So this week there are some minor changes to the usual episode structure.....as we were Queens of the Waffle we've actually talked about the experience we are going to try for the full episode length! It's DNA testing - so sit back with a cuppa and listen to our thoughts and feelings on taking a DNA test to find out if either of us are related to royalty, serial killers, butchers, bakers, tailors or candlestick makers.....WHO KNOWS?
Here's the link to the video Leah talks about, it's a little emotional.
Don't forget to follow us on all of the socials @trynotthepod
Email us at trynotthepod@gmail.com
and now, if you fancy helping us continue to create content you can buy us a coffee using Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/trynotthepod
We continue to thank Benson for our theme music, Nic Newman for his mad artistry and you, for listening to our ramblings xx
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This week we look to the future with a trip up tarot card lane. What will our futures hold? Will we discover the secrets of eternal youth or endless good fortune? Will this be just another opportunity for one of us (Leah) to call bullshit on everything...
Join us as we find out...
Don't forget to follow us on all of the socials @trynotthepod
Email us at trynotthepod@gmail.com
and now, if you fancy helping us continue to create content you can buy us a coffee using Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/trynotthepod
We continue to thank Benson for our theme music, Nic Newman for his mad artistry and you, for listening to our ramblings xx
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Missing episodes?
It's Christmas, and instead of trying something new, we are revisiting some old traditions. We will you all a very Merry Christmas and a fantastic start to 2022.
Don't forget to follow us on all of the socials @trynotthepod
Email us at trynotthepod@gmail.com
and now, if you fancy helping us continue to create content you can buy us a coffee using Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/trynotthepod
We continue to thank Benson for our theme music, Nic Newman for his mad artistry and you, for listening to our ramblings xx
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This week Mia and Leah abandon the safety of their trusted deodorants for a journey into the unknown…
Team Try Not? test out a new alternative deodorant and share their honest feedback.
Fair warning - the audio is a mess this week, but that is what happens when you have to record remotely, and then you leave the editing to the night before and have no time to re-record anything :(
I promise we will back to regular ‘Ok-ish’ quality from next time :)
Don't forget to follow us on all of the socials @trynotthepod
Email us at trynotthepod@gmail.com
and now, if you fancy helping us continue to create content you can buy us a coffee using Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/trynotthepod
We continue to thank Benson for our theme music, Nic Newman for his mad artistry and you, for listening to our ramblings xx
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This week we the story of the time we ordered a load of DHL returned packages.
I have to be honest, we seem to have spent a large portion of the first half talking about a lot of other things we are planning to try ( along a similar theme) so if it feels like we’ve invited you to a future pod planning session, we can only apologise :)
We had so much fun recording this one together in person, and we can’t wait until our hectic schedules allow us a chance to hang out again.
Don't forget to follow us on all of the socials @trynotthepod
Email us at trynotthepod@gmail.com
and now, if you fancy helping us continue to create content you can buy us a coffee using Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/trynotthepod
We continue to thank Benson for our theme music, Nic Newman for his mad artistry and you, for listening to our ramblings xx
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This weeks adventure takes place at a gun club - Mia and Leah try their hand at clay pigeon shooting. It's a fun time, for them and their instructor! Join us as we share our adventure of trying something new (with guns)
Don't forget to follow us on all of the socials @trynotthepod
Email us at trynotthepod@gmail.com
and now, if you fancy helping us continue to create content you can buy us a coffee using Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/trynotthepod
We continue to thank Benson for our theme music, Nic Newman for his mad artistry and you, for listening to our ramblings xx
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
We are back for Season 2 of Try Not? The Pod. Thanks so much for all those who have supported us through Season 1 and our summer break.
As soon as lockdown restrictions ended Mia and Leah started planning how, when, what, where and how Season 2 of Try Not? would unfold, buckle up and join us on our adventures, starting with Room Escape - or do we call it Escape Room?!? We really hope you enjoy listening to this episode as much as we enjoyed making it and being reunited again.
Follow us on Instagram or Facebook @trynotthepod
Join our Patreon crew https://www.patreon.com/trynotthepod
Or send us an email at trynotthepod@gmail.com - we'd love to hear your ideas of what we should do next.
