John Loftus (2010): Kissinger professional spy for Dulles p. 11; Third Reich funded by Wall Street & “the City”, London’s financial district p. 12; Hitler funded by Robber Barons of Wall Street p. 13, 17, 198, 228; Wall Street, the CIA, the Muslim Brotherhood & Osama Bin Laden p. 14 - 17)

    (Book) “Ian Fleming” by Andrew Lycett (1995 Biography): reference for British Security Coordination (BSC) p. 127 – 128, 143, 194; Special Operations Executive (SOE) p. 102, 118, 132, 138; Camp X p. 149; relationship with Wild Bill Donovan p. 120, 124 – 126; BSC & FDR p. 120

    Ian Fleming: A Biography (Washington Times Book Review)

    James Bond in Film (Wiki)

    The Gulag reference: Peace Revolution Episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality

    (Book) “History of the Secret Service” by La Fayette Charles Baker (1867)

    (Video) Norman Dodd The Hidden Agenda for World Government

    (Book) “Tuxedo Park: A Wall Street Tycoon and the Secret Palace of Science That Changed the Course of World War II” by Jennet Conant (2002)

    James Bryant Conant (Wiki)

    (Book) “The Irregulars: Roald Dahl and the British Spy Ring in Wartime Washington” by Jennet Conant (2008)

    (Book) “Ian Fleming” by Andrew Lycett (1995 Biography); Robert Fleming & Company p. 452; GCHQ p. 121

    (Article) New Snowden Doc Reveals How GCHQ/NSA Use The Internet To 'Manipulate, Deceive And Destroy Reputations' (reference for Batman, GCHQ, NSA slides)

    SpyGate archive by Jon Rappoport

    Smart Grid (Wiki)

    Panopticon (Wiki)

    Webster Tarpley’s “The Venetian Conspiracy” (interview)

    (3h37m-4h14m) Empire: Making a Fortune (BBC) featuring the East India Company and the “Free Trade” of the Opium Market

    (4h14m-4h48m) The Irregulars: British Spies in America pre-WWII, a discussion of Jennet Conant’s book on Roald Dahl, Ian Fleming, and David Ogilvy.

    (4h48m-7h48m) Lord Palmerston’s Zoo lecture by Webster Tarpley & Co. / LaRouche

    (7h48m-10m25m) The British Empire Wants YOU… To be stupid. / LaRouche EIR

    (10h25m-11h15m) The History of the CIA and Cocaine by James Corbett

    (11h15m-13h) Shadows of Power lecture on CFR by James Perloff

    (13h-14h) Britain’s Invisible Empire: The Empire today by Jeff Steinberg / LaRouche EIR

    Would You Like to Know More?

    See also: (Audio)

    Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome

    Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom

    Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality

    Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality

    Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking

  • Peace Revolution episode 081: Self-Confidence vs. Social Engineering

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    Reference Map to Episode 081

    (01m-04m) Why Diamond Engagement Rings Are A Scam

    (04m-6m30s) Bloomberg: Inside DeBeers (Netflix & Bloomberg TV)

    (6m30s-7m) Conflict Diamonds by Lupe Fiasco

    (7m-9m) Alan Watt & William Cooper on Media & Entertainment

    (9m-11m) FLEMING: The Man Who Would Be Bond

    (11m-29m) Continuation of Mixed Clips from above in the Introductory Montage

    (29m-34m) Sample from 1976 lecture by Dr. Antony C. Sutton

    (34m-40m) Man Who Fled Communism Warns Oregon Lawmakers

    (40m-1h09m) Richard’s Introductory Monologue

    2007-2036 DCDC Global Strategic Trends Programme




    (1h09m-1h31m) “Love Your Work” talk by Simon Sinek

    (1h31m-2h30m) Alan Watt lecture “1938 RIIA Global Meeting” referring to the Rhodesian “Royal Institute for International Affairs” created by the Rhodes Roundtable Group

    (2h30m-3h10m) Dr. Antony C. Sutton’s 1976 lecture on Anglo-American Financing of the Cold War

    (3h10m-4h20m) The Pathological Methodology of Forced Schooling by John Taylor Gatto

    (4h20m-5h40m) “I Beg to Differ on Darwinian Evolution” by Manly Palmer Hall

    Would You Like to Know More?

    See also: (Audio)

    Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome

    Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom

    Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality

    Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality

    Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking

  • Peace Revolution episode 080: JFK 50 Years Later / QUI BONO?

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    Reference Map to Episode 080

    (0m-1m) Judge Jim Garrison on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson

    (1m-4m) President Lyndon B. Johnson casting doubt on the veracity of the Warren Commission Report, speaking with World Federalist Walter Cronkite, who worked for Prescott Bush’s people at CBS.

