
  • Welcome back, Truth Seekers! In this week's solo episode, Claudette explains why it can seem hard to start the practice of Truth. Have you ever noticed how much effort it takes to obtain freedom and separate ourselves from the thoughts that seem to rule our emotions and actions? Existing in this battle can cause us to feel overwhelmed and perpetuate our emotional suffering. There is a reason why this happens; when we have understanding of that reason, nothing holds any power to control us. This is the time to shift and persist towards revealing the Truth in your life.

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    In this week's episode, Claudette and Victoria discuss some of the reasons why we're kept up at night. Whether it be physical ailments, restlessness, racing thoughts, weird or horrifying dreams, or even being overly excited/anxious, we all experience sleep loss... so how do we correct this? The answer is Truth. Claudette dives deep into how she used to struggle with sleep, how she partnered with Truth to correct this, and techniques you can practice in order to sleep better yourself. When our sleep is restful, it acts as a catalyst for our mind to work correctly.

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  • Have you ever encountered moments of pure annoyance? It can seem like once we board the annoyance train, everything and anything turns into an irritating inconvenience. In this week's solo episode, Claudette talks about what to do when you become annoyed with other people, situations, or just life in general. The frequency of annoyance brings with it constant criticism, anxiety, and can cause us to feel like we have to personally correct everything in order for it to be "right". When we begin to enter this state of existence, we allow our ego to rule over our emotions, decisions, and actions- without us even realizing it.

    The first step to mastering feelings of annoyance starts with becoming brave enough to ask for transparency. "Truth, I know there is a problem, how do I contribute to it?" Starting with this question establishes that you take responsibility for your role within the annoyance- thus creating the space for a new frequency to take its place.

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  • Welcome back, Truth Seekers to a brand new episode of the Truth Method Podcast. In this week's show, Claudette interviews her co-host, Victoria, about her avoidant style and how Truth has nurtured her confidence to face things head on. We have all experienced avoidance at one point or another, and it can snowball into irreversible damage. Victoria and Claudette both touch on techniques that have allowed them to shift their perspective of any situation with Truth. Being comfortable for too long causes us to become stagnant and hinders our understanding of ourselves and the world we are apart of. When we become confident to understand our internal state and what we need, we then can influence others to be true to themselves and operate within the field of the highest good for all.

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  • In this week's episode, Claudette invites Truth Method Mastery participant, Richard Martyn, to explain how he was introduced to Truth and how it has since impacted all areas of his life. Richard has always sought a deeper meaning behind the principal of others having something to teach him; his desire to overcome his doubts, fears, and limitations ultimately brought him to receiving the message of Truth. Not only has Richard begun to master his outward experience, but it all began with a willingness to permanently shift the beliefs within his soul. With Truth, he can fully show up as the most evolved version of himself, compel others to live their Truth, and finds extreme value in the deepest parts of human understanding.

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  • We all possess the genetic coding to access full spiritual awakening. This code becomes active in our DNA when we become ready to receive its intended knowledge. It can happen at all stages of life and is different for everyone based on their needs. But what happens when we begin a spiritual awakening and our friends are on a different path? It can be difficult to navigate the ups and downs of friendship when fundamental differences begin to occur within principalities. In this week's episode, Claudette and Victoria discuss some instances where this has happened to them and how they navigated the situation with Truth. Spiritual Loneliness can feel isolating at first. With the inclusion of Truth, it becomes a chance to grow into the space you've created for yourself. It is an opportunity to reflect on your own beliefs and provides you a chance to revise your current situation. The key ingredient is knowing that acceptance and approval should be sought only from Truth.

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  • Welcome back, Truth Seekers! In this week's episode, Claudette discusses how Truth saved her from a potential robbery and all following consequences. She refers to this occurrence as Divine Protection and explains how it was present throughout her trip to California and before. Because she practices Truth, she was able to foresee the danger, shift her own beliefs that were in alignment with the altercation, and then completely avoid it altogether. When we practice our connection to Truth, we avoid negative situations simply because we do not operate within the same frequency. Once this becomes a steady practice, avoiding harm can happen in literally any way and if we notice it, we have the chance to revise any and all situations. Visit the Truth Holder Tier within the Truth Method App to learn more about Divine Protection and how it can serve you on a daily basis.

