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    This meditation explores the Stoic philosophy of detachment from possessions and desires. It guides listeners through the practice of deconstructing their attachments by breaking them down into their elemental parts, free of positive framing.

    By doing so, participants can see their attachments with a neutral mind, helping to liberate themselves from unnecessary suffering. The meditation includes examples and contemplation questions to aid in this process, encouraging a balanced perspective and gratitude.

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    In this evening Stoic meditation, you'll be guided through a reflective process to review your day with a balanced perspective. You'll begin by focusing on your successes, and acknowledging the positive actions and decisions you made. Then, you'll gently transition to areas where you could improve, understanding that self-reflection is about growth, not self-criticism.

    Finally, you'll set a clear and focused intention for tomorrow, preparing yourself to face any challenges with a sense of gratitude and renewed purpose. This meditation aims to help you conclude your day with positivity and optimism, fostering a restful sleep and a fresh start for the next day.

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    Join us in this transformative meditation session inspired by the wisdom of the Stoics. Today, we explore the teachings of Marcus Aurelius and Seneca, focusing on mindfulness, acceptance, and the preciousness of the present moment. This guided meditation will help you embrace each thought and emotion, reflect on past challenges, and prepare for future ones with a Stoic mindset.

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    In this lesson, we explore the deep, transformative power of mindfulness and meditation beyond routine practices. We discuss how integrating mindfulness into every aspect of our lives can extend the benefits beyond the meditation cushion, influencing our health, relationships, and overall well-being.

    What You'll Learn:

    The addictive nature of cognition and the power of mindfulness prompts to help us live in the present.The commercial success of meditation apps and the misconception of meditation as a mental "vitamin."Insights from Sam Harris on the true connection with meditation practices, and the pivotal experiences from his 10-day meditation retreat.The role of continuous mindfulness throughout the day, as highlighted by Joseph Goldstein, and the importance of framing our daily meditation within the context of our entire day.Practical advice for integrating mindfulness into daily life, including a discussion on the benefits of consistent, mindful living.

    Featured Prompt: "What is here now when there is no problem to solve?"

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    In this lesson I delve into Chapter 24 of Epictetus' Handbook, exploring five powerful arguments against the mindless pursuit of status and wealth. If you've ever found yourself dreaming of "making it" and achieving high social status, this discussion will challenge your current mindset and introduce a new Stoic approach to defining success.

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    In this episode, I explore what it means to be a tough person.

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    In the following podcast, Justin Noppé shared invaluable insights into the world of health, fitness, and personal development. This post distills the essence of that dialogue into a resourceful guide for anyone looking to embark on or enhance their health journey.

    Learn how to become resilient with Justin here:

    Key Terms and Concepts

    VO2 Max: A measure of the maximum volume of oxygen an athlete can use. It's a pivotal indicator of cardiovascular fitness.Heart Rate Variability (HRV): A measure of the variation in time between each heartbeat. Contrary to focusing on HRV, Justin suggests monitoring resting heart rate and respiration rate upon waking as more reliable health indicators.Eccentric and Concentric Movements: In resistance training, eccentric refers to muscle lengthening, while concentric relates to muscle shortening. Understanding these can aid in designing effective workout routines.Isometrics: Exercises where the muscle length doesn't change during contraction. These are beneficial for recovery and building strength within a muscle's range of motion.Resistance Training Fundamentals: Justin emphasizes four essential movements: push, pull, hinge, squat. Tailoring these to personal preference can make resistance training more enjoyable and effective.

    Techniques and Tactics

    Overcoming Stress

    Exploration and Curiosity: Emphasizing the importance of following one's passion and curiosity within exercise and beyond to ensure sustained engagement and joy in health practices.

    Flexibility and Mobility

    Pre-bed Stretching Routine: Engaging in gentle stretching before bed can enhance sleep quality and muscle relaxation without the need for intensive flexibility training.

    Cardiovascular Fitness

    Incremental Progression: Start with what's manageable and enjoyable, gradually increasing intensity and duration to improve cardiovascular health without overwhelming oneself.Norwegian High-Intensity Training Protocol: A rigorous training method that can significantly enhance VO2 max with just one session a week, but requires building up to avoid adverse reactions.