    (4m-5m) Walter Cronkite describing the wound to the FRONT President Kennedy’s neck, declared as an entrance wound which exited his back; sampled from Evidence of Revision: JFK Assassination Rarities

    (5m-7m) Robert F. Kennedy and RFK Jr. Disagree with Warren Commission

    (7m-10m) The Latest News: RFK Jr. Skeptical of “Lone Gunman”

    (10m-14m) Meet Lee Harvey Oswald, Sheep-Dipped Patsy by James Corbett, Episode 287

    (14m-20m) sample clip from Judge Jim Garrison vs. Johnny Carson, January 31, 1968

    (20m-22m) sample clip from JFK Assassination Debate with Mark Lane vs. Warren Commission Supporters/Participants, December 4, 1964

    (22m-29m) sample clip from Forgotten Evidence: JFK Conspiracy, linking Nixon, Hoover, LBJ, and Mac Wallace to a meeting the night before the Assassination in Dallas

    (29m-33m) sample clip from JFK Assassination Debate with Mark Lane vs. Warren Commission Supporters/Participants, December 4, 1964

    (24m-28m) sample clip from Forgotten Evidence: JFK Conspiracy

    (33m-37m) sample clip from JFK Assassination Debate with Mark Lane vs. Warren Commission Supporters/Participants, December 4, 1964

    (37m-42m) sample clip from Forgotten Evidence: JFK Conspiracy

    (42m-43m) Judge Jim Garrison closing speech from Forgotten Evidence

    (43m-1h45m) Richard’s Introductory Monologue

    Self-Reliance playlist 1:


    Self-Reliance playlist 2 (Advanced Autonomy):


    The Origins of the word “Redneck”: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redneck

    Graphical Grammar of a Leghold Trap: http://visual.merriam-webster.com/sports-games/outdoor-leisure/hunting/leghold-trap.php

    J. Edgar Hoover in the 1956 Elks Magazine, primary source for quotation on the monstrous conspiracy.


    Documents relating to disposition of JFK casket

    JFK Casket Buried at Sea: Map of Disposition of the Casket

    Order to Destroy JFK’s Casket by Attorney General Katzenbach

    Why JFK's Assassination Still Haunts America by Tim Kelly

    JFK versus CIA by Tim Kelly

    (1h45m-4h35m) T&H Casual Café: JFK 50th Anniversary / A Cold Case Investigation (become a T&H Advanced Access member to see the video version of this discussion)

    (4h35m-6h35m) Forgotten Evidence: JFK Conspiracy

    (6h35-7h) Evidence of Revision: JFK Assassination Rarities (not part of “Evidence of Revision” series)

    (7h-8h) Project Censored: JFK 50 interview with Mark Lane

    (8h-9h30m) The JFK Assassination: The Jim Garrison Tapes 1992

    (9h30m-12h5m) JFK Assassination Debate with Mark Lane, December 4, 1964

    (12h5m-12h50m) Jim Garrison vs. Johnny Carson, January 31, 1968

    (12h50m-14h20m) “Rush to Judgment” by Mark Lane, 1967

    (14h20m-19h38m) L. Fletcher Prouty: The Secret Team / JFK Assassination

    Would You Like to Know More?

    See also: (Audio)

    Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom

    Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality

    Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality

    Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking

  • Peace Revolution episode 079: No Masters & No Slaves / YOU Are the Illuminati

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    Reference Map to Episode 079

    (0-20m) Introductory Montage

    (20-45m) Richard’s Introductory Monologue

    (45m-2h45m) Mark Passio’s Natural Law Seminar (Morning Session)

    (2h45m-6h12m) Mark Passio’s Natural Law Seminar (Afternoon Session)

    (6h12m-9h30m) Mark Passio’s Natural Law Seminar (Evening Session)

    (9h30m-10h34m) Rage Against The Machine of Christmas - live in London 2010 (full concert)

    Would You Like to Know More?

    See also: (Audio)

    Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom

    Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality

    Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality

    Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking

  • Peace Revolution episode 078: The Rise of the Whistleblowers / How Freedom Becomes Free

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    Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)

    Reference Map to Episode 078

    (0m-1m) John Lennon: Insane People Control the Planet

    (1m-2m) Despotism (1946) Encyclopedia Britannica Public Service Announcement

    (2m-3m) DNI James Clapper says the NSA doesn’t spy on Americans

    (3m-11m) NSA Utah Data Center will have 5 Zettabytes of Memory

    (11m-12m) Rasputin and the Empress

    (12m-16m) DNI James Clapper won’t lead NSA review

    (16m-21m) Whistleblower: Juice News / Rap News Edward Snowden

    (21m-32m) NSA Recruiting session Q&A

    (32m-35m) Simon Sinek: Leadership and Confidence

    (35m-47m) Richard’s introductory monologue

    (47m-2h20m) Congressman Neil Gallagher: A Profile in Courage

    (2h20m-2h33m) Richard Clarke CIA did 9-11

    (2h33m-3h32m) NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake speaks at the National Press Club

    (3h32m-3h44m) NSA Whistleblower William Binney “Everyone in the U.S. is under surveillance”

    (3h44m-5h05m) NSA Whistleblower Russell Tice goes on the record and reveals new information

    (5h05m-5h15m) NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden

    (5h15m-6h19m) FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds blows the whistle on Government Blackmailing

    (6h19m-8h16m) DYI with Ernie Hancock: Richard Grove and Chris Duane discuss Self-Reliance

    Would You Like to Know More?

