
  • Ready to transform your life in 30 days? Join the Unbeatable Challenge now at unbeatablemind.com/30 and unlock your peak performance with Navy SEAL-proven techniques. Limited-time discount available – don't miss out!

    Men's well-being depends on genuine connection. Safe spaces for genuine self-expression are crucial in combating depression, anxiety, and suicide risk. Body-centered practices like mindfulness and bodywork often surpass traditional therapy in helping men process emotions. A healthy masculinity balances strength with emotional openness. Cultivating both assertiveness and vulnerability fosters better relationships and self-awareness. Holistic approaches addressing physical, emotional, and social well-being are key to stress management and personal growth.

    Itunes Bio:

    Owen Marcus, founder of MELD (Men's Emotional Leadership Development), is a pioneer in men's emotional wellness with nearly 30 years of experience. His work, featured in major media and embraced by corporations like Google, focuses on transforming men's lives through innovative group dynamics and emotional awareness techniques. Owen's book "Grow Up" offers a comprehensive guide to authentic living, while his methods have impacted thousands of men and trained professionals in his approach. With expertise spanning corporate management, mindfulness, and integrated medicine, Owen continues to innovate in men's emotional growth through MELD, fostering emotional leadership and personal development in men.

    Men Need Connection: Both speakers emphasize that many men suffer from disconnection - from themselves, others, nature, and spirituality. This disconnection is the root cause of many issues, including mental health problems and suicide. Creating safe spaces for men to connect authentically with themselves and others is crucial for their overall well-being.

    Use Somatic Awareness to Access Emotions: Engage with your body to process emotions more effectively. Practices like mindfulness, bodywork, and physiological awareness can often reach deeper than traditional talk therapy for men.

    Redefining masculinity to include vulnerability: A new model of masculinity that integrates traditional "tough" qualities with emotional intelligence and vulnerability is imperative. Owen introduces the concept of "assertive vulnerability" as a way to balance these seemingly opposing traits.

    Holistic Practices for Stress Management and Personal Growth: Mark and Owen discuss various practices for managing stress and promoting personal growth, including mindfulness, time in nature, bodywork, and even medical interventions like the stellate ganglion block. They emphasize the importance of addressing health from multiple angles - physical, emotional, and social.


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    Links for Owen Marcus



  • Ready to transform your life in 30 days? Join the Unbeatable Challenge now at unbeatablemind.com/30 and unlock your peak performance with Navy SEAL-proven techniques. Limited-time discount available – don't miss out!

    David Brown, known as one of the smallest Navy SEALs in history, shares his extraordinary journey from BUD/S training to high-stakes criminal investigations with NCIS and the EPA. Standing at just 5'3" and 110 pounds, Brown's memoir is a testament to persistence and determination in overcoming physical limitations. He shares his experiences from major fraud and environmental crime cases, including a landmark $17 million fine against Burlington Northern Railroad. Brown's post-retirement struggle to find fulfillment led him to write "And Goliath," a book on the challenges of transitioning from high-intensity careers and redefining personal success.

    David Brown defied expectations to become a U.S. Navy SEAL. His journey, marked by perseverance and determination, took him from BUD/S training to the SEAL Teams, then to NCIS, and finally to the top echelons of Federal law enforcement. In his memoir "And Goliath," Brown shares his raw, honest story of overcoming obstacles in military life and beyond. His inspirational tale demonstrates how facing life's challenges head-on can lead to extraordinary achievements.

    Mental and Physical Resilience: The SEAL training process pushes individuals beyond their perceived limits, teaching the importance of perseverance, grit, and mental toughness. The self is put last, with an ethos that success comes from placing the team’s mission above individual achievements, a mindset critical for high-stakes environments.\ Leading with Empathy, and Flexibility: Effective leaders lead by example, demonstrating the qualities they expect from their teams, and inspiring trust and commitment through their own actions. Understand your team members’ strengths, weaknesses, and needs, to foster a supportive environment where everyone thrives. Trust is the Foundation of Leadership: Effective teams are built on trust, where members rely on each other’s abilities and integrity to accomplish complex missions. A successful team requires everyone to know their roles and responsibilities, fostering cohesion and minimizing conflicts. Team members must hold each other accountable while also providing support during difficult moments, creating an environment where everyone works towards the same goal. Ethics and Integrity: Integrity is non-negotiable in both military and civilian roles, a strict adherence to ethics and integrity is vital. David emphasizes that compromising on these values undermines not only personal credibility but the entire organization’s effectiveness. Ethical lapses, no matter how small, can have long-term consequences, so it's crucial to always act in alignment with the highest ethical standards.


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  • Ready to transform your life in 30 days? Join the Unbeatable Challenge now at unbeatablemind.com/30 and unlock your peak performance with Navy SEAL-proven techniques. Limited-time discount available – don't miss out!

