🕉️ Hari Om,
🙏 Dear Spiritually Wealthy Seeker,
🌟 Welcome to our empowering and transformative Monday Energizer program! We're thrilled to have you on this inspiring journey of self-discovery and growth.
🌈 As we embark on Week TEN, let's take a moment to reflect on the incredible progress we've made so far. From delving into the profound distinctions between the law of karma and destiny to harnessing the power of amplified energy and uplifting vocabulary, we have been paving the way toward spiritual abundance.
💫 Today, we have a vital topic to explore: Gratitude. It is a fundamental practice that can profoundly shape our lives and bring us closer to our spiritual aspirations. Discover the profound impact of gratitude by watching our enlightening YouTube video or listening to the insightful podcast. We genuinely value your feedback and invite you to share your learnings in the comments section.
🏆Rest assured, we personally read and respond to every comment. Moreover, we are excited to announce that the most outstanding comment will receive 🏅VIP access to the exclusive recordings of FIVE SUPER MORNINGS WITH HANUMAN CHALISA, granting you a lifetime of inspiration and spiritual enrichment. That's not all! The VIP access also includes entry to our esteemed WhatsApp group and Monday Q&A sessions, alongside several other exciting benefits.🥇
🎥 To access the thought-provoking YouTube video, please follow this link: https://youtu.be/hz3mlBLS3SM
🎧 Alternatively, you can listen to the captivating podcast by visiting: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1875844/13109100
👨🏫 Are you eager to delve deeper into spiritual wisdom and broaden your understanding? Then mark your calendars for our upcoming webinar! By joining this enlightening session, you will gain invaluable insights and practical tools to accelerate your spiritual growth. To secure your spot, register for the webinar here: https://webinar.spirituallywealthy.coach
🌟 On behalf of our entire team, we extend our heartfelt wishes for your journey towards spiritual wealth. May the divine grace and blessings of the LORD shower upon you and your loved ones.
❤️ With an abundance of love and Om, Pranams,
Ruchir/Chirantan - IGNITE YOUR SPIRITUAL POTENTIALSpiritually Wealthy
From Self-reliance to Self-realization
📱+91 9825178974
🏡4-B Shastrinagar Society, Nizampura, Vadodara, Gujarat, India - 390002.
https://ruchirthakkar.com -
🕉️ Hari Om,
🙏 Dear Spiritually Wealthy Seeker,
🌟 Are you ready for an inspiring journey? Join our TEN-week Monday Energizer program to build your Commitment muscle!
🌈 We're on Week Nine, and we've covered so much already! From understanding the difference between the law of karma and destiny to learning about amplified energy and encouraging vocabulary, we've been on a path to spiritual wealth.
💫 Today's energizer is crucial: NHWPCC a formula to build new habit. Check out the YouTube video or listen to the podcast to learn more. Don't forget to share your feedback and learnings in the comments – we'll read and reply personally!
🎥 Access the YouTube Video with the following link: https://youtu.be/yOo3CahaZRs
🎧 Or listen to the podcast:
👨🏫 Want to learn more? Join our upcoming webinar: https://ruchirthakkar.com/webinar-gift-registration/
🌟 We wish you all the best on your journey to spiritual wealth. May the LORD's grace and blessings be on you and your family.
❤️ With Lots of Love and Om, Pranams,
Spiritually Wealthy
From Self-reliance to Self-realization
📱+91 9825178974
🏡4-B Shastrinagar Society, Nizampura, Vadodara, Gujarat, India - 390002.
https://ruchirthakkar.com -
Missing episodes?
Hari om,
Dear Spiritually Wealthy Seeker,
We started a TEN weeks Journey of Monday Energizer to build your Commitment muscle.
We are on Week Eight
Last week – Week Seven - We discussed - The difference between the law of karma and the law of destiny. How can we understand the Law of Karma, which includes the law of destiny. We are not victims of the law of destiny, but we have the power to change it.
Week Six - we understand AMPLIFIED ENERGY AND ALSO ‘JALSA.’
Week Five – We learn about Three kinds of personalities, Ordinary, Extraordinary, and Great.
Week Four – We understand how to apply KINDNESS WITH BOUNDARIES; compassion is one of the core values of a Spiritually Wealthy seeker.
Week Three - ENCOURAGING VOCABULARY. How encouraging vocabulary can change our thoughts and, intern creates essential positive patterns. Are you now more fragrant?
