
  • We’ve got another replay this week on the Unreal Results podcast as we revisit episode 54, A Better Way To Assess The SI Joint. If you happened to miss last week’s episode, part of the reason we’re revisiting this episode is that my free course, The Missing Link, is starting again soon, and it’s all focused on the SI joint. In this episode, I address the complexities of the March (Gillet’s) test including critiques of why past studies on the reliability on this test just aren’t that great. You’ll also hear about how strategic and structural hypomobility often influences the SI joint and why that can provide valuable insights during your assessment. If you’re a physical therapist, athletic trainer, or other health/movement provider, and you want better outcomes for your clients, I highly encourage you to check out my free mini-course, The Missing Link, to learn more about how you can utilize just one assessment at the SI joint to get immediate results.

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode
    FREE COURSE: The Missing Link
    Episode 6: The Mysterious, Misunderstood, Mistreated SI Joint
    Episode 54: A Better Way To Assess The SI Joint
    Episode 77: The Controversy of the Gillet SI Joint Test
    YouTube Video: Understanding SI Joint Mobility
    Learn the LTAP™ In-Person in one of my upcoming courses

    🚨 FREE mini-course: The Missing Link: Learn how ONE change to your assessment can help you get immediate results for your PT and AT clients.

    In this training, you will:

    Learn how to apply the 1st assessment test of the MovementREV LTAP™Discover how to shift perspective from a biomechanical and orthopedic paradigm to a whole organism one that considers the viscera and the nervous system.

    Watch the podcast on YouTube and subscribe!

    Join the MovementREV email list to stay up to date on the Unreal Results Podcast and MovementREV education.

    Be social and follow me:
    Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

  • This week on the Unreal Results podcast, we’re throwing it back to episode 6, The Mysterious, Misunderstood, and Mistreated SI joint. Part of the reason we’re revisiting this episode is because my free course, The Missing Link, is starting again soon and it’s all focused around the SI joint. So in this episode, you’ll learn why the SI joint is where I start all of my assessments and why it’s the first test in the LTAP™. You’ll also learn how visceral organs, the nervous system, and deep fascia profoundly influence SI joint mobility, impacting pain patterns and overall function. Make sure to give this episode a listen to challenge your conventional thinking and learn why the SI joint might be the 'missing link' to transforming your practice and client outcomes.

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode
    FREE COURSE: The Missing Link
    Episode 6: The Mysterious, Misunderstood, Mistreated SI Joint
    Episode 54: A Better Way To Assess The SI Joint
    Episode 77: The Controversy of the Gillet SI Joint Test
    YouTube Video: Understanding SI Joint Mobility
    Learn the LTAP™ In-Person in one of my upcoming courses

    🚨 FREE mini-course: The Missing Link: Learn how ONE change to your assessment can help you get immediate results for your PT and AT clients.

    In this training, you will:

    Learn how to apply the 1st assessment test of the MovementREV LTAP™Discover how to shift perspective from a biomechanical and orthopedic paradigm to a whole organism one that considers the viscera and the nervous system.

    Watch the podcast on YouTube and subscribe!

    Join the MovementREV email list to stay up to date on the Unreal Results Podcast and MovementREV education.

    Be social and follow me:
    Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

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  • The gallbladder can influence more than just digestion?! This week on the Unreal Results podcast, I talk about how the gallbladder can have a profound impact on the body including including shoulder pain, sciatica, and even anxiety. You’ll learn about gallbladder anatomy & function, musculoskeletal referrals, the gallbladder’s association with springtime, and its connection to traditional Chinese medicine. I also talk about practical techniques to assess and treat gallbladder-related symptoms. This episode is packed with insights that you can start using in your practice to integrate a whole-body approach with your clients.

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode
    4-Day Pre-Sale! Get It Here - LTAP™ Level 1 Waitlist
    Episode 9: Left Side Sciatica or Right Side Shoulder Pain?
    Episode 45: The Kidneys - Visceral Connections To Movement
    Episode 65: Liver Love
    Episode 75: The Colon Connection
    Episode 91: Diaphragm Details That Unlock Thoracic Mobility
    Mobility Video: Resisted Exhalation With The Coregeous Ball
    Mobility Video: Side Lying Over The Coregeous Ball
    Coregeous Ball by TuneUp Fitness
    Franklin Ball by The Franklin Method*
    Learn the LTAP™ In-Person in one of my upcoming courses

    *This link is an Amazon affiliate link, meaning I earn a commission from any qualifying purchases that you make

    🚨 FREE mini-course: The Missing Link: Learn how ONE change to your assessment can help you get immediate results for your PT and AT clients.