Special shout out to Nic Newman for our epic logo & Benson for our vintage theme music.
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This week Leah and Mia try something really magical! (apologies that is terrible!)
With a little help from the fabulous Sam Fletcher we transform (even if only for 20 mins in our living rooms) into magicians.
Join us as we talk about our love of Magic and experience the joy as we learn a trick. We hope you enjoy this one, we LOVED it.
Mia and I will be taking a break until September when we will be back with some brilliant new adventures to share with you.
Thank you for coming on this adventure with us, it has been an absolute pleasure and we can't wait for season 2.
Follow us on Instagram or Facebook @trynotthepod
Join our Patreon crew https://www.patreon.com/trynotthepod
Or send us an email at trynotthepod@gmail.com - we'd love to hear your ideas of what we should do next.
Special shout out to Nic Newman for our epic logo & Benson for our vintage theme music.
If you are looking for the perfect activity - look no further get in touch with Sam (details below) and add a little magic into your life :)
Twitter: @SamFletcherEsq
IG: @SamFletcher_insta
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Mia and Leah decided to do some internet shopping, the only rule was that everything had to come from Wish!
Join us as we discover just some of the many exciting options that are available for purchase ( and look at some of the things that we probably won't be buying in a hurry!)
We do hope you enjoy this episode, we recorded ( most of it) pre pandemic so don't be alarmed...
Follow us on Instagram or Facebook @trynotthepod
Join our Patreon crew https://www.patreon.com/trynotthepod
Or send us an email at trynotthepod@gmail.com - we'd love to hear your ideas of what we should do next.
Special shout out to Nic Newman for our epic logo & Benson for our vintage theme music.
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This week Mia and Leah explore the world of astrology and their full solar return....I'm sure there's a joke here somewhere about Uranus...
Worth noting we recorded this back in 2019 so pre pandemic when we could hang out... If only there was a way for the stars to predict the crappola year of 2020 that was to come.....
Follow us on Instagram or Facebook @trynotthepod
Join our Patreon crew https://www.patreon.com/trynotthepod
Or send us an email at trynotthepod@gmail.com - we'd love to hear your ideas of what we should do next.
Special shout out to Nic Newman for our epic logo & Benson for our vintage theme music.
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Mia and Leah explore the world of the butt mask, yes, apparently that is a thing!
Join us as we try and rejuvenate, lift, and shine our derrières
We hope you enjoy this episode, we recorded it pre-pandemic, back when we could hang out :)
Follow us on Instagram or Facebook @trynotthepod
Join our Patreon crew https://www.patreon.com/trynotthepod
Or send us an email at trynotthepod@gmail.com - we'd love to hear your ideas of what we should do next.
Special shout out to Nic Newman for our epic logo & Benson for our vintage theme music.
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
I suggest you make a cup of something (or two) this is a long old ep! and let me tell you - we started out with over 3 hours!
This week we try our some customised beauty products, this was a really fun thing for us to try especially when we were stuck in our houses :(
We hope you enjoy it :)
Follow us on Instagram or Facebook @trynotthepod
Or send us an email at trynotthepod@gmail.com - we'd love to hear your ideas of what we should do next.
Special shout out to Nic Newman for our epic logo & Benson for our vintage theme music.
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This week is a throwback to 2019 and another misguided adventure... we decided to give Neurofeedback a go and see if we really could train our brains to be better... Will we change the way our brains work?
Will we permanently change the way we think and feel?
Or will Mia fall asleep before we even get off the tube... there is only one way to find out!
We hope you enjoy the latest episode!
Please note that we are not recklessly running about trying new things in lockdown, we recorded these podcasts before we'd even heard of Coronavirus.
Follow us on Instagram or Facebook @trynotthepod
Or send us an email at trynotthepod@gmail.com - we'd love to hear your ideas of what we should do next.
Special shout out to Nic Newman for our epic logo & Benson for our vintage theme music.
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This week Mia and Leah take a trip down memory lane and use their lockdown time to re test their food intolerances.
Strap in because it's over an hour this week...
