
  • Transformation Tip: “A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives” - Jackie Robinson

    This week’s talent: Significance

    Intrinsic needs:

    Feedback from a caring leader to know that you are heard, valued, and recognizedTo be acknowledged that you are making a differenceTo be seen as competent and professional

    Potential blindspots:

    Because of your strong Significance talents, people might perceive you as overly concerned about your reputation and success. Sometimes you might mask your vulnerability or come across as overly controlled, and this can make it difficult for others to know how to support you.

    Transformation Application: Are there people in your life who exhibit the Significance of talent? Go tell them that you appreciate them. They will thrive off of that.

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  • Transformation Tip: “Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.” - Norman Vincent Peale

    This week’s talent: Self-Assurance

    Intrinsic needs:

    Freedom to act independently To be in an environment where you can be bold and confident To follow your “gut”

    Potential blindspots:

    Your confidence in making the right decisions might make you feel like you don’t need to consult anyone else. Because you usually sound like you know what you’re talking about, whether you do or not, others might be nervous about questioning you.

    Transformation Application: The next time you need to decide, think through the options, then go with your gut.

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  • Transformation Tip: Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude. - Ralph Marston

    This week’s talent: Maximizer

    Intrinsic needs:

    To be able to focus on strengths and excellence Freedom to excel To be in an environment that encourages growth and quality

    Potential blindspots:

    Your desire to exhaust all possible outcomes can frustrate those who want to come to a suitable conclusion and move forward.You might be disappointed when a project or initiative falls short of your definition of excellence.

    Transformation Application: What’s an action plan you have to develop one of your strengths and make it even stronger? Don’t have a plan, find a maximizer or a coach

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  • Transformation Tip: “It's hard to beat a person who never gives up." - Babe Ruth

    This week’s talent: Competition

    Intrinsic needs:

    The opportunity to regularly compete and winFeedback/information to compare yourself with. (What’s the score?)Pick jobs/roles where your performance can be measured. To be on a winning teamTake time to celebrate your wins.

    Potential blindspots:

    Be careful not to let your competitive spirit get in the way of your relationships. Winning at all costs isn’t winning; it’s self-defeating.

    Transformation Application: If you achieved a level of excellence in an area, go find someone who’s even better than you and see what you can learn from them. Talk, join them on a project, work alongside them.

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  • Transformation Tip: “How well we communicate is not determined by how well we say things but how well we are understood.” – Andrew Grove, engineer, CEO

    This week’s talent: Communication

    Intrinsic needs:

    To process/think/learn “out loud”Frequent opportunities to speak and/or to writeA collaborative sounding board(s), and objective feedback

    Potential blindspots:

    Because you are naturally verbal and instinctively share your thoughts, you may not realize when you are monopolizing a discussion. Remember that your words are not always enough to motivate others. Be careful to not judge bad or even mediocre presentations

    Transformation Application: If you’re going to give a presentation, your natural tendency will be to shoot from the hip, because you’re gifted. But, practice and prepare, and it will be that much more effective.

    If you’re not a communicator but need to present, go talk to a communicator they’ll help you get it nice.

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  • Transformation Tip: "Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers who can cut through argument, debate and doubt, to offer a solution everybody can understand." —Gen. Colin Powell

    This week’s talent: Command

    Intrinsic needs:

    Strong leaders to follow Clear direction and priorities

    Potential blindspots:

    Your decisiveness and presence can be intimidating, whether you intend them to be or not. Because you speak with authority, you might be used to getting the final word. Some obstacles don’t need to be confronted, they need to be circumvented.

    Transformation Application: Next time you want to say something, do it in the form of a question.

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  • Transformation Tip: Thinking will not overcome fear, but action will. – W. Clement Stone

    This week’s talent: Activator

    Intrinsic needs:

    To act…now! To have others join you To be in an environment that allows you to “activate”

    Potential blindspots:

    Sometimes you might charge ahead and act without a solid plan. You’re most likely not a great “finisher.” The force of your urging people to take action might make them feel overwhelmed and pressured to act before they are comfortable.

    Transformation Application: Identify one project you’ve been putting off, and go take the first action step (which is NOT thinking about it”).

