
  • Performance anxiety shows in many different forms, including public speaking, performing or presenting in front of others, rising to an occasion, job performance, and more. While there are many reasons why anxiety may occur, In this episode, you’ll learn an energy-healing perspective of what is happening in the moment of performance anxiety and a practice on how to work with anxiety when it arises.

    Share this episode with anyone who may benefit from a practice for overcoming performance anxiety.

    Interested in developing your intuition? Sign up for my free course here: https://wendyderosa.com/

    Are you a leader looking to uplevel your skills by deepening your soul connection? Sign up on my wait list for my new book: ​​https://wendyderosa.com/uplevel-your-leadership/

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  • Physical burnout is all too common these days. It has physical symptoms like fatigue, depression, brain fog, memory loss, lack of interest in socializing, slow performance, and more. Yet burnout is deeper than needing rest. It’s a deep disconnection and depletion on a soul level. In this episode, you will learn nine ways to replenish burnout and receive a guided practice to release outdated beliefs. Give it a listen to restore yourself.

    Set up a consult with one of our grads to find out if the program is the right path for you! Learn more and register here: https://energyhealingandintuitiontraining.com/

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  • A common teaching about manifesting is that your subconscious mind carries limited beliefs that send a signal out to the universe, and the universe responds. Diving a bit deeper here into the energetic body, we have to look at the solar plexus or 3rd chakra area of the body because this “gut brain” holds subconscious fears that block you from actualizing your intentions, but also the worthiness to receive what it is you do desire. Manifesting does not rely on changing thoughts alone. The thoughts come from energetic imprints in the body that need your conscious attention in order to transform. In this episode we will explore the role of the 3rd chakra holding subconscious beliefs and how to clear them.

    Interested in learning more and developing your intuition? Sign up for my Free Course!

    Blow out energy that is not yours
    Feel the divine support behind you

    Create a center dwelling place for you that is backed by spirit

    Find your YES, I will carry this mission/light forward.

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  • Episode 31: Reframing Dark Nights of the Soul as Purposeful

    Episode date: Feb 14

    Launching an episode about the Dark Night of the Soul on Valentine's Day seems like unlikely timing. Yet, I promise this is a love story about the heart. It can be lonely, hopeless, and hard to be in a tunnel that feels dark or depressed, but there is a deeper layer within that is evolving and developing, and it needs the “cave” to shed the old and heal. The cave may not look that dark, but it’s an introverted and mystical time of self-discovery.

    If you are interested in diving deeper into developing your intuition, clearing your blocks, or becoming certified as an intuitive energy healer! The Energy Healing and Intuition Training is exactly where you will begin. Set up a consult with one of our grads to find out if the program is the right path for you! Learn more and register here: https://energyhealingandintuitiontraining.com/

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  • There is a portal of time between the ending and beginning of a new year to pause, let go, and bring in the news. Whether you celebrate the Chinese New Year, the astrological New Year, the Jewish New Year, the calendar New Year, or another, setting intentions is a powerful pause in time where your body, mind, and soul align to get clear in your relationship with the universe. In this episode, Wendy shares how to set intentions mindfully in a few steps. Give a listen to learn how to enter into the new year, be centered and aligned, and be prepared to take notes!

    Start the New Year by developing your intuition, clearing your blocks, or becoming certified as an intuitive energy healer! The Energy Healing and Intuition Training is exactly where you will begin. Set up a consult with one of our grads to find out if the program is the right path for you! Learn more and register here: https://energyhealingandintuitiontraining.com/

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  • Grace has many different meanings that range from honor to elegance to goodwill and God’s recompense (in the Christian faith). Grace is a flow of energy that carries Divine intelligence. It ignites our soul’s consciousness, and through that, we are connected to something greater than us. It can be referred to as God, Light, Higher Love, Creator, Divine Universe, and more. Grace is a healing energy, and it can be intentionally brought forward in energy healing.