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  • In this week's episode, Victoria and Claudette discuss how Truth can be used to aid in unwanted emotional baggage caused by ending a relationship. Claudette dives deep into the loneliness she felt, the struggle between facing her issues and creating distractions, and how Truth has solidified her decision making process when it comes to a partner. After a two year journey of re-entering the dating world, Claudette can genuinely say she is single and happy and wants to share what helped her along the way.

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    We are so happy you're on this journey with us! - Truth Method Team

  • Welcome to the third season of The Truth Method Podcast! We are so excited to introduce Victoria as our new co-host and interviewer! Victoria is the Creative Director of the Truth Method Company and is responsible for the design and layout of the Truth Method App, The Truth Method Podcast, and so much more.

    In this week's relaunch, Victoria introduces herself and asks Claudette questions about how their relationship has mended itself through Truth. Join us on the journey of understanding the trials and worries of a parent seeking to "get it right", how a relationship can grow with the inclusion of Truth, and how its okay to be in the back and forth. A mother-daughter relationship is one of the hardest to navigate, it becomes much easier to comprehend each other when we surrender and look at the situation with a perspective of Truth.

    Tune in every Thursday to hear more from Claudette & Victoria and how they apply Truth to situations in their every day lives. If you're interested in learning more about the Truth Method, check out the links below.

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  • In this week's episode, Claudette explains how complaining is a trap and has a powerful effect on our lives and the lives of others. It can be incredibly easy to complain about situations that are strenuous, uncomfortable, or demanding. Most of the time, it serves as a coping mechanism that constantly repeats itself. When we complain, we are focusing energy to the problem rather than the solution. Focusing on the negative will only invite more negative experiences. Our brains are so powerful, they attract what we choose to think about. Through a connection with Truth, you can become more aware of when you complain, therefore begin to cease, and in its place find solutions. When we switch our thinking to operate with a desire to find a solution, rather than focusing on why it sucks, we begin to shift our outward experiences to no longer be undesirable.

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  • In this week's episode, Claudette invites Teresa Reif to an in-depth conversation on the act of nursing our wounds versus nurturing our healing journey. Most of us have a tendency to cling on to emotions that lead us into a tail-spin. Teresa explains that her favorite flavor of emotion was sadness and how the act of focusing on it compelled more to show up in her future. She began to perpetuate a cycle of nursing the feeling of sadness until she discovered a way to no longer agree with it. Throughout her three year journey into Truth, Teresa was able to approach this emotion and any attachment she felt towards it. Now, she may lean into this feeling when it rises, but with the inclusion of Truth, she is able to acknowledge it and understand the root cause of the belief that makes it so. Although the journey was not overnight, it was one that has lasted and shifted the way she approaches life in all aspects.

    To check out Teresa's work, click here!

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  • On this week's episode of the Truth Method Podcast, we want to start the New Year with a treatment designed to awaken your soul. We recommend listening to this in a peaceful, calm environment and fully absorb each word. This treatment is designed to lead you into a higher state of consciousness. Within you, is the ability to connect to the Source of all things, what religion calls God. Your connection to Truth goes beyond time and space, it transcends the third dimensional realm. You are a fractal of this energy and it's time to remember who and what you can truly be when you operate within divine wisdom.

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  • Join guest host, Victoria Anderson, in this week's discussion about how to protect your peace during the holidays and beyond. This time of year can remind us of the things we try to run from. When dealing with family, we can become frustrated, angry, and diffuse our personal power. Victoria realized she no longer wanted to cooperate with energy that steals her peace, but rather transmute it to something that highlights the benefit of everyone involved. She allowed herself grace to step back when things felt too overwhelming, and she began to proclaim certain things for herself whenever a problem occurred. After some practice, she began declaring proclamations whenever she would feel fear, doubt, or anxiety and could prove how it shifted her life. She uses this technique to tackle any unpleasant feeling or situation and wants to share with you how to do it!

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  • In this week's episode, Claudette breaks down exactly what karma is and how it can show up in a repeating cycle throughout your life. Many times we will justify karma by believing it is a consequence for something bad we've done. Let's not confuse karma with the idea of cause and effect operating within the third dimensional realm.

