
  • Here's video 3 of our 4 episode series on choosing a flight school. Mike and Sean sit down with Jay and Rick from Lunken Flight Training Center to discuss Part 141 vs Part 61 and the importance of flight schools following a syllabus for your flight training.

    Lunken Flight Training Center is located at Lunken airport in Mike & Sean's home town in Cincinnati, Ohio. https://flylftc.com/

    Be sure to go to the app store and DOWNLOAD OUR APP!

    Go to https://www.propilotplaybook.com and enter your email to get access to our list of "The Top 10 Flight School Rip-offs" and access to free lesson from our course.

    If you have a question you'd like us to answer that you think is episode worthy, and we prefer video questions, you can email us at: [email protected]


    00:00 Intro

    01:36 Structure of flight training

    02:10 Syllabus use

    04:50 Part 61

    06:18 Part 141

    08:15 Part 61 vs part 141 differences

    09:59 Flight school's pass rate

    13:47 How to choose part 61 or part 141

    15:05 Financing: part 61 or part 141

    17:30 Scholarships

    18:25 Wrap up- TAKE ACTION!

  • Here's the 2nd of our 5 episode series on choosing a flight school. Mike and Sean sit down with Jay and Rick from Lunken Flight Training Center to hash out choosing the best airplane for flight training and what other equipment and resources your future flight school should have.

    Lunken Flight Training Center is located at Lunken airport in Mike & Sean's home town in Cincinnati, Ohio. https://flylftc.com/

    Be sure to go to the app store and DOWNLOAD OUR APP!

    Go to https://www.propilotplaybook.com and enter your email to get access to our list of "The Top 10 Flight School Rip-offs" and access to free lesson from our course.

    If you have a question you'd like us to answer that you think is episode worthy, and we prefer video questions, you can email us at: [email protected]


    00:00 Intro

    02:01 What to look for in aircraft for flight training

    04:02 Differences in flight training aircraft

    07:40 High wing vs low wing aircraft

    11:28 Simulator

    14:05 Sim for Private Pilot Certificate

    18:06 Onsite aircraft maintenance

    23:07 Access to aircraft maintenance records

    24:55 How many airplanes does the flight school have

    28:40 How far should you drive to a flight school

    33:03 Wrap up- TAKE ACTION!

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  • This is the first of a 5 episode series on choosing a flight school. Mike and Sean sit down with Jay and Rick from Lunken Flight Training Center and discuss the most common initial questions aspiring aviators have when seeking out a flight school.

    Lunken Flight Training Center is located at Lunken airport in Mike & Sean's home town in Cincinnati, Ohio. https://flylftc.com/

    Be sure to go to the app store and DOWNLOAD OUR APP!

    Go to https://www.propilotplaybook.com and enter your email to get access to our list of "The Top 10 Flight School Rip-offs" and access to free lesson from our course.

    If you have a question you'd like us to answer that you think is episode worthy, and we prefer video questions, you can email us at: [email protected]


    00:00 Intro

    02:06 The #1 question

    05:04 Comparing flying to driving

    06:20 Online ground school

    08:10 Cost is connected to student's work ethic

    09:38 Cost & time dependent on pre-solo stage

    11:30 Average cost to get Private Cert

    12:53 Some schools costs could be hidden

    14:14 How many flight hours are included

    15:33 Average time for Private Pilot Certificate

    19:01 Average time for Instrument Rating

    23:58 Wrap up- TAKE ACTION!

  • Mike and Sean welcome Brendan to the show to share his expertise on the subject of Flying Club Memberships and how it can save you money while flight training and building time to acquire your dream job as a professional pilot.

    Flying Club Finder: https://youcanfly.aopa.org/flying-clubs

    Be sure to go to the app store and DOWNLOWN OUR APP!

    Go to https://www.propilotplaybook.com and enter your email to get access to our list of "The Top 10 Flight School Rip-offs" and access to free lesson from our course.

    If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at: [email protected]


    00:00 Intro

    02:23 Meet Brendan

    06:25 What is a Flying Club

    07:29 Cessna 150 Aerobat

    10:40 Advantages of Flying Club Membership

    13:55 How Flying Clubs work

    19:00 Cost /hour & Membership price

    24:30 Can you flight train in a flying club airplane

    26:29 What are the cons to a Flying Club

    32:25 Flying Club planes are nicer than rental planes

    34:19 Where to find a flying club

    35:47 Wrap up- TAKE ACTION!

  • Mike and Sean answer Randall's question concerning him leaving his career as an educator to chase down his dream of becoming a professional pilot.

    Be sure to go to the app store and DOWNLOWN OUR APP!

    Go to https://www.propilotplaybook.com and enter your email to get access to our list of "The Top 10 Flight School Rip-offs" and access to free lesson from our course.

    If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at: [email protected]


    00:00 Intro

    01:20 Catching up

    02:50 Randall's question

    07:32 Our response to Randall

    14:21 Doing it right

    18:23 Other tactics

    21:10 Mix in some accelerated flight training

    22:50 Offer flight training to the students at your school

    24:45 Wrap up- TAKE ACTION!

  • Mike and Sean discuss the most difficult aspects of obtaining your Private Pilot Certificate and the common pitfalls that make over 80% of people quit flight training.

    Be sure to go to the app store and DOWNLOWN OUR APP!

    Go to https://www.propilotplaybook.com and enter your email to get access to our list of "The Top 10 Flight School Rip-offs" and access to free lesson from our course.

    If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at: [email protected]


    00:00 Intro


    02:40 Sean's sightings

    05:10 Episode intro

    06:05 80% of of people quit flight training

    09:32 Money

    11:26 Need to commit

    12:09 Time

    13:33 Lack of motivation

    17:05 Rare that students can't figure it out

    20:37 Serious business

    22:57 Math requirements

    26:50 Final tips

    28:12 Wrap up- TAKE ACTION!

  • Mike and Sean answer a question about dealing with having to tell passengers no and discuss other situations that can cause you to have a difficult day as a pilot.

    Go to the app store and download our new app!

    Go to https://www.propilotplaybook.com and enter your email to get access to our list of "The Top 10 Flight School Rip-offs" and access to free lesson from our course.

    If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at: [email protected]


    00:00 Intro

    01:01 Viewer/listener's question

    02:29 Corporate pilot vs Airline pilot perspective

    04:59 Sean's 3 step process for dealing with passengers

    06:52 Mike's advice for dealing with bad situations as a pilot

    08:06 Common problems pilots deal with

    15:53 "Get Home-Itis"

    17:50 " Reverse Get Home-Itis"

    19:52 New products at https://www.propilotplaybook.com/

    20:04 Wrap up- TAKE ACTION!

  • Mike and Sean interview Brandon after recently failing his Private Pilot Checkride. However, there's a lot more to this story than what you might think. This is a great story for anyone who is getting close to taking their first Practical Pilot Test.

    DON'T MISS THIS! Go to https://www.propilotplaybook.com and enter your email to get access to our list of "The Top 10 Flight School Rip-offs" and access to free lesson from our course.

    If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at: [email protected]


    00:00 Intro

    01:23 Brandon's introduction and background

    05:56 Brandon's flight training

    11:00 Private pilot checkride

    20:54 No sleep

    23:20 Weather

    27:00 Ferry pilot problems

    32:50 The oral starts

    36:00 Family friend died

    40:35 Plane doesn't start

    43:50 Flight portion begins

    44:10 Cross-country snafu

    46:40 Engine out procedures

    51:05 A huge learning experience

    1:00:10 Won't see these stories on the internet

    1:02:53 We learn from failing

    1:04:40 Brandon's shout out to Pro-Pilot Playbook

    1:06:05 Wrap up- TAKE ACTION!

  • Mike and Sean jump a little off the career path rails to discuss a technical topic involving the use the very popular ForeFlight aviation app from the point of view as a professional pilot. We also address the possible downsides of using this powerful application early on in your training especially working towards your Private Pilot Certificate.

    DON'T MISS THIS! Go to https://www.propilotplaybook.com and enter your email to get access to our list of "The Top 10 Flight School Rip-offs" and access to free lesson from our course.

    If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at: [email protected]


    00:00 Intro

    01:47 Sam's question

    05:02 What is ForeFlight?

    06:53 Not for primary Private Pilot training

    09:33 Sean's day-to-day using ForeFlight

    12:00 Fuel planning

    16:01 Back-up instruments

    18:55 Poor man's TCAS

    20:20 All charts are included

    21:46 Logbook function

    23:28 Runway analysis data

    25:45 Airlines using ForeFlight

    26:35 Other aviation apps

    28:38 Wrap up- TAKE ACTION!

    29:00 New products released on the Pro-Pilot Playbook site

  • Mike and Sean answer two viewers questions this week concerning how to become an ultra successful corporate pilot and earn a comparable salary of our major airline counterparts. Basically a step-by-step guide to start an aircraft management company.

    DON'T MISS THIS! Go to https://www.propilotplaybook.com and enter your email to get access to our list of "The Top 10 Flight School Rip-offs" and access to free lesson from our course.

    If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at: [email protected]


    00:00 Intro

    03:08 Bryan's video question

    05:55 Answering peoples email

    06:33 What is a contract pilot

    11:19 Using Facebook groups to find contract pilot jobs

    12:40 Buying a type rating to do contract pilot work

    15:04 Adam's email question

    17:55 How to start an aircraft management company

    22:07 How to be a good contract pilot

    24:00 It all comes back to networking

    26:30 First steps as a low time pilot

    30:12 New products released on the Pro-Pilot Playbook site

    30:45 Take action!

  • Sean & Mike sit down with John Zimmerman from Sporty's Pilot's Discretion Podcast which is possibly the most downloaded aviation podcast in history.

    DON'T MISS THIS! Go to https://www.propilotplaybook.com and enter your email to get access to our list of "The Top 10 Flight School Rip-offs" and access to free lesson from our course.

    If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at: [email protected]

    Are the latest headlines about slowing airline pilot hiring just a temporary pause or the start of a downward trend? In this episode, aviation career mentors Mike Martin and Sean Richey explain what the real state of the industry is. They also talk about the right approach to flight training, how to build time, and whether airline interviews still matter. Mike and Sean have lots of experience as corporate pilots, so they share tips from the world of private jets, including the different skills required for that type of job. In the Ready to Copy segment, you’ll hear about tough checkrides, how to be a good copilot, and the best airports in America.


    - Current hiring trends: “There’s a difference between the hiring surge that we had and the true pilot shortage that’s going on in the background.”

    - Airline hiring 25 years ago: “Your first year you made like $22,000; you had to pay $18,000 back to them for your training.”

    - Where we are now: “There is no greater time in the history of man, since the Wright brothers first flew, to become a professional pilot.”

    - What type of flight school is best: “At the end of the day, you’re going to get the same certificates and ratings no matter what you do.”

    - Why waiting to start flight training can cost you: “For every year you wait, you gotta think about those big bucks on the back end of your career.”

    - Competition between employers: “This large airline hiring is sucking pilots out of the corporate world like a vacuum cleaner.”

    - Corporate jobs vs. airline jobs: “The actually volume of flying you is way less. There are many corporate pilots that fly as many hours annually as an airline pilot does in one month.”

    - How to break into corporate flying: “Be at the airport… you need to be at these airports and you need to see yourself seen and known.”

    - What makes a good copilot: “The ability to distinguish what’s important from what’s not important.”

    - Flying celebrities: “I had a perception before I did this… [that] money doesn’t buy happiness and all that. I actually think after years of doing this that that’s a coping mechanism that us poor people say.”


    - Pro-Pilot Playbook: https://www.propilotplaybook.com

    - Boeing Pilot Outlook: https://www.boeing.com/commercial/mar...

    - Pilot Training+ Membership: https://www.sportys.com/sportys-pilot... Explore the podcast

  • Sean & Mike talk with Daniel Smucker on how he was able to achieve his Instrument rating in just 10 days.

    DON'T MISS THIS! Go to https://www.propilotplaybook.com and enter your email to get access to our list of "The Top 10 Flight School Rip-offs" and access to free lesson from our course.

    If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at: [email protected]


    00:00 Intro

    03:10 Daniel's story

    11:02 How Daniel financed his training

    14:50 How he achieved Instrument rating in 10 days

    18:20 Accelerated commercial pilot license

    21:38 Hacks for sharing time via Face Book groups

    24:40 Owning a plane for training

    29:40 Borrowing an airplane for training

    33:04 Accelerated Multi-engine rating

    38:28 Flight training with brother as CFI

    42:20 Working on CFI and Networking

    46:11 Daniel idea for starting a flight school

    47:40 Is ATP flight school accelerated training?

