
  • Amelia currently lives in Northern Canada in Quebec. She has always been an animal lover in fact her first word was dog instead of mom or dad. She has always been drawn to animals. Her parents saw that she was always drawn to animals as a child. She grew up having ADHD and animals helped her calm down and control her emotions better. She grew up with chickens and rabbits and eventually turned into a hobby farm. She ran the hobby farm and it was the beginning steps towards what she has now. Now, today she runs a sanctuary for farm animals. They have criteria to accept farm animals on the sanctuary which are, handicapped animals, animals in need who have been neglected, and animals that need emergency care. Their goal is to take in animals in need and to be able to offer them a loving, stable home for their entire life and then to use a select few to reach out to vulnerable people in their community to offer emotional support visits to lift their spirits.

    Amelia is also a teacher in an indigenous community in her area and her school is very open to letting her bring the baby animals into class so they can be fed their bottles throughout the day as needed. Amelia tells us about life as a teacher and how she has been able to incorporate animals into the class to teach her students lessons about kindness and acceptance and also about responsibility. She also tells us how her sanctuary came about and major challenges she came across with the sanctuary but how she was able to overcome it. She ends the episode with how the sanctuary is today and what her and her animals are up to these days. Amelia shares her goals for the future of the sanctuary. She tells us about her 3 pigs and how they are doing now and that she is about to get a 4th pig. If you would like to help Amelia click her links below and get her name out there.

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  • Do you sometimes struggle to understand your pet pig's behavior? Does your pig have bossy behavior? Have they become aggressive? Are they snippy with you? Do they bite? Do they charge, headswipe, chomp or snap? If you are struggling to understand why your pig is doing these things, I have an answer for you! I just created a course called Understanding Mini Pig Behavior. The reason that I created this course, is because behavior questions is the #1 type of questions that I receive from people all over the world. My Instagram and Facebook DM’s are full of people asking for help with their pigs behavior. The problem is that most people don't understand why their pigs' behavior is happening in the first place. So it becomes almost impossible for them to fix it. I have been studying pig behavior for almost 20 years now. I understand what it feels like to be completely baffled about why my pig is acting a certain way. When I get a message from somebody it's really hard for me to be able to give a very detailed reason about why this behavior is happening and how to fix it. I like to give all the details so I decided to create something that allows me to give you the tools that you need to understand why your pig acts the way it does and the ways to teach your pig that this behavior is unacceptable. So let's talk about what is in this course.

    Module 1 - Bossy behavior

    Module 2 - Herd mentality

    Module 3 - Understanding your pig

    Module 4 - Training

    Use discount code podcast for a 25% discount on this course. Click the link below so that you can have access to this course and start understanding why your pig acts the way it does and so you can change any bad behaviors that your pig has.

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  • *** This episode is sponsored by Mikko’s Choice. Mikko's Choice is a small women owned business that provides high quality CBD for your pig. Use code pigpodcast to get 25% off your first order. $5 from every sale is donated to animal rescues. Go to Mikkoschoice.com or email [email protected] for more information.***

    Sarah has always loved animals but especially horses. She works at an animal rescue in the Miami area and that's how she was introduced to pigs and became obsessed with pigs also. The rescue she works at has a very strict vetting process for finding their rescues a good home. There is no time limit on how long animals can stay at the rescue so they are able to take their time and find a great home for each animal. That is how she got Oliver. Early January of 2023 Sarah was leaving work and her boss said she needed to go pick up a little pig. The next day when Sarah came into work she saw a tiny cute little baby pig and she thought he was so cute. The vet estimated him to be 2 to 3 weeks old. That time of year they can have some cold snaps in Miami so she offered to take him home so he could stay warm. Sarah put pee pads down in her room because she noticed in the stall that he would use a corner to go to the bathroom. So in her house he picked the corner he wanted to use and that's the one he stuck to. Sarah remembers being scared because the whole 24 hours she had him he hadn’t pooped. The minute she took him outside he pooped. She had it in her mind that she would just foster him. But at night she wanted to take him home because she didn't want him to be alone. There were a lot of people that wanted him but Sarah's boss was determined to not just place him anywhere. Sarah had him for 2 months and her boss had found a sanctuary that would take him but Sarah decided that now she wanted to keep him. She was able to adopt him and he has been with her ever since.

    Sarah tells us about Oliver and what his personality is like. She brings him with her to work every day so he is such a great pig and they have a great routine together. She tells us about how he is at the ranch that she goes to every day.

    Sarah tells us about how things went when she first brought Oliver home with her and how he trained so fast so early on. She also tells us how Oliver is with her kids. We compare the hierarchy in the pig world and the horse world and how similar in that aspect.

    The biggest challenge Sarah has faced is trying to find an apartment that would work with her about having a pet pig even though he is registered as an emotional support animal. She tells us that her favorite part of having a pet pig is her relationship with him. He is just as important to her as he children. She loves that he is with her all the time and he feels like he was made for her family.