    Your internal landscape is the foundation of your external reality. This is the core message Samantha Skelly wants you to understand about breathwork. To take control of your emotional and mental state, start by developing a consistent breathwork practice. Cultivate awareness, emotional resilience, and a deep connection to your body through the power of conscious breathing. By mastering your breath, you master your state, and by mastering your state, you shape your future.

    Samantha Skelly is a 7-figure entrepreneur, international speaker, best-selling author, and wellness coaching expert. She founded Hungry for Happiness in 2014, a movement helping people transform their lives through emotional and energetic coaching techniques. In 2018, she launched Pause Breathwork, aiming to unite humanity through breathwork practices.


    Breathwork is a Future-Readiness Practice: The most impactful way to shape your future is through internal transformation, and breathwork offers a powerful tool for this journey. By cultivating a consistent breathwork practice, you develop a mindset of openness, curiosity, and emotional resilience – key traits for thriving in an ever-changing world.

    The Power of Somatic Experience: Regular breathwork creates a profound connection between your current self and your desired future state. This embodied practice aligns your physical sensations, emotions, and thoughts with your aspirations, making your future vision feel more tangible and achievable.

    Emotions in Transformation: Personal growth and transformation are deeply tied to emotions. Breathwork provides a method to navigate the full spectrum of human emotion – from anxiety to bliss – in a controlled, safe environment. This emotional fluency becomes a crucial asset for innovation, creativity, and adaptability in your personal and professional life.

    Creating a Breath-Conscious Environment: Your breath is always with you, making it a portable tool for transformation. By intentionally incorporating breathwork into your daily routines and physical spaces, you design an environment that constantly supports your journey toward your desired future state. This practice of "situated breathing" can have a powerful effect on your ability to live "future-ready" in any circumstance.


    Empower your kids with financial wisdom and security. Sign up for Greenlight today and get your first month free! Visit greenlight.com/DIVINE to start your family's financial journey.


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    Magic Spoon

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    Links for Samantha





  • Ready to transform your life in 30 days? Join the Unbeatable Challenge now at unbeatablemind.com/30 and unlock your peak performance with Navy SEAL-proven techniques. Limited-time discount available – don't miss out!

    If you don't actively shape your future, it will be shaped for you. This is the core message Dr. Frederik G. Pferdt wants you to understand. To take control of your future, start by developing a "future ready" mindset. Cultivate optimism, openness, curiosity, a willingness to experiment, and empathy. Dr. Pferdt introduces an important concept: your "mind state." Unlike fixed mindsets, your mind state is your perception in each moment, and it's something you can change and control. By working on your mind state, you can alter how you experience and interact with the world around you. Shaping your future is also about your environment. Dr. Pferdt emphasizes the importance of intentionally designing your physical spaces to support your aspirations. Your surroundings significantly influence your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors; Make sure they align with the future you're trying to create.

    Dr. Frederik G. Pferdt, a pioneer in innovation and creativity, served as Google's inaugural Chief Innovation Evangelist and taught at Stanford University for over a decade. His visionary approach to living "future-ready" has been adopted by diverse organizations from the UN to NASA. With his work featured in over 250 media outlets worldwide, Dr. Pferdt's insights on shaping a better tomorrow are set to reach an even broader audience through his upcoming book, "What's Next Is Now – How to Live Future Ready."


    Future Readiness Mindset: The most impactful way to shape your future is to focus on who you want to become, rather than external factors or material goals. This involves cultivating a mindset of optimism, openness, curiosity, experimentation, and empathy.

    The Power of Visualization and Future Self: Regularly visualizing and connecting with your desired future self can have a profound impact on achieving your goals. This practice helps align your current actions with your future aspirations.

    Emotions in Innovation: Innovation is deeply tied to emotions. Understanding and effectively managing the emotional roller coaster of excitement, disappointment, frustration, and humility is crucial for successful innovation and creativity.

    Situated Cognition and Environmental Design: Your physical environment significantly influences your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Intentionally designing your spaces to support your desired future state can have a powerful effect on your ability to achieve your goals and live "future ready".


    Wild Health

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    Links For Dr. Frederik Pferdt




  • Ready to transform your life in 30 days? Join the Unbeatable Challenge now at unbeatablemind.com/30 and unlock your peak performance with Navy SEAL-proven techniques. Limited-time discount available – don't miss out!

    Greg Wooldridge, three-time leader of the Navy's elite Blue Angels, reveals four core principles that propel the team to unparalleled excellence. These pillars—rigorous debriefing, trust-based humble leadership, powerful visualization techniques, and an unwavering "glad to be here" mindset—enabled the Angels to execute precise, high-stakes maneuvers with remarkable consistency. Wooldridge demonstrates how these principles can eb applied to leaders across all high-performance domains. He provides a blueprint for building and inspiring peak-performing teams in any field.

