Sit back, relax, and learn with your host, Melissa "Miss Mel" Dillon, as she ignites relaxation in the way you approach productivity with young children in tow.
Melissa wants to live in a world where parents like us, the busy working parent, can joyfully raise our little ones while still getting all the things done that we love, want, and need to do.
She believes families can thrive most by prioritizing:
* a state of RELAXED PRODUCTIVITY as we navigate the unprecedented world of "busy" and "distracted" that impact so many of us today.
* A sprinkling of more "KINDFULNESS" (MINDFUL KINDNESS) and PRESENCE into our lives and the lives of those we love so very much, i.e. our family!
Melissa is obsessed with exploring the ideas that help us achieve these priorities in our lives. Everything she teaches here on the Podcast and at is based on science-backed, inspirational nuggets of knowledge curated from neuroscience, child development, psychology, and an interesting synthesis of business education you may already be familiar with. All is bundled up in an easily consumable, actionable way with each and every episode.
Melissa has focused years of her life's work looking for the answers young families need to feel more rested, more relaxed and more mindful so they can do more of the things they love, want, and need to do together.
Her wish for you is to find solace and feel a surge of excitement to implement what you learn in every episode. Enjoy!
Melissa is a certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher and has worked with over 3,000 young children in her career as a Child Development Professional. -
Welcome to the Datasets Podcast. Be well prepared to Learn and Share Insights about Entrepreneurship, AI, Wealth, Biohacking, Cultivating Relations, Surviving & Thriving In The Next Crisis, etc.
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✨Bienvenue dans le Jardin soSecret animé par Mia (alias Socharmante sur les réseaux sociaux) !Chaque Dimanche, nous plongeons dans des sujets profonds de par des épisodes inspirants sur le développement personnel, le bien-être & la féminité. Cultivez la beauté de votre propre jardin secret, découvrez votre beauté intérieure et exploitez votre charme avec style & confiance. Abonnez-vous maintenant et faites partie de notre communauté Socharmante. 🌸💫
مهند مجيد، محاور وصاحب فكرة بودكاست "شنو القصة؟" وهي منصة حوارية تستضيف نخبة من المختصين والخبراء والفنانين والمؤثرين من العالم العربي، بهدف نشر المعرفة والفائدة من خلال تسليط الضوء على المواضيع المهمة و الأقل نقاشاً في الوطن العربي، نسعى لفتح آفاق جديدة تسهم في إثراء الفكر العربي.
Mohannad Majeed is the host and creator of the podcast "Sheno Al Qussa?, which is an engaging platform that features elite specialists, experts, artists, and influencers from the Arab world. Our mission is to spread knowledge and benefit by shedding light on significant and underrepresented topics in the Arab world. We strive to open new horizons that contribute to enriching Arab thought.
للتواصل معنا من خلال الايميل:
حساب بودكاست شنو القصة؟ على الانستغرام
/ shenoalqussa
للتواصل مع مهند مجيد:
Instagram: / mohannedmaj. .
TikTok: / mohanned.majeed
Snapchat: @mohannedmajeed -
The art and science of living a Good Life.
This is what I wrote on my vision board:
I have a life. May I honor that gift. May I make it as full and free and deeply human as possible for myself and others. May I never stop growing. May I never stop loving. May I never stop risking. May I never stop listening. May I never forget that everyone I meet has so much they can teach me if only I’m humble enough to learn. And if my hearts breaks, may I never forget to make sure it breaks open.
Welcome to the Odd Duck Optimist Club, my friends! For your daily dose of depth and lightness at the same time.
My Instagram:
Work with me:
Who is Morgan?
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
هل تجدين أنّ الأمومة صعبة وتربية الأطفال فيها تحديات كثيرة؟ هل تتساءلين عن الطرق الأنسب لمساعدتهم في مراحل نموّهم وتطوير مهاراتهم؟ هل تتحضّرين للأمومة وتبحثين عن مرجع للمعرفة عن المرحلة القادمة؟ بودكاست "ببساطة ماما" يُناقش مواضيع متنوّعة عن التربية ونمو الأطفال بشكل علمي وعملي مع أخصائيين في مجالات مختلفة. كما ويقدّم أنشطة لتطبيقها مع الأولاد لقضاء أوقات هادفة معهم. مقدمة البرنامج جوانا نصرالله هي أم لولدين، اختصاصية بالعلاج اللغوي، حائزة على ماجستار بتقويم النطق واللغة، مدرّبة جامعيّة وممثلة بالمسرح الإرتجالي.كل نهار ثلاثاء تُبَث حلقة جديدة من "ببساطة ماما" على الراديو، وتُعرض الحلقة على البودكاست نهار الأربعاء.للمزيد من المعلومات والنصائح التربوية العملية، لأي سؤال أو تعليق، تابعي صفحة "ببساطة ماما" على فايسبوك وانستغرام.