    If you need more support on how to heal with Grace, please join us for a special FREE Live event with Wendy De Rosa on November 14 called Lead From Your Light: Become Unapologetically Intuitive. This 1 hour will help you connect to the light that calls you from within to live your intuitive gifts in the world.

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  • Fear is a natural human emotion. It warns us when danger is near, and it signals our body when something doesn’t feel right. Yet, how do you know when your body is giving you an intuitive warning sign versus an irrational fear? Tune in to this episode to learn a 4 step process to distinguish your intuition from fear.

    Are you looking to develop your intuition, clear your blocks, or become certified as an intuitive energy healer? I have the program for you! The Energy Healing and Intuition Training is exactly where you will begin. Set up a consult with one of our grads to find out if the program is the right path for you! Learn more and register here: https://energyhealingandintuitiontraining.com/

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  • On the spiritual path, emotions get a bad rap. Anger and grief are low vibrations, while joy and positive vibes are the path to one-ness and manifesting, right? Well, what if the path included the deeper healing that comes when we see emotions as good? Emotions give us a doorway into where we have been hurt on a deeper level. When we tune in to the deeper layers, we can help heal the hurt…no matter how long it’s been there. In this podcast, I will show you how.

    You’ll also experience a guided meditation to take you beneath the layers to access true healing underneath grief, anger, and any other emotions. Give it a listen!

    If your gift is guiding you to heal more on a deeper level and expand your intuition, I have the program for you! Join me live for a Free Online Event called Lead from Your Light as an Intuitive Energy Healer on September 21! Learn more and register here.

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  • What happens when you don’t say “yes” to your gift, your calling, your intuition, your infinite potential? My guess is you have a story to tell about this. Listen as I share my experience meeting Alicia Keys and a fellow fan taking a big step back in awe of the question. Whether you experienced grief, chaos, betrayal, or anything else, by not saying yes to your gift, this episode may inspire you to honor your light and let it lead you. I’ll share some personal stories in this episode of what happened to me before I said “yes” to my gift.

    If your gift is guiding you to heal more on a deeper level and expand your intuition, I have the program for you! The Energy Healing and Intuition Training is exactly where you need to be. Live calls with me start on August 15th. Now you can receive my transformational core teachings for less than ½ the price. Learn more and register here: https://energyhealingandintuitiontraining.com/

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  • As I return from Bali, I am in awe of the commitment to the Balanese daily devotional rituals and how it increases prosperity and well-being in their daily life. In this episode, I share with you how I integrate devotional rituals in my life and how you can in yours.

    Are you looking to heal through energy healing and develop your intuition? Wendy just released a brand new year-long training called the Energy Healing and Intuition Training. Now you can receive Wendy’s transformational core teachings that were offered in the first year of her Intuitive Healer Training Program for less than ½ the price. Learn more and register here: https://energyhealingandintuitiontraining.com/

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  • There are many books, teachings, and studies about fear-based thoughts, changing your thoughts to change your reality, and how your thoughts influence your emotions. Yet, in this episode, let’s take this a step deeper. Your scattered mind, racing or negative thoughts, and fears come from somewhere deeper inside you, and often times it didn’t originate as your energy. The mind is a safe place for these feelings to go, but not necessary to be processed in a way that satisfies your soul. In this episode, you will learn, the power of the 3rd Eye Chakra (or 6th Chakra), how fear influences your higher vision or mind, and how the scattered 6th chakra scatters your soul.

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  • Every time I teach the chakras, I think that the lower three chakras are going to be the most challenging because of how much history we hold in them. I’ve been surprised enough now not to underestimate the healing of the throat chakra. The throat chakra is a portal to our deeper truth in the lower body and of our higher spiritual connection. It is about speaking the truth, whether it’s personal truths or soul truths. In this episode, I share a bit about my healing journey with the throat chakra and ways to work with healing the throat chakra.