    The one piece of advice that she would give to someone who wants a pet pig is, pigs are an easy pet if you have the time and resources for them but they take a lot of work. They need a lot of attention and they need outside time. They are amazing pets to have.

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  • Happy Spring! It has been a beautiful spring in Ohio so far, but it has been very wet and muddy. That got me thinking about how much mud everyone is going to have in their house right now, due to their pig going out to go potty or for eating or whatever. So I wanted to talk about how we can handle the rain when our pig doesn't want to go outside to go potty and the mud that they are going to be bringing into the house. How can we keep some of that mess outside? First of all, when it comes to rain, many pigs do not want to go outside in the rain. We need to be proactive to get our pigs to be motivated to always go outside. One way we can do this is to feed them their meals outside as long as the weather isn't extreme. Food is close to every pig's heart so if the weather isn't their favorite they may hesitate but they will still go outside. Something else that you can do is use really good treats to reward them for going outside. Going out in the rain is a hard thing for a pig so buy good treats to reward them well for doing hard things. If you start when your pig is young you can teach them to let you put a little jacket on them. It will keep the rain off of them so it's not as cold. I also have a space outside that is movable and has a little roof on it so once they get to that they won't have rain on them.

    When it comes to mud, I like to make sure that they are on fresh grass every morning and move it throughout the day so they aren't knee deep in mud. We also put straw down in muddy places so the pigs don't sink into the mud. We also put gravel or wood chips down in places that get really muddy on our farm. Some pigs love to walk through the mud and others hate to walk through mud. I keep a small tub filled with warm water in front of the door that they walk into the house through. I put a few Cheerios in the tub so they also clean off their snouts. They will walk through the warm water and will get most of the water off their hooves and legs. I try to keep their crates and blankets clean so their blankets aren't caked in mud. This will help with the constant buildup of dirt and mud that happens in the spring.

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  • Maribeth gives us an update on how the pigs are doing and how Tree Family Party Piggies is coming along. The reason I really wanted to invite Maribeth back to the show is because she had an experience with her pigs that was very scary and I wanted her to be able to share that with everyone because we can all learn from her experience.

    Maribeth and her pigs were coming back from a senior service that ended up totaling her car. There was a lot of damage but she is very grateful that neither herself or the pigs were hurt because she was traveling safely with the pigs. They have always had their pigs travel in the cargo or luggage portion of their vehicle and the pigs are always in a secured hard or soft sided crate. They were traveling in hard sided crates the day of the accident. The reason they are in a crate is because it really protects them from ejection or being severely injured. They have room to turn around in their crate but they are not able to just roam in the vehicle. The most trauma that the pigs experienced was having to be transferred from the crashed vehicle to a new vehicle after the accident. The pigs recovered great because they thankfully had no injuries and were laying down in their crates when the accident happened. She explained that she thinks getting the pigs back into their routine as soon as possible is what helped them the most.

    Maribeth's number one takeaway from this experience is that safely traveling in a crate in the cargo compartment of the vehicle saved her pigs from health issues, harm, death and was only mildly traumatizing to them. She also believes that the way she talked to them kept everyone calm throughout the process. I am so grateful she was able to share this experience with us, so we all can learn from it and keep our piggies safe.

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  • Recently I made a statement on social media that many pig owners and pig lovers did not like. So I am going to share what I said and why I said it. First of all, the statement I made was, “Pigs are not people. They do not need lunch or snacks.” Why did I say that? Well, It’s true. Pigs are not people, they are actually wild animals that have been domesticated within the past 40-50 years. In those years is when we started to bring pigs into our homes. Before that people raised pigs as livestock. Bringing pigs in the house changed the game for pigs. They began to be viewed as more of family members than they did farm pigs. Pigs are more like a puppy or a dog in the house now. That has caused a lot of people to begin to treat them more like people or a family member. I am not opposed to pet pigs, I have several of my own. I am not saying we should treat our pigs like livestock, but when you really understand pigs and what anthropomorphising a pig does, you will understand that they do have emotions but they do not have the same needs as a human does. They do not need to be treated like people, and doing so can cause issues.

    Now, let’s talk about why. Pigs in the wild have 3 jobs, reproduce, hunt for food, and make a nest. These three instincts drive a pig. A pig has no control over these things. As we domesticate them, we don’t change their instinct. We may lessen them by a tiny bit but those instincts are still there. When we make them a pet we take away their jobs. This causes a pig to become bored, destructive and even aggressive. We love our pigs and we want to provide them with the best kind of nutrition but you have to think about the repercussions of this. If you feed your pig constantly throughout the day your pig will become dependent on that. It will become a routine of eating all day long and it will make it very difficult to take care of them. Two meals a day is all a pig needs. The more you feed them will make them become more entitled towards food and very food aggressive. When it comes to snacks, I did not mean treats. In my opinion, treats are for training and for keeping your pig busy. I am very methodical when it comes to giving my pigs treats. They have a purpose. A treat is a reward for doing something hard or to reinforce good behavior. I also put them in a treat dispensing toy or in the grass so they have a purpose.