    Can we ever break free from karma? With Truth, this is possible. Truth completely erases the effects of Karma the moment you realize it is a boomerang. It is feedback for our thoughts and actions. Florence Scovel Schinn states this best in the book, "The Game of Life: & How to Play It." But, let's not begin a cycle of trying to counterweight our bad actions with a plethora of good. This will never balance the karmic scales or could take lifetimes to show up.

    The lessons of the spirit do not show up in the outward world. It is a desire to change within your heart and soul; to first understand the rules of cause and effect. Having an idea of what this is causes you to understand all karma comes from within. By doing this, you are able to break cycles of karmic rebuttal and actually eliminate the need for it all together.

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  • Before we become aware of the Universal Laws, we may find ourselves facing recurring obstacles we can't seem to find the answers to. When we make decisions and hold beliefs that aren't in alignment with these rules, our life has a tendency to turn to distortion. But, remember that the power in you is greater than the power of this world.

    When we connect to Truth, we are faced with an obstacle and have the ability to turn inward to search for the perfect solution for all. This isn't an act of thinking or discovering the answer with logic and reasoning, but rather surrendering and allowing the answer to rise. Our ego likes to rule this process until you are aware of and silence it.

    The ego is the master of obsession. Obsessing over an obstacle or focusing copious amounts of energy towards an obstacle actually fuels it to become stronger. The universe is always seeking to become balanced. When we obsess, we clash with the Law of Balance and it can feel as though our entire world is turned upside down in the process of rebalancing.

    The first step to facing any obstacle or imbalance is to acknowledge it. Once you face the stressor, anxiety, or worry repeat: "Not even my own fuckery can stop the divine plan within me." Don't limit solutions when you have direct access to the perfect solution for all.

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  • It's an instinct to care about what other's think. In ancient societies, we survived off the unity of the tribe; if you were kicked out, good luck surviving! But seriously, why and how do we become so caught up in other's having an unsavory opinion of us? Have you ever noticed that two different people can have different views of the same person based on their exchange and a number of other factors? When we have an interaction with other people, we are approaching and being viewed through the lens of personal beliefs. Not only do you portray a forecast based on your beliefs, they also view you through their own personal perception. These two factors determine how an interaction will be judged. Once we understand this judgement stems from our ego, which is controlled by our beliefs, we can begin to tackle those determining thoughts. Being aware of what pops into our mind when we make an assumption about another person, or ourselves, is the act of taking advantage of your own personal feedback. This feedback shows you what needs to be address subconsciously in order to diminish this occurrence from happening again.

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  • In this week's episode Claudette uncovers how to shift anything in your life. Whether it be relationships, conflicts, experiences or situations the first cause of all things come from within. When we realize our brains have the power to omit and receive frequency, we can become aware of our personal state with the inclusion of Truth. Once we partner with Truth, we can shift the frequencies we omit, thus allowing our outward experiences to shift with us. Through the knowledge that our outward manifestation first starts as a thought in our mind, we can then begin to notice when we are in cooperation with a thought that doesn't support our highest selves.

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  • Have you ever heard the phrase, "If you resist, it shall persist"? Even if you haven't, its the main parable behind the Law of Non-Resistance. The law of non-resistance is highly related to your life purpose. If you resist something it means you are getting further away from your life's purpose and when life is simple, easy and fun then you are in the right direction and you are being non-resistant. When we resist or avoid confrontation with something we don't like, we are only inviting more of that frequency, or allowing it to steal our power and distort our experience. We thus create a viscous cycle of constriction that leaves us feeling exhausted and depleted. When we face conflict head first without resistance, it has the opportunity to dissolve before us.

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  • Mastering you lower mind and the voice of ego through Truth. Have you ever wondered why you did something despite knowing you shouldn't? In this week's episode Claudette covers differentiating the voice of Truth and the Illusion of Ego.

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  • Before you begin, check out the previous episode, "Developing Empathic Skills" to learn the number one problem that empaths experience. In order to heighten our empathic skills, we first must conquer being a victim to our own gifts. This week, Claudette dives deep into the positive aspects of being an empath and how this intuition compliments universal law. At first, you may believe only certain people have the ability to be empathic, the reality is that we all have this inner voice. Let's move beyond a label and hone in on our empathic ability to help those in need without being used.

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