Week Two - We discussed the words Awareness and
Week One - Certainty. Are you aware of the thoughts and words? Did you become sure about your actions applying this knowledge? Are you now DOING IT or still TRYING? These are reminders for us.
Today’s energizer is very important – Today’s word – Forgiveness. Watch the YouTube video or listen to the podcast to learn in detail. Please do share your feedback and learnings in the comment box. I will personally read and reply.
Access the YouTube Video with the following link.
You can also listen to the podcast.
To know more; Join our upcoming webinar.
I wish you all the very best. May LORD’s grace and blessings be on you and your family.
RUCHIR / CHIRANTANSpiritually Wealthy
From Self-reliance to Self-realization
📱+91 9825178974
🏡4-B Shastrinagar Society, Nizampura, Vadodara, Gujarat, India - 390002.
https://ruchirthakkar.com -
Hari Om,
Let us chant and memorize Bhagavad Gita Dhyana shlokas on the auspicious day of Gita Jayanti.
Wish you all a very happy Gita Jayanti. May we all be on the path of Dharma by the grace of Maa Gita.
You can also watch the youtube video with the following link
With lots of love and Om, Pranams,
Ruchir Thakkar / Chirantan ChaitanyaSpiritually Wealthy
From Self-reliance to Self-realization
📱+91 9825178974
🏡4-B Shastrinagar Society, Nizampura, Vadodara, Gujarat, India - 390002.
https://ruchirthakkar.com -
Hari om,
Dear Spiritually Wealthy Seeker,
We started a TEN weeks Journey of Monday Energizer to build your Commitment muscle.
We are on Week Seven
Last week we discussed - AMPLIFIED ENERGY AND ALSO ‘JALSA.’ So far, we have covered, Three kinds of personalities, Ordinary, Extraordinary, and Great. KINDNESS WITH BOUNDARIES; compassion is one of the core values of a Spiritually Wealthy seeker. ENCOURAGING VOCABULARY. How encouraging vocabulary can change our thoughts and intern creates essential positive patterns. Are you now more fragrant? We discussed the words Awareness and Certainty. Are you aware of the thoughts and words? Did you become sure about your actions applying this knowledge? Are you now DOING IT or still TRYING? These are reminders for us.
Today’s energizer is very important – The difference between the law of karma and the law of destiny. How can we understand the Law of Karma, which includes the law of destiny? We are not victims of the law of destiny, but we have the power to change it. Watch the YouTube video or listen to the podcast to learn in detail. Please do share your feedback and learnings in the comment box. I will personally read and reply.
Access the YouTube Video with the following link.
You can also listen to the podcast.
To know more, Join our upcoming webinar.
I wish you all the very best. May LORD’s grace and blessings be on you and your family.
Spiritually Wealthy
From Self-reliance to Self-realization
📱+91 9825178974
🏡4-B Shastrinagar Society, Nizampura, Vadodara, Gujarat, India - 390002.
https://ruchirthakkar.com -
Hari om,
Dear Spiritually Wealthy Seeker,
We started a TEN weeks Journey of Monday Energizer to build your Commitment muscle.
We are on Week Six
Last week we discussed Three kinds of personalities, Ordinary, Extraordinary, and Great. Which category are you falling in? Are you ordinary, extraordinary, or great? So far, we have covered KINDNESS WITH BOUNDARIES; compassion is one of the core values of a Spiritually Wealthy seeker. ENCOURAGING VOCABULARY. How encouraging vocabulary can change our thoughts and intern creates essential positive patterns. Are you now more fragrant? We discussed the words Awareness and Certainty. Are you aware of the thoughts and words? Did you become certain about your actions applying this knowledge? Are you now DOING IT or still TRYING? These are reminders for us.
As discussed, today’s energizer is very important – AMPLIFIED ENERGY AND ALSO ‘JALSA’. How we forget GOD in each stage of life and Seek ‘Forgiveness’.’ How to amplify our energy as we act in this world, where we have to act super-fast to achieve desired results or goals? Watch the YouTube video or listen to the podcast to learn in detail. Please do share your feedback and learnings in the comment box. I will personally read and reply.
Access the YouTube Video with the following link.
You can also listen to the podcast.
Join our upcoming webinar.
I wish you all the very best. May LORD’s grace and blessings be on you and your family.
