
  • Red-billed Gulls are declining nationally in New Zealand, but the story in Otago is different.

    Join us as we head out to one of the largest Red-billed Gull colonies at Taiaroa Head, Otago Peninsula with Dr. Chris Lalas, who has been monitoring these birds for over two decades.

    Featuring -

    Dr. Chris Lalas, Scientist

    Producer, Sound Recordist, Sound Editor & Presenter -

    Karthic SS ( @karthiscool )

    If you notice Red-billed Gulls nesting in buildings around Dunedin please reach out to us on Facebook page - Tune into Nature Podcast or Instagram ( @tuneintonatureshow ) and we will pass it on to Chris.

    Follow the Show

    Facebook : ⁠https://www.facebook.com/tuneintonature⁠

    Instagram : ⁠https://www.instagram.com/tuneintonatureshow/⁠

    Twitter : ⁠https://twitter.com/tunenatureshow⁠

    Producer & Presenter: ⁠http://instagram.com/karthiscool⁠

    Website : https://www.karthicss.com/podcast

    Funded by the NZ Lottery Grants Environment and Heritage fund, administered by Te Tari Taiwhenua, the Department of Internal Affairs

    Supported by OAR FM Dunedin, Science Communication, University of Otago, Wild Dunedin NZ Festival of Nature.

    This show was broadcast on community radio⁠ OAR 105.4FM⁠ Dunedin and available at ⁠http://accessmedia.nz/⁠

  • Earlier this year, a ferret attack wiped out over 40 tītī sooty shearwater chicks in one of the few places they nest on mainland New Zealand. Francesca Cunninghame and the team from Forest and Bird are working to protect the unique seabird colony.

    Featuring -

    Francesca Cunninghame, Projects Manager, Forest and Bird, Otago

    Graeme Loh, Nature Conservationist

    Producer, Sound Recordist, Sound Editor & Presenter -Karthic SS

    Learn more about Forest and Birds work to protect Seabird Colonies.


    Follow the Show

    Facebook : ⁠https://www.facebook.com/tuneintonature⁠

    Instagram : ⁠https://www.instagram.com/tuneintonatureshow/⁠

    Twitter : ⁠https://twitter.com/tunenatureshow⁠

    Producer & Presenter: ⁠http://instagram.com/karthiscool⁠

    Funded by the NZ Lottery Grants Environment and Heritage fund, administered by Te Tari Taiwhenua, the Department of Internal Affairs

    Supported by OAR FM Dunedin, Science Communication, University of Otago, Wild Dunedin NZ Festival of Nature
    This show was broadcast on community radio⁠ OAR 105.4FM⁠ Dunedin and available at ⁠http://accessmedia.nz/⁠

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  • While many of New Zealand’s native wetland birds are in decline, one relative newcomer has been thriving…

    Royal Spoonbill (kōtuku ngutupapa) made its way across the Tasman Sea and has found a new home in New Zealand. Join birders as they head out for a Nationwide Spoonbill Census to find out how the quirky birds are doing.


    Anita Spencer (Regional Representative Birds New Zealand, Canterbury)

    Josh Overend (Field Ranger & Wildlife Photographer)

    Megan Farley (Census Volunteer / DOC)

    Kenny Rose (Birds NZ Member & Parks Ranger)

    Producer, Sound Recordist, Sound Editor & Presenter -

    Karthic SS

    Report Spoonbill Observations to Birds NZ Regional Representative in your area - https://www.birdsnz.org.nz/contact/

    Follow the Show

    Facebook : ⁠https://www.facebook.com/tuneintonature⁠

    Instagram : ⁠https://www.instagram.com/tuneintonatureshow/⁠

    Twitter : ⁠https://twitter.com/tunenatureshow⁠

    Producer & Presenter: ⁠http://instagram.com/karthiscool⁠

    Funded by the NZ Lottery Grants Environment and Heritage fund, administered by Te Tari Taiwhenua, the Department of Internal Affairs

    Supported by OAR FM Dunedin, Science Communication, University of Otago, Wild Dunedin NZ Festival of Nature

    This show was broadcast on community radio⁠ OAR 105.4FM⁠ Dunedin and available at ⁠http://accessmedia.nz/⁠

  • In search of a rare Songbird…

    Mohua were once one of the common forest birds of in the South Island of Aotearoa, but today most populations are declining.