It's also worth noting that if it feels like we are going back in time, we are a little as we recorded this one before the last lockdown episode.
Back to classic oldies next time out :)
Follow us on Instagram or Facebook @trynotthepod
Or send us an email at trynotthepod@gmail.com - we'd love to hear your ideas of what we should do next.
Special shout out to Nic Newman for our epic logo & Benson for our vintage theme music.
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Trying new things is what we are all about!
This week we want to share with you our experiences of trying out alternative period products….
There are definitely bonus points available for anyone who manages to count the number of times Leah says period.
We hope you enjoy it :)
Please note that we are not recklessly running about trying new things in lockdown, we recorded these podcasts before we'd even heard of Coronavirus.
So by listening, you are transporting yourself back to a pre- pandemic time….ahhhh pre-pandemic, what sweet sweet days.
Follow us on Instagram or Facebook @trynotthepod
Or send us an email at trynotthepod@gmail.com - we'd love to hear your ideas of what we should do next.
Special shout out to Nic Newman for our epic logo & Benson for our vintage theme music.
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
It's been a year of lockdown - Happy anniversary!
To help to mark this occasion we are releasing the first of a little lockdown selection...
Strap in, it's an epic 90 minute episode where we talk subscription boxes, and share some of our lockdown stories.
Thank you for being part of our Lockdown adventure and for supporting us as we continue to try new things.
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @trynotthepod
Or send us an email at trynotthepod@gmail.com - we'd love to hear your ideas of what we should do next.
Special shout out to Nic Newman for our epic logo & Benson for our vintage theme music.
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
You know some days you just find yourself feeling like what you really need in life is a gong bath?
No? Yeah, us too.. But when Mia's sister told us to try it for the pod obviously we jumped at the chance.
Join us as we attempt to take a gong bath (gosh that is a strange sentence to write). We hope you enjoy this weeks episode - if you do, please rate, review and subscribe EVERYWHERE ;)
Please note that we are not recklessly running about trying new things in lockdown, we recorded these podcasts before we'd even heard of Coronavirus.
So by listening, you are transporting yourself back to a pre- pandemic time….ahhhh pre-pandemic, what sweet sweet days.
Follow us on Instagram or Facebook @trynotthepod
Or send us an email at trynotthepod@gmail.com - we'd love to hear your ideas of what we should do next.
Special shout out to Nic Newman for our epic logo & Benson for our vintage theme music.
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
So there was this one time where we decided it might be fun to be TV show contestants…
Bargain Hunt didn’t want us ☹ but the BBC were right in the middle of launching a new line up of shows to modernise day time telly… Never ones to look a gift horse in the mouth we signed up and the rest as they say is history…
We do hope you enjoy this week’s pod ( It’s a damn site better than the TV show we are on!)
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @trynotthepod
Or send us an email at trynotthepod@gmail.com - we'd love to hear your ideas of what we should do next.
Special shout out to Nic Newman for our epic logo & Benson for our vintage theme music.
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Everyone needs to find a way to relax - hanging out in a salty box isn’t everyone's cup of tea!
Mia and Leah spend an hour in a floatation tank in this weeks episode. Not really knowing what to expect… they discuss their thoughts and feelings before taking a trip to the London Floatation Centre…
We hope you enjoy the episode, if you did, please leave us a review and subscribe wherever you listen to your podcasts.
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @trynotthepod
Or send us an email at trynotthepod@gmail.com - we'd love to hear your ideas of what we should do next.
Special shout out to Nic Newman for our epic logo & Benson for our vintage theme music.
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
When most people ask you if you want to hang out on a Sunday afternoon, it isn’t to stuff a mouse!
This week's episode introduces the crazy art of taxidermy. Join us as we share our thoughts both before and after our class and learn about the one time Leah found a rat, and that other time Mia threw up…
We hope you enjoy the episode, if you did, please leave us a review and if you want to have a go yourself, check it out at http://www.thebritishacademyoftaxidermy.org/
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @trynotthepod
Or send us an email at trynotthepod@gmail.com - we'd love to hear your ideas of what we should do next.
Special shout out to Nic Newman for our epic logo & Benson for our vintage theme music.
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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