This play was created during lockdown for WAspS Drama - a drama group in Warrington, UK for people on the Autistic Spectrum (the name WAspS comes from Warrington Aspergers Society). It was performed on a live online broadcast via Youtube Live, using Zoom and OBS Studio.
It has now been turned into an audio podcast for you to enjoy complete with many sound effects.
Thanks to Freesound for supplying many of the sound effects and Pixabay for the images. Below is a list of all the Freesound samples used in the podcast - thank you to the various creators of these sound samples.
"snoring" by Daxter31"bathroom fart.wav" by IFartInUrGeneralDirection
1812 Overture (Mixed Ensemble) | Musescore.com
"Bell, Counter, A.wav" by InspectorJ
"Door, Wooden, Close, A (H1).wav" by InspectorJ
"analogic_dial_telephone.wav" by trip_sound
"Phone Dialing" by HarryPeeks
"dial_tone.wav" by hyderpotter
"answer2.wav" by ondrosik
"Food Frying.wav" by TyroneW
"Room Rummaging" by Timmeh515
"Dun dun dun.wav" by Simon_Lacelle
"phone hotel pickup, put down various.flac" by kyles
"wire against garage .wav" by 160051Student
"Bucket of Junk Shake.wav" by ErikH2000
"Water, Pouring, A.wav" by InspectorJ
"Scream 1" by TheSubber13
"Big crash ambient 3.wav" by KNO SFX
"Splash, Jumping, G.wav" by InspectorJ
"heavy-bag.wav" by alexbandar
"Slam door.MP3" by SoundsForHim
"Body Thud.wav" by Kane53126
"pizzeria_ambience.WAV" by ivolipa
"Mishio Bern Kitchen and Restaurant" by Strannix1979
"mail.wav" by PokeyWokey
"Cartoon Laugh" by JohnsonBrandEditing
"Door, Front, Opening, A.wav" by InspectorJ
"WinFretless.wav" by Fupicat
We are also supplying the play to Radio Warrington (a community radio station fro Warrington) with the hope that they'll use it on one of their shows too. -
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