    Marion Rhodes (Department of Conservation, Mohua Charitable Trust)

    Joanna Hulsman (Department of Conservation)

    Producer, Sound Recordist, Sound Editor & Presenter -

    Karthic SS

    Learn more about the Mohua on Mohua Charitable Trust, Department of Conservation

    Contribute to Mohua Charitable Trust - https://givealittle.co.nz/org/the-mohua-charitable-trust

    Follow the Show

    Facebook : ⁠https://www.facebook.com/tuneintonature⁠

    Instagram : ⁠https://www.instagram.com/tuneintonatureshow/⁠

    Twitter : ⁠https://twitter.com/tunenatureshow⁠

    Producer & Presenter: https://www.instagram.com/karthiscool/

    Funded by the NZ Lottery Grants Environment and Heritage fund, administered by Te Tari Taiwhenua, the Department of Internal Affairs

    Supported by OAR 105.4FM⁠⁠ Dunedin , Science Communication, University of Otago, Wild Dunedin NZ Festival of Nature

  • In the southern corner of New Zealand, a team is working to detect secretive, cryptic wetland birds… using sound.

    Matuku Hūrepo Australasian Bitterns are so shy and cryptic, that they are rarely seen. They are wetland birds and with a 90% loss of wetland area in New Zealand, their populations are in steady decline. A collaborative project is underway in the Otago region to understand more about these birds by detecting them using acoustic recorders.

    Featuring -

    Dr. Scott Jarvie - Terrestrial Ecologist, ORC, Otago Regional Council

    Mary Thompson - Ornithologist, Birds New Zealand

    Francesca Cunninghame - Project Manager, Forest and Bird

    Petra Simpson - Forest and Bird

    If you’ve spotted an Australasian Bittern please contact -Birds New Zealand at bitterns.otago@gmail.com

    You can also log your Bittern & Crake observations on citizen science platforms like eBird or iNaturalist

    Learn about Australasian Bitterns

    Episode Cover Art - @harshi.designs https://www.instagram.com/harshi.designs/

    Producer, Sound Recordist, Sound Editor & Presenter -

    Karthic SS

    Additional Sounds from

    Department of Conservation (CC BY 4.0) & Birds New Zealand

    Kindly supported by the NZ Lottery Grants Environment and Heritage fund, administered by Te Tari Taiwhenua, the Department of Internal Affairs

    Supported by OAR FM Dunedin & Science Communication, University of Otago.

    Follow the Show

    Facebook : ⁠https://www.facebook.com/tuneintonature⁠

    Instagram : ⁠https://www.instagram.com/tuneintonatureshow/⁠

    Twitter : ⁠https://twitter.com/tunenatureshow⁠

    Producer & Presenter: ⁠http://instagram.com/karthiscool⁠

    This show was broadcast on community radio⁠ OAR 105.4FM⁠ Dunedin and available at ⁠http://accessmedia.nz/⁠

  • Velvet Worms or Peripatus have been around for 540 million years, way before the dinosaurs…but we know almost nothing about them.

    Over 30 years ago, Dave Randle, a Peripatus Advocate accidentally found these fascinating creatures right in his garden in Dunedin and has been protecting them ever since.

    Recently Prof Peter Dearden (University of Otago) has been working to sequence the Peripatus genome for the first time in the world, with the aim of unravelling secrets about these mysterious creatures.

    Explore further about the Onychophora / Peripatus


    Watch the 3 minute short film about Peripatus in Dunedin - https://youtu.be/NMKHmWT3dZg


    Dave Randle- Peripatus Advocate

    Prof Peter Dearden (University of Otago, Genomics Aotearoa)

    Jo Carpenter (Ecologist- Manaaki Whenua, Landcare Research)

    Gabby Dale & Harriet Dale (Tainui School, Dunedin)

    Marcia Dale

    Producer, Sound Recordist, Sound Editor & Presenter -

    Karthic SS

    Episode Cover Art - @harshi.designs https://www.instagram.com/harshi.designs/

    Follow the Show

    Facebook : ⁠https://www.facebook.com/tuneintonature⁠

    Instagram : ⁠https://www.instagram.com/tuneintonatureshow/⁠

    Twitter : ⁠https://twitter.com/tunenatureshow⁠

    Producer & Presenter: ⁠http://instagram.com/karthiscool⁠

    Kindly supported by the NZ Lottery Grants Environment and Heritage fund, administered by Te Tari Taiwhenua, the Department of Internal Affairs

    Supported by OAR FM Dunedin & Science Communication, University of Otago.

