Join Janaki Brolin as she reflects over her life as an immigrant and explores the history of the lupin. What does the way we treat out gardens say about us? As usual, the episode begins with musings from Janaki's present life before she takes you back in time and reads from her travel diary from 2006. In this last episode for this season, join Janaki and Per as they climb higher into the mountains and delve deeper into Himalayan life. Follow @tukulstory on Instagram and Facebook Feedback welcome!
Janaki Brolin, now living in Sweden, reflects briefly over the ethics of vaccine distribution before returning to her travel diary from 2006. This episode includes a pilgrimage to the holy Hindu shrine Badrinath, a rural healthcamp in Ghat and an insightful visit to the district hospital in Gopeshwar. Follow @tukulstory on Instagram.
Missing episodes?
In Sweden, large families are showered with state benefits. In India, contraception is handed out for free. Janaki Brolin reflects over this global paradox before taking us back to the Nandakini valley in the Himalayas. A mother with tuberculosis, a case of leprosy and a contraception camp. Follow @tukulstory on Instagram.
Janaki Brolin skims the cultural history of the Swedish mountains, making a note of the hypocrisy of the wilderness-seeking modern tourist, before travelling back to 2006 where Per and Janaki are volunteering in the Himalayan hills. Higher up in the Nandakini valley in Sitel, Chamoli District of Uttaranchal, Janaki creates a Himlayan home, meets a local midwife and holds a workshop with adolescent girls. Follow @tukulstory on Instagram.
Tukul Story, series 3. The pandemic continues and travel is taboo. In series 3 Janaki Brolin reflects back to 2006, reading from her travel diaries about life as a medical student volunteer in Uttaranchal, Northern India. In this episode, the power of rivers - from Klarälven in Karlstad to the Nandakini river in Uttaranchal. Per and Janaki arrive at Ghat, a small town where the road ends. Work begins with a health camp at a primary school. Follow on Instagram @tukulstory.
Tukul Story, series 3. The pandemic continues and travel is taboo. In series 3 Janaki reflects back to 2006, reading from her travel diaries about life as a medical student volunteer in Uttaranchal, Northern India.
In this episode Per and Janaki are making their way to their destination in Garhwal, winding slowly across the steep foothills of the Himalayas. They stop to watch a sunset, visit a leprosy hospital and catch a glimpse of snow-capped peaks. Follow @tukulstory on Instagram.
Sierra Leone - a tourist destination! Ishmael Kargbo guides us with handy tips and useful information. A pandemic stops movement but not dreams. New, sound-improved recording. Follow us on Instagram @tukulstory and @theothersierraleone.
This second episode in collaboration with Ishmael Kargbo of the 'The Other Sierra Leone' expands on the themes of media images and perspective. New, sound-improved recording. Follow on instagram @tukulstory and @theothersierraleone.
In this episode Janaki Brolin reflects over the perils of social distancing and Ishmael Kargbo introduces The Other Sierra Leone. @tukulstory #tukulstory #theothersierraleone. E-mail: janaki.brolin@doctors.org.uk
Tukul Story is back with a brand new series! Travel with Janaki Brolin and discover a new Sierra Leone. Listen on Spotify, Apple podcasts or your usual podcast platform. Follow on Instagram @tukulstory. E-mail janaki.brolin@doctors.org.uk
Final episode in Series 1. @tukulstory #tukulstory janaki.brolin@doctors.org.uk
Now working in provincial Sweden, Janaki Brolin finds herself in the middle of a pandemic. This episode brings together stories from different worlds. In series 1 of Tukul Story Janaki Brolin reflects back to her time as a voluntary doctor in Sierra Leone in 2009 and reads letters she wrote during that time to her mother in New Delhi. Listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Follow on Instagram @tukustory. E-mail Janaki.brolin@doctors.org.uk
Ishmael Beah's book revives memories. In episode 4 Janaki Brolin gives a brief history of Sierra Leone before taking listeners on a Sunday outing to a remote village in Kambia District. Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Podbean. Follow on Instagram @tukulstory. E-mail janaki.brolin@doctors.org.uk
A funeral, a missionary and a goat. Follow on Instagram @tukulstory. E-mail janaki.brolin@doctors.org.uk
Janaki Brolin reads her second letter to her mother describing her life in Kambia. Follow on Instagram @tukulstory. E-mail janaki.brolin@doctors.org.uk
Janaki Brolin reads her first letter from Kambia, Sierra Leone, West Africa to her mother in New Delhi, India. Follow on Instagram @tukulstory. E-mail janaki.brolin@doctors.org.uk