    So what is the takeaway from this episode? Pigs are wild animals. We bring them into our home and make them a part of our family. Although we change the environment, we don't change their instinct to survive. So when we bring them into the house we need to really be knowledgeable about what a pet pig is and how they think.

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  • Rebel Rescue Ohio is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization that was created in 2018 to help small domestic and exotic animals in need. The rescue moved to the “Ranch” in 2020 as the need to take on larger "farm" pets grew. Rebel Rescue Ranch, located in Berlin Center, Ohio has the space and availability to take in and help more critters!

    We provide sanctuary, funding, education, vet care and find homes for unwanted or abandoned pets. If ever there is a case that we can not take on, we try to find someone who can! As of now there are about 140 animals on the ranch.

    Amy tells us about her motivation to create the ranch and how she has grown and keeps it going. She shares how she has gotten different animals at her rescue and what life is like with each of them. She also explains what it takes to run the ranch and how we are each able to help her continue to help these animals.

    Her one piece of advice to anyone who wants to bring a pig home is to do their research and schedule a visit, not just a meet and greet, to really meet and learn about the pig that you want to be part of your family. Also, make sure you know that this life is what you want.

    If you are wanting to help please reach out to Amy by contacting her at the links below!

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  • *** This episode is sponsored by Mikko's Choice. Mikko's Choice is a small women owned business that provides high quality CBD for your pig. Use code pigpodcast to get 25% off your first order. $5 from every sale is donated to animal rescues. Go to Mikkoschoice.com or email [email protected] for more information. ***

    Food aggression is so common in pigs. It’s easy for them to become food aggressive because they are so food obsessed. If we can work with them while they are young, so they don't become food aggressive, we will save ourselves so much stress in the future. What is food aggression? Food aggression is when a pig can not focus on anything else except the food in front of them. They become aggressive and try to get the food. They are not always deliberately trying to hurt us. Many times they are just trying to scare us so we let go of the food more quickly so they can have it. We have to remember that in the wild pigs are foragers and scavengers, this is how pigs find food. They spend a lot of their day trying to find food. Since they do not have that stomach to brain connection they always feel hungry. They are always starving and think if they don't eat now they will die. So we can have a little empathy for them, nobody wants to be starving. But as a pig owner, our job is to keep our pig healthy so that means enough food. They shouldn't have too much and too little food. We love our pig but that doesn’t give them the right to bully us. Food aggression is one of those things that we do not want to happen with our pig.

    In my opinion, many times food aggression is caused by us. I see it in underfed, malnourished pigs. But, another time I see it is in spoiled pigs. If we are not a leader and inconsistent in making them work for their food they can become aggressive because they feel like they have to fight for the food that they get. We are not talking about squealing for meals. Squealing for meals is not true food aggression. Food aggression is sheer panic. They are on edge because they feel like they have to fight to get that food. What are some examples of when we might see food aggression and how to handle it?

    Training sessions

    Before or during meals

    People food

    By following the tips I share in this episode you will be able to prevent food aggression or fix food aggression if they already are aggressive. We have to remember that a lot of lessons that we teach our pigs can only be taught when they trust us. If we build a bond and they trust us they will know that what we say we will do will happen. Pigs are naturally food obsessed so we have to teach them that they will get their food but they can not have it if they are being mean, bossy, aggressive and rude.

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  • Rose is a High Ticket Affiliate Marketer, Beginner Homesteader and Animal Lover. She resides in Northwestern, Pennsylvania with her husband Alex and 13 animals. She has always dreamt that her life would be centered around the outdoors and animals so she decided instead of dreaming about it - she was going to make it happen. Rose has always been an animal lover but a pet pig was not on her list until her husband suggested it. She immediately started to research ethical pet pig breeders and came across Autumn Acres and that is how she became a pig owner. Rose knew about farm pigs but never really knew anything about mini pet pigs. Rose tells us her experience of bringing her pet pig home and how she fit in with the cats and dogs.

    We learn about Olive and her personality and what life is like with her. Rose shares a story about a situation where Olive got into grain for her other animals and got sick and how she cared for Olive during that situation. We also hear about their challenge of having a pet pig with having other animals in the house and on the farm.

    Rose shares her biggest piece of advice to someone thinking of getting a pig is: Do your research and make sure that you have someone on call that you can contact at any time if something or an emergency comes up that you can talk to or ask questions. Just having that person that you can get those answers from is huge.