Bienvenue sur mon podcast,
Parentalité et résilience est un terme large, car je ne voulais pas me limiter à un seul sujet dans ce podcast,.J'avais plutôt envie de parler de tous les sujets qui me passionnent!
Je vous patage des parties de ma vie et de mon parcours hors du commun qui, je l'espère, vous inspireront
Je vous partage aussi mes réflexions et mes astuces quotidiennes au niveau de la parentalité, la diminution de l'impact environnemental ainsi que la résilience au quotidien.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Become a Paid Subscriber: Wednesday and Friday, we will explore the beauty and wonder of poetry and inspirational writing. We live here in this place of ever-changing bliss against a backdrop of uncertainty. But as the world turns we learn to carve out a place for solitude with hopeful words. This podcast provides a community for the misunderstood but everyone is welcome. Thank you for joining me on this awesome journey. It is my hope that we will grow and learn together. Hosted by poet, author and blogger Esha Montgomery. Support this podcast:
Hi friends,
Thank you for being here. My name is Amina Mejdoubi. I am an author, an instructional designer and a social media strategist. I am passionate about helping people lead a positive and an intentional life. Through this podcast, we will explore our thoughts, feelings and share experiences of what makes and breaks us as human beings. I hope that this space enables us to connect, inspire and help each other master the art of being a human.
Want a peel into my personal life, follow my instagram @influencedbymeena.
Love and light,
🫶🏼✨ -
🎙𝐏𝐨𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐛’𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐣𝐚 🎧 Chaque Vendredi à 18h00 𝘼𝙉𝘼 𝙬’𝙔𝘼𝙆 on va créer une ♥ BULLE POSITIVE ♥
🧘🏻♂️ 𝐓𝐔 𝐕𝐀𝐒 𝐌É𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐑 🧘🏻♀️
Mwajed lik wahed le pack 📦 3la des thématiques b7al : le Changement, l’Identité, le Dépassement de soi .. o des sujets li ghadi n2adapter 3la 7ssab DAKSHI LI NTA KATGOULYA ! 👥
Hadi hya la touche dial Podcast bDarija, nbe3dou 3la les discours monologues oncreew wahed l’interaction binatna bjouj o le but howa nkhlik t'poser des questions.. hit haka kaybda LE CHANGEMENT ! 🚀
Bghiti t3ref kter ⁉️
Merhba bik f Épisode jdida men Podcast bDarija 🎙🎧
Hosted by Ausha. See for more information. -
Host Lisa discusses topics on personal finance, economics, and has candid conversations on issues important for Muslim women. She is also joined by other guests who give insight on their experiences on how finances affect one's life journey. This is a podcast by a Muslim woman for Muslim women. The goal is for Muslim women to have a handle on their finances, build wealth, and give back to their families and communities. Support this podcast:
Let's Talk About It is a bi-weekly podcast hosted by me, Yea Bae. This is a perfect podcast for you if you want to be more mindful and aware of yourself. Sometimes it's good to hear someone else's perspectives on common life dilemmas and struggles. So welcome! I will be joined by occasional guests who will be sharing their thoughts and perspectives as well! Go grab your second cup of coffee and Let's Talk About It!
Reframe Of Mind cuts through the platitudes and gets to the core of living authentically, challenging our assumptions and improving mental health with the guidance of good science, philosophy and learning from other people’s lived experiences.
Louise and Andy unravel their own stories in a fight against toxic positivity, finding that space where the truth no longer hurts so much, and healing can take place. -
3jaj - Podcast est le Podcast décomplexé, d'échanges avec des jeunes marocains d'ici et d'ailleurs. Mon but est de décortiquer, tout en bienveillance, les idées et les croyances qui leur ont servi ou desservi. Des partages réels, inspirants voire fascinants, à partager sans modération⚡🎧⚡
By sharing stories, we learn as much about ourselves as we learn from others. Inspiring youths in morocco and all over the world, to create and initiate the change we want to see around us. -
This podcast focuses on the wellbeing of self, intentional living and mindfulness of your own journey. I am passionate about motivating others to show up for themselves and to step into their power of shifting the perspective and appreciating their point of view. This content seeks to inform, guide and to provide a safe space for relatable conversations.
Hellooo mes astrobabes & welcome sur le podcast Cosmic love astrologie 💖 Ici on parle d'amour, d'astro, de relations... : des sujets spicy et vulnérables ! 0 tabous, on est là pour se libérer et aimer sans s'oublier. J'ai à cœur que tu aies une safe space, un espace où tu es libre de ressentir toutes tes émotions. J'ai créé ce podcast dans le but que tu fasses rayonner la femme puissante, la femme libre, sauvage et souveraine, la Queen qui est en toi 👑 !Instagram : :