    Greg Wooldridge, a distinguished veteran of the United States Navy, is renowned for his exceptional leadership as the Commanding Officer of the Blue Angels, the Navy’s elite flight demonstration squadron. A seasoned aviator, Wooldridge’s career includes a broad range of command and operational roles, demonstrating his deep expertise in aviation and leadership. Post-service, Wooldridge has continued to inspire as a speaker and mentor, sharing his insights on leadership, teamwork, and performance with diverse audiences. His legacy with the Blue Angels endures through the principles he championed, emphasizing transparency, humility, and relentless pursuit of excellence.


    The Power of Debriefing: The Blue Angels use a thorough, open debriefing process after each flight. The leader starts by admitting their own mistakes, setting a tone of transparency and accountability. This process builds trust, encourages continuous improvement, and is applicable in various organizational settings.

    Trust and Humility in Leadership: Humility is crucial in high-performance teams. The Blue Angels selection process prioritizes humble candidates who can interact well with all team members. Trust is built through consistent behavior, transparent communication, and leaders who model humility.

    Visualization and Mental Preparation: The Blue Angels use extensive visualization techniques to prepare for flights. They practice with eyes closed, listening to the leader's voice and cadence. This mental preparation is key to executing complex maneuvers under pressure.

    Being “Glad to Be Here”: Maintaining a positive, grateful attitude ("glad to be here") is emphasized as crucial for team morale and performance. This mindset helps manage stress, build team cohesion, and maintain focus on continuous improvement.



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    Links For Greg


  • Ready to transform your life in 30 days? Join the Unbeatable Challenge now at unbeatablemind.com/30 and unlock your peak performance with Navy SEAL-proven techniques. Limited-time discount available – don't miss out!

    It’s believed 1 in 6 people are narcissistic. Dealing with a narcissist can be exhausting, often involving manipulation, gaslighting, and emotional abuse. Rebecca Zung, a top-rated attorney and expert on narcissism, breaks down how to recognize and deal with narcissistic personalities in both personal and professional settings. She teaches methods for negotiating with narcissists and emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries, protecting your energy, and understanding that narcissists operate from a place of fear and childhood trauma.

    Rebecca Zung is a top-rated attorney, recognized by U.S. News & World Report as a Best Lawyer in America. She's the author of bestselling books on divorce and negotiation, including "Negotiate Like You MATTER" with a foreword by Robert Shapiro. A sought-after expert, Rebecca has been featured on major media outlets like Extra, Forbes, and NPR. Based in Los Angeles, she continues to share her expertise through keynote speeches, media appearances, podcasts, and on-demand programs.

    The Signs of Narcissism: Be wary of people who seem too good to be true, mirror your interests perfectly, push for quick commitments, or react poorly to boundaries. These are potential red flags for narcissistic behavior.

    Narcissists Operate Differently: Narcissists are motivated by "narcissistic supply" and may not respond to rational arguments. Their behavior is often rooted in childhood trauma, leading to emotional regulation issues and "narcissistic blindness" when triggered.

    Use the SLAY Method When Dealing With Narcissists: Strategy (define your goals), Leverage (identify their sources of supply), Anticipate (understand their type), and You (maintain your authentic power). This helps in negotiations or conflicts with narcissists.

    Set Strong Boundaries: Set clear boundaries, avoid JADE (Justify, Argue, Defend, Explain), use specific language, and remember that you're entitled to respect. Developing these skills can help protect your mental health and achieve better outcomes when interacting with narcissists.



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    Links for Rebecca






  • Ready to transform your life in 30 days? Join the Unbeatable Challenge now at unbeatablemind.com/30 and unlock your peak performance with Navy SEAL-proven techniques. Limited-time discount available – don't miss out!

    If you train your mind like your toughest muscle, life's challenges won't stand a chance. Mo Brossette breaks this down for us - it's all about mindset, smart movement, and metabolic flexibility. Train intentionally with odd objects and unstable loads to be ready for anything. When it comes to your diet, keep it simple with whole foods and strategic supplements. Teach your body to burn fat or carbs on demand with metabolic flexibility. Balance hard work with real recovery, and don't neglect your morning ritual.

    Morris Brossette is the Chief Performance Officer at Brute Force Training, a Virtual Strength & Conditioning Coach, Men’s Leadership Coach, Keynote Speaker and Meditation Teacher. With a degree in Exercise Science & Kinesiology, he's worked as a collegiate strength coach and personal trainer for 18 years. Mo holds multiple certifications, including Sports Nutrition and Spartan SGX coaching. His expertise in biomechanics and holistic health enables him to train athletes for various challenges.

    Key Takeaways

    Mindset is crucial for performance: Mo emphasizes that mental preparation, including breath work, positive language reframing, and stress management, is fundamental to peak performance. He states, "The only thing that will limit your success is your mind. Your body will be ready for the challenge."