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  • Training is so important if you want your pig to grow up enjoying interaction with people. If you don’t train a pig when it is young and continue that training throughout their life, you end up with a pig that is stressed and doesn’t know how to do anything outside of its normal daily activities. Things come up in life that we can not control, so there is no way to keep our pigs' lives exactly the same every single day. When we don’t work on training while our pig is young then we have a pig who doesn't do well with any change at all. Why does this happen? Piglets are born terrified of everything because they are prey animals. Being a prey animal, that fear of anything new is what keeps them alive. When we bring them into our home and they become a pet results in our pig not having to be afraid of everything because we keep them safe. At a young age, our pigs need to be taught what to enjoy and how to enjoy it. Training can help so our pig is not afraid of every little thing. They are able to have a flexible mentality, they are open to new things and challenges and they have confidence. When you have a pig that has a good level of confidence, you are able to enjoy them and they will enjoy their life by being calm and content. What are the real benefits of training a pig when it is young and keeping up on the training?

    We build a deep bond and trust with our pig.

    A pig will be more easygoing and flexible in life.

    You will have a better behaved pig.

    What are some examples of training?


    Harness training

    Leash training


    Using stairs or a ramp

    Walking on slippery floors

    Walking on gravel

    Crate training

    Car rides


    Loud noises


    What happens if we do not keep up on the list above or if we never teach them these things? We end up with a terrified, stressed out pig that is in constant panic mode. What can this result in?

    Food aggression

    Spoiled pig syndrome

    No confidence

    No trust

    How can you help a pig that is older that you didn't keep up with training that is very afraid of anything new? Restart your training today. Pick something that is easy that your pig doesn't know how to do and feels uncomfortable with and be consistent. Use treats, build their confidence and their trust in you. By working on one thing at a time you will have a pig that is more confident and happier.

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  • In this episode I interview Emmaly about her pet pig Chevy. Chevy is a 2.5 year old potbelly she adopted as a piglet. Chevy and Tahoe(husky) bonded immediately and have been brothers ever since. They are both mamas boys who love to snuggle each other when mom is busy. They are always on the road exploring new places and putting smiles on people’s faces. Oh and he’s quite the fashionista! Emmaly always had a love of animals and dropped out of college to start working with animals. Now she specializes in behavior modification for highly aggressive animals. She is also a Vet tech now because she got interested in the medical side of animals as well. Emmaly tells us the story of how she got Chevy and what it was like bringing Chevy into her home with her dog Tahoe. She tells us all about how Chevy is with her different rescue animals that come in and out of the home and shares what his personality is like. She shares her story about Chevy getting into Foxtails and what ended up being needed at the vet to remove them. She shares the danger of foxtails and the process of how to remove them and why we as pet owners need to be aware of the damage this plant can cause to our pets. She tells us how much she enjoys getting Chevy dressed up and tells us about all the costumes they have. She tells us her favorite thing about having a pet pig.

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  • ***This Episode is Sponsored by Pardal’s Petite Pets***

    Pardal’s Petite Pets can be found at www.PardalsPetitePets.com



    Does your pig respect you? Is your pig mean, loud, destructive, demanding and bossy? If so, your pig has probably developed spoiled pig syndrome. Why does this happen? It happens when a pig becomes a leader. Pigs live by a very strict hierarchy. So when it comes to living with any species of family, pigs live by that hierarchy. It is an instinct.

    What is spoiled pig syndrome? Spoiled pig syndrome refers to a behavioral problem that comes from a pig that does not respect its humans. It’s a very entitled, and very demanding behavior. What are some signs that your pig has spoiled pig syndrome?



    Warning growels


    Squealing constantly

    Head swiping

    Snatching food

    Failure to move


    Can this behavior be changed? ABSOLUTELY! It doesn't matter how old your pig is, it can be done. How can we change it? I will go through a number of ways to change that behavior. Ultimately we want to become the leader. Spoiled pig syndrome is when the pig becomes the leader. How can we change this behavior?

    Never respond to the actions above

    Reinforce good behavior

    Make them work for their food

    Move the pig

    Teach your pig obedience skills

    If you would like to learn more about how to set yourself up to be a leader check out my resources below to find courses, webinars, guides, and also personal consultations in my stan store.

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  • ***This Episode is Sponsored by Pardal’s Petite Pets***

    Pardal’s Petite Pets can be found at www.PardalsPetitePets.com



    My name is Brittany. I've had my pet pig Kimmy for nearly 4 years. We have a German shepherd and a blue heeler. I also have 3 beautiful girls and 2 step sons.

    I wanted a pet pig since I was a little girl. Their cute snorts and adorable noses made me happy.

    I work in retail and have fostered for various rescues for the past 7 years. I enjoy being around my animals and getting them ready for their forever homes! I also am attending school for veterinary medicine, and I sell makeup on the side. I like to keep myself busy, but my most important job is a human and pet mom.

