
  • Are you using social media to reach and engage with your target business? Are you driving results and generating revenue? You could have a lot of followers, but are you converting those into qualified leads?

    Listen to your host Kendra Perry as she shares the three DM Scripts that could blow up your sales! The best way to increase engagement and turn cold leads into warm leads is to build relationships with your potential clients. Posting and just ghosting them would not do you any good.

    You are working on the media side of things but not the social side of things, which could bring your business down. It’s all about commitment. You must be willing to start those meaningful conversations while posting!

    Tune in to learn how you could create content that resonates more with your audience and how you could strategize your conversations with them.

    In this episode we covered:

    The Issue with Posting and GhostingUnderstanding Cold LeadsThe Importance of Being Social on Social MediaFears around Conversations on Social MediaSecret to Selling on Social MediaDM Scripts for Health CoachesCommitment to Conversations

    Episodes you may also enjoy:

    Episode 174: How I’m Using Instagram DM Automation To Grow My Email List

    Episode 212: Is it possible to sell without a sales call?

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  • In this Wealthy Coach podcast episode, Kendra Perry covers a variety of topics starting with a listener Q&A.

    She compares one-on-one coaching with group programs, emphasizing the need for an audience and leveraging networks. On Instagram lead generation, Kendra highlights the importance of having a niche, using DM automation, and creating lead magnets.

    Kendra also gets personal and shares her skincare routine, discusses recovering from a bad launch, and outlines her maternity leave strategy involving advance content creation and team reliance. Action items include pre-scheduled content, DM automation, and niche-specific lead magnets.

    In this episode we covered:

    One-on-One vs. Group Coaching for New BusinessesUsing Instagram to Generate LeadsKendra's Skincare RegimenPlanning for Maternity LeaveRecovering from a Bad LaunchCommunicating Program Value

    Shared Resources:

    Irresistible Freebie Cheat Sheet

    Group Program Checklist


    omnilux mask


    Episodes you may also enjoy:

    Episode 216: Pregnancy Real Talk

    Episode 230: How to Crush Your Next Launch

    Episode 174: How I’m Using Instagram DM Automation To Grow My Email List

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  • In this episode of the Wealthy Coach podcast, Kendra Perry highlights the importance of qualified leads for sales and explains what makes a lead qualified.

    She discusses the limitations of relying solely on social media followers and stresses the necessity of building an email list for better communication.

    She touches on defining a clear niche, aligning messaging, and strategies for email list growth, such as creating attractive freebies like guides and checklists. As always Kendra includes some actionable steps to get you started right away.

    In this episode we covered:

    Importance of Qualified LeadsChallenges with Social Media FollowersDefining a Clear NicheMessaging and Content AlignmentFocus on Email List GrowthCreating a Desirable FreebieNurturing Email Subscribers

    Shared Resources:

    Irresistible Freebie Cheat Sheet

    You might also enjoy these episodes:

    Episode 224: Create a Lead Generating Freebie

    Episode 225: Email Nurture Sequences: Get my template!

    Episode 182: MASTERCLASS: How to Find your Profitable Niche

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  • In this Wealthy Coach podcast episode, Kendra Perry dives into effective launch strategies.

    Key topics include market validation, attracting qualified leads, and crafting a pre-launch content strategy. Kendra shares tips on creating excitement with events, incorporating urgency and scarcity, and implementing robust follow-up strategies. She also covers advanced tactics like Facebook retargeting ads.

    The episode concludes with actionable steps such as conducting market research interviews, developing a pre-launch strategy, setting up webinars, creating follow-up email sequences, and utilizing retargeting ads to maximize launch success. Tune in for comprehensive insights and practical tips!

    In this episode we covered:

    Market Validation and ResearchHow Qualified Leads make all the differencePre-Launch Content StrategyCreating Excitement with EventsDriving Sales with Urgency and ScarcityThe Importance of Following Up Advanced Launch Strategies

    Episodes you may also enjoy:

    195: Nail Your Messaging To Dominate Your Marketing -- Master Your Marketing Series # 1

    187: Three Webinar Mistakes Every Coach Makes

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  • Join Kendra on this podcast episode as she discusses common social media mistakes she sees coaches make over and over again.

    She explains the engagement trap, the pitfalls of overemphasizing educational content, and the importance of building genuine relationships and engagement.