    A holistic approach to training: It’s important to balance physical training with nutrition, recovery, and mental conditioning. Mo advocates for a comprehensive approach that includes stress management, sleep, hydration, nutrition, and movement.

    Unconventional training methods: Mo promotes the use of unstable loads and odd objects for training, as well as rucking. These methods prepare the body for diverse challenges and improve overall functional fitness.

    Metabolic flexibility and nutrition: The discussion highlights the importance of metabolic flexibility - training the body to efficiently use both fats and carbohydrates for energy. Mo recommends a modified paleo or animal-based diet, supplemented with key nutrients to support performance and overall health.


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    Links For Morris Brossette


    Brute Force Training

  • What is Hydrogen Therapy? Greg suffered from multiple severe health issues, including autoimmune problems, a life-threatening heart condition, liver and kidney dysfunction and widespread inflammation. He was in constant pain. Desperate for a solution, Greg discovered molecular hydrogen therapy. Within months, his heart condition resolved completely, eliminating the need for open-heart surgery. Greg attributes his recovery to the antioxidant properties of hydrogen, and is an advocate for it brining his system back into balance.

    Greg, known online as the "Hydrogen Man," is a health advocate and expert in molecular hydrogen therapy. A former medical professional, Greg turned to alternative health solutions after facing severe personal health challenges in his early thirties. Through research and self-experimentation, he credits molecular hydrogen therapy for his recovery from autoimmune issues, heart problems, and chronic pain.

    Exploring Molecular Hydrogen: Molecular hydrogen has significant health benefits, including reducing inflammation, improving heart conditions, and potentially treating a wide range of diseases. Greg attributes his own recovery from severe health issues to hydrogen therapy.

    How It Works: Molecular hydrogen therapy involves using purified water and a specialized device to dissolve hydrogen gas into the water.

    Hydrogen as an Antioxidant Powerhouse: Hydrogen acts as a selective antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals in the body and potentially reversing aging effects. Numerous Japanese studies show improvements in blood composition and overall health markers.

    Proceed with caution, especially if you're on medication for conditions like hypertension or diabetes. Always inform your doctor, monitor your health closely, and be prepared to adjust your medications if necessary under medical supervision.


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    Wild Health

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    Links For Greg The Hydrogen Man



  • Becoming Quitproof is about pushing beyond perceived limits and transforming adversity into opportunity. Tom Jones's life of overcoming a rough childhood to becoming an extreme athlete and personal development coach—showcases the power of mental resilience and purposeful living.

    Tom Jones is an extreme athlete, Marine veteran, and personal development coach known for incredible feats like running from California to New York at marathon pace for 121 days and paddleboarding 1,250 miles from Oregon to Mexico. A seven-time Muay Thai Champion, he authored "Becoming Quit Proof" after overcoming a traumatic childhood. Jones embraces a holistic approach to life and uses extreme challenges to raise awareness for various causes, inspiring others to push their limits.

    Key Takeaways

    Mental Toughness and Resilience: Develop a "quit-proof" mindset to overcome challenges and persevere through difficult situations. Cultivate resilience by maintaining a strong sense of purpose and viewing obstacles as opportunities for growth.

    Holistic Personal Development: Embrace a comprehensive approach to personal growth by focusing on the "Five Mountains" of life - physical, mental, emotional, intuitive, and spiritual aspects of yourself. Recognize that true effectiveness and leadership stem from developing all these areas in harmony.

    Mindfulness and Self-Awareness: Incorporate mindfulness techniques such as box breathing and meditation into your daily routine. These practices enhance self-awareness, improve decision-making, manage stress, and provide mental clarity in high-pressure situations.

    Spiritual and Philosophical Growth: Explore deeper spiritual and philosophical concepts to broaden your perspective on life, consciousness, and reality. Understanding ideas like karma, dharma, and the nature of self can provide valuable insights for personal and professional development.

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    Links for Tom Jones




  • Tiffany, Founder and Co-CEO of Performance Consultants, is a leading expert in performance coaching and cultural transformation. With 20 years of experience advising Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 executives, she has developed tools like Coaching for Performance ROI and Impact 360 to quantify coaching benefits and leadership impact. She co-authored "Coaching for Performance" and frequently speaks on transformational leadership and corporate culture evolution. Tiffany has appeared in the Financial Times, The Guardian, BBC Radio 4, and Michael Lewis’s podcast, "The Coach in Your Head."

    Key Takeaways

    Cultural Maturity Model: Organizations progress through four stages of cultural maturity, from low to high performance: impulsive, hierarchical, independent, and interdependent. The highest-performing cultures are interdependent, where values and vision unite people, and they believe they're truly successful together.

    Mindset Shift for Leaders: A transformational leadership mindset views people as being on a learning journey and as perfectly capable, resourceful, and whole. This shift from seeing people as problems to seeing their potential can significantly impact leadership effectiveness and organizational culture.

