Welcome back to the PPP for Season 3. This episode is a catchup with what Chris and Paul have been up to in the past year. We learn Paul has booked himself on lots of holidays while Chris has treated himself to a new fridge freezer.
Its all the hot topics on the PPP that you want to hear and more.
Thanks for listening and do not forget to like, subscribe and share with your mates. You can get in touch with your questions, shoutouts, TUTS of the week, or if you have a complaint (although we might bypass those) to postpavilionpodcast@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and Instagram @postpavilionpodcast for all your pod updates -
Would you believe it its been nearly a year since we did an episode of the PPP, so we thought we would bring it back. (for good) Here's a little teaser on what you can expect
New episode incoming so keep your notifications turned on wherever you get your podcast from
Thanks for listening and do not forget to like, subscribe and share with your mates. You can get in touch with your questions, shoutouts, TUTS of the week, or if you have a complaint (although we might bypass those) to postpavilionpodcast@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and Instagram @postpavilionpodcast for all your pod updates -
Missing episodes?
Its episode 7 of the PPP. Thanks to one of our listeners for choosing todays tittle of the episode.
In this episode we have the long awaited return of Chris vs Paul, TUTS of the week, and Chris works out that Paul is probably more middle class as we find out he owns a fridge that goes on holiday, you've read that right!
**We also have to say in this is episode that Paul says a naughty word so thats why you're probably wondering why this episode is marked as explicit
Its a very funny episode and we are back on zoom like the old days!
Thanks for listening and do not forget to like, subscribe and share with your mates. You can get in touch with your questions, shoutouts, TUTS of the week, or if you have a complaint (although we might bypass those) to postpavilionpodcast@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and Instagram @postpavilionpodcast for all your pod updates -
The boys are back after a short break. What have they missed? A huge bumper catchup as they try and remember where they left off.
Unbelievably this is episode 6 of the second season of the Post Pavilion Podcast
Thanks for listening and do not forget to like, subscribe and share with your mates. You can get in touch with your questions, shoutouts, TUTS of the week, or if you have a complaint (although we might bypass those) to postpavilionpodcast@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and Instagram @postpavilionpodcast for all your pod updates -
Heres a little hello from Chris and Paul.
Don't worry we've not left you... we were having a very long holiday! all will be revealed in the next episode
Thanks for listening and do not forget to like, subscribe and share with your mates. You can get in touch with your questions, shoutouts, TUTS of the week, or if you have a complaint (although we might bypass those) to postpavilionpodcast@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and Instagram @postpavilionpodcast for all your pod updates -
The boys are back at Pauls house. This week Chris has had a week he would like to forget, we find out Paul loves Salad Cream on his roast dinner and someone got a sausage stuck in their throat!
It's not to be missed with the usual features, 'What gets on your TUTS?' quick round up of the stats, Chris vs Paul and the Tweet of the Week!
Thanks for listening and do not forget to like, subscribe and share with your mates. You can get in touch with your questions, shoutouts, TUTS of the week, or if you have a complaint (although we might bypass those) to postpavilionpodcast@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and Instagram @postpavilionpodcast for all your pod updates -
Hey friends it Season 2 Episode 4 of the Post Pavilion Podcast and we are back round Pauls for a good old catchup.
In this episode we have this weeks Tuts Of The Week, and also a brand new feature "The Tweet Of The Week" with the big question what's something that used to be cheap but is now ridiculously expensive?
Sit back and enjoy :)
Thanks for listening and do not forget to like, subscribe and share with your mates. You can get in touch with your questions, shoutouts, TUTS of the week, or if you have a complaint (although we might bypass those) to postpavilionpodcast@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and Instagram @postpavilionpodcast for all your pod updates -
Its a late night recording this episode so beware! The boys have the usual guff with this weeks TUTS of the week, stats and a game of chris vs paul
Plus a round up of whats been happening throughout the week
Thanks for listening and do not forget to like, subscribe and share with your mates. You can get in touch with your questions, shoutouts, TUTS of the week, or if you have a complaint (although we might bypass those) to postpavilionpodcast@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and Instagram @postpavilionpodcast for all your pod updates -
Its Episode 2 of the 2nd season of the Post Pavilion Podcast and the boys are recording together from the comfort of the palace of PG.
In todays episode we have the usual guff, we have a round of Chris vs Paul and your "TUTS OF THE WEEK" and there are moments where we do go slightly off topic.
Thanks for tuning in and enjoy this episode
Chris and Paul x
Thanks for listening and do not forget to like, subscribe and share with your mates. You can get in touch with your questions, shoutouts, TUTS of the week, or if you have a complaint (although we might bypass those) to postpavilionpodcast@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and Instagram @postpavilionpodcast for all your pod updates -
We are back! Its Season 2 of The Post Pavilion Podcast.
In todays episode we have a general roundup of what we have been up to the last couple of months plus lots of admin to get through.
Its good to be back!
Chris and Paul x
Thanks for listening and do not forget to like, subscribe and share with your mates. You can get in touch with your questions, shoutouts, TUTS of the week, or if you have a complaint (although we might bypass those) to postpavilionpodcast@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and Instagram @postpavilionpodcast for all your pod updates -
Its the final episode of the series with The Post Pavilion Podcast!
Lots to get through including the final round of Chris vs Paul which comes with some controversy at the end. We also have your TUTS of the week and we have some special news on the stats!
Hope you enjoy... don't worry we will be back for Season 2 very soon!
Chris & Paul x
P.S Does anybody actually read the description?