    See also: (Audio)

    Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality

    Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality

    Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking

    And of course:

    Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom

  • Peace Revolution episode 077

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    Reference Map to Episode 077

    (0m-4m) “Stop Watching Us” Public Service Announcement

    (4m-6m) Ron Paul, 1994 speech to Congress on the rapid growth and misuse of the Surveillance State

    (6m-20m) Walter Cronkite, World Federalist Society juxtaposed to globalism, spying & war on terrorism

    (20m-35m) Richard’s introductory monologue

    (Book) The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terror by Trevor Aaronson

    (35m-1h50m) History… So It Doesn’t Repeat: The Origins of U.S. Intelligence and Why It Spies on Americans

    (1h50m-2h50m) Corbett Report: Who Was Really Behind the 9-11 Attacks?

    (2h50m-3h45m) Jon Rappoport interviewed on Red Ice Radio “The Surveillance State”

    (3h45m-4h55m) Gen. Albert Stubblebine interviewed on Gnostic Media

    (4h55m-5h25m) Corbett Report: Learn History with Philip Zelikow

    (5h25m-6h30m) Philip Shenon: Inside the 9-11 Commission Investigation

    (6h30m-7h) Defense Against the Psychopath by Stefan Verstappen

    (7h-7h7m) The Psychology of Authority

    Would You Like to Know More?

    See also: (Audio) Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom

  • Peace Revolution episode 076:

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    More Peace Revolution episodes:


    Reference Map to Episode 076

    (0-5min) Edward de Bono from “Six Thinking Hats”

    (5-9min) David Allen “How to Deal with Interruptions”

    (9-10min) Jon Rappoport on the McCarthy Project Podcast: Time, Imagination, and Creativity / Creation of New Realities Within Your Imagination

    (10-15min) Richard’s introductory monologue

    (15-1h32m) History… Solutions: “Getting Things Done with David Allen”

    (1h32-2h33m) Edward de Bono “Six Thinking Hats”

    (2h33m-3h44m) School Sucks Podcast episode 238f: Presence and Productivity #6 – Tools For A Freed Mind and A Voluntary Life

    (3h44m-4h16m) Jon Rappoport on the McCarthy Project Podcast: Time, Imagination, and Creativity / Creation of New Realities Within Your Imagination

    (4h16m-5h01m) David Allen corporate presentation to Google HQ

    (5h01m-6h14m) Chris Stefanick interviews Gene Odening on Choice Conversations discussing the Art of Rhetoric

    (6h14m-7h17m) Richard Grove on the McCarthy Project Podcast: Break The Chains of Institutionalized Thought / Forensic Historian and Filmmaker Richard Grove on Breaking The Chains of Institutionalized Thought to Create a Better Athlete

    (7h17m-8h54m) School Sucks Podcast with Richard Grove and Brett Veinotte discussing Edward de Bono’s “Six Thinking Hats”

    Would You Like to Know More?

    See also: (Audio) Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom

  • Peace Revolution episode 075: The Individual vs. The Collective

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    Reference Map to Episode 075

    (0-3min) NSA unaware of the extent of Snowden Leak

    (3-4min) Bradley Manning Sentenced, Declares he’s Chelsea Manning and Female

    (4-5min) The Re-Education of Lauryn Hill (InfoWars Nightly News with Rob Dew)

    (5-10min) Richard’s introductory monologue

    (10m-1h40m) (Video) History… Solutions with Mark Passio (How to Escape the Psychology of Control)

    (1h40m-3h19m) (Video) History… Interview with Jon Rappoport (How to Analyze the News)

    (3h19m-4h28m) (Video) History… Interview with G. Edward Griffin (The Individual vs. the Collective)

    (4h28m-6h4m) (Video) History… The Last Will and Testament of Cecil Rhodes and the Anglo-American Establishment (featuring Kevin Cole and Brett Veinotte)

    Would You Like to Know More?

    See also: (Audio) Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom

  • Peace Revolution episode 074: Intellectual Self-Defense and How to Validate Knowledge

    Reference Map to Episode 074

    (0-3min) Official Trailer for State of Mind, co-produced by Free Mind Films & Tragedy and Hope, distributed by InfoWars until its public release on October 1, 2013

    (3m-9m) Richard’s introductory monologue

    (9m-7h) (Video) Mark Passio: “New Age” Bullshit and the Suppression of the Sacred Masculine

    See also: (Audio) Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom