
  • A recent study by the CDC released on February 13, 2022 found that teen girls are struggling with their mental health and thoughts of self-harm significantly more than a decade ago. And while there are many factors that can be contributing to this decline including negative effects of continual exposure to social media and longstanding repercussions of isolation from pandemic, it is important for parents to take a proactive approach to strengthen their daughter(s)’ mental health.  

    In this episode, Quinn offers parents an understanding of: 

         1. What the recent research shows as to the decline of mental health of girls
    2. The power of connection in improving mental health
    3. Practical ways parents can protect their daughters 

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    The more we focus outward on others, the smaller our individual problems seem 

    Scripture Renewal Tip:  

    "No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, declares the Lord." Isaiah 54:17 

    Link to Study: https://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/data/yrbs/yrbs_data_summary_and_trends.htm 

    Declaration of Identity:
    I am loved.
    I am here for a reason.
    I was created with unique purpose.
    I am beautifully created. And I will see myself that way.
    I am more than my emotions. I am more than my mistakes.
    My story is bigger than today.
    My life is a part of God’s bigger plan.
    I have a future and a hope.
    I will live with that in mind. J 

  • Today is Quinn’s 41st birthday and in honor of that, she wanted to share four phrases (plus one bonus phase) that have changed her life for the better. These phrases are one that are easy to remember and easy to apply if you see their importance. 

    After listening today, Quinn teaches listeners: 

         1. How too big of goals often stop us from making goals at all.
    2. Why living for others keeps you from living for God
    3. The importance of not leaving important people in your life guessing if you care 

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    Often once we get started with a small something, the big something that we truly desire ot accomplish seems tangible to us! 

    Scripture Renewal Tip:
    Because He bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I have breath.
    Psalm 116:2 

    Quinn’s Phrases: 

         1. Something is better than nothing
    2. You cannot control what they think of you. So you should focus on what God thinks of you instead.
    3. If they’re important, they should know.
    4. These are the days.
    5. Bonus +1 -- Life with God (even when you’re mad and confused) is better than life without God.  

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  • In life we often find ourselves assuming responsibility for things that are not meant to be in our control. Instead of focusing on our own decisions or actions, we find ourselves focusing on what others think about the things we are choosing to do, which is exhausting and unproductive.   

    In today’s episode, Quinn teaches listeners:

    1. Where the bible says our focus should be
    2. What we sacrifice when we are focused on the happiness of others
    3. The danger of trying to meet unrealistic expectations from others   

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    If you are focused on keeping others happy, you are often sacrificing your own well being.  

    Scripture Renewal Tip:

    Acts 5:29 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. 


  • Whether we realize it or not, we choose what we believe in hard times. We can choose to believe we are alone or that God is with us. And that choice can be the difference between suffering and peace when facing the same thing.  

    There comes a point in all of our lives when we are in the middle of a hard time or trial, l and we feel like we might not make it through. Maybe it’s a job loss. The death of a loved one. Or a struggle with illness. Regardless the circumstance, it’s hard to know how to find your way out.  

    In today’s episode, Quinn teaches listeners how to navigate a hard time more easily by examining:

    1. How choice plays a large role in perseverance
    2. God’s promises have the ability to keep our minds stable 

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.  

    Scripture Renewal Tip:
    Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist. Ephesians 6:14 

  • Moms don’t have to be perfect to be effective in being there for our children. But sometimes, it’s hard to know where to put our mental effort and focus when trying to raise happy and healthy kids.  

    In today’s episode, Quinn discusses: 

    Three hidden superpowers of Rockstar moms The importance of connecting with other kids in your home The value of respect in creating a household of healthy kids 

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    Kids that feel respected by their parents feel more inclined to respect their parents in return.  

    Scripture Renewal Tip:
    The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. He will not always hide, nor will he keep his anger forever. He does not deal with us according to our sins, not repay us according to our iniquities. As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him. Psalm 103: 8-10,134 

  • Most people feel stress from time to time, but healthy individuals do not carry stress day in and day out or it begins to take a toll on our health. When we adjust to holding stress and not managing it, we can end up with high cortisol levels which wreak havoc on our bodies both mentally and physically.  

    In today’s episode, Quinn shares about: 

    What cortisol is What it does when it’s elevated How to reduce it naturally in our daily life 

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    We can fight off stress all at once but if we proactively do things to reduce it daily, we can slower make it disappear.  

    Scripture Renewal Tip:
    “Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved” (Psalm 55:22) 






  • Have you ever felt God telling you to do something that doesn’t necessarily make sense? In this episode, Quinn tells the story of her friend and ministry partner Jarrell feeling compelled to come lay hands on her face at the start of her diagnosis of Ramsay Hunt.

    In the episode, Quinn teaches listeners:
    1. What often happens when we don’t listen to God
    2. The mystery and power of trusting God is at work
    3. The power of focusing on God’s timing

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    Obedience is the key to unlocking blessings. --Priscilla Shirer

    Scripture Renewal Tip:

    "And through your descendants all the nations of the earth will be blessed—all because you have obeyed me." (Genesis 22:18)

    Jesus replied, "But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice." (Luke 11:28)

    Wherever You Go I Want You To Know is available here. Save 25% by using code: Go25

  • Life is not one big story, but instead a compilation of seasons God uses to grow and refine us. When a season isn’t our favorite, it’s tempting to try and rush through the season we are in instead of allowing God to grow us and use our God-given gifts to bloom where we’re planted.  

    In this episode, Quinn talks about:
    1. Different types of seasons God leads us through
    2. What happens when we move from one season to the next
    3.The best ways to bloom where you’re planted 

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    All seasons have purpose. One isn’t better than another. Although one may be more fun than another. And the beauty of God at work in us is not rushing from one season to the next, but allowing God to give us the strength and wisdom to bloom where we are standing.  

    Scriptural Renewal Tip:
    There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance… Ecclesiastes 3:1-4 


  • Have you ever felt like your child is not the typical child and you want to accept them but find it challenging too? We often want our children to be themselves but struggle when they stand out for being weird or unlike the other kids their age. They may be confident with their own unique desires and interests, but we may struggle to support them more than we even understand.  

    In today’s episode, Quinn helps parents: 

         1. Understand why God wants us to embrace our unique children
    2. Identify areas we need to explore for our own healing
    3. See the power of writing a new future with who they are instead of who we thought they would be  

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    If we spend time trying to be everyone else, we will miss out on being who God called us to be.  

    Scripture Renewal Tip:
    Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2 

  • In marriage therapy, there are several ways of thinking that seem to destroy healthy communication in marriage. These thoughts fit into a category called cognitive distortions and they are faulty ways of viewing events that prevents partners from seeing things in a positive light.  

    In today’s episode, Quinn teaches listeners: 

         1. Three of the common distortions she sees in marriage therapy
    2. Why these ways of thinking contribute to communication going poorly
    3. Steps to challenge your thinking in order to improve your communication 

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    If you want to know what your partner is thinking about a situation, ask them instead of assuming. It’s often what we “think” we know about a situation that makes it go poorly instead of the true facts surrounding it! 

    Scripture Renewal Tip:
    Ask and it shall be given to you. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door will be opened unto you. For everyone who asks receives, the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7: 7-8 

  • Relationships often end up in negative cycles that repeat themselves and unless we understand how to stop it, we stay stuck in it. In today’s episode, Quinn discusses 5 steps to renew a negative relationship with a friend, spouse, child or coworker.

    After listening, listeners will understand how to: 

         1. Identify it’s time to renew a relationship
    2. The power of needs in changing a negative pattern
    3. Do something different when negative things seem to repeat themselves 

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    We often repeat the same negative patterns of conflict with people we love and while it seems impossible to start new, simply seeing that person as one in whom Christ dwells can transform everything.  

    Scripture Renewal Tip:
    Do not conform to the patterns of this world but instead be transformed by the renewing of your mind so you can test and approve what God’s will is. His good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2 


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  • Everyone makes mistakes, but learning to forgive yourself for them is often easier than it sounds. It’s easy to focus on the power of forgiving others but forget how important it is to forgive ourselves in the process.
    In the episode, Quinn discusses: 

         1. The power of understanding your emotions in self forgiveness
    2. A sign in your relationships that reveals you need to forgive yourself
    3. The power of mistakes in allowing us to grow
    Mind Renewal Tip:
    We often don’t want to make mistakes but fail to recognize that it is our mistakes that allow us a chance to grow and alert us that we need to.
    Scripture Renewal Tip:
    Ephesians Be kind to one another, tender-hearted forgiving each other, just as God also has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32
    What are the 4 R's of self-forgiveness?

    Responsibility: Accept what has happened and show yourself compassion.  

    Remorse: Use guilt and remorse as a gateway to positive behavior change.  

    Restoration: Make amends with whomever you're forgiving, even if it's yourself.  

    Renewal: Learn from the experience and grow as a person 

    Wherever You Go I Want You To Know is available here. Save 25% by using code: Go25

  • If you’re a parent you’ve likely had a time where someone has wronged your child and you feel an instinct to protect them in a way that is powerful and strong. But often that instinct can lead parents to rash decisions that make both our child and us look bad.  

    In today’s episode, Quinn teaches listeners to:

         1. Identify the things that trigger them to act out as a mama or papa bear
    2. The ultimate goal of parenting in these hard situations
    3. The length of time to wait before responding 


    Mind Renewal Tip:
    Opportunities when we are triggered are the opportunities to show the world how someone with Christ responds to adversity.  