    In this training, you will:

    Learn how to apply the 1st assessment test of the MovementREV LTAP™Discover how to shift perspective from a biomechanical and orthopedic paradigm to a whole organism one that considers the viscera and the nervous system.

    Watch the podcast on YouTube and subscribe!

    Join the MovementREV email list to stay up to date on the Unreal Results Podcast and MovementREV education.

    Be social and follow me:
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  • We’re back for another episode of the Unreal Results podcast after a much needed hiatus! If you’ve been here for a little bit, you know my stance on swelling after injuries is to have it pretty much eliminated after 48-72 hours. Unfortunately, that opinion about swelling often gets confused with inflammation and tissue healing. In this episode, I talk about common swelling reduction strategies like R.I.C.E (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) and the newer P.E.A.C.E. & L.O.V.E. protocol and why they may not fully optimize the body’s natural healing processes. You’ll also hear specifics and my experience using my Swelling Reduction Protocol with my athletes for acute injuries, as well as managing excessive, stagnant swelling that can impede recovery. This episode will challenge your assumptions about swelling and help you to elevate your practice to the next level.

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode
    Episode 3: Swelling Reduction Protocol That Works Like Magic
    Episode 25: The Peripheral Heart
    Episode 37: Swelling Protocol Update
    Episode 47: Always Check The Distal Pulses
    FREE - Get the Swelling Reduction Protocol HERE!
    Online Course: Magical Swelling Reduction Protocol
    My Podcast & YouTube Guy: DocJoeO IG
    My Photography IG Account: AJH_lensofview
    IG Post: FAQs About Swelling
    Learn the LTAP™ In-Person in one of my upcoming courses

    🚨 FREE mini-course: The Missing Link: Learn how ONE change to your assessment can help you get immediate results for your PT and AT clients.

    In this training, you will:

    Learn how to apply the 1st assessment test of the MovementREV LTAP™Discover how to shift perspective from a biomechanical and orthopedic paradigm to a whole organism one that considers the viscera and the nervous system.

    Watch the podcast on YouTube and subscribe!

    Join the MovementREV email list to stay up to date on the Unreal Results Podcast and MovementREV education.

    Be social and follow me:
    Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

  • It’s the 100th episode of the Unreal Results podcast! As you probably know, I’m all about viewing the person in front of you as an entire organism compared to just looking at their main complaint, and this couldn’t be more true when it comes to the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor is intimately connected to the viscera, nervous system, and surrounding musculature, which can have huge effects on your client’s presentation. In this episode, you’ll hear specifics on pelvic floor anatomy and mobility, as well as specific treatments that I use for clients who need some treatment directed at their pelvic floor. Make sure to tune and celebrate 100 episodes with me!

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode
    Episode 3: Swelling Reduction Protocol That Works Like Magic
    Episode 6: The Mysterious, Misunderstood, and Mistreated SI Joint
    Episode 37: Swelling Protocol Update
    Episode 38: Accessing The Parasympthetic Nervous System Without Focusing On Breath!
    Episode 44: Using Weight Shifting To Improve Movement Patterns
    Episode 49: A Better Way To Assess The SI Joint
    Episode 65: Liver Love
    FREE: Swelling Reduction Protocol
    Regen Session: Lymph Love
    Video: Obturator Nerve Glide
    Video: Posterior and Inferior Pelvic Self Massage
    Video: Sacral Float
    Video: Pelvic Clocks
    Video: Finding The Hip Joint
    Learn the LTAP™ In-Person in one of my upcoming courses

    🚨 FREE mini-course: The Missing Link: Learn how ONE change to your assessment can help you get immediate results for your PT and AT clients.

    In this training, you will:

    Learn how to apply the 1st assessment test of the MovementREV LTAP™Discover how to shift perspective from a biomechanical and orthopedic paradigm to a whole organism one that considers the viscera and the nervous system.

    Watch the podcast on YouTube and subscribe!

    Join the MovementREV email list to stay up to date on the Unreal Results Podcast and MovementREV education.