    Are you looking to heal through energy healing and develop your intuition? Wendy just released a brand new year-long training called the Energy Healing and Intuition Training. Now you can receive Wendy’s transformational core teachings that were offered in the first year of her Intuitive Healer Training Program for less than ½ the price. Learn more and register here: https://energyhealingandintuitiontraining.com/

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  • What is grounding, how do you ground and how is grounding related to who you are here to be?

    Grounding is about connecting to the vital earth energy, and it can help you be present at the moment, be trustworthy to yourself and others, manage time or boundaries, feel settled in your nervous system, be mindful of your actions and reactions, connect to who you are and your higher mission and so much more. In this episode, you will learn key energetic practices that allow you to ground energetically and also feel uplifted so that you are embodying your sense of self…through grounding!

    Interested in clearing out blocks that keep you from feeling more grounded in your body? Join me for a FREE online event on April 18 @ 3 pm PT/6 pm ET in the US. If you can’t make it live, there will be a recording for you to listen back. Register HERE to learn more and sign up for this free event!

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  • Let’s deep dive underneath the mental understanding of co-dependency in the energetic system. In this episode, you will learn what co-dependency means energetically and how to reconnect to your SELF. Yet, to heal patterns of co-dependency requires connecting with yourself in certain areas of your body. Listen to this episode to get an energetic view into healing patterns of co-dependency and reconnecting to your true self.

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  • Teens, this one is for you. It’s also for adults who would like to connect to their inner teenager and let that part of them feel seen, heard, and connected with.

    For a while now, I have been wanting to make a useful resource for teens. The reason for this is that teens are intuitive, and may not always have the language for it or they may not even know it’s normal to have your intuition. My intuitive abilities opened up for me as a teenager.

    Back then, no one was talking about intuition, sensitivity, energy, or anything beneath the surface. I had to figure it out through anxiety, panic attacks, weight gain, and depression. When I finally understood my ability and gifts, they grew. I wanted to share with teens what I wish I had known back then. I share my story in case it speaks to anyone else’s story, and I offer some tools on how to take care of your energy so that you can make space for the voice of your soul.

    For more information on Wendy De Rosa, her books, and offerings, visit https://schoolofintuitivestudies.com/

    Wendy offers Divine Guidance Energy Healings every month through the School of Intuitive Studies Membership. Each month you can receive energy clearing to let go of energy that no longer serves you. You can become a SIS Member here: https://schoolofintuitivestudies.com/membership/

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  • Steven Washington is the author of Recovering You: Soul Care and Mindful Movement for Overcoming Addiction. As a former professional dancer who performed on Broadway in Disney’s The Lion King, his love of movement inspired him to become the highly acclaimed Qigong and Pilates teacher that he is today. Steven lives a joyful life of recovery and is passionate about helping others as they navigate toward health and happiness.

    Wendy met Steven while they were both presenting at a conference at Omega institute in NY. They shared a Connecticut connection, after learning that they grew up about 30 minutes apart from each other. In this episode, Steven shares more about his personal journey of hitting rock bottom and overcoming addiction through mindfulness and movement. Steven offers Qigong, Pilates, Dance, Meditation, Laughter, and more through his website: www.stevenwashingtonexperience.com, and his book, Recovering You: Soul Care and Mindful Movement for Overcoming Addiction, is available now on Amazon: ​​ https://www.amazon.com/dp/1608687953

    Steven will also be the special guest faculty in October 2023 in Wendy De Rosa’s School of Intuitive Studies Membership. To become a SIS Member visit: https://schoolofintuitivestudies.com/membership/

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  • Capricorn season is a time to ground, plan, organize, set intentions, clean out, and set goals for the year ahead – all of which are powers of the root chakra. Capricorn season also falls amidst the holidays, which can bring about chaos.

    The root chakra is so much about our foundation and structure, but what happens if the chaos we are experiencing externally is a mirror of the chaos internally? Chaos forms from fear…really old, personal fears that are getting triggered, and need to be seen, unpacked, and released.

    For example, there could be a fear that there isn’t enough, a feeling that something doesn't feel safe, or your body giving you signals to pay attention to.

