In this episode, you’re going to hear an interview with Jennifer who went through The Stop Binge Eating Program back in 2022 and she is a success story!
She began binge eating when she was a kid and throughout the years just kept on eating to avoid feeling her emotions and went back and forth from being super restrictive with her eating to bingeing for 40 years.
And now, so much is different for her not just with her eating but with so many things in her life.
She made so much progress during the program but then, she’s continued to improve herself since and she can’t even tell you the last time she binged because it’s been so long since she has.
I love her story so much and I think you will too. She is a changed person and you’re going to hear all about it.
Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!
Find show notes and more information at https://coachkir.com/346
Is your eating track record not good? Mine wasn’t either. And if it’s not, it can be hard to believe that you’ll be able to change how you’re eating and stop binge eating.
But, you can change, regardless of your track record. Why? Listen in to find out.
Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!
Find show notes and more information at https://coachkir.com/345
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Do your binges mostly happen on the weekends? You do well all week and then once the weekend comes, you binge. If you don’t know why this happens or how to stop it, then this episode is for you.
There could be a few different reasons why this happens and I’m going to walk you through them all so you can figure out which applies to you. Once you know why, then you can work on it. So, listen in to find out why you binge on the weekends and how you can stop.
Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!
Find show notes and more information at https://coachkir.com/344
Do you ever try to wait for your emotions or urges to pass but, they just last TOO long? You end up getting tired of waiting so, you just do what you know will change how you feel. You eat.
In today’s episode, I’m going to show you what you might be doing wrong that is stopping your emotions and urges from passing sooner. Also, there is something you can do to help your feelings to pass sooner. Listen in to find out what it is.
Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!
Find show notes and more information at https://coachkir.com/343
What do you rely on food for? Is it more than for fueling your body and for moderate pleasure? If so, then listen to this episode to learn how you can stop relying on food so much. It can help you to stop being so obsessive about food and to stop eating excessively.
Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!
Find show notes and more information at https://coachkir.com/342
Eating more can actually help you to stop binge eating. Some people binge because they’re not eating enough food in general and some binge because they’re not eating enough of foods they enjoy. Why? In this episode, I will tell you why so you can understand why eating more food in general and why eating more of the foods you enjoy will help you to stop binge eating.
Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!
Find show notes and more information at https://coachkir.com/341
Your future-self is binge-free and you are going to become them. And, you’re going to start becoming them today.
In this episode, I’m going to help you to stop waiting to think, feel, and do better right now and so you can start being like your future, binge-free self now.
Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!
Find show notes and more information at https://coachkir.com/340
Do you want food freedom? What does that mean and how can you get it? That’s what I’m answering in this episode. Listen in to find out how you can become free of guilt, self-judgement, fear around food, obsessing about food, and so much more that is stopping you from feeling free.
Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!
Find show notes and more information at https://coachkir.com/339
Do you spend more time thinking about your binge eating and why you do it or more time trying to stop your binge eating? Both are important. But, what’s also important is giving both equal time. If you’re spending too much time on one and not the other you’re missing something that you’ll need to help you to stop binge eating.
In this episode, I’m explaining why it’s important to find a balance between thinking about the problem and thinking about a solution for the problem. Listen in to find out why so you can make more progress and finally stop the binge eating.
Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!
Find show notes and more information at https://coachkir.com/338
If you binge eat to avoid feeling uncomfortable emotions, so you can feel comforted, soothed, or numbed, you likely have an “under-feeling” problem that is causing you to binge eat. What does that mean and how do you solve this problem? Listen to this episode to find out so you can binge eat less.
Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!
Find show notes and more information at https://coachkir.com/337
When I was binge eating, I wanted to eat like a “normal” eater so badly. Many of the people I work with say the same thing. So how do you become more like them? Well, you become more like them when you think more like them.
In this episode, I’m sharing what “normal” eaters think and don’t think, and how you can start to think more like them. Listen in to find out how.
Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!
Find show notes and more information at https://coachkir.com/336
Not believing you can stop binge eating will actually stop you from doing it. When you don’t believe you can, you won’t even try. So if you’re having a hard time believing in yourself, I want to help you. In this episode, I’m going to help you to build your belief in your ability to stop binge eating so you’ll actually put in effort to do it. Listen in to start building your belief.
Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!
Find show notes and more information at https://coachkir.com/335
Why do you want to stop binge eating? Does your answer to that question light you up? Does it motivate you to do everything you can to stop binge eating? If it doesn’t, then your reason needs to be more compelling.
In this episode, I’m talking about how to you can make your “why” as compelling as possible and if you don’t think your “why” is good enough, how to make it good enough. Listen in to find out how you’ll do it so you can have a “why” that will make you feel highly motivated.
Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!
Find show notes and more information at https://coachkir.com/334
You might not even know if you’re being too restrictive with your eating. You might binge because you’re being overly restrictive but because you don’t know that you are, you might be really confused about why the binge happened. So you have no idea what you can do differently to prevent a binge in the future.
In this episode today, I’m going to share some signs that you might be overly restricting your eating. I’ll give you some things to look out for. Listen to learn about them and to find out what you can do to stop being overly restrictive which will help you to stop binge eating.
Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!
Find show notes and more information at https://coachkir.com/333
Do you have a hard time stopping eating once you’ve started? Maybe it’s because the food tastes so good, or because you don’t want to feel however you think you’ll feel if you stop eating, or because you’re eating while distracted, or because you feel like you’re out of control. Whatever the reason, there is a way to make it easier for you to stop eating. Listen in as I show you how you’ll do it.
Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!
Find show notes and more information at https://coachkir.com/332
Do you ever look at food and think, “I’m going to binge on that?” And then you do in fact binge on it. Are you ever home alone and think, “I’m going to binge?” And then you do binge. You’ve been in these situations many times before and most of the time, or every time, you do in fact binge. Well, today, I’m going to help you to break that pattern. Listen in to find out how you’ll do it.
Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!
Find show notes and more information at https://coachkir.com/331
Are you doing a lot of work to stop binge eating but aren’t making progress? Do you do well for a period of time but then stop doing well and this cycle repeats over and over? There’s a reason why this happens and in this episode, I’m going to explain it to you.
There’s something you’re not doing that’s stopping you from really changing. Listen in to find out what it is.
Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!
Find show notes and more information at https://coachkir.com/330
When you binge eat, are you present and connected with yourself? I bet you’re not. What about when you’re feeling uncomfortable emotions or urges? What about when you’re feeling hungry? What about when you’re deciding what to eat or not eat?
Disconnecting and not being present with yourself is a huge contributor to binge eating. So in this episode, I’m showing you how it is and talking about the importance of self-connection and presence with yourself. Listen in to understand this important topic connected to your binge eating.
Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!
Find show notes and more information at https://coachkir.com/329
Do you think about food too much? In this episode, I’m going to help you to understand why you do AND show you how to quiet your “food noise” and think about food less.
Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!
Find show notes and more information at https://coachkir.com/328
You probably know who you want to be when you stop binge eating but, do you know who you want to be UNTIL you stop binge eating? Who are you choosing to be during the process of stopping matters and you get to decide who that is.
I’m going to help you to figure out who you want to be in the process AND how to be that kind of person. Listen in to find out how.
Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!
Find show notes and more information at https://coachkir.com/327
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