    Be social and follow me:
    Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

  • This week on the Unreal Results podcast, you’ll hear all about my experience with treating multiple cases of diaphragm paralysis. While diaphragm paralysis is quite rare, I have had a few patients with hemiparalysis of the diaphragm and since one of my LTAP™ certified providers has a client with this issue right now, I thought it would be good to make a podcast episode about it. In this episode, you’ll hear about the causes of diaphragm paralysis and how I used the LTAP™ to help me guide treatment in these cases. You’ll also hear about specific treatments that I utilized with these cases as well as some of the other treatments my clients used from other healthcare providers to help them with their symptoms. This is one of those episodes you’ll want to hear because you’ll have some of this knowledge in your back pocket just in case you ever have a patient with diaphragm paralysis.

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode
    Episode 91: Diaphragm Details That Unlock Thoracic Mobility

    Doctor on the East Coast: The Institue for Advanced Reconstruction

    Vascular surgeon: Dr. Roy Fujitani, UC Irvine Head of Vascular Surgery

    Red Cross Syndrome Articles

    Article 1: Kauffman et alArticle 2: Verenna et alArticle 3: Hoshide & Brown

    Learn the LTAP™ In-Person in one of my upcoming courses

    🚨 FREE mini-course: The Missing Link: Learn how ONE change to your assessment can help you get immediate results for your PT and AT clients.

    In this training, you will:

    Learn how to apply the 1st assessment test of the MovementREV LTAP™Discover how to shift perspective from a biomechanical and orthopedic paradigm to a whole organism one that considers the viscera and the nervous system.

    Watch the podcast on YouTube and subscribe!

    Join the MovementREV email list to stay up to date on the Unreal Results Podcast and MovementREV education.

    Be social and follow me:
    Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

  • On this week’s episode of the Unreal Results podcast, I’m still going deep into the foot and ankle but this time it’s all about connections to the viscera. Following up on last week's discussion about the role of nerves, this week I explore how referrals from the intestines and urogenital system can manifest as pain and dysfunction in your ankles and feet. You’ll hear specifics regarding lower leg regions you can’t forget about including the proximal tib-fib joint and how the LTAP™ can help you identify the root cause of your clients’ pain. Some other topics that you’ll hear are how hormonal changes, especially in women, can impact foot structure, and why a holistic, whole-body approach is key to achieving lasting results. There are tons of valuable resources mentioned in this episode that you won’t want to miss when it comes to treating the foot and ankle complex.

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode
    Episode 97: A Neural Approach To Treating The Ankle Joint
    Episode 96: Understanding Foot Pain Through The Lifespan: Beyond Orthopedics
    Episode 76: The Hidden Signs: Detecting Red Flags & Visceral Referrals
    Episode 61: The Lung Connection To Foot Pain You Didn't Know About
    Episode 54: A Better Way To Assess The SI Joint
    Episode 45: The Kidneys - Visceral Connections To Movement
    Episode 8: Unlocking The Fibula
    Episode 6: The Mysterious, Misunderstood, and Mistreated SI Joint
    Exercise Video: Obturator Nerve Glide
    Learn the LTAP™ In-Person in one of my upcoming courses

    🚨 FREE mini-course: The Missing Link: Learn how ONE change to your assessment can help you get immediate results for your PT and AT clients.

    In this training, you will:

    Learn how to apply the 1st assessment test of the MovementREV LTAP™Discover how to shift perspective from a biomechanical and orthopedic paradigm to a whole organism one that considers the viscera and the nervous system.

    Watch the podcast on YouTube and subscribe!

    Join the MovementREV email list to stay up to date on the Unreal Results Podcast and MovementREV education.

    Be social and follow me:
    Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

  • If you’ve been looking at how to improve your client’s ankle mobility and function, then look no further than this week’s episode of the Unreal Results podcast. I go through the intricate world of the ankle joint, talking about the importance of understanding the anatomy and nerve entrapment sites to improve patient outcomes. You’ll hear specifics including common entrapment sites of various lower body nerves as well as treatment recommendations for each. While this episode is chock full of details regarding the ankle, you’ll also hear some updates from my biz and a heartfelt story regarding the family dog, Barrett. You won’t want to miss this episode as it’s full of knowledge and practical advice for movement professionals looking to improve their evaluation and treatment of the ankle joint.