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  • Transformation Tip: “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

    This week’s talent: Strategic

    Intrinsic needs:

    To be part of the decision-making processTime to “muse” until the related patterns and issues emerge for youFreedom to make mid-course correctionsFreedom from, “But we’ve always done it that way.”

    Potential blindspots:

    When working with others, sometimes they may misinterpret your strong Strategic talents as criticism. Because you evaluate patterns and pathways so quickly, others might find it difficult to follow or understand your thought process. You may get frustrated when others don’t see the way forward as quickly or easily as you do.

    Transformation Application: The next time you’re trying to explain your strategy, illustrate it with pictures (like a flowchart).

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  • Transformation Tip: “Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets." — Leonardo da Vinci

    This week’s talent: Learner

    Intrinsic needs:

    Must always be learningOpportunities to share new knowledgeFreedom to learn in areas that are of interest

    Potential blindspots:

    You place a high value on learning and studying and may tend to impose this value on others. You love the process of learning so much that the outcome might not matter to you.

    Transformation Application: If you learned something new this week, go tell someone about it. But make sure you do it in a way that they understand.

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  • Transformation Tip: “Every deep thinker is more afraid of being understood than of being misunderstood.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

    This week’s talent: Intellection

    Intrinsic needs:

    Time alone to process and reflect, sometimes multiple times a dayTo be asked to share wisdom and insightsOthers to recognize that their thoughts are valuable.

    Potential blindspots:

    Because you are comfortable with silence and solitude, others might view you as isolated, disinterested, or disengaged.Some people might think you create needless complexity during discussions and may want you to make decisions faster than you do.

    Transformation Application: If you find yourself being misunderstood in a group, qualify yourself.

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  • Transformation Tip: “Retrieval is the knot at the end of the string that prevents you from forgetting what you learn.” - Peter C. Brown

    This week’s talent: Input

    Intrinsic needs:

    A system to store and retrieve information Opportunities to share what you know to help others Time to explore areas of curiosity. “Treasure hunting”

    Potential blindspots:

    Unrestrained input can lead to intellectual or physical clutter.You might tend to give people so much information or resources that you can overload and overwhelm them.

    Transformation Application: Choose something to declutter this week. You might need some help.

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  • Transformation Tip: “If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it." - Albert Einstein

    This week’s talent: Ideation

    Intrinsic needs:

    To be patient as you clarify and refine your ideasFreedom to ideate without restrictions and confinement of the status quoNeed others as a sounding board

    Potential blindspots:

    Your limitless thoughts and ideas can sometimes overwhelm and confuse people. You might struggle to follow through on the ideas you generate. Is it for me? Is it for now? You may continue to ideate when execution is required.

    Transformation Application: If you’re stuck, go spend time with an ideator to get some fresh new approaches.

    If you are an ideator, keep a log of your new ideas. Write them down before you share them. Let them stew. If it keeps coming back, it’s probably a good one.

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  • Transformation Tip: “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” - Peter Drucker

    This week’s talent: Futuristic

    Intrinsic needs:

    Time to dream about the future Sounding boards to refine the visionA message and community to share the vision. To partner with action-oriented people.

    Potential blindspots:

    Because you live in the future, you may find it difficult to enjoy the present moment. Some people may dismiss your visions because they can’t see the future as you do. Because you always think about the future, you continually change the goalposts and may forget the last one you set.

    Transformation Application: Write out your vision, and use graphics. Bounce it off people to see if it connects

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  • Transformation Tip: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana,

    This week’s talent: Context

    Intrinsic needs:

    To know others' stories, to understand them To know the history of things Time to reflect on the past Celebrate milestones

    Potential blindspots:

    Some people might think that you live in the past and are resistant to change. You are often fascinated by the historical perspective and the lessons it reveals, but others may find this information boring or overwhelming.

