
  • Get ready to tap into your inner child and unleash your creativity in this fun and freeing meditation. Let's take a break from our busy lives and allow ourselves to simply play and explore joy. Here is how it works…

    Step 1: Meditate! Allow your inner child to lead the way!

    Step 2: Creative journal. Sit down with your favorite markers and creative journal! Gaby's meditation will awaken your imagination and guide you through what to draw in your journal.

    Step 3: Have fun! Go experience in real time what you felt guided to create in your meditation!


    Starting Your Mental Health Journey | Podcast5 Self-Love Tips | YouTube Self-Love Tool Kit


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  • When worry starts to come up, this meditation encourages you to lean into trust and imagine the best possible outcome, creating a new possibility where everyone wins. Come back to this meditation when fear tries to take over and you want to combat it by cultivating a positive and trusting mindset, and to shift your focus towards a more optimistic and peaceful way of being.


    Call On Your Inner BFF | MeditationSetting Goals, The Fun Way! | YouTube Meet Your Inner BFF | Journal


    Free Wellness Tools | UPLIFT WebsiteSummer 4-Week Series | Sign UpInstagram | UPLIFT Teen Yoga
  • Missing episodes?

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  • What if you started to get to know the purest version of yourself? And then, you chose to share it with the world… You might find this to be one of the most rewarding and bravest journeys you embark on, and you would be so right! For this episode, allow UPLIFT Certified Teen Teachers Adrianna, and Maggie be your guide to a deeper sense of truth and authenticity. Let them remind you that you are worthy of feeling connected to your truest self. You are allowed to get to know yourself more. And it’s okay to love who you are!


    Inner child connections.The joy of imagination. The authenticity of childhood.Identifying as LGBQT+.When the feeling of embarrassment starts creeping in.Stuffing down emotions.Searching for praise from others.Trying to fit in.What we do when we are out of alignment.Hearing the inner voice of authenticity grow louder.Tuning into yourself for answers.


    The Class Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown Call On Your Inner BFF Meditation Meet Your Inner BFF JournalLGBTQ+ support OC


    Free Wellness Tools | UPLIFT Website8 Week Series Online | Sign UpInstagram | UPLIFT Teen Yoga
  • Ready to love all parts of you and discover more confidence? This meditation is here to guide you as you step into your authentic self and is suuuuper helpful before a test, presentation or any social situation. Reduce anxiety and repeat as needed as you get to know your truest most powerful self.


    Loving Your Body | PodcastSetting Goals, The Fun Way! | YouTube Self-Love Tool Kit


    Free Wellness Tools | UPLIFT WebsiteAll-Teen 2022 Celebration | Glow Flow Event | Sign UpInstagram | UPLIFT Teen Yoga
  • Why is it that we go on social media when we know it doesn’t make us feel good? In this episode, we talk about exactly that and REALLY GO THERE. Tune in as UPLIFT Teens, Alex and Jillian, dive deep into their love-hate relationships with social media. Let’s get honest about screen time, how validating it is to get likes, and what it’s like to grow up with social media. As Alex says, talking about social media addiction gets rid of its shame.


    The “spell” of social media.Being on both sides of the comparison game.Their own evolution with social media usage.Moderation and balance.Posting honestly and authentically. How they lowered their screen times.Social media withdrawals. Caption pressure!Hitting that “unfollow” button.Our need as humans for real connection.Get ready for it…the good aspects of social media too.


    Starting Your Mental Health Journey & Owning Your Wellness | Part 1The Social Dilemma (2020)


    Free Wellness Tools | UPLIFT Website8 Week Series Online | Sign UpInstagram | UPLIFT Teen Yoga
  • What has your body been waiting to hear from you? How do you show gratitude and grow the relationship with your one, precious body? In this guided meditation, you are invited to be with your body while you create a calming state of peace within. Prepare to feel held… by your special self!


    Loving Your Body | Podcast5 Self-Love Tips | YouTube Self-Love Tool Kit


    Free Wellness Tools | UPLIFT Website8 Week Series Online | Sign UpInstagram | UPLIFT Teen Yoga
  • We still live in a world that cares so much about what we look like. Join UPLIFT Teen Ambassador, Kelaia & UPLIFT Mentor, Lindsey, as they illuminate their journeys toward self-love and empower us to love our beautiful bodies. In this episode, Kelaia and Lindsey get real about their experiences with diet culture, social media, and comparison. Through their stories, Kelaia and Lindsey show us the way toward a world that is supportive of all bodies.


    Detaching their self-worth from their weight.Letting go of societal pressures.How their relationships with their bodies have evolved through self-love.Healing their inner child. Ditching the scales!The traps of dieting and how they started listening to their bodies.“Breaking up” with social media.Turning to journaling instead of social media.Going inward for approval and radical acceptance.


    Body Love Guided | MeditationSelf-Love Tool Kit5 Self-Love Tips | YouTube


    Free Wellness Tools | UPLIFT Website8 Week Series Online | Sign UpInstagram | UPLIFT Teen Yoga
  • What is an Inner BFF and how can they help you find peace, self-love and inspiration? Join Kate, a certified UPLIFT Teen Teacher, for a meditation to awaken your Inner BFF. Your Inner BFF is always here and always knows what to say. Through this short guided journey, you will meet your Inner BFF, strengthen your relationship and tap into inner wisdom and knowing. Return to this meditation whenever fear or doubt has a grip on you. Our Inner BFF welcomes us back into love and possibility again & again.