    Learn why diversifying your marketing strategies beyond social media is crucial for maintaining consistent sales.

    In this episode we covered:

    Don't fall in the Engagement TrapThere is a major overemphasis on Educational Content right nowSocial media should not be a one-way conversationDiversify your marketing strategies

    Episodes you may also enjoy:

    174: How I’m Using Instagram DM Automation To Grow My Email List

    196: My Best Organic Marketing Strategies -- Master Your Marketing Series # 2

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  • Join Kendra Perry on the Wealthy Coach podcast as she explores the impact of money-back guarantees in the coaching industry. Kendra shares her own experiences with refund requests, emphasizing the importance of setting eligibility criteria to prevent misuse. The episode highlights a trend towards high-risk guarantees promising specific outcomes, like securing a certain number of clients per month, and Kendra voices concerns about the entitlement these guarantees can foster.

    Kendra underscores the dedication and perseverance needed in online business, cautioning against expecting guaranteed success without putting in the necessary effort. She discusses the challenges faced by newcomers to the coaching industry who may not fully understand its demands. Kendra also shares her approach to managing refunds within her programs, balancing strict policies to deter misuse with exceptions for genuine circumstances.

    By sharing real-life examples of handling refund requests with empathy and discretion, Kendra demonstrates a human-centric approach within established guidelines. She advocates for fostering accountability among clients rather than encouraging entitlement through overly generous guarantees. Tune in for insightful discussions on maintaining integrity and balance in offering guarantees in the coaching industry.

    In this episode we covered:

    Money Back Guarantees in Coaching IndustryChallenges of Online EntrepreneurshipEnsuring Accountability and ResultsEligibility and Support Criteria

    Episodes you may also enjoy:

    219: What I've learned from 5 years of Running Group Programs

    192: How to Get Started with Group Coaching Programs

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  • In this episode we explore the relationship between social media and ads in marketing programs. While both are important, social media presents challenges such as heavy competition, algorithm limitations, and the need for constant posting, resulting in slow progress. On the other hand, ads offer a more predictable and faster way to reach potential clients with control over content testing and audience targeting.

    Discover why relying solely on social media for program sales can be challenging due to the time it takes to build trust and engagement. Instead, ads prove effective for rapidly growing an email list of qualified leads, allowing relationships to be nurtured before offering program enrollment or sales calls.

    Learn how combining a social media presence with paid ads is crucial for maintaining consistency in messaging across platforms while focusing on building relationships through email marketing. A balanced approach that utilizes both organic and paid strategies yields better results in lead generation, nurturing, and eventual conversions.

    Episodes you may also enjoy:

    221: Should You Hire a Marketing Agency?

    220: Behind-the-Scenes of my Facebook Ad Strategy

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  • Join Kendra Perry on the Wealthy Coach podcast as she outlines the five key components of successful online programs: education, action steps, personalized support, accountability, and resources.

    Kendra emphasizes structuring educational content for easy understanding and the importance of clear directives for action. Personalized support, accountability, and purposeful resources are also crucial for client success. Tune in for actionable insights to elevate your coaching programs!


    Watch the free HTMA training video: https://go.kendraperry.net/practitioner-training

    Download my free program guide: https://go.kendraperry.net/what-to-sell-instead


    210: How To Run A Group Program When You Have No Audience

    202: Real Coaches Share Their Experience Running Online Programs


  • Join Kendra Perry in this podcast episode as she explores email marketing strategies for effective lead nurturing. Discover a concise ten-email nurture sequence template aimed at providing value, imparting philosophy, and guiding subscribers towards engagement or conversion. Kendra outlines each email's purpose, including confirming lead magnet delivery, addressing common myths, and highlighting success stories for credibility.

    Throughout the discussion, Kendra emphasizes the importance of linking recipients to long-form content, like podcasts, to deepen engagement beyond short-form platforms. She underscores the significance of personalized interactions for building trust and successful sales conversions in online coaching.

    Furthermore, Kendra shares insights from her program, Health Coach Accelerator, including professional templates to streamline email nurture sequence implementation for new marketers. The episode highlights how a well-crafted email nurture sequence can enhance audience relationships, leading to improved sales conversions through consistent value delivery and strategic communication. Tune in for actionable tips to elevate your email marketing efforts!