    This show was broadcast on community radio⁠ OAR 105.4FM⁠ Dunedin and available at ⁠http://accessmedia.nz/⁠

  • Ever since finding a colony of Fairy Prions, a type of small seabird on a cliff in Dunedin, Graeme Loh has been working to explore the birds for 30 years.

    This is the only mainland colony of Fairy Prions in all of Aotearoa NZ, and Graeme has been consistently working to unravel interesting information on these secretive seabirds.

    Learn more about Graeme's Work and the Fairy Prion Fence https://www.facebook.com/fairyprionfence

    Featuring -

    Graeme Loh - Wildlife Conservationist and Fairy Prion expert

    Episode Cover Art - @harshi.designs https://www.instagram.com/harshi.designs/

    Producer, Sound Recordist, Sound Editor & Presenter -

    Karthic SS

    Follow the Show

    Facebook : ⁠https://www.facebook.com/tuneintonature⁠

    Instagram : ⁠https://www.instagram.com/tuneintonatureshow/⁠

    Twitter : ⁠https://twitter.com/tunenatureshow⁠

    Producer & Presenter: ⁠http://instagram.com/karthiscool⁠

    Kindly supported by the NZ Lottery Grants Environment and Heritage fund, administered by Te Tari Taiwhenua, the Department of Internal Affairs

    Supported by OAR FM Dunedin, Science Communication, University of Otago and Wild Dunedin - NZ Festival of Nature.

    This show was broadcast on community radio⁠ OAR 105.4FM⁠ Dunedin and available at ⁠http://accessmedia.nz/⁠

  • In the evenings in small town of Ōamaru, hundreds of people wait eagerly, to see the stars of the night… the World’s Smallest Penguins - the Little Blue Penguins.

    The birds were once called ‘trespassers’ by some locals, but today they are icons of the town.

    Philippa Agnew has been working on research and conservation of the Little Blues for over 17 years, and her team is working to learn about the penguins in the growing colony and keep an eye on how the changing climate might impact these birds.

    Featuring -

    Dr. Philippa Agnew, Science & Environmental Manager, Ōamaru Blue Penguin Colony

    Beth, Tia & Tour Guides at the OPBC

    Dawn Brown, Presence on the Harbour Gift Shop

    Episode Cover Art Design- @harshi.designs https://www.instagram.com/harshi.designs/

    Producer, Sound Recordist, Sound Editor & Presenter -

    Karthic SS

    Follow the Show

    Facebook : ⁠https://www.facebook.com/tuneintonature⁠

    Instagram : ⁠https://www.instagram.com/tuneintonatureshow/⁠

    Twitter : ⁠https://twitter.com/tunenatureshow⁠

    Producer & Presenter: ⁠http://instagram.com/karthiscool⁠

    Kindly supported by the NZ Lottery Grants Environment and Heritage fund, administered by Te Tari Taiwhenua, the Department of Internal Affairs

    Supported by OAR FM Dunedin & Science Communication, University of Otago.

    This show was broadcast on community radio⁠ OAR 105.4FM⁠ Dunedin and available at ⁠http://accessmedia.nz/⁠

  • In New Zealand, Lizards are as fascinating as they are endangered - there are 125 species and most of them give birth to live young …and they’re true wildlife underdogs - so rare and out of sight, not many people know they exist.

    In Central Otago, a team is working to bring back endangered Lizards to the drylands wilderness they once lived in. Otago Skinks, Grand Skinks and other native lizards had gone locally extinct due to introduced pests & habitat destruction and now they are making a slow but steady comeback within the protected space. Welcome to Mokomoko Dryland Sanctuary.

    Learn more about NZ’s lesser known reptiles on the sanctuary’s informative website

    You can support the sanctuary’s work by donating and stay updated by subscribing to the newsletters here

    Featuring -

    Grant Norbury - Ecologist, Chairperson, Central Otago Ecological Trust (COET)

    Anna Yeoman - Science Communicator, Trustee, COET

    Carey Knox - Herpetologist, Southern Scales

    Kathryn Longstaff , Department of Conservation (DOC) Central Otago

    Ross Curtis , Senior Ranger, DOC Central Otago

    Joanna - Ranger, DOC Central Otago

    Episode Cover Art Design- @harshi.designs https://www.instagram.com/harshi.designs/

    Producer, Sound Recordist, Sound Editor & Presenter -

    Karthic SS

    Follow the Show

    Facebook : ⁠https://www.facebook.com/tuneintonature⁠

    Instagram : ⁠https://www.instagram.com/tuneintonatureshow/⁠

    Twitter : ⁠https://twitter.com/tunenatureshow⁠

    Producer & Presenter: ⁠https://instagram.com/karthiscool⁠

    Kindly supported by the NZ Lottery Grants Environment and Heritage fund, administered by Te Tari Taiwhenua, the Department of Internal Affairs

    Supported by OAR FM Dunedin & Science Communication, University of Otago.