Thanks for listening and do not forget to like, subscribe and share with your mates. You can get in touch with your questions, shoutouts, TUTS of the week, or if you have a complaint (although we might bypass those) to postpavilionpodcast@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and Instagram @postpavilionpodcast for all your pod updates -
We're back again for episode 9 of The Post Pavilion Podcast! Its back to usual where we have a quick run down on the stats, Chris vs Paul & your TUTS of the week
In this episode we find out what Paul likes to take with him when he is away (you'll never guess what it is) Chris's trip to the dentist, and the winner is revealed from our competition from the last pod; plus much more!
Thanks for listening and do not forget to like, subscribe and share with your mates. You can get in touch with your questions, shoutouts, TUTS of the week, or if you have a complaint (although we might bypass those) to postpavilionpodcast@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and Instagram @postpavilionpodcast for all your pod updates -
Its Episode 8 of The Post Pavilion Podcast and this weeks pod is a little different to usual.
We have an unedited, pure conversation between Chris and Paul. We find out who is more working class or middle class? Chris confronts Paul's mid life crisis and asks why he has decided to join TIK TOK. If that wasn't enough we also find out that Paul once had a house keeper who ironed his pants....
This has to be one of our favourite episodes of the pod so far. But don't worry we will be back with the usual guff on then next pod :)
Thanks for listening and do not forget to like, subscribe and share with your mates. You can get in touch with your questions, shoutouts, TUTS of the week, or if you have a complaint (although we might bypass those) to postpavilionpodcast@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and Instagram @postpavilionpodcast for all your pod updates -
Its episode 7 of The Post Pavilion Podcast!
We have a look at the usual stuff including your "TUTS" of the week, a brief look at the stats and we have a very special guest for Chris vs Paul. Looking back we probably need to brush up on our general knowledge as you will find out.
Todays special guest is Mark Pheasant from Family Antics. Here is a link to his YouTube Channel to find out more and if you fancy it you can take part in one of his quizzes from lockdown https://www.youtube.com/user/phez2k1
Thanks for listening and do not forget to like, subscribe and share with your mates. You can get in touch with your questions, shoutouts, or if you have a complaint (although we might bypass those) to postpavilionpodcast@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and Instagram @postpavilionpodcast for all your pod updates -
Its episode 6 of The Post Pavilion Podcast and we touch on the big stories of the week!
Paul has decided to paint his house, and something has really got on his TUTS this week because of this. Chris has a lost food bin, and we find out that Chris has never been further than Spain on holiday.
All of this and much more including a quick round of Chris vs Paul, this weeks stats update and your TUT of the week!
Thanks for listening and do not forget to like, subscribe and share with your mates. You can get in touch with your questions, shoutouts, or if you have a complaint (although we might bypass those) to postpavilionpodcast@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and Instagram @postpavilionpodcast for all your pod updates -
We're back again for episode 5 of the Post Pavilion Podcast. Finally Paul has his microphone fixed and doesn't sound like he's on the phone.
In todays episode we have a quick round of Chris vs Paul. Paul discusses the reasons why you should only support the football team of where you live. We have the TUT OF THE WEEK and a brief look at the stats. (Yeah we are still massive in Uzbekistan)
If thats not enough Chris speaks about a funny story that happened to one of his family members in a queue to the doctors.
Sit back and enjoy :)
Thanks for listening and do not forget to like, subscribe and share with your mates. You can get in touch with your questions, shoutouts, or if you have a complaint (although we might bypass those) to postpavilionpodcast@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and Instagram @postpavilionpodcast for all your pod updates -
The boys are back with episode 4 of The Post Pavilion Podcast. In this episode there is the usual stuff, quick round of Chris vs Paul (Paul's questions this week are out of this world!) and the return of your TUT of the week.
We also find out who has pranked Paul this week; and he manages to hunt down the culprit. Not only that Paul has broken his mic but luckily we have an episode... it just sounds like he is on the phone.
Thanks for listening and do not forget to like, subscribe and share with your mates. You can get in touch with your questions, shoutouts, or if you have a complaint (although we might bypass those) to postpavilionpodcast@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and Instagram @postpavilionpodcast for all your pod updates -
In this special episode Chris and Paul join Pete Sherriff on The Late Tonight Show and here are the highlights from their chat.
We find out how Chris & Paul started out in the world of entertainments and more on how they began working together. We also find out about Chris's mysterious audition on QVC that no one knew about until now and we find out about some of their favourite acts that they have worked with.
Thanks for listening and do not forget to like, subscribe and share with your mates. You can get in touch with your questions, shoutouts, or if you have a complaint (although we might bypass those) to postpavilionpodcast@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and Instagram @postpavilionpodcast for all your pod updates -
We are back again for episode 3 of The Post Pavilion Podcast. In this episode we have a quick round of "Chris vs Paul" and back by popular demand "The TUT of the week" as well as the top 5 worst habits according to a poll that Paul nicked online
As well as that we find out the only reason why Paul would move house, Chris's dilemma of upgrading his phone and a catchup on how the week has been.
Thanks for listening and do not forget to like, subscribe and share with your mates. You can get in touch with your questions, shoutouts, or you have a complaint (although we might bypass those) to postpavilionpodcast@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and Instagram @postpavilionpodcast -
Here we are into episode 2 of the Post Pavilion Podcast. We are truly overwhelmed and thankful for the reaction off the back of the first episode. (We better keep this going then)
In this episode we have not one but two new features with a quick round of Chris & Paul and your emails with 'What Gets On Your Tuts'
Thanks for listening and do not forget to like, subscribe and share with your mates. You can get in touch with your questions, shoutouts, or you have a complaint (although we might bypass those) to postpavilionpodcast@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook and Instagram @postpavilionpodcast - Show more