    Episodes you may also enjoy:

    224: Create a Lead Generating Freebie

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  • In this podcast episode Kendra discusses the importance of creating a lead-generating freebie for building an email list. Our discussion emphasizes why an email list holds more value than social media, especially with platform changes on the horizon. We explore the risks of relying solely on social media and highlight the strategic advantages of cultivating an email list tailored to your audience's specific needs.

    Discover the concept of a "freebie funnel" and how top-of-the-funnel content can strategically guide potential leads towards engagement and eventual program enrollment. Learn key elements of crafting an effective freebie, including making it quick to consume, providing a quick win, and ensuring high-quality design.

    Kendra also shares practical tips on selecting tech tools like Convertkit or FG Funnels for opt-in pages and email marketing software. Plus, explore strategies for driving traffic, whether through organic social media efforts or utilizing paid methods like Facebook ads. Finally, we offer guidance on optimizing traffic generation through SEO tactics or collaborations, emphasizing the importance of consistently directing qualified traffic toward opt-in pages to ensure measurable success in growing your email list effectively.

    Tune in for actionable insights that will help you build a thriving email list and connect with your audience in meaningful ways!

    Resources mentioned in this episode:


    FG Funnels


    Episodes you may also enjoy:
    148: A Cautionary Tale About Niching

    81: How to grow an engaged email list

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  • Join us on the Wealthy Coach podcast as Kendra Perry shares her expertise on effective webinar strategies. Discover how webinars can be powerful sales tools when approached as engaging videos that seamlessly blend serving with selling. Kendra highlights common mistakes to avoid, such as neglecting to seek permission for sales pitches early on, losing energy, rushing through presentations, and failing to illustrate future outcomes for potential clients.

    To tackle these challenges head-on, Kendra offers practical suggestions, including promptly seeking permission to pitch, maintaining enthusiasm throughout the presentation, and slowing down during the pitch to ensure clarity and attention to detail. She emphasizes the importance of painting a compelling future vision post-solution resolution to emotionally engage audiences and guide them toward desired results.

    Furthermore, Kendra stresses the significance of highlighting benefits and outcomes over program features for a successful pitch delivery. By illustrating how program features translate into tangible benefits for clients and emphasizing their importance in achieving desired results, webinar presenters can effectively communicate the value proposition to their audience.

    These insights are aimed at enhancing webinar delivery effectiveness by optimizing communication strategies for successful client engagement and helping presenters steer clear of common pitfalls. Tune in for actionable advice that will elevate your webinar presentations and drive results!

    You may also enjoy:
    187: Three Webinar Mistakes Every Coach Makes
    147: Get More People To Show Up To Your Webinar

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  • Join us as we explore Kendra's tips for making your digital ads work smarter, not harder and ultimately more cost effectively.

    She shares insights on testing copy and creative visuals to optimize the results of your ads. Learn how tailoring content for specific audiences can effectively engage them while lowering costs.

    Discover how tailoring your ads to specific groups of people can help you reach the right customers while spending less money. Kendra shares simple strategies, like using Facebook's tools to find the perfect audience based on things like where they live and how old they are.

    Plus, learn why it's often cheaper and more effective to show ads to people who already know your business. Kendra warns against blindly following Facebook's suggestions and suggests reaching out to their support team if you need help. She also recommends managing your ads yourself, which can save you a lot of money and give you more control over how they perform.

    And don't worry about feeling overwhelmed by all the options—Kendra encourages you to skip the fancy stuff Facebook recommends if it doesn't make sense for your goals. By keeping things simple and learning to manage your ads yourself, you can save money and get better results. Tune in for easy-to-follow tips that will help you get the most out of your digital advertising!

    Resources mentioned in this episode:


    You may also enjoy:
    Episode 220: Behind-the-Scenes of my Facebook Ads Strategy
    Episode 221: Should You Hire a Marketing Agency?

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  • In this episode Kendra reviews the merits and challenges of hiring marketing agencies as a small business.

    These agencies provide various services, from organic content creation to managing paid advertising. Coaches often turn to agencies due to the intricate nature of online marketing.

    However, challenges arise with marketing agencies, as quality differs based on budget constraints; personalized marketing is vital for personal brands like coaches. Effective agency support can be costly, from $5000-$10,000 monthly for top-notch services.

    Kendra uses her own experiences as a case study and shares common missteps with marketing agencies, such as ineffective targeting strategies leading to high costs per lead.