    The start of the year is about getting organized, which is a root chakra power, but in order to do that, we have to address the underlying fears.

    Listen to this powerful episode to receive a guided practice to help you get organized by being aligned with your deeper truths.

    To receive ongoing guided healings from Wendy live each month and be able to ask her questions live, join the School of Intuitive Studies Membership!

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  • Our bodies hold innate wisdom that can guide us to health and well-being. However, in western culture, the mind is elevated. What we think is more important than what we feel. As a result, we often ignore body messages and feelings that present themselves even before a thought occurs. To really understand what is happening in our lives, we need to change the paradigm. Our bodies are going to communicate first! Your body is your master teacher.

    So, our job is to learn our body’s language, to translate the messages and to respond accordingly. A simple example: How many of us have felt tired, sleepy, and pushed ourselves to do another hour of work, often using a caffeinated beverage to keep us awake, rather than to take a nap or to head off to bed.

    Listen to this supportive conversation on how you can reconnect to the wisdom of your body.

    Ilene Leshinsky has had a thirty-year career as a psychotherapist, empath, intuitive healer, and body image specialist. She’s worked primarily with women to support their emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. She is an author of Reflections of a Fat Girl: Wisdom Lost and Found from Growing up overweight and she is the founder of www.findbodyfreedom.com.

    Ilene is also a School of Intuitive Studies healer and you can schedule an intuitive energy healing session here: https://schoolofintuitivestudies.com/ilene-leshinsky/

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  • Back in 2014, I created a Youtube video called How to Clear Negative Energy From Your Body. It was a great guided clearing and has gained close to 200K views, despite the video and audio being dated with what I had at the time. It’s an oldie but goodie and very beneficial.

    Yet, because our collective experience on this planet has shifted since then, I decided to create a new version of how to clear negative energy from your body. This version is a longer meditation–about 35 minutes! May it support in you in releasing energy that no longer serves you, and embody the light within you.

    Are you looking to deepen your healing work or train to become a Certified Intuitive Energy Healer? There are two ways to learn directly from Wendy every month.

    The Intuitive Healer Training Program is Wendy’s in-depth training program that includes certifications in self-healing or in working with others. Enrollment is now open and we are accepting applications! Apply Now.

    The School of Intuitive Studies membership is where you can receive hour-long guided energy clearings from Wendy every month, along with the opportunity to ask Wendy questions live. Wendy is joined by the School of Intuitive Studies faculty and special guest faculty to bring you a profound container of support and Divine frequency to help clear your energy and trust the power of light within you in this life. Join HERE and become a SIS Member.

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  • Did you know that understanding how your intuition works directly relates to the chakras? Whether you are related to being clairvoyant, clairsentient, claircognizant or clairaudient, the health of your chakra system informs the functioning of how your soul and the universe communicate to you.

    Wendy will be teaching a 7-week course with the Shift Network that starts on Thursday, Oct 13 called: Expand Your Powers of Intuition as a Sensitive or Empath: Develop Your Gifts of Awareness Through Your Chakras. If you’d like to experience weekly guided energy clearings to support connecting to the powers of your intuition, learn more and enroll here!

    This course will help you:

    Experience energy and intuitive information from all 4 “clairs”Discern the aspect of your intuition that is most natural to your energy system (you may be surprised!) Open to more of your intuitive knowing (claircognition) through the third and fourth chakras Tune into energy clairvoyantly through your sixth chakra, enabling you to see higher vision and open to more divine guidancePromote deep listening (clairaudience), clear your throat chakra, and connect with higher guidanceUnderstand how clairsentience (empathic intuition) works in your body — and the process for identifying where you may have blocks in this area Clear and harmonize the different intuitive energies in your body so you can truly experience these healing giftsAccess specific messages and wisdom that will deepen healing and connection with your Self and the Divine — and empower your highest callingAnd much more…:

    Discover all the details about this powerful course — and enroll — here.

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