    Transformation Application: Pay attention if you’ve lost the interest of people in your explanations

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  • Transformation Tip: “The price for greatness is responsibility” - Winston Churchill

    This week’s talent: Responsibility

    Intrinsic needs:

    The confidence and trust of others Freedom from micromanagers Freedom to say “no”Healthy boundaries

    Potential blindspots:

    Because they find it difficult to turn down others’ requests, sometimes they overcommit. Too many obligations can keep them from spending time with the most important people in their lives. Hard time delegating - Messiah complex

    Transformation Application: If you think you might be micromanaging, go ask your people to give you honest feedback

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  • Transformation Tip: “If I had an hour to solve a problem I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.” ― Albert Einstein

    This week’s talent is: Restorative

    Intrinsic needs:

    Freedom to solve the problem To be asked, “What needs attention, and what could be improved?” To be encouraged and affirmed for their contribution

    Potential blindspots:

    Because they have an orientation to see what’s broken, others might think that all they see are flaws and shortcomings. They probably tend to be self-critical and hard on themselves. They might automatically rush to solve every problem.

    Transformation Application: Take a moment to think about people who have helped you solve a problem. Send them a text to thank them.

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  • Transformation Tip: “Numbers don’t lie, but they don’t tell the whole story.”

    This week's strength: Analytical

    Intrinsic needs:

    Time to gather and process all the pertinent facts/dataAn avenue to share information To be understood when questioning others’ assumptions

    Potential blindspots:

    Because you ask many questions, people may think that you doubt the validity of their ideas, you do not trust them, or are tough to work with. Your objective and fact-based approach to decision-making may seem skeptical or critical.You may tend to give too many details to decision-makers.

    Transformation Application: Practice how to summarize something in 1-2 minutes.

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  • Transformation Tip: “If you aim at nothing you’re sure to hit it”

    This week’s talent: Focus

    People exceptionally talented in the Focus theme can take a direction, follow through and make the corrections necessary to stay on track.

    Intrinsic needs:

    Clear and compelling destination and goals Clear order of priorities An environment free from constant distractions

    Potential blindspots:

    Those with this strength may focus so intently on their work that they don’t notice when goals and priorities change. When absorbed in something, they may be slow to respond to others’ immediate needs and appear emotionally distant.

    Relating to someone with this strength:

    They need little supervision and work well independentlyThey make great meeting administrators Involve this person on projects with critical deadlines. Don’t expect them to be sensitive to others feelings

    Transformation Application:

    List three things you want to get done this week.Now PRIORITIZE themTackle the most important first and avoid distractions

    Focus Prioritization Resource: https://businessaccelerator.com/the-3x3-goal-achievement-strategy/

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  • Transformation Tip: “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” - Jim Rohn

    People exceptionally talented in the Discipline theme enjoy routine and structure. Their world is best described by the order they create.

    Talent in action:

    People with strong Discipline talents thrive in a predictable and orderly environment, so they instinctively create and follow plans to organize their lives.They set up routines, focus on timelines, and meet deadlines. Precision, details, efficiency, and control are important to the way to go about your day

    Intrinsic needs:

    To be in a structured environmentThe opportunity to create order out of chaosTo know what is expected of you

    Potential blindspots:

    Because of their need for predictability and control, others might view them as rigid and inflexible.As much as they thrive on structure and organization, others thrive on the freedom to innovate.

    Relating to someone with this strength:

    If there’s a deadline, tell them far in advance. They like to get work done ahead of schedule. Try not to give them sudden surprises - that could ruin their dayPhysical clutter will annoy this person

    Transformation Application: Which of the 5 strategies for non-talents resonated with you the most? Implement it.

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  • Transformation Tip: “There's a time for daring and there's a time for caution, and a wise man understands which is called for.” - Robin Williams

    People exceptionally talented in the Deliberative theme are best described by the serious care they take in making decisions or choices. They anticipate obstacles.

    People with strong Deliberative talents are private. They are careful and vigilant to protect and prevent harm.Beneath the surface of decisions, they think ahead and see the possibility of risks.

    Intrinsic needs:

    The opportunity to weigh the implications and assess risk. Time to think and not rushed to make a decisionTo be asked, “What could go wrong that we’re not anticipating?”

    Potential blindspots:

    Because you take time to think carefully before making a decision, people might perceive you as forgetful, slow, or afraid to act. Paralysis by analysis Your cautious and serious outlook on life might give the impression that you are a distant, private, and unapproachable person.

    Transformation Application: If you are someone with the Deliberative strength, consider softening the language before sharing your insights. If you do not have this strength, tell a deliberative that you appreciate them.

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