Based on Logged On, Smart Government Solutions from South Asia, the series will take a deep dive in various aspects of the service delivery improvement model discussed in the book and highlight how this is being applied in different governance contexts in South Asia and Europe and CIS. It will focus in particular on how to make the model actionable and how this can translate in better service delivery results in WBG financed projects.
In-House Legal covers a variety of issues pertinent to the general counsel and in-house legal departments of small, mid-size, and large companies. Host Randy Milch, former general counsel for Verizon, discusses the latest developments, trends, and best practices for this very busy and often complicated area of law. Hear from top legal minds, industry experts, and other special guests on topics like ethical duties, corporate governance, employment law, and management.
Government works best when citizens are directly engaged in policymaking and public service delivery. What conditions are necessary for inclusive and effective citizen engagement? Can it positively improve people's lives? This podcast provides an overview of citizen engagement, critically analyzing how it can be leveraged most effectively to achieve development results.
The official podcast of the International Committee of the Red Cross out of the delegation in the US & Canada. We aim to delve into the rules of war and take you to the frontlines of some of the most inaccessible conflicts in the world, where the ICRC and the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement work to neutrally and independently respond to emergencies.
OUR MISSION: The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an impartial, neutral and independent organization whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence and to provide them with assistance. The ICRC also endeavors to prevent suffering by promoting and strengthening humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles. -
Taking inspiration from the United Nations 17 biggest challenges that face the planet, we bring you conversations with the leaders of the most innovative technology companies tackling these Global Goals. You'll also learn from the impact investors leveraging their capital to help these companies achieve massive scale. Join us each week to stay informed on the companies paving the way to create solutions to our world's greatest challenges on the Global Goals Project!
Atte Jääskeläinen, Ylen entinen päätoimittaja, sukeltaa tekoälyn maailmaan kiinnostavien vieraiden kanssa. Millaista on tekoälyn etiikka? Osaako kone tehdä taidetta? Tekeekö tieto vallankumouksen?Lappeenrannan LUT:in proffa ja tekoälyyn erikoistuneen Fourkind Oy:n Senior Advisor pohtii myös mitä tekoäly tekee meille ihmisinä: Tuleeko maailmanloppu kun koneet alkavat koodata itseään vai helpottuuko elämä, kun ihmiset saavat keskittyä vain mukaviin hommiin?