    Importance of Trust and Authenticity: High-trust, high-reliability organizations are better equipped to navigate extreme risks and uncertainties. Authenticity in leadership is crucial for "rehumanizing" the workplace and creating an environment where people can fulfill their potential.

    Coaching for Performance: The GROW model (Goal, Reality, Options, Will) is a widely used coaching framework, but the magic happens in the underpinning skills - like holding someone as full of potential and capable of achieving anything they set their heart on. Effective coaching often involves helping people remove obstacles and shift from fear to trust.

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    Wild Health

    Visit WildHealth.com/UNBEATABLE and enter the promo code UNBEATABLE for an exclusive 20% discount on membership. Embrace this opportunity to prioritize your health. Start your journey to wellness today.

    Magic Spoon

    Dive into a delicious bowl of Magic Spoon's new high-protein Treats, now available at your nearest grocery store.

    Bespoke Post

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    SealFit ElectroGreens:

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    Links for Tiffany



  • Ajay Tejasvi's journey—from advancing rural technology in India to tackling anti-corruption efforts at the World Bank—showcases the power of innovative solutions to overcome global challenges. His work through The Art of Living promotes leadership techniques that encourage resilience, interconnectedness, and personal growth. Personal transformation is the first step to effecting societal change and living a life where awareness, belongingness, and commitment lead to fulfilling and impactful experiences.

    Ajay Tejasvi is a leadership scholar and AI engineer, currently serving as TLEX President. With over 15 years at the World Bank, he led initiatives on governance and collaborative leadership, impacting 42 governments. Ajay holds a PhD in Political Science from Claremont Graduate University, and a Masters degree in Foreign Policy and Artificial Intelligence from Georgetown University and the University of Southern California, respectively. Passionate about education, women’s empowerment, and sustainable communities, he lives in Virginia with his family.

    Key Takeaways

    Integrating Technology and Spirituality: The blending of technological innovation and spiritual wisdom can lead to significant societal and individual advancements. Ajay’s work demonstrates how technological tools like the Simputer can empower communities, while spiritual practices from the Art of Living enhance personal growth and leadership skills.

    Leadership Through Connection: Effective leadership extends beyond technical expertise to include the ability to connect with people on a human level. Ajay's transition from technical roles to influential positions at the World Bank illustrates the importance of developing interpersonal relationships to enact meaningful change.

    Personal Transformation as a Catalyst for Global Change: Change begins within. Ajay advocates for personal development as a precursor to societal improvement. His journey underscores that by cultivating qualities such as awareness, belongingness, and commitment, individuals can make a substantial impact on the world.

    Empowerment Through Education and Empathy: Ajay’s passion for education, women’s empowerment, and sustainable communities highlights the need for initiatives that provide both tools and understanding. His efforts in teaching and leading programs that foster resilience and interconnectedness advocate for an empathetic approach to global challenges.

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    Links for Ajay



  • John Mackey's evolution from starting a small vegetarian store to being the CEO of Whole Foods illustrates the transformative power of conscious leadership and ethical business practices. His journey, fueled by personal transformation and dedication to health-conscious living, led to the creation of a $13.7 billion company that upheld strong values even after merging with Amazon. Businesses can thrive while positively impacting the community and environment through sustainable and ethical practices.

    John Powell Mackey is an American businessman and writer. He is the co-founder of Whole Foods Market and was the CEO of the company from its inception in 1980 until 2022. Named Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year in 2003, he is one of the most influential advocates in the movement for organic food.

    Key Takeaways

    The Importance of a Purpose-Driven Business: John Mackey emphasizes that your business needs a purpose beyond profit. Whole Foods was built not just to sell organic food but to nourish people and the planet, attracting customers and employees who shared these values.

    Adapting Business Practices for Growth: Strategic decisions were made to adapt Whole Foods' business model by expanding product offerings and becoming less rigid in their product mix, which was crucial for scaling up the business and appealing to a broader customer base.

    Maintaining Core Values Amidst Growth: Even as Whole Foods expanded, Mackey and his team maintained strict quality standards, refusing to sell artificial ingredients and setting high standards for meat and produce. This commitment to quality helped differentiate Whole Foods from other supermarkets and maintained its brand integrity.

    Cultural Impact on Employee Retention and Morale: The culture at Whole Foods, driven by core values and mutual respect, contributed significantly to high employee retention rates. Mackey believes that providing a workplace where employees feel appreciated and purposeful is essential for sustaining a successful business.

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    Links for John Mackey





  • General Gregg Martin's story in the Military with bipolar disorder illustrates how mental illness, while challenging, can be managed with proper understanding and treatment. Through medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes, Martin regained control over his mental health after years of undiagnosed hyperthymia and mania. Those with bipolar disorder can live fulfilling lives.

    Gregg F. Martin, PhD, is a retired Major General of the US Army with a distinguished 36-year career. A West Point graduate with advanced degrees from MIT and war colleges, Martin held numerous high-ranking positions, including President of the National Defense University. He commanded troops in Iraq and served in various leadership roles throughout his career.