Spiritually Wealthy
From Self-reliance to Self-realization
📱+91 9825178974
🏡4-B Shastrinagar Society, Nizampura, Vadodara, Gujarat, India - 390002.
https://ruchirthakkar.com -
Hari om,
Dear Spiritually Wealthy Seeker,
We started a TEN weeks Journey of Monday Energizer to build your Commitment muscle.
We are on Week Five
Last week we discussed KINDNESS WITH BOUNDARIES; compassion is one of the core values of a Spiritually Wealthy seeker. So far, we have covered ENCOURAGING VOCABULARY. How encouraging vocabulary can change our thoughts and intern creates essential positive patterns. Are you now more fragrant? We discussed the words Awareness and Certainty. Are you aware of the thoughts and words? Did you become certain about your actions applying this knowledge? Are you now DOING IT or still TRYING? These are reminders for us.
Today’s energizer is very important, as we discuss – Three kinds of personalities, Ordinary, Extraordinary, and Great. Which category you are falling in. Are you ordinary, extraordinary, or great? Watch the YouTube video, or listen to the podcast to learn in detail.
Access the YouTube Video with the following link.
You can also listen to the podcast.
Join our upcoming webinar.
I wish you all the very best. May LORD’s grace and blessings be on you and your family.
RUCHIR / CHIRANTANSpiritually Wealthy
From Self-reliance to Self-realization
📱+91 9825178974
🏡4-B Shastrinagar Society, Nizampura, Vadodara, Gujarat, India - 390002.
https://ruchirthakkar.com -
Dear Spiritually Wealthy Seeker,
*We started a TEN weeks Journey of Monday Energizer to build your Commitment muscle*
We are on Week *Four*
Last week we discussed *ENCOURAGING VOCABULARY*. How encouraging vocabulary can change our thoughts and intern creates essential positive patterns. These patterns drive our life. Our vocabulary has a direct impact on our energy. Which Emojis are you using, happiest or angry, victory or sad? Are you aware of the words you are using daily? The first step is to become ‘Aware’ and then become ‘Certain.’
Today’s energizer is very important as we discuss – *KINDNESS WITH BOUNDARIES*. Compassion is an inevitable value that a SPIRITUALLY WEALTHY seeker practices. But, it is only one side of the coin. The other side is to set boundaries. We have to set boundaries to protect ourselves while being kind with love. This will balance our actions and provide us enough strength to serve more with the correct energy. To learn in detail -*How to practice kindness with boundaries?*, watch the YouTube video, or listen to the podcast.
Access the *YouTube* Video with the following link.
You can also listen to the *podcast. *
Join our upcoming *webinar. *
I wish you all the very best. May LORD’s grace and blessings be on you and your family.
Spiritually Wealthy
From Self-reliance to Self-realization
📱+91 9825178974
🏡4-B Shastrinagar Society, Nizampura, Vadodara, Gujarat, India - 390002.
https://ruchirthakkar.com -
Dear Spiritually Wealthy Seeker,
*We started a TEN weeks Journey of Monday Energizer to build your Commitment muscle*
We are on Week *Three*
Last week we saw the word certainty and awareness. We started our journey by committing to one easy task and added one more last week. I hope you all have followed the instructions and are on track. If you have achieved 80% of the result, that is enough.
Today’s energizer is very important as we discuss – *ENCOURAGING VOCABULARY*. As you know, our thought creates by words, and words are essential in forming patterns. These patterns drive our life. Our vocabulary has a direct impact on our energy. Which Emojis are you using, happiest or angry, victory or sad? Are you aware of the words you are using daily? Watch this video on YouTube or listen to the podcast and change your vocabulary from negative to positive, discouraging to encouraging, and stupid to superb.
Access the YouTube Video with the following link.
You can also listen to the *podcast. *
Join our upcoming *webinar. *
Wishing you all the very best. May LORD’s grace and blessings are on you and your family,
Spiritually Wealthy
From Self-reliance to Self-realization
📱+91 9825178974
🏡4-B Shastrinagar Society, Nizampura, Vadodara, Gujarat, India - 390002.
https://ruchirthakkar.com -
Dear Spiritually Wealthy Seeker,
*We started a TEN weeks Journey of Monday Energizer to build your Commitment muscle*
We are on Week Two
Last week we saw the word certainty and started our journey by committing to one easy task. I hope you all have followed the instructions and are on track. If you have achieved 80% of the result, that is enough.
Today we will add one more habit to our stack and keep on adding one habit for the next ten weeks. This journey is for building your confidence and growing your commitment muscle.