    Understanding one's business niche and ideal client before engaging agency support is crucial to prevent resource wastage. Kendra advises business owners to manage strategic aspects like content planning and ad management personally while seeking affordable assistance for tasks like content repurposing.

    By actively participating in marketing decisions, entrepreneurs can optimize resources for sustainable growth without over-relying on costly agency services.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:


    You may also enjoy Episode 220: Behind-the-Scenes of my Facebook Ads Strategy

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  • Listen as Kendra shares her journey with Facebook ads, highlighting her transition from relying on expensive agencies to mastering ads herself.

    Kendra's strategic approach involves running ads for her signature programs, targeting diverse audiences with tailored ad copies and graphics. For Health Coach Accelerator, ads direct traffic to a free guide, later nurturing leads for event invitations. Meanwhile, HTMA Expert utilizes an evergreen funnel strategy, guiding viewers directly to training videos, followed by program pitches and limited-time discounts.

    Throughout the episode, Kendra discusses the challenges she encountered, emphasizing the significant cost-saving aspect of managing ads independently. She details her meticulous testing methodology, which includes creating multiple versions of ad copy and graphics per audience segment for thorough evaluation. Kendra stresses the importance of continuous monitoring to optimize performance effectively, ensuring a return on investment.

    Her insights highlight the dynamic nature of digital advertising and the value of adapting strategies to suit individual business objectives. The episode provides valuable lessons for entrepreneurs looking to navigate the world of Facebook ads with confidence and success.

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  • This episode discusses the power of group coaching programs. Kendra emphasizes the shift from overwhelming education to actionable steps for transformation, urging coaches to provide meaningful guidance rather than bombarding clients with information. She stresses the importance of community engagement through intentional posts and networking calls, highlighting their role in fostering motivation and support.

    Continuation plans, offering ongoing support post-program completion, are key for sustained growth within the coaching framework. Kendra also emphasizes the need for tailored sales funnels based on audience preferences, advocating for data-driven marketing strategies and the importance of testimonials in making informed decisions.

    Different programs require unique promotional approaches to resonate with the target audience effectively. Lastly, Kendra underscores the importance of utilizing data to track and enhance business performance for effective decision-making. In a nutshell, her insights emphasize the effectiveness of group coaching, focusing on action-oriented transformation, meaningful guidance, and community support.

    Resources shared in this episode:

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  • This week Kendra speaks to the vital role of having a warm audience for fast sales. Discover actionable tips for accelerating your sales process, with a focus on cultivating trust and familiarity with your audience. Learn strategies like discounting main offers, hosting flash sales, or offering paid workshops to drive quick conversions. We'll also explore the power of reconnecting with past clients and introducing new offerings.

    If you're starting without a warm audience, fear not! Kendra shares effective ways to leverage your personal and professional networks, as well as conducting in-person workshops to kickstart your audience growth. Building a warm email list beyond social media platforms can be a key to sustained sales success in the long run. Tune in for expert insights on efficiently making sales and building lasting customer relationships.

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  • Join Kendra in this episode as she explores the misconception surrounding lowering prices to boost sales. Discover why price objections from potential customers might not always signal overly high prices but rather a misunderstanding of value or financial constraints. Learn the importance of effectively communicating your offer's value in language that resonates with your ideal client, whether it's through content, social media, emails, or sales copy.

    Gain insights into the necessity of clear messaging and detailed communication about every aspect of your program's value. Kendra also addresses common challenges such as insufficient sales, offering practical solutions to ineffective messaging or unclear targeting. Plus, uncover the importance of tracking numbers and monitoring conversion rates to accurately assess traffic and leads for more informed marketing strategies. Tune in for expert advice on enhancing your marketing efforts and making smarter business decisions.

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  • Today’s topic is not something most women talk about. It’s also not the most popular. If you are someone who's struggled with infertility or finds pregnancy talk to be a sensitive topic, then this episode is not for you. In today’s Pregnancy Real Talk with Kendra Perry, she shares her pregnancy journey, including the mixed emotions she felt during some difficult moments. She also has news for you! So, tune in so you won’t miss what to look forward to with HCA.

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  • Kendra Perry has decided to shut down HCA, and no one knows exactly why she did this. Was she misleading her clients? Did she want to put extra pressure on getting her last program? But now she has decided to reopen it. What really happened here? In this episode, Kendra finally addresses this burning question, shedding light on how she came up her ultimate decision.

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