Today we dive into speaking what you want to see in your marriage and not 'what you currently see'. Calling those things that be not as though they were!
The unfriendly third wheel in a marriage can inadvertently cause the union to hit stormy waters if care is not taken. Is there a third wheel in your marriage? Is there someone who is always there but is not needed? And this person consistently causes a rift between yourself and your spouse? Join me as we discuss the 'unfriendly third wheel' and how to navigate this storm.
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Have you ever been in that situation where you've gotten tired of 'changing' and becoming a better person whilst the other party in your relationship remains the same? Are you desparately wondering why you should be the person changing consistently?
Today's episode is for those who have gotten burnt-out as a result of consistently changing to better versions of themselves whilst their partners seems to remain the same!
Are there times that all that's within you is crying out for retribution but you also know that retribution is not showing love?
Today's episode dives into showing love when all evidences points to the fact that you should do otherwise!
Have you ever felt that a scene in your marriage is the exact replica of a scene in your parents or parents in-law's marriage? Today's episode is for you! Your marriage feels like dejavu... you seem to be replicating patterns that have been handed down to you.
Have you ever felt yourself and your spouse were moving tangentially? You are just so different and never seem to agree?
This episode speaks about how to handle challenging situations such as 'never agreeing' in marriage.
Do you feel the storm raging in your marriage and you feel helpless as to what to do?
Listen to this episode which gives practical and scriptural examples of what should be done when you are in a storm in your marriage.
Follow me @lifewithife on instagram.
What do you do when the one who is meant to nurture and nourish you is responsible for consistently tearing you down?
Listen to this episode which gives practical and scriptural examples of what should be done when you are consistently a recipient of harsh words.
Follow me @lifewithife on instagram.
Have you ever found yourself being dragged into a battle of words?
At times, you really did not intend to speak in a harsh manner but alas, you did!
Today's episode focuses on instances where we've been the perpertrators of harsh words.
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Have you ever spoken and it seemed like you put your foot in your mouth?
Do you find yourself apologising when you are not wrong?
Or you speak and notice that you spoke all too soon.
Ensuring that you understand the times and seasons and you say your piece at the right time is essential.
Self Control is a wisdom principle in marriage.
Today, we discuss comparison in marriage.
Welcome to a podcast where we discuss truly pressing issues in relation to marriage.
Are you married and you feel you made the wrong choice?
Do you feel like you should rewind time because you feel stuck in your current 'marriage reality'
Join me today as we discuss this common yet unspoken reality 'I think I married the wrong man'.