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode
    Episode 8: Unlocking The Fibula
    Exercise Video: Common Peroneal Nerve Glide
    Exercise: Sural Nerve Glide
    Exercise: Tibial Nerve Glide
    Exercise: Femoral Nerve Glide
    Book I Mention: Peripheral Nerve Entrapments: Clinical Diagnosis & Management by Andrea Trescot*
    Learn the LTAP™ In-Person in one of my upcoming courses

    *denotes that this link is an Amazon affiliate link, meaning I earn a commission from any qualifying purchases that you make

    🚨 FREE mini-course: The Missing Link: Learn how ONE change to your assessment can help you get immediate results for your PT and AT clients.

    In this training, you will:

    Learn how to apply the 1st assessment test of the MovementREV LTAP™Discover how to shift perspective from a biomechanical and orthopedic paradigm to a whole organism one that considers the viscera and the nervous system.

    Watch the podcast on YouTube and subscribe!

    Join the MovementREV email list to stay up to date on the Unreal Results Podcast and MovementREV education.

    Be social and follow me:
    Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

  • This week on the Unreal Results podcast, I go deep into the various causes of foot pain through the different stages of life. I have some personal experience with foot pain that you’ll hear me talk about but I also talk about my 5-year-old niece’s foot pain experience that was not related to a musculoskeletal or neurological origin; you’re definitely going to want to hear why! You’ll also hear me talk about how foot pain can be related to the viscera, hormonal changes, and fluid imbalance. This is an excellent episode to gain a deeper understanding of foot pain through a whole-organism perspective.

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode
    Episode 3: Swelling Reduction Protocol That Works Like Magic
    Episode 14: The Stories We Tell: A Lesson From My Compartment Syndrome
    Episode 37: Swelling Protocol Update
    Episode 47: Always Check The Distal Pulses
    Episode 52: Foot Pain Shocker: It Might Not Be Plantar Fasciitis
    Episode 53: Shin Splints: Beyond Overtraining & Rest - Complete Guide
    Episode 89: The Pink Eye Chronicles
    Blog Post: Rock Mats to Revitalize Your Sole
    Bonnie's Instagram: Milestone_Mama
    Learn the LTAP™ In-Person in one of my upcoming courses

    🚨 FREE mini-course: The Missing Link: Learn how ONE change to your assessment can help you get immediate results for your PT and AT clients.

    In this training, you will:

    Learn how to apply the 1st assessment test of the MovementREV LTAP™Discover how to shift perspective from a biomechanical and orthopedic paradigm to a whole organism one that considers the viscera and the nervous system.

    Watch the podcast on YouTube and subscribe!

    Join the MovementREV email list to stay up to date on the Unreal Results Podcast and MovementREV education.

    Be social and follow me:
    Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

  • On this week’s episode of the Unreal Results podcast, I talk about the mistakes that I see physical therapists, athletic trainers, and other healthcare professionals make in their practice consistently. Most healthcare professionals are operating in an outdated paradigm that focuses solely on the musculoskeletal system, which I believe is the main contributing factor to these mistakes. Instead, I invite you to learn a different paradigm that considers your client as a whole organism by primarily utilizing the LTAP™ as an assessment tool that will lead you to better and faster results.

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode
    Episode 2: MovementREV Philosophy and Methodology
    Episode 60: LTAP™ Core Beliefs
    Learn the LTAP™ In-Person in one of my upcoming courses

    🚨 FREE mini-course: The Missing Link: Learn how ONE change to your assessment can help you get immediate results for your PT and AT clients.

    In this training, you will:

    Learn how to apply the 1st assessment test of the MovementREV LTAP™Discover how to shift perspective from a biomechanical and orthopedic paradigm to a whole organism one that considers the viscera and the nervous system.

    Watch the podcast on YouTube and subscribe!

    Join the MovementREV email list to stay up to date on the Unreal Results Podcast and MovementREV education.

    Be social and follow me:
    Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

  • This week on the Unreal Results podcast, we’re going to put together the puzzle that is the piriformis. The piriformis is classically known for its stability of the hip but also for being the “cause” of a lot of problems around the hip and beyond. In this episode, you’ll hear about piriformis anatomy & biomechanics and how they relate to effective assessment and treatment of the piriformis. You’ll also hear specifics regarding why clamshells aren’t bad, closed-chain exercise benefits, and the connection between the piriformis, pelvis, and sacrum.