    Brittany shares her experience of having her first pig and what they learned from that experience to prepare them for getting Kimmy. She tells us what it was like to bring Kimmy home and how she fit into the family and then how it was to bring a puppy into the house and how Kimmy reacted to that. Being a home that fosters dogs they bring in about 20-30 dogs a year that stay with them until they get adopted. They had 1 incident when a dog got out of the crate in her room and Kimmy was in her own crate in her room. The foster dog broke into Kimmy’s crate and 2 dogs ended up attacking Kimmy and hurt her ear badly. She ended up losing the ear from the damage but was fine other than that. The foster dog was then transferred to a new foster house and her dog that also was involved in the attack was rehomed as well to keep Kimmy safe. They are no longer fostering white dogs because Kimmy did not forget that it was a white dog that attacked her. Brittany is now trying to only foster small dogs or puppies to be sure to keep Kimmy safe.

    Brittany wants to remind us that dogs and pigs do not speak the same language and do not think the same. She wants everyone to do your research and be prepared for bringing a pig into your home so you can keep your pig safe.

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  • Keeping a pig busy inside our homes during the winter time can be a challenge. If it's cold outside the pigs don't want to be outside. If it is very cold outside, our pig can't be outside in this weather without proper housing, bedding, things to keep them warm and protected from the bitter cold wind, snow and ice. In this episode we will discuss 4 ways that we can keep our pig busy inside. Pigs need to stay busy. If they don't have anything to do they get themselves into trouble because they look for something to do and start to pick at things, or they decide they want to build a nest. It's not kind on our part to try to make our pig stop being a pig. It’s not going to happen. We don’t want to punish them for being a pig. We want to give them healthy ways to have an outlet for the energy they have. If we give them things to do we can keep them safe and keep our home safe.

    Provide some sort of a heat source.

    Provide enrichment activities for our pig.

    Provide food to keep them active.

    Baby or little kid toys and boxes.

    It does take some thought and planning but these ideas are pretty easy. They don't take a lot of time or money. When we provide this sort of enrichment in the wintertime we are building trust and a bond with our pigs. They will learn to trust you and be much more likely to follow the rules in the home because they will already be busy with these activities. All of this will lead to a safe home and a happy pig.

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  • Taylor has always loved animals. She grew up with dogs and horses but has always loved farm animals. Her favorite is pigs. She has struggled with chronic illness for the majority of her life and one of her main symptoms is very bad insomnia due to pain. She would try to find things to do at night to distract herself from the pain. SHe would always find herself watching any kind of pig video on YouTube and it would make her laugh. It was the best distraction for what she was going through. She wanted a pig from a pretty young age with what she was going through but her parents were not very sure. She was in the thick of her chronic illness about 5 years ago and that felt like the right time to add a pig to her family. Taylor tells us that she has started to get her life back. She went from bedrest to taking care of her farm and horseback riding so she is starting to improve.

    Taylor tells us how she went about getting a pig as a pet. She did a ton of research and found out that pigs are well suited for someone with a chronic illness because they do not have the same needs as a dog does. She was able to finally get a pig and that ended up being exactly what she needed. She named her pig Bubbles. For the first 2 years of having Bubbles she was bedridden so they did everything together. It was a little bit of an adjustment when she started to get healthier and their lives together changed a bit. Bubbles is certified as an emotional support pig and also as a therapy pig. He was even able to go with her for her stays in the hospital.

    Taylor tells us a few of the struggles she has had with Bubbles and what they have overcome together. We also learn about life on her farm and the different animals that she has. She tells us how Bubbles interacts with the other animals.

    Taylor explains how her therapy program started and what is involved with that business. She shares with us the different forms of therapy her animals provide and a few personal stories of how she has been able to use her animals to help others through whatever they are battling.

    Taylors one piece of advice for someone wanting to get a pet pig is to make sure that they are ready to make this commitment for the pig's life. Do your research and realize that you will have this pig that you need to care for through their entire life.

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  • Pigs come in all shapes and sizes. They can be so many different colors, heights, and lengths. And each pig has its own personality. We know that overfeeding a pig really isn't good for them. It makes them susceptible to arthritis and tends to shorten their lifespan. We want our pigs to live as long as possible and be as healthy as possible. That is always the goal.

    Now we are going to talk about something that is absolutely cruel and horrible to do to any living thing. .Underfeeding. Underfeeding is a big problem when it comes to pet pigs. So today I want to talk about what happens when we underfeed our pig, what it does to their bodies, why does this happen in the first place? The lack of nutrition has a huge impact on the body. If we are going to keep from doing this to our pig, and be able to help others, we need to know what the signs are of a pig that is underfed.