    Diagnosed with bipolar disorder type 1 in 2014, Martin has since become an outspoken advocate for mental health awareness, particularly within the military community. He shares his experiences through his book "Bipolar General: My Forever War with Mental Illness" and public speaking engagements, working to reduce stigma and improve support for those facing mental health challenges.

    Key Takeaways

    Understanding Bipolar Disorder: Martin explains bipolar disorder as a mood disorder characterized by cycles of mania and depression. He describes his experiences with both states, including periods of extreme productivity and creativity during mania, followed by debilitating depression.

    Crisis and Diagnosis: Martin's bipolar disorder fully manifested while he was president of the National Defense University, leading to erratic behavior and his eventual removal from the position. He was diagnosed with bipolar disorder type 1 in 2014, at the age of 58.

    Recovery and Management: Martin's recovery involved finding the right medication, undergoing therapy, and adopting a healthy lifestyle. He emphasizes the importance of having a purpose, supportive relationships, and maintaining a structured routine.

    Mental Health in the Military: Through his book "Bipolar General" and public speaking, Martin works to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness, particularly in the military. He advocates for better understanding and support for those with mental health issues.

    Sponsors and Promotions


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    Henson Shaving:

    Go to https://hensonshaving.com and enter DIVINE at checkout to get 100 free blades with your purchase. (Note: you must add both the 100-blade pack and the razor for the discount to apply.)

    SealFit ElectroGreens:

    Fuel your body and conquer your limits with SealFit ElectroGreens - a USDA organic superfood packed with over 25 organic fruits, vegetables, and electrolytes. Head to Amazon, search for "SealFit ElectroGreens," and use code SEALGREENS25 at checkout for 25% off your order.

    Links for Gregg F. Martin





    Book: Bipolar General

  • Psychitecture enables us to design our minds for optimal functioning and well-being. Through metacognition and mindfulness, we can identify and reshape cognitive biases, emotional reactions, and behavioral patterns. This process involves examining our core values, cultivating personal virtues, and aligning our actions with our deepest strengths. We can navigate depression, enhance self-esteem, and ultimately create a more fulfilling and authentic life experience.

    Ryan A Bush is a thinker and designer focused on building better systems, better people, and a better future. As founder of Designing the Mind, his central purpose is to provide wisdom education and integrate the insights of ancient and modern thinkers to form a new vision for psychological growth and self-mastery.

    Key Takeaways

    Design Your Mind: The concept of "psychitecture" or designing one's mind involves examining and consciously shaping mental habits, emotional reactions, and cognitive biases to improve psychological well-being and performance.

    Metacognition vs. Mindfulness: Metacognition (thinking about thinking) and mindfulness (observing thoughts without judgment) are important for understanding and redesigning the mind.

    The Evolutionary Perspective on Depression: Depression may be an evolutionary mechanism related to self-esteem and social standing, and how understanding this can help in addressing mental health issues.

    Virtues Over Abstract Purpose: You become who you are by identifying your strengths and virtues, rather than pursuing a predetermined notion of success or happiness. Focusing on cultivating personal virtues and strengths may be more beneficial than searching for an abstract sense of purpose.

    Sponsors and Promotions


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    https://www.livemomentous.com, and use code DIVINE for 20% off your first order.


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    SealFit ElectroGreens:

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    Links for Ryan Bush






  • Gratitude and inner work challenge us to explore beyond ego-centric thinking and embrace a more expansive mindset. By confronting our fears and shifting our language to align with life's infinite possibilities, we can transform our understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.

    Sohale Sizar is a visionary entrepreneur, musician, and writer dedicated to empowering individuals through technology, education, and spirituality. With an MBA from Stanford and a background in Government from Georgetown University, Sohale has founded four education-focused digital ventures, including the Bring on the Books Foundation, impacting the lives of millions. He has also consulted for Fortune 500 companies on digital product strategy and launch.

    Key Takeaways

    The Power of Gratitude: Gratitude is a transformative practice that goes beyond writing in a journal. It is a mindset shift that allows us to appreciate the awesomeness in every moment, leading to increased happiness, better sleep, reduced anxiety, and improved overall well-being.

    Letting Go of Fear: Fear is resistance to life, stemming from our ego-based identity structures. By letting go of these structures and aligning with the abundant possibilities of life, we can reduce fear and allow life to flow through us more freely, embracing the infinite potential that surrounds us.

    Language Shapes Reality: Our language plays a crucial role in shaping our reality. Scarcity-oriented language, pervasive in our society, reinforces fear and limiting beliefs. By shifting toward language that aligns with gratitude and abundance, we can reframe our perspective and tap into the limitless potential of life.

    Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times: Ancient wisdom traditions, such as Zen Buddhism, offer valuable insights for navigating the challenges of modern life. By incorporating practices like stillness, contemplation, and self-inquiry, we can gain a deeper understanding of our true nature and cultivate the courage to live life on our own terms, even if it means going against societal conditioning.

    Sponsors and Promotions


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    Links for Sohale Sizar




  • Posthumanism invites us to think beyond human-centric thinking and embrace a more inclusive, interconnected worldview. By confronting cultural challenges and seizing opportunities in life's unexpected disruptions, we can transform our understanding of the world and our role within it.

    Dr. Bayo Akomolafe is a philosopher, psychologist, and professor from Nigeria. He is the Chief Curator of The Emergence Network and host of the online course, 'We Will Dance with Mountains'. Dr. Akomolafe's work explores themes of post-humanism, decolonization, and the deconstruction of conventional Western paradigms. He seeks to challenge and reframe dominant narratives around human supremacy, individualism, and progress.

    What Is Post-Humanism? Post-humanism is a philosophical perspective that seeks to de-center the human as the sole source of importance and beauty in the world. It recognizes the significance of other beings and the interconnectedness of all life, inviting us to embrace a more holistic view of the world and our place within it.

    Cracks Are Opportunities: “Cracks" are disturbances or disruptions in our conventional ways of thinking and being. These cracks serve as openings for new ideas, dialogues, and ways of engaging with the world to emerge. We can challenge dominant narratives and explore alternative perspectives by embracing these disruptions.

    Reframing Your Relationship With the World: Recognize that you are a part of the world you aim to protect, rather than separate from it. This reframing encourages us to cultivate humility and a sense of stewardship, understanding that we are in service to the Earth and all its inhabitants.

    Embracing Diversity and Alternative Ways of Knowing: Post-humanism invites us to value and engage with diverse perspectives. By embracing alternative ways of knowing and being, we can enrich our understanding of the world and foster more inclusive and ecologically attuned approaches to the challenges we face.

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    Links for Dr. Bayo Akomolafe





  • There is a surprising factor that limits your leadership potential – Unresolved trauma. Trauma is a disruption of the patterns our brains trust to navigate life.

    Dr.Julia DiGangi is a neuropsychologist who completed her clinical training at a consortium of Harvard Medical School, Boston University School of Medicine, and the US Department of Veterans Affairs. She has nearly two decades of experience studying the connection between our brains and our behavior. Dr. DiGangi has worked with leaders at the White House Press Office, global companies, international NGOs, and US Special Forces. Her understanding of stress, trauma, and resilience is also informed by her work in international development and humanitarian aid, where she served some of the world's most vulnerable communities. The founder of NeuroHealth Partners, a neuropsychology-based consultancy, DiGangi shows people—at work and at home—how to harness the power of the brain to lead more satisfying and emotionally intelligent lives.

    Key Takeaways

    The Brain’s Role: The brain is fundamentally a pattern detection machine, moving us through life largely unconsciously based on past memories and experiences.

    Trauma Shatters Patterns: Trauma is defined as the violent shattering of expected patterns, causing confusion because it disrupts the brain's meaning-making process. The pain of trauma lies not so much in what happened, but in our response to it - the belief that we are never safe again or can never trust again.

    Suppressing Emotions Clogs the Nervous System: When we avoid feeling painful emotions, we "shove them down" repeatedly, leading to a lifetime of a clogged emotional pipe or nervous system.

    Leaders are Limited by Unresolved Trauma: A leader's primary limitation is their inability to see and deal with their past traumas. Childhood survival strategies that were once adaptive can constrain adult leadership.

    Trust is the Antidote to Uncertainty: The brain is allergic to uncertainty, but seeking external certainty only breeds more anxiety. The opposite of uncertainty is not certainty but surrender and trust.

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    Links for Dr. Julia DiGangi






  • Brian Hite, Ph.D., is a seasoned professional with over 40 years of experience in performance, psychology, and coaching. He has a rich background as a stuntman and coordinator in film and TV, an adjunct faculty member at Grand Canyon University, and a performance psychology consultant for the U.S. Army. He holds a Bachelor's in Psychology, a Master's in Sport Psychology, and a Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology, along with certifications as a Certified Mental Performance Consultant®, Certified Leadership Coach, and Certified Executive Coach. Brian founded Begin Again Performance Psychology to enhance the mental strength and well-being of athletes, performers, and business leaders.

    Key Takeaways

    The Four Phases of Performance: Brian breaks down performance into before, right before, during, and after phases. Mastering the "right before" phase, when emotions and energy can spiral, is crucial for success.

    Achieving the Ideal Performance State: Brian uses breath control, progressive muscle relaxation, mental imagery, and attentional focus on the first 2 seconds of the task to get into the zone or "bubble."

    Nervousness and Excitement are Physiologically the Same: The difference lies in perceiving the situation as a threat or challenge. Framing the energy positively allows you to use it to your benefit.