    Notable Mentions

    Peter Attia: Cited for his work on longevity and health optimization, emphasizing the significance of VO2 max.Human Givens Institute: Recommended for its innovative approach to psychological well-being, including strategies to address emotional patterns and triggers.

    Learn how to become resilient with Justin here:

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    In this episode, we delve into the profound relationship between science and spirituality, featuring insights from Steve Taylor, a distinguished British psychologist and celebrated author. With a rich background in transpersonal psychology, Taylor explores the realms of consciousness, awakening experiences, and the essence of spirituality in understanding our world.

    Steve Taylor, a lecturer at the University of Leeds, stands out with his extensive research in higher states of consciousness and wakefulness. His literary contributions, including bestsellers like "The Fall," "Waking From Sleep," "Back to Sanity," "The Leap," and his latest, "Spiritual Science," challenge and expand our perceptions of spirituality. Eckhart Tolle praises "The Leap" for its clarity and wisdom, embodying Taylor's skill in articulating profound insights in an accessible manner.

    In-Depth Conversation Highlights:

    Beyond Materialism: Taylor critiques the limitations of a materialistic view, advocating for a broader understanding of existence.Enlightenment Reimagined: An exploration of enlightenment as an ongoing journey rather than a final destination, emphasizing the diverse experiences across spiritual traditions.Defining Consciousness: A quest to understand the essence of consciousness and its implications for our understanding of reality.Pathways to Awakening: Discussing methods to achieve enlightening experiences, including the transformative power of emotional turmoil.Psychedelics and Spirituality: The potential benefits and risks of using psychedelics in spiritual practice.The Science of Telepathy: Examining the possibility of telepathy from a scientific standpoint.Integration of Spirit and Matter: Taylor stresses the importance of recognizing the sacredness of the natural world and the unity of spirit and body.

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    This lesson is taken from my 16-part premium course Seneca's Stoic Toolbox for Anger Management. To take the full course with a free trial, visit:


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    In this session, we explore the debilitating nature of anger through the lens of Seneca's writings. Contrary to what society may sometimes depict, anger is not a badge of strength but a chain that holds us back from reaching our full potential. Through meditation and contemplation, we address the primal, relentless, and contagious nature of anger. We examine how, even though we may not display outward aggression, the simmering rage within can be equally toxic and detrimental to ourselves and those around us. By embracing Seneca's insights, we learn to recognize and release our pent-up anger, paving the way for emotional mastery and a fulfilling life. This lesson serves as a turning point, encouraging participants to move away from the self-imposed limitations of anger and towards a more serene, aware, and harmonious existence.

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    In this episode, I share my personal experiences and insights into my journey to overcoming anxiety. Drawing on a rich tapestry of stoic principles, practical strategies, and personal anecdotes, this episode promises to equip you with the tools you need to navigate the challenges of anxiety, turning inner turmoil into tranquility and fear into fortitude.

    Books Mentioned:

    "When Panic Attacks" by David Burns"Stoicism and the Art of Happiness" by Donald Robertson"A Guide to the Good Life" by William B. Irvine

    List of Concepts or Key Ideas Covered

    Understanding Anxiety: Differentiating between fear and anxiety, with fear being a rational response to immediate threats, and anxiety being an irrational response to potential threats.Common Causes of Anxiety: Cognitive, biological, hidden emotions, and exposure as leading models.Practical Techniques for Managing Anxiety: Including rational analysis, reframing, and exposure, both physical and cognitive.The Role of Exposure: Facing and embracing anxiety-inducing situations as a method of overcoming fears.Rational Analysis and Reframing: Challenging anxious thoughts and changing one’s relationship with anxiety.Personal Growth and Resilience: Leveraging anxiety as an opportunity for personal development and self-improvement.

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    Dan is a coach, author, and speaker known for his emphasis on honesty and authenticity. After the release of his book "The Naked Truth," Dan has dedicated his career to helping others embrace their true selves, navigating the complexities of personal relationships and self-improvement. His unique approach combines stoic philosophy with practical life skills.

    In this episode, Jon Brooks and Sami ɱдгӄυȿ (Beyond Stoicism) speak to Dan Munro, focusing on the importance of honesty in personal growth and the challenges of being authentic in a world that often values superficiality. They discuss Dan's experiences post his book release, his transition into fatherhood, and the profound impact of stoicism and honesty on his life and work. The episode is a blend of personal anecdotes, philosophical insights, and practical advice for anyone seeking a more authentic and fulfilling life.

