
  • Did you knew that you are one of these two types of people? Either you are someone who stays in the bench, never trully fights for what you want, or you don't even know what you want, Or you are a DOER, Someone who will relentlessly pursue any given activity you have, at all times With hunger and passion You Do. Now, if you find yourself in the second group of people… Good Keep working hard Keep doing Keep persevering And never stop If you find yourself in the first group… Start now.

    Si te gustó el episodio, no dudes en compartirlo con alguien que pueda ayudarte y si quieres saber más, no dudes en seguirme en mis redes sociales @oswapreneur

  • ¿Qué elegirías? Las personas exitosas prefieren aprender de las personas que hacen DOERS y que han tomado medidas y logrado grandes cosas que aprender de los 'maestros profesionales'. Como emprendedor, debes aprender sin parar y para que eso suceda debes buscar y encontrar personas que te inspiren y te hagan crecer a través de sus enseñanzas y sabiduría.

    I'm not saying that you need to drop out of school, but I invite you to find new, alternate ways to learn from inspiring people, from those who have failed and have also become succesfull eventually. I invite you to find people inside your niche and learn from them, take online courses, and even form part of exclusive communities for networking and learning as mine works (link on profile).

    I invite you to step out of your comfort zone and to seek the knowledge that you desire and dream of. The most important part is that I urge you to TAKE MASSIVE ACTION the moment you learn new stuff, and i mean immediately!!!

    The world is already yours.

    Now go and show me what youre capable of.

    Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales, suscríbete y danos una reseña! Te lo agradeceré mucho!


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  • If you are the type of person who is always overthinking every move you make, if you are the type of person who is stuck because you fear what the outcome will be, if you try to get everything perfect before you even start.... this episode is for you.

    Sometimes you have to trust in advance what will only make sense in reverse... This belief has been a mayor pillar throughout my entire life, and today I want to share with you some of the most important moments in my life, and how at the end of the day none of that made sense in the moment, but once you step into the future you can see a clearer vision every time.

    Looking back my life has been worth telling, i have lived so much, enjoyed, suffered, celebrated, and dreamed. In the past I would say that I had tons of regrets, but today I know that every single thing that occured throughout my life was for a reason, and every step has brought me to where I am today.

    Also, I want to be open with you and to show you have I have gone through in my life, some accomplishments and some failures.

    How I consider myself a purebred entrepreneur and how I went from zero to where I am right now.

    Sure, I'm barely 19 years young at the moment, but my life as well as yours, is worth telling.

    And remember, I want to be your mentor, I want to be your friend, and in order for you to trust me, you gotta get to know me more.

    Hope you enjoy the podcast! Comment down below what you thought about it, leave an honest review, and I'll see you inside!

    Remember to Follow us on Social Media!


  • According to Einstein, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. For me, it is time to take a chance, to take a leap of faith, and to change my life.
    Doesn't matter if you're looking to advance in your path to success, or if you're looking to grow your business, or simply a way to make a simple switch in your life; On this very first episode of the Young Entrepreneur's Podcast, Oswaldo will share with you the key strategies a successful young entrepreneur should implement in his/her life in order to change and start growing as a person and businesswise.

    Remember to Follow us on Social Media!


  • Welcome to every one of you Young Entrepreneurs!
    Your Life Is About To CHANGE...

    On this trailer you'll get to understand the reason why this podcast was created, you'll understand how I'm going to give you my everything in order to teach you and hand you the tools YOU need to become successful.
    My name is Oswaldo Gutierrez (@oswapreneur) and I'm asking you to invest your time and attention with me as of today, let me be your MENTOR.
    Today, this podcast begins, therefore today, your life starts to change.

    See you inside.

    Follow me on Social Media and get even more value every day!