    Awaken Your Inner BFF5 Self-Love Tips on YouTubeSelf-Love Tool Kit


    Free Wellness Tools | UPLIFT Website8 Week Series Online | Sign UpInstagram | UPLIFT Teen Yoga
  • Join UPLIFT Teens Megan and Alex as they share their mental health journeys and the tools that have changed their lives.

    On our very first episode, join the wise-beyond-their-years teens at UPLIFT, Alex Andrews and Megan Buncher, as they open up and share their mental health journeys. As Alex so eloquently says in the episode, she grew up struggling with mental health and wished that there was something out there that she could be like, “Hey, I’m not the only one going through this, there’s other people going through this. Let’s hear somebody else say, I hear you, I see you, we’re doing this together. So that it’s not just me.” Let’s demystify and destigmatize mental health, explore self-love which is THE staple in anyone’s journey to whole wellness, and talk about all the things from self-care to social anxiety, authenticity, feeling your feelings, how to help a friend who is struggling, social media and more. Megan Buncher is one of our 200 hour certified teen teachers at UPLIFT and can be found on our YouTube channel teaching our essential OWN IT meditation. Scroll down for essential tools and be sure to catch Alex and Megan on Part 2 of the episode!


    How therapy has been their saving grace.How they started their self-love journeys through self-trust and keeping self-love promises.Toxic positivity and how feeling the whole spectrum of emotions is NORMAL.Putting your wellness above all else.The importance of just being YOU and resisting the “social ladders”.How they finally realized they needed help and told someone about their mental health struggles.Paying attention to how social media makes them feel.Their favorite mental health social media and YouTube accounts.How to identify and support friends going through mental health lows.How once you let go of perfection, the possibilities are endless.


    Free Wellness Tools on the UPLIFT WebsiteOWN IT Meditation on YouTube, led by MeganTune into Part 2 of the Episode with Megan & Alex


    Free Wellness Tools | UPLIFT Website8 Week Series Online | Sign UpInstagram | UPLIFT Teen Yoga
  • Welcome to the UPLIFT Teen Yoga Podcast. We are so excited to dive into REAL conversations with real teens and talk about the sh#&t that matters! Join us as we talk about mental health, body image, spirituality, relationships & more. We’re so glad you’re here with us. Let’s awaken our Inner BFF and grow through what we go through, together.


    Free Wellness Tools | UPLIFT Website8 Week Series Online | Sign UpInstagram | UPLIFT Teen Yoga
  • This meditation has changed countless lives at UPLIFT, and we can’t wait for you to experience the magic too. The beauty of OWN IT is that you can do it anytime, anywhere. Whenever you need a reset during your day, OWN IT is there for you with all the things: self-compassion, mindfulness, visualization, gratitude & manifesting. Tap into YOU and see your life transform from the inside out.

    “OWN IT is my remedy for anything and everything.” - Megan Buncher


    Concentration — before a test, game, homework, you name it!Social Anxiety — OWN IT before school or a social gathering.Resetting and refocusing your day — you don’t have to wait until tomorrow to have a fresh start.Gaining superpowers such as self-love, intuition, inner power & peace, and manifestationInviting more gratitude into your daily life, which is scientifically proven to make life more enjoyable!


    Guided OWN IT on YouTubeOWN IT Q+A on YouTube


    Free Wellness Tools | UPLIFT Website8 Week Series Online | Sign UpInstagram | UPLIFT Teen Yoga
  • “I actually learned recently in psychology that there is so much benefit from sharing wisdom because you learn a lot from it yourself and that helps you learn and grow.” - Megan Buncher

    It’s true. Sharing our stories helps us in so many ways. Join Megan and Alex as they dive into Part 2 of the episode. Here they share more about their life stories and how they began their mental health journeys. Alex talks about her experience growing up as a gymnast, where being tough was a way of life and led to her becoming “CEO of ignoring my emotions.” Megan shares about her childhood in dancing and acting, where she learned that there was “never a good enough version of me.” Both Alex and Megan inspire each other and the audience as they bravely go into the nooks and crannies that are often left untouched and unfortunately, not discussed. You can hear their voices become light and free as they tell their mental health stories and become liberated from them. They also share their mental health toolboxes and what has really worked for them. You are bound to pick up some helpful tidbits from this episode and feel inspired along the way.


    Feeling your feelings.Alex’s chronic pain and the inextricable link between mind and body.Radical acceptance and learning to love themselves, rather than trying to FIX themselves.The importance of honoring your inner child, and how to do it.Imposter syndrome in sharing our mental health stories.Listening to their bodies and intuition, and doing what feels right to them.EMOTIONAL TOOLKITSTaking care of emotions rather than controlling them.JOY + HAPPINESS + GRATITUDEConstantly changing and evolving.How being perfectly imperfect feels. so. good.Self-Care and Authenticity


    Free Wellness Tools on the UPLIFT WebsiteMegan’s Pinterest BoardUntamed by Glennon DoyleOWN IT Meditation, led by Megan40 Minute Yoga PracticeGabby Bernstein’s The Universe Has Your Back Card Deck


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