    Physical signs:

    Seeing skeletal bones we shouldn't see

    Their head is too big for their body

    Sunken eyes

    Skin pigmentation is off

    Extra dry skin

    Very little hair and bald spots or extra thick hair

    Bowed legs

    They do not pick their head up

    Resting their snout on the floor

    Eyes only partially open

    Unsteady footing

    Curved back bone

    Bloated belly

    If you notice these signs on a pig, this is not the time to attack the owner. If we truly want to help people and help a pig you should not send a rude message on social media. They will not listen to you! If you reach out to them in friendship and community and stay kind you eventually might be able to bring it up in a kind and gentle way, they will appreciate your good motives. Most likely the person doesn't realize what they are doing.

    Less obvious things happening in a malnourished pig's body.

    Bones are weak

    Prone to arthritis at any age

    Lymphatic system isn't moving so immune system becomes weak

    Organs are weakened

    Body growth is stunted but organs continue to grow and are crushed.

    Lack of concentration

    Loss of motor skills

    Hormones are affected and may be permanently damaged

    Not a single living thing should be subjected to starvation. Why does this still happen? I have come up with three of the most common reasons.

    It's done unknowingly

    Their breeder or someone they know told them to feed tiny amounts.

    They want to keep their pigs small.

    Do not starve your pig. There is no such thing as a Micro, Nano or Teacup pig. Breeders can never guarantee small sizes unless they are starving their pig to keep it small.

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  • Pigs naturally do not enjoy cold temperatures. They also don’t like precipitation, or when it is windy. Naturally they prefer heat. It’s our job to keep our pig safe while teaching them that precipitation and cold weather are not an excuse to stay inside and have an accident this winter. We are going to talk about ways to keep our pig motivated to go outside in all weather and all types of precipitation. Also, how we can do it without a lot of stress to ourselves or to our pig.

    Don’t force your pig out the door if they are hesitant to go out when it gets cold.

    Ways that I train my pigs to be motivated to go outside’

    Stay proactive

    Create a routine

    Cold adapt

    Feed outside


    Buy warm clothes for them

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  • ***This Episode is Sponsored by Pardal’s Petite Pets***

    Pardal’s Petite Pets can be found at www.PardalsPetitePets.com



    In this episode we talk to Maribeth who has been married to her husband for 4 years. When they were dating she had chronic Lyme Disease and was dying. Her boyfriend was doing everything he could to cheer her up and sent her a piglet picture and called her his little pig in a blanket. He explained how adorable pigs are and showed her more pictures of adorable piglets. They both then started sending each other little pictures of pigs and piglets everyday for 2 years. Over those 2 years they both fell in love with pigs. Maribeth then decided that they needed a pet pig once she was healthy. She googled pig breeders near her and Autumn Acres was the first breeder to show up. She is very happy that she did not have to go through an ordeal of an unethical breeder by finding Autumn from the get go. She is about to quit her editorial job and go full time into her therapy pig business. They have a 2 year old son and so she loves that their pig business is something they can do as a family. They have 2 pigs, Willow and Perry and have a deposit down on a piglet for a 3rd pig for their family. In this conversation Maribeth tells us all about the process of getting a piglet and how she prepared her house for a pet pig and their biggest challenge of having a pet pig.

    Maribeth explains how some life challenges came up and that ended up leading to her training them to be therapy pigs and what has been involved in getting them ready to do this. Their family business Tree Family Party Piggies has been thriving for its first year. They are booked for parties and entertainment services and they also do therapy visits at different centers. She explains how they handle situations at any of their events to keep them comfortable and having fun and want to continue doing it.

    Maribeth's biggest piece of advice is to use small treats to reassure your pig so it can refocus.

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  • It is that time of year again. The time when my phone is ringing off the hook because people are looking for piglets as gifts for Christmas. I think it’s important to understand why, in my opinion, a pet pig is not a gift. In order to be successful with a pet pig, preparation is essential. If you have been listening to my podcast, or you have a pig, or you have ever visited a pig rescue or you follow any rescues on Instagram or Facebook, you already know that pigs are constantly abandoned or rehomed. They are constantly given up to rescues and sanctuaries. Those same rescues and sanctuaries are bursting at the seams. Why does this happen?

    The first reason is, pigs are not an easy pet. Pigs are extremely intelligent which means they need interaction, training and things to stimulate their mind to keep them in a good mood. Not everybody who gets a pig knows what they are getting themselves into. They see the most adorable little face and snout and they just have to bring it home without doing any preparation. These are the people who end up getting rid of their pig when it grows up. It is important to know these things for everyone who decides to bring a pet pig into their home. They need to be able to make an informed decision. So when it comes to getting a pet pig for someone who LOVES pigs, these people are the ones that are in danger of getting a pig as a gift when they are not ready. This is a recipe for disaster.

