"Horror Nights with Amit Deondi '' you will hear spooky tales, haunting incidents and mysteries that will chill your soul. Get lost in this dark night with these scary stories and listen to the “Audio Pitara”. #horror #nights #series #short #horror #stories #explore #fear #dark #human #psyche #haunting #journey #audiopitara #sunnazaroorihai #fiction #drama
If you've encountered personal horror experiences or have intriguing stories to share, send them over to my Instagram ID @amitdeondi. We'll draw inspiration from your submissions and feature them in our show through compelling narration. -
कल्पनेच्या दुनियेतली मनसोक्त भटकंती आणि नकळतपणे होणारा भावनांचा उद्रेक अनुभवायला कुणाला नाही आवडणार?
रमा, तिची आई आणि मित्र मैत्रिणी यांच्या छोट्याश्या जगात घडत असलेल्या प्रसंगांमधून उलगडत जाणाऱ्या लोककथा..काही तुम्ही ऐकलेल्या, कदाचित न ऐकलेल्या.
अगदी लहानांपासून वृद्धांपर्यंत सगळ्यांना शिकवण देऊन जाणाऱ्या अशा या चिरतरुण भारतीय लोककथा “एकदा काय झालं” या पॉडकास्ट च्या माध्यमातून तुमच्या समोर नव्या अंदाजात मांडण्याचा हा एक अल्पसा प्रयत्न.
There is no right age to listen to timeless Indian folktales! “Ekda Kaay Zal” brings these folktales to you in a modern Marathi avatar. While the plot unravels the world of a little girl Rama, her mother, and her friends; the podcast takes the audience on a ride of emotions and imagination, with lessons for everyone to learn. -
Welcome to "Micro Terrors: Scary Stories for Kids", where it’s always the spooky season – full of chills, thrills, and spine-tingling spooks! MICRO TERRORS™ are family-friendly frights for those ages 8 and up. And while our stories are for younger ears, we are still talking about things that go bump in the night, and some children may not be able to handle what others can. Parental consent is recommended. Visit us online at
The magical and mythical tales collected by the Brothers Grimm have become integral to how children—and adults—understand the complexities of the real world. Characters like Cinderella, Rapunzel, Snow-White, Hänsel and Gretel, Little Red-Cap (Little Red Riding Hood), and Briar-Rose (Sleeping Beauty) are among the more than two hundred captivating figures featured in this collection. These stories are delivered just as Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm originally penned them: bold, primal, slightly eerie, and perpetually captivating. This audiobook is brought to you by Audio Pitara. This audiobook is Narrated using AI voice from ElevenLabs.
Become a Paid Subscriber:, motivational, life inspirations, classics and hidden gems of short Hindi stories for ages 1-100. Follow Kahani on instagram @kahani.podcastWebsite:
The Ant and the Grasshopper
One summer’s day a Grasshopper was hopping about in the field, singing and chirping to its heart’s content. An Ant passed by, carrying with great effort an ear of corn he was taking to his home.
«Why not come and have a chat with me,» the Grasshopper said, «instead of fussing all day long?». «I am busy saving up food for the winter,» the Ant said, «and that would be better for you to do the same.» «Why bother about cold?» the Grasshopper answered; «we
have got a lot of food at present.»
But the Ant went on its supply. When the winter came the Grasshopper got ve -
Kulbeli Podcast Kids Moral stories! We bring you weekly episodes of inspiring and informative stories from popular collections such as Panchtantra, Akbar Birbal, Gone Jha, Lok Katha, Fairy Tales, Tenalirama, Sheikhchilli, Motivational Stories in Hindi, Stories for all ages, Hindi Kahani, Kahaniyan, and Indian History. Our stories are designed for listeners of all ages, and we offer stories that are both entertaining and educational. The stories we feature are perfect for bedtime listening.Stories that inspire & motivate children to learn valuable life lessons, importance of ethics & morals.
Become a Paid Subscriber: are the best way to experience magic.. A magic that makes us live many lives and experience and learn from other's experiences. Robert McKee once said "Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world." Well, Mummy, Kahani Sunao! is my way to put ideas into the world.It is dedicated to my mum as it's through her that I developed the love for stories. Not only that, it through those stories, my mum helped develop wisdom and knowledge about so many aspects of life that those pearls of wisdom, help me at every moment of my life.Hope you will enjoy and learn!!
एका पिढीने दुसर्या पिढीला सांगितलेल्या गोष्टीच समाजात सामुहिक हुशारीचा पाया तयार करत असतात... अरेबियन नाईट्स किंवा एक हजार एक रात्री मध्यपूर्व आणि पूर्वेकडच्या जगातल्या लोककथांचा संग्रह आहे.. गेली तीन शतकं एका पिढीकडून दुसर्या पिढी कडे दिला गेलेला हा गोष्टींचा खजीना ईपी.लॉग मीडीया तुमच्या साठी घेउन आला आहे औड़ीयोबुकच्या रूपात...
Stories that are passed down for generations form the base of society's cumulative wisdom... Arabian Nights or 1001 nights comprise of middle eastern folklore with the influence of the eastern world of the past... Ep.log Media brings to you this treat of stories that have been passed down for generations in form of an Audio Book.
Legendary stories of hindu deities which are being erased from our minds and from younger generation too. So I decided to tell stories of INDIAN mythology. These simple language short stories are being told from generations. The endless great epics will make you aware of India's culture and tradition. Keep listening for fascinating stories. Narrator-Pooja
Gemeinsam mit Euch öffnen wir unsere alte Büchertruhe und tauchen ein in die Geschichten, Märchen, Mythen und Fabeln dieser Welt. Mit spielfreudiger Stimme, passenden Soundeffekten und stimmungsvoller Musik lassen wir Worte lebendig werden und die Fantasie der Kinder auf Reisen gehen.
This is an official podcast of the "JK Tales". Here you can find stories for kids, historical stories, fairy tales and much more. Sure, you will rejoice each and every episode in this podcast. Episodes are released every week on Tuesday and Friday and there are special episodes for special occasions. So, STAY TUNED!!!