    This show was broadcast on community radio⁠ OAR 105.4FM⁠ Dunedin and available at ⁠http://accessmedia.nz/⁠

  • Decades ago Bruce Stuart Menteath discovered something that would direct the purpose of his life - rare Westland Petrels nesting in a lush forest right on his property.

    Westland Petrels are endangered seabirds that nest only on a small 8 km patch of coastal forest on the West Coast of New Zealand.

    This is the story of how Bruce is protecting the rare petrels, his connection to these birds and the looming threats that could impact the petrels and the surrounding wilderness.

    If you'd like to see the Westland Petrels up close, you can book a tour with Petrel Colony Tours - https://www.petrelcolonytours.co.nz/

    Learn about the Westland Petrel Conservation Trust - https://www.facebook.com/westlandpetrel/

    Featuring -

    Bruce Stuart Menteath, Chairman, Westland Petrel Conservation Trust

    Denise Howard

    Sunkita Howard

    Skye Stuart Menteath

    Ischtar Toomey

    Episode Cover Art Design- @harshi.designs https://www.instagram.com/harshi.designs/

    Producer, Sound Recordist, Sound Editor & Presenter -

    Karthic SS ( @karthiscool )

    Follow the Show

    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/tuneintonature

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/tuneintonatureshow/

    Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHl6jpSHOmDWObdU51_4r4g

    Producer & Presenter: https://instagram.com/karthiscool

    Kindly supported by the NZ Lottery Grants Environment and Heritage fund, administered by Te Tari Taiwhenua, the Department of Internal Affairs

    Supported by OAR FM Dunedin & Science Communication, University of Otago.

    This show was broadcast on community radio OAR 105.4FM Dunedin and available at http://accessmedia.nz/

  • Tune into Nature is back for Season 2!

    From seabirds that crash through the trees...to rare reptiles...and the world's smallest penguins...

    Come along to meet Aotearoa New Zealand’s unique wildlife, and listen to the stories of the kaitiaki, the people working out there to protect nature.

    Get your headphones and Tune into Nature with me Karthic.

    Kindly supported by the NZ Lottery Grants Environment and Heritage fund, administered by Te Tari Taiwhenua, the Department of Internal Affairs.

    Supported by OAR FM Dunedin & Science Communication, University of Otago.

  • Aotearoa New Zealand’s stunning beaches are where dogs and endangered wildlife meet. Interactions are harmful to both dogs and wildlife…so how to safely share the beach with our wildlife?

    Hear about Lead the Way, a programme reaching out to the public about sharing the coast with wildlife.

    Ft. Richard Seed, Ranger, DOC.

    Thanks to the Department of Conservation, Dunedin.

    Follow the Show

    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/tuneintonature

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/tuneintonatureshow/

    Twitter : https://twitter.com/tunenatureshow

    Producer & Host: https://instagram.com/karthic.ss

    Explore Further

    Lead the Way Take the Lead the Way Quiz, Dogs on Beaches

    This show was broadcast on community radio OAR 105.4FM Dunedin.

    This series is supported by ORC's Ecofund. Thanks to Professor Nancy Longnecker Centre for Science Communication, University of Otago, NZ.

    Thanks to https://oar.org.nz/ a non-profit community radio and http://accessmedia.nz/

    Music from Blue Dot Sessions

  • Sea Stars, Sea Lettuce and Beaked Barnacles…

    What are those little critters found in cracks and crevices of coastal rocks and on the beach? And how is a citizen science project involving children and the public contributing to marine science?

    In this episode we explore the seashore and hear the story of fascinating little sea creatures and the Marine Metre Squared project.

    Ft. Sally Carson, Tamlyn Somerford, Zoe Psarouthakis and the participants of the Coastal Care Workshop

    Thanks to NZ Marine Studies Centre

    Episode Cover photo - NZ Marine Studies Centre

    Follow the Show

    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/tuneintonature

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/tuneintonatureshow/

    Twitter : https://twitter.com/tunenatureshow

    Producer & Host: https://instagram.com/karthic.ss

    Learn more about the Seashore

    Intertidal zone, Handy guides, resources, & activity books for the NZ Seashore

    This show was broadcast on community radio OAR 105.4FM Dunedin.