Today we are going to move on with one new word. Let us build a new YOU in 10 weeks.
For details, go through the *video.*
You can access it with the following link.
You can also listen to the *podcast.*
Join our upcoming *webinar.*
Wishing you all the very best. May LORD’s grace and blessings are on you and your family,
RUCHIR / CHIRANTANSpiritually Wealthy
From Self-reliance to Self-realization
📱+91 9825178974
🏡4-B Shastrinagar Society, Nizampura, Vadodara, Gujarat, India - 390002.
https://ruchirthakkar.com -
Dear Spiritually Wealthy Seeker,
*We are starting a TEN weeks Journey of Monday Energizer to build your Commitment muscle*
I wish you all a very happy INDEPENDENCE DAY – 2022. It is also the birthday of the SPIRITUALLY WEALTHY community. Yes, 3 YEARS passed. We started on 15th August 2019.
Our foundation principle/core values are Speed (awareness to go Fast and to slow down), Self-reliance (Financial and Spiritual), Compassion (for all), Integrity (Thought, Words, and Action), and above all, TRUTH (KNOW AND ABIDE).
Based on these solid foundational pillars, we offer courses at three levels.
This is the level of life where you start your life after completing your studies.
This is the level where you start your married life.
This is the level where you have your babies.
This is the level where you change the job.
This is the level where your loved one is going through a traumatic experience.
This is the level where you face a critical illness.
This is the level where you face the life situation practically.
This is the level where you have deadlines.
This is the level where your income is less than your expenses.
This is the level of life where you are stable in your Job or Business
This is the level where your relationship with your partner is firm after going through all the turbulence.
This is the level where your children are grown-up and are not much dependent on you.
This is the level where you and your family members are enjoying good health.
This is the level where you have overcome all life situations and come out VICTORIOUS
This is the level where you can cope with any deadline with ease.
This is the level where your income is more than your expenses.
This is the level of life where you are done with all your GOALS, personal and professional.
This is the level where you understand it is OK – for almost everything.
This is the level where you are happy with everything and do not want to change anything.
This is the level where you want to minimize your needs and just want to take care of yourself to a minimum.
This is the level where you want to detach from the world and attach to SELF.
This is the level where you just want to contemplate or meditate on the higher self.
This is the level where you don’t require any income. You are just maintaining yourself so you can meditate on the higher self with Joy and enthusiasm.
Today we are going to start building our commitment muscle with MODAY ENERGIZER.
For details, go through the video.
You can access the video with the following link.https://youtu.be/pAyCFWYtLXM
Join our upcoming webinar.
Wishing you all the very best. May LORD’s grace and blessings are on you and your family,
Spiritually Wealthy
From Self-reliance to Self-realization
📱+91 9825178974
🏡4-B Shastrinagar Society, Nizampura, Vadodara, Gujarat, India - 390002.
https://ruchirthakkar.com -
Dear Seeker,
On this auspicious day of Krishna Janmashtami, let us review the book Bhaja Govindam by Bhagavan Adi Shankaracharya, this is part of a study, I am no one to review Bhagavan and Guru's Work.
Bhagavan Ãdi Sartkaracharya is among lhe grealesl revolutionär)’ thinkers of all time. He renewed, uplifted, and restored Vaidika culture to its true greatness.
He was not only the founder of a great philosophical movement but also a compassionate teacher, a tireless missionary, and a brilliant poet-writer who could convey complex and profound truths in words of elegant simplicity.
Bhaja Govindam is one of Adi Sartkarcharya's most beautiful works, composed in clear and effective language and addressed to simple folk struggling with the demands of life, but also capable of keeping intellectual philosophers engrossed. It is rightly described as a fragrant bouquet of verses.
The clear, precise and eloquent commentary of Swami Chinmayananda adds to the fragrance of the original composition, inviting the spiritual seeker to reflect upon the meaning of the verses, attempt to understand, absorb and live the truth behind the words.
I strongly recommend this book for a Spiritual Seeker to study.
You can watch this podcast as a video on youtube.
You can Join the Bhaja Govindam Course here. http://bit.ly/38HlCdN
You can get this book.