    When we bring a pig home we need to make an informed decision. We also need to make sure we are able to find a vet in our area. Having a vet is the number 1 thing we have to have before bringing a pet pig home. A close second thing is legality. Is this person zoned for a pet pig? Do they have a homeowners association? Do they live in an apartment? Do they live in a community where there are laws against “farm animals”? It is NEVER a good idea to bring a piglet home when it is legally not allowed. You may be able to hide a pig for a certain amount of time but is it good for the pig? Pigs NEED outside time every day. What happens when they are found out? Is the city going to take the pig away, euthanize it, or give you time to find it a new home? Next we have to think about if this person is ready for the responsibility of a pet pig. Getting a pet pig is like having a baby. It is a lot of work and responsibility. Has this person been able to do research? You want to be ready BEFORE you bring a pig home.

    The main thing I would like to eliminate is the after Christmas scramble to find help for people who had been given a piglet for Christmas. These people either want help fixing a behavior they didn't know how to handle or they were already ready to rehome their pig by January. This is why it is so important to be prepared beforehand. There are some exceptions to giving a pig as a gift. A parent who has done a lot of research and maybe has a child who has always loved a pig and wanted one that has also done all the research on how to care for a pig may be a person that could give their child a pig as a gift. Also if you know someone who has had a pig before but maybe it passed away after 15 years and you know they are ready to get a new one, they would be a person that could receive a piglet as a gift as well. A pet is family forever, there is never a good reason to get rid of a family member. So when we get a pet it is important that we are able to make a truly informed decision. Really look at it logically and see if we can physically take care of this animal. If you get a pet pig and you do it all the right way, a pet pig is the BEST pet you will ever have. With time and effort you can have a best friend for life and that is ALWAYS the goal.

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  • ***This episode is sponsored by Hold Onto Your Hooves***

    Hold Onto Your Hooves can be found at https://www.instagram.com/hold_onto_your_hooves and HTTP://Facebook.com/holdontoyourhooves

    Mina Alali is a 26 year old from Sacramento, California, who grew up loving animals but expanded her love for exotics through adopting her first pet (all to herself), Mochi, a bearded dragon.

    Through lots of time together during Covid, she began to train Mochi like a dog. Mochi mastered tricks such as: come here, high five, kiss, wait for his food (bugs), and even to use Mina’s hand as stairs. Mina amassed over 700,000 followers on TikTok through sharing videos about training and daily life with Mochi.

    Over the next two years, Mina would adopt rats, another bearded dragon, and a pet pig - Merlin. Mina adopted Merlin in March of 2022. Merlin specifically, brought in surge of followers, who loved to see his ability to communicate through buttons, pre-recorded with Mina’s voices, incorporating humor in phrases like, “Dance With Me Mommy,” “Ice Cube, Ice Cube!” and “Pay attention to me right now,” among others.

    Mina has shown the world just how intelligent and emotional animals can be, given the time, space, patience, and positive reinforcement.

    Mina had heard about mini pigs but also knew that micro pigs were not a real thing. And that if they were they were probably being underfed and wouldn't be healthy. She learned that a mini pig is anything under 300 pounds. She also learned that someone could sell you a mini pig but you wouldn’t really know until 3 or 4 years down the line because they grow so slow. She wasn't concerned about the size very much but at the time she lived in an apartment. So she knew she did want a mini pig because she wasn’t sure when she would move next. She loves to rescue but she found a very nice place called California Mini Pigs so she reached out to them and they sent her the names of a few pigs and then they said “Oh and then there is Peter.” She asked about him and they told her that he was the older of their pigs and 2 homes had fallen through for him already and he was 50% off. She asked for pictures of him and they sent her a picture of Merlin and she decided to take him. She feels that even though he was through a breeder she decided to get him because he hadn’t been picked so far. She noticed that people always want the smallest and youngest pigs they can get and that didn’t matter to her. She knows that all pigs grow. 48 hours later she was driving 4 hours north to go pick him up. She had spent the whole day before prepping and getting the necessary things she needed for him. There is always a learning curve because every pig has its own personality, so you have to learn what their experience has been and what they need.

    Bringing Merlin home was such an exciting thing. She has a video of her crying on the drive up to get him because she was so excited. He was totally calm in the kennel in the car and slept the entire drive home. When they got home she opened the kennel and had a trail of food leading out of it. He was definitely curious and very food motivated. He got used to her presence very quickly because at that point Mina worked from home so she was spending 24/7 with him. The first night he slept in the kennel she had set up for him but every day since then he has slept in bed with her cuddling her.

    Mina did so much training when she first got him that he got used to a leash very fast. She noticed right away that he was so attentive and smart. From the beginning she could sense that so she started teaching the typical dog tricks to him. He learned each of his tricks within 5 minutes or less. As long as there was food involved, training was not very hard at all. The biggest thing he needed to adjust to was being picked up like most pigs. With training he got used to being picked up within a week or two. He would do hot pants (a way of showing affection from a pig) within a couple days of being home when Mina would be out to run an errand or two. Mina was able to establish that she was the boss in the house very quickly. She was pretty adamant that she would have positive discipline right away so that she would not have spoiled pig syndrome to deal with. She really did her best to avoid it at all costs. She is very glad she did that early on. Also, on their walks (3x’s a day) she would bring treats with her and when people would be excited to see him she would offer to let them give him a snack. She feels that this is why he is so comfortable with people and such a people lover. He is not aggressive at all and just loves people.