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode
    Episode 6: The Mysterious, Misunderstood, & Mistreated SI Joint
    Episode 54: A Better Way To Assess The SI Joint
    Episode 93: Lateral Line Love
    Exercise Video: Pelvic Leveling To Prep For T Hip Mobility
    Exercise Video: T Hip Mobility
    Exercise Video: SL RDL w/ Band for Cueing
    Journal of Biomechanics Article by Delp
    Blog "stretching the piriformis"
    Blog "Relationship Between the Pelvis and Piriformis"
    Blog "T-Hip Mobility"
    Blog "A Knee of an old, unlucky running back"
    Learn the LTAP™ In-Person in one of my upcoming courses

    🚨 FREE mini-course: The Missing Link: Learn how ONE change to your assessment can help you get immediate results for your PT and AT clients.

    In this training, you will:

    Learn how to apply the 1st assessment test of the MovementREV LTAP™Discover how to shift perspective from a biomechanical and orthopedic paradigm to a whole organism one that considers the viscera and the nervous system.

    Watch the podcast on YouTube and subscribe!

    Join the MovementREV email list to stay up to date on the Unreal Results Podcast and MovementREV education.

    Be social and follow me:
    Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

  • In this week’s Unreal Results podcast episode, I talk all about the importance of lateral stability in your clients. The lateral line is often overlooked as well as its connections to the nervous system and visceral organs, despite the fact that it plays a crucial role in movement & performance. In the episode, you’ll hear me talk about common rehab & training oversights, as well as specific assessment and treatment techniques that I utilize with my athletes. You don’t want to miss this episode because it’s packed with actionable & practical insights you can start using today in your practice.

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode
    Episode 27: Sciatica Secrets
    Episode 44: Using Weight Shifting To Improve Movement Patterns
    Exercise Video: Pelvic Leveling
    Exercise Video: Side Pillar Hip Extension
    Exercise Video: Quadruped Hip Abduction
    Exercise Video: Side Sit Oblique Hold
    Learn the LTAP™ In-Person in one of my upcoming courses

    🚨 FREE mini-course: The Missing Link: Learn how ONE change to your assessment can help you get immediate results for your PT and AT clients.

    In this training, you will:

    Learn how to apply the 1st assessment test of the MovementREV LTAP™Discover how to shift perspective from a biomechanical and orthopedic paradigm to a whole organism one that considers the viscera and the nervous system.

    Watch the podcast on YouTube and subscribe!

    Join the MovementREV email list to stay up to date on the Unreal Results Podcast and MovementREV education.

    Be social and follow me:
    Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

  • This week’s episode of the Unreal Results podcast comes on the heels of attending Gil Hedley’s Nerve Tour. You know I’m a BIG proponent of always learning, especially anatomy because I truly believe anatomy and physiology are the foundations of understanding the human body. And when you know anatomy, you’ll be better at manual therapy, assessing movement, and educating the client. You’ll hear more in this episode of why I think continuous anatomy learning can improve treatment outcomes, the value of cadaver labs, relationships between tissues, and how varying anatomy perspectives can enrich a health and fitness professional’s knowledge.

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode
    Episode 1: My Mom's Cancer Diagnosis Changed My Whole Approach To Sports Healthcare
    Episode 43: Becoming The Best At What You Do
    Episode 56: My Favorite Books For Sports Healthcare Providers
    Gil Hedley's Website
    Gil Hedley's Nerve Tour
    Barral Institute courses (be sure to mention I referred you to your first course!)
    Get Functional Atlas of the Human Fascial System by Carla Stecco *
    Get Architecture of Human Living Basic by Jean-Cladue Guimberteau*
    Learn the LTAP™ In-Person in one of my upcoming courses

    *This link is an Amazon affiliate link, meaning I earn a commission from any qualifying purchases that you make

    🚨 FREE mini-course: The Missing Link: Learn how ONE change to your assessment can help you get immediate results for your PT and AT clients.

    In this training, you will:

    Learn how to apply the 1st assessment test of the MovementREV LTAP™Discover how to shift perspective from a biomechanical and orthopedic paradigm to a whole organism one that considers the viscera and the nervous system.

    Watch the podcast on YouTube and subscribe!

    Join the MovementREV email list to stay up to date on the Unreal Results Podcast and MovementREV education.

    Be social and follow me:
    Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

  • In this week’s episode of the Unreal Results Podcast, I talk about the often-overlooked role of the diaphragm. I bring this topic up because I see it often in my NFL athletes around this point in their season and how diaphragm stiffness starts to affect their performance. In the episode, you’ll hear me talk about diaphragm anatomy and function, how stiffness of the diaphragm can lead to limited thoracic mobility and pain, and give you practical exercises that I use with my athletes to improve their diaphragm mobility. Regardless if you work with athletes or not, this episode can give you a lot of insight on understanding and treating the diaphragm if you think it’s contributing to your client’s thoracic spine or T6 costovertebral joint pain.