1. Paper Pack - https://amzn.to/3AvVdiq
2. Kindle - https://amzn.to/3wiY5N8
Join our Community. (WhatsApp Group)
Join our upcoming webinar to ask your questions
By the grace of Bhagavan Adi Shankaracharya and the blessings of Pujya Gurudev let us all be Spiritually Wealthy.Spiritually Wealthy
From Self-reliance to Self-realization
📱+91 9825178974
🏡4-B Shastrinagar Society, Nizampura, Vadodara, Gujarat, India - 390002.
https://ruchirthakkar.com -
Dear Seekers,
Hari Om, Salutations!🙏
🌈It’s a festive season and we are celebrating various New Year’s, Jayanti’s, Janmotsava and Punyatithis.❤️
1. Vasikhi in North Part of India
2. Tamil New year
3. Bohag Bihu
4. Ambedkar Jayanti
5. Tarabai Bhosale Jayanti
6. Mahavir Jayanti
7. Ramana Maharshi Punyatithi
More… More… More…
🤔We have a common question – What is Meditation. There are various types for various goals. Today I want to share a story about a boy who has this question and his parents were unable to answer him. Shri Ramana Maharshi explained to him in a very simple but effective way – WHAT IS MEDITATION.
👉Listen to the podcast…
👉Watch the YouTube Video (Please subscribe to our channel and give your feedback in Comment Section.
👉If you have any doubt join our upcoming webinar and ask your question in question-answer time.
👉Visit our Website for more information:
Wishing you all a very happy meditation,😇
With Lots of Love and Aum,
Ruchir / ChirantanSpiritually Wealthy
From Self-reliance to Self-realization
📱+91 9825178974
🏡4-B Shastrinagar Society, Nizampura, Vadodara, Gujarat, India - 390002.
https://ruchirthakkar.com -
Hari Om,In our high-achieving society, failure is often seen as the worst situation that one can encounter. Rather than embracing failure as a learning and growth opportunity, those who fail in some aspect of their lives will often see it as an immovable barrier, telling them that they are not capable of overcoming their weaknesses.
The truth is that failure is never the end of the road. It is simply an indicator that there are some parts of ourselves and our lives that we need to put more effort into in order to get the results that we desire.
Are you struggling to overcome failure, rise above it, and seek the path to success? For those who are having difficulty moving past failures, listen to the below podcast and learn 11steps how to deal with failure and choose to live your life happily.
👉 Listen to the podcast
11 Steps To Deal With Failure.
1. Accept the failure and release your emotion
2. Have an honest conversation and change the perspective
3. Fail more – Fail early, fail fast, Fail forward
4. Practice being Uncomfortable.
5. Upgrade yourself.
6. Acknowledge what you have.
7. Become a better version of yourself.
8. Focus on the lesson learned and grow out of it.
9. Use your Failure.
10. Become a possibility in place of a problem
11. Choose to live your life happily.
🙏The Spiritually-Wealthy Community serves its members for the mutual growth, achieving Self-reliance using digital media, and Self-realization applying the principles of Advaita Vedanta.🙏
👉Visit our website for more details.
👉 Organize your day/life with blessings of Hanumanji – JOIN Five Super Mornings With Hanuman Chalisa – https://bit.ly/2SphxDv
👉 Learn Memorize and live instruction manual for the life - TAKE UP Bhagavad Gita 365 Days Challenge – https://bit.ly/2KpSRKR
👉 Begin your journey of self-realization –
START WITH Basic Vedanta Course –
👉Join our WhatsApp Group for updates
👉Join Liberation Business Model for Self-reliance.
Spiritually Wealthy
From Self-reliance to Self-realization
📱+91 9825178974
🏡4-B Shastrinagar Society, Nizampura, Vadodara, Gujarat, India - 390002.
https://ruchirthakkar.com -
Hari Om,
In this episode, we will discover why is it important to recite Hanuman Chalisa for a working professional? We discover this by getting answers to the following five questions.
1 - How the Grace of the Lord Works?2 - How Knowledge makes you free from all sorrow?
3 - How to use the thunderbolt (your mind) to get the desired result?
4 - How with the blessings of Lord Rama Hanuman achieve everything?
5 - How to Use the Hanuman Chalisa to Maximize your potential?
Tune in..
Get Maximum Happiness.
Organize your day/life with blessings of Hanumanji – JOIN Five Super Mornings With Hanuman Chalisa – https://bit.ly/2SphxDvSpiritually Wealthy
From Self-reliance to Self-realization
📱+91 9825178974
🏡4-B Shastrinagar Society, Nizampura, Vadodara, Gujarat, India - 390002.