    Mina shares some of the other things she has trained Merlin to do. She potty trained him to go potty outside. She had a litter box inside but gave him treats every time he would go potty outside. She also got those buttons that you can record your voice on to train him to use. The first button Merlin had was “outside”. When she would put his harness and leash on him and then press the button herself so he would associate that button with going outside. The way she would train him to press the button was to boop the button on his nose. Then they would go outside and as soon as they were outside she would give him a treat. That has been so helpful because now he will press the button and tell her when he needs to go outside to go to the bathroom. Merlin grew out of the litter box phase. She moved in March 2023 and he hasn't had a single accident in this house. If Mina isn't home he will hold it and go to the bathroom outside as soon as she gets home again. Merlin has about 20 buttons that he uses at this point. The easiest one to teach him was hungry. He also knows his water button. If he goes to his bowl and it is empty he will press the button so Mina knows to fill it again. Those are his practical buttons but he also has fun ones. He has one button that says “Pay attention to me right now”. He loves to press that button when she is preparing food for her bearded dragon. MIna learned that he loves ice cubes, so he has an ice cube button. Another favorite button is one that says “Dance with me mommy”. He loves to be picked up and spun around with that button. She has also taught him how to close the door. Merlin loves Mina’s rats so now he knows how to open the door to their cage and let them out for playtime. Now she has to put a lock on the cage so he can only let them out to play when she is home to supervise. Mina knew that pigs were smart but she had no idea just how smart he is.

    The biggest challenge for Mina with having a pet pig has been leaving him. The most she can stand to leave him is 2 weeks. She feels like he is her child. Since she isn’t able to fly with Merlin she pays her sister to come stay with him when she has to leave. She imagines the limited freedom is similar to motherhood. She has established that she is the boss with Merlin but with other people he can challenge them. He loves Mina’s boyfriend but he does not listen to him as well as he listens to Mina so that can be frustrating for everyone involved. Mina makes sure that Merlin is disciplined the same way from her and her boyfriend but Merlin reacts differently to each of them. She wishes that Merlin would respect her boyfriend on the same level that he respects her.

    Mina and her boyfriend adopted a calf in October. They had gone to a pumpkin patch that had a petting zoo. She was not happy with the conditions that the animals were living in. Moo had nothing but hay shavings and a water bucket in his stall where he would sleep at night. He was only 10 days old at the time and he had no blanket or form of heat source in his stall. Moo was also very very skinny. Mina is aware that his breed is a skinny breed but he was excessively skinny. When she approached him he didn't even budge when they approached him and tried to pet him. Her boyfriend saw a sign at the back of the barn that stated that every animal except for the kittens was available for purchase for either a pet or as food. Alex decided to put their names down to try to adopt the cow. They talked to a staff member and learned that a beef farm was very interested in him already and if that fell through they would contact them. Mina ended up getting a message from a staff member on November 2nd saying that there were 2 people ahead of her to adopt Moo but they both had fallen through and would she be able to give this calf a home. Two days later they picked him up. Moo is currently being rehabilitated at their home now. When they picked him up he was only 1 month old and they found out that he had been taken from his mother at 4 days old. He was given the colostrum that he needed but separated from his mother immediately after that. He was drinking store bought milk instead of calf replacer milk or calf starter. He was on Timothy hay pellets which are for horses. He was also only being fed about half of the amount he needed to be getting at his age. Mina and her boyfriend have been gradually increasing the amount of milk he is getting along with all the proper nutrition he should be getting. They have also been taking him to the vet for checkups to make sure he is doing good. He is doing so much better now. He is slowly getting to the weight he should be at this age. The Vet recommended that they keep him until he is weaned off of milk and then to find a rescue or a sanctuary that will board him for them until they are able to purchase more land in California and adopt more cows so he has a herd to be with. They have all fallen totally in love with each other. Merlin is being supervised when around Moo and he is doing better. When he goes near Moo and doesn't react negatively they praise him to encourage positive behavior. They also try to feed Merlin outside and just make sure that Merlin understands that they love him and then they take him inside and cuddle him on the couch. Merlin still has some work to get used to having a brother. Their goal is to make sure that Moo is happy and safe for the rest of his life. They are making sure to show Merlin a lot of love and attention during this time because it is such a huge adjustment for him.

    Mina’s biggest piece of advice is to only get a pet pig if you are ok with having a toddler for the next 15 years, and to treat them like a child because they just want love and you have to be very patient.

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