    49:00 How did it all cost?

    52:00 Right seat in a jet

    54:30 Daniel's advice to aspiring pilots

    56:20 Networking at the airport

  • Sean & Mike answer two listeners video questions on the pilot marketing softening and whether it's worth buying your own type rating in an aircraft.

    DON'T MISS THIS! Go to https://www.propilotplaybook.com and enter your email to get access to our list of "The Top 10 Flight School Rip-offs" and access to free lesson from our course.

    If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at: [email protected]


    00:00 Intro

    01:56 Steve's question

    09:02 Truckers becoming professional pilots

    10:53 Ground school before flight training

    14:25 Skipping the regional airlines

    14:58 Hiring slowing down at the airlines

    16:56 Buy your own type rating?

    22:32 Good companies want good people

    25:06 Expensive training on speculation

    25:51 Finance it and accelerate it

    27:00 Take action

  • Sean & Mike talk to Ben Roller, former FAA Operations Inspector and Designated Pilot Examiner, to get the inside hacks on passing your pilot checkride. We also discuss common mistakes pilot applicants make on checkrides and how or if discretion actually exists when it comes to your checkride.

    DON'T MISS THIS! Go to https://www.propilotplaybook.com and enter your email to get access to our list of "The Top 10 Flight School Rip-offs" and access to free lesson from our course.

    If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at: [email protected]


    00:00 Intro

    02:23 Ben's background

    08:30 Pilot hiring in early 2000's vs today

    19:10 Pilot job market up's and down's

    20:44 Shortage of designated pilot examiners

    24:41 Requirements to be a DPE

    26:35 Who's the DPE's DPE?

    28:38 Do pilot examiners have a pass/fail ratio quota to maintain?

    30:57 Examiners discretion on a pilot checkride

    34:42 Examiner knows in the first 5 mins of meeting applicant outcome of the checkride

    35:48 Ben's advice to private pilot applicants

    39:55 Common problem areas on pilot checkrides

    48:19 Checkride with highest fail rate?

    56:30 Take Action!

  • Sean & Mike talk to Jamal again as he updates us with his progress at ATP flight school where he was able to get his Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot Certificate, and Multi-Engine Rating in under 5 months. Jamal had also used the financial aid which means he started his training at ATP with no money being paid up front.

    Jamal's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Jahmalthepilot

    DON'T MISS THIS! Go to https://www.propilotplaybook.com and enter your email to get access to our list of "The Top 10 Flight School Rip-offs" and access to free lesson from our course.

    If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at: [email protected]


    00:00 Intro

    02:23 Recap on Jamal's story

    07:02 How long and how much

    12:05 Can you fail at ATP

    14:25 What are the Cons of ATP

    18:58 Jamal has a JOB!

    26:20 Companies paying students at ATP Flight School

    28:16 Ages of other student pilots and CFI's at ATP

    30:58 Mike & Sean on the road

  • Mike and Sean break down the crash of a Challenger 604 on approach into Naples, Florida (APF) airport that experienced a dual engine failure on final crashing on I-75 killing both pilots. We talk about operating the challenger and possible causes of the accident including introducing a new theory that doesn't include fuel starvation or birds.

    Here's some links to other YouTuber's videos on the Naples Challenger crash:




    DON'T MISS THIS! Go to https://www.propilotplaybook.com and enter your email to get access to our list of "The Top 10 Flight School Rip-offs" and access to free lesson from our course.

    If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at: [email protected]


    00:00 Intro

    03:32 Facts surrounding Naples crash

    05:02 Challenger 604 business jet

    08:54 ATC audio

    10:37 Video of jet crash in Naples, Florida

    13:15 Dual engine flameout in jets

    19:52 Theories of what could have caused Naples crash

    26:07 Alternate theory for Naples Challenger crash

    34:07 Pilots of Naples, Florida crash heros

  • Sean and Mike revisit this fatal accident with a fresh perspective on the loss of Youtuber TNFlyGirl in her newly acquired Beech Debonair. It appears there is evidence pointing to this crash being part of elaborate internet stunt that went horribly wrong resulting in the loss of two lives.