    This series is supported by ORC's Ecofund. Thanks to Professor Nancy Longnecker Centre for Science Communication, University of Otago, NZ.

    Thanks to https://oar.org.nz/ a non-profit community radio and http://accessmedia.nz/

    Music from Blue Dot Sessions

  • Take a forest walk, listen to the iconic song of the Robin and meet the team working to find out how the birds are doing and the threats they face in their new home -a little patch of forest.

    South Island Robins / Kakaruwai are one of the most curious birds of Aotearoa NZ. They were once widespread, but today, their numbers are at risk and declining. In one of the forests outside Orokonui, the birds have been nesting for a few years and a team from Birds NZ led by Georgina Pickerell, is studying the Robins and their nesting success.

    Featuring - George Pickerell & Birds NZ Members - Francesca Cunninghame, Niko Jimenez-Cunninghame, Oscar Thomas, Adrienne Mulqueen, Katie Gray, Bruce McKinlay.

    Thanks to the members of the Robins team and Birds NZ Otago Branch.

    Follow the Show

    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/tuneintonature

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/tuneintonatureshow/

    Twitter : https://twitter.com/tunenatureshow

    Producer & Host: https://instagram.com/karthic.ss

    Try Birdwatching or help with Bird Conservation

    Head to birdsnz.org.nz to find your local branch in New Zealand. Or find a birding spot like a park in your locality. Online guides and Phone apps like Merlin greatly help to further your interest in birds.

    Explore Further:

    Learn more about the wildlife & wild places featured in this episode- South Island Robins, New Zealand Robins, Bird Banding,

    This show was broadcast on community radio OAR 105.4FM Dunedin.

    This series is supported by ORC's Ecofund. Thanks to Professor Nancy Longnecker Centre for Science Communication, University of Otago, NZ.

    Thanks to https://oar.org.nz/ a non-profit community radio and http://accessmedia.nz/

    Music from Blue Dot Sessions

  • It's Summer in Aotearoa New Zealand.

    The days are long and warm - perfect to spend time out in nature. Be it a picnic or a stroll, a visit to the beach is a Kiwi summer favourite.

    So to celebrate summer, here's an episode with the relaxing sounds of the beach.

    Follow the Show

    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/tuneintonature

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/tuneintonatureshow/

    Twitter : https://twitter.com/tunenatureshow

    Producer/ Host: http://instagram.com/karthic.ss

    Explore Further:

    Learn more about the wildlife & wild places featured in this episode- Otago Peninsula, New Zealand Sea Lion, Variable Oystercatcher

    This show was broadcast on community radio OAR 105.4FM Dunedin.

    This series is supported by ORC's Ecofund. Thanks to Professor Nancy Longnecker Centre for Science Communication, University of Otago, NZ.

    Thanks to https://oar.org.nz/ a non-profit community radio and http://accessmedia.nz/

    Music from Blue Dot Sessions

  • Happy New Year and Welcome to a Special Episode with just sounds from the wilderness.

    Grab your headphones and unwind with some dawn chorus birdsong recorded in a native forest.

    Orokonui Ecosanctuary in the South Island of Aotearoa New Zealand, is home to some of the world's most fascinating and rare forest birds, reptiles and plants. The forest of Orokonui is fenced off to keep mammalian predators away and is a safe haven for native birds and wildlife. So the birdsong is relatively louder and more lively.

    Follow the Show

    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/tuneintonature

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/tuneintonatureshow/

    Producer & Host: http://instagram.com/karthic.ss

    Thanks OAR 105.4FM Dunedin.

    This series is supported by ORC's Ecofund. Thanks to Professor Nancy Longnecker Centre for Science Communication, University of Otago, NZ.

    Thanks to https://oar.org.nz/ a non-profit community radio and http://accessmedia.nz/

    Music from Blue Dot Sessions

  • Which insect has a superpower to survive freezing mountain temps for days?

    Did you know that the city of Ōtepoti Dunedin has about 30 types of wildlife found nowhere else?

    And what’s it like when you get very close to a Whale and it decides to (splash) breathe out….

    Join along on a nature walk with Neville Peat an award winning writer and storyteller and hear stories from decades of exploring the wilderness.

    Neville Peat is an award-winning author and photographer of over 30 books, covering themes of geography, natural history and the environment. He has explored much of New Zealand, the South Pacific and the frozen wilderness of Antarctica.