    Scripture Renewal Tip:
    But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22

    Wherever You Go I Want You To Know is available here. Save 25% by using code: Go25

  • In this episode, Quinn examines several lies Christians believe when they are going through difficult times that make hard times harde3r than they need to be. People often things these lies comfort them when in actuality, they lead to stress,  

    In the episode, Quinn teaches listeners:

         1. Why We Tell Ourselves These Lies
    2. What to Tell Ourselves to replace them
    3. Steps to Cope with Sadness in Difficulty  

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    We want to make sense of things that are non-sensical. We want to have the whole picture when we are only looking at half the drawing.  

    Scripture Renewal Tip:
    His asked Him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he would be born blind? Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but it was so that the works of God might be displayed and illustrated in him.” John 9:1-5 

    Wherever You Go I Want You To Know is available here. Save 25% by using code: Go25

  • In this week’s episode, Quinn shares about two honest conversations she has had with women lately that propelled her to analyze why honesty is so vital in close relationships. Quinn also addressed the myth that honesty can cause division instead of closeness.  

    In the episode, Quinn teaches listeners:

         1. Feelings that might indicate its time for an honest conversations
    2. Phrases that keep honest words safe and approachable
    3. What honestly does to the person receiving it 

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    When you take the time to have an honest conversation with someone -- even when it involves hard words -- it builds far more trust and intimacy than holding back honesty can.  

    Scripture Renewal Tip:
    Seek peace and pursue it. Psalm 34:14 

    Wherever You Go I Want You To Know is available here. Save 25% by using code: Go25

  • In the Bible, the word “ezer” is used to describe military and divine help 21 times in the Bible and all from positions of strength. God even describes himself as that word 16 different times, meaning that helping is a concept that has deep value in God’s eyes.   

    In today’s episode, Quinn focuses on the power of being a help and strength to those in our lives. Specifically, she focuses on: 

         1. Teaching a mindset that changes our perspective on helping
    2. How being a helper transforms our attitude in hardship
    3. Scripture that focuses on God as our helper 

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    When we stop telling someone how to change and start helping them create the changes we think are necessary, our relationships improve.  

    Scripture Renewal Tip:

    I I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
    where does my help come from?
    2 My help comes from the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven and earth.
    Psalm 121:2 

    Wherever You Go I Want You To Know is available here. Save 25% by using code: Go25

  • In today’s episode, Quinn addresses reasons why you might be struggling with chronic anger. She explains levels of anger and teaches the ways in which we want to address our emotional needs instead of suppressing them so that we don’t explode.  

    In the episode, Quinn explains to listeners:

         1. The four stages of anger including irritation, frustration, rage and fury
    2. The power of saying no to the unnecessary when dealing with chronic anger.
    3. The benefit of finding a calming phrase in the middle of an anger surge.

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    Anger isn’t the problem. What’s causing your anger is. 

    Scriptural Renewal Tip:
    Wise people are careful and stay out of trouble, but fools are careless and quick to act. Someone with a quick temper does foolish things, but someone with understanding remains calm. Proverbs 14: 16-17

    Wherever You Go I Want You To Know is available here. Save 25% by using code: Go25

  • Almost everyone you meet walks through a hard season at one point or another. However, we often feel at a loss as to the right way to show care and concern for someone that is struggling. 

    In today’s episode, Quinn walks listeners through common lies that keep us from feeling like we are equipped to comfort others well. She not only identifies then but also teaches listeners how to:

         1. Meet these lies with truth that allows them to act on their care and concern.
    2. Simple ways to show care through a text.
    3. Her favorite tip with offering meals for someone in a hard time. 

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    There is never a bad moment to show someone you care about their hurting heart or pain. 

    Scripture Renewal Tip:
    Carry each other’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. 
    Galatians 6:2

    Wherever You Go I Want You To Know is available here. Save 25% by using code: Go25

  • We want our children to have passion and purpose through their involvement in activities and sports. But often it’s hard to know when it’s healthy to say no to commitments in order to slow down and enjoy life and parenthood.   

    In today’s episode, Quinn offers listeners:

    1. Stats on what is realistic about our children’s future in sports
    2. What identify we want them anchored to
    3. A question every person should be asking themselves.  

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    If we don’t know why are children are doing an activity, we should feel permission to say no to it.  

    Scripture Renewal Tip:
    Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10 


    Wherever You Go I Want You To Know is available here. Save 25% by using code: Go25

  • In today’s episode, Quinn discusses the power of trusting God’s timeline in times where we are waiting for prayers to be answered. She also focuses on what the Bible displays when people try and rush God into fulfilling his promises.  

    Through the episode, Quinn teaches listeners: 

         1. One question to ask themselves as they wait
    2. How the Bible changed Quinn’s perspective of God’s character
    3. The possibility of hope in pain as we wait 

    Mind Renewal Tip:
    When we understand that God’s timing is perfect, we wait differently. 

    Scripture Renewal Tip:
    But they who wait on the lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagle they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 30:31

    Wherever You Go I Want You To Know is available here. Save 25% by using code: Go25