    Here's the links we reference in the video, also links to Juan Brown's Youtube channel "Blancolirio" for a detailed analysis of this fatal crash:






    DON'T MISS THIS! Go to https://www.propilotplaybook.com and enter your email to get access to our list of "The Top 10 Flight School Rip-offs" and access to free lesson from our course. If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at: [email protected]


    00:00 Intro

    02:25 TN Fly Girl story is worse than we thought

    03:03 Pro-Pilot Playbook student's plane crashes

    05:20 Consequences of bad judgement piloting aircraft

    06:05 Other Youtubers' videos about TN Fly Girl accident

    07:01 Non-stop examples of bad piloting skills displayed by Jen Blalock

    16:30 Mike's advice for student pilots and flight instructors on cross-country training flights

    18:14 Sean's advice for student pilots in primary flight training

    20:01 What can happen to us using automation even with driving a car

    22:04 What navigation equipment Jenny Blalock TNFlyGirl actually needed to complete the simple 40nm flight on a VFR day

    23:32 Money can sometimes allow a pilot to buy an airplane beyond their experience and skill level

    25:15 Final words of advice for anybody currently working on their Private Pilot's certificate to become a professional corporate or airline pilot

  • Sean and Mike have a chat with the YouTube sensation, Fly with Trent https://www.youtube.com/@trent_dyrsmid We talk background, accelerated flight training, and his rise as the go-to guy in the "Career 2.0" space for folks wanting to become professional pilots.

    Use these link's to check out some of Trent's videos on his YouTube channel "Fly With Trent":




    DON'T MISS THIS! Go to https://www.propilotplaybook.com and enter your email to get access to our list of "The Top 10 Flight School Ripoffs" and access to free lesson from our course. If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at: [email protected]


    00:00 Intro

    02:30 Trent's back ground

    07:45 Trent gets into flying

    16:37 Fly With Trent

    18:08 Trent decides to be a professional pilot

    19:41 Career 2.0 people can do anything, but want to become pilots

    22:52 Accelerated flight training- Four checkrides in 2 weeks

    27:02 The Fly With Trent YouTube channel

    30:05 What's next for Trent- Airlines or Corporate Pilot

    35:45 What's next for the Fly With Trent YouTube Channel?

    37:02 Wrap up

  • Sean and Mike's take on the tragic news concerning the loss of Youtuber TNFlyGirl. There are lessons to be learned from what we know at this point in the investigation that every aspiring pilot should embrace.

    Use these link's to check out Juan Brown's Youtube channel "Blancolirio" for a detailed analysis of this fatal crash:



    DON'T MISS THIS! Go to https://www.propilotplaybook.com and enter your email to get access to our list of "The Top 10 Flight School Ripoffs" and access to free lesson from our course.

    If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at: [email protected]

    Chapters: 00:00

    Intro 02:15 TN Fly Girl story

    03:13 Juan Brown - Blancolirio

    06:37 Beech Debonair auto-pilot

    09:03 Personal limitations

    10:18 Getting proper flight instruction

    14:05 Brandon's solo flight - aeronautical decision making

    17:02 Consequences of bad judgement piloting aircraft

    18:36 Aspen (ASE) Airport Operations

    22:08 Sometimes paid to say no as a pilot

    25:44 Automation causing aviation accidents

    27:29 Flight instructor advice

    35:19 Jim Rohn Quote

  • Our first podcast of 2024 is all about getting you off your butt and taking the right action in the right direction. This episode is packed full of useful insight to get you headed in the right direction to achieve your dream of becoming a professional pilot. There is no better or easier time in history to become an airline or corporate pilot. Make this your year by taking action and change your life.

    DON'T MISS THIS! Go to https://www.propilotplaybook.com and enter your email to get access to our list of "The Top 10 Flight School Ripoffs" and access to free lesson from our course.

    If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at: [email protected]


    00:00 Intro

    04:25 Take action with self discipline

    06:47 Quotes for aspiring pilots

    08:45 Thermostat theory

    11:38 Paralysis by analysis: Goals & Habits

    14:37 Inspiration vs. Information

    16:35 Take an introductory/discovery flight

    19:18 Waiting for the time/money to be "right"

    21:44 Will flight training be easy?

    23:02 What's coming up for the Pro-Pilot Playbook

    25:20 Make this your year to become a pilot