    Episode cover photo - Neville Peat

    Follow the Show

    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/tuneintonature

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/tuneintonatureshow/

    Explore Further:

    Learn more about the wildlife & wild places featured in this episode- Mountain Stone Weta, Jewelled Gecko, Southern Right Whale

    See Neville’s work here

    Producer/ Host: http://instagram.com/karthic.ss

    This show was broadcast on community radio OAR 105.4FM Dunedin.

    This series is supported by ORC's Ecofund. Thanks to Professor Nancy Longnecker Centre for Science Communication, University of Otago, NZ.

    Thanks to https://oar.org.nz/ a non-profit community radio and http://accessmedia.nz/

    Music from Blue Dot Sessions

    Sound of Whale Blowing from BBC Sound Library

  • This elusive bird weighs only 6 grams (a House Sparrow weighs 40 grams), sings in high pitched notes and flies so quickly that it's so hard to see.

    Meet the smallest bird of Aotearoa New Zealand - the Rifleman or Titipounamu (in the Māori language)

    Join on a walk through a dense coastal forest on the Otago Peninsula, as we try to see the elusive Rifleman and hear the story of how these birds are using cosy nest boxes to survive.

    Ft. Marcia Dale, Shanta McPherson

    Thanks to the volunteers of the Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group

    Episode Cover Photo - Shanta McPherson

    Support the Rifleman Project

    Make a Donation that will go into buying materials for nest boxes. Feel free to email Marcia Dale, Community Team Leader at guardians@opbg.nz

    You can also help by making nest boxes. Here’s how to build one- https://www.predatorfreepeninsula.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/2021-OPBG-How-to-build-a-Rifleman-Nest-Box.pdf

    Follow the Show

    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/tuneintonature

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/tuneintonatureshow/

    Explore Further:

    Learn more about the wildlife & wild places featured in this episode- Rifleman or Titipounamu, Kānuka Tree, Otago Peninsula

    Producer/ Host: Karthic SS

    This show was broadcast on community radio OAR 105.4FM Dunedin.

    This series is supported by ORC's Ecofund. Thanks to Professor Nancy Longnecker Centre for Science Communication, University of Otago, NZ.

    Thanks to https://oar.org.nz/ a non-profit community radio and http://accessmedia.nz/

    Music from Blue Dot Sessions

  • A little sapling, a shovel, and a lot of enthusiasm- young school students are on a mission to bring back the native forest in a New Zealand city. They are busy planting native trees in a patch of urban forest. Join along on their planting day.Meet the Town Belt Kaitiaki, the young guardians of the forest in Dunedin.Ft. Students- Cameron Hart, Lewis Marr, Anya McKinney, Hetty Finney Waters, Finn Hibbert, Nicola Post, Murphy Scott

    Episode Cover Photo - Town Belt Kaitiaki Thanks to Georgina Golling, students & volunteers of Town Belt Kaitiaki.

    Follow the series onFacebook : https://www.facebook.com/tuneintonatureInstagram : https://www.instagram.com/tuneintonatureshow/Explore Further:Learn more about the wildlife & wild places featured in this episode- Dunedin Townbelt, Urban Green Spaces , Cabbage Tree,Producer/ Host: Karthic SS This show was broadcast on community radio OAR 105.4FM Dunedin.This series is supported by ORC's Ecofund. Thanks to Professor Nancy Longnecker Centre for Science Communication, University of Otago, NZ.Thanks to oar.org.nz a non-profit community radio and accessmedia.nzMusic from Blue Dot Sessions

  • Listen to the Sounds of a Stream, Breathe in the fragrance of lush greenery, and immerse yourself in a forest...all in the middle of a city.

    Welcome to Urban Nature.

    Aotearoa New Zealand is in a full lockdown due to the COVID19 Delta variant. Travel is restricted, but people are allowed to go out within their neighbourhoods for walks and to exercise….making Urban Green Spaces more important than ever.

    Lockdowns have become a part of our lives...in this episode we explore how Urban Nature can help us keep well during the restrictions of a lockdown.

    Explore Further:

    Learn more about the wildlife & wild places featured in this episode- Silvereye, Fantail, Kereru / Wood Pigeon , Grey Warbler, Dunedin Townbelt, Urban Green Spaces


    Producer/ Host: Karthic SS

    This show was broadcast on community radio OAR 105.4FM Dunedin.

    This series is supported by ORC's Ecofund. Thanks to Professor Nancy Longnecker Centre for Science Communication, University of Otago, NZ.

    Thanks to oar.org.nz a non-profit community radio and accessmedia.nz

    Music from Blue Dot Sessions