    Eastern Philosophy and Western Psychology Overlap: Both emphasize the mind-body connection and achieving optimal mental states. Embracing this connection can lead to more flow experiences.

    Three Keys to Personal Change: Develop self-awareness of thoughts, emotions and their influence. Accept current reality. Take self-regulatory action to make positive changes.

    Sponsors and Promotions:


    Unlock your metabolic potential with Lumen, the world's first handheld metabolic coach; visit lumen.me and use code DIVINE to get $100 off. Start optimizing your health today


    To feel in your prime WAY longer than you ever thought possible, try Qualia Senolytic up to 50% off right now at neurohacker.com/DIVINE15, and code DIVINE15 at checkout will score you an additional 15% off.


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    SealFit ElectroGreens:

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    Links for Brian Hite



  • Jean Gomes is an author, researcher, and consultant focused on the science of mindset. He studied neuroscience before transitioning into consultancy, where he works with global corporations to transform leaders through mindset training. He is the founder of Outside, a company that offers programs like More Human, which aims to address issues of depletion, defensiveness, and disconnection by building mindsets of well-being through simple practices.

    Key Takeaways

    The Connection of Neuroscience and Mindset: Your brain is a "prediction machine" and emotions provide valuable information to help navigate uncertainty.

    Fixed vs Growth Mindsets: Purely behavioral approaches to change your mindset is limited. Jean emphasizes the importance of building self-awareness of underlying assumptions and emotional responses.

    Negative Emotions are Important: They keep us alive and indicate core needs that aren't being met. Understanding them provides actionable information.

    The Problem with a “Sacrifice” Mindset: Having a “Sufficiency Mindset,” that priorities meeting your needs enables greater creativity and innovation.

    Wellbeing Through Simple Practices: Outside and Jean’s More Human program aims to address issues of depletion, defensiveness, and disconnection by building interoceptive awareness through daily consistent practices.

    Sponsors and Promotions:


    Go to zbiotics.com/DIVINE to get 15% off your first order when you use DIVINE at checkout. ZBiotics is backed with 100% money back guarantee so if you’re unsatisfied for any reason, they’ll refund your money, no questions asked.

    Henson Shaving:

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    Ready for adventure? With a family of vehicles to choose from, you'll have the space, technology, and performance to go further than ever before. Explore the Defender lineup at https://www.LandRoverUSA.com/Defender

    SealFit ElectroGreens:

    Fuel your body and conquer your limits with SealFit ElectroGreens - a USDA organic superfood packed with over 25 organic fruits, vegetables, and electrolytes. Head to Amazon, search for "SealFit ElectroGreens," and use code SEALGREENS25 at checkout for 25% off your order.

    Links for Jean Gomes



  • Neha Sangwan, MD, is the founder and CEO of Intuitive Intelligence and co-founder of the Conscious Business Leadership Academy (CBLA), which partners with CEOs on implementing the principles of Conscious Capitalism in their organizations. She earned a BS in Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering from Michigan State University and worked as a manufacturing engineer for Motorola before getting a medical degree from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo. Dr. Sangwan is nationally certified by the International Federation of Coaches and serves on the faculty of the Center of Mind-Body Medicine in Washington, DC.

    Key Takeaways

    Burnout as a Wake-Up Call: Burnout isn’t a personal failure, it’s a wake-up call. Recognize when your personal and professional lives are out of balance due to unsustainable practices like overwork and neglect of health.

    Need for Conscious Upgrading: Upgrade your consciousness to better cope with the modern world's demands. This involves improving our ability to manage stress and enhance our internal resilience through mindfulness and self-awareness.

    Alignment with Biology: We must align our lifestyles and work habits with our biological needs. This includes acknowledging the natural cycles of exertion and rest, which are often ignored in a productivity-focused culture.

    Holistic Approach to Health: Dr. Sangwan advocates for a holistic approach to handling stress and burnout, which includes addressing physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions. This comprehensive approach ensures that all aspects of an individual's well-being are nurtured.

    Empowering Individual Change: You have the power and ability to manage burnout. Take proactive steps to understand and mitigate your stressors, rather than relying solely on external changes in the workplace or broader economic systems.

    Sponsors and Promotions:


    To experience the ultimate blend of style, comfort, and performance in your denim, head to shopduer.com/DIVINE and get 20% off sitewide on DUER's revolutionary stretch jeans and apparel.


    Unlock your metabolic potential with Lumen, the world's first handheld metabolic coach; visit lumen.me and use code DIVINE to get $100 off. Start optimizing your health today


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    SealFit ElectroGreens:

    Fuel your body and conquer your limits with SealFit ElectroGreens - a USDA organic superfood packed with over 25 organic fruits, vegetables, and electrolytes. Head to Amazon, search for "SealFit ElectroGreens," and use code SEALGREENS25 at checkout for 25% off your order.