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode
    Episode 48: Small Intestine and Mesenteric Roots
    Video: Prone Breathing w/ Coregeous Ball
    Video: Diaphragmatic Breathing / Vacuum
    Video: DaVinci Rolling
    Video: Segmental Bridge
    Learn the LTAP™ In-Person in one of my upcoming courses

    🚨 FREE mini-course: The Missing Link: Learn how ONE change to your assessment can help you get immediate results for your PT and AT clients.

    In this training, you will:

    Learn how to apply the 1st assessment test of the MovementREV LTAP™Discover how to shift perspective from a biomechanical and orthopedic paradigm to a whole organism one that considers the viscera and the nervous system.

    Watch the podcast on YouTube and subscribe!

    Join the MovementREV email list to stay up to date on the Unreal Results Podcast and MovementREV education.

    Be social and follow me:
    Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

  • It's my BIGGEST sale of the year and in this week's bonus episode, I talk about all of the self-paced courses that I offer to help you elevate your practice and get faster results for your clients. Not only are all of my self-paced online courses on sale, but my entire Regen library is also on sale. If you're a healthcare provider or movement professional, you won't want to miss out on this massive opportunity to enhance your practice with top-notch resources at unbeatable prices!

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode
    My Black Friday thru Cyber Monday Sale
    Learn the LTAP™ In-Person in one of my upcoming courses

    🚨 FREE mini-course: The Missing Link: Learn how ONE change to your assessment can help you get immediate results for your PT and AT clients.

    In this training, you will:

    Learn how to apply the 1st assessment test of the MovementREV LTAP™Discover how to shift perspective from a biomechanical and orthopedic paradigm to a whole organism one that considers the viscera and the nervous system.

    Watch the podcast on YouTube and subscribe!

    Join the MovementREV email list to stay up to date on the Unreal Results Podcast and MovementREV education.

    Be social and follow me:
    Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

  • It’s been a little while, but I’m back for another episode of the Unreal Results podcast, where this week, you’ll hear me chronicle my viral pink eye infection. If you follow me on social media, you probably already know that I’ve been dealing with viral pink eye, in both eyes nonetheless, for 19 days as of recording this episode. But to me, it feels like it’s been eleventy-billion days. Either way, in this episode, you’ll hear all about how I’ve been dealing with this virus, the different types of pink eye, and a quick mention of one of the biggest sales I do each year for my online products.

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode
    My Black Friday thru Cyber Monday Sale
    Learn the LTAP™ In-Person in one of my upcoming courses

    🚨 FREE mini-course: The Missing Link: Learn how ONE change to your assessment can help you get immediate results for your PT and AT clients.

    In this training, you will:

    Learn how to apply the 1st assessment test of the MovementREV LTAP™Discover how to shift perspective from a biomechanical and orthopedic paradigm to a whole organism one that considers the viscera and the nervous system.

    Watch the podcast on YouTube and subscribe!

    Join the MovementREV email list to stay up to date on the Unreal Results Podcast and MovementREV education.

    Be social and follow me:
    Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

  • In this week’s episode of the Unreal Results podcast, I discuss the importance of feeling instead of thinking. I recently took a course from the Barral Institute with one of my favorite instructors, Ron Mariotti, all about visceral vascular manipulation. Ron has been an integral part of how and what I teach with the LTAP™ because he’s one of the main instructors who taught me how to be better at listening to the body with my hands. In the episode, you’ll hear how a technique that was used on me has relieved digestive issues I’ve been having since September, the importance of going gentle on the pancreas, and why you shouldn’t blame your client’s body type if you’re having a hard time feeling with your hands.

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode
    Episode 15: Hard No To Hard Tools In The Gut
    Episode 36: Listening To The Body
    Episode 72: Don't Be So Hard On Yourself: The Power Of Soft Tools
    Connect with Susannah on IG HERE
    Ron's Book, Physiological & Clinical Applications of Visceral Manipulation, Vol 1: The Abdomen
    Ron's Book, Physiological & Clinical Applications of Visceral Manipulation, Vol 2: The Abdomen
    Barral Institute courses (be sure to mention I referred you to your first course!)
    Learn the LTAP™ In-Person in one of my upcoming courses

    🚨 FREE mini-course: The Missing Link: Learn how ONE change to your assessment can help you get immediate results for your PT and AT clients.