    📧 Read Dan's newsletter: The Daily Dose of Integrity

    Key Points Discussed:

    Introduction to Dan and His BackgroundDan's journey since his last book release.Transition into fatherhood and its challenges.The Role of Honesty in Personal Growth Dan's insights on being an honest parent.Challenges of raising children with honesty.Adapting Work and Content Creation Changes in Dan's approach to content creation.Focus on online courses and short-format videos.Philosophical Insights: Stoicism and Reality Discussion on stoicism and its influence on Dan's life.The realization of life's impermanence and the shift in priorities.The Impact of Honesty in Relationships and Dating Honest communication in relationships and its consequences.Personal experiences shared by Dan and Sami.Navigating the Challenges of Authenticity Dealing with manipulation and maintaining integrity.Real-life scenarios and strategies for honesty.Creating Content and Its InfluenceThe motivation behind creating honest content.The impact of sharing personal stories and experiences.Final Thoughts and Reflections Recap of key lessons and takeaways.The importance of perseverance and self-acceptance.

    Resources or References Mentioned:

    "The Naked Truth" by Dan Munro"No More Mr. Nice Guy" by Robert Glover (Referenced Book)

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    "Self-mastery is the ability to live by choice and not by chance." – Eric Brown

    "The discipline of surrender is like submitting yourself to a practice that molds you." – Eric Brown

    In this episode, I talk with Eric Brown in a conversation that spans a wide range of topics, including personal growth, self-mastery, honesty in relationships, the discipline of surrender, and the power of reading and journaling. This podcast is a treasure trove for anyone interested in personal development, understanding the essence of self-mastery, and the role of honesty in shaping our relationships and life. Eric shares his experiences and insights, making this a must-listen for those seeking inspiration and practical advice on leading a more intentional and fulfilled life.

    Learn more about Eric's work:

    Hero100Serious Play Productivity Manifesto

    Why Listen:

    Gain insights into personal growth and self-mastery.Understand the importance of honesty in personal and professional life.Learn about the discipline of surrender and its transformative potential.Explore the impact of reading and journaling on personal development.Discover practical tips for living intentionally and authentically.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Book: "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor FranklSam Harris's essay "Lying"Dan Monroe's book "The Naked Truth"Stoic texts: Meditations, Letters from a Stoic, and the EnchiridionTao Te ChingYoga Sutras of Patanjali

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    💥 This episode is sponsored by Podia. This is the platform I use to host all of my Stoic courses and premium offerings. I highly recommend it, and you can create a free account with this link:

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    Dan Munro, returns to share his expertise and discuss his book, "The Naked Truth." In our previous meeting, we delved into Dan's journey towards cultivating honesty and authenticity, and his coaching strategies for transforming social anxiety into social resilience.

    In today's dialogue, we zero in on the detrimental effects of dishonesty and provide a practical guide for reinventing your life by embracing your true self. Key topics we explore include:

    Navigating the pitfalls of essentialism and the allure of shiny object syndrome.Unraveling the complexities of self-deception and personal bias.Deciphering society's conflicting messages about honesty.A personal account from Dan on the damaging impact of his own dishonesty.Recognizing and understanding various forms of hidden lies.Examining the connection between shame and dishonesty.Strategies for authentic expression that avoid causing harm.Overcoming the need for external validation.The importance and benefits of being comfortable with being disliked.Analyzing whether Chris Watts' actions were driven by dishonesty.

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    💥 This episode is sponsored by Podia. This is the platform I use to host all of my Stoic courses and premium offerings. I highly recommend it, and you can create a free account with this link:

    🔗 https://www.podia.com/jon


    In today's episode, we're venturing into the ancient yet ever-relevant world of Stoicism to explore a unique and profound perspective on success.

    In a society often caught up in the whirlwind of external achievements and societal benchmarks, we're going to pause and reflect on what success truly means. Is it just about hitting our targets, or is there more to it? We'll be delving into the wisdom of Stoic philosophy, a school of thought that has stood the test of time, offering insights that are as applicable today as they were over two millennia ago.