    In this training, you will:

    Learn how to apply the 1st assessment test of the MovementREV LTAP™Discover how to shift perspective from a biomechanical and orthopedic paradigm to a whole organism one that considers the viscera and the nervous system.

    Watch the podcast on YouTube and subscribe!

    Join the MovementREV email list to stay up to date on the Unreal Results Podcast and MovementREV education.

    Be social and follow me:
    Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

  • It’s all about what’s on the inside that counts on this week’s episode of the Unreal Results podcast. This episode is recorded from a talk I did for Katie St. Clair’s mentorship program where I just happened to dive deep into the viscera, in particular the connections between organ health and overall body function. In this episode, you’ll hear about the mechanics of how the viscera move within the body and the physiological importance of maintaining visceral mobility for vitality and function. You’ll hear specifics such as the impact of thoracic and cervical mobility on cardiovascular function, and practical techniques like bronchial tube stretching. As a rehab or exercise professional, this is a comprehensive episode you won’t want to miss!

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode
    Learn the LTAP In-Person in one my upcoming courses
    Episode 76: The Hidden Signs: Detecting Red Flags & Visceral Referrals
    YouTube Video: Bronchial Tube Stretch

    🚨 FREE mini-course: The Missing Link: Learn how ONE change to your assessment can help you get immediate results for your PT and AT clients.

    In this training, you will:

    Learn how to apply the 1st assessment test of the MovementREV LTAP™Discover how to shift perspective from a biomechanical and orthopedic paradigm to a whole organism one that considers the viscera and the nervous system.

    Watch the podcast on YouTube and subscribe!

    Join the MovementREV email list to stay up to date on the Unreal Results Podcast and MovementREV education.

    Be social and follow me:
    Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

  • This week on the Unreal Results podcast, its all about understanding (or at least trying to) the nervous system. I’m currently going through my online LTAP level 1 course with a new cohort and thought that making an episode regarding the neuroanatomy and neurophysiology would be helpful for them, but also for you. In this episode, I do a deep dive on the interplay between the central nervous system, autonomic nervous system, and enteric nervous system and their impact on the visceral organs and the immune system. You’ll also hear me talk about neuroception, polyvagal theory, and practical applications for treating the nervous system. This episode is a big one and goes in-depth, so if you have to listen to it a few times, I get it. But I promise it will be worth your time!

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode
    Regen Session: Reset Your Nervous System + Clinical Reasoning
    Episode 28: The Power Of The Trigeminal Nerve
    Episode 32: Using The LTAP™ To Guide Treatment Of Costovertebral Joint Dysfunction
    Episode 38: Accessing The Parasympathetic Nervous System Without Focusing On Breath!
    Episode 41: 3 Powerful Nerves
    Episode 60: LTAP™ Core Beliefs
    Episode 70: How The Trigeminal Nerve Could Supercharge Your Practice

    🚨 FREE mini-course: The Missing Link: Learn how ONE change to your assessment can help you get immediate results for your PT and AT clients.

    In this training, you will:

    Learn how to apply the 1st assessment test of the MovementREV LTAP™Discover how to shift perspective from a biomechanical and orthopedic paradigm to a whole organism one that considers the viscera and the nervous system.

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  • In this week’s episode of the Unreal Results podcast, you’ll hear about how the LTAP™ can be successful in any healthcare/movement setting. In this episode, you’ll mainly hear an interview that I did with an LTAP™ alumnus, Julie Embree, who happens to be a seasoned physical therapist who works in an insurance-based outpatient clinic with 45-minute sessions. You’ll hear how Julie has utilized the LTAP™ framework in her clinical practice to improve outcomes and why she thinks it’s a great framework when time and resources are limited. So if you’re a healthcare or movement provider who wasn’t sure the LTAP™ could work in your current setting, you’ll definitely want to listen to this episode.

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode
    Episode 83: Redefining Outcomes: Success Stories From LTAP™ Alumni pt.1
    Episode 84: Redefining Outcomes: Success Stories From LTAP™ Alumni pt.2

    Watch the podcast on YouTube and subscribe!

    Join the MovementREV email list to stay up to date on the Unreal Results Podcast and MovementREV education.

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