    Our journey today will take us through the corridors of history, back to the teachings of renowned Stoic thinkers like Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius. We'll explore Cicero's arrow analogy and the concept of the dichotomy of control – understanding what's in our power and what lies beyond it. This isn't just a philosophical discussion; it's a practical guide to reorienting our approach to success.

    We'll dissect the Stoic Success Formula – a compelling blend of clarity of intent and freedom from outcome, and how this formula can be applied in various aspects of our lives, from personal goals to professional aspirations.

    But it's not all about ancient texts and philosophical discussions. We'll bring in modern interpretations and practical applications, making Stoicism relevant to our everyday challenges and ambitions.

    So, whether you're a long-time student of philosophy or just curious about different approaches to living a fulfilling life, this episode is for you. Together, we'll uncover the Stoic secrets to achieving true success – one that's defined not just by the goals we reach but by the journey we take and the wisdom we gather along the way.

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    💥 This episode is sponsored by Podia. This is the platform I use to host all of my Stoic courses and premium offerings. I highly recommend it, and you can create a free account with this link:

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    In this lesson, I explore the three limits of modern Stoicism: trauma healing, mindfulness, and ecstatic experiences. In ancient times, they likely had methods of working through these important areas. But modern Stoicism puts a big emphasis on resilience and "coping" with hardship and can inadvertently worship rationality over wisdom, which is not the point.

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    💥 This episode is sponsored by Podia. This is the platform I use to host all of my Stoic courses and premium offerings. I highly recommend it, and you can create a free account with this link:

    🔗 https://www.podia.com/jon


    In this episode, we explore the transformative six-step preparation process that not only enhances meditation practices but also extends its benefits into the very fabric of our daily existence. Join us as we uncover how showing up with intention, addressing distractions, and adopting the right posture can revolutionize the way we engage with our goals, work, relationships, and self-perception.

    Inside you'll learn:

    Discover a six-step preparation process that promises to elevate your meditation and focus.Learn how to apply meditation principles to enhance productivity and personal growth.Unpack the significance of posture not just in meditation but in life and success.Explore the concept of premeditation to effectively manage distractions.Gain insights into integrating mindfulness into every aspect of your daily routine.Find out why "showing up" may be the most crucial step towards achieving your goals.Understand the importance of setting intentions and how they shape your outcomes.Get practical tips for fostering a mindful approach to your environment and tasks.Hear about how these steps can cultivate character traits essential for lifelong success.Dive into an engaging conversation that will change your perspective on self-discipline and commitment.

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    💥 This episode is sponsored by Podia. This is the platform I use to host all of my Stoic courses and premium offerings. I highly recommend it, and you can create a free account with this link:

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    In this thought-provoking episode, we delve deep into the wisdom of Stoicism, specifically drawing inspiration from Epictetus's timeless teachings in the Enchiridion.

    As a self-proclaimed introvert and content creator, I share personal anecdotes about the challenges and ridicule I faced when choosing a path less trodden. Through a blend of personal stories and philosophical insights, listeners will find encouragement to stick to their principles amidst the doubters and naysayers that inevitably accompany any journey toward greatness.

    For anyone who's ever felt out of place for pursuing a passion, faced the sting of social ridicule, or struggled to maintain their course in a sea of doubt, this episode offers a beacon of solidarity and guidance.

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    In this episode, we delve into the core tenets of Stoicism, discussing the four cardinal virtues and how they serve as pivotal tools in our life. We'll dissect what they mean, their relevance, and how to apply them in our everyday living. Moreover, we spotlight the concept of philosophical journaling—a method adopted by the Stoics and modern-day Cognitive Behavioral Therapy alike, and its transformative effects.

    Why You'd Want to Listen:

    Delve deeper into the philosophy that has shaped great leaders and thinkers throughout history.Learn about philosophical journaling and how it can be a transformative daily practice.Discover actionable steps for self-awareness, self-coaching, and reshaping destructive patterns.Combine meditation practices with journaling for a synergistic effect on self-improvement.Learn to integrate these practices daily and see genuine, long-lasting changes in behavior and thought processes.

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    Here is a remix of a premium lesson I created for my 7-Day Stoic Radical Gratitude Course about the importance of awe and wonder. It includes music, whereas the original does not.



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    🎥 Watch the video that goes with this podcast here:

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